Chapter 12 of Katie's New Life

An enjoyable evening leads to a disastrous day.

May 10, 2024
19 min read
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Katie's New Life Ch. 12
Katie's New Life Ch. 12

Chapter 12 of Katie's New Life

Sally went back to the main bedroom; Kate looked up after completing her snack. "Alright, let's get ourselves ready. I think my little girl can even have her nails done," Kate mentioned.

Kate smiled, and John raised his eyebrows. "All right, I'm out of here. You two ladies have fun," he said as he left the room.

Sally picked up Kate from her crib, and they chatted as pals while listening to music, getting ready, and openly discussing how the time since Kate had moved in had been. Kate was developing affection for both Sally and John as her new mother and father, but also as lovers. She appreciated the absence of responsibility and real-world problems that came with being a baby and the perks of being allowed to act grown-up sometimes.

Several hours later, they were both done with their hair and makeup, though Kate's was less elaborate and more appropriate for a young girl. Sally wore a skimpy red dress and heels, while Kate sported a slightly less revealing black dress, but it was still short and she wore heels that were slightly shorter.

Sally had permitted Kate to wear a pull-up rather than a bulky diaper and packed two fresh ones in her bag. John came in to check them out. "Wow, you two ladies look lovely! And, Kate, so cute," he observed.

He looked at her diaper and said, "I think there's something missing."

He found her charm and removed the pendant, placing it on its delicate chain around Kate's neck. "Sweetie, even though you might be big tonight, you're still owned," he said.

She turned red, "Thank you, daddy," she said, kissing his cheek.

"Okay, where am I taking you?"

They all left for the car, and John insisted that Kate sit in her baby seat. She enjoyed her pacifier happily as they drove to the restaurant. John parked outside, "Remember the rules, Kate. You're grown up, but Mom is in charge and responsible for you. The pull-up stays on. And, Sally, I'm trusting you to take care of her. I'll be back by the club at 1. Don't get too drunk. That goes for both of you, make good choices."

Both nodded. John took the pacifier out of Kate's mouth and left it on her seat. Sally and Kate got out of the car. They said goodbye to John and went into the restaurant.

As they entered, a group of women in a reserved section waved them over. Kate hesitated, but Sally reached out and offered her hand. Kate made a smile; she accepted her hand, and they joined the party. They found seats opposite Vicky and some other people they knew. Sally retrieved drinks, and they conversed, having a grand time.

After a few hours of drinking, they all decided to order food. Vicky got up to use the bathroom.

As she did, Kate whispered to Sally, "Mommy, I need to be changed."

"All right, sweetie," Sally mentioned. She beckoned Vicky's arm and said, "Will you change Kate for me?"

Vicky grinned, "Of course, have you got..." Sally gave Vicky's her bag, and they entered the stall together. They awkwardly tried to remove the cover while avoiding making a mess. Kate held onto the cover, trying to hide the soaked pull-up as best she could.

Vicky pulled the cover down her legs and helped Kate with removing the pull-up. She balled it up and handed it back to Kate. Vicky took some paper, cleaned Kate up, then put in one of the new pull-ups Sally gave her and replaced the cover. She adjusted herself and returned to the stall, Kate trying to stealthily get rid of the pull-up.

They returned to the party. Kate took her seat, dry and content, Sally thanked Vicky, and they continued their fun night.

Their food arrived, they ate, drank, and laughed. Kate gradually came out of her shell, behaving like she used to, with Sally making sure she was okay. Sally allowed this behavior, as they were both getting drunker.

They finished up and walked a short distance down the road to a club. They were on the guest list and had a VIP area designated for them. The music was loud, the drinks kept flowing, and the girls danced the night away till a few hours later when some people left the club to freshen up.

Sally and Kate seized the opportunity and went to the bathroom. Kate's pull-up was drenched, barely able to contain her. Sally managed to get Kate's diaper cover down and the wet pull-up off without creating a mess. [

Sally supported Kate a few times and even had the audacity to slightly finger her. Kate moaned out a little too loudly, but no one seemed to care. Trouble arose when Sally tried putting on the new pull-up. Between them, they tore it twice and then dropped it into the toilet, soaking it. Kate pouted, but Sally, drunkenly, said, "It's fine, you can go without for a bit."

