Gay Sex

Changing Prison: Academy for Transformation

"Disturbed" teen is jailed in a men's prison for rehabilitation.

May 28, 2024
33 min read
reluctanceschoolgayCambiar Prison Academycrossdressingroommatefeminizationforceddominationfirst timeprison
Cambiar Prison Academy
Cambiar Prison Academy

Changing Prison: Academy for Transformation

In the dimly lit room of what seemed to be a classroom, I noticed around twenty-five of us boys. A stoic man, who appeared to be the teacher, stood at the front, silently reading a book. He was waiting. My mother traveled two and a half hours to the airport that morning, crying the entire way. She took me to surrender myself into police custody there and put me on a plane. The destination was unknown to me. Even though my dad's lawyers had mentioned this might occur, the two minutes I spent with handcuffs on were quite frightening. A door at the back of the room opened, and two unformed guards escorted a tall, ashen-blonde-haired young man. He was dressed in the same yellow cargo pants and a white v-neck t-shirt as everyone else. The men sat the newcomer down and left the room. From the windows, I could see at least two armed guards standing guard, making any attempt at escape seem impossible.

The instructor at the front of the classroom, of a medium age and build, with a nondescript appearance, started writing on the board without using any sort of markers or ink. My eyes followed the motions as he wrote the words "SIR" on the board with his bare hands. His uniform was noticeably different from the other instructors' - it sported a few badges.

"What's the S-I-R for?" Inquired a student sitting in the back. Some others giggled.

"Sir." The instructor corrected him. "It's a distinguished title given to men like me who have proven themselves to be valuable assets to society. As for your lot, you have supposedly failed society in some way or another..."

He picked up a notecard from his desk and read aloud, "As most of you are aware, due to the increasing severity of punishments and the numerous attempts to evade jail time, prisons are now open-air, anarchic places. These institutions are allowed to do anything in return for acquiring valuable resources. Many of you would struggle to survive in such conditions, so Cambiar Academy is given permission by the higher authorities to remove felons from the prison system, and after a three-year program, they can be released back into society. This facility is open exclusively to members of the LGBT community. If you attempt to deceive officials about your sexual orientation to evade justice, you risk facing mental, physical torture, paralysis, or death. This is your last chance to return to your prison sentence without suffering additional penalties. If you do not succeed in the requirements of this academy, you will face the death penalty." He glanced up from the note, noticing no one seemed alarmed.

"Any questions?" He asked.

"What's the purpose of this exam?" Inquired a boy wearing a baggy grey tank-top instead of the white shirts the others had on. I recognized his attire; he must have been caught out in the streets, as opposed to already in prison. The boy was 5'6", slender, with a tan complexion. I checked him out - nice ass. In his shorts, he looked attractive. He knew it, too.

"The exam determines your future activities within the academy." The instructor explained.

While observing the students, I noticed a flamboyant-looking twink, about 5'7-8 inches tall with bushy curly brown hair. His leg-crossing position indicated that his online dating profile probably received many direct messages. Several other large males, similar to my build, were also seated around the room. One had numerous facial scars. I planned to avoid him.

"Are you ready to begin the test?" The instructor asked.

He stepped aside and opened a door on the right side of the room. We all followed after him. Inside, the room was pitch black. After a brief pause, the big fellow with the scars barged ahead and entered the dark, followed by the rest of us.

When we were all inside, the door closed, and we found ourselves in a spacious auditorium-like space, filled with endless rows of treadmills. The windows were all covered with thick black cloth, leaving the room completely dark. The walls, except for the door we entered through, were a bare multipurpose space with only one door at the front adorned with a working clock above.

The program only selects those in peak physical condition. Once you've begun, there's no stopping. Feel free to rest, but the treadmills will speed up if you linger off them. Run until you're told to stop.

After thirty minutes, people started to struggle. After 90, some dropped off. A fit ginger boy on the treadmill beside me exclaimed, "Why didn't they mention this in the application? The unknown stress is unbearable. I assumed this was a guarantee with my plea deal."

"They need to eliminate applicants who might fib on their applications," another boy shouted. One of the large men in the back slumped over. Staff came to remove him.

"I wonder if there will be any additional tests," a tiny Latin boy to my left inquired. "I want to survive regardless of what's required of me. I cannot go to prison."

"And what about that LGBT stuff?" Face-scars asked. We were in front of the ginger. "Won't we be forced to participate in that nonsense? My dad told me he did a year for a hit-and-run in college and they just had the men recite poetry and such."

"It's unclear." I replied. "Aren't you gay?"

"No." Face-scars responded. "What about you?"


Another guy behind us chimed in, "I hope there's no gay stuff, no offense."

More treadmills fell silent as others collapsed. Lapses in timing prohibited their re-entry.

After three hours of running, the treadmills finally ceased spinning. The recruits erupted in cheers. Fifteen remained.

"You're done!" Shouted the instructor. "Everyone, follow me to the lounge." He guided us out through a wooden door and into a vast courtyard. The darkness concealed most but it appeared to be a college campus with trees, grass, and buildings.

It was frigid and midnight. We turned right at a fountain and into a large brick hall. "You will receive a tour of the grounds tomorrow after the exam is completed." The instructor guided us to a door at the hall's edge and through several more, finally leading us into an extravagant, ornate lounge. Dark red curtains draped over stained-glass windows beside a massive fireplace. A man and a woman in lab coats stood at the front, near a table piled high with international cuisine. As we entered, the man started sharing, "We'll be conducting one-on-one interviews. Feel free to eat or relax until your name is called."

