Celebrity Sex Stories

Ch.03: The New Rule

Shepard's emotions toward Aria lead to an explosive end.

Jul 30, 2024
19 min read
Ch.03: The New Ruleanalbiologically impossiblefutaharemmass effectvaginalfutanari
Ch.03: The New Rule
Ch.03: The New Rule

Ch.03: The New Rule

(Trigger warning - non-con elements.)

Mordin Solus held the tube of Commander Jane Shepard's sperm, watching it closely against the light. The white, thick liquid, filling the vial to the very cork, looked completely ordinary given its origin - being produced by a pair of huge balls Cerberus gave the female soldier in addition to a gargantuan cock.

"I assume there was no issue with collecting it?" He asked, glancing at the commander and smiling slightly.

Jane didn't feel irritated when she noticed that. After all, she had to look quite funny: a 7-foot-tall, muscular woman blushing so much that her skin color matched her crimson red hair. But given that the sample was the result of handjob-turned-blowjob Shepard's old physician Karin Chakwas unexpectedly gave her - despite the commander's earlier resolve to not use her cock for sex - some kind of embarrassed expression was expected.

"I need some time to examine that," Mordin continued. "After all, finding means to stop the seeker swarms is the priority. In the meantime, you may proceed with recruiting your team. Or whatever else you want to do, you're the leader after all," he concluded and got back to work Shepard's appearance in his lab interrupted.

And Jane did just that. She proceeded with recruitment and soon Garrus Vakarian - her old turian friend who two years ago helped her stop Sovereign, Saren, and the geth from taking control of the Citadel - joined Zaeed Massani, Mordin Solus, and the others on the Normandy. Recruiting the Archangel - a moniker the former C-Sec assumed while vigilating on the station - set the commander against the combined forces of three mercenary companies, but ultimately the redhead Amazon and her team prevailed.

And the item Jane found on this mission proved to be pivotal: the datapad containing the mercenaries' plan to unite against Aria T'Loak after dealing with Archangel.

The first time Shepard met Aria T'Loak was right after arriving on Omega, before recruiting Mordin and having oral sex with Chakwas.

Right after the landing, the commander was approached by a batarian who requested her to come to the club Afterlife and see his boss. Usually, Jane would ignore such an order, but something in the thug's attitude convinced her to do as he asked. Maybe the fact that he didn't flinch under her gaze which suggested he felt really confident under T'Loak's protection - not many people could stand straight when a 7-foot-tall Amazon regarded them with a look as fiery as her hair.

Quite unexpectedly to Shepard, Aria turned out to be a purple-skinned asari; not many of her species were serving as crime bosses. The moment Jane saw her for the first time burned bright into her memory, not only because of the above, but foremost because of how Aria was positioned. With her back to the entrance, her ass was on clear display, dressed in skin-tight pants emphasizing its size and shape; the view was enough to arouse the usually calm and collected soldier. And when T'Loak turned toward Jane, her new position proved to be no better for the commander's beating heart, boiling blood, and pulsing cock.

Because, damn - Aria was hot. Shepard had got to know multiple asari in her life, and all of them - Tevos, Sha'ira, Liara, Shiala - were beautiful in their own way. But Aria wasn't beautiful - she was sexy. Her body was tall, lean, and muscular, and the clothes she was wearing were tailored to show it off perfectly. Even her face was more sexy than pretty, with sharp features that made her look like a bird of prey. Jane was so lost in horniness that she could barely hear what the asari was saying.

"You run Omega?" She asked the first question that came to her mind, hoping it'd fit whatever Aria said.

The asari laughed, hearing it, and her laugh was both sexy and scary, the latter only enhancing the former.

"I am Omega!" She responded after a quick pause, facing the window overseeing the club. And Shepard believed her right away. There was so much certainly, so much power in the asari's voice that the commander knew it was a complete and utter truth. T'Loak's self-confidence was even sexier than her look.

"I'm the boss, CEO, queen if you're feeling dramatic. It doesn't matter. Omega has no titled ruler and only one rule." Aria continued in the same, intolerant of any opposition tone and Jane found herself trembling in anticipation to learn this rule.

