Chapter 4-6 of Elowen and Thalion Part 2

Elowen devises a hazardous strategy...

May 27, 2024
27 min read
fantasybastinadofemale submissivefaycanelove storyElowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 04-06bondagefairy
Elowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 04-06
Elowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 04-06

Chapter 4-6 of Elowen and Thalion Part 2

Chapter Four: A Broken Symbol

The rhythmic splash of the spring soothed Elowen's senses, its warm, soft water caressing her fingers. The sweet scent of bluebells filled the air, reminiscent of her otherworldly origins. A memory of a human nurse whispered in her ear, referring to the flowers as "fairy flowers."

Eyes fluttering open, she found the source of the reeds swaying in front of her. The grove's fiery-hued cinderfox crept out of the shallow brook, charmed by her presence. Elowen clenched her hand into a fist, then withdrew it as she realized emberdews were not meant to be taken.

The chest they shared heaved behind her, its warm owner clutching her closer. Her back nestled into broad shoulders, their breaths matching in a gentle cadence. It had been their loving first night in Pyreheart. Her vow as his apprentice in magic and their consummation of their marriage.

What was the purpose of this visit?

The heat of the previous night resurfaced, evoking vivid images of Ferin's meticulous grooming. A shiver swept through her, contrasting with the warm embrace behind her. Revisiting the pleasant failure of his paddle intensified her longing.

Ferin remained a maester, a guest in their lives. Her mind wandered to the stuffed magical items in his chest of toys. What did the silver paddle conceal?

Thalion's breath rustled against her neck, awakening her. Her head spun, suddenly aware of his grip tightening around her.

Their first night here, she had sought refuge in the arms of her beloved. His steadfast heartbeat rocked her forward to the realization that Ferin both delighted and disturbed her, an oddly pleasing mixture.

Recalling the rejected paddle, she considered the foul-smelling liquid in the sunken box as well.

A sensation of dread wafted by, but Thalion held her close, kissing the top of her head. "You'll be alright."

"We need to discuss Ferin's trinkets," she uttered, jolting the air around them. His grip on her loosened just enough for her to spin around, her eyes meeting his.

"What about his..." she hesitated, but pressed on, "... box receptacles?"

Thalion narrowed his eyes, his frizzed hair shifting with the breeze. "What do you mean?"

Her hand drifted from his cheek to his shoulder, tracing the angular lines of his well-built body. "I found stinking water inside one of them. Why would a master like Ferin need such things?"

The warmth in his eyes cooled as he tried to explain his dark thoughts. "Perhaps a water goblin made the demon's transgressions, and Ferin simply transported them?"

The sudden emotions within her began to return, but she let them go to indulge in the security of the moment. He questioned the liquids source, doubtful of Ferin causing the background humidity that caused her shared home, the grove, to become barren.

"Is there a way for me to rid myself of it?" she asked, eyeing the water surrounding them.

The concern in his expression hardened her resolve. "No. You don't have the control required to purify that sort of corruption."

A flutter of ease touched her, followed by a wash of flood relief. "Then what's our plan, Thalion?"

His teeth bit into his lower lip as he made a considered answer. "For now, I have no allies who could help. We cannot leave it hidden away, otherwise."

Her fingers found their way to his messy hair as she asked, "Should I invite Ferin to lend his hand in the matter?"

Treacherous words escaped from Thalion's lips, contorting his face into pain, "No."

A sense of despair invaded her, exacerbated by his refusal to acknowledge the potential aid of their seemingly helpful guest. Elowen snuggled back into the strength of his arms, her hand stroking his shoulder once more. "What can we do? Can we examine the nature of the corruption?"

Thalion's breathing became audible to her once more. "I have yet to determine if it is indeed water-based."

Her hand moved to his cheek, trailing towards his lip. "Have your other companions brought you knowledge on the subject?"

An almost strangled sigh echoed above her. "None have the necessary expertise."

The anxiety of his answer oppressed her, and she managed to breach the veil of her own comfort. "If not, then I would gratefully accept your acquaintance, Ferin's temporary assistance."

His lips twitched, meeting her palm and kissing each line before suckling at her pinkie. "I had the same thought. Myriad questions slink through my thoughts, but I hesitate."

A tinge of disappointment washed away, as a wave of understanding settled across her. "Then what must we do?"

Thalion paused in her hair. "I lack the resources to assist, Elowen."

This heavy revelation engulfed her in a uniquely treacherous disappointment. She trailed her fingers down his back, his counting the valleys and crests of his muscular frame. "Then, how can we proceed?"

A smile crept across Thalion's face, fondness creeping into his eyes. "Ferin did offer to help. If you're sure about it."

His furrowing brow reopened the potential problem, and her voice turned insistent. "I'm sure."

