Celebrity Sex Stories

Ch.01: The New Appendage

Shepard wakes up and discovers Cerberus gave her a dick.

Jul 11, 2024
13 min read
harembiologically impossiblefutanariCh.01: The New Appendagefutamass effect
Ch.01: The New Appendage
Ch.01: The New Appendage

Ch.01: The New Appendage

Jane Shepard stood in her cabin on the Normandy SR-2, facing the section of the wall hiding her wardrobe. The screen on it had been displaying a simple screensaver, showing an orange, holographic outline of a suit of armor. Then, the commander pushed some buttons on the control panel and it turned into a huge, full-length mirror.

For some time, Jane motionlessly regarded her reflection, for the first time since the awakening having some time to check out her rebuilt body. The mirror had been showing her from head to toe, not an easy task given she was 7 feet tall - despite all they did to the Alliance and to her personally, the commander felt a sting of thankfulness toward Cerberus to adjust the equipment in the room to her height. Usually all furniture and such were too small for her frame.

After a while, Shepard stepped toward the mirror and looked closely at her face - the face she knew well and hoped it stayed that way. Luckily, the only sign that it was two years since her previous ship was destroyed and her body severely damaged was her crimson red hair growing a little longer than she used to cut it, reaching a few inches under the base of her neck - but she liked it that way too. She had the same big green eyes, cute nose, and full lips as before, but her freckles were clearly visible now when she hadn't applied any makeup yet. They covered a good portion of her cheekbones, which were prominent enough to sharpen the knives on them, the same going to her defined jawline. Quickly put - she was as beautiful as before the accident, which was a good testimony to the Cerberus' surgeons' skills.

Stepping back to the previous spot, Jane regarded her whole body. She was wearing her favorite set of a tank top and cargo pants, the clothes she felt both comfortable and sexy in - sadly, they were both in Cerberus' colors, even bearing the organization's logo on the chest; the dog tags were also missing. Not wanting to focus on that, Shepard quickly moved her eyes from the emblem to her muscular arms, raised them, and flexed. The action made all her muscles clearly visible, and she welcomed the familiar sight of her biceps, triceps, and other fibers ripping under her skin. She then moved her arms forward, still flexing them, checking from all angles if they retained their strength.

When she finished inspecting her arms, Jane reached onto her top's hem and bundled it up, showing off her rock-hard abs. She touched them, enjoying how warm and rigid her eight-pack felt against her palm, seeming stiff enough to bounce a coin from it. Pulling her top even more up, she freed her boobs, revealing that she didn't wear a bra - she didn't need to. Her boobs were abnormally big given how muscular she was, and abnormally firm given how big they were; they had just a tiny little sag to them, not nearly enough to make them any less attractive, but sufficient to prove that there were 100% natural without any trace of surgical intervention. Well, not anymore, but Cerberus' medical specialists succeeded in rebuilding them just as they were; wonder where they got the 'blueprint'.

Throwing the top away, Jane turned around, the mirror catching her nipples - as always pointing a little up - before the commander's front in the reflection was replaced by her back. Turning her head, Shepard yet again raised and flexed her arms, this time observing how her back muscles worked. The fibers visibly moved under her skin, as if playing a familiar tune - Shepard didn't know how Cerberus managed to keep her muscles in shape when she was lying motionless for two years, but she was thankful for it. Her incredible physique was of paramount importance to her as a result of thousands of hours spent both in the gym and on the battlefield, and she'd be devastated if she lost it.

Pushing those negative thoughts away, Jane bent down and slid her cargo pants off her legs. Returning to the upright position, she yet again looked back, this time regarding her ass. She was wearing a pair of boyshorts for comfort, but it didn't mean she wasn't looking hot as hell. Her round, tight ass was just too big and juicy for its sexiness to be contained, and she could rock every type of underwear, as evidenced here and now. The commander gave herself a light slap and observed how her buttcheeks ripped and bounced under the force; flexing her legs at the same time, she created a contrast between the softness of her butt and the hardness of her muscles which made her smile gently.

But a moment later, the commander got serious again. According to many, she was the epitome of Amazonian strength, beauty, sexiness, and femininity. There were even times when she herself used to think that way as well.

