
Chapter 5 of the Vault

Yes, she's known for being playful toward me.

May 28, 2024
13 min read
sonsisterteasingVault Ch. 05incestmom
Vault Ch. 05
Vault Ch. 05

Chapter 5 of the Vault

On day 132, during our conversation, I suggested that Lily ask the questions. She amusedly pondered what to ask and eventually inquired, "Do you enjoy being rough in bed?"

I considered her query before responding, "It depends on the woman. For Grace, I'd be gentle. Her delicacy wouldn't allow for anything more intense."

"Oh, you love her so much that you wouldn't give her pleasure through pain?" She wondered, hinting at her own desires.

"I care about you too, but in a different way," I replied.

Lily chuckled as she followed up with, "How about me? Gentle or rough?"

"Find out later," I teased, alluding to our upcoming date.

She continued, "What about Mom?"

Startled, I asked, "You mean Mom as in Mom? What do you mean?"

"When I said Grace, Emily, and Nicole are the same size, it somehow slipped out," Lily explained, appearing remorseful. "Mom is significantly larger than them."

"Let's not turn this into an incestuous exchange," I advised, trying to maintain the original intent of our conversation.

"Apologies. Then about Liam's mom... did you have something going on?"

"Yes, but I'm not comparing that to Mom. She was quite attractive and before she had Liam, was a lingerie model," I explained.

Shrugging, Lily commented, "A lot of people admired you for doing so."

"What? Because it's with older women?" I inquired, partly curious about her thoughts and partly wanting to ensure we steer clear of the Mom-related topic.

"No, I think it's just because you have experience," she replied.

"So you're not jealous? How come you're not jealous when I date other women?" I was genuinely puzzled.

"I'm not saying I'm not jealous, but it's exciting to see you with other girls. It's like I'm living vicariously through you," she elucidated.

"Wait, you're into older women?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, and especially Liam's Mom," I clarified.

"Wow," she uttered, seeming shocked. "The rumors about us seeing Liam's mom are true?"

"Well, she was single, and quite attractive. I couldn't resist," I admitted.

"Nobody questioned your choices. They just admired you," Lily assured. "That's you, I guess. Always a player with older women."

"Yes, they have specific tastes and preferences. I usually try to fulfill them, making them satisfied and ultimately achieving my own satisfaction," I shared.

"I've never heard of anything like this before," she exclaimed. "Did you ever do it in our house?"

"Several times. After my encounters, I would ensure there was no one else home," I answered.

"I see. Your house is constantly being used for sinful purposes," she remarked, slightly shocked by the information. "A lot of Mom's friends popped by?"

"I..." I hesitated before realizing I was sitting on a treasure trove of secrets. "Yeah, I bedded them. In your mom's house."

"Holy crap," she screamed, her eyes wide with shock and exasperation. "How did you manage it without Mom knowing?"

"I'd mute their moans with my hand and play loud music, ensuring there were no suspicions aroused," I replied. "Sometimes I'd even gag them gently."

"That's twisted," Lily exclaimed. "But at the same time, it's kind of hot."

"Is it? Then what about the experience with older women? Do they feel tighter around my girthier member?" Lily asked, filled with curiosity about the contrast between our combined experiences.

"Yes, but every woman has her own distinct characteristic. You wouldn't find two women identical in every way," I responded.

"What about the level of wetness?" she continued.

"Different the wetness. Some women are wetter more frequently than others. Your wetness increases as you become more aroused," I explained.

"Why am I not noticing the differences?" she pondered.

"Different women have varying degrees of tightness, too. Some are tighter than others," I expounded. "It's like you have your own method of giving a blowjob. Varying your techniques can make a big difference."

"Never saw it like that," she replied, clearly enlightened by my words. "Are you saying there's no best pussy?"

"Well, each pussy is unique. Even though their overall structure is similar, their tightness levels and how they grip your cock differ. It's all part of experiencing someone intimately," I summarized.

"Interesting. So you wouldn't name Mom's friends as the best?" Based on the conversation, it seemed Lily was starting to piece everything together.

"Mom's friends were quite skillful, if you know what I mean," I added with a smile.

