First sex

Charitable Actions: Continuation [2]

Fin handles the repercussions of that evening.

May 30, 2024
22 min read
oralCharity in Action Pt. 02voyeurinterracialreluctant wife
Charity in Action Pt. 02
Charity in Action Pt. 02

Charitable Actions: Continuation [2]

Ava's BBQ Party

Note: All characters are over the age of 18. This story is completely fictional. Please do not republish on other platforms without my permission. I welcome any constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy!

"—Another burger coming up!"

I set a steaming patty between two halves of a bun onto a plastic plate and present it to Ava, who is beaming.

"Thank you, dear. Now, who wants a bite?"

Her flaming red hair was swept back into a ponytail and she looked gorgeous in her tight blue jeans. It had been a year since The Incident. Although I was still angry at her for giving in to Alvin's demands, the sight of her peaceful slumber the night following The Incident softened my heart and prevented me from unleashing my fury. So, I decided not to confront her. Instead, I had a lab analyze the mysterious liquid that Alvin had used to drug her. When the results returned, they confirmed it was an illegal concoction and its effects were unpredictable.

Though this confirmed my suspicions that she was innocent, visions of her intoxicated face enjoying Alvin's advances haunted me. To distract myself, I obsessed over learning more about Alvin. But he was a pro, covering his tracks effortlessly. Then my focus shifted to Jay, a challenge I was more than prepared to take on.

"C'mon, honey." Ava's voice breaks through my thoughts. "Two more burgers."

I try to hide my tension and answer, "Sure thing. Two burgers coming up."

A group of Guatemalan families were being hosted by Ava's community service organization in our backyard. Our two children were playing tag with a Spanish boy to my side. Julio was underweight, likely due to starvation during their perilous journey. His facial features leaned more towards the indigenous side, and he always seemed to avoid meeting my gaze. I just figured he was nervous.

When Ava announced his sister, Esmeralda, was using the restroom, Jewel didn't even look up. She was practicing her English with the other women. When Julio hanged around Ava the entire party long, she asked, "Take me home when you're done?"

"Sure, if that's what you want."

Esmeralda's job, working a convenience store in a run-down neighborhood, required me to drive her there. As I returned from dropping off Esmeralda, Julio approached me.

"I'm sorry you had to give me a lift."

I slightly frowned. "It's not a big deal. Did Ava tell you I'm always busy?"

"No, but I can see it through the way she looks at you."

Surprised by Julio's observation, I assured him, "It's just typical work-related inconveniences."

"I think it shouldn't have to be that way."

I nodded, unsure of where the sudden pessimism was coming from.

"...Julio, it's the price you pay for success," I replied. "We all have to make sacrifices."

A Year Ago

Alvin crept into Ava's room while she slept, his hands wrapped around a pharmacological syringe. Relentless guilt at what he was about to do surged through his chest, but he persisted. The contents had been made in a clandestine lab and were so deadly and unpredictable they had no name. He injected her and stepped away, feeling completely defeated as Ava rolled over, blissful in her drug-induced seduction. Alvin's face twisted into a calm look of satisfaction.

I smirk at her determination as we approach her workplace. "You know, you're really walking the walk when it comes to working here. Let me know if you need a lift home."

"Thanks, Mr. Delfino."

The following weeks zoomed by, but not in a fun way. I was hitting brick walls with my investigations and the private investigators I hired weren't offering any useful leads. On top of that, they were costing me a fortune, so I think I've been ripped off in my eagerness to get answers. I was furious and disappointed which led me to take it out on my wife.

"Enough with your attitude, Fin! I can't handle this. Maybe you should spend the night on the couch."

I threw my arms up. "Seriously? I just asked you to leave me alone while I'm at work and you react like this?!"

"Don't yell at me!"

"Fuck off! This is my house and I can yell if I want!"

Ava sighs and grabs her robe as she heads towards the door. "I can't handle this. I'm sleeping in the guest room."

"Fine! Go!"

It weighs heavy on my mind as I lay in bed, contemplating an apology to my wife. However, the image of her with Alvin comes to mind, and my hand clenches into a fist. When I find that son of a bitch, I'll deal with him...

The next several weeks weren't much better than before, but at least Ava was no longer bothering me. I had to work long hours since I'd spent all my savings on those inept private investigators, so I had to handle the legwork myself. As a computer geek, I used these skills to find the information I needed. Though it wasn't entirely legal, it led me to a promising lead: Jay had some questionable shell companies that didn't appear IRS-compliant.