"Me?" I prodded, dumbly.

"Yes, it's you!" The woman beckoned.

I obeyed the instructor and the doctors to a door at the lounge's far end. He swiped his card against a lock, then guided me into a sterile, modern lab hall. They led me to a small exam room. Wax-paper covered seats and doctors sat, looking at a leather-bound book. The instructor left, closing the door behind him and rejoined the others.

"Hello!" The doctor surveyed my appearance, his coworker smiling at me like she'd shared this joke a thousand times. "Please take off your clothes and sit on the exam table. Don't worry, we won't hurt you," Dr. Hurtz said.

"But determine my tasks for the year? I thought there would be a written exam, like what position I wanted."

"Not at all," corrected Dr. Virginia. "Academy students take care of themselves by helping each other and fellow years here at the academy. Did you realize the feast you saw earlier was done by students?"


"We deprive you of personal control. Analyze our regimen," Hurtz explained.

I sat, undressed, and sat on the table.

"Your underwear too," Dr. Virginia instructed, grinning. She slid a thick folder from her bag. Hurtz pulled out the bound tome.

Liam began reading from a package, changing her voice saying, "Hello Liam. Do you consider yourself more of a top or a bottom?"

"What's that got to do with anything?" She demanded. "Respond, please."

"I'm a top." He answered. "Has anyone ever called me a bottom?"

"Yes, I have." He replied. "But I'm not fond of it - I find the sensation pleasurable, yet only enjoy the intimacy it offers. I prefer to be the one who penetrates. Sorry for the language."

Dr. Hurtz spoke, "You'll make a perfect fit here." Dr. Virginia moved towards Liam, putting a blood pressure cuff on his arm and inflating it.

"Did you find any other classmates attractive?" The doctor asked.

"A few," Liam responded. "I'd rather focus on completing the program rather than go on dates."

"Who'll satisfy your needs?" Dr. Virginia inquired in a seductive tone. The suddenness caught Liam off guard.

"Men who don't ejaculate regularly suffer several issues like failure, weakness, and exhaustion." Dr. Hurtz explained as she removed the blood pressure cuff.

Dr. Virginia offered Liam a cup with a shimmering blue liquid. "Please consume the solution and lay face-down on the equipment at the end of the examination bed. We'll conduct a swift body scan."

Liam hesitated but had come too far to back out... and end up in prison?

As he did as instructed, Dr. Virginia and Dr. Hurtz began weaving around preparing to scan him. She handed him the cup with the blue liquid. It had no flavor. The examination bed had a ring for your face to rest in, like a massage bed. He lay down, facing the screen in front of him.

"Count backwards from ten for us, Liam," Dr. Hurtz instructed before they knocked him out.

"Did you just drug me?" Liam questioned.

"The drug places you in a trance-like state, helping us collect information from you efficiently. Your fantasies, your dreams, your worries, and so on," Dr. Hurtz explained as he was waking him up.

Liam drifted back to the area outside the office. A guard followed him. When he saw the common room, the guys were sitting around chatting and eating. Drew sat with another Latino guy, and two strangers Liam didn't recognize.

"Drew?" He called out. "They want you next."

"Oh?" Drew stood, looked surprised, then parted from the Latino guy as he left.

Liam sat in Drew's spot. The Latino guy sat down next to Robbie and Liam. "Hi. I'm Liam."

"Robbie." He greeted, extending his hand. Liam firmly shook his hand. Robbie was not a bad looking guy: a bit short, thin, with soft skin, flat chest. "Are you hungry?" He asked the anxious Robbie.

"Yes." Robbie nodded, visibly shaking. Liam walked over to the food table, filled a plate, and returned to their seats.

Robbie's departure left Liam and Kil alone. Kil was handsome with grey hair. The online dating app users allegedly into boys. Kil asked, "How did your exam go? What did they ask?"

"I don't think they'd like us discussing it." Liam said.

"So what did they ask?" Kil insisted again.

"Well, they inquired if I was a top or a bottom?" Liam spoke up.

"Are we really supposed to know? They wouldn't want us talking about it," Robbie muttered, leaving immediately.

"Shame." Liam said.

"He's cute..." Kil confirmed. "Would you fuck him? I could watch if you let me?"

"Possibly," Liam said, confirming Kil's suspicions. Kil chuckled. "I'd love to watch. How was your exam?"

"They asked me if I was a top or a bottom?" Kil leaned in.

"Really. What happened?" Liam inquired. Kil leaned in closer. "They inquired if I was a top or a bottom?" he reiterated.

"On second thought, I'm not so sure," Robbie interrupted. He got up and left.

"Pity," Liam said.

"I know he's cute...", Kil mused before glancing at Liam.

"I know." Liam agreed. Kil smirked. "Would you let me watch?" Liam thought to himself. "It depends on how well you behave."

"And how do I behave?" Kil asked.

"I think you're a slut," Liam teased.

"Am I? I just want to be a good boy."

"Aww, really." Liam scooted closer to Kil. "Then what did they ask you?" he inquired.

Kil leaned in closer. Liam answered his question.

"Shocking, huh?" Kil asked, smiling. "Do you want me to watch you with him?" Liam queried, pondering.

Kil accepted the challenge, "Oh, would you? Provided you behave."

"Depends on whether you're a good boy or not." Liam replied, grinning.

"Trust me, I'm a very good boy." Kil teased.

