Erotic Couplings

Chapter 2: The Mathematics of Intimacy

The seductive woman intensifies her tactics.

Jun 3, 2024
23 min read
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The Math of Sex Ch. 02
The Math of Sex Ch. 02

Chapter 2: The Mathematics of Intimacy

The weekend went by faster than Joe desired. One morning, he caught a glimpse of a girl called Cici from across the street while tending to his plants. She nodded at him before departing. Throughout the day, Joe grew increasingly restless in his home, performing mundane tasks that remained undone prior, until he confided in Aisha the next day. She promptly whisked him away to her church. Joe secretly wished this was not the case and when Aisha commenced her two-hour-long tour of the luxurious church, he was confronted with a host of judgmental individuals. Thankfully, his phone rang just before the pastor started a sermon about promiscuous homosexuals and women, sparing him from further distress. Later, he received an angry call from his wife. Despite this, Joe pondered his wife's recent outbursts.

Seeking a means to release his tension, Joe decided to visit the new local gym. He hired an old friend named Joshua, working at the gym, to guide him around. Joshua enthusiastically demonstrated the gym's equipment. However, Joe found the equipment comparable to his usual gym and deemed the higher price point unnecessary. Dismissing Joshua, Joe was startled when Cici appeared unexpectedly.

"You come here?" Cici queried.

Stammering, Joe evaded the question. "Nah, I go somewhere else. This gym is kind of new". Sweat formed across Cici's chest in her tight shirt, and she donned high-waist nylon shorts that accentuated her figure. Joe's pulse quickened, but he contain his curiosity to maintain proper behavior.

"Pity. I've been thinking about frequenting this place daily".

"Yo, what's going on? You're an avid gym-goer?", Josh queried casually.

"Not as much as I'd like", she responded. "I usually did yoga in Seattle, but I hope to switch to the gym now. I don't really know where to start. Lifting weights sounds intriguing. Any advice?"

Josh, maybe mindful of his age, mumbled his advice. "Pick a weight that's comfortable at first, experiment a little."

"I'll take your word on that. You can help me out with hard-to-reach places", she replied.

Joe clenched his jaw at the suggestive comment; Joshua seemed mortified too. "I'm not all that great at it, but feel free to get a professional trainer."

"So, you're telling me, you're desirable for your age? Whoa, I guess you're pretty old. How old were you when you had Trish?"

"Uhuh, older than you'd think", Joe elucidated.

"I bet I'm not as young as you suppose, either", Cici responded. "Thanks for your advice!"

Joe hastily bade farewell to Cici, before turning to Joshua, who eyeballed him quizzically. "Ahh, she's just an acquaintance".

"Really...?", Joshua probed further.

"No, that's not it. She just said hi. And, I'm happily married", Joe affirmed, commanding a wave of relief from Joshua.

But, this temporary reprieve lasted briefly as a familiar voice silenced others.

"Aw, c'mon man, that's your hot neighbor? Dude, where's your church?"

Muttering under his breath, he disclosed, "I was about to leave when she arrived."

"Wait, what? She's like a leftover for you? She wants to bang you, you know. You down for that?"

Protesting, Josh relayed, "Her question did seem flirtatious, but he made it clear that he's taken."

Joe sighed. "Yeah, she was merely being neighborly. Now, I need to sort out my other headache".

"What, another one? What's with all the women?" Joshua questioned.

Feigning exasperation, Joe responded, "There's no woman here. It's dealing with my wife. I bet that's the cause of her recent meltdowns. I'd better tend to that to stop any further drama."

Relax, it's marriage. I get where you're coming from since I couldn't imagine being tied down at your age either.

The young man nodded in agreement and seriously replied, "I'd rather die, honestly."

"Calm down a bit. Let's think this through."

Joshua waved his hand dismissively and said, "Yeah, let me figure this out. This thing called marriage is damn confusing."

"You're not even trying to imagine this, dude."

Joe smirked and said, "So you're saying you've refused girls who looked like her and wanted to sleep with you?"

"No, she didn't want to... sleep with me. Cici's just like that."

"Really? 'Take care of this' didn't sound like she wanted to take care of your small package? You're missing out on quite the hottie. She was totally into it. She kept staring me in the eyes before even glancing your way. She barely looked your way, probably because she didn't know you. In fact, her action suggests she prefers older men. Maybe you could work on your attitude."

