Caged Studies Ch. 03

Mitchell learns firsthand about the gray area of the law.

Aug 9, 2024
29 min read
chastity cagemasturbationcfnmprecumclothed female naked maleCaged Studies Ch. 03chastity
Caged Studies Ch. 03
Caged Studies Ch. 03

Caged Studies Ch. 03

Hello all! Wow, this one came out long! I had a bit of inspiration and it just happened. Thanks for the feedback you've given. I'm reading and taking your advice as it all comes. I'll work on including what I can that fits into my original plans and make this appealing to many! Reminder. This is heavily inspired by White_Raven47's series "Daughter holds the keys" please go and read them!


Mitchell slowly woke up a bit groggy. His cage is the first thing he feels, morning wood and the long night of teasing and torture from his loud roommate. And her guest. Sliding his legs out of bed he noticed his pajamas were very wet on the front. A sigh escaped him as he realized he leaked a lot last night. Not even aware of whatever time he had managed to drown out the moans and go to bed. He stands up and drops his pajamas, stepping out of them as he pulls out a pair of blue jean shorts and a blue shirt. Dressing simply. He slips on a new pair of boxers and then gets dressed. Stepping out into the shared living space of his room and moving to the bathroom, the door was open indicating Annabelle wasn't in there. He set to work on his morning routine. Brushing his teeth, shaving, and giving his face a once-over for any blemishes or pimples. Satisfied he steps out and yawns just as Annabelle's door opens. She stands there sleepily, rubbing at an eye and again only in her underwear. This time a blue bra with the straps tightened and a matching pair of panties. Opening her eyes she sees Mitchell.

"Mmf...morning" she mumbles as she steps into the room. Moving for the kitchen and grabbing a pod for the coffeemaker. "" she says to Mitchell as she had a lot to drink last night. The activities of the night clearly not helping either. "I had a friend come over last night. Fun time but she said my bed wasn't as soft as hers" she says leaning against the counter as she faces Mitchell. "Not my fault, my gel padding hasn't come in yet. But it's not like it's a long walk to where she lives anyways. She lives in the dorms too. One floor down" she says as the coffeemaker finally begins to spurt out the hot liquid. Filling the room with the scent of hazelnut. Mitchell couldn't help but blush a bit as she mentioned her friend. Well aware of what she got up to last night.

"I am..aware you had a friend" he begins as he moves to the counter, leaning against it too, although a bit away from her. Mitchell doing his best to keep his eyes on hers. He did not need any more stimulation this morning. "Uh...the walls are...thin apparently" he begins as he does his best to maintain a straight face. "Not judging or anything but just saying as a warning for the future," he adds quickly not trying to offend or upset her in any way. An upset woman in Mitchell's life, especially a barely dressed one, would spell many problems for his sanity and his clothes. "But it's fine" he lies. "I managed to get back to sleep relatively easily, just wanted to warn you is all."

Annabelle smiles as she grabs a cup from the cupboard. "Oh, easily? That's a shame" she says playfully. "I'll bring out my A-game then, we'll be a bit louder next time" she jokes as she pours the coffee into her cup. Seeing his reaction she rolls her eyes. "Don't give me that look. I believe men should have plenty available for the imagination. Helps keep them...entertained" she says with a smug grin. "After all, you poor boys are so lacking in attention. Nothing wrong with having your imagination... stimulated...if nothing else" she jokes as she takes a sip of the hot coffee and gives a sigh.

Mitchell couldn't keep a straight face this time around and blushed looking away. "I..look Annabelle we barely know each other" he begins as he looks back at her. "And don't get me wrong. You're a beautiful woman it really alright for me to be so aware of what you're doing?" He asks as he tries to find the right words. "I can get used to the...lack of clothing. But beyond that isn't what you're saying very personal?" he asks very confused. Granted this was his first time living with another woman. But in his mind, he didn't think women were all like this. Surely some had a nicer sense of self or preservation about their bodies. Rumors he's heard from his earlier years when he and his friends would talk about an ideal girlfriend or wife. Sadly life was not as kind as boyhood dreams and rumors.

