
Chapter 2 of "Belle"

Belle gladly agrees to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew's proposal.

May 28, 2024
13 min read
hermaphroditeBelle Ch. 02exhibitionismvirginfirst time
Belle Ch. 02
Belle Ch. 02

Chapter 2 of "Belle"

I awoke the following day, feeling perplexed by my surroundings. This room couldn't be the dingy motel room I had slept in the night before. Bright sunlight shone outside, and everything seemed so peaceful. At home, I would have been scolded for oversleeping. In fact, the noisy trucks outside the motel would have been deafening.

As I recalled the events of the previous day, memories flooded my mind. The job interview, the discussions with Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, the revelations about the job itself, and the entirety of what had transpired. It was hard to believe their acceptance of what I was. There was no disgust on their faces when I described my situation or when they saw me in my true form. I remembered feeling naked in their presence. They even called me beautiful. Me. Not repulsive, not an abomination. Beautiful. And unique.

I got out of bed and stretched my body, relishing the comfort of the large, soft mattress covered in light sheets. Stretching, I looked out the windows and was amazed by the spaciousness of the property. There was a glittering swimming pool surrounded by tall fences and lush plants. It felt like a palace.

As I walked towards the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. A mirror that allowed me to see my full body. I could hardly believe it. They had been right. I was beautiful. I examined my reflection carefully, taking in my breasts, my curves, and my private parts. The terms they had used were unfamiliar, but undeniably positive.

The bathroom had everything I needed - a brush, a toothbrush with a wrapper, and toothpaste. After brushing my teeth and combing my hair, I noticed a robe hanging from a hook on the wall behind the door.

Feeling somewhat more secure in my robe, I cautiously explored the house. I heard soft voices and sounds of movement coming from downstairs. It was the staircase. These sounds were similar to when they'd left the room to talk privately the previous night. There was also the captivating scent of freshly brewed coffee. I had not yet explored the house's interior. I followed the sounds and the smell of food.

I could see them through the door leading to the kitchen. They were sitting at a counter, sipping their coffee and juice. The remains of breakfast sat on the kitchen counter from when they had already eaten. Mr. Matthews stood up as he saw me first. He greeted me warmly, hugging me and kissing the top of my head. Mrs. Matthews also rose from her seat to hug me, stroking my back outside my robe.

She placed me at the table and brought me a steaming cup of coffee, a glass of juice, and a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. There was even a bowl of strawberry jam on the table.

"I'm sorry for sleeping in so late," I apologized, looking at the plate she had put in front of me. "I never imagined I'd sleep that late. Back home, we had to get up with the sun and have everything ready for the family."

Mrs. Matthews offered me comfort with a gentle touch on my hand. "Don't worry about that. Those people no longer set your rules."

They allowed me to enjoy my breakfast and offered me a second cup of coffee. They watched me intently, curious.

"Have you made a decision, dear?" Mr. and Mrs. Matthews both asked, their voices full of eagerness. Decision? I had made up my mind the previous night.

"Yes, Sir, Ma'am," I replied, unable to take my eyes off them. "My feelings haven't changed. I want to serve you."

"Are you sure about that?" Mrs. Matthews inquired.

"Ma'am, please," I pleaded. "It wasn't a difficult decision. I know what I have to do for the job part. I'll learn to cook your favorite meals and prepare them just the way you like them. And the other part... well, yes, it's new to me. But, see, last night you called me an innocent. I guess I am. I feel like a blank canvas now. You two have given me the chance to be a captivating statue filled with duties and exciting experiences." They seemed stunned. "Does any of that make sense?"

She approached me and embraced me yet again. In this short span of time with her, she'd hugged me multiple times. "You conveyed your sentiments fantastically, my dear," she said, glancing at her husband and back at me. "We want you to leave the ugly urn behind and fixate on the elegant vase instead. We'll assist you in filling it with adventures that are both wondrous and exhilarating." I flashed her a grin in response.

"What about your employment with us?" he enquired.

"Immediately, sir! Please," I responded hurriedly.

