Erotic Couplings

Chapter 14: Property Investment

Marcus acquires a new residence.

May 31, 2024
22 min read
blowjobChapter 14: Real Estatecunnilingusseductionrags to riches
Chapter 14: Real Estate
Chapter 14: Real Estate

Chapter 14: Property Investment

Around 9:50 on a Thursday

"The news has been circulating for more than twenty-four hours now about the death of the renowned billionaire, Colin Gerard. There's still no information on the whereabouts of his grandson, Marcus Upton," the blonde woman reported on Channel Seven.

While lying on the couch, waiting for Erin to let me know that she was downstairs, I watched the news reports about my grandfather's death. It was a major news item. Strangely, I only heard about Colin Gerard in passing before the previous week. Once he died, it seemed like everyone was talking about him. After meeting with Bobbi, I texted Helen to inquire about why it was such a huge deal. She informed me that there was a scandal and numerous individuals who had been affected by it. Not knowing about my existence, no one in my grandfather's circle had been aware of me. I could understand that given what my mother informed me the night before.

The news reporter's co-host commented, "Yes, Julia. It's also important to note that as a significant shareholder of one of the world's largest corporate empires, many are concerned about the financial consequences of his passing, with the lack of answers only exacerbating their concerns."

A text from Erin alerted me that she was downstairs with a car. Though I had slept on a couch throughout the night, the comfort of the couch after the purchase made the sleep much better. And I loved the fact that I could now call myself a billionaire! My mother's claims about the lack of others knowing of my existence didn't seem so bad after all. If I played my cards right, I could do whatever I wanted without much hassle. I was glad about the moves I made to ensure my safety and privacy.

As I stepped out of the elevator on the first floor, Andrew approached me. "Morning, Marcus, did you sleep well?"

"Absolutely! This couch is super comfortable if you pay enough for it. Let's hope I don't have to sleep here again anytime soon."

"What do you mean, 'again'?"

"I want to keep the top floor private and transform it into a living space. Helen informed me it's off the books, making it hard to trace this location to me, although I've spent many years working in this building. Do you know if anyone else knows about my purchase?"

"Only my team. They needed to know who signed the checks."

I didn't really like that, but Andrew probably wasn't informed to keep it a secret. "You think the construction crews can keep things low-key?"

"Absolutely. I saw the super tiny girl with purple hair. We won't have any issues with them."

We were just about to reach the doors when I turned, scanning the street for anything suspicious. "Are there any outsiders that I should be concerned about?"

"Not at the moment. Shawn and I have been taking turns patrolling and spotted a suspicious van parked across the street a while ago, but I went and asked them to leave. The street seems clear now."

"Perfect. I'm glad you both have been keeping an eye out."

Andrew opened the door and invited me to step out, saying, "Please let me know if you need any other assistance."

"Will do. Thanks."

Stepping outside into the bright morning sun, I climbed into the back of the waiting black suburban. "Hi, Erin," I greeted. "Hop in. We have quite a bit to discuss."

In a rush, I hopped on board and sat down on the opposite bench seat from her with a snap of the door closing behind me. The suburban gained speed, and I glanced at Erin. She was dressed in a dark skirt, paired with black leggings beneath it. Boots climbed most of her calves, black in color. A white, loose-hanging blouse covered her shoulders. A pair of dark-framed thick glasses completed her look as she sported two space buns on her head.

Erin put down her computer and flashed me a grin. "Ready for one of the most exciting parts of being ridiculously rich?"

My smile mirrored hers. Always, Erin had the power to brighten my mood. I was taking the right decision in choosing her. "So, house hunting?"

"Exactly," she repeated and hopped over to sit by my side, her phone in hand. After opening her phone, she showed me some images. "My real estate agent has several options for us if we're interested, but I'm certain you'll love the first one."

"I really am," I replied as I reclined in my seat, my arm stretched along the headrest. Erin snuggled up to me until she felt more like a girlfriend than an assistant.