Annabelle laughs. Just simply...laughs. Rubbing at an eye as she listens to him. A smile on her face as he can tell even that pains her a bit with her hangover. "'ve never been alone with a woman have you?" She asks bluntly. Making him quite embarrassed. "You've never been alone in another girl's house? Never hung out with women friends in a group? No?" she asks surprised. Mitchell could only stand there and not even look her in the eyes. He couldn't deny any of what she said. "Wow. You're sheltered huh" she says taking another sip of her coffee. "Mitchell. All women are teases. Sure I'm a bit harder on men but why wouldn't I be? I'm taught by one of the best when it comes to men. I already have experience in handling them. I have more confidence and knowledge than many my age. Don't you dare ask" she says raising a finger at him regarding her age. "But my point is. Women do become like me at one point or another. Some later than others. Being open, happy, free, it's just how we are given time" she informs him.

Mitchell processes this. Thinking long and hard about what she said. From a glance, she seemed to be around his age, maybe just slightly older if one wanted to argue but she did not look bad. She was probably 21 anyway given she was drinking. But he did learn from his mother about asking about one's age, something he learned the hard way when he accidentally asked one of her friends's age. A lesson he didn't forget, a story for another time perhaps. " that's just how it is?" he asks looking down at the counter. "I'm not upset just...shocked" he admits. Given the nature of this world, there wasn't much punishment or threat to women for being sexual or showy. It just solicited reactions from men that they thought were entertaining. A fact he was realizing too late now. He shakes his head and looks back at her. "I...yes it's my first time with a woman like you close to me...okay" he admits openly. Embarrassed and now only slightly red in the face with embarrassment. "So forgive me if I'm not well versed."

With a sigh, Annabelle sets her coffee down and approaches Mitchell. Eventually getting very close, VERY close. With a smile, she wraps her arms around his neck and smiles. "Well, consider me honored I'm your very first" she whispers with a very lustful tone. Mitchell stands no chance as he gets hard in his cage from the physical contact. A shocked look on his face before she grins and pushes him away playfully with a hand. She was quite used to teasing men, enjoying making them squirm or just plain being toyed with. She grabs her cup and drinks from it again. More alive than before as she has something in her stomach and a small rush of caffeine hitting her. "All jokes aside the only answer I can give is, it is how it is Mitchell" she begins as she takes another sip. "Besides give it time. You'll be able to let out all those frustrations at the men's clinic when you go. And I'd be honored if I'm the very first one you imagine during your first session. Now if you'll excuse bed is calling me" she says walking away. Mitchell is unable to stop his head as he turns to stare at her ass a bit. She turns her head at her doorway, shooting him a grin before closing the door behind her. Happy in her teasings.

Mitchell. Frustrated at how easily he was toyed with moves to his room. He thinks for a few moments as he gathers his thoughts and clears the lust from his head. He decides to go to the local mailroom to see if anything of his has arrived yet since he did mail stuff to the university in his name. He gathers his wallet, keys, and phone before locking his door and leaving his dorm room. Stepping into the hallway and leaving the building to hopefully get some of his stuff back.


Mitchell returns from the mailroom smiling as he pushes a small cart. The mailroom on campus has a few the students can use to transport packages, they just had to sign it out with their student I.D. and bring it back before the day was over. In the cart were several packages. They each contained various decorations for his room, posters and the like, his laptop, and his T.V. He happily pushes it into his room and sets the packages down, putting them against the wall as has to leave once more and return the cart. He returns several minutes later, covered in sweat from the heat outside. He wipes his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt and gets to the room. Opening the boxes up and finally managing to start decorating his room. Turning the small space into his own. First, he sets the laptop and its cable on the desk, with the T.V. on the dresser. Giving him a good view from the bed and his chair should he watch it, he would just need to connect it to the internet later. Finally comes the box with his posters. Gaming and anime are related to all of them. He places some double-sided stickers on the walls and hangs them. Smiling happily as his space feels more...homely. It doesn't matter if even Annabelle comes in again, judges him, or makes any remarks about them. He had his own space in his own way and he was going to appreciate everything that meant to him. Something he didn't get at home given how often his mother rooted through his stuff on a normal basis.