Kate was uncertain if she could hold it, but the alcohol made them both believe they could handle it. They touched up their makeup and left to continue drinking and dancing, with Kate using the credit card to buy two rounds of shots.

It was close to 1 am, and John had pulled up nearby, messaging Sally to let them know where he was and waiting in his car. 1 am came and went, Sally hadn't checked her phone nor picked up his messages or calls. At 2:30, John grew angry, so he left his car and walked to the club. He assumed he'd have difficulty getting in or obtaining assistance but by coincidence, he encountered someone he knew.

A large, muscular man with a shaved head was standing at the door, known by John. He had previously worked as a private door person at a couple of Evelyn's more elaborate parties. "Dave, isn't it?"

The door man looked down on John. "Maybe, who's asking?"

John smiled pleasantly, "I believe I recognise you, you've worked the door for Evelyn, haven't you?" Dave was perplexed, only a few people knew Evelyn, and even fewer knew he occasionally worked for her.

"Yeah man, I thought I recognised you. That's it."

John continued the conversation, "I've been to a few of her parties. Listen, I'm looking for help. My wife and friend are within, I was supposed to pick them up at 1:00, and it's now 2:30. Could you assist me in locating them and escorting them out?"

Dave contemplated for a moment. This wasn't standard procedure, but he didn't want to lose his job with Evelyn. A month's salary in a single night wasn't something he wanted to risk.

"Give me a few minutes, I usually don't do this." John nodded as Dave found someone to replace him.

John showed him a photo of the two girls and told him they were with a hen party. He nodded and went to find them. It was after 3:00 when he and another bouncer found them, convinced them to leave, and escorted them out to the door.

John observed them, anger building inside, but he knew he'd wait. "Here you are, both pretty wasted, mate. They didn't want to leave."

"Thanks so much, Dave," giving him £50.

"I'll help you put them in the car." Both Sally and Kate were wasted and struggling to stand. John shook his head, carried Kate, and sank into his shoulder. Dave helped Sally, almost carrying her, to John's vehicle.

Once there, Sally sat down near the tire, "Thanks, Dave. We're a bit..." she stopped, "drunk...we're drunk."

John said nothing and stumbled Kate into the back seat of the car. He assisted Sally in getting in and secured her seatbelt, then she tried kissing him. "Shh, don't tell John, we've had a few too many drinks."

John pushed her back, "I won't."

The ride home was quiet, both women passed out within seconds. John pulled up in the driveway and began transferring Kate into the house, laying her on the nursery floor. John then helped Sally into the nursery and up onto the bed. He left them there and went to the kitchen to prepare two bottles of cold water with paracetamol dissolved into them. The girls would wake up with pain, so John intended for them to be able to manage the real punishment ahead.

Both women were asleep on the floor, Kate had wet herself again and was lying in a small puddle. John exhaled, began undressing them, and put the bottles to their lips. With some coaxing, both managed to drink their bottles while semi-conscious.

John diapered them both, emptying their bottles, and lifted Kate into her crib. He inserted a pacifier gag into her mouth, and she unconsciously sucked. Then, he lifted Sally into the bed next to her, but instead of a pacifier, she received a ball gag with a hollow center, wrapped around her head and forced into her mouth. Neither girl protested, both deeply asleep, then John attached their hands to handcuffs above their heads, secured to the bars.

John then began cleaning the mess on the floor. He envisioned the punishment he had planned, smiled to himself, and switched off the lights. The next day would be entertaining.

Sally and Kate were roused from their slumber at 9 AM by a piercing alarm clock ringing loudly next to their heads. Dazed and disoriented, they struggled to make sense of their surroundings and the incongruous ringing noise.

