
Chapter 3: The Family Blessing

Furthermore developing the narrative.

May 20, 2024
13 min read
lesbiansFamily Blessing Ch. 03breast expansionbig boobsstuffingexpansionhuge boobsweight gain
Family Blessing Ch. 03
Family Blessing Ch. 03

Chapter 3: The Family Blessing

"Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!" Alice was encouraging me as I attempted to swallow the enormous milkshake she had prepared for me. When considering my school schedule and part-time employment, I barely had the opportunity to stretch my stomach, restricting my growth prospects. My birthday party's meal intake was somewhat of a fluke, and while I've experienced a minor growth in the past few weeks thanks to Alice's milkshakes, I was uncertain about my current size. To be honest, I've never comprehended the intricacies of bra sizing because I had never worn one before. Consequently, I obtained a sports bra, anticipating its longevity compared to conventional ones. I've observed an interesting trend with its tightness expanding consistently. Although I felt responsible for Alice's weight gain from the growing quantities of food we ordered, I couldn't eat any more. As a result, she had more leftovers to consume, which only led to her eating even more.

I finally gulped down the remaining milkshake, feeling tremendously full. I slouched back, massaging my slightly expanded waist with my hands. The remaining food on the table made me aware that there was still plenty to eat, but I knew I couldn't consume any more.

"Great work on the milkshake!" Alice exclaimed, patting my shoulder.

"It felt a bit harder to swallow this time," I admitted.

"I'm sorry about that," she apologized.

"It's alright; the thicker it is, the more calories it has. And more calories mean a larger chest, right?" I inquired, smiling self-consciously. I was quite full, though.

Alice inspected the uneaten food on the table before gazing at my victory smile. "So... do you think you'll devour any more, then?" she inquired, noticing my defeated expression.

I shook my head. "Unfortunately not."

"Oh well, more for Alice!" she exclaimed with delight, scooting my unfinished plate closer to her.

Comparing myself to Alice, who had a pronounced waistline, I wished I had her ravenous appetite. Even before this ordeal, she seemed to consume a substantial amount; however, her frequent supplementary servings resulted in significant weight gain. Although I hoped she wouldn't blame me, the reality was that I was indirectly responsible.

I was rendered exhausted from excessive food consumption and promptly dozed off as Alice continued munching.

"Oh, goddamnit! Damn, damn, damn!" Alice cursed angrily in the bathroom, waking me up.

I reluctantly awoke, groaning in discomfort from my sleeping position on the couch. Instead of going to bed, we had eaten our dinner and passed out on the couch. Noticing the struggle in the bathroom, I understood the situation was too severe. There was no chance of buttoning her jeans. "What's wrong?" I inquired, cautiously walking to the bathroom.

"I can't button my fucking jeans!" Alice cried out in distress.

I panicked but attempted to assist her by suggesting she lie down on her back.

"Sure, it might help," Alice murmured.

Despite her despair, she looked distressed. I bit my lower lip nervously while watching her efforts to suck in her stomach. It didn't look like it would be sufficient. Exerting all my strength, I attempted to join the button, but despite my best efforts, I couldn't pass it through the provided hole. I collapsed onto the floor, panting from the strain of my efforts. I cringed at the idea that it may be time for me to upgrade my sports bra.

Alice's situation startled me. She, unlike me, had developed a potbelly, something I'd been keeping at bay with my sports bra. But the situation had worsened, causing her to feel defeated. Hastily, I rearranged our bedroom to ensure she could button her jeans. "Lie down here, and perhaps it'll be easier," I offered.

She nodded, hesitantly lowering herself. I approached her careful not to appear condescending. I gave her a nervous smile and attempted to help her fasten her jeans; however, the button wouldn't budge. I muttered an apology and suggested holding her breath before trying again. "Hold your breath and suck in," I said.

She blinked at me, indicating her comprehension of my request. She hesitated and then granted me permission to continue assisting. Sucking in as much as she could, my efforts proved successful in fastening her jeans. I breathed a sigh of relief and slid to the floor, overwhelmed by the ordeal. We had just shared a major life milestone, and I hoped we could laugh about it later.

Alice, visibly relieved, disappeared into the bathroom while I lay on the floor, contemplating my journey with her and our close friendship.

"Look at you, you've done it!" Alice exclaimed, although her voice sounded a tiny bit strained. She got up from her seat, and I observed how those jeans added a sizeable muffin top to her figure. "Holy cow, these are pegged pretty tight!" She giggled, gaining some relief. She inhaled deeply and a popping noise erupted.

