Group Sex

Chapter 33: The Human Bearer

Xana opens up to Riordan.

May 24, 2024
9 min read
alienssnakemengay aliensgay sci fiThe Human Bearer Ch. 33
The Human Bearer Ch. 33
The Human Bearer Ch. 33

Chapter 33: The Human Bearer

"Is Master Rio uneasy, Kyle?"

"His worry isn't contained by the word, Kyle," Riordan responded as they navigated the maze of hallways called Tu'lek. He'd grown accustomed to them, and with Kyle by his side, he didn't fear getting lost. However, other concerns weighed on him. "What do you think of Cario Hamen?"

"Cario Hamen is amongst the good guys, as you call them, Master Rio," his bot offered courteously.

"Yes, that's what I think as well. The only thing is he's not like the other dolls. He's quite smart," Riordan said.

"Not every human bearer can captivate their Xeno master the way he did," Kyle remarked.

"Yeah, you're becoming wiser by the day. Do you recall the conversation we had about the contract Xana had us sign using our DNA, as a marriage-like contract?"

"I do, master."

"Not the point, buddy. You're teasing me a bit, aren't you?"

"A little, yes," Kyle replied with a sly smirk. "But everything I say is true. And Master Xana was secretly searching for information on the bond Earthians create when they decide to be together for life."

"Secretly?" Riordan inquired with a snort.


"A nosey bot," Riordan muttered while smiling. "This business with Gamni Gafilos isn't looking good, to be honest. I can't tell what to expect. While you're not trained for combat or military strategy, what do you imagine Gamni's chances are, in taking over Tu'lek?"

"I don't have enough data--"


"However, I can inform you of the following. Tu'lek is a ship with the most advanced weapons, so a direct confrontation will certainly lead to severe damage and an increased likelihood of casualties."

"Both sides or just one?"

"Specifically, the side of the aggressor," Kyle clarified. "The design of Tu'lek ensures that the living quarters cannot be harmed unless most of the ship has already been overcome by the enemy."

Riordan pinched his lip and began to think. If what Kyle said was true, and it had to be because his bot always worked with facts, that could indicate they were to expect a different type of attack. "Hold on," he said slowly, "could they possibly infiltrate the ship like they did before?"

"That would be the logical approach on the attacker's part, yes," Kyle confirmed.

A shiver ran through Riordan, and his anxiety intensified as he glanced around, expecting enemies to appear at any moment.

"Tu'lek's defenses have been improved since the last time," Kyle continued. "No unauthorized Xeno is now allowed access to the ship."

"Encouraging news," Riordan mumbled, though he didn't feel reassured.

Xena returned to their quarters late at night, according to Kyle's meticulously precise measurements. Riordan had dozed off and on, his dreams filled with images of Gamni Gafilos, an enemy without a face, taking control of Tu'lek and destroying everything.

"How are things?" he asked groggily.

Xana covered him head to toe with his muscular reptilian body. "Tu'lek is adequately protected, Riordan."

"Okay. Aren't you going to claim everything will be fine?"

Xana maintained his silence, adding to his uneasiness. "The general has been the most successful commander Xeno has sent to our world," Riordan said, trying to wake up a bit. "He managed to take over Earth, and his military campaign was a major achievement."

"So, Earth was completely wiped out?"

"In a manner of speaking. He expected us to use human bearers as we had others across the galaxies."

"Is that what happened with Marn?"

"No, he's younger. His entire life has been nearly nothing but war," Xana answered solemnly.

Riordan mulled over the questions he needed to ask. "Gamni had no idea what effect his invasion would have on Earth, right?"

"No. You're quite perceptive, Master Rio. He believed we would simply use you as we'd used so many other species. Xeno wasn't prepared for encountering a species like yours," Xana replied.

Initially, Arian listened to the general, someone he had absolute faith in at the moment. This occurred before Arian was even born.

Riordan found it tough to comprehend that these individuals weren't already ever-lasting. Only a few decades had gone by since the taking over of Earth, in human years. Numerous events had ensued. Riordan's thoughts gradually shifted as he touched his large belly. The Xenolite life growing within him was almost readied to meet its parents.

"Bringing Earthians into carriers was a lengthy process compared to other species," Xana explained. "We've been drawn to your attractiveness from the start," they continued. "Let me make it clear, you call us half-snakes, but we call you half-Xenos."

