
Chapter 5: Too Many Temptations

Swimming naked in lakes or pools and taking hot showers.

May 13, 2024
14 min read
silcheatingskinny dippingTwo Many Temptations Ch. 05sister-in-lawadultery
Two Many Temptations Ch. 05
Two Many Temptations Ch. 05

Chapter 5: Too Many Temptations

Hey there, guys! I'm sorry it's been so long. Life is just so darn complicated, and there's never enough time in the day. Now, let's jump into the next part of "Two Many Temptations." Just a warning, though - if you haven't read the earlier installments, this one won't make much sense. Enjoy!

Chapter 5

"Jake! Jake!" I heard my name being called out while suddenly being rocked back and forth. I opened my eyes to figure out what was going on.

Lucy had switched on the lights when she came downstairs to wake me up. She was standing at the back of the couch, trying to wake me from my sleep.

"What's up?" I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes to get a better sense of my surroundings.

"I didn't realize we'd be spending the night, so I forgot to bring my workout clothes," Lucy explained. "I really try to get a run in every morning if I can. Would you mind if I took your truck? Sara said she'd give you a lift home later."

"Can't Courtney give you a ride?"

"No, Courtney's already left for work," Lucy responded. "I'll be careful. I promise."

"Alright, sure," I agreed. Something about Sara's ride last night was still on my mind though.

I stood up, intending to get my keys, when I felt a strong blast of air. On my members.

"Oh, crap!" I cursed while quickly trying to cover up.

"It's not a big deal, Jake." Lucy said while walking over to collect my keys. "I'd already spent a few minutes ogling you while you slept. Now, c'mon, I need to get my daily run in before the heat becomes too much."

I wasn't entirely sure whether she was joking about spying on me while I slept. I was already crossing a lot of lines with Courtney's sister, and I had previously had to clean off my dick from the remnants of her sister's juices in the shower. I couldn't bring myself to stand naked and expose myself in front of her.

My gaze went to the shelf next to the TV, where I had stashed my phone, wallet, and keys. Lucy went over to the shelf, leaned down to pick up my keys and her top rode up a little bit, showing off her beautiful tan lines.

"Wait, are you not wearing underwear?" I asked.

"Nope," Lucy answered as she turned toward me. "None of Sara's clothes fit me properly, so all I have on is one of Charlie's T-shirts."

"So are you planning on running naked back home?"

"Nah, I'll just wear my shorts since mine are still wet from earlier. I've gone sans-panties quite a few times. Anyway, I really need to finish this jog before the heat gets too bad." Lucy added, flashing a smile.

I was nervous about my near-nudity with Lucy, crossing more boundaries with my secret affair with her sister's best friend and having to cleanse my dick from her sister's juices the night before. I couldn't bring myself to stand there naked, so I decided to dress and bring the keys to her.

I put on my borrowed trunks before starting to clean up the basement. The mess we had left behind was quite noticeable - filled with cups, a spent tequila bottle, and various snack wrappers.

By the time I had removed all the trash, the bin was nearly filled with waste. I went to search for Sara, hoping to find her in the guest room. However, it was empty. I passed the master bedroom - the door was ajar, but no one was inside. The door to the bathroom was also open, but only to find that it was vacant.

I started to wonder if she had left when I heard water splashing from outside. I approached cautiously and saw Sara swimming naked in the pool.

"Have you ever tried skinny dipping?" she asked.

"Nope, I haven't," I replied with a small smile. I wasn't a fan of the idea of swimming nude, especially in a private pool with a privacy fence - not much risk involved.

"It's true, finding a secluded spot for skinny dipping in the wild can be challenging. You're walking a fine line between exciting illegal activities and satisfying hidden desires which could lead to getting handcuffed."

"Have you done this before?" I questioned, trying hard to concentrate on the water so I could better see Sara's sexy body.

"Yes, I used to go skinny dipping in a small lake near my house during school when it was incredibly hot." Sara shared as she moved closer to the pool's edge. "Back then, it was a place we all gathered when the weather was unbearable. Interestingly, that's where I lost my virginity."

