lesbian sex

Chapter 5: The Corruption of Innocence: Part 8

Today is the day of group sex, will Ella be able to handle it?

May 7, 2024
16 min read
lesbiananalgrouppiss drinkingpussy lickingheterogang bangcock suckingurinationthroat fuckA Good Girl Gone Bad Ch. 05: Eight
A Good Girl Gone Bad Ch. 05: Eight
A Good Girl Gone Bad Ch. 05: Eight

Chapter 5: The Corruption of Innocence: Part 8

WARNING: This story contains descriptions of male and female urination.

David, Rian, and I cuddled up for a bit, each of the others taking turns to kiss and stroke me. The post-sex cuddling was very comforting and soothing. However, eventually, it was time for the other two guys to leave. As usual, they followed Emily's instructions unquestioningly.

She said, "Ella needs a break, you want her focused tonight, right?"

Both guys bade me goodbye. David told me, "Welcome to our group, you'll fit right in." And then they were out the door.

Emily then became all professional. "You can either hang out here and relax or go grab a drink from the kitchen. There's coffee in the pot and fresh juice in the fridge."

I decided on coffee. After taking a sip, I touched my tongue to the inside of my mouth, tasting Rian. Then Emily appeared again, wearing a robe but still naked herself. "Bring your cup with you. It's just fine."

The remaining room was filled with the humidity and fragrance of candles. And there, naked also, was Amy. The sight of her toned body caused a flood of feelings to return. Seeming to understand my thoughts, she laughed, "So I see, a glutton for punishment, eh? Maybe we can play later, but we don't want to spoil your evening. Just get in, and Em and I will take care of you."

Together, they ensured I just enjoyed the warm water for a bit, chatting casually about insignificant matters. Therefore, as my muscles relaxed, and my anus returned to its normal shape.

Then they switched to washing me, working as a team, only stopping to exchange occasional kisses with each other. I noticed how close they were. I'd come to realize not to take their squabbles too seriously. They didn't seem to either. I jotted a note to ask them both about their feelings for each other. However, primarily, I focused on the comforting touch of their fingertips.

They dried me off, then helped me into bed, with each of them lying beside me. I appeared to be very relaxed, and even a little aroused when I awoke, sometime before midday, they were still there.

I liked Amy, and, honestly, worshiped her. Though Emily had her oddities and an otherworldly quality, I found it easier to relate to her. But now, I wondered if there was something on Amy's mind.

Looking back at me, she said softly, "Let her sleep, tonight's a big night for her too. Let's go chat."

Naked and unconcerned, Amy led the way. I followed suit and sat on the L-shaped couch. Amy poured two glasses of champagne from her endless supply of Tattinger.

She seemed lost in thought, and I found myself wondering what was occupying her mind. I didn't need to, she began, "I just wanted a few minutes alone with you, you know... without Pied Piper around."

I sipped my champagne. "You mean Emily? Why do you call her that?"

Amy made a skeptical face, "Because she kinda pulls people along. Not on purpose. But she's so fixated on what she needs. She can be... I don't know... indifferent, yes. Well... possessive, in a way. Her enthusiasm... you might call it infectious. Maybe commanding, too. A bit exaggerating, but still..."

Amy observed my reaction carefully. "Do you... do you ever feel kinda dragged along by her?"

I wasn't quite sure how to respond at first. Maybe Amy had a point. She seemed determined to bring up the topic. So, she continued, "Take this morning, for example. You're really like your sister, and her group. But is it really you? I don't want this turning into some pointless argument about lesbians and bisexuals. We're all putting our love for girls out there, right? However, I've seen you with us, and... well... it seemed like something you'd do. I know you like men. So do I, from time to time. But... I just want to ensure you're certain. Having eight guys is a lot."

I didn't say anything right away, trying to organize my thoughts and formulate them into words. "I feel... I do know... that I've always been attracted to both. It's just... well... I've never met someone like you and Emily. They're so sexual and... I'm being a crazy fan-girl, I know... I was changed by the time I spent with you. But... I've realized that my fantasies don't have to stay as fantasies. You were the one who showed me they can become reality. And later is one of those fantasies. After this morning, and... well... after you fisted me... I think I'm ready for it. I want it. It's sweet of you to worry, but I'll be fine."