Their heads throbbed with a painful pulse, while Kate's heart raced with anxiety, unsure of what was happening. Sally, on the other hand, remained calm, knowing their safety was non-negotiable. Still, they had overstepped their boundaries, and today was likely to carry consequences for their actions.

John stroke into the room, fully dressed and composed, silenced the obnoxious alarm, and made his way to the crib. He found the two girls fastened, gagged, and wearing soiled diapers. He knelt before them, his expression unreadable. "I'll be unlocking your crib and your restraints. You'll keep the gags in place. You'll go downstairs and sit at the kitchen table. Understood?" Without waiting for an answer, he began releasing them.

The girls quickly complied, their movements jerky and hurried.

John followed behind, leading them to the kitchen where they sat uncomfortably in their diapers at the table. He set out the punishment items: paddles, whips, and other items. It dawned on Sally that they were in for a long day of suffering.

John took his seat at the table as well, pouring 3 cups of coffee. "You can drink that in a moment, I want you both wide awake for what's to come." Kate clutched Sally's hand under the table, their fear unchecked.

"You've broken the rules. I agreed you could go out, have fun, enjoy your night. I paid for sexy outfits, a makeover, your meal, and I shouldn't have to mention the credit card charges," John seethed, mentally recounting the expenditures. "The instructions were simple: you were not to get drunk, Kate was to wear a pull up, and I would be there to pick you up by 1 AM."

Sally hunched, her memory hazy as to what transpired at the club. "I waited for 2 hours for you, had to pay someone to find you, and this man just so happened to be one of Evelyn's bouncers. Word could spread that my home is not under control." John's anger threatened to erupt, but he managed to hold himself back.

"So, the game is this: you have two choices. If you want to remain here, you'll take whatever punishment is meted out for the next two days. Or, you can gather your belongings and leave. If you choose to remain, I'll make sure you pay through the roof. Once those two days pass, we'll resume as before. Now, I'm going to remove your gags. Drink your coffee and eat the breakfast I've prepared. You will remain silent till you've made your decision and tell me your choice."

He removed Sally's gag, allowing her to stretch her tongue and jaw. John took the gag off Kate, and she copied Sally's movements. They gulped down the hot coffee John had made, unsure of their future.

Sally was the first to speak, "I'm sorry."

John retorted, "What I want to know is whether you wish to remain and take your punishment or head out now."

Sally accepted responsibility, affirming her decision to stay and face the consequences. John turned to Kate, adding, "If you decide to stay, know that you're committing to enduring whatever punishment I deem fit. There's no leaving till it's over." Kate looked to Sally for guidance, terrified at what was coming. Sally's subtle nod reassured her, and Kate also agreed to stay.

John moved the gags from Kate and Sally's mouths, then set two huge bowls of unseasoned oatmeal in front of them. They dutifully consumed the tasteless porridge, knowing their food would be scarce until evening.

"I wouldn't advise leaving any, as you won't be receiving anything else till later." Both girls forced themselves to finish their repast, their anticipation in knowing their fate.

Once the girls were done, John awaited their response. "Sally, you're first. Speak."

Regretfully, Sally said, "I will accept my punishment."

John brusquely questioned Kate, "And you?"

She weighed her options - her love for John and Sally's home against the upcoming suffering. She finally conceded, "I will stay and accept my punishment."

John stood up, "Okay. I've made myself clear. For the next 48 hours, you two will pay for breaking our agreement and betraying my trust. You've both agreed and understood that there's no leaving or safe word during this time." The girls nodded, with Kate hiding her head.

"Get undressed, place your bare bottoms on the table, and bend over," he commanded.

Both girls swiftly removed their diapers, with Sally carefully placing hers on a chair, then followed the instructions. John took his time prepping for what was to come, making sure to make them wait. Kate tried to look at Sally for some comfort but received nothing in return - they were both in this together, but there would be no support from her mommy.

John finally was ready, and he slid his fingers in between their butt cheeks, paying extra attention to their anus. He inserted one finger each and was met with small moans and winces, but it was nothing they couldn't handle.

