
Carnal Couple: Angels - Episode 4

Zoe encounters Cory, and their journey commences.

May 28, 2024
68 min read
group sexthreesomeorgypawgThe Carnal Couple: Angels v. 04bbcgroupthreeway
The Carnal Couple: Angels v. 04
The Carnal Couple: Angels v. 04

Carnal Couple: Angels - Episode 4

Author's Note: Sorry for the wait. We appreciate everyone who has read and rated the first three installments of our "Angels" series. This is the fourth and last story about how Cory, the smart ex-athlete turned techie, encountered the four women at the core of his life: his attractive, blonde, voracious wife, Zoe; his pretty, curvy neighbor Heather; the stunning rich Indian wife, Kimaya; and Grace, the exotic Nigerian-American hipster fascinated by white men...until she meets our couple. These stories are written in reverse chronology: volumes 4, 3, 2, 1.

If you haven't read the three previous works - which introduced Grace, Kimaya, and Heather - we strongly suggest you do to keep up.


CORY: We met at work, naturally. I worked at a large nonprofit. I held a position in IT and, after being with the organization for three years, I was on the verge of being promoted to CTO, which would have more than doubled my salary. I'm quite good at what I do. I hadn't even reached 30 yet. Aside from having no personal life at all, everything was going well. I remember meeting Zoe on her first day. She was evidently attractive, but it wasn't an instant "I need to have her" reaction. I was incredibly focused on my career and not looking for any involvements.

I had plenty of opportunities to mingle, but I entered the organization with a plan and didn't want to create issues where I worked. A few of the women there made this extremely challenging. Nevertheless, I mostly ignored any female attention I received at the workplace, except for the subtle advances of Cheryl, a 40-something black woman working in accounting. Cheryl had been flirting with me since the interview process, which was perplexing because she was married to an older white gentleman. I noted to myself to avoid Cheryl entirely if I wished to rise quickly in the company. I competently brushed off her advances throughout our encounters. We eventually coexisted comfortably after that.

Later on, I eased my guard and accepted Cheryl's invitation to attend her New Year's Eve party. I had declined the previous year, making up some forgettable excuse. But, I accepted that year because I had lived in Chicago for nearly two years without establishing much of a social life. I was 28, bored, and not getting any action (I had just three Tinder hookups in two years...that was my sex life). Attending that party turned out to be the worst mistake I ever made, as it set me on the path to Zoe.

ZOE: Oh, yes, the New Year's party. I began my job in late March, several months after the event. Even though I wasn't present when all the events took place, I picked up the details within a week of joining the team. I was one of four girls in the office in their twenties. Ashley and Hope were executive assistants. Jenna was a researcher, like myself. I gravitated towards them since we belonged to the same age bracket and they appeared fun. One Friday morning, my fifth day on the job, while gathered in the kitchen getting coffee and chatting, Cory walked in and the ladies suddenly became oddly quiet. I found it unusual since he was so attractive and well-dressed, leading me to think he could be gay. Despite being confident, his beard was so well-kept it looked groomed and manicured. If I had to guess, I would've supposed he was straight, but men as fit and fashionable as Cory are uncommon.

Cory greeted us and the girls merely mumbled something back. Not liking the silence, I decided to break it:

"Got any plans for the weekend, Cory?" I asked, innocently, while he placed items in the fridge.

He answered, glancing at Ashley: "Nope. Just gonna hang. Might visit a friend's house. That's the gist of it."

Once he left the room, I turned to the girls and inquired, "Did he mean to say 'brief' instead of 'long and thick of it'?"

Ashley tried to suppress her laughter, but failed instantly. They all began howling with laughter, leaving me perplexed.

"We'll tell you at lunch," Jenna chirped.

Few hours later, we ate at a nearby restaurant and huddled into a booth.

So, what's the gossip on Cory? I inquired, aimlessly.

The other girls turned to Ashley, the chosen one to relay the story. Ashley took a deep breath and met my gaze, seemingly preparing to impart some heavy news.

"I won't beat around the bush. Cory has the biggest member you'll ever lay eyes on," she revealed, eliciting gales of laughter and delighted squeals.

Once the comedy died down, she continued the saga, which was a touch dissatisfying, to be honest. It's common knowledge that Cory's endowments are noteworthy, but I didn't think it was anything significantly different from any other guy with a prominent bulge.

"Anyway, it was at Chery's bash, and I needed to use the restroom. I didn't realize someone was already in there. It was unlocked. When I opened the door, he was standing there at the commode. I didn't notice initially, then I caught sight of his reflection in the large mirror on the wall. It was suspended between his thighs. It was outrageously large."

"Did he say anything?" I asked.

"I didn't linger to discuss it with him. We made eye contact and the awkwardness was palpable. I apologized and vacated the premises."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's all there is. What do you mean?"

I queried, "Was there any sexual involvement? Maybe you went down on him or something."

The girls were quite taken aback, and I began to worry that these ladies were little more than teases.

Hope jumped to Jenna's defense, "Well, she wasn't going to perform an oral tryst right there in the bathroom."

I chuckled, relieved to learn they were amused, rather than appalled at my suggestive comments.

But Ashley surprised us all, confessing, "To be honest, I was quite aroused. It was so huge, you guys. When we were collecting our coats before leaving the party, I pretended to collide my hand against his crotch by accident, just to feel it. And he actually called me out on it."

"Oh my God!," exclaimed Hope.

"Holy shit!," Jenna exclaimed.

"What did he say?" I inquired.

Ashley mustered herself, her cheeks flushed.

"He said I could do better than that and to let him know when I'm ready to try again."

Hope and Jenna gasped, resembling a pair of epileptics. I was simply thrilled the anecdote had become even juicier. I've always been rather provocative, so I heckled a bit more.

"So, are you scared of sleeping with a black man?"

A heavy silence fell, as if I'd said something taboo.

"No!" Ashley replied sharply, appearing offended.

"So, why have you been flirting with him for three months and only that? He offered. This isn't some teasing tryst," I prodded.

"Have you been intimate with a black man?" she challenged.

"No, but I'm not against it. It's just never come my way. If a specimen as good as Cory ever offered me his staff, I would seize the opportunity," I acknowledged.

My candor stunned them. They giggled and ridiculed me, which made their demeanor more appealing.

"Perhaps if you tried flirting with him more, Zoe, if you're so interested."

"Maybe I will."


CORY: I'd suspected the fellows were conversing about my endowments. I was poised for anger at myself for being so relaxed with Ashley at that party. I was content that nothing happened between us that night. Sure, we kept shit-talking, but I never had any intention of sleeping with her, nor did I believe she wanted to sleigh with me. I knew the distinction between a woman down for a roll in the hay and a woman who just wanted a black man's attention to prop up her self-esteem. None of those little ladies were in it for the good pounding, so I simply plugged along with their flirty repartee. By mentioning my oversized equipment, I released some of the sexual tension. I felt comfortable that my advances had not torpedoed my path to the promotion. In fact, I was feeling pretty confident.

That night, I crossed paths with Zoe on the elevator. It felt like an ambush. It was a Friday, and most had departed. I'm notorious for being a night owl, often alone on a Friday. When Zoe stepped into the elevator, we engaged in our usual trivial chit-chat about the weekend, how her first week was, and so on. Then, out of the blue...

"Apparently, those girls can't stop going on about your sex organ."

My laughter was my only response. The casual delivery, the timing. I found Zoe sexy and irresistible. Nothing feels sexier than a funny woman. But that wasn't the best quip of hers.

"I guess they don't have much else to blather about," I countered.

"Well, from what I hear, you've got a lot that they fuss over." [

That was the point when I realised I was in hot water. I had to connect with her. But that couldn't happen until I secured the job.

"Wanna join me for a drink?" she enquired, startling me.

I turned down her offer and concocted a lame excuse. She accepted my response with a mix of relief and fear. I could keep Cheryl and her older woman antics at bay. Ashley, Hope and Jenna were all slender, cute, white girls - the kind I'd been bedding since our high school days. They didn't do much for me. But Zoe? The enticing brunette with the athlete's physique, stunning blue-green eyes and quick wit, oozing with sex appeal? She was the one I longed to bend over in that elevator.

ZOE: I walked out of that elevator feeling "Oh, he must be one of those black men who aren't attracted to white women." Or someone who avoids marrying and dating white women. It made me even more keen on having him. It was a challenge.

On the following Monday morning, I saw him, all thanks to my IT ticket. I'd requested his assistance as soon as I switched on my laptop. I wanted to catch a glimpse of him. I pondered over what to say next. Should I be cute? Funny? But all I could utter was:

"You're not keen on white women, are you?"

He seemed baffled.

"That's what you believe?"

"That's my impression."

"From what? No one's ever turned you down?"

"Not often. Only two men have ever rejected me."

"Who was the first?"

"My dad. I asked him for a beer before I turned 18."

He chuckled and reacted with that warm, playful look I'd seen earlier. He finally appeared interested in me.

"Have you ever dated a black guy?"

I hesitated before answering.


His eyes lit up, evidently sensing my attraction.

"Well then, there's a first time for everything."

Right then, we were cut short by Garrett, who requested Cory's presence after finishing up his help. We waited until he was a few steps out before concluding the conversation.

"Did I get you in trouble?" I questioned.

"Not yet," he replied, smirking.

He knew he had me hooked and revelling in the anticipation, our mutual laughter was an intimate moment in my cubicle.

"You should go. To be continued..." I said.

Before leaving, he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "For your information, I've slept with more white women than any Taylor Swift concert."

His comment had us both in stitches, but I was instantly embarrassed. My giggle was deafening and unexpected that it could alert others. As we composed ourselves and parted ways, I was eager for the upcoming hours, daydreaming about him while working. Our glances, smiles and stolen eye contacts gave us both the charge of anticipation. I couldn't wait to reach home, lock the door, and lose myself in my thoughts of him.


CORY: As I left Zoe's cubicle, I rushed to Garrett's office. Nothing worried me - I thought he was only conducting his standard Monday morning checks. But that proved to be wrong. Garrett bore a serious expression and urged me to sit. I felt my mind go into overdrive - perhaps one of the girls said something? Or maybe he didn't enjoy my time at Zoe's cubicle? All sorts of negative thoughts overwhelmed me. Then, he spoke.

"Cory, I'm recommending that you take the role of the new Chief Technology Officer."

He continued on with complimentary words. I paid them no heed. My heart swelled - I was so happy. I never imagined my next thought would be "I need to inform Zoe." I barely knew her, yet felt a strong urge to share my accomplishment with her.

When I exited Garrett's office, I swiftly made my way back to Zoe's cubicle. She gazed at me politely though my momentous news failed to impress her. [

Sorry, give me a second," she replied, removing her AirPods from her ears. She hadn't heard what I said. So, I moved on to the key points.