"Don't fuck with Aria," T'Loak said and smiled, and Jane found her knees weakening right away. If she wouldn't get an unwanted cock from Cerberus, she would be happy to try to break that rule. In the current situation though, she just sat with Aria and asked her about Doctor Solus and Archangel's whereabouts.

But despite the initial attraction, ultimately Shepard didn't like Aria T'Loak. The reason for it was Omega being... well, awful. Every step she took on the station showed Jane how unjust life there was. The gangs ruled the street, the weak had no protection against the strong, and background voices were full of hate and disdain. Filth, stench, and poverty poured out from every corner.

Aria should change it, or at least try. She had the strength, the people, and the charisma to do so. Instead, she chose to stay at her club, control the station from afar, and wallow in wealth and power.

So as much as Shepard was turned on by T'Loak's look and demeanor, she was repulsed by her inaction. Even their second meeting, taking place after recruiting Mordin but before having a tryst with Chakwas didn't change that. Although Aria showed Jane a more benevolent side and care for her friends (or at least one friend, an old krogan called Patriarch), it somehow made it even worse. Because it had shown that Aria in fact had been able to act with sympathy and kindness, but deliberately had chosen to not do so. And that was something Jane could neither understand nor support.

That was also the reason the commander didn't understand why she was currently at Aria's lodge again, giving her the abovementioned datapad as a warning. Heck, for all she knew, she should let T'Loak die and hope someone better would replace her.

But she couldn't do that. She was too much of a paragon. Besides, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

And maybe, just maybe, she wanted to bathe in Aria's sexiness one more time before leaving the station for good.

"Interesting. Would someone like to tell me how this information slipped the net?" Aria T'Loak asked, her voice vibrating with anger before she tossed the datapad at one of her thugs.

"I... I'll look into it," the batarian answered, clearly embarrassed.

"You better do! And quickly!" Aria looked like she was about to throw a biotic warp next. "You all do! Out! Everybody out!" She shouted and her henchmen fled in fear, almost tripping over each other. Jane's heart fluttered at this clear display of authority.

"Thanks for the heads-up, Shepard. Looks like I'll have to do a little cleaning in my organization," T'Loak said, collected again as if she hadn't just lashed out.

"Any time," the commander muttered under her breath.

"That's the second time you've helped me, Spectre," the asari stated. "I must say, I'm a little surprised. With how much you despise me, I'd say you would prefer me dead."

Hearing that, Jane looked at Aria with a mild shock. She didn't know her attitude had been showing so much. The redhead sank further into the couch, fearing what she'd hear next. If the crime boss caught on her other feelings as well...

"So I'm really lucky that you lust for me even more, am I not?" Aria said, confirming Shepard's suspicion. "But it means that I have a perfect reward for you. Because I lust for you too," she continued, sliding closer to the commander. "So I will allow you to break Omega's only rule. You're gonna fuck with Aria."

Shepard's head got dizzy when she heard that and her cock literally jumped. She got a hall pass from the queen of Omega! Heck, that was the thing she kind of dreamed about since the two of them met. T'Loak was just too hot to not do that. Her body was too sexy, and her personality too dominant to ignore. The attraction was there and it was strong.

But on the other hand, Jane didn't plan to act on those thoughts. Even now, when Aria herself proposed an intercourse. The commander decided to not have sex till she had this cock Cerberus gave her, and although she failed with Chakwas, that was in the midst of the moment and she wouldn't allow anything similar to happen again. Even with someone as sexy as the purple-skinned asari. Maybe when she lost it, she'd come back, but for now, she would just stand up and go away.

So with the greatest effort, fighting the need pulsing in her mind, soul, and cock, the commander began ascending from the couch and her mouth spoke the words she didn't really want to say.

"Thanks. But I'll pass."

Aria only smiled at that - same sexy, dangerous smile as always - and answered.

"Did I say you have any choice?"

Then Shepard suddenly fell on the couch, pulled by her hands with an unexpected force. She looked at the asari with shock and spotted a gentle blue mist of biotics surrounding her. Then she looked at her wrists and the same mist was there as well, while similar binds appeared around her ankles.

"Even before I met you in person, I knew it was gonna happen someday. I craved you since I saw the interview you gave to that bitch al-Jilani." Aria said, getting even closer and caressing Jane's muscular arm, making the soldier's skin tingle hornily in response. "You were so hot with all those sexy muscles and so passionate about your views. And I know you crave me just as much."