"Ouch!" I yelped, as the button detached from Alice's pants and smacked me across my brow.

Alice released a frustrated sigh. "Ouch!"

Alice's demeanor dropped as she devoured spoonful after spoonful of Nutella, tears waiting to be released from her eyes.

"What's the issue, honey? You've just gained a few pounds. Big whoop!"

Alice laughed sarcastically. "You've never met my family." She inhaled and exhaled again. "You know how you're the smallest in your family? I'm the opposite. Every member of my family is skinny and petite. I'm the tallest and without a doubt the heaviest. I've been the heaviest since I was 11 and there hasn't been a day where I didn't hear about my weight gain! I've been so mindful of my diet my whole life and for what?! I'm getting chubby anyway! And with Thanksgiving approaching... it's going to be a nightmare!"

I knew I should have said something encouraging, but that's not what happened. "You wouldn't guess it, but you're the last one I'd suspect of not watching her weight."

"Believe me, you would notice if I stopped! I'd be as big as Leah--or even bigger!"

I found it hard to believe. Does it even matter if you're bigger than Leah? I refrained from voicing this opinion. Instead, I stepped closer and enveloped Alice in a hug. "Would it be okay if I tagged along to your Thanksgiving celebration, to join you and your family?"

"Amazing!" Alice almost shrieked. "But what about your family? Won't they be cross about it?"

"Mom's fairly understanding. I'll clarify the situation, and everything will be fine."

Alice tightened her hold, almost gripping me so hard I was certain my bones were at risk of breaking. "Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!" She wept.

I wished I had some scintillating witticism to say, but with Alice's arms wrapped tightly around me, suffocating me, all I could manage was to wheeze.

"I've spoken with my mom, and my sentiment was spot on," I chuckled. "However, she did demand to know your address to stage an invasion. I demurred, and informed her it wasn't a savvy idea." I laughed again. "Just for your information, she's got you down for Christmas, so be prepared!"

"That's fantastic!" Alice gushed. "Thank you profusely for doing this for me!"

"It's not a huge ask." I casually waved my hand. "In fact, I'm anticipating meeting your family!"

Alice nodded. "Your family will seem drab and drab in comparison."

"That would be a refreshing change of pace. I adore them!" I chuckled.

Alice seemed like she was about to speak again, but then she changed her mind. She peered at her watch and cursed. "Damn! I've got a lecture in 10 minutes! We'll chat later, okay?" She trudged away.

I admired her as she wobbled, eventually vanishing a few minutes later. I shook my head and prepared to shower. I had no lectures scheduled for that day and my shift at the bookstore wasn't for many hours, so I possessed a generous window for myself. I gazed at my reflection, noticing that my chest was protruding more than ever before. I would require time to experiment with these new assets! I smirked, caressing my own breasts. In addition, their sensitivity developed significantly, and even just grazing them made my spine tingle with delight. I closed my eyes with relish, readying myself for pleasure. I pinched my nipple, moaning. This is happening! I thought, entering the shower.

I let the comforting warmth of the water stream flow over my skin and grasped my chest again. I couldn't contain my anticipation for them to enlarge. To have my breasts completely fill my hands. To experience them begin to spill over. I almost felt them growing. I looked down and released a dissatisfied exhale. I recognized it was simply in my thoughts, but I was still let down they weren't enlarging right before my eyes. They're still so tiny... C cup? Possibly? I shut my eyes and observed them enlarging in my mind once more. I began to play around with my nipples, pinching them between my thumb and index finger. I let out another sigh, this time though, it was a sigh of enjoyment. This feels incredible! I bit my lower lip. The only thing that could make it better would be if Alice's hands were in lieu of mine. Speaking of Alice... in my mind, my breasts nearly reached the gargantuan size of my girlfriend's bosom. They seemed so extensive and heavy on top of the tiny palms of my hands! The expansion wasn't slowing down, if anything, they were increasing at an accelerated rate, surpassing even Alice's magnificent pair. Barely a few seconds later, my cleavage hit the size of my mother's, completely filling up the cubicle. I exhaled an erotic moan as my right hand drifted from my nipple and slid between my legs.