"Got any plans tonight?"

She winked and replied, "I could be."

We exchanged numbers and I messaged her the time and location. After a few minutes, Jenna, who had arrived unannounced, interrupted us with a series of loud greetings and inquiries about our weekends. I engaged in small talk with them before telling Zoe her computer issues had been resolved. Zoe reacted as though she understood and I left.

The rest of my day was spent in my office, unproductive and preoccupied with thoughts of her. I couldn't even walk around with a semi-erection, let alone a full one. Embarrassing as it was, I spent the day fearful of being caught.

When work finished, I hired an Uber and traveled to the restaurant I'd picked for us. She had arrived before me, something that surprised me. She had asked the hostess for our table and appeared to have given her my description since the hostess immediately led me to her. Her smile was a genuine welcome.

"Hey, stranger," she said. "Long time no see."

I laughed and walked over to her, kissing her on the lips. She was startled but recovered quickly. The hostess must have thought we were an old married couple. It felt natural to be around her.

"Hey, baby," I said, staring into her eyes, before taking my seat.

We conversed for more than two hours, covering dinner, dessert, and multiple glasses of wine. She shared stories about her childhood, passion for art, and her large, eccentric family. Similarly, I told her about my short-lived NFL career, fashion interest, and how much I loved my mom. It was as if our minds had merged. I was awestruck at how much I wanted to get closer to her.

ZOE: While we ate dinner, I realized I'd never felt so at ease with a man. I couldn't get enough of looking at him, listening to him, and being next to him. I'd always dismissed the idea of a soulmate, and Cory didn't match how I'd envisioned a girlfriend. But there he was, seated in front of me. I found myself considering how to introduce him to my considerable family. I'm from Madison and visit them frequently, so I couldn't avoid presenting him to them. I stopped caring. I decided to tackle the situation once it arose.

The drive to Cory's apartment was torturous. My body was on fire and my underwear was so wet that the moisture seeped through to my trousers, creating a visible damp spot. Thankfully, nobody else could perceive this. I didn't dare perform oral sex on Cory in the Uber, so I contented myself with rubbing his groin through his trousers. His lack of response surprised me, but he remained calm, focusing on his phone.

As soon as we entered the elevator, I couldn't stand it any longer. He pushed the button for the top floor and the doors closed. I faced him and knelt. He might have anticipated it; his reaction was casual. I unzipped his trousers and found my hands around his organ, admiring the shape and length, the veins along the shaft and the giant head. I placed it on my face, enjoying its weight.

I looked up at him and felt compelled to divulge the truth.

"I want you to fuck me relentlessly."

He simply said, "Open." Here for more assistance.

I followed the instructions and he shoved most of his dick into my mouth, gripping the back of my head to keep me in place. I was running out of breath and loving it. Eventually, I began slapping his legs as a plea for relief. He held on for a bit longer until I felt intense fear.

As the doors opened, I was introduced to his large, minimalistic bachelor pad. Before I had time to explore, he picked me up and started lowering my pants to expose my upper thighs. He pushed me against a wall, and we engaged in sexual intercourse. Due to my overwhelming desire, the pain wasn't as severe as anticipated.

"Yes! Fuck me mercilessly!" I screamed, lifting my ass.

He responded by going all-out and violently fucking me with thrusts that felt like blows. I lost control, yelling incoherently. He silenced me with a hand over my mouth. It was beyond anything I had ever experienced before. The strength of my orgasm threw me into a state of shock. My body went limp. He wouldn't let me slack; he held me pinned to the wall, one hand on my left arm's shoulder blade, the other holding my right leg. He wasn't finished until he came.

I was gasping and breathing heavily, unable to utter more than incomprehensible sounds. He struck my cervix repeatedly and I whimpered in pain, with tears streaming down my face. That was what I desired.

He orgasmed, accompanied by primal yells and grunts. It felt remarkable, feeling his warm body fluid inside me.

We were both breathless, sweating, trying to make sense of what had just transpired. After several minutes, he lifted me off the wall and escorted me to the couch. He gently laid me down, caressing my face, and wiping away my tears. We shared a tender moment, kissing and laughing for almost an hour.

Lying there on the couch, a mixture of pain and pleasure, I mustered up enough courage to reveal my emotions.

"I have something to say but it may seem strange and I'm scared of ruining everything."

"Shit," he sighed. "Hold up, what are you talking about?"

I realized he was serious.

"I'm looking at you, what's up?"

"Turn around and look me in the eyes," I did. He looked baffled.

"I'm in love with you," I proclaimed, with conviction. "I want to be with you."

A mixture of surprise and pleasure washed over his face.

"Say it again," he said, his grin widening.

"I'm in love with you and I want to be with you."

He kissed my forehead, after which he shook his head slightly and hugged me. "I'm happy," he said, with satisfaction.

I appreciated his acceptance. He placed me down and sat by my side.

"What should we do today?" he asked.

"I'm staying," I replied with a smile.

We spent several hours relaxing in a bathtub, talking and sharing jokes. I was in love. I couldn't hide my feelings any longer.

"I need to tell you something," I confessed, with slight fear. "It's weird and I'm afraid it will ruin everything."

"As long as it's not an STD, we're fine," he responded.

I realized he took my words seriously.

"Check this out, man", I turned and looked into his eyes. "I love you."

The confusion on his face gave way to a satisfied grin. I knew then he reciprocated my feelings.

"Good," he simply said. His response said it all.

I returned to face him.

"I love you," I repeated.

He embraced me, holding me tighter.

"Good," he smiled.

I grinned at him. My mornings had begun with coffee, croissants, and kisses. I rested next to him in bed as he watched TV. It was a fantastic start to a new life.

I had a mix of pain and ecstasy that morning. After having hickeys all over my neck, his penis was still in my mouth as he wasted another load. It had never tasted this sweet before.

I explained to my roommate that I would be staying the night with a friend to avoid her reaction about the first time meeting. I had sent her an eggplant and teary-eyed laughing emojis. Pondering the idea of taking a selfie of me holding Cory's cock next to my face, I ultimately decided against it. It wouldn't represent the whole him.

The following day, he brought me breakfast in bed: coffee and croissants.

"What would you like to do today?" he asked from the doorway.

"Today's the day," I replied.

He came in, closed the door, and sat next to me. He gave me a tender kiss and wiped away my tears.

This past weekend, we spent our time at his place, conversing, joking, munching on food, watching television, playing music, indulging in amorous activities, and deepening our connection. I disregarded all of my friends' phone calls. My conspicuous absence from social media triggered several inquiries from my kin. I assured them of my wellbeing. They were instinctively intrigued, pondering if it was a wealthy man that whisked me away for a lengthy getaway, or if he was a notorious figure. How long had this been going on?

I heard their chatter, yet refrained from divulging any information. They would shortly come across this person.


CORY: On the day when the illusion of our romantic reverie was shattered by the monotony of Monday morning, our nights of unadulterated bliss were instantly replaced by reality. Zoe phoned in sick on that particular day, as she lacked a suitable outfit and, more importantly, was still recuperating after our city escape. I bid her farewell and went to work. My co-workers neither inquired about Zoe nor mentioned her presence, fortunately sparing me from divulging our secretive mission.

Word of my promotion even reached us whilst we were holding a significant meeting to begin our week. Warm congratulations and both well-wishes and envious sentiments were sent my way. When I began to message Zoe, I noticed that she had informed me she would be resigning to avoid the potential risk of being found out at work and jeopardizing my job. There would be no further discussion on this matter, she stated firmly. This was our plan, she said. We desired to be free to pursue what made us happy. My heart swelled at the thought of her. I responded with a simple "Okay. Love you." Zoe, ever affectionate, responded with heart, a blond woman, a black man, a peach, and an eggplant emojis. Classic Zoe.

The ensuing weeks of our relationship were brimming with intimacy and a level of comfort I had never envisioned. We explored each other's bodies with no concern for modesty or rejection. Sex had become more exhilarating and unrestrained as she adjusted to my size. We discussed our aspirations and ambitions for our lives. Everything was satisfying. Then, during a late-night session in bed, we had a conversation that altered the course of our romance.

After returning from the restroom, Zoe cosied up under the blankets next to me. The only sounds were our breathing. This was how we typically fell asleep.

"I don't want you to tire of me," she said, her tone laden with sadness. I knew a serious conversation was pending. I decided to address the issue.

"What's wrong? Be candid."

"At some point, you're going to desire other women, and I don't want that to culminate in the relationship's collapse."

In my mind, she was wrong. I laughed, finding it preposterous for someone to accuse me of cheating so soon after the commencement of our love affair.

"You presume I'm incapable of self-control. You're insinuating I will cheat."

She looked at me with a look of seriousness, and I notified her, "That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the innate desire to be with other women. And I don't want you feeling compelled to keep it a secret."

I was doubtful.

"So you want an open relationship?"

"It's not precisely that," she clarified.

"Then, clarify it. What exactly do you desire?"

"I want us to engage in sexual activities with other women in each other's company. I want to witness you having intercourse with them, watching them suck your dick and observe their reactions. We can do whatever you like. I simply wish to share aesthetically pleasurable experiences, so you don't feel the need to betray me. Because you won't. Not with me. Don't keep your desires hidden."

The thought of it excited and infuriated me. My mind was overflowing with fantasies of Zoe and myself engaged in sexual activities with other females in a myriad of ways.

"What are you envisioning?"

I yanked the covers back, exposing my fully erect penis. Zoe stifled a giggle as she stretched out over my body.

"Turning me on excites me," she whispered, fiddling with my dick. "I can't wait to witness you make love to other girls. I want to taste them and feast on your cum, and have them taste me. I shall submit to whatever you command. Let me fully experience this nasty side of you, Cory."

Her eyes betrayed her excitement. She had been concealing this facet of herself, but this was a means of disclosing her insatiable appetite for lust.

"How depraved can you be for me, Zoe?"

The eagerness in her eyes was palpable. She had now revealed her unconventional side, expressing her want to explore her boundaries.

"Hand this over." I ordered.

She then proceeded to deliver the most energetic blowjob I've ever had. Just before I was nearly to climax, she climbed on top of me, riding in reverse cowgirl, and thrust her exquisite, tight ass on the head of my dick until I exploded inside her. She withdrew herself from me, and my liquid spewed out of her gapping opening and onto my pubic area.

"Don't budge," she pleaded, staring down at the mess.

I witnessed her lick and slurp up everything. She swallowed slowly, relishing every drop. I drew her close to me and we kissed. Our fluids combined in her mouth were delightful and I could once more feel myself becoming aroused. I reached down and received myself inside her. She let out a series of resonant moans that fueled my desire as we kissed. I tightly squeezed her buttocks as I stretched my legs apart and gave her lengthy, deep, steady strokes until I was once again fully erect again. After a month of stretching, she could accommodate the entirety of me.

