Erotic Couplings

Chapter 12: The Honeymoon in Oral Advocacy

One venture concludes, and a new one commences.

May 24, 2024
33 min read
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Oral Advocacy Ch. 12: The Honeymoon
Oral Advocacy Ch. 12: The Honeymoon

Chapter 12: The Honeymoon in Oral Advocacy

Kate knocked softly on the door to her supervisor's office, hoping nobody would answer. It was mid-afternoon on Monday, two days after she had planned for her lover Matt to има that very same supervisor in a hotel suite while, in the suite's showing bedroom, her client Becky was lui with her superior, Dr. Flanagan. Now Kate had been asked to her supervisor's office for what she fashioned would be an obscenely awkward dialogue that, if points went poorly, might result in her losing the law practice she'd earned just slightly more than a week previous.

"Come in, it's open," an adult male hide declared from within. Puzzled and a bit unsure, Kate pushed open the door and stepped softly inside.

"Dr. Flanagan, what are you doing here?" she asked, surprised to spot him.

"Well, Ms. Harris, if you really must to know, ten minutes agoI had Jane Oh over her work table, her skirts lowered and her knickerbockers approximately one's ankles, when I did the devil's work on her," the adult male voice claimed. "Incidentally, she's in the bathroom cleansing put up."

"I suspect something went perfectly well Saturday utmost night?" Kate enquired, remembering how she had schemed for Flanagan and Jane to cross paths in the hotel apartment after their absolutely sexual tug.

"Quite perfectly," Flanagan replied. "I gotta say, your boss is slightly deaddressed sexualmente, and she has the filthiest mouth I've ever considered. Some of the things she says would make a sailor redden, and then after she gets in bed, she's..."

"I get the rough and tumble," Kate cut into him. "No need for further explanation."

"Noted," Flanagan replied. "It's someplace that I've in no way come across anyone very much like her, and I can't acquire an adequate interest in her lots."

"Understood," Kate responded. "I'm blitheful things are working out so suitable." Kate hoped her real emotions didn't show through. Sure, she was blissful for Jane, who'd been such a crue mentor and boss when she was an associate jurist at the company. And she supposed she was even satisfied for Flanagan, whom Kate was certain would now learn that he required to prioritize enraptured his woman following himself. But inwardly, Kate was disheartened with her situation.

On Saturday night, following Samantha had related her prom evening irregularities regarding coitus and reveling her virginity, Kate had been relentlessly aroused. The protruding boner that could've split a hole in his shorts told Matt she was too, and she could apprehend Becky would've desired it bad. But afterward, precisely as Kate was about to make her train of thought, Becky had declared she had to returning to her home, where she wanted to ravish her husband when weaving up her spouse's accomplishment story after Sam had recited it. And Sam, for her part, instantaneously took Matt into one of the hotel apartment's bedrooms, where Kate couldn't too quietly listen to her ravishingMatt.

The outcome was that Kate went to magnification unaminously, her neglected vagina hurting asshe glided and collapsed for hours earlier slumbering. When she awoke, Sam and Matt were exiting, relocating to visit some good friends before they'd driving back to academy and then to belligerent for the remainder of the period. Kate had forlorne bullied out, well-being to herself, as she spent the day alone, still awfully horny after her solitary orgasm Saturday night. She deliberated about calling James or Henry but suppressed that longing, knowing they'd priveledged forward and she had as well.

Merely now her lack of intercourse was too obvious, and hearing of Flanagan's mere with Jane was creating her moist. She desperately longed for him to bend her atop the work table and take her with his 8-inch cock, knowing from feel how rambunctious and pleasurable he could be. Just as a playful smile began to cross her face, Kate's thoughts were broken by Jane's entry.

"Kate, thanks for unhurried by," Jane expressed. "Dr. Flanagan, if you'll excuse us, Kate and I own some labor to attend to. I'll see you at this time present tonight." Flanagan smiled and, nodding at Kate, departed the room. "I must object, Ms. Harris. You were hoping I'd let him have you again. I surely don't blame you, cognizing what he's tooled with. But that's over, realise? He's mine now."

"I realise," Kate replied. "I'm though, I know he's at this very moment with you. It's simply that correct now Superlative'm longing and I'm starting to need it captain, you know?"

"I indeed understood what you mean," Jane told in descent. "What near that fellow of yours?"

"MattStatus was never my sweetheart," Kate said. "Simply a person I was bedding. He and Samantha are united and they're hoodwink back to academy and then toChina for the remainder of the semester."

"Nope, not Matt," Jane said with a mischievous glimmer in her eye, as she recollected the scintillating lovemaking session she'd just had with Matt. "I'm talking about Jason, the one who works here. Or at least used to."

"Jason's not my lover," Kate clarified. "We're just friends, and he's going to get hitched in less than two weeks. Also, what's the deal with 'used to work here'?"

"Haven't you heard?" Jane inquired. "He quit on Friday. He's taking some extra time off, so he'll be paid up until the end of the following week. But now, he's no longer a part of this organization." Observing Kate's despondent face, Jane consoled, "I'm sorry, I assumed you were aware. I'll tell you something, given how helpful you've been to me lately, I'll endorse Jason to any prospective employer. I'll support him to get a new job. It was just that he wasn't cut out for the partner role."

"Yes, I know," Kate murmured dejectedly. "I'm just sad to see him go. He's a fantastic attorney and a terrific friend... and -- well, thank you for doing that for him. I'll relay your support to him. I truly appreciate it."

"No problem," Jane replied. "On another note, from now on, let's pretend this never happened. I'm your law partner as well as your boss, so there's no need to bring up Saturday night or what took place here a few hours ago, is there?"