Shepard looked at the asari with wide-open eyes, not believing what was happening and what she was hearing. She was immobilized, but it felt so right. As if not only T'Loak gave her a hall pass to fuck her, but the fate as well. She could just say that she didn't have a choice.

In the meantime, Aria sank onto her knees before Jane, ditching her white jacket in the process. Under it she wore nothing but a sleeveless bodysuit, showing off her toned arms - not as muscular as Shepard's, but with muscles still clearly visible under the purple skin. She ran her hands up and down on the commander's cargo pants, sneaking closer and closer to the zipper.

"Let. Me. Go." Jane panted. She had to say this even if she didn't really want to. She tried to move her limbs, but even her incredible muscles weren't a match to the queen of Omega's biotic powers.

"I will. Soon. But first, I'm gonna make us feel great." Saying that Aria finally unzipped Shepard's pants and pulled them down. Looking at the commander's face, she didn't notice a bulge in her panties. So when she took them off as well and finally looked there, her expression was one of pure shock.

"What the fuck?!" Aria exclaimed, seeing Jane's cock in all its glory. Being so close to the queen of Omega, in such a kinky and sexy situation, it already grew to the full 12-inch length and 9-inch girth. Even if the asari had somehow suspected Shepard had a dick not a pussy, she for sure wouldn't expect it to be so huge.

"What's the matter, 'Omega'?" Shepard allowed herself for a grin. "Are you scared of my little prick?" She asked, enjoying the sudden shift of dynamics.

"Quite a contrary. This is a positive shock. I'm gonna have so much fun with that huge cock of yours," Aria answered with a predatory smile on her sexy face. She took off her tight pants and unhooked her bodysuit, allowing her pussy to breathe freely. Then she climbed onto the commander's lap and hovered over her cock. Holding it pointing straight up, she aimed the head at her opening.

Shepard held her breath observing that. She really planned to not have sex anymore. But seeing her cock so close to a sweet pussy, she couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to really penetrate a woman. To sink her hard shaft into a wet tunnel and then push it in and out repeatedly.

But a moment later she didn't need to wonder anymore, because Aria lowered herself, slipping two inches of Jane's cockhead into her tight asari azure.

"AARGH!" The redhead literally screamed when it happened. She never felt anything like that! T'Loak's cunt gripped her dick with a strength of vice, but there was not even a pinch of pain in it - only pleasure. It was also wetter and hotter than Shepard could ever imagine, all sensations much stronger than when she was in Chakwas' mouth.

"Oh yes, we're that good," Aria said, confirming that she had as much pleasure as the commander. Pushing, she sank lower, taking another two inches in. "But there was certainly too much time since I had a krogan-sized cock inside. I have to work it in quite slowly this time." Two more inches disappeared in her azure, for a total number of six.

"Patriarch?" Jane mustered all her will to say this one word, forgetting that she was supposed to resist.

"Hell no! He was a trophy, not a lover!" Aria responded, her lips curving into something between an ironic smirk and sexual bliss when she took even two inches more. "Goddess! So good I'm an asari, otherwise I'd have issues taking your cock in!" As if confirming her words, she sank even lower, and two more inches of Jane's dick slipped in, joining eight that were already there.

"If you weren't an asari, you wouldn't take it at all. Without your species' biotic power, you wouldn't be able to restrain me!" Shepard growled, trying to hide how much she secretly enjoyed it. To maintain the facade, she pushed against the restraints, but to no avail.

"As if I needed them at all!" Aria took the challenge but kept the binds in place. She descended as low as she could, pushing two remaining inches of Shepard's dick into her tight, wet, and hot azure. She was now sitting fully impaled of all 12 inches of it, her ass resting on Jane's thighs.

"Now, the real fun begins," the asari announced, and then ascended on Shepard's cock, making her whimper in pleasure. Being not accustomed to having her dick inside of a sweet pussy, every moment their organs touched felt heavenly to the commander.

"Ooohh!" Aria slid up until only Jane's cockhead remained in her azure and then instantly slammed down, fully impaling herself on the hard shaft, the loud slap of her ass against Jane's muscular tights echoing in the room. The move pushed the air from Aria's lungs with a loud moan, and a similar groan escaped the commander's lips as well. The sensation of the redhead Amazon's spongy head hitting the purple-skinned asari's cervix felt intoxicating for both women.