"I adore being occupied by you. I am yours whenever you want me. If I even utter the word 'no', consider it your green light. Understood, Cory? I'm yours whenever you want me."

She grasped me hard as she convulsed on top of me, completing her climax with loud grunts. I followed with my own quiet orgasm. That would mark our initial sexual experience as a "normal" couple.

We conversed for over an hour about how we intended to lead our new way of life. We conceived laws: No sex workers. No apps. No swinging. No cuckolding. And finally, no sex unless there was a third party involved. How difficult a choice. Threesomes with my attractive girlfriend or no sex at all? It was a no-brainer.

The next day, before I departed for work, I went out to obtain coffee and pastries for Zoe, a regular morning custom. Upon arriving back, I heard the laughter of women, filtering out of the elevator. I entered our room and there, on the couch, sat Zoe next to Sofia, a pretty brunette, and Rylee, a stunning blonde. I had encountered them before. They were roommates. They lived a few floors down. I'd run into them a few times in the elevator or the gym, but never more than a simple "hello" or short conversation. Being financially supported by their parents, these youthful women were considering themselves surprisingly fresh from college. I'd met their partners. I never even contemplated making a move. But Zoe had, at least.

"Baby, today might be a personal day. We have visitors," Zoe declared, flashing a knowing grin at me.

At that moment, I recognized I'd been the subject of a ruse. The prior night's conversation was facade. Actions had not been for my gratification. They had been for hers. I was intrigued.

ZOE: Cory lacks an accurate comprehension of his sexual lure. His build, his appearance, even the discernible erection, all pointedly implied "I'll ravage you." Cory's knowledge of his attractiveness is apparent, but he does not comprehend the degree to which he exudes sex.

A week prior, I shared an elevator ride with Sofia and Rylee when we were both heading up. They were scarcely familiar to me, just a brief conversation. I paused a few seconds. But neither of them said anything.

"You're Cory's friend, aren't you?" Rylee questioned, as she gave me a sweet smile.

It was evident they had seen me earlier with Cory. But I waited for one of them to say something. It didn't take long.

"Indeed, you might classify me as that." I answered.

They introduced themselves and I shook their hands. Their touch instantly excited me. I craved women from wealthy backgrounds. I enjoy watching them eat me out. Between Sofia's YSL clutch and Rylee's Birkin, their fathers had spent at least 50K on them just to lug their compacts and makeup.

"You and Cory seem extremely attractive together, if I may add." Rylee commented.

They chuckled and I returned the smile. This would be simple, I thought.

"Well, he's the alluring one," I said, teasingly.

"He is! He's so well-put-together. We assumed he was gay," – Sofia.

They laughed again. I realized this would work out seamlessly.

We all had a good laugh when I admitted I'd thought the same. I called his style "post-gay," which seemed fitting.

Curiosity got the best of my friends when I mentioned I'd asked him about them. They were eager for details.

"Was it just you two?" Sofia inquired, while Rylee chimed in, "What did he say about us?"

I informed them I'd asked if he'd been with them. They shared a concerned glance, denying any physical involvement with my boyfriend. I quickly reassured them that he claimed otherwise. When they realized my intentions were harmless, I decided to make a suggestion.

"If you wanted to sleep with him, it would be fine with me. I've given Rylee my number and some food for thought. Let me know how things go."

They exchanged confused looks and anxious laughs as the elevator dinged, tempting them to move.

"Wait a second. Are you playing with us?" Sofia questioned while they exited the elevator.

I held the door open and casually remarked, "No, I'm not joking. I just sent Rylee my number along with a picture that may pique her interest. Keep me updated."

The picture I had sent was one of me holding Cory's semi-erect penis. I shut the door before they could react. Rylee messaged me just moments later.

"What the hell! That's fantastic! Both of us or just Rylee?"

I flirtatiously replied, "Both. Honestly, I could use all the help I can get."

This elicited a series of amused and sexually charged emojis from Rylee.

It was easy to persuade them into the idea of finding new women for both Cory and myself. The tricky part was broaching the subject of bedding other women to a thrilled Cory. After we discussed the situation, I contacted the girls. They were eager to meet Cory immediately, but I insisted in the morning would be better.

Thrilled to see them, Cory entered the room and found us seated on the couch. Seeing us like satisfied predators, I could see the thought process shift in his eyes. I had tricked him, and the change in him was clear. He deactivated his phone, as instructed. Placing his coffee and bag down, he took control.

"Don't move," he warned, aiming his gaze at them.

Stunned and uncertain, they remained sitting. Cory approached me in a masculine and intimidating way.

"Open," he commanded, pointing at my mouth.

I obeyed, extending my tongue. Cory pulled out his erect penis and shoved it into my mouth. The girls watched in awe, their hushed sighs and astonished comments filled the room.

"This is divine..."

"Holy shit, how big is that cock?"

Spurred on by her friend, I stood and instructed the girls to touch him. They reached for his cock, admiring its impressive length.

"No freakin' way!" Rylee gasped, her hand running up and down his arm.

Sofia's eyes widened at the sight of Rylee's admiration. I took Cory's hands and pushed him toward Sofia, who eagerly took her turn with Cory's manhood.

"How incredible is this?" Rylee asked as she stepped back to watch them.

Cory didn't hesitate to embrace this idea. He turned and kissed Rylee, their arms wrapping around each other. I guided Sofia to stand beside Cory, and demonstrated how to fondle him.

"This is for you."

Sofia's eyes lit up when she saw his impressive size. Opening her mouth, she took him in, swirling her tongue around his member.

Rylee moved closer to me, watching Sofia embrace Cory's cock so enthusiastically. My hand reached out and I grabbed the back of Sofia's head, guiding Cory's penis toward her waiting mouth.

"Sofia, I think you were meant for this," I said suggestively, drawing a lustful, toxic grin from her. They shared a sultry exchange, their confidence growing and passion boiling.

They gasped in unison, surrounded by the sensual thrill of Cory's engorged cock between them.

I'm sure the last thing you'd expect after a conversation about potentially sleeping with someone else is that face-fucking would occur. I was there, witnessing all the lusty comments and reactions, seeing their mouths glide open and landing an incredulously large cock in them. My friend's depiction of popping their cherry was unforgettable.

Like a slap in the face, they were caught off guard when my friend revealed she'd sent them her number and a cock railing spit-emoji. All was silent as she shut the door and they sent messages, soaking in the sexuality whirling around the room. The feeling of their hands leading my friend to this point was intoxicating.

Don't lie, you've probably fantasized about being in a room full of horny, naked models. Despite how commonplace it may seem, the atmosphere in the room was captivating. An ethereally beautiful experience with lingering longing. Satisfying your primal desires with your favorite pair.

While the encourage naughtiness and watch your sexual desires live out, a stomach-churning reality check turns into an intimate encounter with your best friends. Seeing your friend presented to you to be used resulted in the most enchanting of all experiences.

Behind me stood Cory, his cock in my hands, while two girls took turns sucking him off. Their heads bobbed in sync, each one gagging themselves with every thrust. Strands of their saliva hung from his shaft and balls.

One of the girls, Rylee, looked at Cory and said, "We've wanted to fuck you so badly. You're so sexy."

Cory commented casually, "I guess your boyfriends aren't satisfying you."

Sofia smirked and laughed, then continued sliding his cock down her throat. Rylee let out a disappointed sigh.

"They try."

Rylee's boyfriends, it seemed, didn't know what she wanted, for she didn't know either, Cory implied as he quickly lifted Rylee and dropped her onto the couch. He ripped off her leggings and exposed her bald, moist, tiny pussy. She had been so wet that his fingers, when inserted in her, made sounds like coated oatmeal. He held those fingers up to show Sofia and she sucked Rylee's juices clean off his fingertips.

"You taste so good, Ry."

Rylee squirmed as Cory rubbed her clit while staring at Sofia, a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"You've never tasted her before?" Sofia said.

Laughing softly, Sofia said, "No. We're like sisters. We've been best friends since middle school."

Cory suggested, "That's alright. You'll still be best friends after eating each other's pussies."

Giggling, Sofia got down on her knees before Rylee and licked her out. I got behind her and pulled off her gym shorts as she raised her legs. The hair down there was closely shaved, with a hint of stubble. It went well with her meaty lips. She tasted like a clean, rich girl.

With everyone in position, Cory and I had joined and I was on the couch, pants gone and panties though not - easy to access for him. I was in euphoria. The man I loved was drilling deep within me, his strokes purposefully not shallow. I could feel every inch and every swirl of him. Witnessing Sofia make love to Rylee's wet little pussy was exquisite. It was pure ecstasy. Senses were heightened by the deep pounding, the taste of Sofia's juices and the way I stared at Rylee playing with her pussy as she watched Cory fuck her. I loved Cory for this new world he'd exposed me to where inhibitions came first.

Just as Sofia announced her climax, my orgasm came only seconds later, accompanied by a drop of squirt that trickled down my legs. Hungry for more, Cory picked me up and aimed his bleeding cock at Sofia's face, watching as her face was adorned with little trickles of cream her tongue eagerly licked up.

Next was Rylee's turn. Cory remained seated on the couch, his cock peaking up.

"Sit on it," he instructed.

Rylee, without second-thought, sat down onto Cory, impaling herself onto him. Sofia and I took our places, watching the exhibition. Rylee held onto Cory's neck as she maneuvered herself on the large cock, often using only about 7 inches of it. Big cock still peeking out, it drove me mad as I leaned over Sofia, applied more finger pressure to Rylee's minuscule asshole, and asked, "You love feeling like you're being stretched out, don't you?"

Rylee smiled and said, "I'm not."

But I knew she really was. I leaned in and kissed her. Cory was in a state of approval as Rylee orgasmed promptly, falling limply onto him, completely cumming. From the far side of Rylee, Cory had placed her legs a bit further apart, maximizing her orgasm.

Sofia happily licked me clean while Cory thrust into her until she announced she's coming, making my oral climax moments before a bonus boner. Cory's approval was obvious. Sofia had done a number on him as evidenced by my squirts. He didn't plan on letting that go to waste. Rylee and I watched as he grabbed my hips, raised me up, and aimed his cock at her face. She opened her mouth, letting the cock stretch her, lining up inside. My hand smoothed her shorts up, exposing more her ass cheeks and his cock inches away from them. I whispered to Rylee, "You'll never eat another pussy once you've had mine."

Cory was still moving in and out of me when Sofia came, and then it was Rylee's turn. Cory obviously thought softy's licks were too few, as my pussy squirted, decorating her face with the fruits of my orgasm. They laughed at my squirt as they held together in a very pleased fashion. I did make sure to send a bit of ejaculation my way, though.

