Celebrity Sex Stories

Chapter 4: The Scavenger Hunt

Aiming for the public area.

May 2, 2024
33 min read
lacitravispublicbethtaylorThe Scavenger Hunt Ch. 04gymexhibitionistalley
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 04
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 04

Chapter 4: The Scavenger Hunt

Grand thanks to my editor, samuraisan. We came to a disagreement regarding comma placement, therefore if you spot a couple out of place here, blame me, not him. (He's going to have an issue with that last sentence.) Throughout 2017 until now, he's been a pillar of assistance in... well, almost everything I've published, and an abundance of unpublished drafts on my PC. Additionally, I extend my appreciation to thatsbogus, whose gentle prodding and inspiration assisted in my return to playing the game. He's also a writer for this site - check him out and read all his works. It'll be worth your time.


Chapter 4 - The Scavenger Hunt

Fraternity Brothers--

Lexi Briggs, Motor Skills & Movement, Objective 7. One Thursday morning, while teaching a swimming course in the pool.


I hit the "Send" button a few hours following my departure from the pool, but received no response until the succeeding morning. It showed up while I was partially conscious and barely paying attention during a repetitive lecture on human anatomy. With so much close-up anatomical work recently, I could likely teach the class.

Pledge Headquarters--

The swimming lesson isn't yours. Hence, it doesn't meet the criteria.


Brief and to the point - also mistaken. I retaliated right away.

Fraternity Brothers--

Reread the task message. Objective 7 dictates "Sex during a lecture." It doesn't necessitate that it must be one of my lectures.


It took a while for a reaction, so I spent around thirty minutes idly watching the clock, then noticed the inbox section on my email turning bold.

Pledge Headquarters--

We recognize you had good intentions. In light of your encounter meeting the legal criteria, we'll allow it to count for Objective 7 and your Motor Skills class (once confirmed).


I reveled in my minor triumph for just a few seconds, but the fire alarm rose its ear- splitting cry a few minutes later.

"Please, everyone, leave the room calmly and abandon any personal belongings," the lecture's owner pleaded, seeming to be as frustrated by the interruption as the students were thrilled. Being too fond of this professor, I resisted the temptation to laugh aloud, but I still rolled my eyes. If there were an actual fire and we were in this third-story classroom, many of us would be doomed, since scarcely anyone left their possessions behind. Even those with laptops hurriedly stowed their machinery and notebooks before heading down the stairs. It was only ten minutes before the conclusion of the class.

Herds of students dashed down the staircase. There I was, about to enter the second-floor landing, when an excessive mass careened into me. Laci Daniels, one of my classmates and part of the CAU dance group, careened into me unexpectedly.

"What the--" all I could manage, busy ensuring that neither she nor I hit the floor and suffered the consequence of being crushed by a herd of panic-stricken students. Laci's collision hadn't been deliberate; she was fuming at somebody else.

"You act like such a moron, Mike," she fumed. A football player was partway down the stairs already.

"Was he performing a simulation of actions you'd take in a fire emergency, Laci?" I queried. I kept hold of her while using my other arm to support myself against the wall. She flashed a brief grin at my sarcastic remark.

"He began waving his arms around like an idiot, jesting about how he'd tackle the situation if this were a genuine fire," she divulged. The audience responded with chuckles, and some insults from below, particularly Mike and his teammates. After the crowd had left, I released her. In all fairness, she might've left, but she didn't.

"Thanks for cushioning my landing," she inhaled. "Did you sustain any harm?"

"Nah, no bruises worth mentioning," I said. "Quick reflexes kept me unscathed. It's a relief you're so lightweight, or we'd have ended up in a heap." Online writing tutor would be delighted to assist you with any paraphrasing needs. This is my own interpretation of the given story using simple language, informal tone, and employs storytelling techniques to make the text more engaging.

Laci was roughly 5 foot 3 inches tall and weighed 100 pounds as she lounged in a swimming pool. She had dark, curly hair and wore an excessive amount of makeup at the time. We had attended a couple of classes together in the previous semester and were currently enrolled in another one. I had spoken to her several times, and she had been my lab partner once or twice. She seemed pleasant and entertaining, but I never thought about approaching her.

Instead, she decided to make the first move by attempting to check out my package. Although the area wasn't particularly exciting when she initially touched it, it had become fully alert by the time she released it.

"Nice," she murmured. "You'll let me repay you for serving as my crash pad sometime soon."

"I will," I responded, observing with a smirk as she descended the stairs. I hadn't even considered my next objective for my pledge duty yet, but it seemed to have other plans in mind.

The next day happened to be Saturday, which meant my picnic date with Beth. I had told her that she could invite Taylor, but the baseball and softball schedules didn't coincide on this weekend - we were off but the softball team was playing in Georgia.

Therefore, it was only Beth and I, enjoying lunch on a picnic blanket in a city park, indulging in a basket of homemade fried chicken and drinking cheap wine from a bottle. I wished for a little more warmth from the weather, as Beth's outfit contained a white tank top that showcased her toned, smooth skin. If it had still been in the mid-forties, she would have worn more clothing, making it a travesty.