"Oh shit, Shepard, your cock is amazing! So big and hard! It fucks me so good!" T'Loak panted, bouncing on Jane's cock, again and again, every time harder and faster. Soon she set a good rhythm and her couch's squeaks joined the slapping sound of her ass hitting the commander's muscular tights. "And how's my azure feeling on it? Is it as good as everyone I ever fucked says?"

"Fuck you!" Jane only snarled in response, a blue glow around Aria's body reminding her of the biotic binds imposed on her wrists and ankles. But heck, T'Loak's azure really felt great around her cock, squeezing and massaging the diamond-hard shaft. But there was no way Shepard would tell her that.

"No, you fuck me. And fuck me good!" Aria showed no remorse for how she treated Jane. Instead, she just continued jumping on her dick, every time taking the totality of it inside. In the meantime, her hand took the hem of the commander's shirt and bundled it up, revealing her rock-hard eight-pack in its full glory. "Shit, your body is so hot!"

Yours too was the first thought that appeared in Shepard's mind. Because damn, Aria's body was indeed hot - the bodysuit clung to her upper body, emphasizing her large tits and abs, while her toned legs and arms were fully on display, glistening in the half-dark room. The muscles under the purple skin of asari's tights worked hard to move her up and down on Shepard's 12-inch long pole.

But the commander remained silent, as long as her groans and grunts counted as silent. After all, she wasn't made from stone - even if the hardness of her muscles suggested otherwise - and having sex with Aria was getting more and more into her. By the beginning she sometimes pushed her limbs against biotic restrains T'Loak imposed on them, but in time ceased it completely, instead reveling in the heavenly sensation of her gargantuan cock being squeezed and massaged by one of the finest pussies in the galaxy.

Shepard hated herself for being weak like that. But fuck it felt great!

In the meantime, Aria bundled Jane's top even more up until her huge tits came into view as well. Two gargantuan orbs, not losing their shape even in the commander's half-laying position, moved up and down with every heavy breath of their owner, looking as inviting as if they were begging for attention.

And that was what the asari gave them - she took them in her hands and began squeezing and kneading them, correctly guessing that Shepard had nothing against them being treated roughly. At the same time, she didn't slow her humps down even a bit and still bounced on the commander's foot-long-dong, even harder now when she finally had a good hold she could use to support herself on Jane's colossal dick.

"Aaahh!" A loud, sexy moan escaped the commander's mouth when she felt the double stimulation. Not only her cock was constantly attacked by Aria's pussy, which was humping on it relentlessly, but now her tits were being massaged as well, her whole body on fire under the purple-skinned asari's ministrations. Involuntarily, she began thrusting her own hips up, further impaling Aria on her 12-inch long, 9-inch wide cock.

"Oh yes, Shepard, fuck yes!" Aria groaned. With the help of Jane's thrusting hips, she could bounce on the huge, hard dick even more feverishly, pushing it against her cervix with a greater force and speed.

After doing that for a few minutes, the asari reached onto Jane's chin with one hand - while the other still played with the commander's firm boob - and raised Shepard's head until their gazes met. In the Amazon's eyes lust mixed with disdain as in her mind during every moment she was spending with the queen of Omega, while Aria's expression was of the pure horniness.

"Fuck me, Spectre, and make me cum. Make yourself cum," she ordered in a seductive voice. Then, she leaned back, putting her hands on Shepard's thighs and using the new position to slam herself on Shepard's dick with the speed and strength only a woman chasing a powerful orgasm could achieve.

For a few minutes, Shepard just fucked with Aria - the former thrusting and the latter bouncing - bathing in the view of her amazing body, which the new position put on full display. From her tight belly to her big tits to her sexy face, she was an image of pure hotness and horniness, the tight bodysuit only empathizing that. And that without counting the view of Jane's gargantuan cock stretching T'Loak's pussy to the max.

Soon, the commander felt her huge balls boiling and tightening, a clear sign of her impending orgasm. Then suddenly she remembered her own words: "I don't know, something fucked up. Like, my sperm being toxic to aliens to prevent me from ever spilling it anywhere but into a human vagina or something like that." And realized she was about to cum in an asari. An alien.