When she regained consciousness, she leaned over to kiss him, and I joined as well. The three of us passionately shared our saliva until Cory sat up and looked at Sofia, who was still on the floor, kneeling, uncertain about what to do next.

"Stay put," he instructed Sofia.

No words were exchanged as he descended onto the floor with her, both of them facing each other. She was frozen. Cory placed his hands around her hips, his palms pressing against her backside. She inhaled. Then, he gazed at her neck, her breasts, and her lips before landing a kiss on her. They wanted each other in this moment so intensely as they kissed deeply that she remained in that position. Cory then pushed Sofia beneath him. Her legs opened wide, revealing her wanting, wet pussy. The sight of his large, thick cock entering her made her tremble. Cory was being kind to her, as his first attempt didn't break their kiss. As they embraced, Cory wrapped one arm around her neck while the other reached below to gently stroke her clitoris.

"Oh my God!'s so big!" Sofia cried out.

Cory quelled her yelling by plunging his tongue into her mouth. She welcomed the intensity. Her arms flung around him, her hands rubbing his shirt, as she relished how it felt to be so thoroughly filled. He increased the rhythm of his strokes, pounding her vagina harder and faster, but still only halfway inside her.

"Motherfucker! Jesus, Cory! Yes!" Sofia gasped.

He cradled her in his muscular arms and went in for the kill. She clung to him, terrified but simultaneously craving him. Instruction ensued, and I understood. He began thrusting into her relentlessly. Her pussy was stretched so much that it formed a perfect fit around him. He stopped abruptly when he sensed her body couldn't handle any more. Just over half was enough for her. She trembled as he continued to enter her unapologetically, her legs jerking and her toes curling.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh..."

Cory hesitated seeing the screams about to follow. He covered her mouth and she gargled, a clearly suppressed noise. Her arms tightened around him, and her body gyrated in enjoyment. She was utterly convinced by his efforts.

This time, when she awoke, she met a symphony of satisfaction. Cory was still penetrating her, his strong arms eliciting trust in the sensations. He leaned down to whisper something into her ear, to which she replied, "Yes. I want you to." Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, making a connection. They kissed passionately while Cory once again began his ritual.

Rylee, not to be excluded, inquired,

"Did you cum in her?"

I kept quiet, marveling at the beauty of the scene. He gently approached her and yanked her off of Sofia. They shared a brief moment of eye contact before I caught a glimpse of the catalyst that would drive me to ecstasy, his talented cock. I quickly grabbed the base of his penis, extracted it from Sofia, and skillfully applied it to my hungry lips. The heavenly combination of cum and pussy juice made its way down my throat.

Meanwhile, Rylee was tenderly attending to Sofia, as if she was her precious treasure. This was the start of what would become the norm for us.

Sofia and Rylee settled into Cory's life, graciously accepting their guest. They introduced their own friends or even relatives, with Cory eagerly welcoming them into their sexually-charged life. Now, whenever he wanted to deflower a new woman, he only had to choose someone new with his usual selectivity.

Both these young women, once innocent and inexperienced, discovered the power of sex. They became assertive, mastering their female instincts. Despite my initial belief that Zoe was irreplaceable, I discovered that the differences between them only made the love and sex we shared more rewarding. As they became more comfortable with Cory, they subconsciously transformed into sex fiends, challenging him with new desires and fantasies. These were the beginnings of a wild period in their lives.

Although there was one significant dilemma plaguing my thoughts: Zoe was dictating the type of females we had intercourse with. She preferred white ladies, of small stature, and late teen to early twenties. I chose to comply, as it was nevertheless top-notch pussy. Why would I jeopardize my relationship with my girlfriend who organized turn-ons like threesomes and foursomes (and even higher numbers) with hot women? But it didn't suffice. I thrived on variety, desiring all types of females, ranging in color to varying body sizes. I was basking in the sexual experiences, but I'm a greedy fellow; I yearned for more. To cross the line even further.

There was one female in particular that had been dancing around my mind for some time. Her name was Kelly. She was considerably bigger, standing at around 5-9, weighing approximately 200lbs, with a pear-shaped body. Booty and tits bouncing all over the place. Her face was beautiful, almost ethereal, contrasted beautifully by a sexy mouth and bright blue eyes. She had this fantastic hairstyle that showcased her visage even more. An elegant hipster. Witty. Incisive. Studded with large, vibrant tattoos on her arms and voluminous thighs. She had this fragrance, like a delightful candle. What was the delay? You're likely wondering. Well, she was Zoe's roommate...and more crucially, her older cousin.

Yes. Although we didn't officially blackball family when forming our regulations, I presumed it would pose an issue.

However, I did possess one ace up my sleeve: Kelly longed for me just as ardently as I coveted her. I was versed in understanding women. From our first encounter, we flirted relentlessly. We were cheeky with each other, many sexual undertones and momentarily intimate exchanges. Either Zoe convinced herself we'd never breach her trust (which is accurate) or she believed I didn't find her chubby cousin appealing (which was my theory).

We had been dating for approximately three months, and we had never spent the night at Kelly's. We frequently frequented the place--virtually all of Zoe's belongings were there--but could not enjoy our sinful deeds if we stayed there. Then, one evening, Zoe didn't feel well and I went to check on her after work. She'd vomited a few times, and we speculated she might be pregnant. A test disclosed she wasn't. Just a case of nasty sushi, we theorized. She wanted me to stay with her, so I did. Kelly returned home late that night. She was startled to discover me lounging on her couch while watching TV when she opened the door.

"Hey you! What's going on?" she exclaimed cheerfully, thoroughly excited to see me.

"Nothing. Zo isn't feeling well, so I popped over to check on her."

She sat beside me, glanced about for Zoe, and whispered: "She pregnant?"

"No. Simply food poisoning."

She inquired if I was staying the night and I assented. So, I stayed, and she retreated to her room for a spell before re-emerging in some loose shorts and a tank top. Her curves shifted incessantly as she moved around the house. It was excruciating. I yearned to devour her, experience her climax on my phallus, breathe in her scent, and listen to her moans. I had to fuck this woman. I was going to fuck this woman. Yet, in the short term, I chose reserve.

She ordered dinner for us and we simply hung out. We chatted extensively while Zoe slept, gradually comprehending each other better. She was vibrant, much like Zoe, except with larger titties and a more significant behind. However, Kelly was more tender than Zoe, more delicate. I began to ponder her sex life, so I casually inquired, "Are you seeing anyone?"

"No. I had a big breakup last year, close to Valentine's. It's been a total halt. Are you attempting to set me up with one of your friends?"

I jestingly replied, "My friends? No, I don't have any friends in Chicago."

"Really? That's too bad," she said wistfully. "I'd love to meet a giant endowed black dude like you."

This remark struck me as unforeseen. I couldn't conjure the words to reply, so I merely chuckled and gulped more beer until I could formulate a response.

Ultimately, I answered, "One should not believe every word one hears."

She laughed, then added, "Well, I think you're incredibly attractive. I think my cousin's very fortunate. She doesn't stop babbling about you."

She retorted, "Perhaps I don't believe her. Maybe I need to witness it myself."

I couldn't endure it anymore. I was on the verge of exposing myself, but the sounds of Zoe's footsteps approaching halted my actions. Zoe stumbled into the room, still wiping her eyes. She appeared much better. She plunked herself on the couch between us, pretending to cry on my shoulder. I noticed a hint of disappointment on Kelly's face as she playfully rubbed Zoe's back and consoled her. The three of us conversed for a few moments before Kelly announced she was going to bed. I observed heraroosed buns swaying as she returned to her room, imagining what I'd like to do to her.

Zoe and I moved to her room, and I soon recognized she felt like her regular self. I manipulated the remote and began watching some television, but before I could find anything engaging, her hand found its way into my trousers.

"I need you so much at this moment," she expressed, her breath laboring.

I attempted to match her enthusiasm, but I couldn't. I was nearly flaccid in her mouth. This had never occurred with us, so she was truly worried. She inquired about my issue. I disclosed I believed it was due to my familiarity with multiple women that it was becoming difficult to become aroused when it was simply the two of us. She thought my explanation made sense. However, I had lied, and I immediately felt remorseful for my deception. All those months of unabashed honesty and sexual freedom, and I couldn't even tell her the truth? I knew I needed to trust her.

"I crave Kelly," I confessed.

Zoe seemed hesitant for a moment and inquired, "My cousin Kelly?"

"Yes, I crave her right now," I admitted, giving my erect penis a stroke.

"I'm not sure if she wants you," Zoe stated, seeking an escape.

But, as my arousal intensified, I summoned my desires with conviction.

"She craves me, and I crave you both, right this instant. Retrieve her and bring her to me."

Zoe displayed a mischievous smile and exited the room. I slid the sheet over myself, resulting in a bulge in the sheet. Moments later, they entered the room and laughed at the sight of me.

Kelly: "What on earth is that?"

Zoe: "We should investigate."

They scampered up to me on the bed and kissed me one after the other. Kelly's mouth tasted better than expected. I could tell by the way she kissed she would be an outstanding lay. They withdrew the sheet and Kelly gasped at the sight of my hefty, twelve-inch phallus standing upright. Zoe reached for my phallus and suggested Kelly come closer. Kelly's large, exquisite bottom swayed in the air as she positioned her head near my dick. I closed my eyes, appreciating their tongues swirling around it. Then, the rear parts of their mouths, the back of their throats. The sounds of them gagging and choking excited me. It was an unimaginable pleasure to experience without sight.

I reached for Kelly's bottom and instructed her to approach my face. As her shorts came off, I glanced at her exquisite pussy, so close to my face. I dived in, similar to a famished man on the street. Her fluids cascaded down my neck. I relentlessly licked her genitalia and sucked on her clitoris. Zoe's concerned expression melted away as she convulsed in uncontrollable orgasm. I adored being enclosed by her massive thighs and derriere.

Zoe looked bewildered as I flipped Kelly onto her back and climbed on top of her, engaging in the missionary position. Her womanly genitalia were incredibly juicy, so I had no difficulty thrusting into her as I pleased. She bellowed and shouted as I prolonged my strokes, subduing her. She begged me to impregnate her. I gazed back at Zoe, still appearing unsure. So, I withdrew from Kelly and grabbed Zoe's hair.

"Open," I ordered.

She looked at me and opened her mouth and started sucking.

"How does she taste?" I asked.

"Extremely good," she replied, as if she didn't want to believe it.

I delved into Kelly and drew out for Zoe to relish more of Kelly's pussy juices. The more I did it, the more aroused Zoe became. The more excited the three of us got. It was just close enough to be incestuous but not quite, yet the sexual energy in the room was so potent that the line was clamoring to be crossed. Zoe getting turned on by the taste of her cousin, her father's niece, made me crazy. I was on the verge of ejaculation. I maneuvered around behind Kelly to hug her. I widened her generous legs and descended deep inside her. I kissed her, while I held open her plump, soft thigh, caressing her with all my might. I think we all enjoyed watching one another. We had clearly been attracted to one another since our first meeting, and it seemed like we all recognized it at the same time. My climax was intense. I don't usually let out such loud sounds. But this time, I released a primal growl, utterly gratified.