But not now. All because of one, tiny detail.

Well, not so tiny.

"Wake up, Commander!" The female voice coming from the speakers stirred Jane in her dream.

"Shepard, do you hear me? Get down off that bed now, the facility is under attack!" The second line, spoken louder than the first, finally awoken the soldier. She felt her whole body sore and rubbed her chin to ease at least some of that pain.

"Shepard, your scars aren't healed, but I need you to get moving! The facility is under attack!" Jane finally managed to sit up, fighting her aching body. She grabbed her side when she felt a shot of pain coming from her bones and muscles.

"There's a pistol in the locker on the other side of the room. Hurry!" Hearing an urgency in her mysterious interlocutor's voice, the commander found the strength to stand on her own feet but still had to hold onto the bed.

In time though, her brain got used to the pain - after all, she had her fair share of it in her life; among others, during the rigorous training she put herself through to achieve her impressive physique - and she straightened up, putting a serious face on. The sounds of battle she was hearing pumped her with adrenaline and she felt ready for some action.

But one sensation didn't stop bothering her - a feeling of tightness coming from her crotch. Curious, Shepard threw a hospital robe she'd awoken in away and looked down.

"What the fuck?!" Jane shouted. Where her sweet pussy was supposed to be, a penis and a pair of balls grew from her body. "Why do I have a fucking dick?!" If not for the pain, she would be sure she was dreaming.

The voice from the speakers completely ignored Jane's questions, throwing more orders instead of answering. Having no way to force it to do the former, the commander collected a weapon and armor from the locker, muttering curses under her breath and getting ready for battle.

"The Lazarus Project, the program that rebuilt you, is founded and controlled by Cerberus," Jacob Taylor revealed despite Dr. Wilson's protests.

"Cerberus?" Shepard felt a sting of anger. "The terrorist organization I spent a considerate amount of time-fighting against when I was chasing Saren?" With every word, her voice grew louder and louder. "You tried to kill me back then! Why bring me back now?"

"Those answers are way beyond my pay grade. But basically, things changed," Jacob answered hastily. "The Alliance declared you dead, they gave up. Cerberus spent a fortune to bring you back."

The black man's voice flinched slightly when he spoke, and his composition became more cautious. After all, no one would want to be on the receiving end of the 7-foot Amazon's rage.

Shepard smiled internally, sensing it. She still got it. Fear and lust - these were the most common reactions to her, sometimes both at the same time. She loved it.

But this pinch of good humor didn't resurface. She was still mostly furious.

"Yeah, Cerberus spent a fortune to bring me back. AND TO GIVE ME A FUCKING DICK IN THE PROCESS!" She shouted, making Jacob and Wilson take a step back. Her armor accommodated her new appendage, but she was still painfully aware of it sitting in her pants.

"They WHAT?" Jacob was the first to regain composure. The shock on his face told the commander that he didn't expect that. "I-I-I had no idea! That's sick!"

"And you?" Jane faced Wilson. "What do you have to say?"

The doctor was almost crawling on the floor. His previous cockiness was completely gone when he regarded the commander with a fearful expression, looking like he was about to start crying. Or pooping.

"I-I-I was just following orders," he finally answered. "They told me to give you a fully functional penis, so I did! All according to their design, not mine!"

Shepard took a few slow steps, getting close to the doctor and making him squirm even more. She regarded him from the above, the disgust on her face. Yeah - despite being a chief of medicine, Wilson was just a little man on the leash of his masters.

"Look, I'd be furious too. You deserve to know what's what. But right now, we have to work together," Jacob spoke conciliationally, touching Jane's forearm. "Once we're off the station, I'll take you to the Illusive Man. He'll explain everything, I promise."

"Don't give promises you aren't able to deliver," Shepard answered. But she saw a wisdom in Taylor's words - probably only Cerberus' boss and founder could answer her question. Shooting the last disgusted look at Wilson, she turned around and went deeper into the station.