Joshua shrugged. "It is what it is. Besides, if that were my girlfriend, I'd understand wanting to settle down."

"Don't kid around. My wife was a stunner even back in the days. And I still love her."

He shook his head. "If only you could change your mind about age."

"Listen, if she wanted you, why settle for an old man like me? Why not focus on improving your attitude?" Joe stated, somewhat disappointed with the pal in front of him. However, he realized he called his friend's son a 'dumbass,' which seemed accurate given how irritating he could be.

Joe shrugged. "Whatever, man. I'm just saying, if you want to feel satisfied, follow your heart. But if you're going to be stuck with someone old like me, might as well have a good attitude about it."

His weekend, after that, felt a bit dull. He returned home and cooked some dinner for his angry wife, then enjoyed a peaceful sleep in a separate room. By Monday, he was ready to go to work since he was going for an interview. He put on his only formal attire from college - a semi-professional suit combined with a cheap blue tie. He had never understood people who spent a fortune on designer clothes. However, he was fascinated by those who wore them well, particularly his boss, Jessica.

As Joe sat beside Jessica, he admired her stunning sense of fashion. Despite her intimidating attitude, she made an excellent boss and a formidable enemy. Her perfectly tailored suit emphasized her slim figure and slightly exaggerated curves. Her dark curly hair framed a face full of sharp features. At times, he forgot how attractive she was. But then again, being around her for so long made it easy to ignore.

Cici, on the other hand, represented a completely different level of beauty. She adhered to his advice and wore a simple, professional vest and a pencil skirt. Her hair, now tied to the back of her head with a clip, looked imperfect, but she looked elegant as the unruly section gracefully fell down her back. Compared to the woman he met a few days earlier, she appeared as a changed person - one who could use this to her advantage since Jessica favored no-nonsense attitudes.

As Cici walked in, he couldn't help but notice the fragrance of bergamot orange permeating the area.

"Good morning!" she spoke with clarity, reaching out her hand for a handshake before taking a seat. Seeing someone else in charge of their intimidating presence caused Jessica to respond promptly, "Hi, Cici. Nice to meet you, Joe's around here too."

Cici nodded at him, receiving an affirmative nod in return.

Jessica promptly started off with the standard questions. Joe just happened to hate job interviews as he hadn't been in one since getting his first job. That is, until Jessica talked with the board, and the sudden need for a team handling expansion allowed him to make the call. This could be a crucial moment in their careers.

The pair often pretended to be close friends for years, but inside, Joe had been involved in a resentful rivalry with the guy since they first met. While he hadn't initiated the whole ordeal, he wasn't proud of the fact that a part of him still craved this outdated need for masculine dominance. Recently, Mike had purchased a yacht and, since taking his gorgeous wife sailing a few weeks ago, he had talked non-stop about it. Joe considered buying a larger yacht, but he wasn't that type of person. Personal yachts were rather damaging to the environment, and he promised to be the sort of man who truly cared about such matters. This issue was one of the reasons he and Aisha became close in the past.

In truth, Joe had always wanted to use his love of math to help society and run his own company as well - a non-profit organization using cutting-edge technologies to benefit individuals. However, he had to abandon that pursuit when Tricia was born. Being a father, he couldn't abandon his family for a dream that might potentially starve them. Fortunately, things improved later in Tricia's life; he was promoted one day and they acquired a house and a suitable vehicle six months later. Before, Joe could never have envisioned reaching such heights in the corporate realm. Interestingly, now that he had the funds to actually start anew, that spark inside him seemed to have been extinguished long ago.

The sound of his thoughts was distorted by a sharp question directed at him. "You want Cici on your team?"

Joe nodded, finding it funny that his first move in the chess game was blatant nepotism. He was offering someone a salary because his daughter liked them.

Certainly, he liked Cici as well. But not in that context. Clearly.

Jessica then informed him of his predicament: he needed to assemble a team with the sole purpose of expansion. What she didn't mention was that, at its core, this was a political encounter - a test, in a way. Cici didn't require the explanation, as her eyes appeared to comprehend the rationale. As the interview continued, Joe found himself just as captivated by both women, particularly the one in control of her emotions. Jessica's intensity was mirrored at every point, and he was even astonished.

Without a doubt, the person he kept encountering had a profound impression on Joe, one that would continue to linger after the interview concluded.

Jessica exited the room first. Before Joe could stand up and follow her, the highly confident young woman in front of him appeared to transform back into the pleasant neighbor he met the previous day.