We engaged in conversation for about an hour or more. She would guide me through adapting to the dwelling, what tasks were vital and where I could find everything. This would occur gradually. They wanted me to get comfortable with the home. It was a large house, I mused. They requested that I call them "Sir" and "Ma'am," but they agreed to this. The room I'd awakened in would become mine, but they added that I would likely slumber in their bed more often. This brought a mixture of happiness and apprehension. They truly desired me. They reaffirmed that everything would be a gradual process, particularly with the sexual aspect. That faint warmth persisted in making my nipples firm against the robe's fabric, my penis respond, and a peculiar feeling in my vagina. They called it attraction, arousal, and it felt fantastic.

They provided me with a tour of the house. We remained in robes for it. They were at ease with their bodies, which felt odd yet amazingly comfortable. We entered every room, talking briefly about each. A workout room was located behind the garage. This explained their incredible fitness at age 40. I, being half their age and less fit, was astonished. We even ventured to the pool outside. She took off her robe and mine before turning us around to demonstrate the private outdoor area. She mentioned she used the pool naked. She then led me further into the yard wearing only our origins. I felt uneasy and shy but I realized she was right. The yard was indeed quite private.

As we walked back towards him, Sir exclaimed, "Incredible. Two of the most sensual women on the face of the planet reside here." I glowed under their continual compliments on my beauty and sex appeal.

My wife and I remained naked. It would take time to grow accustomed to this. Back in my new room, they examined all my garments, which were few. They all went into the donation pile.

Ma'am and Sir sat on my bed. I stood before them, exposed and naked. It was intimidating to be in this state in front of both of them. "We need to take her shopping for attire and assorted items, Charles," Ma'am mentioned.

He nodded, not ceasing his smoldering gaze on my naked form. "True. But I prefer taking her appearance as it is."

She chuckled. "I can't blame him. How exquisite her body looks." She arose and positioned herself behind me. Her full-frontal nudity pressed against my bare back. She fondled my breasts. "You find these charms, don't you, Charles?" he inquired.

"I do," he affirmed.

She chuckled once more. "I figured as much. So you're not simply a heterosexual man. You're a heterosexual man with a penchant for a transcendent desire." She administered another firm stroke to my penis, causing it to swell. "Is it enticing enough to tempt you, Charles?" she asked, clearly aching to tempt him. I finally perceived her purpose. She was utilizing me to seduce her spouse. "Yes, it is. Can't say I'm not aroused by the generous outline of your breasts," he declared.

My wife led me to the bed. "We haven't explored your female region, yet," she murmured with longing. I lay down and spread my legs. I felt fully exposed and vulnerable. Both heads positioned themselves between my legs. They raised my knees and spread them out. I raised my head to view them. They'd inspected me, probed my distinct anatomy, considered my gorgeous body. Fingers began to rub my clitoris. "Examine her hymen, Charles?" she queried, addressing her spouse. "Yes, it's yours to damage, Ma," he replied. The two of them explored my unique anatomy, their heads just one foot from my exposed vagina.

With my head resting on the bed, I couldn't help but feel humiliated as I overheard their casual comments about me. Then, I felt an exchange of lips and tongues at my lady parts. I looked, and it was Sir. I gasped in pleasure. Ma'am hovered over me, only inches away, watching. Suddenly, he left my womanhood. Holding my breath, I was eager for the lips to return to my body. His lips returned, but this time to my manhood. The swelling and pulsing was a sensation I had never felt before. Moans escaped my mouth as his lips touched the head of my manhood, then Ma'am was there too. They took turns licking my penis until it was so hard it hurt.

I was overcome with emotion. "Oh... oh...Ohhhhh... yes... YESSSSSSS!" I cried out. Each touch was electrifying. My manhood twitched and left the room. Ma'am was the one licking me at the moment, while he went back to lick the base of my member. They swapped positions. It felt as if I was going to explode. I felt it rising. I had just had an orgasm when Ma'am proclaimed, "Babe, you've never felt anything like this."

My eyes closed as I joined them in bed. We were all without our clothes, something I found strange. I found it awkward as I fumbled around the kitchen, my masters observing me from a table. Sir assuaged my fears. "You're in for a weekend of unique experiences. Don't rush."

