Chapter 1: A Day Without Panties

The Headmaster punishes Liza (the new student).

Jun 28, 2024
6 min read
studentpanty stuffingcatholic schoolpunishmentspankingheadmasterChapter 1: A Day Without Pantiesdisciplinepanties
Chapter 1: A Day Without Panties
Chapter 1: A Day Without Panties

Chapter 1: A Day Without Panties

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are consenting adults over the age of 18.


"Uniform inspection, ladies! Everyone stand by your desks," Sister Mary instructed. The young women stood, smoothing their skirts, and brushing off any dust they noticed.

The classroom door opened without a knock - something only the Headmaster was privileged to do. He strode in scanning the room, wasting no time. He walked down each aisle, his dark eyes going from one young woman to the next, pausing if he noticed any deviation.

"Miss Atwell, your left sock has a loose thread dangling."

"I'm... sorry, sir, I'll..."

"No lunch for you today," he interrupted.

"Yes sir, thank you, Headmaster," she said, relieved.

The man held a polished wooden dowel of dark wood, like the handle of a gavel. A mirror was mounted on the end. As he walked past each young woman, he angled the rod between their legs such that the mirror gave him a view under their skirt.

As he passed the new girl, a blonde named Liza, he paused. Using the mirror as a hook, he lifted her skirt. She was wearing nothing under it. As he raised it further, the mirror brushed against her pale skin, just barely covered with soft, sparse pubic hair. Sister Mary gasped.

"Go stand by Sister Mary's desk... now!" he ordered.

"Yes, Headmaster," she answered quietly, moving to the front of the room.

He continued his inspection, trying hard not to hurry, but anxious to attend to Liza. Something about the new girl intrigued him. "Very good, ladies; you may be seated," he told them as he returned to the front of the room.

"Now Miss... McCoy," he began, pretending not to recall her name at first. "Turn around and face the desk." She did. "Bend over, with your hands and forearms flat against the top. Spread your legs a bit more." He lifted the back of her skirt and tucked it into her waistline, exposing her bare bottom to the entire class.

The girls' eyes widened. Some even opened their mouths or looked around at each other in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster, I..." Liza started to explain before he interrupted.

"Silence. There's no possible excuse for this." He turned to the teacher. "Six swats please, Sister. Miss McCoy, you will count each one out loud."

Sister Mary nodded and approached the desk. Unlike a "stroke" which could be done with a ruler., a "swat" meant she had to use her bare hand. She thought six swats was far too few for such a heinous offense, but she knew better than to question the Headmaster's decision. He was standing on the student's left side, so she went to the opposite side, not wanting to block the view. It was important for the other young women to see the punishment.

Smack! Her first swat was firm (even though she had to use her left hand) and seemed very loud in the quiet room. The young woman cried out, and then managed a soft "one".

"Louder," he told her.

"Yes, sir" she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

He nodded at the teacher to continue.

Smack! The second stroke was even harder but on the other cheek.

"Owww... two!" the girl said, almost in tears. Both of her pale cheeks were already turning pink.

Smack! Back to the first cheek.

"Mmpf... three!" she forced herself to call out.


"Four!" she gasped. She was beginning to cry.

Smack! Sister Mary's hand was landing on the same spot each time.

"Ohh... five!" Her breathing was getting ragged.

Smack! The last stroke sounded louder than the others.

"Six..." she barely managed, tears were running down her face.

The Headmaster examined the girl's bottom briefly. Satisfied, he untucked her skirt, letting it drop back into place. "Thank you, Sister Mary. Isn't that right, Miss McCoy?" he said, his dark eyes flashing.

"Yes... thank you, Sister Mary," she repeated.

"Now, Miss McCoy, you will ask the other women if you can borrow their panties. I know you don't have any friends here yet since you're new, but perhaps a few will take pity on you. I want you to collect three pairs. Go along, now," he ordered.

Liza went to the closest girl, and whispered: "May I borrow your panties?" The young woman quickly shook her head. The entire front two rows refused. Finally, she came to her roommate, Jennifer. "Please?" she implored her.

