Gay Sex

Chapter 7: Missing Spouse in the Andean Region

Could Marina potentially go back to Jaguar?

May 18, 2024
27 min read
Andean Experience Ch. 07: Lost Wifemedical diagnosisinfatuationsuspicious husbandmicrobikinimissing personprivate investigatormarital sexkidnappingancient godmakeup sex
Andean Experience Ch. 07: Lost Wife
Andean Experience Ch. 07: Lost Wife

Chapter 7: Missing Spouse in the Andean Region

Carlos Casales was startled by what he saw in the bedroom.

Scattered across the floor were a man's suits and on the bed lay a pair of silky red lingerie. An empty bottle of wine and two glasses were on one night table, while a tube of some substance was on the other. The implications of this startled Carlos.

Marina was cheating on him with another man!

It was fortunate for him that his trusted companion, Jaguar, was still waiting in the car. If Jaguar had entered the room, there would have been dire consequences.


A month ago:

The sunset was always captivating from their new apartment, with its panoramic view of the Pacific.

As the sun dipped below a cloudy horizon, its golden and red rays lit up the gray ocean surface and the surrounding buildings. However, the beautiful scene didn't lift Jaguar's gloomy spirits. His wife of three years, Marina, was running late returning home for the second time this week. He suspected she'd be just as evasive as the last time she came home late.

Jaguar was born in the United States, but he'd been in Peru for almost half his life. He'd gone there as a graduate student at the University of San Marcos and pursued a lifelong interest in the Andean culture. When he decided to make Peru his permanent home, he renamed himself Jaguar, after an ancient Peruvian god.

He had several careers, including managing the successful Andean Experience tour company. However, he secured a position at the National Archaeological Museum through the help of a former lover, Elena Rodriguez, who was also his wife's boss. Marina, the docent at the museum, also worked for Elena's tour group.

Jaguar and Marina shared a happy life in Lima. But lately, their relationship had been experiencing difficulties.

As Jaguar stood on the balcony, contemplating his wife's tardiness, he heard a noise from inside. He went in to find Marina struggling with some bags.

"Help me with these, Jag. They're so heavy!"

"What's in the bags?"

"Grocery shopping. We're completely out of food. Since you've been home, what have you done?"

"Just enjoying the sunset."

"Well, help me unpack these," his wife demanded.

"Any help with Juan today?" Jag asked, trying to understand what was going on.

"Stop! Are you jealous? That young boy is just a few years younger than me!" Marina snapped. "It's nothing. I'm just showing him some things at the museum."

"You've been seen smiling and laughing with him in front of the guests."

"You're imagining things, Carlos. And I'm tired from work. I need you to help me around the house and share the responsibilities."

"I'll try," he replied. "But how bout Juan?" his curiosity spurred her on.

"If you're done asking about him, I'll change. After dinner, I'll put my feet up and relax."

Jag didn't receive the usual baises, the kisses or the hugs as she left him behind in the living room. Was there actually a third person in their marriage?

The following conversations at suppertime became more heated and confrontational. Jaguar felt more threatened by his wife's time with Juan and made his suspicions clear. It didn't help his suspicions when he noticed her recharged interest in her work or her colder demeanour towards him.

"You've been so hot in bed before. Now you just want to sleep by 10:00 at night!"

"I'm tired from work and have to manage the house, so I need you to lend more a hand. You used to have many girlfriends and one-night stands, you know. I'm an American woman, not some desperate damsel, only seeking your bed."

"I'll try to be a better husband. I'll pick up after myself, perhaps cook the odd meal for us."

"I'm sure it will improve things with me," she said.

Their conversation ended on a high note as Marina entered the room and changed comfortably. However, the lack of affection gave Carlos cause to worry.

Wondering what else could be bothering their marriage, his thoughts turned to the new employee. Jag wondered if Marina knew that Elena Rodriguez, his boss and closest friend, had been involved with him in his pre-marital days. It seemed imperative to handle this well.

"I'll avoid that," Jaguar retorted, even though keeping his jealousy in check wouldn't be simple.

"I'm just training him, that's all. Elena would've loved to do it, but she's too busy," he said, making a jab at it.

"Elena. That doesn't surprise me," he added, before regaining his composure. "Perhaps you'd like to train me later, Marina?"

"You're persistent, aren't you?" she chuckled. "Will you uphold the promises you just made? If so, then yes."

"Of course. I'll assist and keep quiet about the attractive Juan."

"Jaguar... let it go."

