Erotic Couplings

Chapter 13: Contemplations

Marcus faces the repercussions of being in the public eye.

May 30, 2024
15 min read
male dominationworkplacecoercionrags to richesromanceChapter 13: Reflectionsdomination
Chapter 13: Reflections
Chapter 13: Reflections

Chapter 13: Contemplations

Wednesday, 4:41 pm

When I wasn't preoccupied with checking the latest news updates, I spent the rest of my workday tackling the mounting pile of unanswered texts and missed calls. It seemed like there were more and more people wanting my attention, and I needed to address them before my relationships started suffering. Despite the allure of going through my grandfather's collection of assets or counting money like some wealthy duck, it was necessary to deal with these notifications on my phone.

I started with my stepfather, Henry Upton.

Henry was a wonderful man who filled the role of dad in my life. As early as I could remember, he had been a part of it, which made us incredibly close. He taught me to ride a bike, throw a ball, and swim - all the pleasant tasks parents are expected to do. He was a talented musician who left his dream of composing music for Broadway to support a family by working on advertising jingles and small marketing projects. Though it provided a generous income, he always yearned for something more meaningful than writing catchy tunes for ads.

I tried calling him twice, but there was no answer. I made it my next task to return others' calls, beginning with my friend, Dillon. He had called an hour before and was simply checking on me after our encounter at Strange Mudd on the previous Friday. He didn't know about the recent events and was surprised by what I shared.

The remaining calls were less pleasant. An uncle I had barely spoken to in the last five years proposed dinner together when he came to town on business next month. My great-aunt was interested in catching up on family news before talking about her upcoming foot surgery. It was fortunate that I completed those calls swiftly as I received them, especially since some of them didn't answer as it was peak working hours. Unfortunately, none of my siblings picked up my call. This left one person still on my list - my mother.

My mother was a successful architect, known for her fantastic designs in New York. She was also among the few well-known black women in the industry, a testament to her talents. Her fierce determination, developed from working in a field where people often underestimated her for over two decades, made her strong-willed and resilient. Unfortunately, her hardships made her challenging to get along with.

This was the person I was currently talking to.

"So you're not that forthcoming," I argued. "You told me the money was from a trust fund formed after Dad passed."

"I signed an NDA, Marcus. I couldn't tell you anything! I knew you'd tell your whole fourth-grade class or try to use it to impress Alicia Summers. You'd have put both of us in a terrible predicament. This is far from the same as you getting such a vast amount of money and not informing me for a week."

"Okay, I understand that. I can see why you'd insist on secrecy when you're younger," I replied. "But at twenty-eight? I could have inferred your wishes about our conversations, Mother."

"They aren't the same! Your ability to read between the lines is different now than it was when you were younger," she shot back.

"I mean, I can certainly understand not wanting to share this with a ten- or fourteen-year-old child. But, at your age and mine, keeping it secret feels a little unfair," I said.

"There's a major difference between being uninformed and signing a legal document," she countered. "Now tell me, what do you mean by 'okay'?"

"I mean, I grasp the predicament you were in. Someone threatened you to stay quiet about that part of your life, and you gave in."

My mother paused, perhaps visualizing the terrifying situation of being a single mom with a baby, trying to make ends meet in a field that didn't value her skills. "Alright, I see your perspective."

Listen, mom, I'm being authentic here. It's shocking to witness how much people can achieve, how fast they can achieve it, when they have lots of money. They could've ruined your life completely. They had the potential to do anything. You did the right thing.

She remained silent for a few seconds before speaking. "Thank you."

My desk phone rang.

"Stay here, Mom," I said as I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey." It was Natalie. "Could I come see you quickly?"

"Sure! Come right in!"

I put down the desk phone and turned to the one with my mom. "Mom, I gotta go."

"But, I've been trying to reach you for days! And now you have to leave now? It couldn't wait?"

"It's been more than five minutes. Someone's coming to my office I need to meet with."

I heard a sigh from the other end. "Okay, but call me back later. I need to talk to you about Jacob."

"I will. There's lots I need to get done."

"Fine." Her tone was a bit disgruntled, but Natalie was on her way up, so it didn't affect me much. "When are you going to the house?"

"Not sure. I'll have to be cautious when I do. Has anyone shown up asking questions since the news broke?"

"One person called asking if we'd be interested in an interview, and Henry saw some photographers while he was running, but other than that, it's been quiet."

"Alright. I'll call you later so I can make arrangements to see you all."

The built-in panel on my desk lit up, indicating someone was seeking access to this floor. I looked at the screen to see Natalie in the elevator. Erin wouldn't've let her in without clearance, but she was working on some tasks we discussed earlier. I pressed the button granting her elevator access for this trip.

"I've gotta go," I said into the phone. "Love you, and tell Dad the same."

"Okay, cabbage. I love you."