"Me too." I revealed, curious about Sara's experience. "It was at church camp one summer. Me and this girl, Heather Perkins, were cleaning up after a meal. Once we were done, we had to meet the rest of the campers in the forest. As we made our way there, she started flirting with me. I thought I was just going along with her playful banter, but not long after, my cargo shorts were at my feet, and she was performing quite an expert blowjob on me. A short while later, she pushed me to the ground and climbed on top of me. We then had a pretty fantastic experience which lasted about 45 seconds. After the act, I instinctively pulled out when I was about to climax and it spilt all over my shirt. I told her we could meet up later, but her opinion on that encounter didn't seem to match mine and she courteously refused."

"One could say that you left an unfortunate first impression," Sara added humorously. "Did you try and get with her again? Were you mesmerized by those 45 seconds?"

"Yes, I am. However, it didn't have the same mesmerizing effect on her, and she decided to pass up the opportunity."

"A crazy turn of events for someone who's now renowned for offering exquisite lap dances. How long do you usually offer these 'extras' for?"

"Approximately 3 minutes. I wouldn't push that amount of time too hard, that would be a bit excessive."

"Your wife shared some details about your prowess in the bedroom." Sara revealed slyly. "I supposedly heard she called you the best. However, considering she's had only a few partners before, I'm not sure I can place too much weight on her words. Nonetheless, I'm not surprised you're good."

As I kept my legs in the water, Sara lightly splashed me with the pool's refreshing water. "Come on, what are you waiting for? Hop in and join me for a skinny dip. We'll be the only ones here."

I was being pretty obvious, but the urge to swim without any clothes on was tempting. However, I had my doubts about the consequences of acting out of personal attraction.

"I'm going to change into my trunks and join you." I claimed, trying to think of a more convincing reason not to dive in naked.

"Why do you need your trunks? This is a skinny dip," Sara retorted thoughtfully. "I understand you went a bit overboard last night, but I only asked you to swim, not to have sex."

"Concerned about Lucy or Courtney seeing us? Or what if Charlie showed up?" I hesitantly countered.

"Courtney is at work and probably won't be home for a while, she even had a run planned. Lucy just went, she'll be back in more than an hour. As for Charlie, he's in New York. There's no need to worry because your secrets are safe."

Despite the risk, I knew I didn't want to miss out on the fun. I banished the fearful thoughts and tossed my shorts, then let out a torrent of water as I cannonballed into the pool.

"Guess you've had some firsts this weekend," Sara observed jokingly. "A professional lap dance and a skinny dip."

"I did mean to ask, should a professional mail me my fee before or after I receive the service?" I probed playfully.

"It's a bit more complex than that," Sara quipped with a splash. "Maybe you want another lap dance?"

"Quiet down." Sara said as she splashed me again. "Give me some space. I'm just going to lounge by the pool and unwind. Try not to stare at me too hard, you don't want to catch anyone off guard if someone stumbles upon us."

"How are you doing?" I inquired as Sara began floating on her back, her stunning breasts protruding above the water. "I've known you for a while now."

Sara remained silent for a moment, drifting around the pool, with her eyes closed. I began to believe she wasn't going to respond when she let out a weary sigh and started to speak.

"I'm just annoyed that every time I think Charlie and I can finally spend some quality time together, work always steps in and he has to leave. Truth be told, we've only had sex a few times in the last few months, and the orgasms I got from giving you a lap dance were the first ones I didn't give myself in a while."

I wasn't expecting Sara to get emotional. I swam over to her and embraced her. She softened in my arms and pressed her face against my shoulder.

"I understand that his job is quite important. I just wish he could make time for me. I want to feel special as well."

We stayed like that for a while. Sara expressed her worries. We talked through them for a little bit. It made her feel better temporarily.

"I've been in your embrace for the past 15 minutes, and not once did you make a lewd gesture? Am I that unattractive?" Sara laughed. "Why did you show such restraint?"

"Ha!" I chimed in. "I'm perfectly aware that you're not hideous. I simply behaved myself.

"Oh yeah? What was last night for you?" Sara inquired. "I've known you for quite some time, and we've always been flirty with each other, but you'd never let things go this far before."

I knew Sara quite well. We'd never really confided in each other before, but I did have faith in her.

"I'm in the same predicament as you. Courtney is always working. I'm aware nurses are in high need and short supply, but we don't seem to have any downtime together anymore. Our sex life has significantly decreased, this weekend not included. Most of my orgasms come from myself as well."

"How was this weekend different? I thought you said she was called into work both days, so what do you mean 'not withstanding'?"