"Reckon Mom'd be upset if she knew you were fucking her friends," Lily suggested.

"Then Mom should've monitored her friends more carefully," I emphatically declared, still playful with my words.

"Not all of you. Only those misbehaved ones like you," I responded.

"It's not wrong that I desire to witness you with mature ladies, right?" she questioned.

"No, there's nothing wrong with that. It pleases me immensely. I just wish Nicole and Grace would think that way too," I responded.

"Nicole seems to be your current issue. Grace is a piece of cake for you," she remarked, accompanied by a chuckle that held a hint of amusement and teasing.

"Guess I won't share with Nicole then," I said.

"Oh, you're such a smart one," she said playfully.

"Stop grinding now?" I requested as she had been rubbing her hip against my crotch for a while. "That's precisely how Grace had her first climax."

"I can't resist placing blame on you. I'm also about to reach my own climax," she teased.

"Please stop," I asked with a hint of playful dominance.

"Not until you make me come," she replied.

I repositioned myself so I was now on top. Lily struggled to shove me away, but I secured her wrists at the very moment she tried to do so. Her fight only made things more intriguing. I could sense her submitting to my grasp; her body was completely in my control.

"Now, I can do anything I wish. No one can stop me," I remarked, my voice filled with mild domination.

"I never mentioned stopping you... but I can roleplay, if that's what you prefer," she said.

"Interesting concept but not without drawbacks," I added.

"I can be hurt," she assented.

"But I don't want to," I reiterated, still bearing a fixed gaze on her face.

"Don't stare at me like that," she warned.

"What way are you implying?" I inquired.

"The manner in which you're doing so now," she clarified.

"Your desire can't be stopped if you want it this instant," I said, my voice shivering with desire.

I kissed Lily deeply. Our lips met in a passionate frenzy, triggering intense pleasure and passion between us. I felt the warmth of her body beneath me and how her lips softened as I touched them; I became addicted to her. I tempered the urge to take her right then, intending to make her first time unforgettable and allow her to live her fantasies. She had something in mind to executes on our date night.

"Do you desire me to remain here until breakfast?" she asked, eyes shining with mischief.

"At least until then," I replied.

Abruptly, my phone rang, disrupting our intimate moment. It was Mom's call. I felt a pang of aggravation. Preeeeeettyyyy breakfast time? I longed to hold onto Lily for at least one more full hour. Reluctantly, I left her, rising to share the intimate connection we'd just created.

"Sorry, Lily. Breakfast, you see," I said, regretfully.

"Next time, then," she responded, flashing a wink while adjusting her ruined hair.

"Alright, don't keep your mother waiting," I sighed, stepping away from her alluring presence.

"Hey, Mom," I said cheerfully, obeying her instruction to put my phone on speaker.

"Good morning, sweetheart, finally awake?" she teased playfully.

"Yup, just waking up," I replied with a laugh.

"Sleeping for a long time, eh? Guess it was a fantastic evening," she teased yet further.

Lily giggled softly. She quickly cupped her hand over her mouth to silence her laughter. Her eyes gleamed with mischief as we listened to Mom's teasing.

I also couldn't contain my laughter. "Late-night catchup, Ma," I joked.

"Perhaps, dearie. But don't ignore your special someone. She might come to the conclusion you're running away from her," Mom teased.

"Don't worry, Mama," I said to assure her.

"Do ensure you behave yourself," she advised before we rang off, leaving me contemplating if Mom had wished me well for my rendezvous with Lily.

"Honestly, I've never experienced Mom act this playfully before," Lily observed.

"Always playful, even with me," I confirmed. "She enjoys teasing me, particularly about my love interests. She set me up with a friend's daughter following my first breakup. It aided me in moving on. Why are you inquiring?"

"Simply curious about how you interact with your mom," Lily observed.

"Yup, ever since I was young, she's always been like this, flirting with me," I said. "You heard that, right?"

She nodded, understanding the silent communication. "Ah, yeah, I get it."

"What's your opinion?" I questioned.

"I've got many thoughts, but I need to hear from you," she responded.

"Better save it for another occasion," I stated.

"Okay, but I can't believe that mom is so open with you," she said.