Amy seemed relieved and smiled, raising her glass to mine. "Good. I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries. I'm not usually this protective, but... well... I've become close to you. I don't want to see you get hurt."

Amy appeared to be grappling with some internal conflict, but then spoke softly, "It's not my place to share specifics, but... well... Emily got hurt. She experienced a lot of pain. And it was partly because she thought she could handle everything. When she couldn't, it hurt even more."

Amy fixed her gaze on me intently, probably anticipating a response. When I didn't give one, she carried on, "I don't want to see that happen to someone else."

I hugged her. "It's sweet of you to care so much, but I'm confident. I'm not going to pry about Emily, but I'm guessing you've been through a lot together. And I'm glad Emily had a friend like you in her life."

Amy seemed a bit uncomfortable and touched the tip of her lips with a finger. She then quickly headed to the kitchen and returned with paper towels for her eyes, her tone still cautious. "I do care for her, very much. I'd do anything for her. And I feel the same way, I think. She's been through too much because of misplaced love and doesn't want to be hurt again."

I looked at Amy, surprised. "Amy, there's no need to be so reserved. It's clear that you love her. It's equally clear that she loves you."

Amy began to tear up and dabbed her face with the paper towel, then returned my look with a smile. After wiping her eyes, she leaned back, composing herself. "Yes, I do love her. But she doesn't want that kind of love, rather something more casual. She's been hurt in the past."

I wondered if my input would be helpful. I opted for honesty. "Amy, it's evident that you love her. It's just as clear that she feels the same way about you. I don't care what she says, she definitely loves you."

Amy smiled at me through her tears. She then quickly left for the kitchen, where Emily was making tea, to grab some paper towels to dry her eyes.

I've never been alone with either Amy or Emily. The day went by quickly. It seemed like we transitioned from a pre-meeting light snack to lunch, and then it was suddenly time to head to the venue.

Amy had swapped her natural look for full makeup. Her elfin features were emphasized by her skillful use of brushes, her eyes sparkling. Emily, on the other hand, was makeup-free. She claimed that her makeup wouldn't last long in the heat of the action.

I chose a middle-ground. A little blush, some mascara, and a bit of eyeshadow made me feel more comfortable in their company.

I started to feel nervous again, although this time it was excitement rather than dread. Amy parked outside a store with a broken neon sign.

I was seated in the back of the car, and Amy turned to me. "Do you remember this place? It's where Emily and I shared our first kiss, about two years ago?"

Emily nodded, followed by asking with her most casual tone, "we actually did more than kiss."

I couldn't help but laugh a little, "we sure did!"

Amy tilted her eyebrows. "As usual, Em. But more importantly, how are you feeling, Ella?"

I replied that I was okay, and we exited the building. Emily and I had on light raincoats, but Amy wore a fitted dress that verged more on high fashion than strip club attire. She strutted ahead with confidence, her hips swaying in a provocative manner. Emily and I followed in tow, linked arm in arm. I couldn't help but wonder what others would think of the height difference between us.

The store was preparing to close, yet a few customers lingered. I peered questioningly at Emily, wondering if any of them were part of our group. She shook her head in response. Amy casually waved at the goth employee standing behind the counter, who gazed at her with a star-struck expression. Then she pushed open the double doors to the storage area, strode through it, and rapped on the back door.

It opened, and we could hear voices and laughter on the other side. 'Celebration, but sexier,' I thought to myself.

Amy sauntered in, her confidence evident. I recognized Rian and David from earlier. Of the remaining six, two seemed to be staring at Amy with blatant desire. I wondered if they were new. They were all dressed in white robes. Amy gracefully bowed, then exclaimed, "Good evening, everyone. Many thanks to Josh for hosting."

A man of average height and stocky build nodded in acknowledgement. "Gentlemen - and Rian - please welcome your entertainment: Emily and, for the first time, Ella."

I wished she hadn't emphasized my status as a newbie, but I supposed it had drawn them in. I mustered a weak smile and, upon Emily's prompting, I did the same.