We had chatted casually during our walk from the car to our picnic spot, but once she brought out the food, my attention was solely focused on it. As I relished the taste of her chicken, I couldn't help but express my gratitude. "Thank you," I told her after swallowing a bite. "I don't think I've tasted more delicious fried chicken since... well, I have no choice but to say my grandma's is as good because she can hear me in North Carolina."

She smiled and chuckled, showing off her perfect teeth.

"Thoughtful man," she responded. "It's actually my mom's recipe. I'm still working on perfecting it."

"You've already perfected it," I declared. "It's simply incredible."

"I was considering preparing your favorite banana pudding for you," she mentioned.

"Really?" I inquired. "Consider it done. I would even run a few extra miles in the morning just to deserve it."

"I'm sure you'd enjoy it, but I only invited you to like me," she revealed. "I didn't want to propose to you yet."

I let out a hearty laugh at her response. "How do you manage to cook so well while looking this fantastic?"

"I take part in marathons," she shared. "I ran one in Atlanta last month, and I'm aiming to participate in another one in Charlotte in the fall."

I nodded in acknowledgment. After packing up the leftover food, we were left with just the wine bottle on the blanket. We curled up next to each other, laying on the blanket while gazing at the sky.

"Beth, you can make me laugh effortlessly," I remarked. "You own a vehicle yet still opt to run 26.2 miles, making you a tad crazy. You're capable of outshining Colonel Sanders and the Popeyes lady. And you're gorgeous beyond measure. Last but not least, you're promiscuous and undiscreet when having sex. Is there anything else I should be aware?"

Her laughter was melodic and captivating. My preferred sound in the world was the sound of a wooden bat hitting a baseball, but her laughter was rapidly catching up.

"Here's something you might want to know," she offered. "I'm an Aquarius, my turn-ons include confident individuals and tall, handsome men. And, I delight in going for strolls on the beach."

I chuckled at her phrasing since she seemed to be referencing either Playboy or beauty pageants, given how she would excel in either field.

"Alright," I responded. "So, happy later birthday. I'm a Marine, a baseball player, and a 25-year-old guy on a college campus, which means I've got no issue with self-confidence. I'm 6-foot-1, slightly tall, and I can get that golden tan in summers. You'll need to determine for yourself if I'm handsome, but you're here, so that checks a box for me. And wouldn't you know it, there's a beach nearby. Fancy a walk over there?"

Her hand found its way into mine. The warmth of her fingers interlocked with mine, fitting like they were made for each other.

"Maybe next time," she said, and I was overjoyed that she wanted to see me again. This was a strange feeling for me since I usually choose when or if 'next time' happened.

She had her head resting against mine now, her hair spread out beneath it. Those beautiful eyes of hers were closed, and her lips grinned just slightly. She was breathing deeply before expelling it through her nose.

"You pulled it off, y'know," I mentioned.

"Huh?" she inquired.

"The chicken," I continued. "It worked. I do like you."

She smiled and her lovely hazel eyes opened just in time to see my lips meet hers. Initially, I only grazed hers with mine, but when she reciprocated, I moved in a bit further. I gently slid her lower lip into my mouth, relishing the taste of her skin. She'd decided to put on some watermelon-flavored lip gloss after we finished eating, and I couldn't get enough of it.

We remained locked in a kiss for a while longer before I broke away. She turned onto her side and lightly pushed me onto my back before laying her head on my shoulder.

"So, are you simply another victim to my advances, Travis?" she questioned into my shirt. "I know we had a laugh about it previously, but could you assure me this isn't just you trying to bed another hot bi girl?"

"When I invited you out before, I wasn't completely sure," I said. "I understood I felt differently about you than I have about other girls in the past. These past few days, I've had a hard time forgetting you. But coming here today, I feel confident that this is more than just sexual attraction."

I trailed off in an attempt to gather my thoughts.

"I'll say that for now, and I don't have a set label for what this could be, but it's different, and I'm going to ride it out."

"Are you really being honest here?" she asked, now looking up into my eyes.

"I've always maintained honesty when it comes to this subject," I noted. "If something wasn't there for me, I wouldn't pretend. There have been instances where I realized the girl wanted more while we were in the middle of it, and so I ended it right there. I want to stress that I never lied to her."

"I know... She told me," she answered.

"That first night, I told her it was merely for sex," I shared. "Charleston had me back shortly thereafter, and I decided to call her up and see if she'd be down for a one night stand. She was thrilled to have me back, but then quickly suggested we try a long-distance relationship. I clarified I wasn't into relationships, and she respected that choice. I appreciate her not holding any negative feelings towards me."

Her eyes took in my every word. "And Taylor... Is there more to that?"

"I should probably be asking you about your situation," I replied.

"You can, but I posed the question first," she chuckled.

I tried to gauge the waters on this delicate topic. After all, I had no idea where she stood on the issue. So, I stuck with honesty.

"I had a good time with Taylor recently," I said. "It was mind-blowing, and I'm sure she thought so, too. She seemed to be in a casual but committed relationship. She was fine with it being a one-time thing, so I reckon if both softball teams are in the same hotel, we could repeat the experience."

Her gaze never left my face. "And what about now?" [```"I have always been straightforward about this stuff," I pointed out. "If I didn't want more, I would've never pursued a relationship. If there's no opportunity for a continuous thing, I'd quite happily go for something casual. That's what I told Christine when we met up again, and she was cool with it. I hope she'll still be okay with it."