His expression darkened. "Then let's beware for what this rawness might lead one to do."

Her head touched his chest, her breaths joining his as she relaxed into his embrace. The skittering uncertainty was replaced by a reassuring warmth, hope diffusing her apprehension of the future.

Suddenly, she woke up, an idea forming in her mind. "How would he dare to help? He's a fire eirnacht, and he's not as powerful as you. If he can remove the corruption, it's not through elemental magic."

Thalion's eyebrows furrowed. "True." He stretched out his hand, covering her breasts. "If I let him help me, it's a risk for Twilight's honor. Either he's bluffing, or he has some way to cleanse the water."

Elowen drew in a sharp breath, arching against him as her nipples hardened beneath his fingers. "Can't we... find that method?"

Thalion's eyes squinted, and he positioned her on top of him, letting her thighs straddle his waist. Her erect nipple slid along his stomach. "How?"

"I could find it," she replied, her voice shaky.

"How?" asked Thalion again.

Elowen gripped his shoulder, her heart pounding. "He wants more than he did last night."

Thalion's lips twisted into a frown, and his fingers squeezed her waist. "You disliked last night."

She locked eyes with him, the memory of the fire and blue lights filling her vision. "You didn't like it either."

Thalion's fingers tightened, making her gasp in pain. "I've given you plenty of other things to enjoy."

"It's not about him," she said, breathless. "It's about what we need."

Thalion relaxed slightly, his hands on her hips. "You're not telling me the truth."

She bit her lip, her whole body tingling. "I... fine. I do want him. A bit," she added, confessing the truth.

"I don't want to lose you," he said, his tone soft.

Elowen winced, her body feeling hot. "Can't we... share him sometimes?"

Thalion's lips morphed into a smirk. "But what if he's stronger than him?"

She shook her head. "I'll never leave you, Thalion."

"If you actually want this other man, you'll end up with him," he said, couldn't quite keep the frustration from his voice.

She sighed deeply, her body pressed against him. "It's not about Ferin. It's about finding a way to get what we need."

"What we need?" Thalion asked, seemingly skeptical.

She leaned forward, licking her lips. "If it were just about sex, I'd tell you to keep your hands off him."

"You're not making any sense," he said, lost and confused.

Elowen shook her head. "It's not about me. It's about finding a way past that insufferably arrogant Ferin's games," she said, referring to the ferin in question.

Thalion raised an eyebrow. "If you genuinely think you can beat him in his own game, then tell me your plan."

Elowen gasped, her body moving on top of him. "You should teach me something, then."

Thalion raised an eyebrow. "Like?"

Elowen bit her lip. "Like the way you made me stand so long to answer your questions."

The corners of Thalion's lips curved up. "He'll do more than last night alone, Elowen."

She breathed deeply, relishing the feeling. "I know. But his claim to me is familiar. And he can't help himself."

Thalion's eyes narrowed into a glare. "I will not let you provoke him."

Elowen nodded, feeling scared. "Yes."

"Then there's something I should teach you, my love," Thalion said with a smile. "To prepare for what we need."

Elowen bit her lip in anticipation. "Whatever you say, Thalion."

"It can only be shown this way." He paused, shifting his hips upward, supporting her. "I had been planning on teaching you a little later, but it's going to be now. It's known as the ionduile, and it's a showdown of elements. When an eirnacht couple connect for sex, when their elements interwine, one can push their element into the core of the other. If you overrun your partner's flower, you can render them unconscious and powerless."

Her eyebrows came together, even as her lady bits trembled on his cock. "I don't quite..."

"Concentrate." He flexed, and streams of fire snaked from him. The lines of heat inched toward her core, and Elowen unleashed a torrent of water, trying to snuff out the flames. She bit her lip, as he fucked her harder.

"Good." His hands tightened on her waist. "Try to send water into me."

His dick sliding against her pearl distracted her concentration, and Elowen shivered. He smacked her hip. "Stay focused. Send me water."

She pushed her hips forward and sprayed a small stream into him. It soaked into his flames and dissipated as steam, though barely noticeable.

"Bravo." Thalion cupped her breasts and grinned. "In the showdown, try to maintain your energy. You'll need it. Ferin is weaker than an eirnacht master, but he's still a master. Wait until he's fully buried inside you, his mind fixated on his dick and your spot. Then strike, like an agile hawk."

"I will." She relaxed into his embrace. "I'll do that."

He embraced her. "Now, give me something to remember while I wait for you to return."

Elowen glanced over at Ferin. He had arrived for lunch, looking trim and revived. Brownies scurried around carrying dishes brimming with roasted geese covered in berry sauce from the early bounty of springs. The socket-high fairies approached the lengthy wooden tables, placing the food down. The machers who served the sidhe roared in amusement as they toasted Thalion for the lavishness of his feast. Her stomach growled, as Thalion carved away slivers of meat, putting them on the earthenware platter in between them.