The trip to this part of Manhattan lasted close to an hour. Erin maintained the conversation, sharing her experiences. I chatted about the incident involving Bobbi's card and our encounter that evening. Midway through my tale, Erin turned to face me, shifting her back against me and slipping her hand beneath her skirt. My jaw dropped as I described dominating Bobbi and establishing the boundaries for our relationship situation. Her eyeballs darted at me, and her breath swiftly became shallower. Then she extricated her hand from her skirt and beckoned me to try her wet fingers with two of them. Pursing her lips against mine, she slid her fingers into my mouth, touching my lips with her moist digits. Erin's taste differed from the last two women I had experienced - less intense, with a milder, sweeter flavor. I desired devouring her pussy and making her climax. Then, she didn't climax and didn't seem to reach the brink, but curiosity lingered in her eyes.

The vehicle came to a halt in front of a tall structure. I stepped out after Erin. A young lady in her early to mid-twenties with dark hair in a simple ponytail stood at the door of the building. Her pallid complexion contrasted with her smokey eye shadow, causing her brilliant gold/green eyes to pop. Luscious lips glossed in crimson lipstick featured prominently. Her height surpassed Erin's considerably. She appeared in a knitted, sleeveless gray blouse, accentuating her shoulders, and a black skirt barely above her knees, showcasing lovely legs. Her smile blinded me with its radiance and could have easily became a sales pitch for the dentist industry.

"Danni!" She embraced Erin, releasing her minutes later to face me.

"Hey, it's been a while, Danni," Erin greeted.

Danni separated from Erin with a laugh. "Great to see you too!" Bound from Erin's ensnaring embrace, she turned. "Marcus Upton, this is Danielle Holland, my coworker. She'll show us the apartment you want to see."

Danielle reached out, extended her hand, and smiled, "Hi Marcus. Just call me Danielle. Thank you for accommodating us at the last minute."

"Yeah, no problem. I'm thrilled to meet you," I said, tightly gripping her hand.

"Beg pardon? I'm certain I could fit your criteria... provided those special requests."

"Sounds good!" said Erin.

Danielle directed us to the building's entrance, which a doorman briefly opened. I nodded and smiled at him. An exquisite interior greeted us, featuring luxurious marble elements on the floor, carpet, and upholstery. It radiated wealth and distinction.

The real estate agent showed us the way to an elevator and used a special key to get to the highest floor. During the ride, Danielle and Erin chatted, making it seem like they hadn't seen each other in a while. While they caught up, I took the chance to study Danielle. Comparing her to Erin, she was the complete opposite with her fair complexion and golden hair. The pair looked marvelous together.

As we reached the 64th floor, the elevator door opened. It was the only number on the lift. Danielle removed the key and declared, "We have an emergency exit down the hallway if needed, but it's reinforced and locked. This key also opens this elevator door and offers remote access. As well, the lift is private and reserved only for this apartment."

With so much going on, I barely paid attention. I was more focused on the enormous space we'd just entered. I asked, "Is this the living room?"

"That's right," replied Danielle, walking towards the room's center. She slowly revolved what seemed to be a fully decorated living space, complete with couches, chairs, and a grand television above a stone fireplace. A transparent wall showcased one of New York's best skyline views in a building.

"Holy cow..."

Additionally, there was a kitchen on the right. Pots and pans hung from a gigantic kitchen island, and a marble countertop featured a built-in chopping board. There were two sets of balconies on the other sides, about ten to twelve feet high, resembling a luxury hotel's design. Two sets of stairs led to these balconies at each end, then continued past the ceiling.

"These stairs are where both sets of stairs on the 2nd floor will take you," Danielle pointed out, gesturing to one of the hallways. "Towards the end, you'll find stairs leading up to the gardens. Both the elevator and stairs can take you there.

"Gardens?" I asked.

Danielle mimicked my tone, "Mm-hmm. The original owner valued nature and made a considerable investment. There's also a helipad up there, but he made sure it wouldn't ruin the aesthetics."