"We had sex on Friday night. I believe it was a thank you for allowing Lucy to stay with us. I still have no idea what she and her parents are fighting about, or how long she'll be with us. Then we had sex twice yesterday after work let out early. Once we fucked, and the other time she gave me a blow job. That's how Lucy saw my cock, she walked in right after Courtney and I were done.....in my kitchen."

"Plus," I continued, "I'm nervous about Lucy. Hand to God, you can't share any of this with Courtney, she has plenty on her plate already.

"Yesterday, I forgot she was there, so I left my room in just my boxers. While making breakfast, she returned from a run, except the girl who entered my home looked vastly different from the girl who left for college last year. Her shorts barely covered her. Then, after showering after dinner before coming back over to hang with you, she left the bathroom wearing only a thong. Which she must have lost in her room because when I walked by, she was bare-assed naked with the door only partially closed."

Sara listened intently as I told her about my undeniably alluring sister-in-law without judgment. She questioned me further about how I could be sure it was her dildo, how long it had been there, and whether she intended for me to see it or if it was an accident. Stuff like that. As we wrapped up our conversation, Sara glanced at her watch.

"Come on, if we stay in the water much longer, we'll get sunburned, and I don't want to help you explain to Courtney how you got a sunburn in a rather delicate area."

My mind went into autopilot, and I made the necessary adjustments subconsciously, reaching the ladder as Sara's arms reached for the rails. I followed closely behind her, my face barely an inch away from her butt. As she shifted her legs to reach the next rung, I couldn't help but admire her smooth slit from below. By the time I stepped out of the pool after Sara, I was as hard as a rock.

Sara turned around and flashed me a smile that hinted at mischief. "You're not really acting like yourself."

"Well, I can't have any of my equipment touch any of your parts, can I? I think that's quite impressive under the circumstances." I stared with intense focus at her naked body, and she, in turn, fixed me with a perplexed gaze.

"I'm not sure if I turned off the security cameras outside." Sara muttered to herself, breaking the intense atmosphere.

"That's not funny." I replied, a hint of tension creeping into my voice. My eyes kept drifting towards her fantastic physique. Her gaze never left my stiff member. We stood only a few feet apart, exchanging intense glances that were practically challenging one another.

I was about to give chase, to find out just what would happen if I caught her, when she shot off in the direction of the house, large breasts jiggling at every step. I didn't know what I would do if I caught her, but I was going to find out. She ran through the kitchen, up the stairs, down the hallway and into the master bedroom, making a sharp turn into the master bathroom, leaving me in her wake.

I quickly caught up to her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and initiating a playful game of tickling. She tried to wriggle free, a giggle escaping her lips with every move. I felt my hard cock nestled firmly against her backside. This seemed to startle Sara, who deliberately untangled herself from my arms.

Turning on the shower, Sara turned a few knobs to let the water pour like rain from the ceiling. "The same deal," she said, her expression serious. "If you can keep it tame, I'll let you join me."

I hesitated, weighing the consequences of continuing to shower with her or stopping. Finally, I decided to go for it. I stepped into the wet haven behind her. She handed me a luffa, and then at once, a bottle of body wash.

"Now use it for something useful."

I squeezed soap onto the luffa and began lathering the back of her shoulders. Moving down, I continued towards her curvy ass, stopping before I reached her cheeks. I considered my next move carefully. If I could trust ourselves to keep it PG-13 (as I believed was required), then it would be worth it to continue.

Sara leaned against the glass shower door, observing me carefully. "Have you ever seen a porn?"

The question threw me off for a second. "I've seen porn," I admitted, a bit embarrassed.

Another smile spread across her lips. "All the way down then: the tits, the ass, and the cooch."

I nodded, Scotch taped onto my face. Sara watched every move as I finished washing her hips and began soaping her thighs. I couldn't help but notice the lack of tan lines on her body. As I reached her calves, she reached out and took the luffa from me. She scrubbed her shoulders and gradually worked her way down her body, caressing her luscious breasts and soft stomach. I took note of one important fact: she hadn't soaped up her private areas.

"Last chance," she teased, eyes locked on my crotch.

Without a word, I poured more soap on the luffa and approached her womanhood. As I spun the luffa around, I slowly dipped it downwards, skirting her slit. I paused before I reached her pussy, but her hand touched mine and guided me a little lower. I dipped the luffa into her folds.

Sara whispered, "I don't think that's tame."