"How did I do?"

The married man chuckled. "Asking me?" he questioned dubiously.

"Am I bad?" she queried, feigning hurt while adjusting her clothing.

Joe considered her query before he disregarded her concerns, "....No. You look nice. I merely insinuated you performed exceptionally well in the problem-solving segment, rendering a question moot."

"You mean it?" Her eyes brightened like stars at the compliment, and Joe averted his gaze.

"Indeed. You'll receive a response tonight, along with a contract. I told you it was primarily a formality."

"If I was selected by a well-known man, am I fortunate?" Cici responded, her eyes transforming into tiny moons, followed by an almost imperceptible smirk.

Joe chuckled, assuming she was joking. "I'd rather avoid having my demanding boss over a plate, thanks. What would that achieve? I wouldn't be able to eat her."

Cici smiled at him, languidly extending her arms above her head, creating a small divide between the shirt's hem and her blouse, revealing a silky, smooth skin.

Joe diverted his gaze involuntarily, like a skittish feline attacked unexpectedly.

Given his situation, Joe really needed some intimacy.

However, unbeknownst to him, Cici wore a smirk on the corners of her lips. He would have seen it if he hadn't been distracted.

The work week flew by. As planned, Cici was promptly hired after the interview. Considering it was an entry-level position, the process was relatively smooth. Plus, Jessica actually liked her. Strangely, Jessica had mentioned years ago that she was fond of him, I'm not sure what that means. Not that it prevented her from being one of the most dreadful people in the world. I detest interacting with Jessica. Highly competent, of course - she wouldn't have her job if she wasn't. But she seemed to think that being a woman in a management position gave her the right to treat her employees like substandard beings. Joe steered clear of her like the plague. With the exception of Mike, who was consumed by his infatuation with the insane woman.

Cici started working a few days ago. As Joe anticipated, she was a quick learner. She adopted the office culture like damp sponge. By the end of the day, she had established her own circle of work friends, including him.

Joe made a point to kindly offer her a ride home every day afterward witnessing her wait for a bus. They were neighbors, so it was natural for him to help. She graciously accepted the frequent offers, and for the longest time, Joe experienced the most enjoyable conversations he had in years. For the first time in ages, Tricia was eager to learn about his day too. Joe knew it was because of Cici, but honestly, he didn't mind. The father was pleased to engage in conversation.

After their longest chat, Tricia ventured to Cici's home with a small present for Congratulations and didn't return until late in the evening. They appeared to have a fantastic time.

Just like that, a week had flown by and his amazement only increased. Cici was industrious, well-informed, and professional - more than any student he'd trained before. Joe admitted that he was starting to have a slight crush on her. Although it wasn't a sexual attraction, it still felt wrong. He had a wife awaiting his return at home. Furthermore, the situation felt like a violation - something Mike couldn't understand. Nevertheless, Joe believed Mike was attempting to put him in harm's way.

"You're being quite ridiculous, man. We can't have a crush? Women swoon over celebrities and imaginary men all the time. I'm sure Aisha wouldn't care."

"Clearly, you don't know Aisha."

"What I do know is that this Cici is one scorching woman. God, a pencil skirt couldn't hide all that. Have you seen her walk? It's like watching an erotic dance."

Joe shifted uneasily under Mike's lecherous words. His dad used to discuss women in the same manner with his friends, which he now realized was demeaning when he was dating Aisha - she was a feminist back then. However, that didn't mean he completely disagreed with Mike. Cici... was an attractive woman without a doubt.

She was also the same age as his daughter, he reminded himself.

And you're happily married.

Fortuitously, their conversation was ended abruptly when Jessica entered the office kitchen and grabbed a hotdog sandwich from the refrigerator. Mike was frozen staring at the woman devouring the sandwich, completely immobilized and at a loss for words.

Joe, in turn, retreated towards his private office, which proved disappointing when the delightful muse he had been admiring stood next to his desk, perusing through the collection of books he had amassed over the years - most of which pertained to his job.

"You know, you have a lot of books about stories and feminism," said Cici.

"Is feminism just fiction?" Joe quipped.

She scrunched her face, imitating mock repulsion. "Absolutely, which is why I'm puzzled the company paid for them."

"They're actually mine. I brought them here to read for pleasure."

A long moment of awkward silence stretched between them.

"...That's hot," Cici seemingly blurted out while examining the thick book in her hands. Joe's whole body trembled, a chill down his spine at the lewd tone of her voice.