His fingers were taken out, leaving them anticipating the next step. It wasn't long before their bodies were filled by something more. It appeared to be a plug, but it wasn't a traditional toy.

"This is something you both have here," John said, holding up the object. "The first sensation of what it does should be kicking in now."

Kate started to wriggle as the ginger's burn grew stronger, feeling trapped in the urge to tense up to escape the pain but rewarded with more agony.

"Oh, I didn't mention - tensing only brings more discomfort," John twisted it around in Kate's anus then Sally's, causing both to flinch. "The ginger's purpose has two parts - firstly, it causes pain through its burning sensation, and this pain will increase for the next half hour to an hour. Secondly, as I start spanking your backsides, the ginger will either cause you more discomfort if you tense up or prevent you from tensing and lessening the spank's impact. Either way, you both are getting more pain with me exerting less effort."

Neither of the women responded, fully fixated on the burning ginger building within them. John played with a cane, teasing them with the swishing noise and installing fear. This also made them tense up before screaming out as the burning intensified.

John picked up a cane and started whipping the girls, starting with Sally. He whipped her between the tops of her thighs and bottom of her back, eliciting flinches and cries of pain. He did the same to Kate's backside.

John stepped back, examining his work. "This is not enough, I need to work harder," he declared, and John ramped up his intensity, unpredictably switching between the two women. Sally clutched the table tightly, trying to maintain her composure, while Kate barely stood, struggling to remain in place.

Both girls were nearing their pain limit, with the ginger deemed ready. John picked up a wooden paddle and, without warning, assaulted their raw, red cheeks with every blow.

Time seemed to stand still as John continued paddling them, unleashing blow after blow on their tender skin. Kate broke down in tears, fear the only thing keeping her standing. Sally knew this hurt more than any spanking she'd endured before, and it had just started.

John, usually slowing down and building the pressure, was now channeling his anger and disappointment, swinging the paddle with full force. John jumped back, noticing how his raised shoulder from the intense swings, and dramatically dropped the paddle to the floor.

He debated letting them rest, but instead, maintaining the pressure, he pulled Sally by the ear and forced her to kneel on a rice-covered patch of the floor. Perplexed, Sally complied and knelt down. It didn't take long for her to feel the grains of rice digging into her knees.

John dragged Kate over and forced her to join Sally, her head dropping and crying again. "This is just the beginning," she sobbed harder, completely broken.

John trailed behind them, snatching the ginger away. Although he could have given it more time, he wanted them to not become accustomed to it. John settled in front of them with a basket of clothespins. Sally groaned while Kate gazed in disbelief at their new instrument of agony. "Now, you two are going to play a game," John announced. "One for mother and one for baby. Therefore, let us begin. Hands on your heads."

They slowly complied and became settled. John selected his first clothespin, gave it a quick snap, and fastened it onto Sally's waiting nipple. She tensed due to the sudden snap, and John evened the score by attaching one to her other nipple. Sally remained frozen, concentrating on the new pain and the rice gouging her.

"Time for Kay," announced John, snapping two clothespins onto Kate simultaneously. One slid off, "oh no, Daddy missed," the snap off inflicted as much pain as the one that remained. John replaced it and shifted Sally. "Let's see if we can find more locations for these."

The next 3 clothespins were placed on each arm, on their delicate underbellies. He forced their legs apart and alternated placing them on their vaginas. They ended up with one pinching painfully on their clitorises, and 6 more clothespins encircling the fleshy lips.

Kate's weeping had ceased, but slow tears ran down her face. "Oh Kate, I understand this isn't pleasant, but this is only the beginning. I'm just off making myself a coffee and you two are expected to remain completely still," John clarified. "Should you move, the timer will reset to zero."

John headed to the kitchen to prepare himself a beverage while watching as the assault of many little torments clashed to create torture. He took a seat in front of them, recording them in their vulnerable state.