Setting the boxes down, his room was no longer as dreary and barren. He sets to breaking the boxes down. Putting away the trash in the living space trashcan before going back in and falling onto his bed with a satisfied sigh. More stuff would come in over the next few days but that was a matter for later. He stays there a few moments before opening his phone, scrolling through his social media to see what his high-school friends were up to. Only a few got into college, others into trades or minor jobs as they could do. Not many end up well in this day and age, so he felt blessed to be in as good a university as Morgren. He needed to make sure he graduated, so his future was secured. He was set up already but he needed to do better. He would need to dig in deep and do good in classes, and his studies and maybe even get more certifications if he could. It was then his door opened up, he had forgotten to lock it.

"Oh. So this is what that noise was" Annabelle's voice says as she walks in. Wearing the same underwear from earlier. She looks around at his posters and nods along. "Hmm, about as expected to be honest. Given you are a computer guy" she says as she sits in his chair like she lived there. Technically she did but in a different room a few feet away. She sees the look Mitchell gives her and rolls her eyes. "Don't give me that look guys should have their interests and hobbies I'm not getting between that at all" she says as she crosses her legs again. Covering her crotch, and her underwear before digging quite deep into it. "Listen, in any relationship if a girl tries to change a guy and what he likes it's not healthy at all. My mother taught me that. You do you and I won't judge" she says to a moderate surprise to Mitchell. One of his longtime friends once got a girl who tried to be very controlling with him, even to the point where she tried to stop him from seeing Mitchell and his other friends too. They broke it off not long after that attempt so hearing this from another woman was a nice surprise.

"I see. Thanks for that I suppose" He says calmly as he sits up. Mildly used to the lack of clothing she was wearing given the exposure over the past day and a half. "It comes off as nerdy I'm wholly going to admit it. But I grew up on this stuff. It's what helped me get into my computer interests and we both know that's important to me" he says with a small shrug. "I hope to find time in the future after school to keep playing and enjoying it. Love what you do right?" He jokes smiling. Grateful for the small talk. Making her seem more human to him than just some girl he happened to see often and loved to tease him to the point of literal physical stress.

"You remember who you're talking to?" She asks with a smirk. "I'm here for the sake of liking what I've been doing too. But unlike you my outlets are harder to come by" she says flipping some of her hair back over her shoulder. It wasn't done up for the day but it didn't look messy. Just a bit curly and needed a light brushing. "But more power to those who like what they do. Makes life that much more enjoyable once things need to get a bit serious for them. If they can find a bit of happiness in small stuff it makes work more tolerable. My experience at least" she says with a playful wink.

Mitchell thinks for a bit and then shuffles a bit on the bed readjusting his position, the ring of his cage digging in a tad to his thigh. Manspreading is still a thing in this world and admittably a bit more necessary. "So...I gotta ask," he says as he feels a bit of heat rush to his face. Deciding to shoot his shot a bit and put rumors to rest in his head. "I know about the normal men's clinics. The methods they use, my friends tell me and there are whole video documentaries on them. Medical of course but...what goes on at the high-class clinics?" he asks openly. "So little info is out there about them and rumor is they are catered more to providing better...service" he explains using the most PG word he could. "And why is that? If men know wouldn't they try and work harder to get into them? Make it a life goal, as sad as it is to say" he says with a small laugh. Annabelle smiles.

"The reason there aren't any explanations or details about what goes on is's more interesting that way" she begins with a smile. "If it's a rumor people will talk about it more if they see one, be it in movies that show a character going in, passing it by in the street, and so on. It's easily more talked about and that gives them a sort of...respect" she says thinking of that word. "Something harder to get, something that must be worth it, something that will cater more to tastes and possibly even a better relief" She leans back in his chair. Her cleavage is more noticeable in the bra as she likely is doing this on purpose. "And what goes on is something so many men don't get in life now, something they need on the most basic level of human nature." She leans forward to whisper this last word. "Intimacy," she says with a grin on her face. "Normal government clinics don't offer this. It's all machines, provided videos and pictures to help you handle it by hand if they decide that for the day" she says as she holds a hand up and gestures as a man stroking off. "High-class clinics offer real human contact. Now not necessarily sex" she says quickly putting her hands out in the "stop" gesture so he stops thinking about it. "It's purely sexual but even high-class clinics don't operate as old-world brothels. The men do not pay for sex. They pay for a more intimate relief. It's a fine line, Mitchell. Now is it illegal for a girl to go that far, to give sex to a man who goes if she likes him enough or if the man makes promises... not" she says as Mitchell's eyes go wide.