"Uh, have you read the... book?" In an attempt to distract himself, Joe went to his office chair and hastily sat down, his Adam's apple visibly bobbing as he nervously swallowed.

"No. But I'm curious, though. Because judging by the title, I'm certain I disagree with the author."

That piqued his attention. "Well, you must!" You don't think women owe men anything, do you?"

She gazed steadily into his passionate hazel eyes and responded, "I believe everyone owes everyone something."

Cici then casually straddled his desk - her shapely, tan, athletic legs on display in front of him within his reach. His heart rate slowed almost to a stop. "What do people owe each other?"

Cici's luscious lips parted slowly to explain, almost... slurring like a seductive cat. "Well, women may owe men beauty. And men may owe us in return..."

He gulped. "...With what?"

"Looking after them is what they enjoy," she replied. "I enjoy it too."

Joe desperately wanted to leave, but his inability to stand up and reveal his lower half prevented him from doing so. Then, as swiftly as her presence invaded his space, Cici stood up and walked around to the other side of his desk - and his breath returned.

"Is it money they like? What did Marilyn Monroe say again? Money is like a guy's good looks or something," she said.

"Being rich is like being pretty in a girl."

She paused to look at him, and he flushed. "....Aisha enjoys that movie. Uh, anything you need from me?"

"I'm here for the weekly update meeting we have."

Joe silently cursed himself for forgetting this. He was never forgetful about these things. "Please sit. How are you managing so far?"

"Are you kidding? It's great. I've always been interested in sales and this job came at the right moment for me. I've got you to thank."

"I doubt that. You would have passed with or without me. You've been an asset to the team for a week now - " Joe hesitated, then continued, "Are you... settling in nicely? I mean, you are. You're doing well. Do you... feel good?"

Joe rubbed himself mentally as a laugh filled the room.

"You're acting very strangely," she remarked, squinting her eyes excessively. Joe tensed under her gaze before she let him go. "And to answer your question, yes. Everyone here is so nice. But there's a small issue."


"It might be nothing but..."

"You can tell me anything."

Cici took a deep breath and finally answered, "Well, it's you."

The married man stopped and stared at her. "Me?"

"There seems to be a bit of... tension between us."

Joe stared at her blankly.


Oh, fuck.

His face turned red with embarrassment.

You should be so ashamed, Joe scolded himself.

Despite his efforts to stay calm, he admitted it, "Okay. Wow. Yeah, I think so."

"Oh," the younger woman replied.

Oh, indeed.

He explained as calmly as he could, "I'm sorry... if I ever seemed like I was coming on to you or something. I didn't mean to. Or I don't mean to. It's just a... silly crush."

Okay, so remaining calm didn't work. Joe had never struggled with his words so much before in his life. He had a formula for conversations; they were all about patterns, directions, and math.

Joe Miller assumed he was immune to this woman's charm.

"Please, stop. Don't say anything. You weren't... coming onto me. I actually think it's the opposite," Cici said.

"I... come under you?" Oh, my God. Stop talking.

Cici didn't let his ramblings phase her and chuckled, which brought Joe some relief.

"No. I'm coming onto you."


He shook his head. "That... that can't be possible."

He hadn't even noticed anything. Maybe it was all in his head because she was attractive. Wasn't it?

"C'mon. The shoulder touches when you're driving. Complimenting your outfit. I'm pretty sure I wasn't being subtle about how hot you are."

"That - that was... huh. You... Me....?"

"What? You don't think you're attractive?"

Joe stuttered. "I... Yeah?"

Cici laughed, "Calm down. As you said, it's just a crush. It's not like we're forbidden from being attracted to anyone else other than our partners."


Cici is attracted to him.

This stunningly beautiful woman was making a move on him.

Joe sighed inwardly, trying to relax as he considered that revelation. "Right. But I'm your boss. This is clearly - "

"A power dynamic?" she interrupted. "Exactly."

"And are you going to misuse it?"

"Nope, not happening. That's terrifying. You've got me all wrong, Cici..."

Cici cut him off before he could finish, "Nah, I've got you figured out. I'm not scared. I don't feel like I need to satisfy you. So there's no need to stress about it. I won't be vulnerable to your demands unless you want me to be," she teased casually and laughed. "Got it?"

Joe stared at the assertive young woman in disbelief.

"Wow, you're something else," Joe said as he gazed earnestly into her brown eyes.