I glanced at her, and she assured us we could freely use everything, then focused on her computer, wanting to finalize our deal. Turning back, I followed Erin up one of the staircases, asking, "We can go wherever?"

"Yes, do whatever," Danielle agreed. She smiled at us before focusing on her paperwork.

Erin and I checked out this incredible home for the next 30 minutes. Every room had furniture for us to choose from. If we didn't like it, we could either remove all the items or opt for solely keeping the pieces we loved.

Guided by Erin, I tried the shower on the second floor, allowing the water to run while we explored the building further. We returned to the same bathroom as before, and upon turning off the taps, I found Erin standing beside a large window in the bedroom next door.

"Danielle mentioned the entire setup is brand new, bought by Vanderburg, and we're free to keep it," Erin said. "But if you prefer, you could have it all removed and start from scratch or just retain what you prefer."

"I'll most likely keep it all for now. I don't want to move into a half-furnished home."

Erin's expression softened, and she embraced the window with her body as she stood more than 60 stories high. "Yes, sir."

The sight of her leaning against the glass made me uneasy. "Don't lean on that."

Following Erin, we investigated various parts of this awe-inspiring house. Everything was functional, including the hot water. I tested its durability by using a nearby bathroom's shower while exploring and returned to find Erin in the next room.

"Danielle told you that all the furniture, purchased by Vanderburg, is available to keep, or we could ask for it to be taken away and began fresh, or just retain the items we favor," Erin recalled. "Over to you."

"I think I'll maintain it how it is now. Doesn't make sense to move into a half-furnished home."

Amused by my comment, Erin pivoted and put a hand against the window. "Oh, yes sir."

"Huh? This?" She tapped on the glass above her head, "It's bulletproof. I read about it last night. It has a UL level 6 rating. It can withstand several rounds from a nine-millimeter." She closed her eyes, raised her other arm above her head, and stretched; her shirt stretched taut against her chest and the bottom part of her midriff slightly lifted, offering a tempting view. She chuckled at me, "I'm around 100 pounds. I should be fine."

My mind wandered toward whether or not Danielle would allow me to do whatever I wanted in this house. Erin and I were alone in a fully furnished bedroom, and she looked sensational. So far, I had received only one lap dance and one blowjob from her. I wanted more, and her body language hinted that she had the same desire too. I took the initiative by joining Erin next to the window, keeping her between me and the glass. Her eyes opened, and her chocolate brown eyes followed my trajectory, looking up at me through long, dark eyelashes. A playful grin spread across her kissable lips, reminding me of a cat. I leaned forward and kissed her, pressing my hands to hers, trapping them against the glass as I leaned back. She raised her head and obliged, their lips meeting in a fiery kiss. Our tongues quickly intertwined, seeking each other. I felt her body arch into me, pressing her small breasts into my chest as her delicate fingers slipped between mine and gave them a gentle squeeze.

The kiss intensified and I pushed back against her body with my own, grinding my hard-on into her stomach as my weight forced her against the glass. Erin squirmed beneath me, seeking friction, which I could hear in her accelerating breathing. Our tongues waged a fierce battle for a while before she retracted hers. She turned her head to the side, breaking the kiss and leaving a trail of dark lipstick on both our faces. I used this opportunity to explore her cheek and the vastness of her neck, smearing a hint of her lipstick across her skin. I nibbled playfully and investigated her smooth neck. She took deep, gasping breaths and stroked her crotch against my thigh. I could feel her moistness seeping through my pants where she ground against me.

I freed my fingers from hers and lowered my arms, wrapping them around her waist, pulling her into me as my lips continued to travel across her skin. Her hands, now liberated, supported my face and pressed gently, urging me to pull back to gaze into each other's eyes. Her glasses were slightly askew and wisps of dark brown hair had come loose to frame her face. We both studied each other's faces, and the ardor in her eyes echoed the desire I felt.