"You put on a grand meal." Ferin took a sip of mead from his mug. "Has your takeover been lucrative?"

Elowen averted her eyes. He meant her lands. Her brother Lysander had sworn allegiance to Thalion, and she had married him, surrounding the conquest. She clasped her fingers together, glancing at her husband.

"The goddess has blessed my people." Thalion squeezed her leg. "All of my people. How are your conquests in Bryton?"

Ferin chewed on a mouthful, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Profitable? No, not yet. But fun, yeah. The legions must be far away, and the people are primed for plundering. The men serve well once cowed, and the women..." He erupted into laughter, letting down his blond hair. "You know how prettily they beg."

Elowen set her knife down with caution. Frustration and sympathy bubbled like bile at the back of her throat. A sea of derroch gathered over a human village in her mind, elves ravishing women on the streets, men getting the blade.

"You should join us, Thalion." Ferin leaned on the table, the vileness in his eyes apparent. "That's what I came here to suggest to you. You've already proven your desire for conquest--why not push your holdings a bit further?"

"I don't break oaths." Thalion's voice came out like a growl, and his grip on Elowen's leg tightened. "My queen did not permit the Night Court to step across the Muir na Tír."

"But you're dealing with corrupted earth in your lands." Ferin leaned on the table, leering at her. "Perhaps Queen Mab wants you to stay home and deal with the blight, not gain wealth and power in Bryton."

Elowen nibbled on a piece of goose. It tasted Wooden. Mocking images of an elf army assaulting a human village flashed through her mind's eye--elves raping women on the streets, axes slicing through men.

"Think it over." Ferin brushed up against her cheek. "You might want to widen your collection of human whores."

Elowen bristled." You insult me, my lord. I'm Lord Thalion Moonsong's wife, not a human where."

Ferin laughed, a low-rolling sound that mocked every inch of power she had gained during the season. "The way you shook beneath me last night says otherwise."

"That's about eirnacht strength." Elowen glared at him. "You talk like a human, not an elf. I can sense the desire in your words."

"Envious?" He chuckled, his face twisted with a scornful grimace. "The next time I visit, I'll bring you some human playthings. Then you'll know your place." He spat, a glob of liquid splashing against her cheek.

Rage seethed within Elowen, heat surging through her. She wanted to kill him. To beat him. To outshine him. She stood up, shrugging off Thalion's hold. "Lord Ferin Sun-Soaked, I challenge you to the banroth!" A heavy silence fell over the grand hall, conversations ceasing, even the brownies standing still.

Ferin sneered, but his gaze shifted to Thalion. Her husband rose and stepped between them. "No. She spoke too soon."

"She did not." Ferin smirked, cunning as a fox. "We all heard her. Unless she's not an eirnacht, but just your spouse?"

Elowen shook with wrath. "I am an eirnacht. And you heard me."

Thalion crossed his arms and scowled. "Then so be it." Small muscles in his jaw tensed and quivered.

"I'll relish shutting your mouth again." Malice lurked in Ferin's smile. "And when I win, I'll demand a tribute."

The words conjured the plan, dimming Elowen's anger by a few degrees. He had agreed. She jerked her chin up, keeping her voice steady. "Agreed."

Suddenly, life and ruckus resumed with a vengeance. Fairies cleared a space in the center of the grand hall, sidhe wagered bets with each other on the victor, and Thalion stood up.

"A challenge has been made and accepted. My trainee will engage Lord Ferin Sun-Soaked in the banroth."

Thalion stepped back and waved for her to take her place in the center of the grand hall. His face betrayed nothing of his emotions and Elowen bit her tongue. She had wanted this. Had forced it. Now, dread gnawed at her.

"Go." Thalion pointed to where Ferin waited, flames already flickering along his knuckles.

She approached, anger driving her posture.

"Summon your elements." Thalion's command reverberated through the hall.

The assemblage of Pyreheart flickered their gazes towards Elowen. She swallowed hard and reached deep within her. From the depths of her, she drew forth the actual elemental water—the water that flowed beneath the blue star. It filled her uplifted hands like a blue gem.

Ferin unleashed his fingers, flaming threads wrapping around their lengths. "Perhaps tonight I'll thrust them into you, like this." He fixed his eyes on her, cruel hatred etched on every feature of his face. "Would that suit you?"

Lust throbbed between Elowen's thighs, but she ignored him, focusing on her water. A couple more shapes, then she would surrender. The thought clung to her tongue like sour alcohol.

He had spat on her.

On all her kind.

She wanted to triumph.

"Form the fox." Thalion's order jolted through the hall.