Her eyes were focused on mine. "And if it becomes more someday?"```

"There's no change here," I declared. "All that differs is that I'm attracted to someone who this particular guy has a romantic connection with. I'm interested in knowing if our bond deepens before things get more complicated between us, but if you're questioning whether their sexual relationship concerns me, the answer is no."

She beamed and nodded in response.

"I'm happy to hear it," she affirmed. I assumed the topic had shifted, but a few moments of silence passed, and she brought it up again. "You asserted that there was no likelihood of anything happening between you and Taylor. However, another inquiry."

I grasped the importance. I acknowledged I'd implied a level of affection towards Beth, and I sensed she had a similar sentiment for me. But I'd also gotten intimate with one of her close friends, Taylor, so she was concerned about any potential conflict. I attempted to maintain my assertion as strongly as possible.

"As a friend? Certainly," I responded. "As more than that? Negative. I have no emotions for Taylor."

I believed this would pacify her, but to my surprise, she frowned instead.

"But could you?" she wondered.

"Could I do what?"

"Could I develop emotions for Taylor?" she inquired. "Could I develop the same kind of emotions for her that I have for you?"

This became too much. I'd already stated I didn't have any feelings for Taylor. I wasn't confident how explicit I could be.

"Beth, what's the underlying purpose?" I inquired. "I've always been open and truthful. And I'm telling you the truth now. Your safety isn't a concern."

"I'm aware, Travis," she replied. "Let me frame it a different way. I knew you held no feelings for Taylor. It appears I was mistaken."

"Between me and you, Cena," I clarified. "Why would you think she would intentionally hurt you?"

"After a brief pause, she broke into a magnificent smile. "Just don't hesitate to kiss me again."

I sought an explanation, but I was neither a genius nor an imbecile, so I did what she desired. It was not precisely a French kiss, but our tongues did meet temporarily when I withdrew.

"What exactly is the relationship status between her and you, exactly?" I inquired.

"A discussion between the three of us would be more appropriate," she stated.

"Agreement," I replied. "I'm okay with going with the flow for now, Beth. I've always been above board. I've never lied, and I'm being honest now. There's just one rule: anyone I might connect with long-term must be equally truthful."

"I comprehend," she affirmed. "I'm not concealing anything from you. Same as always. Just wait for Taylor to return, and when she's back, we'll all have a discussion, okay?"

I concurred. We collected the picnic provisions and returned Beth to the off-campus apartment she and Taylor shared. Beth suggested I join her, but I declined, much to the confusion of both of us.

"Precisely, I wanted to... but..." I began. "Different. This is unique, so I should behave differently."

She blushed, arousing me intensely.

"I delighted in our time together today, Travis," she confessed.

"The same feeling for me," I concurred. "And I want to repeat the experience as soon as possible."

Intending to give her a light, friendly peck on the lips, Beth had other plans. She grabbed my head and firmly pulled me in for a more passionate, lips-locked embrace. Her tongue intermingled with mine, and when we separated, she was panting, and my crotch was solid as stone.

"Will you see me in class on Monday?" she questioned, clearly agitated by our tryst.

"I wouldn't miss it," I promised.


"Where's Chet tonight?" Jamar posed. I parked just a few blocks from the nightclub we planned to visit, offering Jamar, Lex, and me a walk. Normally, Chet accompanied us, but-

"He's out on a date," Lex explained.

"Truly?" Jamar wondered. This was a shock to me as well. "That young man suggested a romantic evening?"

"A bit," Lex replied. "We were chilling earlier today, I was dominating him at CoD, and there was a knock on the door. He responded, but I did most of the talking. She said she came to snatch Chet, but since I was the only one conversing with her, maybe I wanted to go instead. That certainly got him moving. I'm not sure where they went, but he messaged a while back that they were out and about."

"Hang on," Jamar queried. "Have I missed something?"

"Chet encountered one of my friends the other night after we defeated VMI," I explained. "He liked her, and she was into him too. I advised her to make the initial move."

"And she did," Lex concluded. "You're done with the situation, correct?" His gaze was now fixed on me.

"Yup," I affirmed. "It was merely a one-night thing for me. You believe Chet would be irked if he found out I reached her first?"

"Nah," Lex assured me. "I reckon he's privy to that fact already. As long as you're staying away."

"Right, right," I nodded.

We arrived at the club, where hordes of people were present. It was Saturday night, and with the favorable weather, an abundance of women were out and hardly clothed. Traditionally, the establishment had live music on weekends, but tonight there was a DJ spinning tunes and the dance floor was filled to the brim.

Jamar went to mingle on the dance floor. Lex wasn't going to join in until his girlfriend showed up, and I wasn't a huge fan of dancing to begin with, so we loitered by the bar. Some team members found us and we engaged in small talk for a sizable chunk of time. The others were imbibing heavily, however, I stuck to only one beer.

Lex's girlfriend, Anita, arrived a little past midnight. She was a tall, ebony woman from St. Lucia in the Caribbean, there on an academic scholarship. She and Lex were both computer science majors, with Lex claiming that she was the sole student in the department capable of keeping pace with him.