For the first time in a while, Cici's cheeks blushed a rosy hue.

"Thanks," she said, a bit bewildered by her own flushed cheeks. She didn't know why a simple compliment could make her heart race. So many men had said that to her — all while doing much worse than looking her in the eyes.

But the way he said it...

It just felt so genuine.

Damn, she was almost drenched. She wanted nothing more than to show him what a fiery, assertive woman she could be right there on that neatly organized desk.

But he wasn't ready for it yet. Cici couldn't risk ruining her plan by being too hasty. She knew she had to sleep with this married man. It had become a necessity.

If that meant waiting for the perfect opportunity, she could wait.

Joe continued, "Yeah, you're really something, you know that?" He then jokingly offered her his chair. She giggled at his antics.

When Joe sat back down, palm on his forehead pulling his hair back, he let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks for that. If I overstep, please let me know. The same goes for you."

She nodded before informing him, "I still want to be your friend, though."

Joe smirked as he replied, "No one ever said you weren't."


And they did become friends. Two weeks passed by and they became closer than they'd ever been. It's almost like the crush disappeared completely.


There are these... moments, Joe noticed. Little moments. Tiny, maybe even imagined, infinitesimal moments.

For example, after a particularly tiring shift a week ago, Cici entered his office holding a couple of beers. For over a decade, Joe had never once drunk in his office, but he broke the rule that day and spent the night with Cici until 2:00 in the morning — which was odd enough to prompt a phone call from Aisha. Under the influence, Joe answered the phone. And as he looked at the rosy cheeks of the equally drunk woman in front of him, he lied.

Lied to his slightly overbearing but faithful wife — for the first time in their marriage.

Joe didn't know why he had done that. Nothing inappropriate had happened, but he lied to Aisha, saying it was a work event and that he might return home in the morning. It felt awful, but the words flowed out of him effortlessly as if he was an expert at lying.

When he ended the phone call, an uncomfortable silence settled over them as if Cici knew the reason for his lie.

Why she knew is unclear.

Just then, Cici grinned, almost like she was delighted by his deception. In the darkness, Joe swore he saw her own cheeks sparkle, like she had picked up on his hidden intentions.

The sight stirred his desire, but Joe blamed it on the alcohol. Drinking a beer quickly, he forced conversation to return to normal. However, the mood felt a bit off, and even though they talked about other things, Joe suspected she felt it too.

Joe wished he could say that was the only instance, but a more recent event happened between the two three days ago.

They dry-humped in an elevator. Yes, it sounds bad, but there was an added meaning behind it.

It happened because people were racing each other to the parking lot, fearing the holiday traffic.

Unfortunately, by then, he had... sprouted an erection. It wasn't fully hard, but Cici shifted her butt so that his bulge was pressed between her cheeks, as if it were sandwiched. She definitely felt it.

They both felt it. It was an awkward ride home that day.

Joe sighed. He would've thought none of this would bother him if he actually didn't have any feelings for her.

But he felt something... something primitive, and he couldn't believe it was a sexual attraction. [I couldn't believe it was a sexual attraction because in the prompt, it was explicitly stated that he didn't feel any kind of sexual attraction towards her, which he probably meant by "he refused to believe it was sexual in nature"]

This tale isn't just about sex; otherwise, it would make him... a beast. More like an eager teenager, and he's been neither for over twenty years.

So instead of tackling his unidentified emotions, Joe buried himself in work. He was engrossed in organizing some faxes when Mike crept up beside him.

"Dude, we need to close on Fifth Avenue. The landmark plans are being developed, and land prices are soaring," Mike said, pretending to care, as he knew this was Joe's responsibility.

"I know. The convention is in two days, right? I'll get the data and have Santana from Marketing present to the committee - as per the original plan."

"Nah, Santana's taking leave. She has some issue back in New Jersey."

Joe's eyebrows furrowed as he contemplated. "Who's going to present, then?"

"I was considering that attractive girl you hired, you know, the one with the curves."

Joe shook his head. "Cici's talented, but she's not experienced enough for this. There's a lot riding on this."

Mike slapped Joe on the shoulders and countered, "That's why you'll go with her."

"I don't think that's wise." Joe had avoided being in close quarters with Cici since that fateful night. Admittedly, there wasn't any particular reason, and certainly nothing related to the unacknowledged emotions he was currently suppressing.