"After dealing with you three ladies, she needs someone to add some amusement to her life," I said jokingly.

"You two definitely seem to be bringing the fun," she stated. "By the way, I forgot to ask. Who gave you 'the talk?' Mom or Dad?"

"No doubt, it was Mom," I confirmed with a chuckle. "Dad's not much of a talker when it comes to that stuff."

"Did Mom want to give you the talk, or did Dad force it?" Lily wondered.

"You'll be happy to know that I also questioned Mom about this. Actually, she was the one who wanted to give me the talk, and Dad was fine with that," I told her.

"Wow. Dad allowed Mom to do it even though you're the only son. Dad must be looking for an excuse before Mom even started," she concluded.

"I think it would've been weird if Dad did it," I authenticated. "We did talk about girls together, but having a sex talk, no way."

"And now, it turns out Mom is more open with you than us," Lily reflected with a raised eyebrow.

"I think she loves me more than any of you," I jokingly suggested.

"Well, she did give you 'the talk,'" Lily acknowledged. "But how is it?"

"I already knew the material, but she insisted I needed to hear it from her," I shrugged.

"Maybe she foresaw you becoming a lady's man," Lily joked. "Yet, she gave you the talk despite you knowing everything?"

"Exactly. Isn't it significant for you?" I questioned her.

Lily shrugged once more. "Not really. It's just intriguing to envision Mom having that discussion with you."

"Yeah, a little awkward, but Mom did her best to make it informative and preserve our dignity," I admitted with a smile.

"At least she cared enough to give you the talk," Lily praised.

"It's true," I acknowledged. "Perhaps she feared that I would make someone pregnant far too early, chuckled."

"So why have I never witnessed this side of you?," Lily asked.

"Which side?" I questioned in return.

"That you're a mama's boy," she inferred, grinning teasingly.

"It's because she's closer to me, and she loves me more than any of you," I contested.

Lily chuckled and countered, "Alright, keep lying to yourself."

"Do you genuinely not believe me?" I inquired.

"No, persuade me," she demanded.

"Have you ever had a drink with her or been to a party?" I questioned.

"Did she drink too? While drunk, did she ever behave strangely?" Lily queried.

"Yup, sometimes she's so wasted that she needs to call me to bring her back home," I revealed.

"Unlike the rest of us, she never had that kind of behavior when she was drunk with us," she noted with surprise.

"Why did she feel so comfortable drinking and being drunk around me?" Lily wondered.

"I have no idea, but I'm sure there's a valid reason," I responded.

"What if you took advantage of the situation?" she inquired nervously.

"Mom is my mom. I would never take advantage of her," I ensured.

"But you were drunk as well, right?" she persisted.

"Yes, I had a couple of drinks, but I had to drive us back safely," I clarified.

"So, you've never taken advantage of the situation?" she reiterated.

"No, not once, even when my mom had a wardrobe issue, and she was too inebriated to address it herself. I merely assisted her with her dress, such as adjusting her straps or zipping her up," I clarified.

"And you've never had your way with her?" she pressed.

"No, never. Just a peck on the lips, like always, never anywhere else," I insisted.

"One final question, then," she probed. "What happened when Mom encountered a clothing issue, and she was too drunk to correct it?"

"Picture this: we drove home from a lively cocktail party. I walked alongside my mother, who was dressed in a V-neckline mini dress with a plunging neckline," I explained.

"How much skin did she reveal?" Lily desired to know.

"Her breasts were partially exposed, but that's all," I shared.

"Hey, Lily, I'm talking about your mom..." I started, but she interrupted me.

"Just enjoy the moment and keep sharing," she urged me.

"Well, she's wearing a dress that kind of... shows more than usual. It's revealing half of her fantastic breasts," I replied.

"Fantastic?" she questioned.

"You don't want me to stop?" I asked.

"Nope, nope, keep going. What else did your mom wear?" she asked.

"She had on high heels too," I added.

"I've never seen her go out wearing something like that," Lily said in amazement.

"Actually, she did before, but before we were around. My dad told her not to wear such skimpy dresses because of you girls," I explained simply.

"So, why did your dad let her wear something like that this time and send you with her instead of him?" Lily asked.