"Let's go, Mr. Upton," she whispered. "I'd like to show you something."

She freed herself from my grasp, straightened her glasses, and headed to the open doorway. I followed her down the hall and up the main flight of stairs. There was an entire other wing of the apartment that stretched out opposite of mine - I had been too preoccupied to notice it before. My train of thought was derailed by a celestial stripper. As I trailed after Erin onto the rooftop, the other wing was forgotten.

"Well? What's your opinion?" she inquired.

She gazed up at me as we entered a large garden on the rooftop. It was enchanting, with concentric paths that curved away into the lush greenery. Latticework and trees lined these paths, creating a serene retreat that felt isolated from the busy city of New York. All I could hear were a few birds chirping at each other and a gentle breeze rustling the foliage. I am no botanist. I couldn't identify most of the plants, but there must have been four or five different types of trees. There were azaleas and junipers, daylilies, ferns, and marigolds; even honeysuckle was climbing the latticework. The garden's design was visually appealing, inducing a sense of tranquility.

"What are you...?"

"There's more, Mr. Upton. Follow me." She snapped me out of my awe and pulled my hand along one of the paths.

"This isn't the best part?"

We meandered down the path for a few minutes, admiring the statues, fountain, benches, varied flowers, and ivy growing in aesthetically pleasing configurations. Pathways intersected, and I pondered the dimensions of this garden and the possibility of getting lost within its confines.

In the end, we exited onto a sizable patio encircling a colossal pool. It currently featured a canopy above it, sheltering the entire pool from unfiltered sunlight. The patio encompassed three sides of the pool, while the fourth border abutted what seemed to be a transparent wall that provided a stunning view of New York's skyline. Forgetting for a moment that Erin was even by my side, I slowly advanced toward the scene.

On the length of the patio, near the essence of the pool rested a bar that appeared to be completely supplied with a diversity of spirits and mixers. It possessed a compact fridge which I opened to find filled with chilled mixers along with a selection of snacks including a freshly assembled charcuterie platter. Danielle had definitely pulled out all the stops for my visit. Did every listing Erin requested possess these amenities, or was she just certain I'd prefer this place?

I glanced at the water and had to conduct a double-take. It didn't appear similar to the blue I'd usually observe in pools, and the cause became plainly obvious. The bottom and walls of the pool were crystal-clear glass. A third of the glass floor leaned out over the edge, and I could perceive the remote New York streets through the H2O of the bloody swimming pool. The other two-thirds of the pool's glass base exhibited sections of the house - some sort of dining area or breakfast nook, judging by the table and chairs.

I took an involuntary step back and turned aside, attempting to counteract the sudden vertigo clamoring to engulf me. As I endeavored to regain my footing, I was struggling to assimilate the thought that there was a garden and pool dwelled here, and that a portion of it dangled over the edge.

Then I completely disregarded it all.

As I perused the bar and pool, Erin had discarded her boots, leggings, skirt, and shirt, standing naked save for a black underwire bra and matching underwear. Her space buns were gone, and her hair styled loose, appearing abundant from the period it had spent penned up. Her golden-hued complexion radiated in the instant sunlight, and the dark etching adorning most of her right arm enhanced her tan complexion impeccably; every section of her body personified perfection. She strolled towards me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. As soon as she reached within arm's reach, she ever so slowly revolved to keep her back facing me, and she pulled her hair over her neck, gazing backward over one bare shoulder towards me with those large wide-set eyes.

"Could you please unfasten me?"

My erection reasserted itself due to the impact she'd exerted on me downstairs, my prospects replenished to see all of Erin for the first time.

I arrived at her back and operated the clasp free, the black cloth parting and disclosing the bronzed skin on her back. Erin lowered her hands, and her silvery purple hair jumped into the light as it cascaded down; the purple hue was more illustrious due to the sunlight. The bra straps slid free from her shoulders and dropped to the joint of her elbows. Erin turned round to confront me and shoved her silvery purple hair behind her, peering upward at me with those immense brown eyes.