Elowen stretched her arms wide, azure ears standing upright from a pointed nose on her thumbs. Ferin followed suit. Cheers rang through the hall, accompanied by the tinkling of coins as bets were paid off.

She had to lose this duel to win. A few more shapes, then she would surrender.

Thalion instructed the willow, the river, the oak, the goose. Each shape, Elowen and Ferin copied each other. Cries of excitement broke out here and there as Elowen pushed past previous limits, her core of moonlight liquid still cool and moist. Elowen released her hands, letting her mouth hang slack.

"Shape the swan." Thalion's voice boomed through the hall.

Elowen squeezed her eyelids shut for a moment. I should give in.

"Give up and I'll ensure you enjoy restoring my power." Ferin's voice dripped with disdain. "Perhaps I'll fight Thalion for your dominion. I'd make you kneel before my human slaves and allow the men to use you, three at a time. You'd revel in that, wouldn't you? Being taken by the remnants of your kind."

A crimson mist danced at the edges of Elowen's vision. She was nothing to him. He had no right to possess her.

She would subdue him.

Baring her teeth, she snapped her fingers, materializing the swan ordered by Thalion.

Sweat gathered on her brow, the weight of the elemental water in her palms growing heavier and harder to manipulate.

"Form the rose." Thalion's voice echoed through the hall.

Elowen closed her eyes for a moment. I should give in.

"Concede and I'll ensure you enjoy being my tool." Ferin's voice dripped with disdain. "Perhaps I'll battle Thalion for your authority. I'd make you kneel before my human pets and let the men abuse you, three at a time. You'd revel in that, wouldn't you? Being taken by the remaining remnants of your folk."

A crimson haze surrounded Elowen's perception. She was a mere trinket to him. He had no right to claim her.

She would trounce him.

Grunting her teeth, she snapped her fingers, producing the rose Thalion had mandated.

Elowen growled angrily, the water around her rippling as she commanded it. Slowly, the petals emerged, stems stretching upward. But the bloom was shaky, droplets sliding off, petals looking ragged. Her knees shook, unable to bear her weight.

Across from her, Ferin's flames burst into life, creating a fire rose, each petal looking crisp and clear, dancing in the heat and light.

"Mold the wolf." Thalion's voice quivered with concern.

Elowen gripped her last reserves of energy, summoning every ounce of force she had. The water responded, but sluggishly. The shape was more of a cub than an adult wolf, and it stumbled, struggling to maintain its form. Ferin's fire wolf, on the other hand, stood strong and fierce, teeth bared, ready to pounce.

Elowen's breath came in short bursts, her mind struggling to keep up with her demands. The crowd of spectators became a blur, their eyes gleaming like jewels in the sunlight.

"Fashion the emberdew flower." Thalion's voice was soft, almost uncertain, but the order was clear.

With shaky hands, Elowen tried to shape the delicate petals, the deep azure light shining weakly in her palms. Ferin, noticing her struggle, took his time, crafting a flawless flame emberdew, its petals curling upward as if reaching for the stars.

Within her core, flames licked at her power. The moonflower shrank, fire emerging along the edges.

"No!" Elowen whispered, desperation in her voice as she attempted to push back the flames. But she was drained, already weak. The fire crept toward the heart of her moonflower, the core of her elemental essence. She'd given too much of her power.

A gasp filled the room, rivulets of water scattering from Elowen's hands, splattering on the stone floor of the great hall.

Silence reigned.

Ferin stood victorious, his fire still blazing, the flame-formed emberdew shining brightly in contrast to the dark patches of water on the floor where Elowen had spilled her residual power.

Thalion's voice was raspy, his words full of sorrow and remorse. "The duel has ended. Lord Ferin Sundrenched is the winner."

Elowen looked into Thalion's eyes, the emptiness she saw in them sent a chill through her.

Ferin laughed cruelly, the sound reverberating in Elowen's ears. "I call for nourishment."

With pounding heart, Elowen bowed her head in submission. She'd lost. She'd lost and emptied herself. Help me, Danu.

But she had to go with him. "Yes, my lord."

Chapter Five: Obligated to Give In

Elowen stumbled as Ferin pulled her through the halls of Pyreheart. The red stone walls reflected the blood-colored shadows in the midday light. Tapestries danced in the chaos of their passage. Inside her core, the fire that had consumed her moonflower burned furiously.

He yanked open the door to the guest suite. Carved wooden beams provided a contrast to the rough stone walls, depicting fairy creatures on their surfaces. In this moment, Elowen had no interest in art--the enormous four-poster bed in the center of the room captured her attention. Dark and ominous, the beams held up drapes depicting a brown bull locked in combat with a white-horned beast.

Ferin hauled her past the bed and onto the plush rug in front of the hearth. "Disrobe."

Trembling in every limb, Elowen extended her hand. "My tabu is rainbows."