My tits expanded and expanded, pushing against the glass cubicle. They pushed against it more and more with each passing second, until finally, the glass shattered outwards. While my cleavage were pushing against the glass, I couldn't really discern how swiftly they were growing and therefore, it came as a bit of a surprise when they protruded forward, their size significantly exceeding even that of my sisters. Their total volume dragged me down, causing me to fall to my knees. A mere couple of seconds later, they expanded so massive that they were resting on the floor. The shower room was beginning to feel a touch cramped, my breasts inching ever closer to the walls with every moment. I comprehended they would not stop there. They were going to outgrow the bathroom. Then our dorm. Then the entire building! My moans of pleasure were transitioning into short breaths as I was edging closer to peaking. I shouted just as my breasts shattered through the walls, inevitably becoming an intuitive dominance of the city. Gradually, I reopened my eyes and, alas, discovered the world in the same state as when I closed them. It wasn't the first time in my life that I fantasized about my enlarging breasts, yet it was by far the most intense one I had experienced until now. Fatigued, I was panting for air, still seated on the floor in the shower cubicle. The water that rushed down on my head was freezing cold. With a slightly shaky hand, I manipulated the knob to shut off the water and rushed out to dry myself, shivering. My teeth were chattering and a nearby inspection in the mirror revealed my lips starting to turn bluish, a tad worrying. Dammit, I was out for the count! For how long?!

Despite the shivers, I had some trouble pulling on my black pants, but I eventually managed to do so. Then I donned a white button-up shirt with a small emblem on the chest that acted as the uniform at the bookstore. The shirt was evidently too substantial for someone of my stature and I still somewhat resembled a child donning her mother's attire, however, it was evident I was beginning to fill it out. I couldn't wait to witness myself grow even larger, forcing the buttons to burst. I could almost visualize it in my mind's eye! I took a deep breath, to expel the intriguing thoughts. I was getting a bit too engrossed and couldn't afford to have another session of fondling my breasts. I missed lunch since it was too late to arrive in time. I slid my hair up into a bun and was just about to depart when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a message from Alice.

'Chinese for dinner?'

Being a book lover, you'd think working in a bookstore would be heaven. But nope, it's more of a nightmare. It's not even hell itself because Hell's reserved for people who've done dreadful deeds - I'm not that bad! Working in a bookstore is purgatorial. Almost unbearably dull. The monotony is impossible to shake. Shifts just drag on forever. You're either overloaded with tasks or there's nothing to do at all. The latter is worse. It's so frustrating; you can't take a seat. It was a complete shocker at first, but I got used to it.

And as if that wasn't enough, there are patrons. They overstep excessively. Take this, "I don't remember who wrote it, or what it's called, but it has a blue cover." How in the world does that help? I was already grinding my teeth in frustration before even setting foot in the store. And before the day even started, my stomach growled in hunger.

When I arrived, Jeremy, my boss, burst into a tirade. "You're late!" he yelled, although I was just five minutes ahead of schedule.

Biting my tongue to stifle my spat, I kept quiet, annoyed. Then he introduced Julie, a newcomer. She was little taller than me with shortish brown hair. Her frame appeared thick under her coat. "She's new, so you'll have to instruct her," he said, gesturing at Julie.

Nodding, but rolling my eyes inwardly, I distracted her. "Excuse me, what's your name? Was it really Jeremy who introduced you?" I asked, extending my hand.

"Julie." She replied, taking my hand in a firm grip. "That's right."

"Dreamy name, Julie. I'm Annabeth," I told her.

"Thanks, Annabeth." Her cheeks flushed, a sheepish smile on her face.

"C'mon, let me show you the...uh...dressing room."

The 'dressing room' felt like a misnomer. It houses two rows of lockers, so tiny there's just enough room for two people. It gives a cramped feeling. "Choose any free lockers." I pointed at the spotless lockers beside me. "This place is so undermanned they don't even need the labor..."

"Did he give you a shirt?" I asked, motioning at my shirt.

Shaking her head, Julie took a step back, stunned. "For the love of God! How can anyone as incompetent as that be our manager?!" My rage was close to exploding. "I've got a spare, you can take it. The sizes are limited anyways."

Julie didn't seem convinced. "Could you maybe look for a larger size? I mean, I'd rather have some space."

"Unfortunately, Jeremy doesn't have the keys for the storage today. Maybe next time?"

"Thanks. For trying." She replied softly, smiling.