Afterward, they retired to bed to resolve their dispute. Marina kissed him and snuggled close in a calming manner. Jaguar could feel the warmth of her glossy body against his muscular frame. Soon, everything was forgotten as their passion soared. The entire world vanished as their love deepened.

Then, suddenly, they felt the ground vibrate. It was unbelievable!

"Did you sense that, Jag?"

"Awesome, huh!" he grunted as he gasped for breath.

"I'm not referring to that. Did you feel the bed tremble a few minutes back?"

"We're terrific together!" he chuckled.

"No, I felt the whole room shake. Like a quake or something," she claimed.

"Perhaps. The Andes region is seismically active. Shaking? I thought it was just us!" he joked.

"Seriously, it was more than that. I genuinely felt the ground move!... Wait!... Another one! Oh my god! An earthquake?"

They waited anxiously, but no further seismic activity occurred.

"A tremor. It happens frequently but doesn't amount to much here. Relax, Marina, it's just a natural feature of living near the mountains," Jaguar offered.

The next day at the National Museum, Jaguar walked into the men's room to find a tall, handsome young man checking his reflection in the mirror. He was brushing his mid-length, jet-black hair, making it look perfect. Then he stepped back to admire himself. Jaguar recognized Juan, even though Juan had never encountered him before.

"You work here, correct? I've seen you before," the young man said.

"Yes. Jaguar... the Head of Acquisitions. You're new."

"Hello. Juan Santander. I've been here a few weeks, training as a docent, a guide."

"I'm aware of what a docent is," Jaguar replied sarcastically. "Who is mentoring you?"

"Marina. She's another guide. A kind woman."

"Thanks. That's my wife, Marina Arundel," he bragged.

"You're blessed," Juan quipped.

"I agree. We've been married nearly three years now and have a fulfilling life here at the museum."

"I didn't know that. She didn't mention you," Juan disclosed, unwittingly.

This irritated Jaguar, leading him to double down. "We have a fantastic relationship, Juan."

"Mr. Arundel, you're fortunate," Juan said.

"I think so too. Forget about Juan from now on," Jaguar reminded.

Jaguar thought about flirting with Marina to put her off Juan, thinking that he had made it evident that she was already taken. Nevertheless, he'd keep his ears and eyes open around the museum.

After all, Juan was an exceptionally attractive and alluring young fellow, particularly in comparison to the aging Jag in the mirror. He realized the greying inherent in his hair and beard and the sagging in his physicality.

"If Marina hasn't even mentioned me to Juan, she must find him good-looking, he thought to himself. "The guy is muscular as evidenced by his tight shirts."

Jaguar devised a sort of charm offensive. Via his office phone, he invited Marina to join him for lunch in the cafeteria. It was uncommon for them to have lunch dates at work, and he chastised himself for not doing so earlier.

Jaguar and his wife sat apart from the rest of the cafeteria. He immediately noticed that his wife looked better than usual that day: well-organized hair, bold lipstick, glittering earrings all reported extra effort. She wore a smart, tailored outfit, stockings, and sophisticated shoes. His mind raced, wondering about her sexy undergarments.

"You look gorgeous, Marina," he complimented.

"I'm trying to look really professional today. A group of American educators is here," she replied.

"And Juan is well-dressed, isn't he?" Jaguar noted.

"Yes... but he's always this way. Young men can be quite self-centered with appearances."

"Older men can be too," Jaguar countered, deciding to improve his wardrobe. "I need to start hitting the gym as well."

"Let's not talk about him now. What made you invite me to lunch?"

"I may have been taking you for granted in several ways, Marina? I want to redeem myself," he said, sincerely.

Jaguar answered, "Just a bit." However, Marina realized he was hiding something.

Marina questioned, "Another guy would really make a difference, huh? Is that how it works in a man's world?" She chuckled softly.

For a few weeks, Jaguar mostly lived up to his promises.

There was domestic bliss as their romantic relationship improved. He would still mention Juan enough for Marina to understand what motivated him. She appreciated his new fitness routine, and even joined him at the gym.

Marina continued to dress nicely for the museum. Jag upped his game with a more polished, professional appearance as well. His signature camo gear and boots only came out for field work with other archaeologists. He didn't want to be compared to Juan there.

At the National Archaeological Museum, they occasionally crossed paths. Their interactions were cool and professional. Meanwhile, Jaguar visited Elena's office to gather more information about his rival.

He asked, "Elena, what can you tell me about Juan, the new docent?"

"Young, tall, good-looking... you can see that for yourself," she answered evasively.