I ended the call, took my seat, felt awkward, and stood. I grabbed a file containing a list of some of my grandfather's assets. Moments later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, and Natalie entered, smiling widely.


"Hey, yourself," I replied, tossing the file back on the desk.

I walked toward her and embraced her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She placed her hands on my chest before resting them on each side of my neck and rubbing my jawline with her thumbs as our lips met in a sweet, passionate kiss that lasted nearly two minutes. Our tongues searched each other in this deep connection. We eventually parted, but I refused to let her go. She moved her hands up to my chest, and we locked our gazes.

"You okay?" She inquired.


"Heard what happened?"

"Yes. I didn't want it to come out this way, though. I wanted to decide myself."

"I get that," she nodded.

"This doesn't change how I feel about you?"

She shook her head. "No, it explains a lot, but I'm still attracted to a handsome man who's a billionaire. Why would anything change?"

Her words made me beam; now we just needed to sort this out.

She glanced at me questioningly again. "So, does this change it for you?"

I fought to analyze this line of inquiry. Had my lawyer Helen gotten to her? She'd mentioned similar sentiments on multiple occasions. "Not at all," I responded happily.

My grin slipped, and I had to reconcile some harsh truths. Natalie and I had made considerable progress this week. We admitted our feelings for each other, kissed, and were close to having sex. Our relationship was progressing.

I was also receiving sexual favors from my new attorney, Helen. Within the past twenty-four hours, I'd had a threesome with Bobby and another girl, and received oral sex from two other women. No good woman would accept that behavior from someone she was interested in, and Natalie was one of the best women. I needed to handle this delicately.

"Absolutely not," I stated resolutely.

Natalie maintained her gaze on me, suspecting something. "Are you sure? Lots of women would love to be seen with a rich, good-looking man."

I evaluated her, contemplating her statement. Had Helen swayed her thoughts? She'd said it numerous times. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"No," she affirmed, "I mean..."

Her gaze drifted away from my face, as if searching for words. I felt her palms slide down my frame, and I let her slip free from my grasp. She stepped back and then fixed her eyes on my face once more. "I'm not experiencing second thoughts. It's just..."

"Just what?" I inquired.

"You split up with Jessica."

I confirmed it, awaiting her to grasp the significance. We'd discussed the timeline of our separation already, so what was bothering her now?

"Did you end things with her after discovering her affair?"

Confusion washed over me. Why did this matter?

"No," I clarified, "She revealed her betrayal to me during breakfast time, and I informed her that we were done. Subsequently, I went to work. Remember how I was there for just a couple of hours? My attorneys contacted me while I was there, and I went to meet them. It was then that I discovered the secret."

I observed as Natalie performed the mental calculations. After several seconds of reflection, she nodded. "Wow... what a rotten day for her."

"Indeed," I agreed, "but fortuitous for me. If she'd been cognizant, we might have remained together."

She scrutinized me with a confident expression for several moments; the silence felt tense. Something felt amiss, but I could not comprehend what precisely was causing it. "What is it?" I queried, shattering the silence.

"I'm a bit anxious. You separated from Jessica, and within a short span of time, you acquired masses of riches, took over a business, and now... whatever this is with us. I'm a touch afraid that you're... experimenting."

My mind struggled to comprehend her meaning. She was apprehensive that I was exploring various avenues, dabbling in finances and attempting new relationships.

"Experimenting?" I puzzled.

"You know... testing the waters. Purchasing businesses. Testing out different girls."

"Ah." I understood. She was worried about becoming a casualty in the tycoon's venture to corruption.

"And it's not just you," she interrupted, "There's something that's been different for me since Jessica left you. I've always held a fondness for you. I've always deemed you handsome and a charming guy. However, my fondness for you intensified following news of your breakup, and I'm a tad anxious because I'm not certain why."

She shrugged and crossed her arms over her bosom. "I like you, Marcus. I guess I'm a bit frightened as to how fiery my feelings are for you. I don't wish to be injured."

This wasn't where I anticipated the conversation developing when Natalie started expressing these sentiments. I thought she was about to tell me that our relationship was too complicated and that despite our emotions for each other, it would be better if we didn't get involved. My heart was already anticipating her ending things before they even started. Hearing her declare how she felt left me feeling as if my heart would rupture, compelling me to grin at her. She was just expressing her fear.

"I also like you, Natalie. I've admired you for quite a while, and I wouldn't want to cause you harm either."

"So what is this?" she inquired.

"What do you wish it to be?"

She didn't answer, and I didn't want to pressure her, thus I silently waited.

"I'm going away for the entire weekend," she then mentioned.


"One of my dearest friends is tying the knot, and I'm part of the wedding party."

"Oh," I responded. When she failed to provide further details, I inquired. "Did... you want me to accompany you?"