"Oh, it wasn't your dad. She took me with her so no one else would know. You guys thought we were just going out and having a boring dinner," I clarified.

"Now I know you're her favorite," she admitted. "But damn, they did that right under our noses, and none of us realized it."

"Let's get up and head for breakfast," I suggested, trying to get up from the bed.

"Wait, I want you to finish the story first," she insisted, pulling me back to the bed.

"What do you want to know?" I inquired.

"I'd love to see that dress on her too. But I assume you don't have any photos to show me, right?" she hypothesized. "Tell me how she looked. Just don't give me your own opinion, okay?"

"I'd prefer not to discuss it," I said. "Let's just go out and get some food."

"Alright, fine. But first, what else can you tell me about your mom that day?" she asked.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but don't expect everything. My mom looked absolutely breathtaking in that dress. The way it hugged her curves and accentuated her figure... Let's just say it was stunning. And that neckline? It was something everyone would notice," I replied.

"I can't believe she wore a dress with a deep v-neck and had D-cup breasts exposed," Lily was surprised.

"Actually, they're DD cups," I clarified.

"What?" she asked.

"It's not a D-cup; it's a DD cup. I know because we've shopped for bras together, and I know why you wouldn't," I explained. "Because mom doesn't buy any clothes with you girls."

"That stings a little," she said.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," I said with a mischievous grin. "What else?"

"I want to hear about the malfunction part," she said with a wicked smile.

"She had a bit too much to drink that night. When I opened the car door for her, I saw a slight change in her behavior. Her demeanor was uncomfortable, so I looked at her dress. The plunging neckline had shifted, and one breast was fully visible," I paused. "So, what do you think happened next?"

"I'd definitely try to fix her dress by grabbing both her breasts for a few seconds," she said teasingly. "Just to make sure they're properly positioned."

"And why would you do that?" I inquired.

"Because they're big. Really big," she said, making a gesture to emphasize her point. "You don't like big boobs?" she asked.

"Not particularly," I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"But your neighbor, Liam's mom, had similar sized breasts, right?" she said with a sneaky grin.

"Yep, you're quite the mischievous one today, aren't you?" I said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I'm just playing along," she replied with a mischievous glint. "What happened after that?"

"Mom was sitting on the car seat's edge, and I observed her face contorting with discomfort. Without warning, she leaned forward and threw up, barely missing the door frame. I managed to prevent her from getting sick on the car," I replied.

"Her breasts were visible since one of them was still hanging out, right?" she asked.

"Yep, but only one," I said. "Then I reached for the tissue box in the car and handed it to Mom. She was too drunk to handle it herself, so I took care of it."

"Alright, you don't have to brag," she said. "So, did you ogle her the whole way back, or did you fix her dress?"

"Nah, I fixed her dress," I answered.

Oh my gosh! Then you reached out and grabs her chest, there's no way to hide her chest without touching it even if it's just one of them. She put her hand over her face in shock.

"What was I supposed to do? Mom was drunk. It was the only way to tuck it in," I defended myself. "I move my hand slowly over her dress, rearranging the fabric and making sure her decency stays intact."

"Does this happen just once?" she inquired.

"A couple of times," I told her.

"So you have handled both of her breasts then?" she wanted to know.

"Yep," I admitted. "Come on, it was just for a quick second."

"Has your beloved mother noticed that her beloved child had rubbed her breasts?" Lily joked.

"She realizes that she lost control and needed assistance, but we didn't go into the specifics of what went down," I said.

Lily smirked as she cocked an eyebrow. "Perhaps you conveniently forgot all about it so you could save the day again, is that what you're implying?"

"Will you cut it out if I say yes?" I asked.

"Nope," she replied.

"Fine," I said then paused. "Then?"

"You have to tell your mother about this and see if she's still okay with this clandestine little escapade between the two of you," she snickered uncontrollably.

"Are you trying to make Mom angry at me?" I asked.

"Maybe, but it would be more fun if I could see her reaction to it," Lily said, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll bring it up with her later. Also, it's been a long time since me and Mom have had a good conversation," I nodded in agreement. "Let's get something to eat. I'm famished."

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