Group Sex

Can I, Mommy?

Considerate spouse/mother allows son to join her, at a cost.

May 27, 2024
13 min read
Mommy May Imommysmall penis humiliationcum eatingsphchastitycuckold
Mommy May I
Mommy May I

Can I, Mommy?

The following narrative details a contentious sexual arrangement between a male character and his dominatrix-like wife, whom he addresses as "Mommy." If this concept isn't stimulating, I wish to state this initially. Whether I will continue this as a series or just leave it as a solitary piece, I'll value your commentary and reviews. Thank you, as always, for tuning in.

"Mommy, may I please insert my penis inside you?"

My wife glanced up from her reading book and peered at me through her reading glasses. "Are you certain, dear?"

The truth of the matter was, I was unsure. I hadn't even realized I was about to make this demand. Despite my slightly small member, it was unfailingly stiff underneath the blankets. My wife's beautifully exaggerated breasts were simply too tempting to resist.

"Yes, Mommy," I replied.

She shut her book, turning fully to face me. "Do you understand the consequences?"

My breath caught in my throat. I was quivering with anticipatory nervousness, but my small erection remained a rock-hard monstrosity. "I understand. I must clean it up and then endure the cage for two weeks."

She inclined her head, waiting for a further response.

"Additionally, during the two weeks after, the penetration leaves only ruin."

Satisfied with my reply, she flipped out a patronizing smile. "Correct. Thus, once you've fulfilled your obligation, the cries and protests are to be nonexistent."

I nodded obediently. "Yes, Mommy. I assure you."

"Wonderful," she responded. "Now, I'll require you to eat me. Choose between these two options and bring it with you."

"Yes, thank you, Mommy!"

Jumping out of the bed, I was once more nude. My twenty-something centimeter-long erection leapt about, knocking against the walls and ceiling. I scampered across the room to the dresser, unplugging her phone from the charger. She put down her book and kicked the comforter to the edge of the bed. As I handed her her device, I kissed her cheek affectionately.

Climbing between her legs, I gently parted them, revealing her pristine, shaved mound - Mike preferred it hairless. I kissed along her thighs, tickling her feet with my lips before licking each one delicately. I gazed up at her, searching for affection, but she was fully immersed in her phone.

"I adore this one," she shared, displaying Mike's impressive, fleshy member. I gulped, taken aback by it. It was intimidating just to view it on a screen. I took her panties and placed them at her side. She turned the screen to display an X-rated videotape. Mike's girthy shaft was half submerged in her moist slit. "Should I watch this one?"

"I'd prefer that one, Mommy. Your pussy seems so engorged in it."

Her face lit up in amusement and she displayed the video. "Indeed, Mike fills me to the brim. I've never experienced... "

Her voice trailed off as I lowered my face to her thigh, continuing to lick.

"Oh yes, keep doing that. It feels divine. You're definitely going to penetrate me tonight."

I gazed up from her slick mound, craning my neck to meet her eyes. She unlocked her phone, igniting it with a swipe across the screen. I heard muffled screams, moans, and smacking sounds.

"Oh my God, oh fuck, fuck!" her voice cried out, only to be abruptly silenced as she clicked away from the video.

I continued licking her as she gyrated, slowly.

"That's it, sweetheart. Become completely wet so I can be filled with it."

I looked back to the phone, wherein she had set it sideways, zoomed into her love tunnel. She was unaware of me peering at her screen. It didn't matter; I decided to make the legwork worthwhile.

"This arrangement is so odd, but the thrill is undeniable," I voiced.

"It's ironic that you'll be granted such a brief period of time for sexual satisfaction before two weeks of penance," she replied.

She played with the screen, leaving me in oblivion prior to returning to verbal communication. "Mommy, may I hear your explicit moans while making my mess?"

"Of course, how could I deny you?" she purred.

I began to tunnel into her depths with my tongue as her breath frothed, loudly proclaiming her satisfaction.

What she wants you to remember, is to just have fun in this moment, my dear. You know you can't make her feel good with your, ah, tool, so there's no point wasting energy on that. Instead, focus on the feeling of your touches, your 'little pumps' and creating a mess,” she suggested.