Emily turned to me and winked. Instruction understood, we discarded our coats and stood side by side, both in black lingerie, with coordinating garter belts, sheer thigh-highs, and stilettos. We earned a round of applause, which was reassuring.

There were introductions. The men stood in a loose semicircle, and David led Emily and me around it. As expected, three of the guys were familiar faces to me. It suddenly occurred to me that all five who were ogling Amy had already had their way with her. I tried to remain composed, knowing I would soon be the subject of their desires. I couldn't concentrate on any names, though, as my brain was swirling with other thoughts, and I felt slightly dizzy.

David then delivered his speech, outlining the regulations and potential penalties. I'd been warned about this, but it was still a bit surreal. He concluded with a warning. "As Amy said, this is Ella's trial run. Any friends of Amy and Emily are my friends as well. Treat her with respect and make this a positive experience for her. Otherwise, Amy and Rian will be out for revenge. And there will be no leniency when it comes to her. None. Isn't that crystal clear?"

The men all nodded their agreement. I felt a sense of relief. I wanted to be used and abused, but I also wanted to feel secure. David seemed to be taking responsibility for this. Taking another scan of the group, he added, "Let's begin, shall we? Ladies..."

'Ladies?' I thought, 'that means me.'

I noticed that Amy had seated herself on the sidelines. It was comforting to know she was also here. Another familiar face. Emily and I had been instructed to start, but I was now unsure of what that entailed. I didn't discuss matters with Emily, so I felt slightly indecisive.

As Emily predicted, she commanded, "Hello again, gents - specifically Bryan and Mark - you two are next for blow jobs. But before that..." Emily knelt down and locked lips with me. "You're gorgeous, and I'll make sure you're alright."

There was a murmur of approval from the men, and Emily moved to lick the side of my neck. I enjoyed her playful actions, sensations of both pleasure and tickling. Then, she licked the delicate spot just below my collarbone. Next, she traced a line down my sternum to rest between my now rapidly breathing breasts.

We examined the individuals in our vicinity as some had already removed their garments while others had their hands buried within them. David was scrutinizing the assembly, his vigilance providing me with some assurance. He then locked eyes with me and smiled. I bestowed a kiss upon him. Admittedly, he appeared just as endearing as Emily had described.

My acquaintance was now reaching for my back. I raised it, allowing her to undo the clasp on my brassiere. She discarded it to the side and stroked her tongue over my protruding nipples. Fascinated by the surrounding male figures, some began openly masturbating. Apparently, we were providing an alluring performance.

As Emily continued to delve into my abdomen, flicking her tongue into my navel, I surveilled the area and spotted Amy. She was fixated on me. I observed her to ensure no one else was looking, and she lifted her dress up slightly. Consequently, it was evident that she had neglected to put on any undergarments. She pinched her clitoris, and as she lowered the fabric again, I attempted to conceal my amusement.

However, Emily was committed to stripping me bare. She stretched the straps of my bra and tugged the fabric down. Consequently, my damp underwear flung across the platform, where one of the new guys snatched it and brought it to his nose as he continued to stimulate himself.

Emily bent over, scrutinizing my nether regions. "I bet you'd love to sample some male genitalia," she informed her audience. "Mark and Bryan, you two are next." The pair of men emerged from the crowd, looking hesitant but stubbornly endowed.

Emily had adopted the manner of a minuscule drill sergeant. "Lessen the haste, guys! Position yourselves on either side of that corner there, now." Intrigued, I repositioned myself until my head found its spot on the fortification. She discarded her trousers and positioned her backside above mine before bending over to renew her ordeal with her tongue. "And guys," she remarked offhandedly, "my vagina isn't going to sodomize itself."

The guys seemed confused at first, but the prospect of oral gratification invigorated them. They each took a stance on either side of my head, allowing Emily space to kneel between my legs. She assured me, "I'm sure you'd love to taste some cock." Mark and Bryan obliged, with their stiff manhoods positioned for my pleasure.

Emily ordered her beau, "Don't hesitate," and meticulously directed the proceedings. "Ella, bend your head this way," she instructed, enabling them to position themselves appropriately. She then said, "and here, Ella," as she settled in between my legs.