Jen nodded, sliding her pink cotton panties off, and handed them to Liza. "Thank you so much!" Liza whispered, meaning it. She almost returned to the front of the room, but then remembered she needed three pairs -- though she couldn't imagine why.

After the first, she found two other willing girls fairly quickly: Amy, a dark-haired Asian woman, and Robin, a redhead whom Liza had noticed in several of her classes.. Thanking both, she carried the panties back to the Headmaster.

"Open your mouth, Miss McCoy." He took the pink pair - Jennifer's - and pushed them halfway into her mouth. "You will hold these in your mouth all day. Do you understand?" he asked. She nodded, but he wasn't waiting for an answer. "These will serve to remind you - and everyone who sees you - how important our uniform rules are."

"Turn around," he ordered. Her eyes widened, and she hesitated. "Now," he commanded. She turned, and he pushed her down, forcing her to bend over the desk again. She placed her arms down as she had before. Were they going to spank her again? When he lifted her skirt again, she almost began to cry.

But then she felt something pushing inside her - into her most private place. It hurt, a little - though not as much as the spanking; it was mostly the shock and embarrassment. She wasn't sure what was happening - she had never felt anything quite like it before. After a minute or so, he stopped penetrating her. She could tell he had pushed something inside her, and it remained even after his finger pulled out. She realized it must be the other pair of panties.

"Spread her cheeks, Sister," he instructed. The trembling girl felt Sister Mary's wrinkled old hands on each of her cheeks, spreading them, and holding them open. Oh my god, she thought, what are they going to do? Sister Mary smiled, she was pleased to see that the punishment wasn't simply a handful of swats. The Headmaster was a strict and creative disciplinarian.

"Hold her down, Sister," he addressed the teacher. "I don't want her squirming around for this part." The old nun smiled and moved to the other side of the desk. She pushed the girl's head down to the desk, holding it firmly. The Headmaster put a finger into his mouth, quickly wetting it. He could taste just a trace of dampness from her pussy as he did, and he savored it.

"Oww!" she cried out in surprise as she felt his finger penetrate her again - but this time, in her rectum! Though he only pushed in an inch or two, her hole was so tight. This time, it took quite a while longer - several minutes, she guessed Her vagina had been moist, and the panties had gone in easily enough.

But her other hole was dry and much tighter. It hurt as he first penetrated her, but after a while, the pain lessened. Still uncomfortable, but there was something else too, she realized. But before she could explore the sensation, it was over. As Sister Mary removed her hands from the child's back, the violated girl stood and the school-issued skirt fell back into place. The Sister turned her around to face the class. Every student there was staring at her, eyes wide open.

"You may return to your seat, Miss McCoy. The Uniform Inspection is over. I trust you'll remember this lesson" he asked, rhetorically. He left the room without another word.

She nodded, mumbling "thank you sir" through the panties in her mouth. Breathing through her nose, she smelled a pleasant floral scent from Jennifer's panties, but there was something else too; something subtle. Pondering, she slowly returned to her desk.

Sitting on her sore bottom was a bit painful, but much better than standing exposed in front of the entire class. The pressure of the panties partly stuffed inside her was strange, but not entirely unpleasant.

She jotted down a reminder to ask one of the other students for her notes after class; she clearly wouldn't be able to concentrate.

  1. Liza, being a new student at the Catholic school, was not prepared for the strict uniform inspection led by Sister Mary and the headmaster.
  2. The headmaster discovered that Liza was not wearing panties under her skirt during the inspection and ordered her to stand by Sister Mary's desk for punishment.
  3. As a form of discipline, the headmaster decided to have Liza ask her fellow students for their panties to wear for the rest of the day, a punishment aimed at teaching her the importance of the school's uniform rules.
  4. Liza managed to collect three pairs of panties from her roommate and two other classmates, but the headmaster then decided to push one pair into her most private area as an additional form of punishment, causing her significant discomfort and embarrassment.

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