"Would you like to disengage my bra, Mr. Upton?" She puckered her lips and pressed her loose hand against my chest, stroking it softly while she waited for my judgment. She didn't have to linger long. I didn't say a word. I only gulped and took hold of the cloth trapped beneath her limb, tugging until it detached itself.

As I discarded it, revealing her breasts to me, Erin let her breasts out in the open. Her breasts were the size of two sizable oranges, capped with darker brown nipples contrastingly darker than her skin. Her breasts had a lofty stance and seemed so natural that I had to touch them; I longed to feel them in my palms and ascertain that they felt as splendid as they seemed.

"And my bottoms?" Erin inquired. Her tone and posture seemed a little anxious, a sharp contradiction to the swaggering demeanor endured in every other affair we engaged in. "Shall I remove them for you?"

I didn't immediately react, completely absorbed by the sight of her uncovered breasts. They seemed so pliable yet resilient that I had to palpate them; I desired anchoring them in my grasp and relishing their supple tissues.

I stretched forth with a single hand and hesitated. "May I touch them?"

Erin smiled, but the cheeriness of her grin was less bright solar radiance and more of a warm incandescent glimmer. She seemed... vulnerable.

"You may touch and fondle whatever you like, Mr. Upton," she whispered. "It's under your jurisdiction."

Both of my palms wrapped around her tits, and I provided them a gentle embrace. They felt just as they behold - soft and cozy to the touch, but tough. I could perceive her sturdy, small areolas pressing into my palms as I acclimated myself with them.

Erin shut her eyes and tilted her head back as she let out a silent moan, closing her petite hands over mine to apply more pressure on her breasts. She encouraged me to squish my palms into her boobs and knead them, rubbing her nipples against my skin.

"Mmm... that's it," she breathed. Her head arched back to offer her neck to me, "They're really sensitive. They love being played with."

I dipped down and ran my tongue up her throat, making her shiver as I did so. I climbed up her slender neck and kissed along her jawline while still massaging her magnificent bosom. She chuckled and pushed her body toward my mouth as I dragged my teeth gently across the skin along her jaw and began kissing my way up to her ear. I captured her earlobe between my lips and sucked on it as I listened to her coo.

"I'm ready for you to unveil the rest of me, Mr. Upton," she whispered. I took the suggestion and started kissing my way down. I paused to explore her figure on my way down. My lips savored the contours of her collarbones and shoulders before moving down to those flawless breasts. I paused there, sliding my tongue and lips across the firm yet soft flesh of her cleavage, marveling at how different they were from some of the others. Jessica's had been full and heavy - major pillows of soft, warm flesh. Helen's were larger, teardrop-shaped, and fair, but affected more by gravity's influence than Erin's. Bobbi's were similar in shape and color to Helen's, but closer to Erin's size. Erin's were compact and defied gravity entirely, tougher than any pair of breasts should be. Her nipples were little nipples of firm flesh that seemed more responsive than the others when I teased or kissed them.

Finally, I kissed my way down her firm abs, sporadically glancing up to gauge her response. She gazed down at me from half-closed eyes as I licked and sucked my way across her belly, occasionally swiping my tongue through the tiny navel that was her belly button. She giggled, which turned into a moan when I dipped even lower and began kissing around the hem of her underwear. I sashayed my fingers under the straps of the tiny garment and slid them over the smooth slopes of her ribcage and buttocks, allowing them to pool around her ankles. Now I had a clear, unencumbered view of Erin Malik's pussy.

This woman's lithe thighs gave me an unhindered look at her entire groin area. It was completely bare... possibly even waxed. The skin around it was the same golden hue as the rest of her body, with puffy outer labia that had a slightly darker shade to them along the length of her slit. They were already somewhat separated, and the inner lips of her pussy were peeking out from between them. Her petals weren't as diminutive as Bobbi's, but not as prominent as Helen's, merely protruding by about a quarter of an inch. It was an extensive, sunny day, and her wet pussy reflected some of the light reflecting off the patio. Both pairs of lips were fully coated in arousal. The scent of her sex was strong and reminded me of how she had occasionally shared some of her juices with me throughout our drive over here.