Ferin spat. "The Dagda guard me from whores who think they're secure."

Would he adhere to her tabu? Fear gripped Elowen's stomach. Her fingers shook as she unlaced her corset, searching the room for a toy chest.

Please, Danu, protect your daughter.

She blinked away burning eyes, surveying the room once more. The small writing desk under the window held a quill and inkwell, but no toy box. Returning her gaze to the bed, she noticed Ferin's leather bag lying by a chest.

Her red dress slid off her, piling onto the black rug. She turned to face Ferin, her hands by her sides.

He grabbed her hair, ripping the mesh caul from her head. Black curls spilled down her waist. Upending her head, his mouth devoured hers, cruelly rough and demanding. Elowen gasped, surrendering to his forceful assault, her body reacting to the harsh treatment. Elemental water poured from his tongue, pouring into her core.

Eagerly, she gulped it down. Even as she was replenished with water, he was ignited with fire. Yet the intense demands within her couldn't be ignored. She pressed against his chest, yearning for refuge from the blazing inferno in her center.

Ferin pushed her away. "Today, I'll fuck you." His breath came ragged and coarse through the room. "Kneel on the bed's edge."

Elowen bit her lip as she complied. What's next? She bowed her head, delivering the submissive demeanor he desired. This stance permitted her to conceal her gaze as she glanced at the toy chest.

She hoped Ferin would follow the pattern of the previous evening, enabling her to examine his possessions once more. However, he displayed little interest in her decisions.

He drew a smooth silken rope from the leather bag and a cane from the toy box. "Hold your hands behind your head."

Fear, hot and tangible, awakened in Elowen's mouth as desire throbbed between her legs. Her skin prickled and twitched, aroused by the prospect of the cane's blows. In the recesses of her mind, the ocean beckoned. Pain would alleviate the chaotic thoughts -- it would anchor her.

She obeyed, arching her back slightly.

He looped the cord around her, tying her body in knots that pinched her flesh. Eloquently, he ran a length of string between her legs, a knot brushing directly on her womanhood. Pressure intensified in her groin and her breasts strained against the rigid ropes.

"Pleasant." Ferin admired his handiwork from a distance. "Now, face me and outstretch your hands."

Elowen complied, inhaling a deep breath. Her restraints thrilled her in gratifying spots, and she gasped. Strands of rope drew taut on her wrists, and a strip of fabric skimmed over the four-poster bed's frame. Behind her, Ferin grasped her hands, lifting them upward, bending her arms backward, forcing her face onto the bed's coverings.

"Hmm." He traced his fingers down her buttocks and travelled underneath the strands between her legs. "Have you ever been restrained?"

"No, lord," Elowen muttered.

He yanked, and she gasped, tossing her head back as the silk rubbed against her womanhood and between her cheeks. "You enjoy that, don't you?"

"No." Elowen combated the rope.

"Liar." His fingers explored her. "You're wet with it." He extended his hand to her face. "Taste it."

Forced into compliance, she suckled his fingers. Longing and desire entwined within her as she heaved her ass upward. Hunger consumed her, displacing the subsiding fire within her concave.

Inside her, the initial petals of a moon drop seedling emerged in her core. [Foxglove] Meadow's tainted past returned, and her vision narrowed to the floral pattern on the navy blanket.

Acknowledging her submission, he took his hand away, interweaving the rope around her knees. He tied her to the bedposts, widening her legs. He manipulated her ankles, returning them to their original position, which made her legs resemble a diamond shape. "Scrumptious." He stroked a metal plug over her folds, glazing it with her juices. "Do you crave a penis in your ass, whore?"

"No." Sorrow echoed in Elowen's tone as her body yearned for his harsh touch. Her vagina pulsed and contracted above the cold metal plug. The ocean's call resonated within her, urging her forward.

He smacked her buttocks. "Liar again." Snatching the rope, he thrust the plug into her entrance. She shrieked, straining against her bonds. He laughed while adjusting the cord. "Such an avid whore."

The cane whistled through the air and struck her leg below her buttocks, skimming across the top of her exposed sexual organ. Elowen howled, battling her bonds. "One!" Her response erupted from her.

Ferin hesitated, administering the next nine strikes with frenzied fury. Blistering agony enveloped her as she counted. Tears cascaded down her face, pooling onto the lily-patterned blue blanket.

He paused and ran the tip of the cane along her legs to her feet. Elowen curled her toes inward. His fingers touched her feet. No. She couldn't handle that.

But the reminiscence of the corrupted pit in Foxglove Meadow prohibited her from protesting.

A stick swung through the air. A scorching trail seared across the soles of her feet. The room faded away. Elowen gritted her teeth, concentrating on an image of a lily close to her nose. She mustn't succumb to the sea of torment and ecstasy.