The fact that Cerberus' boss and founder could answer her question didn't mean he would do so. Their first meeting was short, and despite Shepard's immediately asking why she had a dick now, he refused to elaborate on this subject, telling her there were more time-sensitive matters now. He told her that the main reason to bring her back was the abductions of human colonies and one of them - Freedom's Progress - had been attacked just recently. To start the investigation ASAP was indeed crucial, so Shepard agreed to postpone the questioning for later and go to the colony with Jacob Taylor and Miranda Lawson, a person who was giving her orders at Lazarus station.

Since she met the female Cerberus officer in person, Jane couldn't take her eyes off her for more than a few minutes - Miranda was just too hot. Her beautiful face bore big blue eyes and lips even fuller than Shepard's and was surrounded by a mane of raven-black hair, now combed into a ponytail to not impair her line of sight in incoming battles. But it was her body Jane's eyes were practically glued to - it was near perfect, with huge boobs and an even bigger ass, all of it packed in the skin-tight white suit showing off and emphasizing every detail of her figure.

And she was fierce to that, which she presented right away, killing Wilson in cold blood for betraying her beloved organization. Too bad she was so faithful to the Illusive Man that she refused to share any information on the commander's new appendage with her, redirecting all her questions to her boss.

The view of Miranda's voluptuous body made Shepard's cock hard, making her feel uncomfortable. The commander was attracted to both men and women (although more toward the latter) and certainly wasn't a prude, having her fair share of sexual experiences. It was easy for her to get them - after all, no one could really resist such a big-breasted, big-assed, and big-muscled 7-foot-tall Amazon. But never ever her attraction to someone felt so tangible like now, with a hard cock in her pants. Good thing her bulge couldn't be visible in her armor.

The trio had just beaten the bunch of mechs when in the next barrack they unexpectedly met the first living and breathing people in the deserted town. But they weren't humans - they were quarians.

"Stop right there!" One of them shouted the moment the door opened. By how fast his reaction was, he looked like an experienced soldier.

"Prazza! You said you'd let me handle this!" The other voice joined, this time perfectly known to Shepard. Its owner stood between her and the quarians. When she turned toward her... "Wait... Shepard?"

Before Jane could speak, Prazza interrupted.

"I'm not taking any chances with Cerberus operatives!"

"Put those weapons down!" Tali said in an irritated voice. As it was for sure Shepard's old quarian friend. Her suit was different from the last time the two saw each other, but no one else could have such wide beautiful hips. "Shepard? Is that... you're alive?" The engineer asked with a mix of hope and disbelief.

Shepard smiled, hearing this question, no doubt coming from a shock as Jane's physique was even more distinct than Tali's; how many other 7-foot tall redhead women did the quarian know? Luckily, the commander had just a memory she could use to prove her identity - the thing only two of them knew about.

"Remember the night before Ilos, Tali? The night we..."

"Yes, I do!" Tali quickly interrupted the commander, without a doubt blushing under her helmet. "Prazza, weapons down. This is definitely Commander Shepard."

"Why is your old commander working for Cerberus?" The quarian soldier asked the obvious question.

"I don't know. Maybe we should ask."

The rest of the talk went smoothly. Shepard explained that Cerberus rebuilt her, yet she didn't reveal the fact that she had a dick now - she trusted Tali with her life, but wasn't comfortable sharing that info in front of the whole quarian squad. In turn, Tali told her about the quarian Veetor she was about to rescue and how he reprogrammed the drones and mechs to attack everything that moves. The two squads agreed to work together from this point onward.

However, when the last battle ended and Veetor was safe with his people, Tali refused to rejoin Shepard - she was apparently on an important mission for the Flotilla. It saddened the commander who wished to have someone trusted at her side in the nest of the snake Cerberus was.

And ultimately she had, as it turned out the Illusive Man recruited not only the commander but also Joker and Dr. Chakwas. However, the rest of Normandy SR-2's new crew were members of Cerberus: from former Alliance engineers Kenneth "Ken" Donelly (who regarded Shepard with eyes bigger than dinner plates) and Gabriella "Gabby" Daniels (cute girl, though a little chubby) to Mess Sergeant Rupert Gardner (cook and all-around handyman) and yeoman/psychologist Kelly Chambers (even cuter girl, who couldn't hide her attraction to Shepard at all).

But before Jane reunited with the former and met the latter, she needed to have one more talk with Cerberus' big boss.