"Are you attracted to him? I know Marina is."

"Yes, and you're jealous, right? The other girls talk."

"Did she tell you that?"

"Yes, and how you're treating her better lately. Look at you. New clothes. No more gray. Competition must be working its magic."

"Marina told me the same thing. What else did she say about him?"

"He gets along well with her. Charming and funny. Your wife enjoys working with him."

"Be honest with me. Is he hitting on her?"

"Possibly, but I don't think so. Maybe just teasing her? He knows women like him and uses it like a game. Even I'm drawn to him!"

"Do you know anything about him? His background?"

"He's from a rich family, so he probably got the job through connections. But he performs well, with a solid education in classical studies. His upper-class family explains his polished, formal demeanor when working with visitors. I doubt he'll stay a docent for long."

"So, I should protect myself and my wife from him?" Jaguar joked.

"I think you're blowing this out of proportion, Jag!" Elena laughed. "Marina radiates happiness some mornings. You're doing well with her where it matters most."

"I try my best," Jaguar grinned.

"We've been friends for a while. I already know all about you."

As Elena was about to leave, she said, "I have to work now. We're planning a major event featuring artifacts in Special Collections for VIPs and government officials. I could use some help if you have time."

"Let me know if you need anything."

Later that week, Marina arrived home later than usual from the museum. Jag had supper ready for her. He poured wine for himself and a half hour later, another glass. When she finally entered the house, the bottle was empty.

Jaguar didn't notice her upset appearance. And since he'd been drinking, his tongue was loose.

"Jaguar, what's wrong? More time with Juan I suppose?" he asked grudgingly.

"Don't say that! I had a terrible day at the museum, and the following meeting was even worse," Marina replied while sniffling.

"What happened?"

"One of our afternoon tour groups was large and noisy. School kids old enough to know better. A boy grabbed a ceremonial artifact and was swinging it around like a weapon."

"OMG! Then what happened?"

"I took it from him and he pushed me hard to get it back. Juan came over and put him in a headlock while I called for Security. Carlos rushed in and removed the kid from the building."

"The school didn't have a teacher with them?"

"No, that was the problem. Two teachers were there, but they both defended the kid instead of being alarm over his actions. One went right to the Director while the other took the class back to school."

"So, how did it end?"

"I thought Juan might lose his job. But he pointed out that his father would want to know about this. The Director backed off and told him not to use physical force with visitors again."

"No surprise. Everyone there plays politics."

"How do you feel about everything that's happened?"

"I can't help but laugh at it," Jaguar said with a grin. "It's confusing."

"It was a lesson in unexpected turns," Marina replied with a smirk.

The man, Jaguar, came to my defense. Had Juan not caught the boy and held him in place, I might've been hurt. It's good that he's big and strong. I feel secure with him.

"Jag, I'm glad he was there for you," I said hesitantly.

I made dinner as Marina changed into casual clothes. I poured more wine and lit a candle to create a relaxing atmosphere to ease the tensions from the day. I remained quiet and patient while she talked about how Juan came to her aid. I said nothing negative.

That evening we made love. The wine and her husband's apparent approval of Juan made her feel comfortable. We took our time, prolonging the pleasure, going step by step until we were close. I kissed and caressed Marina's soft skin, eliciting a moan from her. It was my turn to tease my wife.

Halfway through dinner, we both knew we couldn't continue much longer. Then to the climax - a gradual ascent to the height of desperation. It was truly wonderful before we tumbled back down to the other side. Had the earth shifted again?

Afterward, Jaguar reclined with a satisfied expression, thinking to himself, "You may want her, Juan, but Marina is mine!"

Note: The following section is a side conversation between two friends, Jaguar and Carlos.

"It's been a while since Juan and I have worked together," Jaguar said.

"Oh, I think he's been occupying your chair at lunch," Carlos pointed out. "Elena told me about it. You know, the one overlooking the garden?"

"He was there to keep Marina safe, like he did at the museum," Jaguar responded.

"You mean the visitor who tried to attack her?"

"Exactly, and Elena said that he used his father's name as the museum director to keep his job. The old man's pretty influential."

"Jag, I'd be worried if I were you." Carlos paused briefly before continuing. "You know, I used to be a private investigator, and I've seen too many cases of adultery and this guy is a womanizer. That could include your wife."

Jaguar became concerned.

"Could you ask Elena to separate them? Maybe make their work schedules different?" he asked.

"I'll do that, Jag," Carlos responded. "It can't go on like this."

