Cat-Astrophic Envy: Feline-Dominant Feminization

Envy towards a cat.

May 27, 2024
4 min read
Pt. 01: Cat-Astrophic Envy - Femdomfemdomteasingkittysmutdominantfemalelickingfemdomsmutsubmissivemalebratmeowing
Pt. 01: Cat-Astrophic Envy - Femdom
Pt. 01: Cat-Astrophic Envy - Femdom

Cat-Astrophic Envy: Feline-Dominant Feminization

An unforeseen package arrived, inducing a range of emotions for both of them. While she was thrilled to receive her long-awaited parcel, he was bewildered because he'd been informed about it in advance, which was unusual.

Not knowing the contents of the package, he asked her about it, and she instructed him to exercise patience. Perched on the floor with her cat on her lap, she appeared radiant as she carefully unwrapped the box. As she unveiled the contents, his curiosity grew.

Gradually, the anticipation subsided as her hands finally removed the wrapping paper. And he discovered that it was a cat collar - a small, black one. She speedily put it around the cat's neck.

He couldn't believe that her elation was due to her cat's collar. The realization left him baffled.

However, the astonishment quickly turned into a different hue when he saw her showering her cat with kisses and compliments. He felt exasperation rising within him.

Why was the cat getting such affection when he's the one who provides care? He merely lounges around the house, sleeping all day and purring. He didn't receive any affection or compliments. He felt like a third wheel.

Unable to tolerate this, he dashed to the kitchen, his gaze fixed on the intimate scene of mother and child.

She didn't even notice his departure.

The water he splashed into a glass, thinking it might quell his burning heart, failed to soothe it. Instead, his frustration intensified.

This isn't fair!

She was blissfully unaware of his feelings. She wanted to show him how the collar looked but hesitated, not wanting to inquire. However, she noticed his turmoil.

Cold, emotionless eyes and a stony face - he seemed robotic and hostile. This was not his typical demeanor.

He stormed to the kitchen and inadvertently knocked over the glass, shattering it. "What's wrong?" She inquired, her fingers still petting her cat.

"Nothing." He answered bitterly, striding towards her.

Calm, deliberate steps, just like her cat. His mood was unpredictable, like the feline.

He snatched the cat away from her, flinging him onto the sofa, and continued to exit the room.

She watched him storm off, only to discover the door locked behind him.

"What the hell just happened?" She exclaimed, both the glass and her dismayed. Finally, she regained her composure. "Baby?" She begged through the door, trying to push it open but met with resistance.

"Baby, why are you locked in there?" Still unable to open the door, she despaired.

"Ask your cat if he's okay. Why are you here?" His bitter retort dampened her spirits.

For a moment, she considered revealing her knowledge, but she held back, maintaining her composure.

He pressed his ear against the door to listen for any sounds, then heard a faint, unrecognizable noise. He dug deeper, attempting to decipher it, when it suddenly ceased. Instead, a loud knock appeared.

"Can you open the door?"

"Mommy can't open the door. Kitty can." She commented with a sweet tone, causing him to shudder.

"Can kitty open the door for mommy?" He was caught off guard by this response.

His ears pricked up, his eyes fixed on the door, while his hands gripped his composure.

"Mommy's here to play with kitty."

Her calm, innocent words unleashed a chill down his spine.

Taken aback, he pressed his ear against the door, attempting to hear the subtlest noise, only to be greeted by another knock.

"Can you open the door?" Her tone was peaceful, yet her meaning was clear.

He made no move, intimidated by her calm demeanor. "Do you love your cat more than me?" she asked.

Silence engulfed the bedroom as he remained celibate. Then, in a show of defiance, she wondered aloud, "Is it because you're jealous?"

This had not crossed his mind. The question left him reeling and feeling vulnerable. He had never felt this way about his cat.

The door remained locked. Cheeks flushed with anger, she gave a hearty laugh. Her amusement was the final straw that broke the silence. He became enraged at her mockery and marched back to the door, glaring daggers through it.

"Why are you laughing?" He demanded, despite his victory. She laughed louder, even though he could detect frustration in her voice.

"Let me be with the cat." His retort echoed throughout the room.

Leaning against the door with a smile on her face, she chuckled, "Even when I'm not with you, you're still stroking your ego." She paused, savoring the realization. "Still, I'll spend time in another room; I'll play my kitty." With that, she left.

His ego deflated, his frustration escalated.

He remained rooted, fuming over her indifference.

"What is she going to do?" he lamented, fearing the consequences of this showdown.

Caught off guard by her words, he cautiously unfastened the door as if hypnotized by her speech and discovered her with a gentle smile on her lips.

He was so deeply impacted by her words that he tried to avoid looking at her eyes and instead turned towards the bed.

"Is my kitty feeling envious?" Her voice touched the depths of his soul through his spine, causing his feet to halt in their tracks.

"Aren't you going to answer me?" Her voice drew nearer with careful steps, her touch brushing his neck to leave him breathless.

"I'm not envious." He sighed, his eyes closed tight, his hands trying to alleviate the growing heat in his body.

"Present company excepted." She countered with a tone that both believed him and mocked him at the same time as she reached for the same collar she bought for the cat, causing his gaze to rapidly focus on it.

The action took him by surprise, rendering him speechless and disoriented.

"It's a bit too small for your neck, but it'll do." She added as she pulled his neck back slightly, fastening the collar around his neck, and inquired. "Is it too tight?"

"No..." He wished to scream and argue, but had already been mesmerized and quickly denied it. "That's fine."

He thought she'd do something like kissing his neck after that, but she moved towards the bedside table drawer and began rummaging through it.

"What are you looking for?" He inquired with his eyes, anticipating her hand to emerge from the drawer and uncover what she was seeking.

"This." she exclaimed, showing it to the air and prompting his eyes to dart everywhere else.

It was a leash.

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