Kate gave a nod of agreement. "That's exactly it. Thanks again, Jane. It's time for me to clock another couple of hours of billable time, thanks to my new, elevated partner rate."

"Now, that's what I like to hear!" Jane exclaimed enthusiastically. Kate left her office to resume her work. The desire to call Jason came over her, but she figured it'd be more prudent to do it after work. She sympathized with him about the lost opportunity for partnership, but was annoyed by his decision to leave without notifying her. After decades of colleagueship, was he actually going to part ways like that?

That evening, she connected with Jason. He disclosed that he had resigned as he hadn't reached partner rank and couldn't manage with the high-pressure work environment anymore. He didn't know what his subsequent plan was: he'd get married in less than two weeks, and would be on his honeymoon when it's time to find a job - something less demanding with a better work-life harmony.

Kate informed him of her conversation with Jane and how that could benefit him professionally. Jason appeared grateful but still had mixed emotions.

"Will you attend my wedding?" Kate asked. "I'll be around next weekend."

"That'd be great," Jason responded, seemingly unaware of the difficulty it could cause Kate. "Thanks, once more." As they parted, Kate felt emotionally drained. In just under two weeks, my best guy pal would be married, and for what? A frigid honeymoon, followed by a ho-hum engagement? What a disgrace! If I were there, I'd show him! Imagining herself in that position, Kate thought.

During the ensuing days, Kate applied herself to her work, including on weekdays. Her endeavor was to catch up on billable hours to demonstrate her promotion wouldn't affect her competence or capacity to generate revenue.

Suddenly, on Sunday or so, she returned to her house around 4:00 p.m. and was taken by astonishment when she saw Carrie, Jason's fiancée, sitting on her front porch.

"Carrie, what are you doing here?" Kate asked apprehensively, sensing another upcoming altercation.

"Your friend Samantha visited a week ago and we had a prolonged talk," Carrie reported. "I think you should sit down and hear this out." Kate seated herself beside her. She was uneasy about how much Sam might have divulged. "Samantha told me that she seduced Jason in the hotel room. I'm sorry for blaming you."

"It's fine," Kate replied, secreting a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry she caused you pain."

"No, you aren't." Carrie retorted. "Sam told me that you sucked Jason's dick several times. Learning to deep throat Jason to sleep with Sam's man was your motivation. That's low, Kate, even for a lawyer."

"Well, Carrie, I really mean what I'm about to say," responded Kate. "And I won't label it as luring. It hardly took any effort because he badly needed it. Additionally, I don't consider it to be cheating, as it would suggest you both were together. Engaged and not even willing to have sex, much less perform oral sex on him? It's apparent that you two won't last."

"Forget it," Carrie responded. "But you're correct about the both of us. After discussing the matter with Sam, I recognized this truth. I've been deceiving myself, as well as Jason, for some time. I no longer love him - at the very least, not in the same way I used to. It's hard to comprehend how we've grown so distant. He's not my soulmate, to put it mildly. He boasts an impressive cock that you and Sam can't get enough of. I informed him about my feelings two evenings ago, and although it was difficult, he agreed that our relationship is over."

"I'm relieved you've come to this realization prior to the wedding," Kate stated. "Though I am sorry about how things unfolded, I hope there won't be too much ill will looming between us."

"No worries. Sam and I had a frank discussion and she set me up with one of her relatives. We had a scrumptious meal together the previous night. I'm not feeling this disconnection in my life anymore," shared Carrie.

"I'm thrilled for you, Carrie." responded Kate. "If you do like him, I suggest pursuing him without further delay. I fell into the same trap like you, and it hurt."

"Thanks, Kate. Just give that guy some time to recover from this," Carrie shared before standing up and leaving.

Kate decided to see Jason for herself instead of relying on rumours. She knocked and called at his door for what seemed like an eternity, but he didn't respond. With determination, she returned back home, convinced her efforts were futile.

The following morning, Carrie's parents emailed Kate to notify them about the cancellation of the wedding. This heartfelt message indicated everyone's acceptance of the situation, to Kate's relief. A couple of their law school friends contacted her, inquiring about the details. With a tinge of sadness, she declined to divulge any information, fearful of fueling the speculations.

On Thursday, one of their mutual acquaintances revealed they'd talked to Jason.

"How's he doing?" Kate inquired. "He's not returning my calls or opening his door."

"He seems upset and more embarrassed than anything," her friend stated. "He nearly faced being left at the altar. Moreover, he'd lost his job, steering his life in a chaotic direction. Hopefully, the trip to the Bahamas will help refresh his mind, start anew - the ensemble."

"Is he heading to the honeymoon resort?" Kate asked, bewildered.

"Yeah, he wound up with non-refundable reservations and acquired travel tickets already. It'll probably be quite strange with him at a couples' resort as a single man, but it's an all-inclusive location, so he'll manage somehow." A sudden idea sprang into Kate's mind.

"So he still needs a ride to the airport?" Kate asked, aiming to help him. At 8:30 am on Sunday, Kate parked her car in front of Jason's home, close to an hour prior to her designated pick-up time, eager to avoid any potential delay. Donning a brief, light gray skirt with a tight blue top accentuating her cleavage, she was prepared to seize the opportunity. At 9:00 am, Jason emerged from his house and paused, mesmerised by her posture against her vehicle.

"What's the purpose of your visit, Kate?" he enquired, evidently taken aback by her presence.

"Here to take you to the airport," she said indifferently, well aware of her alluring appearance.