In the days before the event at the museum Elena organized, Marina and Juan spent less time working together. Jaguar made sure to take my wife out for lunch more often, both in the cafeteria and small restaurants nearby.

The young man still seemed captivated by Marina's presence, and others at the museum observed it. This was becoming dangerous. I wanted my wife to be seen with me, not with Juan.

One day, Marina got angry when she discovered that I was responsible for the change in their work schedules. An argument broke out, and a cold war ensued. This ended the romantic lunches, and Juan utilized the opportunity to draw nearer to her. Co-workers whispered about the tension.

On the night of the grand reception, we were required to attend the event.

Marina bought a stunning floor-length white dress and new heels to accentuate her slender figure. I, at least, sent my rumpled suit for dry cleaning. Elena also attended in a revealing black dress. Her husband Carlos joined our table.

Elena admired her friend's appearance.

"You're gorgeous tonight, Marina! That white gown and your hair loosely coiled give you the appearance of a bride. Amazing!"

"Your dress highlights your curves so well, Elena! I can't wait to see how Juan reacts."

"He'll certainly be near you. Your husband will be jealous."

"I hope so. It's fun to tease him because Juan is so attractive and charming. I love his company."

"Tread carefully, Marina. He's your husband, and his jealousy may lead to undesirable consequences," Elena warned.

The main table was filled with dignitaries and officials. After finishing their lavish dinner and pouring coffee, it was time for a series of lengthy speeches.

At this moment, Juan arrived at the table to say hello. He deliberately posed in his expensive clothing as he stood between Jaguar and Marina. He smiled and spoke. What he said surprised Jaguar so much that it caught him off guard.

Juan politely suggested taking Marina to the bar across the hall during the speeches. He joked that it would save her from the mind-numbing boredom of the next hour. Jaguar noticed his wife seemed to favor this idea. So, he nodded his head, and they left for the bar.

Sure enough, the speakers went on and on. Meanwhile, Carlos observed that his friend had let his wife go so easily. It seemed foolish to him, but Jaguar had never been a private investigator tracking down cheating spouses. Carlos knew that Juan was not to be trusted with something as precious as a beautiful wife.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "What's happening?" The entire building began to shake, and the floor beneath them vibrated. The chandeliers swayed wildly, creating a deep rumbling noise, like a train. The ground itself was coming alive!

"Earthquake! Earthquake! Get down!" yelled someone, causing everyone to panic. Glassware shattered, and tables rocked violently. The floor was heaving, and fragile artifacts toppled from a special display by the head tables, shattering into thousands of pieces. People desperately covered their heads, fearing falling debris. The heavy chandeliers started to snap and fall.

In the bar, bottles and glasses were thrown by the shaking building. The tall stools where Marina and Juan sat shook violently. Their wide eyes were filled with terror, but Juan had only one thought - escape. He grabbed her hand and dashed towards the nearby exit. Just as they reached the outside door, a large picture above it dropped onto Marina's head.

"Look out!" Juan managed to say before it hit her.

He quickly spun back, grabbed her by the shoulders, and dragged her out of the building. Her body was limp, so he placed her onto his shoulder and began to run toward his parked car. It seemed as if the entire building was about to collapse, crushing everything in its path.

In a flash, he unlocked his black Porsche and placed her in the passenger seat. Her body slumped forward, but he carefully secured her into the safety harness.

Then he raced around to the other door and climbed into the driver's seat. Juan started the powerful engine and sped off into the night with his unconscious passenger. Where was he taking Marina?

Out in the banquet hall, debris rained down from above. Something struck Jaguar, causing him a piercing pain in his arm as blood soaked the sleeve of his coat. Elena received a wound from a flying object that sliced open her legs. Screams filled the hall, where bodies lay like wounded soldiers.

The earthquake suddenly stopped, replaced by small aftershocks. A few fragments of glass and stone shattered just as the rumbling ceased. Jaguar pulled himself up and rushed toward the bar across the hall. "I have to find Marina!" he cried.

The minutes following the earthquake descended into massive confusion. Jaguar found a pile of broken glass where entire liquor shelves had fallen against the floor. He saw the open side door, but no sign of Marina and Juan. He returned to the banquet hall.

"Gone," Jaguar reported to Carlos, who was tending to Elena's injuries with his torn shirt. "They must have escaped through the side door to the parking lot. I hope they're safe, somewhere out there."

"Your arm, Jag. Your coat sleeve is soaked in blood," Carlos said, also noticing the injuries sustained by his wife. "And Elena's cuts are deep. We need to get to the hospital if we can. I'll drive."