"The Council and the Alliance want to believe the Reaper threat died with Sovereign. You and I know better," he said. "I won't wait until the Reapers are on the march. We need to take the fight to them."

"Agreed! But take a step back first." Shepard interrupted. This time she was adamant to not allow the Illusive Man to control the talk and evade her questions. "We can't ignore the elephant in the room. The dick. Why the fuck did you give me a dick? I don't want it!"

The man deeply breathed in, puffing on a cigarette.

"As I said, we humans face the greatest challenge in our brief history. And not just from the Reapers or Collectors." His weird eyes shone with zeal. "Asari, salarians, turians... they all just wait to crush us! Same as batarians, krogans... even quarians!" He was standing now. "We need a new line of humanity champions. And as you're the best of us, we need you to produce them."

Shepard's mouth shot open. That was insane! She, a breeder? She was so shocked she couldn't find her voice - what had never happened to her before! - so the Illusive Man continued his speech.

"When you had a vagina, you couldn't do it. One kid a year? That's a joke, that's way too few," he was so in zone he even forgot to smoke, and ash from his cigarette was falling on the floor. "But with a penis, you can easily spill your seed everywhere, and make countless human women pregnant. In fact, I've already prepared a list of candidates..."

"NO! NO WAY!" Shepard roared, a rageful fire in her eyes. "I'm not a breeding horse, or bull, or anything like that! I'm a person, not your toy! And so are those other women!"

Hearing that, the Illusive Man looked at Jane with a puzzled expression, as if he couldn't believe she didn't agree to his plan. That was only a brief moment though, after which he relaxed and sat down again.

"We're good? Great. Now, back to the Reapers..."

And so here Shepard was, in her cabin on the new Normandy, standing before the mirror and admiring her sexy, muscular physique. Most of it, at least.

Sighing, Jane reached down again and eased her panties off her hips and ass, finally unclothing her dick that - because of the Illusive Man's sick desires - recently replaced her pussy. It looked like a completely natural part of her, and no one would guess there was ever anything else down there.

The first thing noticeable about her dick was the size of it - it was colossal! Shepard took it in her hand to better estimate its size and it immediately twitched under her palm, as if reacting to a woman's touch. The commander looked closely at it, her eyes following every prominent vein on its shaft until they disappeared into a huge cockhead. She pulled back the foreskin, revealing the perfect dark-pin color of the crown's flesh. Her slit looked big enough to fit a finger in it.

When she had a good look at her new appendage, she crooked it to the side and inspected her balls. Raising it in her hand, she immediately felt how heavy they were, as if they were filled with pints of sperm. Their size was also impressive, fitting the enormous organ sitting above them, and their skin was rather smooth for a scrotum.

"EDI," Shepard called the ship's AI. "What size is this dick?" She asked as her curiosity took the better of her.

"When flaccid, your dick is 9 inches in length and 7.5 inches in girth, Commander," EDI answered emotionlessly. "When erect, it should be 12 inches in length and 9 inches in girth."

Hearing that, the commander swallowed loudly. This dick was twice as big as a normal human penis! Suddenly, the word seemed inadequate to the organ it was supposed to denominate. It wasn't a penis or a dick. It was a cock! Huge, beautiful cock Jane would love to take on the ride if the occasion would ever arise.

No, stop yourself! Jane scolded herself internally. There was no such possibility. It was attached to her, so it wasn't possible for her to "take it on the ride." And she would keep it in her pants. Certainly not stick it in others. Certainly not cum inside them. As soon as the Collectors are defeated, she will go to the hospital and reverse what Cerberus did for her. She would have a nice, pretty pussy again, and the first thing she'll do with it would be to find a man and stick his cock in there.

Oh, how mistaken she was!

  1. Jane was surprised to find that the Lazarus Project, responsible for her reconstruction, was controlled by Cerberus, the same terrorist organization she had previously fought against.
  2. During her inspection of her body in the mirror, Jane was shocked to discover a penis and a pair of balls growing from her body, a result of the Lazarus Project's modifications.
  3. Upon discovering her new appendage, Jane asked Cerberus' leaders about the change, but they refused to provide an explanation, stating that they had simply followed orders.

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