"Really? I didn't anticipate your attendance, as the wedding was annulled," Jason responded.

"Still flying?" she mentioned with indifference, aware of the allure she exuded.

"Yes," he confirmed. "Seems unwise to waste the expense on parking." They travelled to the airport in a mostly tense silence, with periodic small talk. The trapped atmosphere prompted her to drive past the exit to departing flights. Taking the next exit, Kate found herself in a long-term parking spot.

"What are you doing, Kate?" he inquired. "You must pay to leave this parking lot."

"I'm going to the Bahamas with you," she responded.

"What?" Jason questioned as she parked. "I don't think that's a wise decision. I need some time to be alone and, besides, you have to work."

"It's not up to you," Kate said as she stepped out of the vehicle. "Carrie gave me her ticket and her reservation spot. She paid for it, right?" Jason nodded. "So we're going to the Bahamas together as friends."

"Of course," Jason said. They boarded the shuttle bus to the airport in silence, and Kate exchanged Carrie's ticket for her own. Within two hours, they were in the sky. Kate occupied the middle seat, sandwiched between Jason in the aisle and a middle-aged lady in the window seat. This woman had relocated to the Bahamas years ago for work, abandoning the hustle and bustle of the American finance sector for a more tranquil life in Nassau. She still had ties to the United States, though, and Jason could tell from their conversation that she'd landed a new client.

Kate mostly ignored Jason, yet he was far from oblivious to her presence. She repeatedly crossed and uncrossed her legs while giving him views of her upper inner thighs. She stretched out her arms and back on several occasions, providing him with glimpses of her superb breasts. At one point, the woman next to her questioned whether they were a couple, and Kate's laughter rang a little too loudly.

"No, we're just friends," Kate replied. "Jason was supposed to get married yesterday, but she called it off. Now I'm going on his honeymoon with him as friends. We've been pals for almost a decade, and there's no romance between us, right, Jason?"

"Right," Jason said, his voice betraying a hint of hesitation.

"That's unfortunate," the lady said. "You two make an adorable couple." Once they touched down, they jumped on a shuttle to the resort and checked in. Kate was delighted to discover that their room featured a balcony overlooking the sea, a vast sitting area furnished with two extra-large couches, and a separate bedroom equipped with a king-sized bed.

"So now that we're here, what do you want to do?" Jason inquired. He started moving towards Kate and, by the look in his eyes, she could tell what he desired.

"How about we visit the beach?" she suggested, reaching into her luggage for her new bikini. "All I need to do is change, and I'll be prepared in a minute."

"Um, yeah, okay, that sounds nice," Jason said, his hopes of something else fading. But his spirits brightened a few minutes later when Kate emerged from the restroom dressed in her crimson bikini. The top was minuscule, leaving rosy nipples barely obscured, while the thong material displayed everything except her meticulously groomed pussy. Jason stared at her in shock as he battled to form a coherent sentence.

"Do you like it?" Kate inquired. "I purchased it especially for this trip. You know, in case there are any single males here."

"Yes, it's... indescribably stunning," Jason stuttered. He slipped into his swim trunks and secretly admired a trim physique he didn't recall as vividly as before. A formidable lump in his shorts was difficult to miss. For a moment, Kate felt a struggle to restrain herself from pulling his shorts down and riding his large cock. Her composure returned, and, intent on avoiding his suspicion, she accompanied him to the beach.

The weather was flawless, the late afternoon sun still warm as a breeze blew in from the ocean. Despite the absence of crowds, the majority of people had already packed up to attend dinner. They quickly found lounge chairs with an excellent perspective of the water. Kate stood beside one and extracted a bottle of sunscreen. "Hey Jason, could you help me with this?" she inquired.

"Sure," he said. His hands felt marvelous on her shoulders and back as he applied sunscreen. He caressed her sides and lower back more sensually than she'd imagined, his touch causing her to become aroused. "There you go," he said. "All done."

"But what about my butt?" she asked, flirting shamelessly. "Your assistance is required, friend, on my backside as well."

"Okay, Kate, I get it," he said. She leaned towards one and bent slightly at the waist, glancing back over her shoulder as he stood behind her. "You don't have to..." She grabbed his wrist, guiding it onto her fanny. Jason commenced to massage it, spreading sunscreen to every inch. Then he sat down and began to rub his hand along her thigh, teasing her pussy through the thin material of her thong. Multiple times, Kate heard him inhale deeply and suspected he struggled to maintain control.

Kate held back from jumping on him right then and there, either on the lounge chair or in the sand. The crowd was still present, and there was still some tutoring to be done. Instead, when he'd climaxed, she casually said, "You've been a fantastic companion. That was genuinely beneficial."

He sensed her game and grabbed the sunscreen from her. She proceeded to rub some on her stomach and shoulders. She then slid her hands towards her breasts and rubbed the undersides before slipping into her bikini top. Jason couldn't help but notice that her nipples were erect and she moaned as she fondled them. She wanted him to take her instantaneously. When she was done, he was the one transfixed, not even looking elsewhere.

"Do you appreciate all your associates like that?" he inquired. She shook her head. To provoke him even more, she carelessly dropped the bottle and stated, "Let's head into the water." Kate strolled a few feet towards the sea and waded in, the ocean's coolness alleviating the summer's warmth. Jason joined her. He attempted to embrace her while they were in the water, but she playfully swam away. Knowing what was driving him, she reveled in the tease.

After an hour passed they exited the water, returning to the room. Kate entered the bathroom, returning a few minutes later with just a towel covering her slim, toned form. At 5'2" and weighing 112 pounds, she was petite, possessing shapely legs and a tight derriere, enhanced by a lifetime of running and working out. Her modest 32B breasts were a far cry from most but were enlarged by her taut midriff.