I glimpsed up at the gorgeous woman I was kneeling in front of. She was looking down at me, her chest heaving from rapid breathing as she eagerly awaited what would follow.

"May I?" I inquired.

She nodded, her movements a bit shaky.

I leaned forward and immersed my face in one of the most beautiful pussies I've ever observed. I plunged my tongue deep into her soaking wet snatch, attempting to collect as much of her fluids as possible and swallow them. This woman had been teasing me for days, and now I was finally reaping the rewards she'd promised, and it was as good as I'd hoped.

I felt her thighs part, freeing me to maneuver. She tentatively placed a delicate hand on the back of my head, softly pressing me further into her and I slid my hands on her slender derriere to aid in driving myself into her mound. Her fingernails scratched against my scalp as she yelled out, and I could feel her thighs shaking as my tongue explored the interior labia of her pussy.

I lathered her drenched pussy repeatedly, delighting in the taste and aroma of her sex. I began near the base of her pussy where most of her juices were and when I'd satisfied my craving, I swiveled my tongue upward to seek out the little bundle of nerves that was her clit. It took me a few attempts to locate and encourage it to emerge from its hood, but I ultimately succeeded and engulfed it with my mouth. She gasped and violently convulsed against me as I licked at her little clit with the tip of my tongue and began sucking on it. I felt her fingers curl around a large section of my hair as she softly yanked on it, prompting me to thrust myself deeper between her legs. It was a sign I was doing something right.

"Oh God Marcus, don't stop!" she shouted as she rubbed her vagina on my face. I continued the rhythm, pressing my tongue against her clitoris while sucking it. I was in ecstasy, and I was taking her with me.

I kept watching her face as much as possible and was treated to the view of her closing her eyes, tilting her head back, and grinding her teeth as she let out a long, continuing groan as she orgasmed on my face. Her silvery hair fell over her like a curtain, giving me a fantastic perspective of her pleasant expression as I felt a flood of her fluids hit my tongue and, I swallowed as much of it as I could collect.

I felt Erin grab my hair, and I followed her silent directive, reluctantly removing my lips from her vagina and standing up before her. She leaped on me before I could fully straighten and wrapped her slender legs around my waist, locking her ankles behind me while wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her lips to mine. I felt her tongue invade my mouth and met it with my own as we kissed each other passionately; it seemed as if she was trying to take a portion of her fluids for herself.

My hand explored her back, roaming over the warm, golden surface of her flawless skin as I slipped slightly but recovered. She pulled her lips off mine just long enough to inhale, "Take me to the pool. The shallow end."

Then she attacked my lips again.

I complied, making my way slowly across the patio toward the shallow end, feeling the shade from the overhead cover offer us some relief from the direct sun. Reaching the edge of the pool, Erin's legs slid from around my waist. I marveled at how light she felt in my arms as I let her go free from my grasp.

Erin smiled timidly at me and began unclothing me; in no time, I was completely naked. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and said, "What about Danielle?"

"Don't worry about it," Erin said. She grabbed my hand and gently guided me until I followed her down the steps and into the shallow end of the pool. "For the amount you're paying, she'll let you do whatever you want. Here, sit down." She said as she gently pushed at my shoulders till I sat. My rear landed in two inches of water as it made contact with one of the steps. It wasn't concrete, but some sort of material that yielded slightly under my weight, making this step more comfortable to sit in than it had appeared.

Erin smiled bashfully at me and started getting rid of my clothes; soon, I was fully naked. I glanced at our surroundings to see if anyone was there to witness this and said, "What about Danielle?"