"I thought that was illegal, to offer money or things to try and get out of their cage?" he asks referencing a portion of the laws regarding the chastity enforcements. It's in the news all the time. Boys in high school or older who can't get a girl and they decide to shoot their shot. It even has its branch of law enforcement to investigate incidents like this. "It seems like that's a violation of those laws." He adds after a moment quite confused. Trying to process what she says.

Annabelle shakes her head and explains. "Admittedly it is a gray area. But that's if it happening BEFORE the process of relief. After the cage is unlocked it isn't illegal for a man to offer things in the hopes of a better session. I'm assuming you were handled by your mother in the past so let me use that as an example." She says going into further detail, Mitchell blushing a bit at the mention and memories that brought before he clears his head and listens. He was hard in his cage given the topic of conversation. "Say she unlocked you, and you had failed a test, a chore, or was rude. If that gray area didn't exist then technically a promise to do better in the hopes of relief instead of a standard edging or denial would be illegal. A simple act, small and mundane would be criminally charged if discovered by that interpretation of the law. However, the law is absolute meaning it's hard to nitpick." She says as she thinks for a moment. "That kind of thing would fall under the interpretation of 'The offer of services or certain behaviors in the hopes of being unlocked' If that law was taken THAT seriously then there would be a lot of desperate boys who made simple mistakes being locked up in jail."

Mitchell nods, understanding this explanation. He can see the point in it, there were times in the past when he'd messed up and his mother was quite irate. Where he did have to beg and hope she'd let him finish. He understood firsthand the desperation a pent-up man staring at the barrel of relief would be under entirely. It still felt dirty to admit but the law was likely better under this viewpoint. "For some laws to work some things need to stay under interpretation. That about how it goes?" He asks hoping he has it right.

"Exactly" she nods. "In the clinics, the men are already uncaged and in the act. If they promise things after being unlocked and during the act then it's not completely upheld unless the offer is way too much like offering property of some kind or offering funds from illicit sources. Politicians are the most guilty of this" she says chuckling. "Men in my experience will beg, the most wealthy and the most capable will beg for more. It's the job of every nurse at those clinics to keep things legal. Now I'm not saying the women don't partake in the physical deals either" she says with a smile. "Not necessarily sex will happen but they'll do something to enhance the experience. Sometimes a hand" she begins as she holds up her hand, moving her fingers in a way to express gentle touches and movements. "Sometimes a nice little strip-show" she begins with a smile and gently tugs down the front of her bra, teasing him as she shows off more of her cleavage. Not enough to see nipple but it was more than enough to make Mitchell leak then and there as he swallows nervously. His full attention was on her now, putty in her hands. "And sometimes...even a little bit more," she says as she releases her grip on her bra and gently drags her finger down her lips. Pulling softly on her lower lip showcasing how soft and gentle they looked. Her speaking a bit louder on the next part to snap him out of his lustful trance. "But again, it's important to not go too far," she says returning to her normal demeanor. The way she slips between sultry and normal scarily fast. Like a light switch, a child can flip on and off for pure amusement.

"I..see now" he begins as he adjusts his posture. Trying to take his mind off the pain in his crotch. "I'm sorry I needed to ask. It's just...curiosity" he begins as he fights the heat in his face. Trying not to look so embarrassed at this whole topic. "As well as clarifying the rules there. I think I needed to understand that better in the event..." He pauses before swallowing and clearing his throat. "In the event, I maybe get an opportunity to..go one day," he says sheepishly. Expressing his interest to her in how he hopes to go one day if he can afford the large fees they charge at those clinics. At a normal clinic, there are no fees to hold keys, unlock, and allow men to service themselves this way. It was all taxpayer-funded and in all honesty, men preferred it that way. No votes or voices were talking against those decisions. Only an occasional rally or protest at the laws themselves by men and very, VERY rarely women who support unlocking permanently. But high-class clinics charge large fees just for holding and maintaining a one-day-a-week schedule. And for any facility to try and be certified and treated as a high-class clinic was incredibly difficult. At most only about 2 or 3 open every several months and start like a small-sized business.