'Water persists.' That's what she'd said to Orinthas. In her mind's eye, the towering tree spirit reappeared. Rough bark shaped its face, its eyes gleaming violet like her own.

"Eleven!" She barely managed to sputter out the count.

Ferin chuckled. "And you want more?" The tip of the stick traced across her legs.

Within Elowen, her moon-infused power budded. If she was to prevail over him, she needed to gather more power. A shiver ran down her spine from neck to heels. "Yes, my lord."

He yanked her bonds and they rubbed over the injuries she'd sustained. "Thank me and supplicate for another."

She licked her lips, her mouth feeling dry as a cork. "Thank you, my lord. Pray, allow me another." Her voice shook and embarrassment coursed through her legs, the maelstrom of pain and passion threatening to engulf her soul. She fixed her gaze on the lily decoration.

The stick threatened another cut.

"Twelve, my lord." Sobs slipped from her eyes. "Thank you and beg for another."

At the fourteenth stroke, water flooded into her innermost core, her power returning to its full strength.

Fifteen. Her vision wavered, and she writhed in her constraints, only the discipline of seeking another stroke stopping her.

She required only one more.

One more.

'Water does not merely withstand, apprentice.' Orinthas had said that.

On the sixteenth blow, light blasted from her in a dazzling array, bringing waves of her elemental water.

"Do you want my dick?" Ferin ripped on the ropes, causing the knot to prance over her nub.

"Please, my lord." She dangled from the frame. "Please fuck me. Take me. Use me." A deep, desperate ache stirred within.

Shamelessly, the tip of Ferin's stiff penis plunged into her. Elowen inhaled deeply. His heat burned behind her, yet it was insufficient.

From within, she reached for the water inside. With her power, she shoved it back in the direction of his body. She matched his thrusting by pushing back into his core with her water.

"No, human whore!" His scream intertwined with the whistle of boiling water. Flames blasted at her, clawing at her genitals in an attempt to reach her center.

Water endures.

She dove into her power, securing herself in its depths. Safety in her core, she struck back along the line of Ferin's need. The flames did not deter her, but she saw dark voids develop at the edges. Ferin lacked the ability to create a shield.

Tenderly, she extended her power, probing past the orange hue enveloping his core. The brush of emberdew, barely the size of a bean, retreated from the onslaught. She threw herself at it, flooding the minuscule plant with her azure energy.

A clatter sounded as Ferin released her waist, fingers sliding along the ropes.

Bound and thrumming with a mix of agony and lust, Elowen wrestled with her ropes. Each movement tightened the straps, rasping on her tender skin. She stopped, staring at the mix of longing and jubilation within her.

She'd won!

Her core convulsed, wild and wanton. The pleasurable waves washed over her once more and she groaned, held by the bonds that entangled her.

Within moments, the water ebbed, her muscles relaxing.

Deeper breaths. Elowen titled her head to gaze between her legs at Ferin on the floor. He breathed in a steady rhythm, chest rising and falling.

How would she unbind herself?

The bonds constricted as she tried to move, silken cords scratching over her injured skin. Painful jolts of jubilation and distress wracked her.

Could she wield magic to free herself? Within Elowen, the moon-imbued gem bloomed, its sheen fading. Maybe she had the ability to use this power to unravel the bonds.

Theflash of the waterfall crossed her mind, and she hesitated.

What was the lull before Ferin awakened?

What would he do upon waking?

Fear pulsed through her, raising gooseflesh on her arms.


She reached for the moonstone, drawing on her elemental powers. Grasping the strands around her wrists, she attempted to loosen the knots. The unbearable strain of inches from climax loomed in her thoughts, paralyzing her.

Would she have enough control over her watery power to loosen them?

The memory of her failure loomed over her.

Dripping water dried out on her, crawling across threads and vanishing. The moonlight's drop shrank a bit more, and Elowen's petals curled inwards.

She cried, attempting to break free from her bonds.

"H20 flows to fill up the container, kiddo," Orinthas' words echoed in her mind.

Maybe Elowen didn't need control. Thalion was a fire elemental. He needed control. She should be as flexible as a river, unfaltering and resolute.

Pushing herself towards the moon drop, she tried once more.

Water trickled down the strings, permeating the silk and saturating the restrictive ropes. By delicately stabbing her bound wrist, Elowen untied the knot. The moon drop squeezed out from her core, and the rope no longer shackled her wrists. She untied the rope around her hips, her thighs, and her knees.


She stretched her arms, reveling in the unpleasantness of the harness scraping her belly. Her genitals grew tense, and her thighs tightened.

Concentrate. I haven't triumphed over him yet.