She'd arrived accompanied by a friend, and soon the girls led us to the dance floor and into the throng of undulating flesh. Some of the more proficient dancers managed some actual moves, while the rest of us just swayed to the beat and tried avoiding getting run over. I partnered with Anita's companion for some time, but as other guys started paying her attention, I was relieved. I began to inch my way back towards my teammates when I felt a tug on my arm.

"Hey, buddy," a somewhat intoxicated voice remarked behind me. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, hi, Laci," I replied, my mood uplifted. Laci's little black dress consisted of so little material that one could have discerned the color purely by her appearance. Her frock was so brief that, with better lighting, I may have been able to ascertain if she was wearing knickers. I could perceive that she'd been dancing for some time, as strands of her dark locks were pasted to her brow and her complexion was tinged with a flush. Some of that could have been the alcohol.

I allowed myself to be dragged back on the floor by Laci, but since she was in this state, that's precisely where I wanted to be. "Run into our football players tonight?"

She bristled at my comment. "Fuck them," she said.

"Nah, I'll abstain," I replied. "You've got a better proposition?"

She sparked a grin in my direction. "Maaaybe..."

We danced together, and by danced, I imply that we obeyed the rhythmic patterns imparted by the music. It could be sensual at times. She'd disappear into the music for a few seconds, fusing her body against mine with her eyes shut and a slightly smirking expression on her lips. Occasionally, it transformed into a far dirtier affair, she'd turn towards me and arch her back, swaying her exquisite ass against my crotch.

During the last song, Laci danced as close to me as she could without having her legs wrapped around my waist. Some of the time, she'd rub her waist against my penis, and I could sense the heat from her pussy against my upper thigh, and other occasions, she'd only massage my member while we danced. I wasn't timid either - when she wasn't making it apparent that she'd forsaken her bra, my hands were firmly massaging and kneading her ass.

Following our improvised act of Dirty Dancing for approximately thirty minutes, Laci drew me away from the dance floor and toward the bar area. I initially believed her intention was to obtain another drink, but her determination led her past the bar and through a door, uncovering the open kitchen behind it. Before anyone managed to spot us, she incrementally advanced all the way to the alley.

"Laci, what are you doing?" I asked, puzzled.

"Shush... I owe you a 'thank you,' remember?" She eagerly said this, going on to push me along with the other door, leading us into the alley.

Their kiss quickly commenced after she hushed me, their tongues swirling about in each other's mouths. Their lips touched for a fleeting moment, enough to taste the shared combination of Jose Cuervo and Captain Morgan strewn about. Her hand delved into my shorts, swiping across my cock within my boxers. Laci peeled off from the kiss and shoved me against a wall in the alley.

"Looks like someone's about to pay you back," she breathily exclaimed, licking her lips. She stepped nearer to me, unzipping my shorts in the process. My cock sprang forth upon release.

This dogged Laci, who then eagerly narrowed her eyes and delved her tongue down to my scrotum. Wiggling her tongue across my sac, she subsequently headed back up. Following this, Laci sucked half of my cock into her mouth.

"Mmm," she mewed, emitting a humming noise around my penis. To my astonishment, she inquired, "You like that, don't you?" right before returning to the deed.

Laci's haste was subpar, I assumed due to the effects of the alcohol. Given this, considering the passion she showered upon me, I dutifully forgave her for her inexperience. Outwardly panting, she then darted her tongue down my cock. Laci's eyes met mine, illuminated by the dim lighting in the alley. As she dove back and swallowed the remaining half of my cock, she leaned further into my embrace, tongue sliding between my legs under her left arm.

"I'll help you with that," I mumbled, abruptly ending the episode.

In the Billy Elliot-like pose she held, her lustful bottom was conspicuous. I tore off my top layer and handed it to her. She stuffed the shirt under her knees for a smoother kneeling surface. Diagonal to the initial position, her energy conveyed an air of virulent hunger. With glossy eyes fixated upon me, Laci held her head high as she dived after my cock once more.

A nearly transparent dress displayed a bewitching display of her bust. Thinking about those breasts dimpled in response to my cock heightened my arousal. Bolstered by the idea, my climax gripped me.

"I'm about to cum, Laci," I stated, unfazed by potential escorts.

"Mmmmm," she murmured before returning her attention to my cock, though handed me ultimate control through not pulling away.

"FUCK!" I roared, thrown into a fit after experiencing an ecstatic moment. Bringing my fingers through her hair, Laci experienced the satiating outcome of a pandemic-induced liaison.

Laci leaped off of me post-orgasm, spinning around to greet me.

"Your turn," I said, swinging her around to face me. My free hand first landed on her chest, pulling and mashing her breasts together. My hand then shifted between her legs. She sported underwear, but it was a buff thong that was simply pushed to the side.

"Oh, fuck," she moaned, desperation evident in her tone.

"Not enough time for that," I said, deciding against indulging too much with any fervor before engaging her.

I sought out her nipple, pinching and squeezing it with my fingers. Meanwhile, a sensation of bliss overfilled my mind as I slid a finger down between her legs. Assuming she would rim her cunt, instead, I maintained position over her as I rubbed her left breast like putty. Her reaction was instantaneous, releasing a primal cry:


Hearing this demand, I decided to seize any extended moments left at hand. I stopped moving my fingers, but added an extra amount of pressure to her breast. My mouth sought out her left ear, biting the lobe on the way down.