"Is it due to the upper part of our bodies?" Riordan asked, turning to gaze into his master's stunning eyes.

"Correct. You see, Xenos are genetically programmed to place their eggs in the most adaptable hosts. The pleasure from the act was barely existent. The discomfort of transferring the egg into the one that would nourish it until it's ready to be born was so intense. This was previously how we handled things. What we've come to do is because of you," Xana replied.

"That means you also became better fighters?"

"Exactly." Xana affirmed. "You upended everything. Previously, we used copulation with other species for fun, but it wasn't popular. It was solely our determination to conquer planet after planet."

"So we really are that irresistible to you. Pretty fascinating." Riordan had known all along that Xana had made it crystal clear to him when he initially stomped foot on Xeno. But to discover they were so compatible with this weird race of conquerors of galaxies felt like a massive revelation.

"Indeed, you are." Xana revealed. "We've become increasingly sensual because of you."

"You got busy with a hundred dudes before me," Riordan remarked and raised his brow.

Xana smirked and cradled his testicles. Riordan's breath hitched as his testicles were handled. It only took a touch from Xana to make him ready for action. It wasn't merely the impending birthday. The persistent wetness between his legs was because of the pregnancy steadily reaching its term.

"Feeling jealous?" Xana teased and nibbled on his earlobe.

"I'm certain jealous isn't a suitable term for you," Riordan countered and glared at Xana, who wore a triumphant countenance.

"Of course, why would it suit me?"

Riordan had contemplated reminding Xana of all the commotion with Lewis's Xenos and subsequently, with Kanto. However, they had other issues to deal with at this point.

"Inform me more on the general's deeds once he discovered how great in bed we are," Riordan pleaded and drew Xana into a deep kiss as a means of replying to Xana's teasing.

"Our conversation is interrupted by your actions," Xana stated. "I'd prefer to listen to your words only. I'd like to know more about the situation we're in. This is the universe in which our little one is to be born."

"You cherish him together with me, correct?"

Xana gazed at him with affection in his unnatural eyes. Not so unnatural. Their faces looked identical to human faces, perhaps more attractive and calm. Yet, so alike that Riordan found himself wondering about the tricks of natural evolution that created these beings and brought them to Earth from distant regions of the universe.

"I do. I adore him more than I love myself. Even you." Pause passed between them, unsettling Riordan. "You won't become jealous of your son, right?"

"No, I won't." Xana said. "He isn't confined to being mine. He's an extension of myself into the world."

"Let's avoid discussing emotions yet again," Riordan concluded. "I'd rather delve deeper into what happened to the general and Marn."

"Gamni Gafilos headed the human breeder project at first. In the start, the results were disastrous."

"The humans and Xenolites perished." Riordan muttered as he reminisced about his initial encounter with Xana, a time when this extraterrestrial species was still a complete mystery to him. "I bet Marn wasn't ecstatic."

"An improper expression, but I presume in human terms, you'd say he was enraged."

Marn Savier, with his regal composure, tranquil eyes, and nearly imperceptible smile... enraged? That notion was hard for Riordan to fathom. He resembled a man who seemed barely capable of getting agitated, even that was a long shot.

"The General's reputation took a hit." Xana continued. "His Majesty's Royal Chancellor took over the program and launched his own research on your species."

"So, no more deaths?" Riordan inquired.

"Indeed. For a long time, he maintained his discoveries to himself. He preferred not to disclose them unless he was certain of them. However, he did share them with Xeus Lei."

"Your father. How come neither Marn nor your dear father acquired human hosts? I mean, you're approximately 20-21, right? And Xer is close to 18?"

"Yes, that's correct. You see, Riordan, for the most influential Xenos on our planet – now a former planet – selecting a mate was once a process that could take several decades. The one who carried my father's embryo, which is me, was chosen way before the Xenos conquered Earth. The same held true for His Royal Chancellor. For a while, it was unheard of for the upper crust to take on human carriers. However, that changed over time as His Royal Chancellor urged us to opt for your species more and more."

"Encouraged or ordered?"

"Marn Savier favors coaxing over coercion."

"I didn't catch how much he used to persuade Tasha to present herself for Xer, though."

Xana nipped his earlobe.

"You're fortunate we're enamored with your species. Your tongues are potent," his Xeno spouse noted.