Primed for a sensational experience, I focused on the two men; presumably named Mark and Bryan. Emily exhibited an impassioned devotion to her own satisfaction, causing her to session Mark relentlessly. Simultaneously, I circulated my hands over the shafts of these two gentlemen. Emily's attentions to my clitoris elicited a surge within me. However, David intervened, reconciling the situation. He selected a suitable participant and instructed him to enter her. Their lovemaking commenced, providing me with a tremendous spectacle. I was fixated on the motley of their forms, as well as Emily's stamina.

The newly elected cocksmith proceeded to ravage her, whilst Emily advanced to my backside to explore my deepest depths. hearing Emily's incessant urge to caress my navel, I decided to perform a unique feat; I climbed upon the plinth, my back to the captivating scene. She rejoined Bryan, stirring me once more, times two. When the climax approached, I asked, "fancy cumming with me?" Bryan responded with an eager but silent nod as Emily became entranced by my climax. Sensing Emily's proximity to fulfillment, I also engulfed his member and reciprocated his fervor, my gaze fixed on his. As my climax intensified, so too did his, filling my mouth with his seed.

With my orgasm over, I considered the possibility of another quixotic move. I glanced heavenwards and asked, "perchance a protein supplement won't be a detriment?"

Emily demonstrated a tinge of curiosity and disentangled herself from my former lover, opting to kneel in front of the trio of remaining regulars. She processed each one enthusiastically in succession, leaving Ash tasked with the responsibility of performing cunnilingus on both Emily and myself simultaneously. To fulfill his assignment, he remained lodged within my pussy as I opened wide for him to satisfy Emily. Thus, Emily relinquished her control, empowering me to assume the role of a self-sufficient adult, free of social constraints.

Even the most energetic guy like Mr Stamina can't last forever, and seeing Mark swallow me seemed to push him past his limits. Lennie, now satisfied for the time being, I asked Mark about his thoughts on anal sex. Apparently, he didn't have any strong objections. Now, I needed another participant.

I sat up, aware that my body was covered in cum from my previous encounters—I assumed the padding on the chair would be washable. Catching a glimpse of Emily, she was facing away from me, engaged in a threesome with one of her friends, while the other two were stroking close to each of her cheeks. They seemed occupied.

I noticed David and Rian staring at the gathering. "Hey, Rian, how about trying some more of my pussy? I feel like having a double penetration."

Rian glanced at David and received his approval. "All right, boys, have you had experience with this before?"

Upon his arrival, Rian answered, "Emily attempted it with a few guys, but it never really worked out. Maybe your size will make a difference."

Taking a cue from Emily's book, I shifted gears and entered organizing mode. I recruited Rian to get some lubricant, repositioned Mark flat on his back, and knelt over his face. "Warm me up, sweetheart."

When Rian returned with the lube, Mark's tongue was exploring my anus, but I knew my sphincter required more than just spit.

Applying lube to both Mark's shaft and my anus, I sat on Mark and gently eased him into my backdoor. In comparison to David or even Amy, it wasn't particularly difficult. However, the sensations were significantly less intense. "Rian, stand here. Support my legs. Perfect."

Rian gladly obliged, sliding his long, curved penis right into me. The pleasure of having two guys simultaneously penetrate me filled me with a sense of satisfaction. Why hadn't I tried this earlier? And I thought to myself with a hint of jealousy, I was accomplishing something that Emily couldn't. A change was much-needed. However, keeping up with the rapid thrusts from Rian and Mark consumed all my mental capacity.

Mark had less room to move, but still attempted upward thrusts. Rian was piercing me completely, proven by the already soaking wet slickness of my dripping pussy.

Turning my attention to Emily, she was now on all fours, looking towards me, her face ruined by glistening transparent tears, her eyes closed as she accepted a urine stream into her mouth. The other guys were wiping themselves off and observing intently, signs of recovery already showing.

Pushing my gaze toward Amy, she had discarded her modesty and was openly masturbating while watching her lover receiving pleasure.