"Huh?" I exclaimed, shocked by the revelation. "They drugged me and I woke up a few minutes later." He knocked my leg in amazement. "Let's see what they did to you! Spy on Drew to find out!"

His eyes were so mesmerizing that I couldn't resist his command. I couldn't say no to these attractive boys.

"How can we peek into the test room without the staff noticing?" I asked. "It doesn't make sense to get kicked out."

A voice called out from the other side of the room. Only Kil and I seemed to hear it. We swiveled around to see... a goth girl? At around 5'4" in height, her shoes were massive platforms; her breasts were imposing and fake; her hair was long and black like a curtain. The epitome of a cyberpunk gamer girl. Kil and I shared a glance before following her moquette boots quietly towards a door. She tapped a keycard, locking us in a sterile hallway - reminiscent of a military base or even a prison. The lounge was a long way from the tested kids' area. How vast was this facility?

"There's a secret viewing room," the girl mentioned. "I just couldn't resist showing it to the newbies." She grinned gleefully.

"Hey, I'm Kil. This is Liam."

"Hi," I introduced myself, feeling my subconscious sought flirtation.

"Hi. I'm Alex. In here." We turned right and quietly snuck into a darkened chamber, where a tiny circle of light shone against the wall. Kil immediately peered into it, jamming his face against the surface. Three heartbeats passed. He pulled back, staring at me. I peered in:

Drew was asleep, lying face down on the exam table, his face tucked into the ring atop it. The television under him was now displaying explicit adult content - from lesbian bondage to gay porn, solo large genitals thrusting, and pussy play. A doctor labeled Virginia was sitting on him with a curved plastic object 7 inches in length. She jerked the object in and out of him. Strangely, the device appeared to be connected to the ceiling through a hose or cable. The television below Drew beamed a wide range of sexual sounds and noises.

"Normal response for lesbian fantasy," Dr. Virginia noted as she stared at a monitor on the wall. Dr. Hurtz typed swift notes.

"Moving on to strap-ons... moderate to low reaction," she said, jotting down another observation.

"Let's try cross-dressing now." I saw the porn change to adorable trans men changing outfits before engaging in a threesome. Instantly, Drew moaned. "Interesting," Virginia commented, thrusting more forcefully into Drew's backside. He moaned again upon reaching orgasm, emitting a few squirts of cum into a container beneath him.

"Interesting indeed," Dr. Hurtz grumbled, hastening to write more.

"It's called normal human behavior," I murmured, dumbfounded by the horrifying events that unfolded. My behind felt a little unusual; was I empty? Or possibly horny? What kind of place is this?

"Trust the process, gentlemen," Alex said chuckling.

"Did you know about this?" Kil asked.

"Certainly. I'm usually not drugged for my tests. But they'll eventually stop administering it," Alex shared.

"So you're not trans?" Kil enquired.

"I'm just a fem," Alex replied. "Existing for the pleasure of my master."

Kil had his arms wrapped around Alex, and I felt a pang of curiosity - despite the unsettling revelations from the girl.

"Can you tell us more?" I prodded. "What's the security like here?"

Alex's face twisted. "We shouldn't discuss it. This is an excellent establishment."

"Alright, alright. Can't wait for my turn!" Kil said, his disappointment at the lack of information apparent. The pair shared a giggle as Alex led the way back to the lounge.

Thomas, the redhead, was the last one to get his test. No one else knew what was happening, and I didn't have the courage to tell them. Most of these young men were pretty straight, so they likely wouldn't take the news well. Thomas confided in me that he, like most of these guys, had only applied to the program to avoid jail for a pointless charge. "I was driving while high and hit someone. Even though she seemed fine, her dad went after me, and this is better than prison," he said. "I just hope there's no gay stuff. I'm as straight as they come. No offense."

"None taken, buddy." I replied.

I also got a chance to chat with George, who was admitted for a gun charge. I felt bad for the shy kid. He was about 5'8 and slightly chubby, with Filipino heritage - he didn't even know he had a perfect ass! I was about to ask him about his life before we all ended up here when the instructor got our attention.

She said, "Thank you all for behaving yourselves during this time. Welcome to the program. You've all been officially admitted. Congratulations." A soft cheer sounded out, but everyone was still confused about the 'top' and 'bottom' inquiries earlier. "I'd like to introduce you all to the Dean of Cambria Academy, Dr. Oscha."

A stunning woman in a white pantsuit strolled in. She quieted the room with her raised hands: "Cambria Academy is here to help those struggling with their LGBT identity find inner peace. Those of you who thought you could sneak in here to avoid prison, be prepared to be integrated into our community." She paused for dramatic effect. Thomas shifted in his seat, as did a few others.

"Tonight, you'll be divided into your Relationships: couples (a top and a bottom), a polyamorous group (one bottom and three tops), and a switch group (four of you will have some extra fun!)." She chuckled like a schoolgirl. "The ground rules are that... there are no rules! Enjoy yourselves, boys! The first night can be difficult, you don't have to enjoy sex, but you will be judged on how well you play your role as a top or bottom. Tops must take control of their bottoms, and bottoms must submit to tops. Have fun, boys!" She grinned. "You can stay in the lounge late tonight. Your dormitory is to the left," she indicated to a set of doors which opened immediately. It seemed like a regular hallway.

The Dean and her colleagues left, leaving us alone for the first time since we arrived. Just as soon as they left the room, some of the other students entered. Kil and I recognized Alex among them. He waved at us, and we waved back.