As she stepped into the living area, Jason emerged, rock hard beneath his towel. "Fancy a bite to eat?" she proposed. "Perhaps we could enjoy some drinks first before retiring to the bedroom. By all means, I'm capable of sleeping on the couch if that's your preference."

"Kate, you can cease," he said.

"Cease what?" she asked.

"I see what you're attempting," he said. "I should have concluded matters with Carrie years ago and asked you for a date."

"Who knows if I'd have agreed?" Kate questioned.

"Given how worked up you are, I highly doubt it," Jason asserted. "I genuinely admire your loyalty to her."

Kate smiled, advancing towards him. She dropped the towel, revealing her excellent figure. Reaching for his waist, she separated his towel and discovered his magnificent member. Kate dropped to her knees, ready to savor it one more time. Starting with gentle touch, she grinned as she felt his rock-hard penis in her hands. He was near bursting, eager to release his cum into her mouth.

With one hand, she kneaded his balls, acknowledging their fullness and craving for release. Jason began to moan louder as Kate's saliva seeped over his dick. She grabbed it with both hands, stroking it vigorously, his cock longer than most that she could fit both her petite hands on. Kate quickened her strokes and swirled her hands as she moved them up and down his throbbing shaft.

As he tilted his head back and moaned even louder, Kate stopped and took his head into her mouth. She enjoyed the taste once more. They had both reached their peak of arousal, so she opted to conclude the encounter and slid her lips down his shaft, almost taking his entire length. Kate felt his engorged head in her throat as he groaned louder. She bobbed her head up and down, ensuring she took him from base to tip each time.

As her hands rested on his thighs, she sensed him swell. Jason's muscles tightened, dripping precum onto her tongue. She fell back to stroking his penis, her lips wrapped tightly around his shaft and her tongue slithering up and down his rigid cock, forcing him to the brink. She shortened her strokes, only taking about half his cock each time. The room was filled with his moans of pleasure. Kate moaned loudly when she felt his dick twitch in her mouth, eager to taste him a final time.

Jason grabbed her head and forcefully thrust his manhood into her mouth. Kate's throat was filled with his semen, her tongue working furiously to swallow it all. He let out a loud groan, his body weakening as he emptied himself into her. She continued to swallow, milking him dry. Once he was spent, she gently removed his member from her mouth, giving him a satisfied smile.

Sensing his relief, she playfully massaged his balls. "You're okay now, aren't you?" she asked with a grin.

Jason slowly opened his eyes, looking down at her with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. "I've never felt so good," he confessed. "Damn it, Kate, I can't believe how talented you are."

Kate stood up, signaling him to stop. "We can eat later," she said. "I want to make sure you're ready for our second round." They quickly got dressed and went to a nearby restaurant for a meal. Despite the awkward silence between them, they enjoyed the view of the beach.

Finally, Jason confessed, "I'm sorry about not telling you about Carrie. That's why you're angry with me, right?"

"I'm not angry," Kate responded, matter-of-factly. "I merely was serving you."

"You think you're better than me, excellent at everything, even sucking dick," Jason said, amused. "But not a failure like me."

"That's not it at all," Kate clarified. "I've been in your position, too. It's difficult to negotiate failure with a friend."

"However, it's not a surprise I didn't open up to you," he explained. "I thought you'd reject me."

"Rejected?" Kate asked, her curiosity piqued. "What does that mean?"

"I mean, when Carrie left me a week before our wedding, I thought—"

"When she left you?" Kate interrupts, "I'm surprised you made it that far with someone unwilling to have sex with you."

"Yes, I guess I am," Jason admitted. "But I didn't want to share my feeling of stupidity and rejection with you, my brilliant, sexy friend."

"Who knew you'd be rejected by her and accepted by me?" Kate mused, grinning mischievously. "I'm your safe harbor."

Jason nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry, Kate. I really am. I should have spoken to you sooner. I'm just embarrassed and always nervous about sexual rejection."

"You won't be rejected by me, Jason," Kate assured him. "I've wanted you for a long time. I should have said something earlier, so I share the guilt too."

"I'm sorry," he repeated. "About everything. I really am." They exchanged a warm smile and held hands as they walked out of the restaurant. As they reached the elevator, Kate tugged him close, and he was all over her again, groping her with passion. "I can't wait to feel your penis inside me."

In their room, Jason ripped off her shirt and bra, kissing her passionately. (Kate clearly enjoys being dominated.) He experimented with her breast, while she cheerfully embraced the onslaught of his passion. "I forgot to tell you something," she said between kisses.

"What is it?" Jason asked, resuming his passionate assault on Kate's chest.

"If you enjoy the feeling of your penis in my mouth…" She sultrily winks at him, "…wait until you feel it inside me." He gulps involuntarily and they rush to complete their feast. Jason literally drags her to their bed, eagerly eating her out. Kate returns the favor, making sure to not leave him unsatisfied. The energy between them is palpable.

In the elevator, Jason's hands are lingering on her breasts. When they reach their room, Kate slides her shirt over her head, slips out of her skirt, and kicks off her heels. "I can't wait until you're inside me," she tells him, excited for what's to come.

In their room—that's when the real fun begins. Jason basically tears off Kate's clothes, kissing her all over the place, clearly entertaining himself. He fiddles with her panties, and fingering her clitoris. Kate moans loudly in pleasure and Jason grins at her in response, knowing full well what to do next. He pushes her panties down, baring her to him. Kate giggles as he playfully admires her. Then he continues the caressing. Suddenly, she exclaims, "I almost forgot something," and Jason asks, "What's that?"