She extracted a metallic plug from her behind, gritting her teeth as it dragged against her. With a shiver, Elowen discarded it onto the bed. Ignoring the unconscious Ferin, she crawled towards the two items on the floor. Unable to find something, Elowen stared at the box and the chest. Memories of water filled the chest. Elowen rummaged through them all, searching relentlessly.

Nonetheless, nothing seemed to display evidence of magic. She drew back, sitting on her heels, and the harness irritated her stomach. Behind her, Ferin stirred. Elowen held her breath, glancing hesitantly at him. He still lay on the rug, but his leg twitched, resembling the limb of a sleeping being.

Her pulse pounded rapidly in her ribs. Could there be magic in the bag?

She feverishly searched through his clothing, her fingers shivering. Her throat started to constrict and her blood surged in her ears. What if she was mistaken?

No. Maintain calmness and look even closer.

She filled her lungs with air and sifted through his clothes again, focusing intently. Pants, boots, a whetstone, a rod... Why wasn't the rod in the toy box? She inspected it in her fingers, her fingers skimming over bumps. Representations of runes carved into the wood's grain were concealed for a hidden aesthetic.

Ogham magic! Elowen muffled a startled laugh. Human magic. She glanced back at the unconscious Ferin. "Hypocrite."

Would Thalion comprehend these symbols thoroughly?

She wouldn't risk her knowledge lapsing now.

If Ferin accused Elowen of theft, Thalion might challenge him.

She mustn't risk her knowledge now.

If Ferin pointed out her theft, Thalion would realize something happened.

She carefully stacked the clothes. On the ground, Ferin stirred once more, and she felt her heart pound in her chest. She slipped into her dress, leaving the dress's laces dangling. Hurrying out of the room, robe stave in her hand, Elowen exited the bedroom.

Chapter Six: Social Intrusion

Elowen's soles grated over the stone walkway with agony. The robe plaid's harness still tore at her torso, but she ill afforded any distraction. She clutched the rod in her fist.

She raced through the hall, pausing at the door leading to their shared room.

Thalia had pale skin, and he paced across the hard floor, occasionally casting furtive glances towards the door creaking open to reveal Elowen. The rug bunched up in the corner, likely dislodged by an impatient step. With her stomach in knots, Elowen felt light-headed.

He smiled invitingly, holding his arms open. She eagerly dove into his arms, getting a whiff of his scent.

"Thalia," she whispered into his hair, her hands installing themselves under his shirt. Her heart hammered in synchrony with his, a melodious beat. She could've stayed in his grasp indefinitely.

"Have you been harmed?" His question was muffled in her hair. "For I'll ensure he meets his untimely death."

Her breath sighed out due to his fragrance, her palms sliding below his shirt. Their heartbeats harmonized in a soft percussion dance.

"No," she sighed. "I'd won."

"Another star?" His fingers caressed moisture pooling at the corners of her eyes.

Before replying to him, booted footsteps and angry voices reached her ears.

"I've been injured!" Enraged, Ferin pushed past two their security, stride stopping abruptly at the entrance of the room. In just boots and pants, his tanned skin gleamed in the filtered daylight. Ferin pointed at Elowen. "You haven't paid up."

She clenched the rod in her sleeve. "Ferin, you've fallen unconscious."

Thalion's fingers slid through mine, his arm helping to hold the magical stick known as the ogham stave. "You passed out during the sex with my wife?" He chuckled, low and deep. "Perhaps you've been tormenting humans for so long that a fairy is too much for you?"

Ferin's neck muscles bulged as he clenched his fist, and a spot of white saliva formed on his lips. "The ivy branch struck me. We didn't agree on fighting like this."

My heart pounded in my chest. Could Ferin's claim of injury be true? Thalion's grip on my hand tightened, and I remained silent.

"I didn't think you needed protection from a mere newbie." Contempt was clear in his words. "My wife is used to resisting me as part of the exercises to strengthen herself. Did you faint from her efforts?"

A red blotch appeared on Ferin's cheeks. "It surprised me, and I wasn't prepared to protect myself. But I claim injury. She didn't pay the price of surrender."

Thalion's smile curved, shining like a knife across his face. "If you lost the ivy branch match, I'd say she paid the price. You can disagree, of course." He lifted his dark eyebrows, his eyestars a bright ring.

The ogham stick slid between us and I placed my palm over it, letting it rest in our hands. My eyes met Ferin's. Would he challenge Thalion? The ropes under my dress burned on my ribs.

Ferin's tongue darted across his lips, tasting the spit there. His lips pressed together as though something sour lingered behind them. "It's your castle." His tone carried defeat.

"It is." Thalion glared at Ferin, his fingers still entwined with mine. "And you're no longer welcome. Go back to Queen Elysia and tell her about your defeat. I won't go against the Unseelie and Queen Mab to join you in taking over Bryton. I'll remain faithful to the Unseelie and Queen Mab." His gaze moved to the guards standing in the hallway. "Celia, take Lord Ferin to his room and from there to the sacred stone. If he can't open the stone, you can help him."