"I need another example," she says as she gets a grin on her face. "About the laws, the offers, and that oh-so-loved gray area," Annabelle says smiling as she stands up and slowly approaches him. "So. Here's a very nice example. And one I think you'd like to understand too" she whispers as soon she is incredibly close. The smell of her rose-scented body wash now flooding over him. Her face inches from hers. "If you get pizza tonight, delivery if you want, meat lovers...I'll give you an in-person experience of what it's like at a high-class clinic" she whispers. Mitchell's heart pounding hard as he processes this. His mouth runs dry, and his cage is tight, VERY tight as he thinks about this intensely. Thinking over the words several times over in his head at such a blatant offer. "It will be a simple session though. No unlocking, no unauthorized orgasms, and no sex between us. But you can put a portion of that cute curiosity to rest" she says as she looks him deeply into his eyes. She already knew his answer, any man's answer to this offer. "Nothing that happens would break the law. But an offer was made, a gray area if there ever was one" she says smiling. "What do you say, Mitchell?" She asks as she waits there.

Mitchell was a lost cause in saying no. He was red in the face, embarrassed, and excited to think he'd experience something only rumored amongst friends and online. But he had a small voice in his head saying no, that this would cross a line. They only just met and would live together after this for a while. They'd see each other every day, talk more, maybe even become friends. But she was offering in her own words, intimacy, something he can't say he had with his mother who managed his keys. But thinking on the words this wasn't illegal, he wouldn't be unlocked at all, ESPECIALLY since SHE was the one offering this. The laws were only strict in this context if he offered it. "I..that is" he whispers at first trying to find the words. But he felt he'd lose a part of this level of control he wanted to keep between the two of them, the small sense of equal respect they had for each other if he said something. So he takes a deep breath and simply..nods. The smallest, gentlest nod one could give. Annabelle could only smile at this.

"Trust me. You'll like it." She begins by gently rubbing her hands along his legs, slowly sliding them up his thighs and underneath the fabric of his shorts. She gently tugs at the bottom of his boxes before removing her hands. "I need to grab some things from my room first though," she says as she takes a step back and adjusts her bra a tad. "So. Get undressed. Fully" she says pointing at his shorts indicating she meant boxers too. "And sit in that chair," she says pointing to the rolling chair. "I'll get what I need. Set some ground rules. Then we will start." She turns to leave his room, adjusting her panties like the day before by sliding her fingers where the fabric meets her thighs and letting them snap back. "See you in a bit" she whispers as she leaves a shell-shocked Mitchell behind in his room, heading into hers. He was sweating softly, as nervous as a guy finally losing his virginity despite the fact he wasn't going anywhere near that far. He stands up and slowly begins to take off his shirt. Tossing it onto the bed as he ponders what was going to happen. He then unbuttons his shorts and slowly unzips them with shaking hands.


Mitchell sat naked in his chair, hand over his cage as it had not calmed down at all. Waiting patiently for Annabelle to come back in and start...whatever she had planned. He had been waiting several minutes, hearing occasional bumps in the wall between them as she was looking for some things. Finally, he hears her say "Finally" through the wall, although a bit muffled, and his heart beats louder in his chest. His hope was that this was it. He hears footsteps and straightens up, sitting as tall in the chair as he can. Then she comes into view.

"Took me a bit to find the stuff, had it buried deep in my boxes," she says rounding a corner holding a couple of things. A pair of handcuffs and a blindfold. She was still in her underwear as she walked in. She looks up at him and smiles. "So. You can follow directions, good" she says as she walks over to him. His hand covered his cage sheepishly. He may have agreed to this but this would be the first woman besides his mother who saw him fully naked so he was intensely embarrassed. "Relax" she whispers as she reaches down to move his hand. Exposing him fully as he turns his head away, bright red. "I've seen plenty of men in cages, plenty of men uncaged, nothing I haven't seen before" she whispers into his ear. His member straining hard in the cage now as he leaked a steady stream of precum down out the tip.