Twenty minutes passed. John savored his beverage while observing for any signs of disobedience. "I'm amazed, I assumed the pain of upholding their arms, the rice scraping against their skin, and the clothespins further intensifying the agony would have crushed you. You've been behaving exceptionally, but you still have forty minutes remaining." Kate's crying resumed, but she shut her eyes and devoted herself to enduring the ordeal. For the first time, both girls considered the situation they had created for themselves.

Sally recognized her role in their predicament, looking after Kate, sticking to the instructions John had provided. She blamed herself. Kate understood she shouldn't have consumed so much alcohol or neglected to wear a diaper. She felt embarrassed about the number of times she had accidentally leaked when stepping out. John understood they were following the instructions but also bracing themselves for their actions.

The clock ticked down, John making sure to remind them how much time they had left, pressuring them to endure. Fidgeting and shaking, both girls were struggling.

When the clock hit zero, John crouched down in front of the girls. "Well done, but do not move until I say so." John painstakingly and as painfully as possible removed the clothespins, a yelp escaping from each as he disengaged each one.

Kate knelt, "I'm a good girl, I'll be a good girl."

John ruffled her hair, "You two may now stand."

They promptly complied and stood upright for fifteen minutes as they collected themselves. John desired for them to feel they had recovered enough to believe the torment would end or improve before shattering them anew.

John ascended stairs to the master bedroom to set up. He tied restraints to the headboard and foot of the bed and fetched from the closet, two bars to force their legs asunder, a riding crop, and a box of gloves.

Descending the stairs to face them, "upstairs and quickly."

They scurried up the stairs to find John preparing in the master bedroom, his pets on their knees at his feet. The rice scraping against their kneecaps rekindled their groans. "Now, both of you on the bed, on your backs, and know there is more to come."

Sally rolled over onto her side of the bed, while Kate did likewise on her side. John tied their hands above their heads. Then he descended to the foot of the bed and strapped their feet down to the bars, stretching their legs wide apart. He bolted the bars in place, immobilizing them. He returned to face them.

"Now I don't want you two screaming too loud, so take these," he commanded, forcing a pair of dirty panties into each of their open mouths. They both resisted, so he crammed them in place.

John put marks on their eyes, then stuffed electrodes on them, stressing on sensitive and flesh spots. "You'll want to chill, mend, loosen up, but that's not happening."

He allowed them to get a shock, they got tense and jumped at the abrupt unbearable pain. "Now I'll leave you to" he chuckled, "relax a bit," and he left the room, just to hear them both shrieking out, the machine going off unexpectedly and with different levels of pain.

John came back a few hours later, their squealing of pain had ceased, however they could not rest, as they would jump and stiffen every few moments. "Now how are my girls doing? Should I turn it off?"

Both attempted to nod and shriek via their gagged mouths as the final pulse dashed through their body. John turned off the machine and removed the tabs affiliated to their skin. "Now Mommy requires continual pumping."

John placed the pump on to Sally and began it, stretching her painful nipples, and decided to collect a bit of milk. John took time to meticulously put on a set of rubber gloves, "Daddy's got to guard his palms for this" he then chose a bottle of hot sauce and placed it on a finger.

With one hand, he separated Sally's vaginal area and massaged the sauce into her clit. The pain was instant, gradually growing, causing her to shriek through her gagged mouth. "Oh, Sally dear, keep normal I have to apply more." He placed more on his finger and rotated it around her swollen lips before pushing a final sauce-covered finger inside her.

By this point, Sally was squirming and shrieking in torment, swamped by the searing. Kate was struggling and trying to wriggle away but a few hard whacks on her vulnerable inner leg and naked vaginal area made her stay. John repeated the action and it appeared to take less time to start. Kate shrieked out and thrashed around in agony.

John removed his gloves and once more considered the scene in front of him. They jerked about in despair, unable to move or help themselves. John smirked to himself, observing the influence on them. He picked up a riding crop and hit Kate's bare vaginal area. She yelled out, trying to escape, but John persisted, striking one on Sally now. Sally screamed out and struggled against her ties.

John ceased spanking their vaginal area, landing strike after strike, on them. The females were engulfed by the agonizing pain, the only break being the striking they got. He continued this until they were fatigued and halted struggling.