They had difficulty navigating through the city due to downed wires and large fallen trees. When they arrived at the hospital, it was overrun by injured people. Ambulances had priority, so the rest went into the crowded Emergency waiting room, where harried nurses quickly examined them for triage.

All three spent the night waiting for medical attention. Jaguar's arm throbbed, and he winced every time he moved it. A nurse gave him some painkillers and eventually fell asleep in a chair. Carlos tended to his wife, whose wounds were cleaned by a nurse and wrapped in cloth bandages. She would see a doctor eventually.

Late at night, it was quieter in the waiting area. Jag was suffering from both a badly gashed forearm and the disappearance of his wife. The missing wife hurt him the most.

He needed someone to guide him, so his mind turned to the mysterious stone jaguar statue at Chavin de Huantar. His graduate studies had primed him to believe its immense power could influence events. He clung to that thought as his only refuge.

Jaguar shut his eyes to pray, softly uttering a heartfelt plea to this ancient deity, his namesake. He was in desperate need.

"Find my wife... Find my wife... Find my wife..."

Another day had passed, and they were still anxiously waiting for a doctor. Jaguar wanted to search for Marina or at the very least report her missing, but it wasn't feasible. The earthquake had overflowed the entire emergency system. The only thing he could do was hope she was safe with Juan or comfortable in a hospital.

Meanwhile, three hundred kilometers north of Lima, a completely different situation was developing.

A strikingly attractive young man had his arm looped around a gorgeous woman. They were on a spacious balcony, marveling at the stunning Pacific Ocean. The morning surf crashed against the shore while seagulls hovered above, diving for sparkling fish. The bright sunlight reflected off the water into their eyes.

There was something familiar to the woman about this picturesque scenery – standing on a balcony with a man embracing her, the sun blinding the ocean. But like other aspects, the woman could not connect this to a concrete memory.

A fog enveloped her mind. And there were those mysterious fingerprint bruises on her upper arms and that lump on her head. Everything considered, it was quite perplexing. However, she felt happy, as if her life was beginning anew.

She turned to the man holding her and smiled.

"Oh, Juan, this place is so beautiful. I could live here forever!"

"Nothing but the best for you, Maria, my love," he whispered. "We'll spend a long time here together, away from the world in our private haven."

Her thoughts were scattered, jumbled.

"You're so romantic! The elaborate reception in Lima where you asked me to come with you... I can't recall much prior to that. We were drinking champagne, and I felt dizzy. The chandeliers were swaying..."

"I felt the same way. Infatuated with you," Juan responded. "Believe me, Maria, the marriage ceremony was perfect."

"I wish I could remember... Everything feels hazy, but these rings prove it happened," she murmured, holding up her hand.

Juan sincerely hoped his fairytale bride wouldn't recall that she was already wearing those rings when she came to the museum reception last night with her actual husband.

"Yes, now it's just you and me, hidden away from the world in our private haven. It's glorious, isn't it, Maria?"

"You and me..." the somewhat puzzled woman repeated.

"Come, I'll show you the rest of the apartment," Juan urged. "The bedroom is stunning, and the bed is soft and comfortable."

"But where are my suitcases? My clothes and all my belongings?"

"They were... um... destroyed in the quake. Just like mine. But we don't need them tonight because we have each other. I'll take you shopping tomorrow."

"No clothes for tonight?"

"We're newlyweds, Maria," he coaxed. "You don't have to wait until tonight to experience our bed. Let's do it now, Darling."

Maria laughed nervously as her young husband leaned down for a deep, passionate kiss. Then he took her hand as they rushed to their bedroom.

Certainly, Maria was eager for physical intimacy with the tall, good-looking man who had so unexpectedly given her those impressive diamond rings!


A week had passed since the Lima earthquake, and a large-scale cleanup effort was underway at the National Archaeological Museum. Appraisers were adding up hundreds of millions in artifact destruction and building damage. Heavy machinery was clearing exterior damage, followed by restoration.

However, there was still no trace of Juan and Marina. Jaguar had visited the police and checked all the Lima hospitals. Nothing! They had seemingly vanished, presumably swallowed by the events of the earthquake.

Jaguar's mind was working frantically. Marina had spent a great deal of time with this new man at the museum. Perhaps they had fled using the earthquake as a cover? Had his wife abandoned him? He had no idea the state of their relationship was so dire. Now Marina was gone.

"Carlos, the authorities can't make any headway on this," he snapped. "They're overwhelmed with missing person reports and can't devote enough time to this case. I need my wife back!"