I extracted my penis from Kelly and displayed it to Zoe, suggesting she clean it off. She didn't hesitate, going down on me with unrelenting fervor. Yet I craved more. I spread Kelly's leg wider and dared utter what was on our minds...

"Clean her up, sweetie. Suck my cum out of her," I stated, as I rubbed my erect penis on Kelly's clit.

"You're so naughty, Cory. You know I'll do anything you want," she responded, tossing her hair back and descending on Kelly.

Kelly exhibited confusion, but she wanted it, too. Her expression evolved from shame to longing, as she watched her younger cousin service her, licking and sucking my cum out of her. Zoe is a ferocious pussy-eater and Kelly had no chance. I held firm as Kelly's body jerked and trembled with abandon.

"Holy shit, Zoe! SHIT!", she exclaimed.

When Zoe had finished, she pressed her mouth against mine and we kissed. Then, I kissed a dazed, seemingly lifeless Kelly, who offered me her tongue instinctively. She was absorbed in pleasure. I glanced at Zoe and signaled for her to kiss Kelly. I re-entered Kelly, as I watched their tongues and lips entwined with all those sweet liquids. It was so breathtaking. My senses were overpowered: the taste of Kelly's pussy juices and my cum in my mouth, Kelly's lush body in my hands, my penis gliding in and out of her warm, drenched pussy. I climaxed once more, mutedly. But it was nearly as exhilarating as the first time.

All of us were fatigued and content. There was no uneasy recognition from the cousins that they had trespassed a boundary. To the contrary, they acknowledged it head-on, embracing and locking lips, unapologetically. As I observed them, I could not stifle the deluge of emotions stirring within me.

"I'm going to marry you," I proclaimed, turning my attention to Zoe.

She faced me, temporarily halting their smooches, and simply said "I know."

Kelly chuckled and offered her congratulations. It wasn't the proposal I had envisioned, but it epitomized authenticity and honesty from our innermost selves.

The following day, I accompanied Kelly to find Zoe the ideal engagement ring. We opted for a lovely diamond and sapphire piece and I officially asked for Zoe's hand the next week in the tranquility of my flat, just me and Zoe. We made love all night, savoring each moment together and satisfying one another for the first time in a long while. I delighted in no longer catering to the desires of other women. I craved Zoe.

ZOE: I didn't want a protracted engagement; I wanted to marry Cory. I took him to Wisconsin to introduce my family to him a few weeks after Cory proposed. Kelly rode with us, of course. We gradually spent less time at his place and more time at Kelly's. Initially, it was a bit unusual, but how we felt for each other stay unaltered, except when Cory was present. He relished observing us please one another and we adored pleasing him, so that's the manner in which it unfolded. We made a commitment to remain chaste while we were with my family in the hopes of maintaining a facade of normality, despite their suspicion or apprehensions about us.

We assembled at my parents' house for a big gathering, 24 individuals, 4 aunts, 4 uncles, my two older brothers and their wives, my younger sister, and most of my cousins, who were predominantly children. My parents prepared a lavish spread outside with an abundance of food. They both cherished cooking, which is why they operated one of the most popular restaurants in the Milwaukee region.

We had a sizable crowd at my parents' residence, 24 individuals - 4 aunts, 4 uncles, two older brothers, their wives, one younger sister, and many other cousins, most of who were children. My parents crafted a ample spread outside, rendering their fondness for culinary arts well-known.

My family is known for being loud and straightforward, yet Cory managed to hold his own amidst all the bizarre racially charged questions and innuendos. He managed to win everyone over, including the ladies. My brothers were even more irked by how charmed their wives were. Cory was great with kids, kind to my mom, playful with my sister, and athletic with my brothers (they even figured out who he was from his playing days!). He directly asked my father for my hand as the sun was setting, with all the stern nods and firm handshakes. I could sense my father's respect. The day couldn't have been more perfect. I knew my family needed to see that I was in love with a self-assured man who could love, support, and protect me in every way. They didn't need to know that he'd been having mind-blowing sex with Kelly and me for two weeks.

We asked my parents if we could have the wedding there in late September or early October, and my mother was over the moon. I can't help but be a little cynical, but my mom seemed to think having a black partner made her a better person. Cory's fantastic, but her excitement was a bit overblown.

With my family taken care of, it was time for Cory to meet all my old friends from Chicago. They were quite the motley crew, my college buddies. Most of them came from wealthy backgrounds, with Lauren and James, a couple with whom I had a complicated past. I had avoided them, and they knew it. Most of my girlfriends had met Cory, but not Lauren. She couldn't stop saying how excited she was to meet my "black boyfriend." Lauren is the kind of white woman who adopts black culture (all the trendy music, dances, slang, etc.) but knows nothing about black people. She's now a social media mogul with millions of followers and a thriving career, having appeared on all the major morning shows. She makes a fortune when she promotes products on her platforms. She regularly attends Coachella and hangs out with her celebrity "friends." He had never heard of her. He quickly dismissed her entire career and all she had achieved as "some white people stuff." That made me love him even more. He helped me see how small my world had been while realizing the rest of the world is enormous.

I had mixed feelings about introducing Cory to Lauren. I was eager to rub my engagement in her face, but also terrified she might air all my secrets in front of Cory, revealing incidents I didn't want him to learn about. Cory and I had significant, heartfelt conversations that were emotionally intimate and healing, but we didn't need to know every detail of each other's past. Only our present and future mattered.

Kelly and I held a brunch to announce my engagement. We rented out a lavish place with enough room for everyone. Cory insisted on footing the bill on the condition that we didn't ask him to do anything else. He just wanted to "show up, eat, and pretend to like people."

He didn't take a liking to meeting two of my friends, Diana and Claire, during dinner the week before, so he wasn't too anxious about meeting the whole group. I didn't tell Diana or Claire that Cory was black beforehand, and they acted sketchy. They weren't blatantly racist but just uncomfortable, peppering their conversation with sex jokes and random rap lyrics. Actually, they were a little bit racist in their discomfort. We thought about seducing them, but Cory had zero interest in them. I sulked about that for a while, as I wanted to watch Claire's mouth wrapped around Cory's dick. She was petite, pretty, well-off, and had never had any issues in her life. I wanted to ravish her. Diana is moderately attractive, but her entire personality revolves around being Claire's sidekick.

One morning, Kelly, Cory, and I made our way to brunch. We arrived 30 minutes earlier than anyone else. Diana and Claire, a close duo, were the first to show up. They were married and had a child a few years after graduation, making them the most mature individuals in our group. Diana had a calm appearance, while Claire was attractive with a captivating personality.

Next to arrive were Liz and Max. They had also gotten married and had a child soon after school, thus being the most stable people among us. Liz was tall and beautiful, her gentle nature making her a reliable mediator among friends. Then, Gabby and Alex joined us. They were recently engaged and fashionably eccentric. Gabby's curly hair and bewitching blue-green eyes drew attention, while Alex was a lead singer in a band that had moderate fame on the festival circuit. Both were pampered, choosing to spend their twenties seeking attention rather than taking on adult responsibilities.

Lastly, Lauren and James arrived. He was grumpy and balding, while she exuded grace and confidence. Her ethereal features, long, dark hair, and striking blue eyes often led to comparisons to a young Demi Moore. It was as though her appearance stole the spotlight from everyone else in the room.

The atmosphere shifted when Cory arrived. He was a hefty man with big hands, beautiful skin, stunning teeth, and an inimitable charm. As he proudly displayed his charm, my friends couldn't help but fixate their eyes on him. The men became anxious, while I felt proud of the confidence he portrayed. Lauren bore the brunt of jealousy. She was furious that she wasn't the center of attention.

Kelly, seated across the table, accidently touched Cory's thigh, and then jokingly inched her fingers toward his crotch. "You know, you guys seem like a little throuple," she remarked, amusing our group. Cory surprised everyone with a response, "Funny you should say that because that's kinda why we're here." He playfully wrapped his arms around me and Kelly.

We paused in uneasiness, knowing his intentions. Kelly and I were surprised and laughed it off, but tension brewed. Lauren couldn't resist antagonizing him. "I didn't think you'd find a man who could tame you," she said, aloofly sipping her drink.

Cory was cool and collected. He stared at her, waiting for a retort. Liz attempted to ease the tension, mentioning how everyone has their wild years. Lauren persistently probed.

"Yes, we all liked to party, but Zoe was the wild child."

Cory, an unflappable gentleman, decided to make his move. "So, how wild was she? What's the wildest thing she did?"

A deep silence hung in the air. Lauren shifted uncomfortably and eventually muttered, "I don't think I should say."

"I suppose it's not for me to know if she doesn't want to tell. Regardless, I find her wild side attractive."

Cory kissed me affectionately and declared that I should pretend not to care. Belittlement was the last thing I wanted publicly. We had a wonderful brunch, then went on a bar crawl. Cory maintained his charisma, infiltrating the bond between the other men and me. It was clear James and Lauren had sparked an unwelcome predicament.

Minutes into the car ride, Cory inquired about my wild past, despite my wish to discuss it privately at Kelly's place. Kelly remarked, somewhat seriously, that we should leave and go separately if the night took a negative turn. But Cory persisted.

"Fine. I'll tell you now. I regularly visited strip clubs, and one night, a stripper convinced me to have sex while she rode me naked on her lap. Another time, I had sex with a girl in a moving car at a red light."

Stunned, Cory became enraged; annoyed that he heard about it in the car and not at Kelly's place. "C'mon, would it kill you to speak up earlier instead of wearing me out?"

"I wanted to be sure you'd remain interested once you knew about my past," I said. "I don't want to make you question my stability."

"I'm not questioning anything. I consider it a non-issue. I know that your past doesn't make you whom you are now," he reassured me. And with that, our troubles seemed dismissed.

Until the next chapter...

He drove with determination, his eyes locked on the road ahead, and with angst, he said: "You know what? Fancy that this person attached to this massive, black dick wants to have an open conversation with his future wife about the reasons she's actively hiding things from him."

What do you even say to that? It was blunt and raw at the same time.

"Cory, that's not fair." Kelly sighed.

A heavy silence fell over us. It felt like hours had passed, but in reality, it was most likely just a minute or two. I felt compelled to break the silence, longing for it to cease.

"I slept with Lauren and James in college," I admitted. I felt a sense of relief wash over me as soon as the words left my mouth.

Cory turned his head towards me, his eyes wide with incredulity, still stunned.

"That's it?" he asked.