As her moans increased, a form loomed in the distance.

"What's going on out there?" a deep voice demanded. I endured a moment of petrification, immobilized, as the enormous frame of a bouncer appeared in the vicinity. With great dismay, I recognized him as a barrier standing in front of Laci's naked body.

"Having a bit of fun with my girlfriend," I attempted to reassure to him, maintaining a facade while countering his keen gaze with a comfy vibe. Then I approached fingering her again, but gentler this time.

With each step forward, it became increasingly evident that this was someone I'd rather not cross paths with. Standing approximately 6-2 or 6-3, he was noticeably taller than myself, while packing a punch with a 100-pound weight advantage. His muscular build made it clear that he frequently worked out at the local Gold's Gym.

I made a last-ditch effort to soften the tension between us, suggesting, "I suppose it's important to note that we're not actually copulating."

A faint purr preceded Laci's response, my first indication that she was aware of our unintended audience. "Please, I'm so near," she pleaded.

I attempted to steer the situation in a more diplomatic direction. "Come on, buddy," I said. "What's the harm? Nobody else is around, and I can promise you I'll be done in less than a minute."

The tension relaxed slightly from his steely expression. "You're saying I can turn my back and ensure no other spectators join us?"

Laci took over, her voice quivering with anticipation. "Or, you could join in," she invited.

He gave it some thought. "Having him participate would...well, it'd be off-limits." She continued to gaze at me, pressing her body against mine as I nested my hand between her legs.

A moment of indecision crossed his face. "Would you still join me if I turned my back?"

"Always," I replied, my hand dancing over her sensitive flesh.

The five-second silence that ensued barely gave him enough time to disrupt our mating. He remained rooted in his spot, watching Laci intently until she was ready to receive her cum. Her legs wrapped themselves around my hand, thrusting her breathless mouth open, emitting a string of expletives halted only by his hand covering it.

Considering he didn't help but didn't exactly demand we vacate the premises, I busied myself with my goal once more. Her breaths grew coarser as I grappled with her vulnerable spot, swiveling my hand beneath and vigorously stroking her erogenous zones.

"HOLY SHIT!!!!" she cried out once the trembling sensation wrapped itself around her. He didn't hesitate to snatch her words with his hand.

As she quivered in my arms, he supervised to ensure no other bystanders intruded upon our personal moment. Her chills abated, allowing me to release her from my grip.

"Were you two actually going to fuck right here?"

"I would've liked to," I admitted. "But considering the viewer, it wouldn't be appropriate for the task."

He shook his head while grinning. "You pushed your luck quite far."

"I suppose," he said, checking we were fully engaged before directing us back to the bar.

At the doorstep, I extended my hand for a fist bump. "You really handed that one well."

"Checked my discretion off the list," he said pridefully. Then he provided one last comment, "I'll definitely share this with my boyfriend. It'll make my nights."

Laci presented an inquisitive look, but she couldn't resist joining in. "You should've tried it, tiger. I could've turned you away from your eventual choice."

"I considered it," he admitted, before exiting. My eyes followed him out of the alley.

Laci and I stepped back into the bar, stealing glances at each other once more. "I'd have..." I began to say as we took our seats, before being interrupted by her, "I know you would have."

My next stop was the frat house. A week had passed since the earlier disturbance, and I was looking forward to sharing my satisfaction with the frat.

I contacted my bashful buddies.

Frat Friends-

The objective 6 location hasn't been determined -- it's stated in the task email that it'll be announced later in the semester through an email. I have a potential candidate in mind, so could you tell me where you'd like to perform it?


My pursuits, both maintenance-related and academic, were on hold for a response. My e-mail remained checked with every 10-minute gap in time. However, as the back of my skull met the pillow that evening, the wait continued.

Concluding my coursework for the imminent road trip, my frantic request lingered unanswered even as I napped. I cautiously checked my e-mail on that night, the same response avoiding me once again.

The next morning in Motor Skills, I tried to get details from Lexi about her weekend with Chet, but she just said 'we had fun.' I thought for sure her 'fun' had something to do with the bedroom. If Vegas had been betting on who would have sex next after our locker-room encounter the week before, I would've bet everything I had on me, but now I'd be a pauper. At least there was no awkwardness between us - we still flirted and brought up our little night together when planning lessons for our swim sessions.

Soccer coaching class was more exciting because I had two women to flirt with instead of just one. I had no idea what was going on between Beth and Taylor, and neither minded if I openly flirted with both. I toned it down a bit with Taylor - since Beth was worried about my past with Taylor, another casual hookup could be dangerous for anything I might have with her. With Beth, on the other hand, I was more open and suggestive than usual. Both women joked about it with each other and with me.

We agreed to meet for lunch after our Wednesday session - I assume someone would tell me what I was getting myself into at that point. Then we each went our separate ways - Taylor headed to the gym for a workout, Beth went to a study group for a different class, and I went to meet with my advisor in the Physical Education office about some credits from my days in the military. It didn't take long, and I was on my way out when a hand grabbed my arm.

"Hey, J.D.," I said. "What's up, dude?"