"Maybe we need to take matters into our own hands. I'm a private investigator, you'll recall."

"What do you suggest we start with? It seems they've gone somewhere. Maybe he's holding her against her will? His behavior with Marina at the museum was over-the-top. Who knows? Perhaps she just left me? They might have used the earthquake as an escape."

"Try not to jump to conclusions," his friend advised, sensing Jaguar's frustration. "We need to figure this out. Considering his father is well-connected in the Peruvian government – part of the old aristocratic elite – maybe I could approach him discreetly? He might steer us in the right direction."

Awhile back, Carlos sat down with Peru's Defense Minister, Arno Santander, for a meeting in a sizable office. When Carlos informed him over the phone that he wanted to discuss Juan's apparent disappearance with an older woman, Minister Santander was looking forward to the next day for their conversation.

It swiftly became clear that Juan's father was prepared for potential ransom demands for his son's return. The whole exchange shifted dramatically once Carlos disclosed the relationship that had formed with Marina at the museum before they fled after the earthquake.

Santander had many inquiries.

"Tell me more about this Marina. How much older is she than Juan? Is she appealing? Does she give him undivided attention? Does she have a potent husband whom Juan would try to upstage?"

When Carlos laid out all this information, the Minister exhaled deeply before speaking.

"That jerk! He's done this before, and I had to cover it up. He gets entangled with an older married woman and leaves with her. His looks and charisma, the clothes and money, the fancy automobile- it works every time. And I'm the one who's left to clean up the mess. Stupid young dude!"

Carlos realized he was onto something promising.

"Do you have any idea where he might have taken her? Any thoughts?"

"We possess properties throughout Peru. But I'll not give you that information, Mr. Casales."

"Why not? I can locate them and retrieve him."

"Because I can't allow this to be public knowledge. I don't want my name associated with my brat's fantasies on the news. This needs to be done discreetly. No police involved. I haven't even filed a missing persons report, despite my unease regarding him in the quake."

"So, you think he's fled with her for a fling? What transpires when he tires of these women?"

"My friend, I'll likely have to pay off this Marina to maintain her silence."

"Her husband doesn't want her in the headlines either. If you give me those property addresses, I guarantee this will not become public news. I won't even know you."

"And no police involvement?"


"Alright then, Mr. Casales, you're now on this mission. I'll compensate you handsomely to discover them and keep this matter under wraps. If you don't, expect zero acknowledgment from me. I won't even remember you."

They shook on it. No paper trail.

Carlos left with a list of properties the family owned, locations where Juan may be hiding out with Marina. Three of them were emphasized, locations where Juan had previously vanished to pursue his woman-stealing fantasy.

All three were getaway spots, one in the mountains and two along the shore. He decided to check out the one closest to Lima initially, a two-hour drive away.

The address led to an oceanfront property a few hours journey south of the city. It appeared promising. Trees obscured much of the site, and a hefty gate barricaded entry. There was an electric call box on one gate pillar. A lady responded and said she was the caretaker. Nobody was there, nor were relatives anticipated shortly.

It seemed like a dead end, but he spent the rest of the day lurking around to observe who entered and left. Eventually, Carlos found a path through a vacant lot that led to the beachfront side. He noticed the storm shutters were shut, and there was no furniture visible outside. It appeared the place was closed for the season. By late afternoon, the caretaker left, confirming once more that it was vacant.

Two weeks had lapsed since the Lima earthquake, and there was still no sign of Marina and Juan. It was as though they had been swallowed by the broken Earth that night. Nobody had spotted them, and Juan's pricey Porsche was missing as well. His luxury apartment had been meticulously searched, but yielded no clues whatsoever.

A few days later, Carlos arrived with Jaguar at the next closest family property from Lima. It was a condominium address to the north along the beach, roughly a three-hour journey. His buddy had recuperated from his wounds and was prompt to join the investigator this time.

Jag expected to stumble upon Marina and Juan together and vowed retribution if he did so.

They parked nearby from the opulent structure. Soon enough, they noticed an expensive vehicle similar to Juan's. This held potential, but Carlos insisted that Jaguar wait in the car, prepared to depart swiftly if required.

He didn't want hotheaded retribution to disrupt his investigation. If Marina was there with Juan, it would be a judicial matter. Jag reluctantly agreed.

Carlos walked toward the building and waited until someone left to let him into the locked foyer. He employ the stairwell to reach the top floor, just in case he encountered Juan in the lift. After confirming nobody was in the hall, he hurried to Apartment 704. After taking a moment to exhale, he knocked on the door.