I didn't want to reveal anything else. However, I couldn't bear the uncomfortable silence and lack of trust anymore.

"I even slept with them while recording," I continued. I trembled with fear of how he might react.

Cory was nothing short of surprised. Yet again, he faced me, more perplexed than anything else.

"Is there something else, Zo?" he asked.

I hesitated, afraid of what I might say. Then, I confessed reluctantly: "Some of our friends have seen it."

"Did you know they were recording it?" he questioned.

"Yes, I did," I answered humbly.

"So what?" he responded. "Do you know how many people make videos? It's nothing. I don't care if your friends saw it. It's between you and the two of them."

I felt a pang of guilt and embarrassment.

"It wasn't just the sex. They recorded me doing some degrading things. Needless to say, I'm not proud of it, and I didn't like the fact that it wasn't between the three of us. They said they wouldn't show anyone."

Cory went silent. I thought he'd dropped the subject. Yet, he kept quiet the rest of the way. No one uttered a single word on the ride back to Kelly's place. We tried to return to the way things had been beforehand, sharing a bed in the same old formation. However, the silence lingered between us. Although Cory was usually talkative during intimacy, he remained silent and immobile, as if lifeless. Kelly and I took turns giving him oral pleasure. It was like trying to revive a lifeless, saturated dough. Rather than being turned on, I felt shame, inadequacy, and self-loathing.

I looked over at him, trying to ascertain his state of arousal. His eyes was fixed on me. I wondered what was going through his mind. Before I had the chance to inquire, he spoke.

"I want you to tell me everything."

Rolling her eyes, Kelly sighed and questioned, "And what makes you so entitled to this information?"

"I love you, sweetheart," Cory responded, his tone sincere and impassioned.

I sighed, knowing he wouldn't let it go. I unburdened my soul, divulging every last detail and the shame of others seeing my degradation. When I finished, Cory paused with a gloomy air.

"Thank you for trusting me with all of that. You've only increased my love for you."

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. We were all relieved and at ease. I wrapped my arms around Cory and fell asleep, finally feeling at peace.

When I awoke to use the bathroom a few hours before dawn, Cory was no longer beside me. Paradoxically, I assumed he was in the living room watching TV. However, the moans from Kelly's room shattered that notion. I peered inside to witness Cory's giant hands cupping Kelly's big butt as they lay on their sides, him deeply entwined with her, watching her smoothly sway her ass with each powerful thrust. Her dripping pussy gripped his torso-rocking cock. Her anus was visibly exposed as her butt cheeks stretched under the pressure. They didn't notice me until I was already beside her.

"Is it okay if I join you?" I inquired, smiling. She smiled back.

I shielded myself behind her and gripped the bottom of his shaft for a handful of strokes, watching the scene closely. Kelly's juices were dripping down his testicles. I couldn't resist the urge to suck on them one by one, sliding them in and out of my mouth, extracting their juices. Then, I moved further up, licking and sucking on his wet penis. It was delectable. Finally, my tongue came across Kelly's anus.

"Ohh, you're so fucking dirty, Zoe," she cooed.

I started rimming and eating her anus until she orgasmed, her limbs closing like a bear trap as she squeezed him and violently shook. Cory slowly began moving again once she had finished. I eagerly awaited his climax, anticipating sucking every drop out of him. Yet he had other plans. He carried the still unconscious Kelly off of him, grabbed me, and flipped onto me. He was inside me before I could react or even guess at his next step.

As he started having sex with me, I considered how conditioned my vagina was to him by this point. The depth and fullness no longer frightened me. It just felt fantastic. As my mind wandered, I felt his hand forcefully grip my chin. My eyes met his.

"I don't care who you fucked before. You're mine now, you understand?" he barked, staring deeply into me. It was simultaneously aggressive, protective, and affectionate.

How could I not cum, with his goliath penis thrusting inside me, while he ground his pelvis against my pelvic bone and rubbed my clit, all the while looking at me with such depth? I was defenseless. I nodded rapidly, making clear my comprehension of his words, because I couldn't voice them. I wholly surrendered to the wave of pleasure that was overwhelming my body. Just as I was about to succumb to the rush of his ejaculate inside me, I felt his cum overflow in the deepest part of my vagina. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before or since. My mind drifted.

The following thing I recalled was Cory reentering Kelly's room, with her lying next to me, tickling me for a taste of his semen that was spilling from my vagina. He got in bed with us, his muscles glistening in the sunlight streaming through the window.

"Should we share our plan?" Kelly asked in a sly tone, looking at Cory. He shrugged and smirked.

"What plan?" I asked.

They continued to divulge their scheme for vengeance against James, Lauren, and all of my friends who had clandestinely watched the videos of me. It was a comical scheme, much less severe a punishment than they deserved for the years of snickers and judgmental stares I had endured while trying to maintain friendships with them, knowing they were condemning me for the same things they did behind closed doors. All I had to do was sit back and enjoy the show.

For the subsequent weeks, Kelly, with Cory's help, planned my bachelorette party. She rented a unique house in Lakeview with a pool and hot tub, and adorned it with traditional novelties like massive penis balloons and foam fingers. The food was catered. Games were all arranged. It had all the trappings of a fun girls' night.

An hour into the party, everything was going swimmingly and we were all enjoying ourselves, drinking, laughing, talking about the good times. We resembled an updated version of the group I had grown up with. There were 10 of us: Myself, Diana, Claire, Liz, Gabby, Lauren, Kelly, Jen (my eldest brother Cole's wife), Heidi (my older brother JJ's wife), and Mia (my 19-year-old sister). It was innocent entertainment, until the doorbell rang. We all laughed and glanced at each other in feigned astonishment, knowing what was occurring. What would have been a night without a stripper?

Kelly responded, and on her return, she brought with her not one but two strippers. One was a middle-aged white guy about 5'10", with an average fat man build, dressed as a fireman. The other was a tall, athletic black man, wearing a costume like the Mexican wrestlers with the ornate masks. His mask was metallic gold. It was quite fashionable.

The difference between the two men was stark, in size and demeanor. We were all unsure if they were partners, until Kelly clarified matters.

"It seems I double-booked," she said, laughing drunkenly. "Should we keep them both or send one back?"

"Let them have a dance-off!" Mia slurred from her seat in the back. She was inebriated, a lightweight.

So we held a dance-off. We played some club music and watched the two men perform. The white guy was energetic and entertaining, eliciting interactions with us in a mildly sexual manner. But the black man exuded sexual energy, thrusting his bulge suggestively in front of us. The decision was clear: we only wanted him. Kelly thanked the older guy for showing up and sent him away.

For the next thirty minutes, we were enthralled by this indulgent black man, dancing, twerking, and flexing in front of us. It was clear that the ladies' juices were flowing; some were even grinning from ear to ear, eagerly indulging in some decidedly unladylike behaviour. Nothing seemed untoward until he took off his trousers, exposing a thong bikini which peeped out from under his curvaceous bum. I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his undergarment, never guessing that the magnificent male attribute belonged to Cory. I immediately stepped into the side to get a better look, completely stunned. Standing behind Cory, I was able to appreciate the full splendour of his hardness. It was Cory; I could recognise his muscular legs and the surgery mark on his knee. The evident discolouration around his navel was another tell-tale sign.

Cory then said "hush" and leaned against me. As the lights were dimmed, Kelly instructed us to sit down, place our phones away, and let her and Cory entertain us with their dazzling show. A shimmering display of Magic Mike awaited the audience. This was not the scandalous show I had imagined. I had thought Cory would simply grind his crotch against a girl's face, or threaten to slap their arses, both unpalatable to me, and less than engaging as well. Instead, Cory thrashed his hips, swinging his cock about, bringing it close to our faces demanding our attention. I read the apprehension and revulsion etched on many of the girls' faces, yet unable to look away.

Mia was the first to lose her inhibitions. Cory sauntered up to her and beckoned her to touch him. Their meeting couldn't be more provocative as Mia held his triceps, rapt, her gaze solely on his crotch. He danced away, leaving her devoid of subtlety. The night was slowly becoming more enticing by the moment with this raunchy dance. It was evident that all of the women would withhold their sense of reason, each resisting the desire to display their own kinky sides. Liz, a mother and committed wife, however, decided to test out her untapped carnal preferences, her eyes widened with a lustful expression.

Cory placed his hands behind his back, as if in surrender but also as if daring her to take him into her mouth and give in to these newly discovered desires. He parted her legs slightly by standing between them, his impressive length inches from her face. Her relief from the tension could barely be perceived but his persistent throbbing aroused her curiosity and ultimately her willingness. Liz hesitated at first but felt drawn to him, and welcomed the thrill. Her lips opened wide, engulfing part of his cock. I would have doubted if my fiance was able to fill her... the length and girth of his member was undeniable. Her eyes were wide in shock at his proficiency. The women and I excitedly watched this new side of Kelly's husband. There was no holding back now; curiosity and temptation had seized us all in varying degrees.

We all felt our own orgasms as our hands roamed over our bodies, touching our breasts, squeezing our nipples, and caressing our heated clits, each attaining a state of wanton abandonment. The shift in the atmosphere was palpable, a collective excitement filled the room. Nervous laughter and self-conscious giggles dissolved, as lust overtook us.

As his cock returned, the women pounced on him, each of us itching to swallow and devour Cory's impressive hefty tool. His was the only catch, yet that didn't deter Mia, Kelly, or the rest of us, nor did it deter my sisters-in-law. Our ecstatic climaxes brought us together, offering a kinky, unforgettable memory and a night of debauchery none would ever forget, despite our initial shock as to where the night would lead us. Even Kelly, who knew Cory's choreography yet was unaware of his capabilities, was rendered powerless during this night of firsts. My watchful gaze on all the women, mesmerised by the fellatio the naughty husband was offering to each one, and gladly accepting, left me knowing nothing would ever top this memory.

Cory, the ever so loving adulterer, displayed his fully retracted tongue at Lauren's rapt gaze while she brushed her hands on his arms. His stroking of his thighs left Lauren with a sexual glow to her cheek. Her desire overwhelmed her, as she was entranced by his intense gaze and the way his hands palpitated his own crotch. Kelly broke out, screaming, "Suck it!" Proud to witness the breaking free of Lauren's inhibitions, Diana, San, and I too cheered obnoxiously. The chants became more forceful, urging Lauren to simply obey the command that had been given. No longer could Lauren hold herself back, her lips meeting his member. As she moved her head, she failed to disguise the audible slurping sounds. In turn, her mind and senses ventured to Cory's possesion, his being the power which dominated the evening.

Before long, Kelly and Cory were greeted with the final resistance, as Lauren coated herself with a puddle of his semen, squirming like a subdued woman. I could hear the rest of the ladies' moans emanate deeper and louder, echoing from the depth of their pleasure. I too, joined the party, ecstatically feeling him fuck my mouth before we relished in our climaxes.