Mitchell fought back the urge to cover himself again, to hide his nudity as Annabelle, as beautiful as she was, stood lightly clothed in front of him. He decided to quickly change the topic. "What are those for" he says looking at the handcuffs in her other hand. The blindfold was self-explanatory, likely to hide his vision for whatever happens. He was a bit sad he wouldn't see her but he buried that feeling deep, this was a simple deal between the two of them after all and in this situation, she held all the cards in this game.

Annabelle smiles and walks behind him. Gently guiding his hands behind the chair, the handcuffs locking them as she tightened them a tiny bit at the wrist so they weren't digging into his skin. "This is for both of us" she begins as she restrains him. Double-checking if they were situated well before going back to his front. His eyes locked on her body entirely, admiring her curves, the clothes that barely held the one goal so many men sometimes work their asses off just to attain. He felt incredibly exposed, and now helpless before her. "Men during their first time at a clinic sometimes lose control. It doesn't end well, all few first sessions start like this" she explains as she stands in front of him. Eyeing him up and down, evaluating his body, his cage, the way it dripped down and onto the chair as he felt so small before her. "And it helps me in the event you start to lose control. I'll be gentle I promise. But it's standard for everyone to do this first" she says before grabbing the blindfold and positioning it above his head. The fabric resting across his forehead as she aligns it. "And this. Is for me" she whispers with a smile. "Sometimes the loss of senses enhances things, brings out the part of you I want to touch and savor. To let you be what I need you to be for a session" she explains in the softest voice he's heard from her so far. "I'll be here the entire time. I'll talk to you, touch you, and keep you in a clear headspace. So don't worry. Light out" she whispers as the last thing he sees before she slides it over his head is her smiling face. Darkness is taking over entirely. Annabelle moves around him and stands behind the chair, gently sliding her arms around him and trailing her hands along his chest as she moves her head near his. Her nails caused goosebumps across his bare skin as she lightly scratched him. Not causing pain, more akin to tickling. "Now Mitchell. Tell me. How far have you gone with women? What have you seen and done?" She whispers gently.

Mitchell shivered in the chair, solely from the sensations of touch and her voice in his ear. He couldn't see, only hear and touch what she allowed him to. He swallows nervously as she gently and slowly runs her hands across his skin. "I...I've seen women who flashed me and friends before, just their breasts" he begins as he fidgets lightly. Annabelle slows down when he does but resumes her speed when he pauses. "And lucky one night. I ate a girl out in her car one time after I did my best to hit on her" he admits embarrassed. He's never told anyone that so bluntly, his friends only knew because she dragged him out of the club in front of them before. "It was dark so I only saw a little bit of her" he adds trying to fill the silence with something. He felt weak and helpless as he tested the handcuffs out of curiosity. Feeling only then how stuck in this position he was.

"That's about standard with boys your age," she says comforting him. "Mitchell, it's fine not to get far. It's fine to save your experience for those you want to have them. So I'm going to ask you. Are you sure you want this?" she asks moving back in front of him. No doubt he could hear her footsteps, feel her presence, her control over him. "This would be your first real-time with an experienced woman. This goes nowhere if you don't want it to at all. I talk a lot and that won't stop but it takes your full commitment to this to continue" she says as she places her hands on the armguards of the chair. Leaning forward, her scent rushed over Mitchell once more. "So. Are you sure you want this?" She asks in a low whisper.

"I...I want this" he admits weakly. Swallowing nervously as he fidgets again. The sound of the handcuffs rattling a bit as they gently tap the hard backing of the chair. "I know I haven't gotten far, I know this won't end in my release but...I want to know" he confesses. Baring his insecurities with her. He could feel her right in front of him, hear her, smell the scent of roses as her body was mere inches away from his. His cage leaked a steady stream beneath him as he couldn't cover himself, his body bare before her. He slowly began to feel her as she climbed onto the chair, taking a sharp breath as he felt her bra against his chest, the warmth of her skin against his. He had never felt this from a woman before. One so close, touching him, her hands sliding along his chest as she leaned in close to his face. He was beyond nervous, nearly shaking from the experience alone as they hadn't started yet.