"Not much," he answered. "Haven't seen you around much lately." J.D. King was a professor in the department but never taught any of my classes. I knew him as the building manager - the building had all the indoor basketball courts and on-campus gyms where I played pick-up hoops before baseball practice began. He was usually around when I and my team came in to lift additional weights after practice.

"Yep, not been around in the last couple days," I replied. "Just lots of intramural stuff going on, right?"

"Yep, that's right," he said. "We have baseball, softball, and rugby indoors, but only roller hockey right now."

"Huh," said I, puzzled as to why he stopped me. "Hockey, huh? Not really my sport, be it ice or roller or field."

"I guess," he said. "I just wanted to let you know. The tournament is tomorrow night, and we're running it until late; I think the last game starts at 11."

"Okay," I said, puzzled. Why was he telling me this? We weren't exactly friends.

"So you can stop by," he said, looking right at me. I guessed what he meant when some lightbulb turned on in my head. We'd been talking about hanging out with a friend, and he remembered my email about needing a place.

"Oh, thank you," I said, still confused. "I appreciate the tip."

"Sure," he answered and walked away. I considered asking him who'd told him all this, but remember the instructions not to ask questions.

If I had any doubt about what he'd just said, checking my email confirmed it. There was only one new message:

Pledge Temple

Enjoy yourself.


I showed up at the gym around 10:30 the next evening, snagging a spot near the entrance on the higher level of the bleachers. I was aiming to stay as distant from all the commotion as possible, and I was delighted by the arrangement—there was a lesser chance of getting sprayed by blood that way.

They'd laid out a plastic tiled surface to cover the court, and fellows were zipping to and fro, pretending to pursue a plastic puck yet primarily just bumping into each other when the opportunity arose. There was a ref, but he was so consumed with saving himself that he could not engage in any actual officiating. An athletic trainer was required to be present at all intramural events to satisfy the lawyers, but in this scenario, I hoped they had an ambulance on hand, maybe a couple of EMTs, and even a priest.

I ceased noticing when Laci entered. She was sporting a windbreaker and leggings emblazoned with the CAU dance team logo, but I knew what lay beneath. The other times I'd encountered her saw her dressed up and adorned with copious makeup, but feeling her tonight, all washed and with damp hair, I pondered why she bothered. She was quite alluring as-is, but tonight, she was downright sexually attractive.

She halted and observed the field action for several moments, then with a slight shake of her head, she retired her focus on the bleachers, where she identified me. She'd reddened a trifle when she saw me that morning in class, but tonight she was overflowing with self-assurance, stalking toward me with clearness and purpose. I hadn't given her specifics of my scheme; after class, I had merely disclosed that if she desired additional entertainment, to join me here tonight. She had concurred with a massive grin, and based on the glow on her visage, she realized what I had in store.

"So, your secret's been betrayed, correct?" Laci inquired, settling beside me. "You contend that I'm somewhat peculiar?"

"You kindly disclosed it, so I could not deny it," I replied, grinning. "My gratitude isn't being begrudged. We both enjoyed the prior encounter, no?"

"Oh, definitely," she responded. "You were spectacular; I merely wish..."

"... we had been able to culminate there?"

"Yes, precisely," she confessed. "I've always craved to provide a blowjob in that bar. But whenever I've strove for that, I either lost my bravery or the chap was excessively timid to allow it. You permitted me, not just that, but you also brought me to climax, too. Even though I go for exhibitionism, I'd rather not get expelled from school."

"I think we'll be O.K. here," I retorted. "You're not distressed about a spectatorship, are you?"

"Not intoxicated anymore," she reiterated, leaning over to kiss me. She lacked lip gloss this time, making her lips even more delightful than before. "Would getting caught be troubling for you?"

"Id didn't assume you cared, but you seemed less anxious about it the other night."

"I was inebriated," she remarked. "I'm still not so concerned, but I'd avoid expulsion."

"We'll likely be Ok," I reaffirmed. "However, I cannot promise no one shall notice us."

She leaned in for another kiss, and this time, I pulled her onto my lap. There were not many spectators to commence with, and the great majority of them were residing lower level closer to the rail and at a considerable distance off to our left. However, I possessed a towering hard-on, which was due to her sitting on my knee, and moreover, the supposition that someone might perceive us prompted a powerful reaction in me, as well.

"Your outfit is excessive," I noted.

"Necessary to stroll down from the dorms," she retorted. "It's cooling outside, but warming up rather quickly."

Having set her outerwear to the side, she remained in a flimsy yellow tank top and white tennis skirt. Her areolas standing firm against her meager breasts illustrated she wasn't wearing a bra, and I deduced an equivalent circumstance applied below the waist.

"It looks like someone came well-armed," I remarked as she sat down on my lap a second time, this time facing towards the court while her back was towards me.

"You never know when you'll find a handsome man at the gym who wants to give your mind a workout," she said suggestively.

I didn't reply. I spread her skirt out around my waist and fished my penis out through the hole in front of my shorts. She reached beneath herself and grasped it, aligning it with her vagina. Before she even inserted me, I could tell I was right - she was wet and on fire.

"Are we hooked up, without any strings?" she enquired at a somewhat awkward moment, gazing over her shoulder to ask me this. By this point in the game, we were far too deep to consider any changes in our plans. Even if I'd suggested meeting again tomorrow to discuss marriage, she probably wouldn't have been able to resist my advances.