We all watched with a sense of anticipation, waiting for Cory's orgasm to occur. When it finally did happen, he gripped the sides of her head firmly and emptied himself into her mouth. Lauren, ever unrestrained, sucked away eagerly, drinking every last drop. With her unrestrained nature, she'd managed to make being a cheating slut seem empowering. She held on tightly to his muscular buttocks, keeping him in place while she drained him completely. The other women hooted, cheered, and even clapped in approval of Lauren's blowjob. She raised her arms in triumph.

But what had just transpired? Were we all under the influence of some drug? This had gone way beyond what I had predicted would happen, beyond what I had been led to believe would happen. Kelly walked up to me, leaned in close, and whispered in my ear.

"We recorded everything. It's our gift to you."

It seemed the entertainment was over for the time being, but we stayed and spent the rest of the time drinking and discussing our sexual experiences. No one in the group had ever been with a black man, but all admitted to having some curiosity. At one point, Gabby went as far as to blurt out that she wanted to feel the stripper inside of her. The rest of them agreed. Lauren turned to me and smiled.

"So, Zoe, how big is Cory?"

As the laughter subsided, I glanced at smirking Kelly and joked, "Not even close."

Afterwards, everyone left, pretending that night never happened, as though we'd all made a pact not to mention it. It felt like we were somehow bound together, beholden to each other. I pulled Lauren aside as she prepared to leave and requested that she delete all the videos and pictures of my threesome with her and James. She laughed.

"Why would I do that?" she giggled. "You worry too much."

I told her that I didn't want anyone else to see it and that I'm certain she'd shown people, but I refused to divulge who told me. She scoffed, claiming that only she and James had seen anything. The conversation continued in this manner until I eventually relented.

"I guess you'll just have to trust me." She said this with a mischievous grin and climbed into the backseat of a large SUV that she had arranged to transport her and my friends. I couldn't help but think of how purely a friend she seemed to be to everyone besides me. As I watched them drive off, I vowed to give her a week to reconsider her actions.

Despite the passage of two excruciatingly long weeks, nothing had changed. None of my friends contacted me. I barely received any texts. A few of them even 'liked' photos of my wedding preparations: invitations, dress fittings, cake tastings, and so on. But overall, they felt like they were isolating me from the group. Fortunately, they all RSVP'd to the wedding and had purchased gifts for the registry. Still, something seemed off.

In the end, Cory and Kelly, concerned over my pining away, sat me down to have a chat. Kelly didn't waste any time addressing the issue.

"I fail to understand why you're being so nicetom_! Send her a picture of Cory's cock in her mouth and everything will return to normal."

"I don't want to do that," I objected.

"Why not? Why are you so worried about her feelings?" Cory asked softly, gently rubbing my back.

I had no response. I stood there in silence. Cory turned me to face him, locking eyes with me.

"Do you want to be her sub forever, or do you want to make her yours?"

His words sent a tingle through me, starting in my crotch and spreading outward. Yes, I wanted to destroy her. Lauren and James had changed me, and now I was going to change her. I planned on turning her into a black cock enthusiast. I grabbed my phone and sent her two photos of her with Cory's penis, causing her to call me frantically. I responded by suggesting we come over to Kelly's place so we could discuss what had just occurred.

It didn't take long for Lauren to arrive. She was distressed. As she burst through the front door, shouting at us, Kelly remained calmly seated and offered her something to drink.

"Is this some kind of game? You're playing with my life!" she cried.

"What are you so concerned about? Just trust me the way I trusted you," I demanded.

She growled at me angrily, "FINE!"

Taking out her phone, she showed me the folder containing all the images and video of me with her and James and deleted them right in front of me. She had seemingly expected to be rewarded for her actions. I just laughed at her, a move that infuriated her even more.

"What's so funny? I deleted them like you asked," she ranted.

I merely laughed again, provoking her anger.

I stepped close to her and told her, "That's not enough."

She questioned, "What else do you want?"

I took her hand and led her into my room, where Cory was sitting on the bed in his bachelorette party mask. Lauren was shocked and tried to confront me.

"What is this?" she asked angrily. "Why is he here? Who is he?"

I softly pulled her hair away from her neck and whispered in her ear, "You know who he is."

Lauren stood frozen as Cory got up from the bed and closed the distance between them. Kelly appeared from nowhere and taunted Lauren from the other side.

"We saw you with him at the party and thought we'd give you the full experience," she said.

Lauren attempted to mask her arousal, but I could tell she was turned on. She turned to Kelly and then to me, pretending to be disgusted.

"This is sick. All of you are sick. You tried luring me to your fuck pad to..." she trailed off in a huff.

Cory removed his mask and smiled at her, making Lauren even more turned on.

"I'm not making you do anything. You can leave whenever you want," he said.

It was a game now, with Kelly and me watching.

"Fuck you!" she shouted, with a hint of a smile.

Cory grabbed Lauren by the shoulders and turned her toward the door. She resisted, but not really.

"Don't push me! I'll leave when I'm ready," she objected, shoving him away.

Cory turned her around and pinned her to the door. He gripped her hands, pressing them to the door. She struggled, but didn't fight hard.

"Is this what you like?" Cory teased.

"Stop!" she pleaded.

"You don't want me to stop. You want me to take it. You don't think I've had type A white girls like you before?"

Her composure broke, and she gave a spooky little laugh. Cory's hand slid down her back to her tight ass.

"This is what I thought," he said, laughing.

I stepped up to her and said, "If you thought he stretched your mouth, wait until he's inside you."

Lauren was moaning, arching her back, and pushing her ass out. I saw his hand in the back of her leggings, exploring her. Her wetness was audible as her panties were soaked. It reminded me of the first time he had penetrated me against the wall. I wanted her to feel that same thing. I unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock, and sucked him hard. It took only a few minutes for him to finish.

"Fuck her! Now!" I demanded.

He turned to me, took a hold of my hair, and kissed me passionately. Then, he tore down her leggings at the waist, leaving her exposed. Her thong was ripped off effortlessly. Lauren's expression changed from dread to eagerness when she saw him.

"Stop!" she cried out.

Cory spanked her ass hard and pushed her face to the door, forcing his fingers into her mouth.

"Shut up!" he demanded. "No more games. You're getting some big-dick today."

She immediately began sucking his fingers, making him smile. Cory guided his huge cock into Lauren's tight cunt. She stopped sucking and gasped, her scream of pleasure sounding like it was muted after he'd already fucked her a few times.

I glanced at Kelly, who was full of adoration as she watched Cory fuck Lauren. She leaned in and kissed him deeply, experiencing the same joy as Lauren for the first time.

"Make this bitch cum!" Kelly ordered.

Kelly spun around, facing Cory, and spread Lauren's buttocks apart, giving her a better view of the action. I reached under and found Lauren's clitoris, because I knew how to make her cum. She's a dirty girl and she enjoys raunchy talk. I got close to her ear and said everything filthy I could think of.

"How does it feel knowing that all your friends have had my man's big, black dick? You love it, don't you? Every time we see them, it'll be our secret. I knew you wanted Cory the moment you saw him. All of you did. But you couldn't let your little white guys know that, could you? Is that why you acted like sluts at the party? You finally saw a big black cock you could have after thinking about my man for days and days? Well, now, all you have to do is ask me. I'll let you have this cock whenever you want. All you have to do is ask. You can have his lips, his hands, the huge cock. The best part is the cum. It's so hot. It tastes so good dripping out of your pussy. Don't you want to taste it? Don't you want to feel it pouring deep inside you, thick and warm?"

"Oh God, YES! Please come in my pussy, Cory!" Lauren shouted.

Just then, she came really hard - like a waterfall - and he slipped out of her. He quickly tried to re-insert himself but she was almost completely limp. I supported her by her torso and he was able to get back inside her. He started fucking her so fast, with just a bit more than the head of his cock inside, and came in under 30 seconds, grunting like a beast. I'm not sure if he really enjoyed it. He wasn't all the way in, so the cum immediately started leaking out of her. Kelly and I wanted to taste it so badly he could see it on our faces. He lifted her up by her thighs and she instinctively stuck her hands out in front to brace herself against the door.

And there it was, perfectly eye-level for Kelly and me: Lauren's puffy, slippery, gaping pussy, with Cory's glistening, hot load oozing out of it. Kelly didn't hesitate to take care of it. She thrust her tongue deep inside Lauren.

"Holy cow! That tastes so good," she exclaimed, between licks.

She was so into it, I let her have her way. The night was still young. When she was done, I kissed her and she shared the remaining cum with me. It did taste good. I'd forgotten how good Lauren tasted. It had been years, and I wanted to make up for lost time. But I'd be in control.

I recorded everything we did that night, and she didn't care. She enjoyed it, in fact. She took my fist in her pussy and Kelly's fingers in her ass like it was nothing. As long as Cory was in her mouth, the rest of her was ours. When I recorded her sucking on Kelly's ass, I could see the smile on her face behind Kelly's big, round cheeks. She was completely devoted to Cory, practically handing her body over to him. She was never submissive with James, at least not when I was with them. She was always the boss. But with Cory, she was just another attractive white woman worshiping him, and I think that's what she loved the most, the fact he didn't care about how pretty she was. He had seen prettier. He had a way with all three of us for more than two hours. He only came once more since the first time. If you couldn't tell he was an athlete from his appearance, his endurance would certainly confirm it. Even three grown women can't keep up with him when he's truly ready to go. Our pussies were all sore. We offered our asses, but he wanted pussy. Kelly tapped out and went to her room, satisfied and drained. My bed was just a queen, so there wasn't enough room for her to sleep comfortably.

I watched Lauren suck one more load out of him. She was unfazed by me holding my phone and taking pictures and videos. In fact, she had a smile on her face while she looked up at Cory for his approval.

"You seem like a whole new person these days," I said.

She looked at me and asked, "Really? How so?"

"You actually seem happy for once."

She laughed a little and replied, "Having the best orgasms of my life will do that."

Cory spoke up, "I'm glad we could make that happen for you, Lauren. Now you can do something for us."

"Anything you want," she pleaded, stroking his cock.

"Call James while you suck my dick. And put it on speaker."

She laughed a little, attempting to determine if he was joking. I knew he wasn't. I handed her her phone.

"What should I tell him?" she asked, mischievously.

"Whatever you think up."

Hey, honey, what's happening? When are you planning to return home?

She took a deep, lengthy suck of Cory's penis and explained, "I won't be returning home tonight. I'm with Zoe. We connected for drinks and are simply hanging out."

James: "Zoe? Oh, you two have made up?"

Cory grasped Lauren by her head and pushed her until her throat nearly closed from the pressure of his dick. James anxiously awaited a response, but there was only the sound of a large, black piece of dick caught in her throat, blocking her airway. Cory did not let her go.