"Aria, wait!" Jane shouted. "Stop! I'm about to cum!"

"Good, that's what I want!" The asari completely missed the point. Instead of stopping, she somehow even upped her game, jumping on the Spectre's cock like a mad woman, squeezing her pussy around the invading shaft.

"You don't understand!" Shepard tried to warn her. But her own orgasm was almost there, she didn't know how long she could resist. "It might be dangerous!"

"I. Don't. Fucking. Care!" Aria growled, slamming her hips down with every word. Her face was a mask of pure pleasure, with twisted lips and tightly shut eyes. "Just. Fucking. Cum. In. Me!"

Right then, Shepard had no choice. Her balls felt like on fire, the pleasure and pain mixing together when the sperm churring in them desperately wanted to escape. With a guttural grunt, the commander stopped fighting and pushed her cock as far into T'Loak as possible, finally allowing it to cum.

"TAKE IT, THEN! TAKE MY CUM, YOU BITCH!" She shouted when the pleasure dominated her senses and her dick twitched madly a mere moment before her cockhead expanded and delivered the first batch of sperm right into the purple-skinned asari's hot, tight, and wet azure.

"YES! FUCKING YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!" Aria shouted as well, feeling Shepard's sperm hitting her cervix and coating the walls of her pussy. She never experienced any cock to ejaculate with such force - it was like a damn firehose! - and it alone prompted one of the biggest orgasms she ever had.

But it wasn't only the strength that was unmatched by any of the queen of Omega's previous lovers - it was the volume as well! Shepard's cockhead pulsed again and again, every time shooting another batch of incredibly thick semen away, all of it landing in Aria's vagina and being absorbed by the unique physique of her species. But more of it was still on the way!

In the meantime, Jane just hold still with all 12 inches of her cock sank deeply inside Aria's azure. Under the force of her peak, the commander fought hard to remain conscious, feeling how her cock twitched and her cockhead pulsated, delivering all the semen her huge balls produced during this amazing fuck - it was easily thrice as much as she shoot after being blown by Karin! And even then it was enough to completely fill the doctor's mouth and cover the totality of her upper body! So with fascination Jane observed T'Loak's flat belly bulging while being filled with the redhead Amazon's sperm, its new roundness pushing against the tight material of her bodysuit.

But even Jane's and Aria's powerful orgasms couldn't last forever. Finally, the former stopped shooting sperm into the latter, and the latter's pussy stopped contracting around the former's cock.

Drenched in sweat and feeling her muscles aching after exertion, the asari fell off of the commander's still-hard cock onto the soft cushions of her couch.

"I'm done," she said with a weak voice.

"But I'm not!" Shepard unexpectedly exclaimed. Like a tigress, she pounced on the queen of Omega who, just cumming hard, didn't notice she stopped concentrating on her biotics. And being exhausted after all the bouncing, jumping, and orgasming, she had no juice to activate her powers again. Which left her defenseless against the redhead Amazon's attack.

But it wasn't an attack - not really. Shepard didn't hit Aria or anything. Instead, she flipped her onto her belly, pushed her head against the cushions, and raised her ass into the air. Then, she aimed her cock - still hard despite cumming in buckets - right at the asari's tight butthole.

"My turn!" The commander growled, but then... hesitated. She was furious at Aria for kind of forcing herself on her, but she didn't really plan to hurt her.

But Aria didn't mind.

"Are we doing it or what?" She asked in a mocking tone, looking back at Jane with lust reignited in her sparkling blue eyes. Being dominated by the muscular redhead Amazon felt strangely liberating to her.

We do, Shepard thought and then pushed hard. Right to the bottom.

"AARGH!" This time it was Aria who screamed when all 12 of Jane's incredibly thick inches penetrated her tight butthole. As a highly passionate species, the asari's sexual organs were able to quickly accommodate any length, but even for them taking so much cock unprepared was harsh - even more so when it had 9 inches of girth on its side!

"Do you enjoy it now? DO YOU ENJOY TAKING MY COCK INTO YOUR ASS?" Jane yelled, slamming her dick in and out, not caring about Aria's comfort at all.