"Okay, let me tell you the rules. You will not touch me with those hands of yours, they're locked anyway and staying that way. There is no kissing on the mouth, this is a simple session and I save that for special occasions" she begins as she places her hips on his. The top of his cage pressed against her crotch. Mitchell let out a soft moan as he felt the pressure against his needy body. Letting out his breath in the moan as he hoped he didn't do it in her face, he couldn't tell. Thankfully he didn't. "And again, I'm not able to unlock you, and I'm not going to stimulate you so you cum" she says running her hands along his chest. "So don't ask" she coos as she kisses his neck. Mitchell twitched in his cage as she only said nothing in the mouth, his body hers for the playing. "Now behave, and try to enjoy this" she whispers into his ear as she begins to grind her hips. Rubbing herself on his cage over her panties.

Mitchell let out slow and heavy breaths as he felt everything. Her skin rubbed against his, her nails gently rubbing against his chest, the smell of roses, the tender kisses on his neck mixed with her breaths. And the weight of her as she grinded against him, the weight and movements driving him wild. His cage never felt tighter, his precum dripping down heavily and gently running down his balls as it overflowed. Everything here in the moment driving him wild. She was pleasuring herself using him. "Fuck" he pants out lowly as his body tried to push into her. The sound of Annabelle's heavy breathed and low laughter as she was buried in his neck. He was in a torturous paradise. His body craved more but he knew better than to ask, to beg, those were the rules. Her sex rubbed against his with only metal and thin cloth blocking the full sensation. And he couldn't see anything, he couldn't do anything. That was true torture. His body ached to rub against her sides, to grip her hips, to do anything! He tugged at the handcuffs, instinct demanding he try. As he does Annabelle laughs softly.

"It's fine to tug, to want more" she coos as she continues to grind on her. Her wetness built in her panties as she pleasured herself using his cage. Pushing her chest firmly against his. Her bra pressed against him and reminded him how close they were. She places her mouth next to his ear and lets out a very soft moan, her breath tickling the skin of his ear. "It's good you haven't asked me for more. Self-control" she whispers as she kisses his neck. Keeping up her movements on his hips and rubbing his chest with her hands. "Women like that in men. Holding back, accepting what is given, giving up what control you could have to what you will be given" she continues. Starting to run her hands along his sides. His body wasn't the most physically fit, but in no way was he overweight. A light firmness and a slight bit of grip. Standard for a guy who doesn't work out but watches his weight. "What do you feel?" She asks him as she goes back to kissing his neck. "Describe it."

Mitchell could barely contain himself, his hands tugged at the handcuffs every once in a while when his body demanded he try. He could feel the warmth of her crotch radiating to his as she rubbed and rubbed. Stimulating herself by using him. Rubbing against his crotch with her own. Every once in a while she would moan in his ear, egging him on and urging his body to want more. He could feel the cloth of her bra rubbing up and down his chest, her stomach rubbing against him, her hands running all along his body playfully. And he couldn't do a damn thing. His hips sped up as she grinded faster on his cage. It only hurt a tiny bit as she wasn't grinding from the base, instead pushing down gently as her knees were what held her up on the chair. The pain came from the general sensation of the tugging more than anything but it was kept to a minimum, skilled movements from experience, so it seems she has been entirely truthful to him so far. He ached and hungered for her body in a way he never truly felt, the cage and handcuffs denying it all. He begins to thrust his hips upward a bit, truly wanting more and more. The sensations and experiences are all foreign and intense for him. "Annabelle, please I-" he begins.

"Easy," she says placing her hands on his cheeks with just a tiny bit of force. The soft impact brings him back to reality a bit. "As I said it's fine to WANT more" she elaborates. Slowing her movements down but still going. "But that is why you are handcuffed. You're new to this all. New to these experiences. Self-control Mitchell" she reminds him again. Speeding up again as she continues to grind, her crotch wet with juices now as she has been stimulating herself. "I'm aware you're new, I expected this. But women don't like needy men. They want men who hand over the control, give them the reins to set the pace" she says as she returns to kissing his neck. Soft whines escape Mitchell but he remains firm in the chair. "So let it happen, let me handle things and it will be fine" she whispers as she starts to speed up her hips. Her orgasm slowly approaching. The dripping from Mitchell's cage has effectively formed a small puddle on the chair, overflowing a bit and dripping onto the floor beneath them. "Now. Promise to behave?" she asks breathlessly. A soft moan escaped her as she was getting close.