James: "Lauren, can you hear me? Are you alright?"

I interjected before James became excessively anxious: Hey, James, it's Zoe. She's good. She's just struggling to handle a large piece of meat.

James: "What you mean she's choking? Help her!"

Lauren inhaled deeply as Cory finally released her grip.

"Babe, I'm okay. I only took more than I could handle," Lauren said, gasping for air.

"It might be best if you remain here tonight, James," I said.

"No! I'm going there right now!" James exclaimed angrily.

Lauren relished the experience, grinning as she and Cory shared a secret smile. Cory rotated his hips, a sign that he was getting near his climax.

James: "What's happening, guys? What's going on?"

Lauren grew irritated by the extended call and began to focus on Cory. She could sense he was nearing climax, judging from his altering expression and his muscular physique.

Lauren: "I have to end this call. I'm still eating. I'll ring you in the morning."

I ended the call, contradicting James' increasingly panicked pleas. I grabbed the base of Cory's cock as Lauren resumed oral strokes. I had forgotten how well she performed fellatio. Memories of Lauren blowing me came flooding back. I glanced up at Cory, noticing his clearly disturbed facial expression. He was about to release a significant amount of semen mixed with a little urine. I assisted Lauren by gripping Cory's cock and masturbating him until he ejaculated into her mouth. She didn't miss a single drop, drinking it all down like a thirsty fish. The satisfaction on her face when she swallowed the last drop was breathtaking.

"What makes you taste so delicious?" she asked with a quiet chuckle, eyes closed.

Cory made no response. He merely gazed at her, watching her wolf down his cum with her eyes tightly shut. I realized his motive for urinating on Lauren. He was avenging my humiliation at the hands of James. Yes, Lauren was deeply entrenched in her role as our slut, and it annoyed me. She didn't seem fearful or uneasy like I did. No, Lauren was fully invested in her slut role. That bothered me.

"Get on the floor. We're not done with you," Cory suddenly demanded.

Lauren giggled excitedly and quickly complied, expectantly anticipating what was to come. She sat down on her knees on the cold, hard floor, facing Cory, who was now on the edge of the bed. He called me to record with my phone.

"What are you going to do to me?" Lauren inquired, pretending to be frightened.

"Shut your eyes," he ordered.

She closed her eyes, and Cory stroked himself a few times and pointed his penile limpness at her. Cory's intentions became clear; he was protecting my honor. It commenced with a trickle and a few droplets landed on her legs. Lauren gasped, but didn't object openly. The stream increased, covering her midsection and leading to her open mouth. Lauren reveled in it, consuming every drop with relish. She was so depraved. Yet Cory, too, was depraved when he calmly watched her drink his urine. Noticing when I told him James randomly peed at me from the shower while I was on the toilet, he decided to repay me in a harsh and direct manner. Suddenly, my jealousy flared, urging me to join in. I stood over her and smiled, watching her feast.

"Yes, Zoe! Do it!" she yearned, once again stimulating her swollen clit.

When we concluded, Lauren was a smirking, sticky, happy mess, sitting in a puddle of piss. Cory walked into the bathroom without uttering a word. Lauren looked up at me and said, "Cory has transformed you."

I contemplated her statement for a moment, and then proposed my theory on our sexual attraction.

"Nope, that's just his way of drawing out what was already there," I replied confidently.

We helped her up and went to join Cory in the shower. She did spend the night with us, the three of us crammed in my bed. When I woke up the next morning, I didn't feel like I'd taken my revenge. Instead, I felt even closer to Lauren. Our friendship was stronger than ever. After all, we'd seen each other's true selves and didn't shy away from it.

As the four of us made breakfast, I got a glimpse of what life with Cory would be like: confident, beautiful women and this handsome African-American man worshipping them. The playful affection and the tenderness we shared that morning was almost as good as the sex. Cory rubbed Kelly's backside while standing behind her by the fridge. I sat on his lap as we ate. But my favorite memory of that morning was him surprising Lauren with a kiss when we were at the counter. I was facing the door, drinking my coffee, while Lauren was mixing fruit into her yogurt. Cory turned from the fridge and approached us. It started as a soft peck on the neck while his hands meandered along her back, hips, and stomach. She smiled, then turned toward him to see him smiling back.

"Sir, I'm not your girlfriend," she teased.

"I know. You're my fiancée's girlfriend," he answered. Then, he gave her that kiss that would forever bond women to him.

She turned into a puddle. I envied her. It was a deep, soft, and long kiss, lasting long enough for her body to turn toward him and for him to lift her onto the counter. She wanted him to fuck her there and then, but he left her wanting more and went on his way, giving Kelly and me much less passionate kisses before he left. Maybe I had taken my revenge by sending Lauren back to James, showing him a whole new model of a relationship. He couldn't compete with us, and she'd have difficulty finding a man who could. In the meantime, she was happy to be one of our concubines.

Later that morning, Lauren made a fun video for her followers, saying she'd just had an "unplanned sleepover" with her "best buddy." It was her way of announcing to James and all our friends that she and I had made up. Little did they know.


CORY: I was terrified before the wedding. My mother, Doris, sat with me in one of the guestrooms of Zoe's parents' house.

"This is the hardest part. It'll be over soon, and then you can have fun," she said with her usual calmness.

She was right, of course. Although you might think differently, I'm a shy person. I don't like all those eyes on me. I just wanted to say "I do" and leave with Zoe to travel the world for the next two weeks. We were going to decide where to go when we got to O'Hare.

Kelly knocked on the door to tell us it was time. We headed out. As I strolled through the yard, I glimpsed all the women and had a sudden pang of guilt and anxiety. This could all go terribly wrong if someone suddenly wanted to confess, I thought. But then I saw Liz's face, and she offered me a reassuring smile. I avoided Lauren, who was just a few seats away. She smirked at me, and James shot me a helpless look, trying to intimidate me. However, all the women's faces, their spouses beside them, offered warm, friendly smiles that made me feel at ease. I wasn't worried about the men.

The music started.

I turned in time to see Zoe emerge from the house, radiating a delicate, innocent beauty. In my previous life, I'd never imagined a woman looking like this. She seemed like an angel floating. No, I'm not being cliché here, because "angel" was the first thing that came to my mind.

As we stood in front of each other, I looked through the veil into her eyes, reminiscing about the past six months: all the women we'd shared and the unwavering trust we'd built. I knew this beautiful angel was the woman I was supposed to be with for the rest of my life. The ceremony was barely a blur. I hardly remember our kiss. But I didn't care. We were married and ready to start our lives together.

The most nerve-wracking event of the celebration was being cornered by James near the bathroom entrance.

"I wanted to thank you for looking after Lauren the other night," he said weakly.

"My pleasure," I answered, mirroring the smirk he'd given me when we first met.

I assumed he had finished talking, yet his body language hinted he had more to say.

"You alright?" I questioned.

"Yup. I was contemplating about that night though, besides her being smashed, do you remember anything else unusual about her? She's not been quite the same since." He tentatively inquired.

"Nope. You'd better ask her, I didn't notice anything else. I just tucked them both into bed after dinner and that's it. Nothing more to it." I replied, trying to spark a fight so I could have reason to beat him up.

But, he stepped back. He offered a limp handshake and thanked me once again for looking after his girl. However, the dejected look in his eyes showed the truth: she was no longer his girl, she belonged to Zoe and me.

ZOE: Our wedding was awesome. Surrounded by love and support from our family and friends, despite all the secrets floating around. It was the best day of my life. I'll confess I was apprehensive about every friend being there due to the party fiasco, but mutual assured destruction is a potent motivator to keep people in good spirits.

We commenced our honeymoon the following day. We drove back to Chicago, arranged some items from where Cory lived, and promptly went to the airport. Somehow, we ended up in Iceland. The flight was barely filled, so we purchased economy seats to secretly fool around. Iceland seemed like a great pick because there aren't many black individuals there. Cory would be quite the magnet for all the pretty girls just due to his curiosity. This was obvious when we were waiting to board. Seemingly everyone was staring at us. Anytime I glanced, I'd see other passengers stealing glances. One woman was particularly taken with Cory. She called herself Tala. She seemed old, wearing a ponytail, no makeup, like a mom. Yet, she was quite pretty. She grinned at him a few times. Ultimately, she initiated a conversation with us.

"On vacation?" she inquired, her charming Icelandic accent shining.

"Yes, it's our honeymoon," I declared, generating surprised eyebrows and an approving smile from her.

"Why don't you wear your rings?" Tala retorted, pointing to our ringless fingers.

"They're no fun," Cory said jokingly.

She giggled. Her giggles were very appealing. We chatted for a while longer, sharing our meeting story and listening to her recommendations for restaurants and so forth. Eventually, during a lull in the chitchat, she broached the subject.

"So, you say rings aren't fun. What is enjoyable for you?"

Cory and I glanced at each other, hoping the other would reply.

I said, "New experiences entertain us. We like to experiment new things together."

"You'll have a bunch of new experiences in Iceland. Loads of pretty ladies." She blurted, fumbling.

"You're attractive," Cory said boldly, playfully messing up her curly hair.

"Thank you."

The time appeared to pause. The moment lingered. I was sure I could sense her body temperature increase, as she shied away from Cory's intense gaze. I surprised her by kissing her on the neck. She exhaled an amused sigh, then regarded me with a smile. I leaned in to kiss her back, and she quickly reciprocated. She eagerly turned to kiss Cory. Her body revived, quivering with pleasure in her seat. She grazed his penis thinking it was his arm and giggled. Cory moved his sweatpants off, then put his hand over his mouth, bewildered by the sight. She took it in her hands, considered, and then attempted to touch the tips of her thumb and middle finger together. Cory caressed her face and then gently nudged her head lower.

I observed as she lost control, tonguing from the base to the tip of his penis before engulfing him in her mouth. Her blowjob was exquisite, showing great attention to detail. She seemed to relish the taste. For her comfort, I placed her lower half on my lap, which had the added advantage of giving me easy access to her pussy. I slipped my hand inside her yoga pants and caressed her most intimate spot. At this point, we didn't care who might be watching. I handed Cory a taste of Tala's arousal, which he barely acknowledged due to the intensity of her blowjob. However, Tala did appreciate the stimulation I was providing to her clit. Her orgasm resulted in a loud, resonating moan that caused a nearby passenger to glance in our direction. Fortunately, they couldn't see much.

Tala was still catching her breath from her climax when Cory was nearing his own. She extended her tongue, catching his cum as he finished off. To prevent a mess, I quickly took hold of his penis just as he was ejaculating and kept it in her mouth. Cory glanced down as Tala cleaned herself and him, and a subtle smirk passed over his face. It was a moment of satisfaction for the three of us. Each of us was basking in the afterglow. I couldn't imagine a more perfect scenario.

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