He heard sandals clicking on a tile floor, short steps similar to a woman's.

"Who's there?" a female voice called out.

He acknowledged it was him, Carlos, and hoped Juan wasn't with her.

"I'm unsure of anyone named Carlos," came the reply.

💾 [next]

"Marina? Could it be you?"

"Nearly. It's Maria. What's your business here?"

"I might've gotten the wrong place. Is Juan at home?"

"Sure, he's my spouse."

Carlos was shocked when he heard Marina's voice, her signature Wisconsin accent slightly altered by living in a Spanish-speaking atmosphere. This was definitely Marina. But why say Juan was her husband?

He deduced that Juan must not be inside the apartment, or he would've answered the door by now.

"Juan asked me to come get you."

"Really? Why? What's happened to him?"

"Yes... He slipped in the parking lot and requires assistance."

"Oh no! Is he hurt?"

The door unlocked with a click. Carlos saw Marina's face peeking through the gap before a security chain halted its movement. The familiar face brought many questions. Her blank expression continued, puzzling Carlos. Friend and co-worker at the museum, yet no recognition from her.

"I'll escort you there," was all Carlos could manage, considering a possible need to forcibly retrieve Marina.

"All right, let me slip inside for moment. I've been soaking up some sun on the balcony," Maria said.

This stranger stood in a barely-there bikini, just a few pieces of fabric and strings connecting them. Her body left Carlos spellbound, a stark contrast from her usual attire. He struggled to look away from her curves and bare skin, which held him captive. Apparently, she noticed his attention.

"We've been having an amazing honeymoon, you know," Maria mentioned, giving a brief smile. "Juan and I got married just recently we came to this gorgeous resort."

Carlos could only stare at her figure, struggling to understand the situation.

"I see," he choked out. "Now put on something more appropriate, so we can leave. Hurry up!"

Maria disappeared inside, and Carlos heard locking sounds echoing through the door. After a while, she reappeared wearing a full tracksuit. They took the elevator down, Carlos relieved that he hadn't alerted Juan by using the stairs.

Sensing his relief, Maria asked him why Juan would've fallen. He quickly made up a story, which she repeated while glancing at their location.

"There it is, Juan's car!" Carlos pointed at the nearby vehicle.

Maria looked the car over, thinking Juan slipped during entering or exiting. They headed towards the vehicle, when Carlos noticed their car parked nearby. It was Jaguar's car.

Seizing the opportunity, Carlos quickly opened the back door and pushed Maria inside. As she screamed and fought, Carlos jumped on top of her before shutting the door.

"Leave Jaguar! She's been drugged and doesn't even know who we are!"

Thrown off by his words, Jaguar saw his wife pinned down under Carlos' weight in the car. The bikini underneath the coverup Maria was wearing was tiny. Jaguar studied the bizarre situation. The woman he knew as his loving wife was yelling and kicking, just as if she had no knowledge of who they were. This baffled him.

Observing the hubbub unraveling, Jaguar looked down at his wife, who was wildly thrashing against the seat and yelling with what seemed like desperation. Then he spotted her attire: a barely-there bikini. It was all surreal.

"Marina, it's me, Jaguar!" He shouted, guessing that she was with someone else against her will.

"Stop it, let me out, you devils! Help me! Gunsho!"

This "Maria" was calling for Ukraine, giving the astonished Jaguar a clue as to her true identity.

Meanwhile, Carlos held on to the seemingly drugged woman, unaware of the man who seemingly stood in her way. Jaguar, driven by anxiety, started his car. The apartment by the ocean gradually faded in the rearview mirror as they sped off.

Marina did not stop her fighting and swearing. Carlos held on tight, feeling detached and betrayed by this unrecognizable woman.

"What the hell is happening?" Jag growled.

"Calm down or the police will catch us! Hurry to EsSalud Hospital in Lima. There's a problem with her!" Carlos shouted before repeating, "she must be drugged!"

"Or hypnotized! That damn playboy! I'll murder him if he's been with her!"

Carlos didn't mention the disturbing scene he had witnessed in the bedroom. He suspected Jag would take action if he knew the truth.

"Amnesia, I believe it's transient global amnesia," the doctor told Jaguar.

"When she's forgotten everything from the past?"

"Yes, the bruise and remaining lump on her head suggest that something fell on her during that earthquake. She probably had a concussion which led to this memory loss..."

"Doctor, this is grave! She doesn't know me and believes she's married to another man."