They'd posted our names on a large board, separating us into our groups. I felt sad when I saw Kil was paired with three strangers in the polyamorous room. He didn't seem bothered though, looking for his 'tops'. I found my name next to "Drew", the repressed kid. I saw he was looking at me, and he looked away, embarrassed. I wished I could have gotten the 'Twink' instead.

George was sobbing, he'd been assigned as a 'bottom' in the other room of three... and the ginger man was one of the 'tops' in that room, laughing away his relief. I didn't understand why these straight guys just turned gay here?

Now, there were at least 30 new students in the lounge. I noticed the man with scars on his face, who is known as Bruce, talking to another tattoos guy from a different class. They greeted each other enthusiastically, then started laughing and joking, sipping from the booze they'd smuggled in to celebrate this special night. Robbie walked up and introduced himself to Bruce. The huge guy just slapped Robbie's comparatively tiny hand away, then picked him up and gave him a gigantic bear hug. Robbie started squirming and trying to get out, but the hug just carried on. When Robbie started struggling more and more, the bear and his friend laughed even harder. I saw Robbie and Bruce were paired as a couple.

"Bruce, let's take a peek at the room." The guy said to Bruce, who nodded as they walked towards the dorm hall. Robbie's eyes widened and he began to scream. They rounded a corner and slipped into one of the doors. After the door closed, we heard nothing more.

"The main idea here is there are no rules." A voice said behind me. I turned to see another student standing next to Alex. "Hey, I'm Jack. I've heard you've already met my partner Alex?"

"Yeah, that's right." I shook his hand.

"It can be quite intimidating at first. I remember the first night was absolutely dreadful. I was going insane." He said.

"So, is Robbie going to be okay?" I asked, gesturing to Robbie, who was probably getting introduced to his new boss. "And what does it mean, being assigned a 'top'?"

"Robbie, I think that's his name," Jack looked over at Alex for confirmation, "was assigned to be a 'bottom' because he performed well as a bottom. It's his natural place. That's what the test was for. Alex told me you noticed."

"Yeah... It just doesn't seem fair to let some arrogant guy turn a sweet kid into his personal sex toy for three years."

"What if the kid wants to be a sex toy?" Alex asked, smiling at me.

"Great job!" Jack said, ruffling Alex's hair and kissing her forehead. What on earth have I stumbled into?

"Alright," Jack continued, "I'm supposed to give you this." He handed me a keycard with my picture on it. "With this, you can access the doors you're allowed: dorms, lounges, bathrooms. Oh yeah, the bathrooms are at the end of the hallway - one for each year. They're not great. Have fun!" Jack told me about his experience teaching Alex how to give head the first night.

"We're going to bed early. Good luck, rookie!" Jack and Alex touched noses and giggled.

To survive here, I needed to learn more about this place. Maybe an escape is possible... It seems like they give us a lot of freedom. And what's going on with this messed up sex stuff? These doctors must have a sexual fantasy for prison inmates. They must be recording everything in every room. I had no intention of screwing the Drew kid. He doesn't want me. But he is cute. Though I shouldn't be thinking that. This place is already messing with my head.

"Hey, Liam." I looked up. It was Drew. "I was wondering about going to bed." He said, sounding like a question.

"Yeah, sure. Don't worry about it, it's been a long day. I don't know where our room is - sorry, man." I said.

"No ... I found the room. I was just..." he was turning red. "I'm a 'bottom' and only 'tops' can open and close the doors."

"Ah ... I see." I was caught off guard. "I'll come now. Let's go."

I navigated through the crowd, Liam following closely. A few older students were talking with new recruits as they poured more shots. Liquor makes straight guys less straight...

Our dorm was at the end of a long hallway, room 1014. Our names were plastered on the front. The section of the hallway with all the newbies' rooms was lined in yellow, red for the second years, and blue for the third years. I noticed the blue doors were able to remain open and the students were mingling freely between them. More dicks hanging out than expected.

I tapped my keycard against the door to our room. It beeped. It opened. The room was small - two desks on the left side, a window at the back, a single bed on the right, pushed up against the corner. There was a shelf of cubbies at the foot of the bed. One of them contained a variety of sex toys, lube, dildos, a prostate massager, wipes, poppers ... before I could make a complete inventory, Drew's voice grabbed my attention: "I thought there would be two beds." He was speaking more to himself than to anyone. The door slammed shut and he jumped.

"Listen Drew," I said, looking down at him, "I'm not going to do anything you don't want. I'm not like that. Let's just try and get through this together."

He hesitated, but agreed.

"I'm going to explore and try and gather more information. Go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning. You've shared beds before. It's not weird." Drew laughed and nodded. He began to take off his shirt as I flew out the door.

I checked out the bathrooms. A row of toilets, no stalls, and through another door a large group shower, a steam room, and a sauna. Not terrible. No one was inside at the moment.

While conversing with my friends, I noticed Tom the Ginger, who invited me into his room. The background music was exceptionally loud, indicating excellent soundproofing in this location. His room was marginally larger than mine, featuring a gigantic king-sized bed and a separate bunk bed. The desks were pushed together with someone dancing on top. It wasn't just dancing - it was twerking. An intoxicated George was the one causing this commotion. He was shirtless, sporting only tight yellow spandex shorts. I couldn't help but admire how his body perfectly conformed to the garment.

"I had four sisters and a single mom raise me. I know how to dance, baby!" George slurred, backflipping before bending over and twerking.

He hopped off the desks and switched off the music.