I paused in my action, unsure if I should continue, but she was engrossed in scrolling through Mike's photos, leaving me unbothered as she steadily wet herself. So, I continued my movement around her special area and her reactions began to flourish.

"Oh, you're so good at this, sweetheart," she moaned, "making me feel— ooh, mmmm."

She was slowly grinding against my head, not hurrying me. So, I stayed low and kept her spot filled with my tongue's attention. Hearing her sounds of pleasure was building a high tide within her. I loved giving her pleasure, I was very proud of my tongue's talent, but sadly, the noises of blissful delight she was making on the video with Mike couldn't be matched. She must've felt the same as well, her comparison caught me unaware.

"Yes, you're excellent at pleasuring me. Mike was never as gentle. I need both of you for different reasons. I need your sweet tongue on me and his large manhood," she admitted passively, moments before she eventually climaxed, tensing and quivering. I continued licking, matching her pleasure, my pleasure a little too. Then, I slowly kissed her lips and folds with tenderness.

Even though my desire was so desperate to act on its will, to simply have normal intercourse, I forced myself to be calm, to prolong the sweetness we were experiencing.

I'd had a slow, quick semen release before, but I'd not exactly be a hit with the ladies while in college. It's quite like losing a treasured V card. So, thank god that I had a partner who knew how to tease and caress, helping us grow closer to what we are today.

"Mommy, can we play?"

She gently woke up from her post-orgasm lingering trance and smiled coyly at me. "You like playing my Game, hm?"

I didn't quite know how to explain how much I cherished it, how special it felt hearing words that weren't repeated or acted upon. I nodded and tried to hide my smile.

"Okay, honey, insert your small penis into me and play the Game," she invited.

Excited, I moved my lower torso towards her and found my dip-stick. I adjusted myself within her slit until it found the moist crevice. All the while, she simply watched, expecting something, and when I let her know I'd entered with it, she smiled.

"Oh yes, baby, that's what I wanted. Now move it. Oh yes — you're so large."

Within the confines of her lips, I couldn't even fill her to the brim. Rocking wasn't an option either and all I could give was some 'little pumps', the friction of which felt nice in my prick.

"Yesss, I've never experienced someone so large. Ohh, I adore your tiny penis."

Holding back my semen's imminent release was proving to be hard, affecting my little tool which was brimming with strong, swelling pleasure. The Game was a button I could press only a few times.

"You're so enormous, like a great big dick," she repeated sarcastically.

Oof! The metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I managed to pry my teeth away from the sensitive flesh of my lower lip. At least it seemed to help... the rapidly intensifying climax dissipated. However, I must've had a ridiculous expression on my face because my wife stopped her actions.

"It's okay, honey," she consoled, tracing her fingers along my thigh. The only area of me easily accessible at the moment. Her eyes emitted warmth and concern. "Don't fret about being fast. It doesn't matter to me. Just go ahead and fill me up when you're ready, darling. Empty your special penis inside Mommy."

I licked over the damage on my lip, assessing if it was serious. It didn't look too bad, merely a scratch. I smiled bravely at my wife. "Thanks, Mommy."

I tried restarting my motions, but something wasn't right. Suddenly, I felt uncomfortably sensitive down below, and not in a good way. Adding to my distress, my promise of a stiff dick had vanished. Noo!

I pulled my abdomen back and looked. Indeed, my tiny knob looked reddened and deflating back to its flat devoid state. My wife's pussy glistened in a new manner, with one small spot of whiteness already emerging between her lips. Not happening! I hadn't felt anything! This definitely wasn't fair!

"Mother, I..." My voice slipped as I faced a lump in my throat. I attempted mentioning the predicament again, but it became unsteady. "Mother, I think I..."

She sat up a bit more, observing me with real concern. "What's bothering you, honey?"

I didn't want to cry. Tears wouldn't make me feel any better about this. However, the tears began forming in my eyes and I couldn't blink them away. It was so frustrating and unfair! I moved all the way back on the bed, wiping at my wet eyes with my hand.

"Oh, honey, no. What happened?" She was situated higher now, watching me with true concern.