"I was merely expressing the incontrovertible truth." Riordan responded and shrugged. While the bite stung, he refrained from rubbing his ear. No way he'd provide Xana with that satisfaction. "So, did Marn encourage you as well?"

"No persuasion was necessary in my case. As soon as I could, I frequented human brothels. It became clear to me that my ideal mate had to be an Earthian."

Riordan felt the tangible evidence of that nestled against his thigh. Xana was aroused, and there was nothing wrong with that. Sex could be postponed, however. Information could be extracted without destroying doors.

"What was Gamni Gafilos' reaction to Marn's encouragements?" he questioned.

"Many welcomed them." Xana replied. "We had been growing increasingly enamored with your species, discovering a previously unidentified aspect of our own nature."

"You got worked up for our human posteriors," Riordan deduced.


"So, many were pleased. How about the others?"

"Gamni Gafilos spoke out against it publicly and rallied supporters. While His Royal Chancellor continued to work on his project in secrecy."

"What project?"

"To achieve the ultimate purpose of our species – locating the one species so compatible with us that we can begin embarking on our journey to Tanez."

"That planet that we're headed to. But wait, we don't even know where it is, right? Or does Marn know more than he's letting on? After all, you mentioned that he conducted his project in silence. Did no one else know about it?"

"He shared it with my father." Xana observed. "My father's mission was, as I discovered just recently, to discover our true home planet."

"Damn." Riordan whispered. "So, what does this mean? Marn doesn't know where Tanez is, and your dad has been MIA... for how long?"

"I have complete trust in Marn." Xana caressed Riordan's chest softly. "He has spent his entire life working on this endeavor, and his findings so far have surpassed our expectations."

"But what if your father never found Tanez? And does Marn know where he currently is?"

"Quiet, no more questions, my sacrificial host." Xana moved over him, between his legs, cautious of his massive abdomen. "Faith. That's an unusual word in a Xeno's mouth. We are usually so logical, or at least we strive to be, and yet, we're navigating the boundless void without a clear destination." The revelations kept coming forward. Gamni's decline in power, Xana's dad on a mission that could stand or fall Marn's life's work.

Riordan had a unique perspective on things. Despite Xana's assertions, there were ample signs that Xenos had their own set of feelings. Gamni must've been fuming for being snubbed by Marn, leading him to act like a jerk. Marn's blind trust in Xeus Lei's accomplishment of finding Tanez was another example. And there were countless more instances. Evidently, Xer had been obsessed with Tasha from the start, just like Xana with him.

And they were all envious, a little crazy, and lustful beings. The impact of Earthians on their species was greater than they acknowledged. It paved the way for such significant alterations that Riordan wished he possessed his bot's remarkable positronic brain to compute the full scope and gravity of the chain reaction Xeno triggered by taking over Earth half a century ago.

Regrettably, that would have to wait. Next to him, Xana became increasingly agitated, and Riordan was caught off guard as his mouth was inundated by the tip of his partner's tail. The seth was leaking profusely over his chin and chest, as Xana inserted himself in one swift motion. It astonished him to apprehend that even something as ordinary as this now seemed entirely normal, given his affections for his Xeno lover.

For more convenience, he assumed a quadrupedal posture. Xana swiftly embraced his abdomen, supporting it gently, but not lessening the speed of his thrusts. This could only be attributed to the approaching conclusion of their egg's delivery, making him more sensitive. It felt as if he craved his lover more intensely despite their close connection. What was this new appetite budding inside him so fiercely that it almost seemed unquenchable?

Then Xana kissed him, devouring his mouth as he normally did, and his desire retracted marginally. Riordan angled his head to welcome both tail and tongue, while his backside remained subjected to a relentless pounding.

He should've been prepared for the eruption of sex and cum, yet it still took him by surprise. The volume was astounding, and he enjoyed every single drop. The implications of their circumstance, the potential ramifications, evaporated from his mind as his entire body was overtaken.

"You'll sleep with me inside you," Xana murmured in his ear, as his dick throbbed deep within Riordan's ass. "Tonight, I can't get enough of you."

Clearly, neither was the only one to experience this intense craving. This reassurance comforted him, and when he fell asleep, his anus remained stretched around Xana's massive girth, his dreams no longer tormented by nightmares.

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