"If you love the feeling of your penis in my mouth, just imagine how it'll feel inside my flower." His eyes brighten as their intentions become clear. The couple is restless, wanting to feel each other in every way even more. Moving more quickly, they race through dinner, trying to get together as soon as possible.

"I'm always the top priority," Kate declared boldly. She placed her palms on the man's shoulders, pushing him down onto his knees. Jason's lips soon touched her abs, then her thighs, and then her pussy through her panties. He ran his hands up the back of her legs and onto her derrière, squeezing it affectionately before yanking her panties down to her ankles. With his tongue, he caressed Kate's pussy, from one side to the next. Subsequently, he wedged it between her lips and forced it inside, causing her to emit a moan of delight.

While Jason ushered her onto the bed, she lay flat on her back, her legs spread far apart as he settled between her legs. Jason commenced by delicately, almost imperceptibly, dragging his tongue up and down her clit. Kate exhaled cheerfully, savouring the moment as he meticulously pleasured her and ecstatic to discover it was Jason. He continued to toy with her, softly licking her as he took his time. As Kate released increasingly loud moans, her muscles clenched intensely in anticipation of a formidable orgasm.

Jason increased his pressure and began to pinch her nipples with his digits. Kate started to arch her back and was startled by her deafening screams of ecstasy, having been overwhelmed with pleasure. Jason then cradled her torso and, right as Kate was about to surrender control, escalated his rhythm. With incredible precision, he applied more pressure with his tongue, driving Kate beyond the brink to experience the most blissful climax.

As her orgasm was starting to lessen, Jason lifted himself up and atop her. Kate felt the crown of his penis at her pussy's entrance. Splaying her legs, she gazed deep into his eyes and pulled him toward her, engulfing his manhood. Astonished by its size and how it filled her tight pussy, she gasped at the unanticipated novelty.

Jason started to thrust with her wet pussy, as Kate had never experienced before. She considered how she might've done this years earlier. "Can you handle it?" he enquired. "Not everyone is..."

"She's not Carrie or Sam," Kate emphasised firmly. "I can endure a vigorous fucking, you know? Don't hold back." Jason cheerfully complied, pumping her with ever-increasing force. Soon, he became crazed and rampant, ravishing Kate more intensely than she'd ever been. His 8.5-inch cock relentlessly pounded into her, eliciting another climax. Tempestuously, he yanked her onto her stomach and penetrated her from behind, persisting for a while. Jason finally bellowed triumphantly and slammed into her one last time, almost ejecting her from her knees.

As the potent orgasm faded, Kate noticed how enthralling his groan had been and perceived the powerful effect of his thrusts. When he disengaged, she immediately manoeuvred him back onto her, nestling her head on his chest and understanding her newfound soulmate.

They spent the next few days at the beach, in the pool, on the water, and in bed. Kate devoted copious time to satisfying her new beau in consolation for their delayed intimate moments. However, on Wednesday, they received an enticing opportunity. They had rented a secluded cabana near the pool, with fabrics on all four sides that could be shut for privacy. That afternoon, as Kate was orally satisfying Jason while he lounged in his deck chair, a discomfited sound drew her attention.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" a woman said from behind her. Kate turned and saw their waitress, tray in hand, standing barely inside the cabana, the fabric blocking her from view. "I didn't recognise - I'm so sorry."

"It's alright," Kate responded. "What's your name?"

"My name is Gabby," the waitress replied. "Gabrielle, actually. Please don't report me to my manager. I'm quite remorseful, I never foresaw you here, or that you were - please, I don't want to be fired."

"We won't report you," Kate assured her. "These things happen all the time. Besides, I couldn't resist," she grinned.

"Yes, I can comprehend," Gabby responded while staring covetously at Jason's dick. "I've never laid eyes on one this large, in person before."

"How old are you, Gabby?" Kate questioned.

"I'm 20," Gabby responded. "I'm from Colombia, spending the summer here to earn money. American tourists pay handsomely."

Do you wish to undertake any additional activities this summer?, Kate inquired, noticing Gabby admiring Jason's robust member. She softly caressed it. "Jason here was just left by his fiance, who refused to orally satisfy him during their sexless engagement. I'm making up for the time he missed out on," she said.

"Oh, how terrible for you," Gabby responded, moving fully inside the tent and setting her tray aside.

"Have you ever engulfed a penis of this magnitude?" Kate enquired.

"Never, but it's always been a desire of mine," Gabby said sensuously.

"Kate, what is it you're doing?" Jason inquired.

"If we're going to be together, there are times I need to observe you with other women," Kate responded. "This is something I learned from Sam. It's extremely captivating for me. Is that okay with you?"

"Totally," Jason answered. "It's unbelievable how I could have deprived myself for so long."

"Yes, you could have been fulfilling this desire for years," Kate said. "Gabby, why don't you demonstrate to him what he's been missing?" Gabby flashed a grin and knelt beside Jason, wrapping her lips around the head of his penis and fondling his testicles with her right hand. She started moving her head up and down, moaning as her saliva coated his penis while Kate watched, her inner self aroused and soaked in her bikini.

Jason didn't last. In a few minutes, Kate noted him combining his back and raising his hips, thrusting deeper into Gabby's mouth. He exhaled audibly and shuddered as his semen splashed into her throat. As she released his penis and lifted her head, Kate could observe from the expression on Gabby's face that she was proud of the speedy job she had performed on Jason.