"Ugh... is this all... ugh... you've got?" T'Loak responded cockily, as with every moment the pain she felt had been turning more and more into pleasure.

Shepard growled in response, the sound barely audible among the hard slaps of her muscular thighs against the asari's purple buttcheeks. Fucking with a cock was a completely new sensation for her, very different from using strap-ons or tribbing. But she just let her lust guide her movements, and the rhythm of her hard thrusts was becoming smoother and smoother with every second.

For some time Jane observed her diamond-hard cock penetrating Aria's tight butthole, but then she moved her eyes onto her back, spotting the zipper of the asari's bodysuit there. She opened it and yanked the cloth away, which allowed the asari's heavy tits to swing violently under her body, her whole flesh jerked back and forth by the commander's powerful slams.

That didn't last for long though, as soon Shepard reached and squeezed both purple orbs almost painfully. Yet the way Aria wailed in response told the commander that the asari loved to play rough - as if the groans and moans she produced while being ruthlessly pounded into unprepared ass weren't a sufficient indicator.

So Jane decided to make this fuck even hotter. Holding T'Loak's upper body tight, she first raised her to a kneeling position and then shifted their bodies until Aria's big purple tits squashed against the window overseeing the club.

"Oh yes, Shepard, fuck me!" The asari wailed and Jane complied, giving her the 12-inch-long, diamond-hard cock as fast and hard as she could.

"Do you like it, bitch?" She asked through clenched teeth; this fuck was getting to her as well and she could feel another batch of her thick sperm getting ready to ejaculate. "Do you like to be fucked against this window, where all your patrons and henchmen could see you pounded in the ass like a cheap whore?" As the glass was a one-side window, it was only a fantasy, but a hot one for sure!

Aria's only response was more of loud moans, as under the commander's relentless assault she almost lost the ability to speak while the redhead's cock was slamming into her butt as fast and hard as she rode it a little less than 30 minutes ago. If not for the purple asari's still-bulged belly serving as a cushion, the force her pelvis would hit the glass with could be enough to break it!

And so Shepard pounded Aria hard and fast, conquering her completely, while the commander's own lust dominated all her senses, pushing away the sentient thoughts and common sense. Until a feeling of boiling sperm in her huge, swinging balls brought her back to reality.

"Are you ready, 'Omega'? Are you ready for more of my sperm? Are you going to take it all into your ass?" Jane asked in a hoarse voice, taking the asari away from the window to once again squeeze her tits as hard as she could.

"Yes! Yes! YEESSS!" T'Loak moaned and next screamed, a memory of Shepard's powerful releases enough to trigger her orgasm without any vaginal stimulation.

"NOOO!" Shepard unexpectedly yelled. She cummed as well but before her cock could ejaculate she ejected it out of the asari's butthole and instead of into Aria's ass, all of the commander's sperm were shot onto her body.

And damn, that was a hot display, and even Jane had to admit that! The redhead Amazon's gargantuan cock just pulsed again and again, and with every throb a long, thick rope of pearly-white sperm fell onto Aria's ass and back, painting her purple skin and black bodysuit white. Until after a few long moments, Shepard felt that it was going to be her last ejaculation, so she grabbed T'Loak's head and aimed her cock right at it, shooting the last batch right onto the asari's sexy face.

After that exhausting fuck, Aria was a complete mess. She just laid on her couch and panted hard, sperm dripping from her body onto the couch and floor. Shepard was in a much better condition, so she collected her clothes and put them on, pushing her softening cock into her boxers.

Before she left the room, she turned back and spoke.

"Remember it, Aria. The new rule. Don't ever fuck with Shepard."

  1. Mordin's examination of Commander Shepard's sperm sample revealed an unexpected feature, as it was produced by a pair of large testicles and a massive cock that Cerberus had given her.
  2. Jane found herself in an unexpected situation when she visited Aria T'Loak's club, experiencing a strong attraction towards the asari crime boss despite her initial intentions.
  3. Describing Aria T'Loak, Jane noted that she was not beautiful in the traditional sense, but instead, she was sexy, with a tall, lean, and muscular body, sharp features, and a charismatic demeanor.
  4. Despite her initial attraction to Aria T'Loak, Jane could not overlook the injustices that occurred on Omega, leading her to question Aria's decisions and motivations as the ruler of the station.

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