"Don't worry about it," Erin replied. She took my hand and calmly pulled me until I followed her down the steps and into the shallow end of the pool. "For the amount you're paying, she'll let you do whatever you want. Here, have a seat." She said as she gently pushed at my shoulders till I sat. My ass found itself in two inches of water as it met one of the steps. This wasn't concrete, but some kind of material that endured under my weight, making this step more comfortable to sit in than it seemed.

Erin knelt in front of me, the water reaching her waist and exposing her breasts to my view as she looked up at me. She placed her delicate hands on my shaft, sliding her fingers over its surface as she examined it for several seconds before looking at me through those long, dark lashes.

"Let me return the favor," she said before leaning forward and taking the entire length of my erection into her mouth in one effortless swipe.

I was shocked when I felt the rounded head of my penis brush against the back of her throat the first time she submerged her lips over my penis. She peered up at me through those long, dark lashes of hers. Her lips encircled the width of my member. She reached for my hand and placed it on one gravity-defying breast, and then plunged forward, sliding the remaining third of my prick into her mouth as I felt the mushroom head enter her tight little throat.

Here I was, beholding Erin completely exposed for the first time and relishing one of the most perfect illustrations of the human female I'd ever seen, all packed into a minuscule 5'2" frame. I had tasted her. I made her orgasm in my mouthhouse, and now she was swallowing my penis while I sat in a pool surrounded by a magical garden on top of a sixty-story skyscraper.

She started rubbing my penis, her lips moving up and down the length of my progressively slicker penis, and I questioned why she barely made any gagging sounds while repeatedly penetrating her throat. Her wide brown eyes never left mine, and the message in them was unmistakable. She was mine. She'd stated so. This young woman was an otherworldly aspect and the expression in her eyes implied she was entirely committed to me.

It was all too much, and I felt my ball sac boil. I gripped the sides of her head and kept it in place as I unleashed my load down her throat, my penis spasming with load after load as Erin sucked me off.

It seemed like I was about to lose consciousness, my orgasm was so intense. I was basking in all the glory. The apartment, the garden, the sultry assistant sucking my penis. I could possess anything... anyone. Was there anyone who could thwart me? Oh, the power... the obscenity of it all.

No one should ever feel like this.

After what seemed like forever, I released Erin from my grasp, and she instantly pulled her head off my dick, choking and spluttering. Tears escaped from the corners of her eyes and ran down her cheeks, but her mascara didn't seem to smudge like it had two nights ago.

She immediately climbed onto my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck, and attacked my lips with a sloppy kiss. I returned it, only somewhat conscious of the taste of my semen on her tongue as we hungrily consumed each other. I didn't give a damn about tasting myself. I had a goddess in my arms. Eventually, we separated, panting as we both tried to catch our breath, and she grinned at me as she said, "That didn't take long."

I laughed, "Can you blame me after what you just did?"

She giggled, pressed her forehead against mine, and delivered a quick kiss. "I guess I can't. It didn't last me too long either. We played around for a while." She arched her back and stretched, offering me a glorious view of her breasts. "Oh, I needed that."

"I can give you more," I said.

She straightened and brought her face close to mine again. "You'll be ready for round two soon?"

I nodded. "I'm ready for round two right now."

"Excellent!" She whispered, "because that was just the build-up."

"So," Danielle's voice came from behind me. "How do you like the place?"

Erin looked over my shoulder and smiled, and I turned my head to see Danielle standing near the pool's edge wearing a teeny, black bikini that perfectly matched her hair and contrasted beautifully with her pale skin.

However, what astounded me was Helen standing behind Danielle, her arms wrapped around the shorter girl's waist, and her grinning at me as she rested her head on Danielle's shoulder.

I looked back at Erin. She nodded at me. I looked back at Danielle.

"I'll take it," I said.

"Perfect!" She smiled and stepped forward, slipping free from Helen's grasp. Helen followed directly behind her. Danielle walked up the stairs and crouched down behind me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and pressed her crimson lips onto the other shoulder, giving it a gentle kiss. "Let's celebrate."

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