"Boo! Keep dancing, slave! You have to do whatever we say!" an unknown juvenile shouted from the bunks.

"You guys need to fetch me..." George almost lost his balance, hanging onto Thomas for support. "You've got to get me drunker if you desire this PUSSSAYYY. I'm telling ya I'm kidding!" George assured Thomas. "Forget all that sissy stuff."

"You'll do whatever we command, you little sissy." The kid in the bunk declared. "Or you'll get fucked by the third years! I'm certain they'd enjoy more fresh meat."

"Be quiet!" George yelled.

"Don't make him dance on the table, he'll break his neck." I said, offering an alternative.

Another acquaintance, who I recognized from the treadmills, sat a chair near George. "I want a lap dance, slut. The lady stated you're our bottom. Obey us or we'll fail, and we'll end up in a real jail." He reactivated the music.

George promptly offered another shot, which George ingested without hesitation. George's dancing changed, becoming more relaxed; the shrieking and turmoil ceased to exist.

"Hi, I'm Ivy," said the kid receiving George's lap dance. "I saw your name on the board." He playfully smacked George's buttocks as George was too inebriated to notice. "I'm Mikey!" the individual in the top bunk yelled. Both came across as young African-Americans. This program seems diverse, I thought. Is it acceptable to think that?

Ivy then guided George to give him a lap dance. George exerted some resistance, but Ivy's dominance overpowered George's feeble protests. With a combination of physical strength and persuasion, George found it difficult to say no. After some time, George slumped over and fell asleep, completely unconscious.

Unable to wake him up, I attempted to rouse him out of his stupor. It seemed he had fared well in this incident.

Ivy moved by me and knelt down beside George. He removed George's sandals and socks. I eyed Ivy in astonishment - 6'5", muscular, and incredibly attractive. It was a vital moment before Ivy tugged at George's scant shorts and shirtless body. A faint complaint loosely translated as permission emanated from George's inebriated state. I watched as Ivy picked up George and smoothly carried him, laying him down in the bed.

Ivy opened a drawer and retrieved two items - a bottle of lubricant and a small hand towel. "I'll be sleeping here with George today," he stated. "Is there an issue with that?"

"No," Thomas and Mikey responded, taking their respective spots in the bunk-bed. "I think it's time for you to leave, Liam," Ivy suggested as he turned off the music.

"Yes..." I replied. The room's door closed behind me.

"Avoid falling for their tricks." The other said. "Jeffery, hey." He gently placed his hand onto the man's arm, "he took his time pursuing me. It made the whole thing more enjoyable. The guys who prefer using force are outside engaging in orgies in the dorms and questioning why they're so unhappy."

"I'd rather just get the deed done." Someone else joined in. "Donny waited for two months to sleep with me and even though I claimed I wasn't prepared, I wanted to have sex almost immediately. "

Another hour or two of speaking and imbibing, I headed back to my room. I entered the code and tried to be as quiet as possible. No need to disturb my roommate. However, Drew woke up instantly. "How was it?" He inquired.

"Why is it so warm in here?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry, I prefer a warm room. I can turn it down. He leapt out of bed and moved towards the thermostat. He was wearing the exact same yellow spandex shorts that George had worn, as well as a white shirt. He looked fantastic. Blood started rushing to my dick. No, I can't try to have sex with this guy.

"It was fine. Spoke to a few people."

"Okay. Sorry again. Goodnight." He returned to bed, turning away from me to face the wall. I was feeling a little affected by the alcohol. I removed all my clothes apart from my underwear and climbed into bed. I had to admit I was beginning to feel slightly aroused. All these wonderful twinks being wasted on straight men. If Kil and I were together, we'd have already had our eighth round and rummaged through the sex cabinet. But before I could quell these thoughts... my dick was growing out of control and my mind was consumed by thoughts of sex. Soon, I was completely hard, my penis pushing through the sheet. I glanced over at Drew to ensure he was still asleep but now he was on his back, facing me. He then looked up at me, embarrassed, before turning around swiftly. Perhaps he had just seen the biggest penis he had ever seen. I'm close to 9" thick. "Uhhh" I started to say but opted against trying to speak anything. I turned away from him.

Despite our attempts, our bodies were constantly touching in some manner. He's 5'7" and I'm 6'2", and we eventually gave up trying to feign ignorance and settled into sleeping with arms, shoulders, and thighs touching. At one point that night, I woke up, and my dick, now fully erect, was directly facing Drew. I pushed away the thoughts and attempted to return to sleep, placing my arm beneath Drew to supplement his neck's comfort. He sighed audibly. Maybe tomorrow, I thought.

Day 2 -

I awoke, Drew gone. The clock on the wall read 10 a.m. He moved from my arm around 6 a.m. and cuddled up, taking up 30% of the bed. I exited my room, grabbed my card, and headed out to use the restroom. There was a guard at the end of the hallway. I walked the other way and into the bathroom. Inside was a stall, and hanging from a toilet, was George. He was naked and still drunk.

I approached him and patted his shoulder: "You'll be okay. We've all been hungover before. Just wait it out, mate."

"Huhhhh" George mumbled while leaning against the stall wall.

"Do you need some water? Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He slurred, spilling most of the water he drank into his mouth.

"How was last night?" I asked.

"I passed out early. Don't recall much aside from getting to my room. I believe I fell over or something. I'm so sore... everywhere." He started dry heaving.

"Feel better, buddy. I'm heading to shower." I had to leave before he vomited. I moved to the neighboring toilet and relieved myself.