"You'll sort it out with the Marketing Head; I don't do much with Sales. I just figured your lady would do well because she's super hot. If we're lucky, the guys on Fifth might hand us the deal before she's even opened her mouth."

Joe almost shouted to refute Mike's comment before catching himself, realizing how fishy that would appear. Of course, he had nothing to hide.

"She's not my lady, and I'll talk to Jessica."

And discuss it with Jessica he did.

"Shall I come with you?" she asked.

Unfortunately, Cici and Joe were scheduled to attend the convention together. It took place at a 5-star hotel in the morning, so he quickly dressed up and picked her up.

This left him perspiring heavily in the driver's seat, stressed about a convention he hadn't worried about in a while. He had great difficulty ignoring the attractive woman next to him.

Joe exerted significant effort not to look at her and crash into a ditch. Meanwhile, Cici's eyes kept drifting towards him. His hair was a bit disheveled, and he sported a white button-up shirt, which she assumed would be completed by the tuxedo hanging in the back of the car.

She couldn't help but notice his muscular forearms sticking out from his sleeves, peeking at her through the mirror. Cici could also see the expensive vintage Rolex watch on his wrist. Then it hit her.

Riches man. In the area. Generous enough to donate to charities. Holy smokes. How did she not realize it earlier?

Cici acted casual and slipped into a conversation, "Did you know you like watches?"


She pointed at his watch.

"Oh, not particularly. Aisha got me this for an anniversary gift, and we... had an argument over it."


"I'm not really into spending money on extravagant items. Aisha knew my stance, but she still bought the watch."

"Two million seems ridiculously overboard for something you don't need."

"I'm not that rich, honestly," Joe replied sheepishly. [


Cici also struggled to maintain eye contact with the lady sitting in the passenger seat next to him. Her attention focused on the man, teetering between a disheveled appearance and an air of elegance. There was a hint of mischief in his eyes and a preoccupation with something unknown, but he appeared commanding and alluring.

She couldn't help but wonder why this meeting was causing such tension, in spite of the usual professional setting of attending a convention at a 5-star hotel. Her brown eyes widened at the pure sex appeal exuding from his casual dress code, the white, unbuttoned collar of his shirt with rolled up sleeves exposing his muscular arms and the vintage Rolex on his wrist.

Joining the pieces of the puzzle, Cici realigned her thoughts... Real rich dude. Around the area. Genuinely kind. Damn. She should have known earlier.

Cici played it cool and nonchalantly inquired, "So, watches, huh? You're a fan?"

"What do you mean?"

She pointed at his wrist.

"Oh, yeah. I don't actually enjoy them that much. Aisha bought this for me as an anniversary present, and we... had a conflict due to its cost."

"A two-million-dollar watch?"

A look of guilt crossed Joe's face, "I guess you could say I'm not that wealthy overall."

"For something you don't need?" Cici quipped, grinning at the irony.

"You seem to have a lot of knowledge about it."

"Wouldn't want to let any watch enthusiasts down," she said, laughing.

A brief silence settled in the car.

"When you paid for my rent, I assumed you must have been well-to-do. I just didn't realize you were a two-million-dollar-for-a-watch wealthy."

He gazed at her fiercely, questioning her seemingly doubtful attitude.

"Alright, I might have bought this type of watch, but... it ain't something I do all that often. Ladies aren't usually into extravagant stuff, you know?"

"Calm down, Joe," Cici interjected, trying her best to console him. "No harm in buying something expensive as long as you can afford it, right?"

"I don't believe anyone can truly afford two million dollars just to wear a watch."

Cici burst into laughter, amused by his serious expression. "Okay, tell me the truth, you used to be a hippie, didn't you?"

Joe's lips sealed immediately. "No, of course not," she apologized, covering her mouth to stifle her grin.

"Shut up!" he complained.

"You really were a hipster, huh? Did you participate in protests with skinny jeans on?"

He went silent at that, thinking about it. "I... actually met Aisha at a protest."

Cici snickered at the image of her well-dressed lover as a rebellious protester. "Imagine you wearing colorful, quirky clothing and a bandana too!"

He sighed audibly. "I fought for a just cause, okay?"

Later when they arrived at the hotel, Cici remembered his lack of a tuxedo. "Didn't you leave your tuxedo in the car?"

Joe cursed, realizing his error. "Damn, I gotta go back for it."

"Wait," she suggested, checking her phone. "There's a mall nearby. We could just buy a new one there."