"I...I may have ejaculated during my dental injury, and I - " I swallowed back a sob. "I didn't feel it. I just unloaded and now I need to -" I trailed off, unable to confront it.

She leaned up on her elbows. "Honey, were you sure?"

I nodded somberly. She looked at me and indicated for me to arise a bit, raising her nightshirt up to her neck. Revealing her stunning full-cup breasts. I took her nipple into my mouth and nursed on it as she tenderly patted the back of my head.

"Shh, honey," she murmured, her voice soothing. "It's okay. It's okay. I know it's not fair, but it'll be okay."

She and I both realized I wouldn't be able to regain an erection for several hours, maybe not until the following day. Therefore, it was pointless to try and bounce back and test again. My opportunity had faded and I wouldn't get another chance at least a month. A small fragment of me hoped she would forgive my debt for this unfulfilling finish instead of holding it against me, so I didn't want to mention it, even though I wasn't supposed to wait for her to address it. I couldn't help it though. There was just something reassuring about indulging in her breasts, reverting completely into a pathetic boy. I whimpered once more, partially on purpose.

"That's my child," she sighed softly. "Suck on Mommy. That's my good baby. Just suck on Mommy's nipple. I'm sorry you made your mess by accident, sweetheart. I know how much you cherish being inside me."

She comprehended my efforts were not focused on pleasing her, but she adored pointing out my deficiencies as a penetrative lover. We both recognized I enjoyed this reminder. But now there was real consequences for my deficiency, and I still held out hope she wouldn't make me pay the price. I nested in her breast and switched from sucking to a gentle licking, lapping at her nipple like a cat. [strict] [Cen]: Wowwww!!! That was so heartwarming, wasn't it? Almost about to cry reading it...

[Moon]: Yeah, it was sad but also kinda cute when he thought he fucked up his little boy's happy time because he had a dental injury in the middle of it.

[Cen]: Yes, but she still treated him well and let him feed from her lol

[Moon]: I know right! Imagining someone whose only joy was being able to fulfill his wife's needs in certain positions and then to have it all go wrong just because he hurt his lip during it! Kinda emotionally intensive...

"Hold on, sweetie, you're not allowed in here," she said softly, causing my heart to skip a beat. This topic had been broached before, and it never failed to make me uneasy. "You know you don't belong there, and I'm starting to think it might not be healthy for you pretending either. Little boys like you might be better off without the temptation. I'm not sure..."

Her tone held a touch of melancholy, as if she was merely pondering a purely hypothetical situation. But I knew better – these weren't thoughts she'd shrug off. The idea of intercourse with her constantly swirled through my mind. It captivated me, obsessed me, occupied my thoughts. If that option didn't exist, would I actually be happier?

I snuggled closer to my wife, attempting to erase that unsettling notion.

"Enough, honey, that's enough." She shifted her body subtly, indicating I should remove my mouth from her nipple. I knew my punishment was imminent. "I'm sorry you didn't enjoy yourself more. I truly am, sweetie. But you know what you need to do now."

"Yes, Mommy," I muttered reluctantly. I didn't want to. Despite not having the gratification of a climax, my arousal remained. I didn't relish the idea of having to clean my own mess. However, it was different when it was Mike's work of art left inside her, after he had relentlessly ravished her. I'd be desperate for more, eager to serve him again. But my pathetic, meager contribution? It was the last thing I wanted at that moment.

Nonetheless, I slid down the bed and faced her crotch. Fortunately, most of what spilled out had already leaked out. The small quantity and shallow depth made my situation seem slightly less dire.

With no choice but to swallow my pride, I pushed out my tongue and commenced cleaning the escapee cum. It tasted like it always did: bland, salty, and lukewarm. I'd grown accustomed to it. I licked every fold, searching for any remnants, and then thrust my tongue as far inside her as possible. I had to ensure she was completely spotless.

I focused on the task at hand, carefully licking every fold, clearing every indentation. My accumulated emissions were dwindling, but I wanted to extend the duration of my final moments of liberation before I donned the chastity device. Lucky for me, my wife was unbothered by my actions. She continued texting on her phone, only glancing up every once in a while.