I passed through a second door and into the shower/steam room. It seemed that several people were in the steam area, but no one was in the shower. I stripped off and placed my clothes on the hook before stepping into the shower. To my surprise, the shower had excellent water pressure. Maybe six shower heads with body wash dispensers on the wall. The door to the steam room burst open and two figures emerged.

"Hey Liam!" It was Kil and another guy I didn't recognize. They walked to the shower area and Kil turned on two shower heads. "Liam," he continued, "This is Dayton. He's one of the tops in my room." Dayton turned to me, "Come here, you need to experience how good the cold water feels after a steam." Kil turned his attention to Dayton, "Liam, you've never been in a steam room?"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Liam." "Hey, Liam. This definitely feels good." Dayton said with a southern accent. It's rare to hear people speaking like that nowadays.

"You'd feel even better if you let me suck your cock right now." Kil said, staring directly at Dayton and extending his hand. Dayton smacked it away: "I told you I'm not into that gay stuff. Stop."

"You don't want a warm mouth around your dick right now!" He pleaded.

"I'm outta here." Dayton signed as he left.

"Ugh!" Kil yelled out. He struck the shower walls before adjusting the water temperature. Eventually, he screamed at me: "I can't stand this place! They always assign me with these three boys who have no interest in me." "If you're still offering your warm mouth..." I said. He gave me a look over, taking a moment to focus on my crotch before agreeing in a sarcastic tone that may have turned me off if I wasn't so aroused. "Can you fuck me till I cum?" He inquired, arms crossed.

"Over here." I said, extending my arm.

He squeezed out a few pumps from the soap dispenser on the wall. "It's lube," he corrected me. "Lube dispensers are on the walls and only one top is visible. This place is indeed a prison." He spread the lube around his shaved pink hole.

"Stop insulting me before I fuck you." I bent down and picked up one of Kil's legs, lifting it over my head. He gasped and tried to pull away, wrapping his arms around my neck to prevent himself from falling. I now had him pinned against the wall and, using a free hand, guided my dick against his lubed hole. I began lowering him onto my length, slowly but fast enough to convey who was in charge. Once I reached the seventh inch of my dick, Kil finally laughed and moaned out, "Oh fuck yeah, Daddy."

This was all the encouragement I needed to fully penetrate and dominate this man. He simply surrendered to me. I increased my tempo, pulling him off the wall and slamming his hips into me as I thrust into him. He dug his fingers into my hair and pressed his tongue into my mouth. His hole gripped my dick tightly as I slid in and out of him. "Daddy fuck! Daddy, yes! Yes!" Kil moaned out like a whore.

"You're a little slut, aren't you?" I said before fully inserting him onto me. "You need a daddy, don't you, slut?"

"You own this pussy, Daddy" he panted with wide eyes, his penis impaled in me. I returned to my more intense pace, stimulating his prostate with lengthy, deep thrusts. He writhed with pleasure every time my twitching dickhead scraped against his little boy button. Minutes after beginning this vicious thrusting, Kil dug his claws into my back and fired a large load onto my chest, screaming and moaning for ten seconds as four to five ropes shot out. I slid into him completely and held him gently as he reached the end of his orgasm. "You're fucking good."

"Who am I, baby?"

"You're my Daddy." He said in a questioning tone, then bit my ear. I lifted him up off me and set him on the ground. He bent over with his hands against the wall. "Fuck me. Finish yourself off inside me, Daddy."

I slid back in almost immediately and started thrusting. I didn't last long in such a tight hole, orgasming after a few minutes. I always enjoy spreading my seed. Feeling the rush to my head when I came for the first time in days...nothing better. After I withdrew, Kil stood upright and stretched before leaving the shower. I spent some time in the steam and then grabbed a towel from the rack to dry off. What a great way to start the day.

I returned to my room, changed into the common attire of yellow cargo pants and a white shirt. One of the instructors (who later turned out to be guards and in charge of security and logistics) informed me breakfast was available at the cafeteria adjacent to the square. Overjoyed to finally experience sunlight, I exited the dorms, passed through the lounge and out two large doors into the quad. Emerging into the daylight, I got a better view of the green area that I had only seen in the dark before. There were edifices encircling the area, and fences wherever buildings were absent; each one apparently containing various "practice rooms" or venues for classes. I observed a group of individuals assembling near one of these buildings and presumed it must be the cafeteria. I entered, encountered a card-activated register, and queued.

The selection of food was diverse, comprising conventional options such as eggs, bacon, and waffles, alongside healthier choices like oatmeal, yogurt, and cereal. Decent fare for prison grub. Given I rarely eat breakfast that early, my hunger pangs had doubled upon leaving my room that morning. I selected some toast, yogurt, and coffee. After amassing my sustenance and departing the queue, an instructor loomed nearby.

"You may only dine with those you reside with. Please consult the chart for reference." Instruction was conveyed to me and several other individuals wearing the uniform of yellow pants. The experienced students understood the rules. I scanned the restaurant and recognized my roommate, Drew, at a table in the center.

"Hey man." I said, joining him.

"Hi." He murmured, looking back down at his meal.

This fellow seemed disinterested in conversing. No problem. I commenced eating my toast before Dr. Oscha, the director clothed in a white pantsuit, appeared next to our table.

"Please follow me, Liam." She stated indifferently. A few older students nearby who had previously ignored us sat up and took notice. I stood up. "Drew dear." She said, reaching out and stroking his cheek. He froze. "Be a dear and tidy up after Liam. As you know, he had quite a hectic morning." She removed her hand and left, swiftly. I trailed behind.