"P-promise," he says heavily breathing. His mind was filled with hormones and pure lust as he was driven by his urges to continue, taking note of Annabelle's advice to want more but not demand more. Now and then he would gently thrust upwards but she didn't say anything. His hands pulled at the handcuffs once in a while as he wished to hug her, touch her, hold her closer. This was heaven and hell, new pleasures and new torture all in one. And he couldn't see a damn thing at all. He is again reminded of how in this situation some men would beg for release, and can see why many would offer things. He had never been told about anything close to this in a normal clinic, so this was just a taste of the high-class clinics and he was ready to offer so much for relief and release.

"Good boy" Annabelle whispers and lets out a gentle moan in his ear. She takes a hand off his body and slowly reaches down, curling it around his cage and gently gripping his balls. Soliciting a moan from Mitchell and a small spurt of precum to drip down his cage. He had never felt another person touch him like so before, he couldn't help it and a few thrusts upwards escaped from him. But he regained control. "I'm close...once I'm done...the session is over" Annabelle pants out as she was going to cum while grinding on his cage. "I...I'm cumming" she whispers lovingly into his ear and lets out a soft moan. Slowing her grinding down as she rides it out on top of him. Mitchell's body and mind begging to see it, to see her cum. But the blindfold stopped him entirely. He was helpless to even see the woman who used him for her pleasure. Annabelle slowly breathes out. Catching her breath as she lifted off of him. Simply resting on her knees, she did not need long to recover. "Mmm...there," she says softly as she slowly gets off his chair. " was the session then?" she asks playfully. Stretching and waiting for Mitchell to catch his breath. His body still aching.

" was...I see why people pay for it" he says weakly. body shaking as he didn't even care she could see him naked. His body was too horny to care. This was the first real touch he'd ever felt from a woman, one who so willingly moved to touch him, tease him, hold and caress him. It was all a rush. His mind was a hormone-addled cocktail of just pure and utter need. She waits patiently. He could hear the sounds of her moving around but couldn't tell what. Then she moves behind him. "Okay. You've calmed down enough" she says as she begins to undo the handcuffs. She was freeing his hands which just go limp. Hanging there as he waited for his body to calm down. "I think you'll cum buckets at the clinic this week" she jokes as she gently ruffles his hair and begins to step away. "Wait a minute then take the blindfold off. I'll come back for my stuff later" she says as he can tell she is leaving. "Also. When you're clear-headed. Give me an update on that pizza" she reminds him as she happily walks away. Not rusty in her skills of teasing and playing with men.


A couple of minutes have passed as Mitchell's body has calmed down, as well as his head. But the member in his cage has not. Steadily leaking and dripping precum onto the chair for the longest time and not ready to relax despite how the pain was. Shakily Mitchell removes the blindfold and sees something on the floor. His eyes adjust to the light as he blinks away the initial blinding shock and looking down he sees it was Annabelle's panties. That's what that noise was! She had pulled off her underwear when she was done to mess with him once more, recalling her words she said she'd be back for her stuff. She meant this and the blindfold. Mitchell looks around. There was a mess in his chair and on the floor, and a pair of panties to remind him of everything. He eyed them hungrily but controlled himself. As there wasn't anything he could even do with them. With a sigh, he stands up and gets to work cleaning his room. A line between the two had been crossed now, there was no doubting this. But his cage stayed tight with the thoughts of what could come in the future now.

  1. Mitchell felt the dampness on his pajamas, a reminder of his nocturnal emissions in his chastity cage, caused by his roommate's guest and their loud activities.
  2. Annabelle's quick remark about her bed being softer than her friend's and her friend's comment about Mitchell being aware of her activities made him consider the CFNM (clothed female, naked male) dynamic in their shared living space.
  3. Mitchell's curiosity and confusion about Annabelle's relaxed attitude towards their living situation and her flirty comments led him to ask if it's common for women to be this open and teasing, especially in context of the "high-class clinics."
  4. Unbeknownst to Mitchell, Annabelle had been privy to these high-class men's clinics, which offered enhanced services, due to her extensive background in BDSM and ability to handle men effectively. She revealed that she felt it was vital for women to set themselves free and embrace their confident, sexual selves, regardless of social norms, and noticed that some men were understandably drawn to this appeal.

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