Part of me recognized the bizarre, almost comical nature of the situation. But I couldn't ignore the escalating tempo of Rian and Mark's thrusts. My body grew tired, and I struggled to maintain a heightened state of arousal. My body decided to give up, and I cried out as a burning sensation engulfed me. Cum trickled down my legs, pooling on the floor.

My orgasm inexplicably inspired Rian, who intensified his rhythm. I clenched my eyes shut as Rian's head massaged my anus, and clutched Mark's erection tightly. As Rian firmly held me in place, he flooded me with his hot cum, and my second climax arrived at the same time.

The two men removed me from Mark, placing me on the floor kneeling. Mark grabbed my hair and pulled my face towards his, jerking himself simultaneously. I weakly returned his gaze, feeling a sense of trust in his actions. I flashed David a thumbs-up, assuring him that I was fine and desired his presence. As Mark's semen sprayed my face, I understood that I wanted this—I desired this double penetration.

Cum now trailed down my face and legs, and I wondered what the next step would be. Emily's partner appeared to have just finished, and she was in the process of standing up. Then I locked eyes with Amy—nude, except for her high heels. Amy strutted over to Emily, lifted her friend up, and the two exchanged deep, intense kisses. The room became irrelevant, and their passionate coupling seemed so natural. I felt a pang of envy.

I became aware of David's presence, and he assisted me to my feet. We shared a moment, transfixed by the sight of two lovers, oblivious to the rest of the world.

When he spoke, David's voice was soft, his words reserved for me alone. "They look wonderful together, don't they? Like they were destined to be with each other. Do you think they'll ever realize the obvious?"

I shook my head, pondering the enigma of human emotions. Then, David seemed more like himself. "If I may speak candidly, you appear to be the only option available right now, and I believe the others require some space. Perhaps Bryan and Mark might be ready for round two in the near future, but—for now—would you care to pass some time together?"

I chose to bond with David. I approached him tenderly and embraced his lips with mine. "As long as you treat me like the lady I pretend to be."

David found humor in these words, uttered by a woman drenched in male essence. "Should I treat you as the fictional character you appear to be, Ella?"

And so he did.

As I journeyed through the following months, I attended more gatherings with Amy and Emily. Regrettably, our threesome affair did not resurface. I did, however, share moments with David and Emily on some occasions. These reconnections had been pleasing.

On this particular excursion, Amy made preparations to relocate to San Francisco. Her parents planned to initiate a West Coast branch of their holding company.

There existed a palpable unease between Amy and Emily. Matters unstated, unspoken. I perceived a need to physically separate these two stubborn heads, but I soon discovered that such effort would be futile. They'd either reconcile, or not.

On this trip, David also tagged along. I seized the chance to converse with him while Amy and Emily debated on crafting us a feast. Inevitably, the subject revolved around our younger companions.

David attempted to enlighten me. "Things are more intricate than they seem. Just picture Emily's predicament. I've explained my perspective, yet I don't feel it'd be advantageous to compel her to reveal what's on her mind. It's unfortunate, perhaps a misguided approach, but..."

I concurred with David's notion. But the words that followed floored me. "Not to mention, people often withhold their genuine emotions, fearful of suffering pain. I was pondering your situation... perhaps we could, like, have a one-on-one dinner something."

At first, I failed to grasp his intentions. "The three of us? That would be delightful."

David clarified his stance. "Not exactly. I had you and me in mind."

His words resonated, and I comprehended that not only were Amy and Emily blind to their potential connection, but also myself. "Yet, Emily..."

David expressed empathy. "Emily and I hold a close bond. Close friends, but nothing more. The age disparity... we stand at distinct phases in our lives. Still, you're not the world's oldest antique, and you don't flaunt it; however..."

I offered a surprising response. "Perhaps we're all searching for similar experiences."

We locked lips. This entanglement carried the unmistakable mark of potential blossoming intimacy.

David locked eyes with me, and he knew the verdict. "We should return to the table before our friends notice," he suggested, altering the subject to prevent further action to occur in front of Amy and Emily. However, as we chatted and chuckled over supper, a notion trickled into my mind.

"Even women who embrace their wild side sometimes crave affection."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de