She ushered me away from the cafeteria through additional doors. She led me along a tour, pointing out various venues as she went. "This is the gym... and that's a late-night snack bar!" She exclaimed in her tour guide voice. We ascended a flight of stairs and entered a windowless hallway. Escape routes? The stairs were each secured with a key lock, emphatically providing a lack of escape opportunities. Moreover, there were no corners lacking surveillance. Cameras everywhere. She entered a room, despite the small entrance, the interior was vast. It was evidently the director's office.

"Take a seat here, please." She requested. I obeyed, sitting opposite her desk. The desk, 6 feet in length, was crafted from wood and featured small built-in screens facing away from her. Fabulous sightlines from my position. She was positioned in her chair, leaning back.

"I'm pleased to have you join our community. I'm delighted to observe your successful integration. How's Drew faring?"

"He's fine. Thanks for the warm welcome."

"I observed your frisky morning activity selecting a partner outside of your assigned bottom. While that must have been enjoyable for you both, why not stake a claim on your own?"

"Drew isn't gay... or at least, he isn't yet. I have no intentions of compelling anyone to engage with me."

"Perhaps he merely needs a push to discover his true self."

"I'm not sure about that."
"Let's have a look at this." She typed on her computer, revealing a video feed on the screen before me. The perspective resembled a security camera in George's bedroom. Mike, Thomas, and Ivy were present, sharing alcohol. Dr. Oscha accelerated the tape, advancing it until she paused at my exit from the room.

"You're recording us." I stated. "I'm hardly taken aback since I imagine you have footage from my shower escapades as well."

She glanced away from the screen for the first time: "You're an immate. Would you prefer to mingle among the general prison population?"
"No." I replied.
"Then cooperate with me, Liam." She eagerly resumed the tape rewind, pausing it when it showcased me leaving the room.

I glanced at the computer screen and beheld Ivy fondling George, his palms clenching around him, keeping him in place as Ivy inserted his large, black penis in and out. One hand smothered George's mouth, while the other effortlessly restrained George's wrists. George writhed restlessly. Uncomfortable. Ivy's shaft was mammoth, measuring around 10", and George was compelled to accommodate it. A virgin's orifice transformed into a sexual plaything. Dr. Oscha replayed the footage and ceased. Now, Ivy was making George lie on his stomach, bottom propped up, and slathering more lube. He no longer held George's hand to his face, instead, he employed one hand to force George's face into the pillow as Ivy violated him relentlessly. Long deep thrusts engorged his newly minted sex slave. Dr. Oscha rewound the video again. Then, Ivy was handling George from behind doggy-style, George's resistance extirpated. He was now thrusting onto Ivy's sizeable member. Ivy swatted him hard and George discharged a few ropes of semen while moaning like a prostitute. Dr. Oscha halted the video: "The once 'not-gay' George is now moaning over a luscious cock. Ivy's the largest among your peers, you know." Dr. Oscha jestingly needled me.

"You seem to enjoy these spectacles."

"Oh Liam! Certainly! Witnessing a novice assimilate into his sexual role is a thrilling sight."

I had nothing to say. Dr. Oscha typed on the keyboard, and a clip of me rutting Kil in the shower earlier today flashed on the screen. I had Kil facing the wall and systematically lowering him onto my cock. However, this angle depicted the entire bathroom ... and Drew was lurking behind the entrance door, eyes fixated on us. "Look! Your assigned bottom yearns for your big endowment ... assist him in his discovery!" she stated.

"Maybe he merely desired a private shower." I retorted, watching Drew observe me sodomize. Upon Kil's climax, Drew slipped a hand into his trousers. He indulged for a moment before fleeing. The footage abruptly stopped.

"He yearns for touch, and his prior experience with cross-dressing suggests that. Invigorate him." She commanded. "If you detest individuals being coerced - don't make me promote Drew to Bruce. Bruce delights in tormenting his subjects. I doubt if he would even permit little Robbie to consume today."

"Why are you overseeing such debauchery, what's wrong with you?" I hollered.

"Ssshh" she held up a finger to her lips. "That's quite enough. Let's return to the cafeteria. Another outburst from you and you'll be expelled from this place tonight."

I lowered my head and accompanied her back into the cafeteria. I rejoined Drew at our table. Dr. Oscha stepped onto a table and instantly received a microphone from an instructor.

"Hello, Members of Our Instruction! I regret to convey that the First Year's performance last eve left me in dissatisfaction. Effective immediately, there'll be absolutely no sex unless pre-approved couples indulge. Medical staff will perform morning semen retention evaluations on every one of you. Offenders will face strict punishment." Verbal groans reverberated through the cafeteria, primarily from the older fellows. "The rules are in progress until I determine otherwise." Dr. Oscha retorted, before descending off the table, trailed by a team of security personnel. Another teacher picked up his voice, carrying a menacing timbre: "Get to class forthwith! NOW!" Instruction members promptly rose from their seats.

Our gymnasium was the site of our education, aiming to reform "problem" young men. The types of courses depended on whether an individual was a top or a submissive. I presume the individuals adept at both took both? Not quite certain. P.E. was the only compulsory class for all students. We returned to the gym where we had traversed the treadmills previously. We were instructed to divide into groups and stretch. At the head of our class were a 3rd-year couple instructing us how to perform each stretch. Although I considered myself capable of stretching, I adhered to the norms, permitting Drew to elongate my limbs. He started by having me lie on my back, allowing him to elevate my legs, extending my hamstrings. I rotated my body to permit him to lengthen my arms, copying the pair in the front.