Ferin's fists clenched at his sides, and he took a step forward, his arms on fire. But the guards surrounded him, and Celia bowed to Thalion and me. "Lord Thalion, Lady Elowen."

The guards led the shaken Ferin away.

Thalion turned back to me. "What have we?" He held our joined hands.

I laughed nervously, relieved to be rid of our uninvited guest. "A magical stick called an ogham stave. It was in his bag."

Thalion examined the rod, sliding his fingers over the engraved symbols. "Reed, ivy, and hawthorn. Clever."

I took a shaky breath. "Will it work?"

"Yes. This stick is designed to remove impurities from water."

I nodded. "Good."

He raised an eyebrow. "Now tell me about your encounter with Ferin."

I told him everything, safe in the circle of his arms.

Thalion stroked the laces on my corset, his expression thoughtful. "You did well. Better than I imagined. You're overdue a visit to the nixies' grove and advancement to apprentice rank."

I smiled against his arm. "Yes, my Lord."

He laughed and kissed my temple. "I won't be charmed by the ionduile. I'd rather you didn't try it out on me."

I peered into his eyes. "What would happen if I did?"

"You won't like it."

Though my skin burned and I felt wet between my legs, I bit back the words I was about to say as the ogham stick rolled off the couch onto the floor. "Thalion..." I looked into his eyes. "Can we stop the Shadow Court?"

He furrowed his brows. "Stop who?"

"The Twilight Court." Images of women screaming under the form of the sidhe warriors flashed in front of my eyes, men already dead beside them. "Can we prevent them from taking over Bryton?"

Thalion frowned, releasing my hand. "No. Ferin was a weak lord, one of their least powerful members. Queen Elysia likely chose him to avoid missing him if he wasn't successful." Don't judge the Queen's power by Ferin's, I reminded myself. "But don't underestimate her might."

Wetness formed at the corner of Elowen's eyes. Her voice quavered as she spoke, "How can I not think of the victims? They don't deserve this kind of invasion." She gestured with the ogham staff. "I understand that we're stronger than humans, but we made this thing. Isn't it worth preserving? Aren't they entitled to exist in harmony?"

Thalion arched a brow and asked, "Is it really different? I took your land. It's the way life operates."

Elowen clenched her jaw, searching for the right words. "It's not the same. You didn't attack our females and slaughter our males. We've always been situated at the fringe of fairy. My father harmed the little folk after my mother left. This occupation... It isn't the same. The Brytonians have no cause to suffer this fate."

"The safety they enjoyed from the Romans has been taken," Thalion remarked as he crossed his legs.

"So their lands must be torched, their women captured, their culture obliterated?" Elowen straightened up. "What if we could do something, Thalion? Could we find a way?"

Thalion cradled her chin with his fingers and winked at her, "The only one who can challenge the Twilight Court regarding this matter is our liege. Are you ready to ask Queen Mab for help and plead the case for the Brytons in her court? What price will you be willing to pay if she offers you a pact?"

A shiver ran up Elowen's spine as she recalled her brief encounter with Thalion's queen in a nixie grove. She hadn't yet met her, but in a pond, she'd gotten caught up in a contract that branded a rune on her wrist and led her on a starlit walk. What cost would Queen Mab demand for the sake of these nameless individuals on the border between the two realms?

And yet...

Her concentration returned to her spouse. "Yes."

Thalion inhaled deeply, his eyes wandering from her. Silence enveloped the space, and Elowen clung to each breath. She shuffled closer to him, trembling with desire.

His gaze flickered back to her. "Very well." He leaned near her, his maw grazing her forehead. "Tomorrow, we'll use this staff and clear the impurities from our realm. Then, we'll travel to the core of the Unseelie. The Summer Court is beginning imminently, and our presence won't be surprising. It'll give us time to request a discreet audience. The question remains whether our sovereign will be moved by the situation of the Brytonians."

"Thank you." Elowen wrapped her arms around him, delight fluttering in her chest. His mouth opened, and their tongues collided in a sensuous ballet. His palms clasped her waist, and she softened, touching every contour of his form. "I'll discover a method to persuade her."

"Hmmm." Thalion lifted her to his lap. "Now, what were you discussing earlier?"

The straps on her breasts pinched her, her nipples hardened from excitement. Pleasure and affection curled in her heart. "You were going to show me that I couldn't defeat you."

"Right." His hands tightened around her hips and Elowen let out a shaky gasp. "What if I instructed you to bend over the bed?"

She dropped her eyelids, meeting his gaze from the corner of her gaze. "Make me."


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