"That's consistent with post-traumatic amnesia, caused by a head injury. She has no recollection past a few weeks. That's why she doesn't recognize you. She only remembers the museum shaking and the lights swaying, but not much else. She even says her name is Maria, not Marina."

The doctor continued.

"Then, she was wearing diamond rings and traveling with this Juan, supposedly her new husband. She doesn't know you or Carlos, claiming not to work at the National Archaeological Museum."

"I gave her those rings!" Jag retorted. "Not that young punk!"

"I doubt she accompanied him willingly. He probably removed her from the site after something hit her head, then drove away. There's a possible wedding story constructed around her disorientation and his desires. I think he gave her the new name."

"I loathe thinking about what he did to her, believing she belonged to him," Jag grumbled.

"There's a possibility she'll recover. The fog in her mind will clear and she'll recognize you again."

"And if she doesn't?" Jag yelled.

"Let's hope for the best. I'll retain her for closer examination by a specialist. Do you have wedding photos?... Oh yes... Bring them in to aid in the restoration of her memory. I'll hang enlargements around the room. Bring some with her friends too. She'll eventually remember everything."

Jaguer found comfort in the doctor's words. However, his fury toward Juan intensified whenever he thought about the two-week period Juan had with his wife. Newlyweds! They must have shared intimate moments. If she thought like a new bride.

That night Jag met with Carlos to hatch a plan.

"What should I do with Juan?" Jag asked.

"I've pondered this since you told me. His father only provided me with the family's Peruvian addresses, stipulating that I keep the police out of it."

Jag's voice escalated immediately.

"I want them to pursue him. Bring him to trial for kidnapping Marina. Perhaps for sexual assault too."

Carlos knew that the Defence Minister wouldn't pay him if he went to the police. But he couldn't deny his friend in such a difficult situation.

"I've compiled a list of all the family properties in Peru. The officers could commence a search for him."

"Excellent. Let's pay them a visit. He kidnapped her and most likely abused her."

Carlos couldn't remain silent any longer.

"He did kidnap her, Jag. I saw the bedroom in the apartment. They were sleeping together and..."

Jaguar's fury erupted, threatening to murder Juan. He calmed down slightly and they went to the police station to file a report detailing the crime.

Juan's fate was swift. He had considerable wealth and influence. His powerful father knew Juan's checkered past and his hiding places. When Juan returned to the oceanside apartment to find Marina gone, he drove through Peru, seeking his father's assistance.

Soon after, he vanished.

The news caused a public uproar when they learned about the accusations against Juan. But within a month or two, the story faded away. "Another rich aristocrat's wayward son," was the general opinion. People knew Juan would escape legal retribution. It was the way things had always been and would always be.

Jaguar yearned for Juan to pay for his crimes, but he remained elusive. There's a chance Juan had taken refuge in one of the many wealthy regions of the Spanish-speaking world. He could have sought haven in places like Spain or much of South America. It would be difficult to track him down.

All Jag could do was stew in anger. Juan's kidnap victim wouldn't receive a trial unless international police efforts located, apprehended, and extradited him to Peru.

During this time, Marina remained under hospital care. She couldn't comprehend why she was being kept away from her handsome young husband. Instead, she was surrounded by giant photos of complete strangers.

To Marina, the most unsettling photographs were those of her in a wedding dress with a common hospital guest. Along with this, there were enlargements of him slipping a stunning diamond ring onto her finger. What on earth were these images doing in her room?

Desperately, Jaguar prayed that Marina would recall him and recognize him as her true husband. In the dead of night, he chanted to the Chavin jaguar. During the day in her hospital room, he silently petitioned his mother's Christian God. He would accept any assistance he could obtain.

Then, one day, a nurse brought Marina the rings she continued to believe belonged to her husband, Juan. Why hadn't he visited her in the hospital? Didn't he care for her anymore? Rather, that other man sat silently while she admired her adorned finger.

Slowly, he was beginning to seem acquainted. Was it merely because he'd been in her hospital room so often? Marina felt bewildered. She intensely examined him, and then looked past the massive wedding photographs on the wall.

She identified the ring photo, scrutinized it carefully, and then surveyed her own hand. Instantly, she broke into a broad grin and spoke with verve. Self-realization was emerging as the post-traumatic haze started to recede.

"I know you! You're my husband... Jaguar! You presented me with these rings!

We're the ones who are wedded, and not that other gentleman, Juan!"

Little by little, Marina recollected fragments of her genuine life.

And, at last, Jaguar's missing spouse had been located.

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