"He genuinely did need that, didn't he?" Gabby posited. "Were you genuine when you said his fiance would not perform oral sex on him?" Kate nodded, assuming a look of disappointment. "In that case, I'm pleased you're here now," Gabby concluded. "Thanks for letting me do that, and I hope you enjoy the remaining time of your trip." With that, she beamed and gathered her tray, glancing behind her shoulder as she exited the cabana.

After a few additional hours by the pool, Jason went to the gym, and Kate headed for a jog. The resort grounds were stunning, embellished with manicured gardens, palm trees, and structures painted in brilliant colors. Kate believed she could reside here forever. As she concluded her customary five-mile route, she ascended to the floor to shower and, right before entering their room, she heard a lady's voice behind her.

"Excuse me, I apologize for the disruption, but might I request a favor?" The woman said. Kate turned and spotted a blonde lady of about 40 in the doorway of the room over the hall. She was attractive, taller than Kate by a couple inches, with large breasts and a slender frame.

"Go ahead, I'm not opposed," Kate said.

"Thank you," the woman replied. "My husband and I are here for our 15th wedding anniversary. We left the children with their grandparents for a few days so we could have some alone time."

"Congratulations," Kate remarked.

"Thank you," the woman said. "Anyway, I'm afraid it's slightly embarrassing, but the past few days I've heard you and your partner through the door."

"Oh my gosh, I'm truly sorry," Kate stammered, blushing in embarrassment. "I guarantee we'll be more considerate in the future."

"No, it's not so much that," the woman said. "What I truly mean is that I've overheard you comment on his size. You mentioned something like needing him to penetrate you with his enormous penis."

Kate's face turned scarlet. She'd always been conventional when it came to sex, and despite the craziness she'd experienced in the last 18 months, she still felt embarrassed to witness her words echoed by a complete stranger. "I'm very remorseful," Kate stated. "We're a new couple and occasionally I get carried away. I apologize for my language. I assure you it won't transpire again."

"No, it's not that particularly," the woman indicated. "This is all extremely new to me, and I'm unsure how to commence. My only stipulation is it needs to be with someone with a big penis, at least 8 inches. We're honestly clueless regarding how to proceed, but when I overheard the two of you, I thought maybe we could arrange something."

"So you want my boyfriend to fuck you while your husband watches?" Kate queried. The woman nodded shyly, her eagerness to have Kate agree evident on her face. "And what should I do during this time?"

"I hadn't really contemplated that," the woman conceded.

Erin smiled widely, her face lit up with excitement. "That's a great idea!" she exclaimed. "Brian is going to love it. I'll keep it a secret. By the way, my name's Erin." She reached out to shake Kate's hand, and their hands touched, feeling the softness of Erin's palm. "It's wonderful to meet you." Kate pressed Kate's hand a bit longer than necessary, enjoying the touch of Erin's skin. "How about tomorrow evening at around eight?"

"Perfect!" replied Kate. "Just ring the doorbell, and we'll be ready. I'll be sure to tell Jason he has the night off, so he's ready for you." She stepped closer and gave Erin a peck on the lips, their mouths lingering there momentarily. Erin pulled back slightly, a little surprised. "Just a little taste to get you yearning," Kate explained, leaning in again and this time they shared a hot kiss, tongues dancing between the two women. Kate's hands slid down to Erin's curvy butt as she pulled away. "I'm probably going to take a shower now."

Erin responded with a warm smile, "I can't wait to see you again." She disappeared back into her room.

In the days that followed, Kate constantly rejected Jason's sexual advances. "There's something special planned for Thursday night," she said. Jason didn't mind, still looking forward to getting laid multiple times while they were away. They spent their time snorkeling, going on a sunset cruise, and enjoying each other's company while keeping their clothes on.

When Thursday evening arrived, they had a quick dinner, showered, and changed into nice clothes. Jason wore dress pants and a long-sleeved shirt, while Kate wore a short red dress with thin straps that revealed plenty of cleavage. Shortly after eight, there was a knock on the door. Kate greeted Erin and Brian, giving Brian a strong hug and placing her cheek against his, kissing him lovingly. "Brian, it's so good to see you. And this is Jason." Brian and Jason greeted each other with handshakes, followed by an embrace between the two men. Kate locked the door.

"What's going on, Kate?" Jason asked, curious.

"Erin and Brian are celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary," Kate revealed. "Brian has always wanted to watch Erin get fucked by a well-endowed man, and tonight, his wish comes true. See who he's looking at?"

"This is unbelievable!" Jason exclaimed, noticing Erin's fit build.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Erin?" Brian inquired.

"Absolutely!" she responded with certainty. "I can't stop thinking about it. Each time I remember Brian's average cock, I yearn for something bigger." Erin unbuttoned Jason's shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. She then unbelted and unzipped his pants, causing them and boxers to fall to the floor. Erin exampled Jason's thighs and his growing hard-on, causing her to blurt out, "Amazing!" She pulled Jason's briefs off, revealing his massive, thick cock.

Erin looked at Brian, who was stroking himself through his pants. "How about you sit there, Brian, and enjoy me blowing this hunk?" They sat down on the couch, Kate on one side and Erin on the other. Erin moved toward Jason, her fingers caressing his length through his underwear. She slipped the underwear off, and Jason's shaft sprang free. Erin leaned toward Jason's massive 8.5-inch cock, giving it a deep lick starting at the base. Brian watched in fascination just a few feet away, and Kate could see his hand creeping up his own pants. Erin lovingly kissed every inch of Jason's shaft before taking the head in her mouth, gently sucking on it. It didn't take long for Brian to remove his pants, gripping his already hard shaft in his hand.