"No," she said, "I was considering okaying a bit of time apart to ponder what we both desire. Can we resume this dialogue once you return?"

"Certainly," I replied, attempting to suppress my disappointment. I knew what I desired, and my mind had conjured images of us both on the dance floor of a wedding reception.

However, if I were to be frank with myself, I had three other potential suitors to consider. The thought of being exclusively with Natalie now seemed questionable.

I wanted my desert and the capacity to consume it.

"So... companions until I get back?" she questioned, furnishing me with a wary smile. "We'll then talk?"

"Absolutely," I concurred, mirroring her grin. I was dejected, yet simultaneously felt good that Natalie was taking this so seriously. I also felt a touch guilty. Natalie hadn't slept with three different guys during our negotiations.

I had just wrapped up a half-hour chat with my older sister, Emily. She had been really understanding about the whole situation, even admitting that she wouldn't have shared this kind of news with anyone if she were in my shoes. She also felt for me, for being robbed of my privacy this way. Emily and I had a close relationship, thanks to our shared childhood. Our parents had met when I was four and she was six, which eventually paved the way for us to become sisters and best friends.

After finishing our conversation, I reviewed my phone, only to find a missed call from an unknown number. That's when it clicked - it had to be Jessica.

I couldn't figure out what to do. On one hand, I wanted to call her back just to catch up on how things were going. I hadn't seen her in days, so it wasn't weird to be curious about her life and her new boyfriend. But on the other hand, I wanted to gloat.

A small part of me even wished she could be back. She was like an old Hollywood movie - something comfortable and familiar. She always smelled of peaches or flowers, and having her close to me felt like a warm hug. I remembered her pink lips, her soft, ivory skin. If I closed my eyes, I could feel her tongue touching mine and the sensation of her weight balanced on top of me as she held my hair and rode me. Her smiling eyes... and her big boobs. I could almost melt into her.

The screen light disappeared and shattered my daydream.

A notification popped up on my monitor, indicating Bobbi was in the elevator on her way to my office. It was almost ten at night and this was highly unusual - Bobbi didn't usually approach my office like this. I pressed the button to allow her entrance.

It took her a couple of minutes to reach my office, and by the time she knocked on my door, I was scrolling through pictures of Jessica on my phone.

"Come in," I said, as I concealed my phone screen beneath a stack of papers and papers behind my desk. It was a good thing I ignored that call earlier. My heart could've been broken by the rejections from her. Bobbi opened the door and walked in. She actually knocked this time, a rare display of politeness from her.

"Are you busy?" She asked. Her voice wasn't as harsh as it usually was. I noticed a hint of civility that I'd heard only a few times before.

"Not really," I responded. "Just in the process of calming the waters."

"Calming the waters?" Bobbi inquired.

"Yep, everyone seems to have heard about the money. I didn't want people to find out in this way. It's been a long time since I've heard from some of them. It's kind of annoying to have my privacy invaded this way. But hey, what can you do?"

"So, you thought I betrayed you by revealing the information?"

"Yep. You're one of the few people I couldn't account for. You also dislike me. So it made sense. The others were ruled out, so I blamed you."

"I didn't," Bobbi retorted, a hint bitterness in her voice.

"I know," I sighed, leaning back on my office chair. "I'm just exhausted, Bobbi."

We both sat in silence for a while.

"Why won't you apologise for what had happened?" Bobbi asked. I could detect a trace of bitterness in her voice.

"For what?" I asked in response.

"For thinking I did something and punishing me for it without any context."

I stared at her for a moment before replying, "I considered it in that way."

I raised my head, perhaps a little too dramatically, "Fuck you, Bobbi, I fucking hate you." It was more of a statement than an emotional exclamation. My feelings were mixed, but not fiery enough to justify intense emotion.

Bobbi perched on the chair opposite me, unphased. "You're one of those people who say they loathe someone, but deep down, they yearn for them," she said,aknowing smirk on her face.

"Really? I couldn't have guessed."

This was amusing. I couldn't pinpoint why, but maybe a tiny part of me was relieved to see I didn't completely break her. "You know, you make it simple to dislike you. In my life, I get along with most people. Just yours. You've had it out for me."

"I dislike everyone," she retorted sharply. "You're not special."

This was rather blunt, and strangely truthful. "Why do you declare that?"

Bobbi shrugged and stated, "I hate all people." Once more, I was amazed by the sheer openness of her response.


Crossing her arms over her chest, which nicely highlighted her modest breasts, she didn't respond. Instead, she fixed her gaze on something beyond my shoulder and through the window at the lit cityscape beyond. The message was clear: She didn't want to discuss it further.

"Why are you here, Bobbi?"

Her eyes were filled with unshed tears. I decided not to push her. I simply observed her and waited for her to respond in her own time. I didn't feel the need to be any more hurtful to her than I'd already been today.