"Huh. That's too bad. We should probably start working..." But before we could do that, I realized something was missing. "Oh, before we do that, can you alter your name tag?" My eyes widened in horror as I noticed hers was blank.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about it." Julie turned around, revealing a blank name tag below her shirt.

I shook my head. "That won't do. Let's try to find a marker or pen."

"I heard there's one at the back-office. I'll go get it." Julie skipped away to the office. Just as she disappeared, I said, "If you want to save some time, let me try first. I can move faster."

I rushed to the office and was pleased to find a shared pen-holder. I snatched a red felt tip pen, grabbed a piece of spare cardboard from the bin, and began scribbling a name on it, making sure it was legible.

When I returned, Julie met me smiling. "I already got it!"

"Oh, good. It didn't take you long. I suspect you traced it or something." I said, showing her the cardboard with a blue ink 'JULIE' I had cross out and rewrote in red.

Julie shook her head and held out her own cardboard, another blue ink 'JULIE'. I smiled when I noticed the 'J' crossected out on it. "So you decided to just draw over it." I joked.

She blushed, "I just didn't want to wait around while you were gone."

"Fair enough."

"Let's get started!" Julie said eagerly, starting to work the register.

"Let me handle the register," I offered.

Julie looked back, "Sure, I can

...continue in the main story"

Finally, our shift was over. There wasn't much work happening today, so after I showed Julie around, I took some time to teach her how to arrange the books neatly and informed her about the different rules we had to follow. The rest of the day, Julie spent running the cash register. Since it was her first day, I had to stand by her side and supervise her. Lucky for me, she picked up the skills quickly, and I had to intervene only occasionally. I loathe being at the cash register!

"Would you like to join me for some food? My treat! I wanted to express my gratitude for your help today." Julie proposed.

Of course, who can say no to that? "Oh, sure. And it wasn't any trouble really. You did great, and it allowed me to take a break from the register."

We dropped by a fast-food restaurant nearby and started placing our orders on the screen. "Are you sure you want to pay for this?" I questioned, feeling reluctant to accept her generosity.

"Go ahead!" Julie exclaimed, waving her hand.

"I'm just worried that it might be putting more of a dent in your pocket than it should."

"It's fine. It's not like I care. I order two meals myself, so it's no biggie."

"Then I'll have another cheeseburger and another coke, please." I instructed.

Julie smiled. "Consider it done."

"You really can eat a lot, you know," Julie remarked, pointing at her first burger.

I nodded in agreement, hurriedly biting into my own burger after taking one. "At least they still taste great." I responded after I swallowed.

After finishing one burger, some chicken nuggets, and a hefty portion of fries, I was feeling sufficiently full. It was surprising how I managed to consume all that. I must be hungrier than I thought.

"Are you satisfied?" Julie inquired.

Pretty much. "Yeah, I could eat one more though."

"All right, let's order another set of meals."

"Huh? Really? I thought you were about to leave?" I was surprised.

Julie laughed. "Nah, I'm still a bit hungry. Oh, and you're growing into quite the eater. For your size."

"I guess I take after my parents in that regard, huh? I haven't eaten any food all day." I admitted.

"I could tell by that constant rumbling sound your stomach made."

"Wait...you heard that?" I asked, blushing.

Julie chuckled. "It was challenging not to."


Julie added, "You should be more careful with your eating habits. Overeating drastically increases the chances of gaining weight. It's how I became this big." She confessed, fidgeting with her hands.

I understood her concerns. "It's not something I have to worry about. Excess weight only goes to my breasts. My genes are quite different from yours, I'm afraid." I tried to explain.

Julie cast me a doubtful look.

"I'm telling the truth! I was completely flat a month ago."

"That's surprising." Julie stated.

"I'll show you a picture of my sisters to prove it next time." I promised, but realized my phone had no battery left. "Bummer, I'll have to show you next time. I'll make sure to have my phone charged."

"If you say so..."

I left the restaurant content, having made a new friend and with my belly full as a bonus. Although Julie was skeptical about my expanding bosoms, I was still confident. I almost convinced myself all over again! When I entered my house, I was immediately hit with the smell of Chinese food. Oh no...I'd forgotten! I found the babysitter, Alice, asleep on the couch, with an enormous belly spilling out of her lap. Empty containers of food from at least five meals she had consumed and a jar of Nutella she had opened this morning lay on the table. Oh god, what had she done... I tried to be as quiet as possible, but Alice abruptly woke up, her eyes narrowing in irritation. "Where have you been?!" she growled.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de