I sat with my legs spread apart as Ma'am sat with him. They talked about me, to each other. "I think we need to make her climax and orgasm at the same time. Have you ever tried that?" Sir's expression was one of thought. "Good question," he answered, his hand now brushing the top of my sex.

I showered and they dressed slightly faster. Following them, I found neither were adorned. As we made our way downstairs, I found myself to be the only person without any form of clothing. I tried not to feel self-conscious.

For the day, we lounged around. My masters talked a lot about me, discussing my body and past traumas. I was a bit jealous of their lives, but I knew mine would soon be spectacular. "Do you like your name, girl?" Sir asked suddenly. My answer shocked them. "No, I hate it. My mother's mother passed away when I was young, and my family chose her name for me. I've always hated it."

They glanced at each other, disappointed. "Poor thing," Ma'am cooed. "You'll have to change it."

"Honey, do you know 'Belle' from Beauty and the Beast?" she inquired. I had never even heard of it, but they seemed to think it a fitting replacement. "Belle was a woman who found power and beauty in a beast. But, when she admitted her love to the beast, he returned as an attractive man. It's very old and old, but it's worth watching," Sir explained.

"How do you feel about that name?" she prodded. I never had a preference, but something about hearing them say it made me emotional. "It's okay," I said with a smile. They could tell I liked it. Bringing their arms around me, they believed the change would only make me appear more beautiful. "So, Belle, do you have a favorite color?"

The first name I was given after my encounter with them felt right, like it should have always been mine. "Pink," I replied. And so, Belle the Pink became my official name, sitting at my new alias. Soon, I felt blessed to be a part of their life. Something deep inside felt like it had woken, overflooding me with new security, love, and self-worth. I was ready to enjoy my newfound life. But, before I could say anything, Sir began to pound into me, our orgasms synchronizing. "Yes, Belle," I cried, "I don't want this ever to end." Yes, my masters would hear a lot more (and louder) cries from their slave that night. And that, better than I had ever hoped. And my masters? Sir was gazing into my eyes like we were alone in the world. "Thank you," he said. "You've given me something special, a girl to command, a person to protect and care for. I wager it's mutual." I just smiled as I heard Ma'am's amused laugh. "I think it is," she said, stroking my nipple through my shirt. Slowly, he began to thrust faster while I moaned along, "I'm your goddamn slut, Sir. I'm yours." The pleasure I was giving was intensified by their emotional exchange, and I felt the words about to gush out of my mouth, the right words under my breath to match the rhythms of my endless orgasm. Over, I shot into Sir's hand and he kissed my cheek gently. "You made me your Master," he whispered in my ear. I couldn't resist his voice, closing in to taste more of him. My world was spinning, utterly content with my complete and incapable presence. I was Belle the Pink, their Belle.

"Yes, I expressed my delight. Belle. I adore the name. I adore it because you prefer it, and you want me to adopt it. Moreover, it represents 'beautiful,' and you both frequently praise me for my looks, albeit I find it challenging to accept your compliments."

"The decision is finalized, so Belle it is," he stated matter-of-factly. "As you're eighteen, you're eligible to request a name change."

"Dear sirs, if I am authorized to change my name, can I also assume yours?" I inquired cautiously.

"That's a significant alteration," she said. "What motivates you to do that?"

"I yearn for similar reasons. My surname belongs to them. However, I also want to belong to you. I want to obey you and obey your rules...and ... well, I just want to belong to you. I yearn to be your possession for anything you desire. Am I permitted?"

Their expressions were dumbfounded, but I continued staring with longing in my eyes. Suddenly, my perspective altered as a switch inside me changed, redirecting my life towards these individuals' presence. It felt like I could embrace their lifestyle. I wanted it all.

Although they didn't reject me, they urged me to be patient. Allow time to pass before establishing this monumental adjustment.

During this phase, I rummaged around the house for activities. A stack of magazines misplaced in the family room caught my eye, with Sir partially glued to the screen, observing a ball game while working on his laptop.