Not bothering to respond, I moved my thumb across her clit and carefully dipped my finger inside her. She didn't object, so I continued with my mission. We stood in a triangle, Sara leaning back against me as I worked two fingers in and out with steady, forceful pressure. Relishing in the sensation, Sara raised her arms above her head. Turning her, I pushed her forward slightly, bending at the waist. As she looked at me expectantly, I reached out and grasped Sara's breasts, turning her to my front. I knew it was time to take the plunge, and I was ready. The playtime was over. My demeanour changed as I pressed my fingers on her clitoris and lips, preparing her for my manhood.

"Your pussy feels amazing." I whispered in her ear. This caused a pleasant moan. I curled my digits, rubbing them against the rough spot inside her. I continued fingering her tight pussy with my fingers, while I pinched her nipples between my fingers.

"You have no idea how good this feels" Sara moaned, tugging on my penis, trying to give me the same pleasure I was giving her. After some seconds, Sara's legs clamped down hard on my hand, imprisoning my fingers in her pussy. I persisted in moving them around inside her as she moaned out my name.

As Sara's orgasm began to dissipate, I removed my fingers. Sara still clung to my penis, trying to bring me closer by it, aiming the erect member at the wet entryway between her legs. As she rubbed the head of my dick against hers, I fought every impulse I had not to push my pelvis forward and penetrate her. I remained stationary, simply obeying her commands. She gently pulled me back and forth, teasing the line between foreplay and intercourse.

"I just want to cum with you inside me" Sara moaned.

I remained still. I didn't push myself within her, but I also didn't try to release my penis from her grip.

She gently accordioned her pelvis forward, encompassing the soft tip of my dick. As soon as it did, Sara cried out. She gravely attempted to shove herself back, down my dick. I yearned to allow her to do so. However, I resisted, substituting my fingers for my penis and rubbed vigorously until her legs gave in beneath her.

"Switch off the faucet." Sara shook as I departed her and returned to her. I obeyed, then walked back to her, catching her as she lay prone with her buttocks spread.

I crawled between her legs, dipping my manhood in her fluids before angling it towards her clitoris. Sara's hands gripped my posterior and dragged me in, driving her hips skywards, frantically seeking penetration. I willed myself to withstand her and continued rubbing my penis against her labia and clit. Oddly, this was enough for me, and after a few minutes, I informed her.

"I'm going to cum."

"Cum inside me." Sara's response puzzled me. Having said she didn't even allow her husband to ejaculate on her the night before.

I even considered it. I had insufficient time, however, as I began ejaculating on her lower belly.

As my orgasm faded, I looked down at Sara, pondering whether she desired to have sex with me, or only wished for physical contact.

"This is definitely inappropriate." I said as I slowly stood. Then, I reached a hand out to lift her with me.

"I'd state you behaved rather well." Sara responded as she turned the faucet off. She retrieved some more soap and began cleaning my semen from her abdomen. "However, you've yet to cross something off my list."

She didn't sound sad or distraught when she said it. Just factual. I pondered if this might change. If I could surpass an initial feat of hers.

After she finished washing my ejaculate from her stomach, she collected more soap and began cleansing me. She gave special care to my penis, and before I realized it, it started to revive. Upon knowing this, I turned the shower off before things got out of hand. I was quite unsure of what I could endure. Five orgasms within less than two days was quite strenuous for me.

After we dried, I gathered all the objects I had to bring back home. We entered Sara's Tesla and drove to my house.

"When Courtney was informing you I was the best she ever had, did she mention who was the most substantial?" I posited.

"Hmm, you definitely want that response? You could always request it from her."

"I could.", I responded, "But she may not be completely truthful with me. She may desire to spare my sentiments or something."

"Well, if you must know, no, you're not the most substantial she's ever had. Yet, you're not the smallest either. And, in case that makes you feel any better, you are larger than Charlie."

"So, I'm just relaying what I've heard from Courtney about how you compare to the guys she's dated. If you'd like, I could message Charlie and ask him to send you a photo to compare. Or, you could just take my word for it. Sara chuckled as she parked in front of my house.

"Thanks for the lift. Next time, I'll bring money so we can both experience the ultimate lap dance," I joked.

"Get out!" She playfully swatted me. "I'll catch up with you later, don't be a stranger."

"You're more than welcome to come over and hang out with Lucy and me. You're enjoyable to be around."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de