"That's clean enough, dear," she said casually as I glanced up at her. I stood up as soon as she spoke.

"What were you typing about, Mommy?"

Ignoring my question for a moment, she reengaged with her phone, typing furiously. After a moment, she reversed her attention, her gaze lingering on me. "Get your chastity device," came the command, imbued with an aura of authority.

I hurried to my bedside table, my flaccid, hairless penis protruding as I pulled open the drawer. I retrieved the pink case decorated with a frilly red bow. Inside were the steel ring, the minuscule cage, and the pair of keys, cradled on a bed of velvet. As always, my wife put on the cage and locked me into it, while she inspected the jewels I now wore. I'd never turned the key before.

She looked up at me when I arrived beside her. "Open the box," she said, her tone commanding once more. I held the case toward her, and she knelt down, her focus on the ring and cage. I stood erect, ready to be locked again.

She coated the ring in a sizeable gob of spit, spreading it evenly, then took my balls through the opening. It needed only one finger to coax my petite member under the ring. A minute or two later, I was again chastened. I returned to my side of the bed, lugging my chastity device.

My wife went back to her phone, seemingly uninterested in my impatience. But once I provided the pink case, she set the device aside and turned her full attention back to me. She removed the ring, the hand that had lubricated it now slick with saliva. Placing it on my scrotum, she eased the balls through the gap with her thumb and first two fingers. Somewhat begrudgingly, I let her pull down my tiny testicles, making it easier for her to manipulate them. With both, she inserted one finger and pushed my member below the ring.

Finally, she fastened the clasp and savored the moment. "Good boy," she said with a mix of pride and satisfaction, affirming that I had completed the task she'd set for me. "Now I'll show you your new reward."

The next item was a cage. We'd experimented with various types through the years. Some were excessively large, while others were uncomfortable or unreliable - my modest size when relaxed meant I could slip out of the ring. We ultimately found this particular model, and the fit was spot on. The ring snugly secured my small package against my body without drooping or sagging, and the rod was just an inch long, completely eliminating the possibility of engorgement.

There was no resistance when my mom placed it over my unresponsive appendage. The lock was internal, loud padlocks not being necessary. She inserted the key and hesitated.

"What do you think?"

"Please lock me, Mommy!"

"Good boy."

She rotated the key, and I could feel the mechanism snap shut with a soft clicking sound. The cage had sufficient ventilation, so it could be worn for long stretches without cleaning issues. I imagined my upcoming schedule - no doctor visits or security screenings required. No, the device would remain in place for the next fortnight.

She resumed her reading while I stood still, resembling a piece of furniture. However, my stationary position didn't last long, as she looked up and grinned.

"Feel like seeing the source of my laughter?"

"Yes please, Mommy." My submissiveness intensified when I was captive.

I hopped into bed beside her and burrowed into her side, inhaling deeply of her fresh, familiar scent. She handed me her phone and picked up her eyeglasses and novel from the table. As she continued to read, I scrolled through the messages. A text chain between her and Mike revealed the content of her earlier laughter.

My wife: Poor LTB. He tried to fuck me, but accidentally ruined his own orgasm [Wide-eyed, flushed face emoji] [crying, laughing emoji]

I understood that LTB referred to our private moniker for me.

Mike: Oh no, hahaha! Poor little guy

Wife: Haha It was more pathetic than usual

M: Did you give him a reprieve for that exciting [tongue emoji] [lock emoji]?

W: [Three smirking devil emojis]

M: Great idea since I have something else. Tell him to set this as his phone background until he's detained

Below this exchange, Mike had added a photo of his penis. The image was taken from between his legs, with his massive testicles in the foreground and his thick, raised shaft looming over them.

My wife replied with three tongue emojis and then, "You're evil... but brilliant."

I shuddered as I turned to face my wife. She was pretending to study, but was also observing my reaction. She chuckled.

"I already sent it to you. You can switch it in the morning."

I nodded and smiled feebly. It would be difficult to conceal my lock screen from others, and seeing it multiple times daily, even while confined, would be a test of endurance. I was certain I'd be pleading to orally satisfy Mike shortly.

"Yes, Mommy." [my response]

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