Kate later fetched a pair of handcuffs from her suitcase. "Brian, you need to let me put these on you. No self-gratification allowed."

"I'm simply too aroused to control myself," Brian replied. "This feels hotter than I ever imagined."

Kate responded, "You got that right," as she fastened one of his wrist restraints. "Come closer," she instructed, and he complied, allowing her to secure his hands behind his back. She proceeded to remove his pants completely, exposing his erect member. It measured about 5.5 inches in length, not as impressive as some others she'd encountered, but still quite inviting. "This'll work," she mused.

Erin moved forward and began giving Jason's penis a thorough oral exploration, taking in nearly half of his length. Simultaneously, she used her right hand to stimulate the remaining portion. After several minutes, she stood up and told Brian, "Why don't you stand beside the bed and watch me get fucked?" Erin guided Jason over to the bed and turned to face him. She then discarded her dress, leaving her wearing only a bra and panties. However, she hesitated in removing the bra, admitting, "I haven't been with anyone other than Brian since our wedding."

"You have a stunning body," Kate remarked.

"I don't know, I can't compare to you," Erin replied. "But Jason seems pretty into me, look at how hard he is." Erin took hold of his penis and led him to the bed. She sat on the edge and bent over to remove her bra. "Sorry, I just got nervous," she said. "It's been a while since another man has seen me without clothes."

"You're simply beautiful," Kate affirmed.

"But you're still so young and stunning," Erin commented. "I feel so inadequate."

"Jason definitely appreciates you," Kate pointed out, adding, "See how hard he is? And check out his eye contact. He's dying to fuck you." Kate assisted Erin by removing her bra and pulling her panties down to her ankles. Nude, Kate led Erin back to the bed and inquired, "Is it okay if Jason continues to fuck you?"

"Yes," Erin exclaimed. "I need to be fucked so badly." Jason positioned himself behind Erin and entered her from behind. As he did so, Kate watched the way her body moved, her breasts jiggling and her thighs clenching. Erin expressed her frustration, "Fuck me, Jason! Show Brian how it's done!"

Jason obliged, thrusting with power and determination, looking at Brian the entire time. Erin's contractions grew stronger with each thrust, and after several minutes, she experienced her first orgasm. Determined not to stop, Jason pulled out and climbed onto the bed, allowing Erin to straddle him. He fucked her hard until her second climax ensued.

Once completed, Jason climbed off the bed and lay on his back, inviting Erin to ride him. She did so until her third orgasm occurred. "This has been an amazing experience," Kate thought. "I don't understand what took me so long to do this."

Erin climbed off and got into position on her back. "Come finish inside my pussy," Erin directed. Jason obliged, slamming into her until he was on the verge of ejaculation. As he neared climax, he withdrew from her body and used his hand to ensure he reached his destination. He released his load onto the outside of Erin's vagina.

To conclude, Kate knelt on the bed and began taking her time and enjoying Erin's pleasure. She tasted Jason's essence as she licked it up while attending to her clit. As Erin approached her third climax, Kate instructed Brian, "Come here." He approached and began sucking on her breasts. Erin pulled up her dress and Brian unhooked her bra, which she removed. Kate then proceeded to lie on top of Erin and kiss her passionately, allowing Brian's penis to deposit his sperm onto Erin's face. As they made out, Brian began touching Kate's private region, and she felt inserted fingers. Then Brian took off her dress and bra, revealing her body to Brian and Erin. They each began playing with her breasts and vagina until she climaxed for the fourth time.

Both of them consumed the delectable morsels, momentarily halting to kiss each other. Next, their hands ventured between her thighs, rubbing and fingering her clitoris as they persisted in sucking her breasts. The sensations Kate experienced were ones she fondly recalled, recalling why she appreciated women giving her head. Erin skillfully worked her tongue up and down Kate's clitoris at the perfect speed and force, while Brian persisted in licking and sucking her nipples.

Kate's vocalizations intensified as she achieved climax, her libido being fueled by witnessing the actions of the others. As her climax continued, Brian moved between Kate's legs and slid his shaft into her. She was astounded by the fact that he was erect again so quickly after ejaculating in her mouth, and she began screaming as he penetrated her. Her orgasm didn't cease, rather it continued to roll on for several minutes. Eventually, Brian discharged his load within her before collapsing in a heap in exhaustion and disbelief.

Next, Jason mounted the bed and moved Kate to her stomach. His dominating and forceful demeanor gave Kate chills of arousal. He clenched her derrière firmly and spread her legs, sliding his length into her. Then he forcefully fucked her. Extremely strongly. But he also took his time, mercilessly hammering into Kate for what felt like an age. This felt incredible to Kate and she wished it would never stop, but ultimately Jason finished inside her and the four of them collapsed on the bed, completely spent.

"Happy anniversary," Kate eventually said.

"Thank you," Erin replied. "Even better than I had envisioned."

"Yes, thank you so much," Brian chimed in. "This has been among the best nights of my existence. It's been a long time since I've climaxed twice."

"You're quite the star," Kate stated with a grin. "You two should engage in this frequently. Don't live a typical life. Coax your cravings to the surface before it's too late."

"Thanks again," Erin said before gathering her belongings and making for the door. "Enjoy the rest of your vacation." Kate wrapped her arms around Jason and Brian hugged Kate before they left.

"Certainly, that was quite a night," Jason remarked later. "Do you constantly engage in these adventures when dating you?"