"It depends on how you define 'long-term.' I have no classes until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, so I was considering giving your tight little body a workout until the sun rises," I replied.

She let go of my penis and slowly sank down, engulfing me within her in approximately 30 seconds. She was no virgin, but tighter than I had anticipated. I buried my face in her back and moaned, and she used her hand to suppress her scream.

"Jeez, that feels huge," she commented.

I had assumed she would leisurely rise and fall on my penis, but instead, she made use of her dancing abilities. Slowly rocking her body, the motion commenced in her toes and finished in her shoulders before returning. Her entire body appeared to be overtaken by a rolling wave. Each time the wave reached the junction between us, she slid up and down on my penis by a few inches.

It was among the most erotic sensations I'd ever experienced, but I knew we would not come from it. There was not enough motion involved - even if anyone had been observing us up close, I'm not certain they would have noticed her moving.

Yet, I didn't want her to cease and, for the next ten minutes, she didn't. I stroked the upper part of her back and admired the way her skin rippled with each movement. Even while maintaining a static position, I could discern the grace and balance of a ballet dancer.

"This is absolutely magnificent, Laci," I whispered into her ear.

"It is," she moaned back. "However, I want you to fuck me now," she said, leaning forward and placing her palms on her knees, which released some of her weight from me. It was sufficient for me to thrust up into her, and the first time I reached the bottom, she cried out.

"Be careful," I said. The hockey players were making sufficient noise to cover for us, but only if we maintained a conversational level. I continued to push into her, and with both her hands occupied, I was astounded that she did not cry out again. She managed to keep things quiet, but when she glanced at me, I could see the desperate desire in her eyes for a vocal outlet - she needed to scream. I understood her sentiments - her pussy was doing wondrous things to my penis, and I desired to express my pleasure as well.

In my peripheral vision, I noticed the game's clock ticking down. There were only 25 seconds left in the half, and I had an idea.

"The clock, the referee's whistle, the clock," I said. She looked back at me, noticing the clock's countdown. I increased my rhythm as the numbers fell, and when it dipped below five seconds, I began thrusting up into her as powerfully as possible. The moment the clock struck zero, I felt her scream through my penis - yet I could barely hear her due to the horn and the scoreboard buzzing. No one glanced in our direction, and I stopped thrusting as she slumped back down.

"Did you orgasm?" I inquired in a whisper.

"Just a tiny mini-orgasm," she said. "But I need way more pleasure."

"Give them a minute to start playing again," I suggested. It took about a minute, and the game resumed, restoring the noise level to its previous state.

"I'm going to rotate around," she declared, getting up from my lap and sitting back down before anyone could look up and see my still-wet penis waving obscenely in the air. We kissed passionately, and she gripped my penis and rubbed it over her clitoris several times, groaning into my mouth each time.

"Laci, if someone glances up here, it will be painfully obvious what's going on," I warned.

"Same as before," she muttered.

"Nah, I'm not buying that," I replied. "Previously, there were indications that you were viewing the game. Distantly, it would've resembled a girlfriend sitting on her boyfriend's lap, attempting to enhance her viewing angle. Isn't there another interpretation for this?"

She response was "I don't care" while she resumed impaling herself on my penis. With my shaft embedded inside her tight vagina, I wasn't particularly interested in engaging in an argument anymore. She commenced riding my penis, and while her actions weren't notably ostentatious, she was evidently moving, in contrast to her covert maneuvers earlier on. I could keep her tranquil by using the combination of my tongue and hand, but if someone glanced up here, we would undoubtedly be in for serious trouble.

One glance at her expression though, confirmed that she couldn't care less about the possible consequences. Consequently, there was only one option at hand: to complete it as swiftly as feasible.

"That's okay, kinky little harlot," I mumbled into her ear. Her hazel eyes sparkled at my words, and her face gained a blush. "If you'd prefer to be a prostitute and gangbang me in front of the entire college, fine. Fuck me. Accelerate that tight immoral pussy up and down on my cock."

If I didn't maintain a rapport with this particular woman previously, engaging in name-calling can be a risk. The expression of being addressed depravedly, and actually hearing it from a man's mouth, possess two distinct differences.

Still, I didn't believe Laci would be distressed, and upon a moment's hesitation, her smile enlarged noticeably before she deposited her head back onto my shoulder. I did absorb this as a signal to continue, and drawing from my paltry knowledge of her sexual proclivities, I shoved as forcefully as I could.

"That's it, Laci," I declared. "I wager you yearn for individuals to notice us. You desire all those college students to suspend their amusements and scrutinize the depraved woman riding a man in the premium stands. Don't you?"

I pulled on her hair gently enough for her to pivot and gaze into my eyes. She nodded and incoherently uttered something that sounded like endorsement.

"I reckon one of them could descend here, and she could plunk her breasts on your face, as I hammered your pussy from behind," I disclosed.

Remarkably, she hadn't an idea whether she had interest in women or not; however, my words were discharged rapidly.

"Not just her breasts. She could crouch in front of you, and you could lick her pussy while I rammed yours incessantly. Right?"