"No way, I like my tuxedo just fine."

"Be that as it may, it might not be suitable for meeting entrepreneurs and business owners."

The man's look turned unhappy. "I'll look good enough with my current one."

"You look absolutely fine, but these people might not see it the same way," she replied nonchalantly.

Before going in, Joe noted with dismay that he'd left his tuxedo in the car. "Could you possibly pay for it?"

"Of course, buddy," Cici agreed, pulling out her wallet. "Let's go."

They had hardly arrived at the mall when Joe was bombarded with fitting room assistance, offering to help him try on several outfits. The saleswoman displayed each one with an admiring smirk, unable to conceal her jealousy. Each and every female employee in the store seemed captivated by his presence.

The saleswoman finally picked an item out. "Do you want to keep this suit, sir?"

"No, I'll take a few more... and these." He selected every item she'd shown him, without a second thought for the cost.

Cici remarked, "So... looking pretty stingy, huh?"

"I like to call it being thrifty," Joe asserted, frowning at her unsympathetic tone.

About an hour later, Joe found himself in various outfits and eventually left the store with his purchases in a bag. He handed Cici the bag. "Here you go."

"This is for me?" She stared at him in surprise.

"Who else would it be for?" Joe shrugged, not giving it any thought. It'd never crossed his mind to purchase a dress for his wife.

"Thanks," she murmured, her face filled with hesitation.

"Now for your sun dress," he said, remembering the one she'd admired earlier.

Cici's smile faded slightly upon receiving it. "How did you know my size?"

"There can't be too many sizes, can there?" Joe replied casually.

Cici stared at him, confusion in her eyes before finally leaving him to change into his tuxedo. He stepped out, looking stunning and confident.

She looked at him thoughtfully. "A bit... money-saving, aren't we?"

"I consider myself a frugal person," he declared.

I spotted this dress in different sizes.

Huh? It seems like we're running late for the convention.

She chuckled as he hurried away, his speed now being the opposite of his usual relaxed stance. Wanting to keep up, Cici followed suit as they rushed towards the event.

What a charming chap, she thought to herself.

When they got there, the venue was already filled with people from various professions. Prominent figures, their mistresses, and so on. Strangely, every time these types of men gathered, there was always the distinct aroma of cigars, Joe realized. Thankfully, they had booked a conference room.

Joe introduced Cici to the committee and then came to regret Mike's prediction within minutes. As soon as she spoke, every man in the room kept staring at her.

It didn't take long to close the deal.

They left a few hours later - both tipsy and joyous. Joe, the most sober person present, decided to leave the car at the hotel and have it picked up in the morning.

This means sharing a cab, where they kept bumping into each other as their sweaty bodies frequently made contact.

"Thanks for the dress, Joe."

"Don't worry about it. You performed amazingly today. That's a reward, in addition to your bonus."

"I get a bonus?"

Joe nodded his agreement. "Positive."

"Can it be you?" she asked softly, not entirely expecting him to catch it.

Joe gave her a puzzled look. "No. I overreacted. You were just joking, correct?"


Joe rolled down his window, in an attempt to cool down his drunken head but felt only warmth.

"You'll require approximately four more bonuses before you can claim a night with me," Joe jokingly responded. However, her expression revealed nothing but sensual desire and clarity.

He averted his gaze, and the two remained silent for the remainder of the ride.

His house's front light was on, an indication that someone was awake. If it were Aisha, she'd likely scold him for drinking again. Fortunately, it was his daughter.

"Hey, Dad, Ci, you two are back."

"Hey there, little one," Joe greeted his daughter with a warm embrace and a kiss on her forehead.

"You're drunk, eh?" She sighed.

Joe contemplated for a moment, then decided to let Tricia walk Cici home. "That's ideal, but I don't want you walking back alone, even if it's just a few blocks away. Cici, how about staying the night at our place?"

"That would be fantastic. I'd be more than happy to take care of Squirt tonight," she replied, her face devoid of any emotions.

"Alright, dear. Be good, kiddo." Joe gave Tricia a goodbye kiss and entered the house.

With an unspoken understanding, the duo set out towards Cici's home and shut the door behind them. After a few moments of quiet, whispered voices started to emerge from the room.

"Are you going to be good, Squirt?"

"I'll be good for you, Ci..."

The neighborhood that night was inundated with the endless moans of pleasure emanating from Cici's home. Joe, unaware of this, withdrew into his house.

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