John made up his mind. He left them to ache and vacated the room. He returned 15 minutes later with two large bottles of warm milk. He positioned them on the side. "I think that's plenty for today so I'm going to get you all set for bed." It was only early but the most vital thing John found to punish and control, was causing those who loved him and desirable attention, to feel abandoned and lost.

John relocated the bonds that linked the bar to the bed and fastened them to hooks overhead. This propped their open, naked legs up and revealed their naked backsides. John elongated two extra thick diapers under each of them before putting on a glove. He lathered his fingers with special lubricant. This lubricant made it easy to insert something but made it uncomfortable as possible. It was manufactured with chili oil which burned and gritty sand which dug into flesh. He pushed two fingers covered in the lubricant into Sally. She flinched at the abrupt violation and then indured the discomfort of the grit.

Once John was satisfied the region was properly lubricated, he took out his fingers and jammed in two suppositories. Now the burning feeling was intensifying and Sally could feel the unusual foreign object inside her. She tensed and moaned, incapable of doing anything. John covered his fingers in the lubricant again and again plunged them into Kate this time.

Like Sally, she stiffened and fought against it, the grit slicing into her parched hole before two suppositories were jammed into her. The burning sensation intensified as it dug into her ring. She shrieked out like a baby; John wiped his fingers on her diaper and lowered their legs. He tightened the initial diaper in place, cutting through it so the second could simultaneously absorb. Once the second was connected, the bar was reattached to the bed.

Neither girl could move, perceive, or articulate, but they could experience John between them. He took the ruined panties from their mouths and swapped them with the bottles of warm milk. "Drink up, it's all you're going to get today, and just in case the suppositories I recently placed in you both don't function, I've sprinkled laxatives in these too, and you'll spend the night in moist and filthy diapers."

Each girl reluctantly drank the warm milk swiftly, stuffing their tummies with the minimal sustenance they had that day. Once they were done, John took away the bottles. He reached across Kate and took two pacifier gags and fastened them on each of them.

"You're blind, you're silent, and soon, you'll only have your ears to guide you. But first, I want to give you a sneak peek of what awaits you tomorrow. Today, I inflicted various degrees and types of physical anguish. Tomorrow, prepare for mental torment and humiliation. Follow my every command without question or hesitation, or you'll receive additional discipline. And once you complete your task, your punishment will be over. Oh, and by the way, Sally, the breast pump is running non-stop throughout the night. You'll be feeling much discomfort in the morning."

Sally attempted to voice her thoughts, but she was futile, "It's pointless, Sally. I can't hear you, and I'm not changing my mind. By the way, it'll benefit your milk production."

John made his way across the bed, brushing past Kate, and exited the room. He retrieved two pairs of noise-canceling headphones and gently placed them over each of them. He attached the headphones to an iPod and set a 30-second lullaby on repeat. "Off to dreamland," was his farewell.

With her mentionably burnt pussy and swollen backside, Sally found it difficult to find a comfortable position, compounded by her throbbing breasts. Kate, with her enlarged belly, struggled to hold in her inevitable release.

It was going to be a long, arduous night, and she wished to minimize the time spent sitting in her own waste. The hopelessness of the situation saw them both scrambling to remain seated atop their mess.

Sally's waste released again, soaking her diaper, as both women cried out in agony. The diapers were sufficiently thick and could handle the weight of their excrement, but the wetness was unavoidable. Their tears added to their sorrow, leaving them misty-eyed while feeling helpless and humiliated in their situation.

Sally's waste erupted once more, wicking away some of the fluid from her diaper, but she would endure a lengthy and uncomfortable night regardless. Their painful, unsanitary predicament was precisely what John desired. He sought to demonstrate that disobedience would leave them feeling powerless, humiliated, and pained. They would certainly reconsider their actions in the future.

Again, Sally's waste released from her diapers, dripping down her legs and onto the sheets. Despite the thick material and the second diaper, it was a night of suffering and despair.

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