Evidently, she loved it, as she fervently kissed me and groaned as soon as my tongue broke through her lips. I embraced both her breasts, and by appraising her reaction, I surmised that she was intrigued. Her pace accelerated unconsciously, abolishing any semblance of feigning undertakings. My sole fear was the revealing skirt that may have been obstructing prying eyes from viewing the action.

"Maybe you also imbibe in lesbianism," I inquired. "Weeks of mingling in the locker room with your cheerleading squad treasured women, I'll be surprised if you haven't fantasized in the process. Perhaps one of the hockey players' girlfriends can ascend here, and she can shove her tits in your face instead."

After an inexplicable amount of angry glares at me, her smile reinforced. "I bet you desired it."

"I did," I conceded. "So consumed was I in fabricating seductive imaginations in your mind."

"That was remarkably arousing," she chirped. "I'm not even into women, but by the end, I wished nothing more than to lick a female's pussy."

"That was the plan," I shared. She began rotating her hips on my still-throbbing cock, although I believed our actions were risky enough.

"Not here," I insisted, picking her up and postponing her on my flies. She was still perched on my knees, thus concealing my endeavor to insert my cock back into my shorts.

"Aw," she objected. "I was playing with that."

"I said not here," I explained. "I didn't say not in this edifice. There's a lavatory in the proximity accessible right in the hallway."

She sent me a familiar hint with her eyes, making it seem even hotter since I'd just completed the act - and immediately got up, gathered her outer garments, and walked down the steps. The wet spots on my crotch were evident, but I didn't care. I waited for her to leave before I stood up to follow.

I double-checked to make sure no one around had noticed. Despite how absurd it may seem, it seemed -

Hold up.

I caught her staring at me from across the gym. She was down in the lower tiers of seats, a few rows behind the team benches. I initially thought she must be a player's girlfriend, but when I examined her more closely, I realized that wasn't the situation. This girl was staring at me, even when I locked eyes with her, and I knew exactly whose girlfriend she was:

My fraternity's president.

A plethora of questions arose in my mind - what was Jamie doing here, to start with - and I briefly wondered if I'd just fucked this up. I didn't know what to do, but then she really threw me for a loop:

She gave me a thumbs-up sign from across the gym.

Wait. What?

I felt a tad confused, disregarded my position, and gave her a little wave. I left the area. Since our fraternity said not to inquire, I assumed that included the president's girlfriend. My erection was anxious for action, and there was a girl within fifty feet who was happy to give it a softer, more enjoyable alternative.

At the restroom, Laci was leaning over the sink with her skirt raised above her waist. I quickly ditched my shorts and underwear.

"What took so long?" she inquired. "I was starting to think you'd lost interest."

"Not a chance," I responded, slipping behind her and inserting two fingers into her moist pussy.

"Did they see us outside, ya know?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I think she saw us," I answered. But Laci flashed me a thumbs-up, which I found reassuring.

Between those words, I removed my fingers and replaced them with my penis, thrusting in her with force.

"MORE THAN OK!! FUCK!!" Laci yelled. Thankfully, most of the crowd was on the 1st floor. "Sorry," she whispered, embarrassed.

"No worries," I said. "I'm not going to last long, so feel free to scream as much as you want because I'm cumming any second."

"Fuck, yes. Fuck my pussy. Since I've been doing all the work thus far, now take me."

I held her hips and hustled into her, ramming all six inches inside with one stroke.

"Fuck. Yes," she chanted between each stroke. "Smack. My. Fucking. Ass. Please."

Please? Maur! I hit her ass using all my strength, leaving both cheeks bright red.

My time didn't last long. Laci began bucking her ass back towards me as her arms and shoulders tightened. As she soaked me, I prepared for my climax.

"Cumming!" I announced. Pulling out and releasing my load, the first drop fell on her little pink anus. But she grabbed my cock before I was done, splashing the rest onto her upper body, her chest, and her tank top that she had raised. My climax persisted for more than thirty seconds, and when I finished, she slumped down.

"Holy shit!" she cried. "I feel like it was more than before!"

"I've been worked up for an hour now," I admitted, having trouble breathing fully.

We cleaned up together, then walked down the cold corridors. The game had ended, and not too many people populated the bottom level, but Jamie wasn't among them.

"So, was the line about wearing you out until morning just a boast?" Laci questioned when we reached her room.

"You said walking to the gym was a stretch," I answered, pointing at her dorm's tower.

She nodded.

"Let's go," I said. We didn't make it back to her dorm room. Partway up the hill, I pushed her against the metal fence, and stuck my tongue in her naked pussy until she coated me with her juices. We did make it back to her dorm, but the door had only been closed for a minute before she had my pants at my ankles again, giving me another amazing blowjob from the previous weekend.

Her preferred position was doggy-style, so we went with that on her bed. I wanted to check her flexibility, so she bent over and held her legs behind her head as I thrust into her on her roommate's bed. She perched on the edge of her desk and I fucked her while standing up. She bounced on me both from the front and back in front of her closet, and she had two more orgasms. The evening came to a close back on her bed, where I fucked her in the missionary position for over 15 minutes until I ejaculated all over her pussy and thighs.

She was unconscious when I departed. We hadn't quite reached sunrise, but it dawned shortly after I returned to my own bed.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de