"No, not everyone is in on this," Kate replied with a smile. "Simply you and Matt." They continued with their trip for the following day at the beach and pool. Altogether, it was a highly relaxing and gratifying vacation, and Kate didn't want to leave on Saturday. This was the first instance in her life where she did not look forward to returning to work, an unusual yet enjoyable sensation. Perhaps there's more to life than striving at work, she pondered as she walked with Jason on the beach, her arm around his waist and his around hers.

During the flight home, Kate and Jason snuggled in the back row. The plane was mostly full, but the seats in front of them were unoccupied. As they readied for takeoff, Kate summoned a flight attendant, a tall, attractive blonde woman in her early thirties.

"Excuse me," Kate said. "Me and my boyfriend wish to become members of the mile high club. Could you arrange that for us?"

The flight attendant replied apologetically, "I'm sorry, but that's only allowed in exceptional circumstances."

"Such as what?" Kate asked.

"For it to happen, you must have a sizable penis, at least eight inches. And you'll need to involve one of the attendants," the flight attendant informed her.

"And that won't be an issue," Kate laughed, rubbing Jason's penis through his shorts. "He'd love to penetrate you, preferably from behind."

"Kate, what is happening? You're acting inappropriately," Jason said.

The flight attendant glanced at Jason's manhood with lust and stated, "Once we reach cruising altitude, join me in the galley right behind you." She bent over and fondled Jason's penis through his shorts, adding, "I can't wait. Thankfully, I'm not wearing panties under this skirt."

As she retreated, Jason asked, "Kate, what's going on?"

"She's a college friend of mine," Kate answered. "When I told her about our vacation, and your girth, she managed to be working on this flight. I believe this is the ideal conclusion to your honeymoon. Oh, and don't forget, I'm also sans undergarments."

Immediately after the seatbelt indicator switched off, Kate and Jason proceeded towards the galley. Not long after their arrival, the flight attendant showed up and introduced herself as Kari. Jason was about to speak but she interrupted him. "I understand that your ex's name is also Kari, just spelled differently." She jokingly added, "I guess, to get over one Carrie, you need to get inside another?"

Jason chuckled and Kari started making out with him. Meanwhile, Kate removed Jason's shorts, revealing his huge penis. She encouraged Kari to touch his penis while they were busy kissing Jason.

Kate then suggested that Kari should suck on Jason to prepare him. Kari quickly followed her orders and began stimulating Jason with her mouth. Once he was almost ready, Kate prompted, "Bend over."

Kari lifted her skirt and positioned herself at a 90-degree angle. This allowed Kari's pussy to be close to Jason's erect cock. Jason stepped forward and entered Kari's pussy. Kari enthusiastically braced herself with her hands on her hips, allowing Jason to penetrate her deeply. His thick cock stimulated Kari's pussy and, soon, she was screaming in excitement.

Kari told Jason that she was about to reach orgasm, prompting him to fuck her with even more ferocity. Kate's arousal intensified as she watched this. The sight of Jason's intent facial expression combined with Kari's shrieks pushed Kate near climax. She couldn't hold off her climax for much longer.

Jason announced that he was close, and his increased efforts deeply aroused Kate. Once Jason finished, Kate, too, was roused.

Hours later, as the flight was about to land, Kate hit the button to request the flight attendant. Kari answered back, "How can I help you?" she said seductively.

"We require a private space for a short while," Kate requested. She then lowered Jason's shorts and began sucking him. She maintained her deep throat technique until Jason's erection returned.

Their seating arrangement was such that Kate sat sideways, with Jason in the middle seat, and Kari closed the curtain between the rows. Kate then straddled Jason but faced away from him. She rode him in reverse cowgirl style as Kari began rubbing Kate's clit while simultaneously massaging her nipple.

The combination of Jason's cock inside her pussy and Kari's double stimulation made Kate reach orgasm. Jason, already aroused, ejaculated into Kate.

As Kate slid off, Kari removed the towel from Jason's crotch and cleaned him up. She quoted a corporate catchphrase, "Customer service is our specialty," before leaving.

A few hours later, during the descent announcement, Kate proposed, "Were you satisfied with your honeymoon?"

"I adored it," he said.

"Was this better than the one that was initially planned?" she asked.

"Much more amazing," Jason confirmed. "There's nothing that could ever beat this."

"Don't be so certain," Kate teased. "You might get to partake in another someday. I guarantee it'd eclipse this one."

Q: Does Kate also work on the plane?A: No, she's a passenger.

Q: What was the reason for Kari's joke about getting over one Carrie?A: She knew Jason's former fiancé's name was Carrie and used it humorously.

Q: How was Kari soon involved with Kate and Jason?A: Kari interrupted Jason's reply to Kate's query, introduced herself, and made a joke which struck a chord with Jason.

Q: How long did the encounters last?A: One happened as soon as the seatbelt light was deactivated and the other towards the end of the flight, prior to landing.

Q: Why didn't Kate just have sex with Jason on her honeymoon?A: There's no information given in the text about their actual honeymoon experience.

Q: Kari has what height?A: Kari is 5'10" tall.

Q: How did Kate feel and respond to Jason having sex with Kari?A: While watching Kari and Jason, Kate became horny.

Q: Did Jason ejaculate inside Kari both times?A: Yes, he did so on both occasions.

Q: Was the first sexual encounter only with Kari or did Kate join?A: It was only with Kari in the first instance.

Q: What was the role of Kari in the second sexual encounter?A: In the second instance, Kari cleaned Jason and gave Kate a friendly goodbye.

Q: Did Kate ever date Jason's friend?A: No evidence suggests that they ever dated before his flight.

Q: After which event did Kate arrange the second sexual encounter?A: The second encounter was set up after the first one, a few hours later.

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