"Your assistant canceled the room," she eventually said, trying to hold back her lower lip.

"I had to cancel it," I explained. "News crews were starting to turn up, so I didn't feel like dealing with them. I think I'm going to stay here tonight."

She appeared to be deliberating over what she wanted to say, so I let her sit silently until she could get her thoughts together. A minute passed before she could continue.

"So what am I supposed to do?" she asked, looking up at me and my phone.

I glanced up from the device, showing her the name on the screen.

"Go stay with your friend, I guess?"

"She's not home, and she's not answering her phone."

I gazed back at my phone, searching for the nearest hotel near the Dunbar Building. A four-hundred-dollar-a-night hotel made me pause. Adapting to being a billionaire would take time, and some old habits wouldn't fade away quickly.

"I'm setting you up with a hotel close to where I am."

Bobbi nodded, and didn't say a word, rubbing her arms as if she were cold. She seemed helpless.

Looking back at my phone, I completed paying for the room.

"You could've just turned me over to the police today. Why didn't you? Why are you doing all this to me?"

"Didn't you guess this yet?" I asked. I held her gaze for a moment before her eyes diverted elsewhere. "Well, I admit, you made my work life miserable. But despite that, I'm passionately attracted to you. I've imagined all the times I wanted to dominate you."

"So when the chance arose, I acted on it. I wanted to break you, and I did. Honestly, I'm shocked it occurred so swiftly. You've always been quite a force." I shook my head. "I had you fooled."

Bobbi just continued to look down.

"So what does this mean, exactly?" She asked.

I hesitated, still somewhat unclear about what she was to me. "It means that you're mine. I can get you when I want. You'll go where I say and when I say. And you'll exist to please me. That's all you'll be. My pet. In return,"

"So, like... you'll be my rich benefactor."

I chuckled, "Nope! Our relationship will never be that close. I don't even have strong emotions towards you, but there's some kind of obligation towards you, maybe? Plus, you're attractive. This may not seem proper, but this is where we're at."

"And if I don't want that?"

"Express your desire. If I tell you to kiss Helen's ass, you'll do it. This is the best life you can have, but it's not without its requirements."

We eyed each other for a whole minute. I appreciated her flawless features, noting the way her golden brown hair complemented her sharp features. Her lips were plump and attractive before she wore her usual scowl. Her skin was smooth, highlighting how much she cherished her looks.

"Okay," she said, her voice clear.

I messaged her the hotel address, "Go there. Get some sleep tonight and take the following two days off. I booked the room under your name but paid in advance. Order room service and enjoy the amenities there as you please. How many outfits do you own?"

"Two," Bobbi responded while checking her phone.

"Do you still have the credit card I gave you?"

She nodded.

"Why didn't you use it?" I asked.

"I..." She fiddled with the hair strands on her shoulder. "I was scared."

"Fair enough," I said. It made sense that she would want to be careful after our encounter at Solomon's Palace. "Go shopping. Buy some new outfits... perfume, shoes... whatever. Valerie is scheduling an appointment with a doctor. You'll go to that, have a checkup, and request an IUD."

Her head snapped back up, "What?"

"I'm not interested in having your children," I explained, "especially my children. Is that an issue?"


I waited for her to reply.

"No," she eventually said.

"Alright then."

"What about Natalie?" Bobbi asked.

"What concerning her?"

"Aren't you and her starting something? It's quite apparent."

"That's none of your concern," I said, not liking where this conversation was headed.

"Do you two know about this?"

"What? That's beside the point."

I went around my desk and stood in front of her. She just stared back, her face showing a touch of uncertainty. She tried to hide her nervousness, but the fear in her eyes was palpable as I loomed above her.

"What are you suggesting?"

"Nothing," she claimed. However, her fragile demeanor suggested otherwise. I could still see a glimmer of the old Bobbi underneath her scared facade. "I simply don't want to interfere with your relationship."

"Bobbi, get out of my office and complete the tasks I instructed you to do before I reconsider. Keep away from this office till I say otherwise. If I catch wind of your name here, you'll spend the rest of your life in prison. Agree?"

She slowly stood up, her large grey eyes staring into mine. She picked up her bag and draped it over her shoulder. Then, she offered me a sweet smile that nearly stole my breath. We'd kissed before, but this was a hundred times better. We kissed for approximately thirty seconds before she removed her lips from mine, but still kept her face close. Her look was fragile, but this exposed her sensual side.

"Yes sir," she said while stepping back. She turned and left the office without looking back. She left me to ponder the confusing signals she sent my way. Helen was correct. Bobbi was risky. I felt the need to be cautious.

And I really had to make a decision about Natalie.

I made up my mind: Bobbi and I needed to learn more about each other. I'd taken on a dangerous responsibility with her. I didn't want to jeopardize my feelings for her, or for Natalie. I had to tread carefully.

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