Following the stretching, I competed in a game of basketball with several of my top comrades, while Drew undertook yoga with several fellow bottoms.

Following my Physical Education class, I attended a weightlifting session. It was reassuring to know that I could maintain my gym regimen here. Bruce, also known as "face scars," was aggressively hitting the metal, telling all the boys about his adventures with Robbie, even inviting anyone to take a shot at Robbie's neck. Thomas, the redheaded kid, shared that the bottoms had painting class. It seemed more entertaining than being yelled at by guards to do more reps. I used the limited time remaining to focus on my legs, performing squats and lunges.

The classes started to blend together. I enrolled in a hunting course, which was mostly classroom-based and focused on survival skills. Most were uninteresting, and the teachers weren't engaging. Apparently, the bottoms had cooking and educational classes. This institution seemed to be a twisted fantasy. Dr. Oscha's perhaps...

The classes ended at 7 PM, prompting us to move straight to the cafeteria for dinner. Drew and I found ourselves sitting across from each other after lining up at the buffet. The food was significantly worse than breakfast.

"Get accustomed to it," one of the third-year students remarked to me.

I received a steak that was more akin to a hamburger without a bun and some fries. It was flavorless. Drew had a salad consisting of just half a cup of lettuce and a bowl of fruit (mango and pineapple). We ate in near silence until I attempted to break the ice: "How was class?"

"It was boring. The curriculum was primarily revolving around female stereotypes." He said with a roll of his eyes.

"Mine was mostly weightlifting and physical activities. Not enjoyable."

"I had to learn about various types of dresses," Liam. "You have it better."

"What's wrong with dresses?" I asked curiously.

"I guess I enjoyed them. Fashion intrigues me."

"I think boys who wear dresses are adorable. Or girls. Who doesn't look good in a dress?" I said, and Drew laughed.

"Exactly!... That's the reason I'm here." He added shyly while looking down at his food.

"What?" I asked, intrigued.

"My mother is a significant figure in politics from where I'm from. I was sending pictures of myself crossdressing or engaging in 'gay' activities like donning certain attire. And, as a result, she had me sent here."

"That's dreadful. I can't even imagine what that would be like." 
"No offense Liam, but I'm not a delinquent. I don't belong here!"

"You don't. That's terrible. But at least you're away from her. You can do anything you want now?"

"I suppose." His face lit up a bit. Drew was visibly gay - it was apparent the moment I saw him - but the crossdressing revelation came as a surprise. The fact that he was openly discussing it with me... And he's so adorable. I imagined he'd be adorable in a skirt.

As dinner concluded, we joined the students in clearing the tables. All freshmen were tasked with cleaning the dishes. Every top had removed their shirts in the lounge, but I felt guilty abandoning Drew. So I stayed and aided the bottoms in their cleanup efforts. Post-cleaning, Drew and I walked back to our room.

Later that night, after several hours of swapping stories about our lives before this, Drew slid into short shorts and hopped into bed, shirtless. I remained seated at my desk - it was empty. He looked genuinely attractive.

"Drew?" I inquired.

"Yes?" He turned to face me.

"This might sound strange, but did you climax while watching me with Kil in the shower?"

He remained silent, his eyes widened.

"Dr. Oscha displayed the shower tape to me. No need to worry, I'm not upset or anything; we're all horny young men." "No. I didn't climax. I'm not truly gay so when I saw you in there, I waited for some time and then left." He stuttered. "I've masturbated multiple times a day before and have seen homosexual porn before, and that's what it resembled."

"Thanks for saying I resemble a porn star," I chuckled. "So you masturbate to gay porn, but you're not gay?" 
"I believe I'm a tad curious. I've observed men I find attractive, but I'm mostly drawn to girls."

"It's fine. I'm bisexual and have similar preferences...except in reverse." He laughed.

"Have you ever engaged in sexual activities? Done something with a woman or ..." 
"Never." Drew answered. I walked over to him and gently stroked the tip of his erect member. He surprisingly didn't rebuff me.

"Can I kiss you?" I inquired. He swiftly moved toward me and pressed his lips onto mine. He swiftly removed his underwear and began wildly masturbating. His member was... little. Maybe 3"? We started making out. My tongue entered his mouth and after just about 30 seconds, he climaxed. Cumming forcefully and ejecting several ropes around our bed.

He immediately apologized and hurried to grab a towel to clean up his mess. Then he started apologizing for the entire situation as the post-orgasmic clarity set in. "I'm sorry you didn't cum... or well, I guess you did earlier, but you can still masturbate if you want. I just don't desire to get penetrated by you I'm sorry your dick is simply so enormous." He stammered as he stood at the foot of the bed.

I recognized the signal. I took off my boxers and allowed my penis to hang out. It was semi-erect.

"This thing?" I inquired while pulling my boxers back on. "Don't panic." I pulled my boxers back up. "I'm not going to do anything you don't wish for. You'd be insane to initiate with this dick. Have you ever fingered yourself or put anything in that adorable butt of yours?" 
He nodded, ashamedly.

"Perhaps you can do more of that tomorrow?" 
"But what about the exam tomorrow?" Dr. Oscha had said everyone must achieve an orgasm. "Don't worry - I'll deal with it tomorrow." I said.

He smiled at me and went back to bed. Was there a hint of disappointment in his eyes?​

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