"Belle?" I relished the tone of it. "There are many ways to engage in sexual activities, correct, Sir?"

"Yes," he replied. "Apart from fucking, there's oral, fingering, and kissing, to name a few."

"I'm aware, Sir," as I chuckled quietly, "but as you two initiated these actions, could I exploit it as well?"

He seemed caught off guard. "No...I...I didn't think about taking it that far." But their smirks ultimately exposed their true intentions.

I blushed, sitting beside him on the sofa. He caressed my thigh up to my semi-erect cock, triggering arousal. "Belle," I sighed, "would you enjoy sucking my penis? I believe you could benefit from the experience."

"Certainly, Belle. Practice makes perfect," he approved as I loosened his trousers.

Snuggled beside him, I licked and stroked his penis with zeal. The idea of me being naked aroused them as well, which confirmed that I was truly captivating. "Belle, would you like to practice sucking my cock, as you've seen both myself and Ma'am?"

"Would you permit me to swallow your cum?" I posed tentatively.

"Excuse me?" he responded bewildered. However, I couldn't conceal my amusement. "I took that a little too far, didn't I?"

"You guilty? What do you mean, Sir?" he could not hide his embarrassment.

"Not quite guilty, but we need to be discreet about your growth," she suggested. "Consider this training session over, for now, my little one."

I resumed my position, licking and sucking his shaft. He stuttered as his excitement mounted, prompting him to edge closer to me. Ultimately, she returned to observe and guide me. "Maybe, in the future, we can consider different sexual acts once you've learned the basics."

She fondled my hair before exiting the room. This felt peculiar, yet I was confident in adapting to this newly developed relationship. I was now administering fellatio to him, swallowing his cum as I was directed. My physical and emotional state had completely transformed within 24 hours. I had desired this dominance and submission my entire life. It was as if I was genetically programmed for it, all I required were these individuals to offer me this lifestyle. If I hadn't come across that advertisement...I shrugged the thought away because, indeed, fate led me here, and here I was: sucking their cock and relishing the fulfillment.

"Hey, Belle?" The lady called out. I swiftly made my way from my room to the master bedroom. It was almost time I thought we'd retire for the night. She was currently giving Sir's penis quite a blowjob. It was rock hard and quite sizable. It gleamed from all her sucking. "I'd like to give something a try with the three of us together." I grinned and made my way to the bed with anticipation. She proceeded to direct us all. I lay on my back, she scooted over me so my face was directly below her pussy. I winced when she suddenly touched my penis with her lips. At about the same time, Sir knelt behind her spread legs, and I had an excellent view of his penis entering her pussy. On a whim, I raised my head to lick her clit and where his penis entered her pussy. It was quite erotic. It was incredibly arousing. While I watched and licked, she was sucking my penis into her mouth. Then it felt very snug and different. The only explanation it could be was her taking my penis in her throat. Ohhh ... what a feeling.

He fucked her and fucked her as she sucked me more and harder. I saw his penis covered in her juices when he withdrew and re-entered her pussy. All three of us were making noises of pleasure and discomfort. It was quite mad and thrilling. We were all satisfying and being satisfied.

I came first. Despite trying, I knew I would, but she kept sucking me and I didn't go flaccid. I heard her cry out and felt her orgasm as I licked them. Then, on a whim, I closed my lips over her clit. She cried out even louder and collapsed on me. Lastly, I heard him groan and push hard, slamming into her pussy as he moaned and groaned. I could swear I saw his penis pulse.

When he withdrew from her, I saw cum appear at her opened pussy. For a second, I only gazed. Then, I extended my tongue to lick the cum off her lips. She moaned so I did it again. She sat up so her pussy was over my mouth. I opened my mouth to suck at her pussy hole and press my tongue inside. The taste was intriguing. Earlier I had swallowed Sir's cum. This was slightly different. It had to be from her orgasmic juices. How quickly was my brain adapting to sex? I smiled as I continued licking her pussy. I wrapped my hands around her thighs to keep her on my mouth. I wasn't finished. I enjoy this. I want to be theirs. I will be theirs. I will do everything to be theirs.

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