I sleep in on a Saturday and awaken to an empty house. Ava was probably off volunteering and the kids were at their grandparents', which meant I had the place to myself!

Excited by my solitude, I whistle as I wash my face. As I stare into the mirror, I'm shocked by how worn I look. My eyes are lined with bags while my face seems to be melting.

"Dammit! Hold on, body. We'll get our revenge soon enough."

I shiver at the thought of myself getting ahead of myself. I need to stay focused or I'll lose it completely.

The afternoon is uninteresting, so I use it to tidy the house. As I shift through the closet, I spot the laptop. I glance at it, unsure if I have the strength to face the memory that lies within. But there is a voice inside me that urges me to open it. Was I really just a bystander in all this? Wasn't I part of the act?

My hand slowly lifts the top half of the laptop. The device hums to life. I mindlessly type in my password. A picture of my family appears. We're all smiling, dressed in red, and enjoying ourselves. This version of me is grinning as I rest a hand on my wife's shoulder.

I remember the photoshoot vividly. The kids were being fussy while the photographer struggled to contain our laughter. We were so close, and it seemed to annoy him. Ava joked, making us both laugh and causing even more irritation from our nameless photographer.

Despite my anger at what happened, I know deep down that I love Ava. So why...why did I freeze up? Why did I get hard? And worst of all, why did I masturbate to it?

I almost close the laptop, but a blinking icon in the bottom corner catches my eye.

"What's this?"

I click on the icon, and a message pops up telling me my storage is full.

Is it recording still? How on earth was this happening?

After scanning the room for half an hour, I recognized the setup. I'd connected the memory to the cloud and multiple offline storage systems for a work project, only for the company to provide me with a separate laptop. I set it up to wipe any data over three months old just to prevent it from filling up.

I glanced at the screen, and there was the video of Ava and Alvin. My breath caught as I thought about deleting the rest, but caught sight of Julio in one frame. I was curious about his babysitting skills and with his peculiar demeanor, I couldn't resist looking.

A lot of the first month's footage was dull. Julio was adequate, but not great. I tried convincing myself Esmeralda would've been a better fit. I knew it was supposed to be a favor, but I couldn't help considering the thought. I skipped through until the barbecue day.

I'd done most of the work, but Ava was left to finish. I saw Julio staring at her as she bent over to store trays away. Attractive though she was, I couldn't condone his gaze. I convinced myself he was harmless, saving any further judgments. Until I spotted him.

That day, the kids were put to bed in the afternoon while Ava napped on the couch. Julio was about to leave, but reached out and touched her bare stomach. Ava woke up, shocked. He mumbled incoherently, then returned to his pants, struggling to hide his erection.

"What are you doing?!"

Ava was livid, furious with Julio. I felt a mix of anger for his actions and pride in her response. It all seemed like harmless flirtation, but I felt that something more was going on. How could that be? Or...maybe I wanted it to happen? It couldn't be!

I skipped the footage forward a few weeks until I caught another incident. Ava was still asleep, Julio had been about to leave, but once she stirred, she was upset with his behavior.

"I need this job for my family, please!"

"Leave me alone! Don’t you get what you want?!"

He looked like he was on the verge of tears, but didn’t dare to speak. He sulked as he pulled his pants back up and made a dash out the front door.

Ava crumpled back into the couch, defeated. Her eyes fixed on the floor as she traced the outline of her palm onto her forehead, shaking with frustration. [end]

"Woah, man! Has this been recording? How did it do that?"

For the past thirty minutes, I scanned the room, realization dawning on me. I had linked this memory to the cloud and some offline storage programs, planning to use it for a work project when the company issued me a special laptop. It was set to erase data after a three-month period, which is what seemed to have happened.

The screen showed the video of Ava and Alvin. Hesitant at first, I decided to check one more thing - Julio is a babysitter with a secretive personality. I thought checking his babysitting skills would be fine and were just being cautious.

The first month possessed mainly mundane footage. Julio wasn't the best, but getting the job done, which led me to question whether it was a genuinely kind act or not. I fast-forwarded until I found a day when the barbecue was held. I'd cleaned up but left the rest for Ava.

I saw Julio closely observing her bent over in stowing the trays. Her attractiveness was understandable, but his actions were unacceptable. Assuming he was innocent, I let the thought go. Except my suspicions rose when he used the "reach around" technique on her.

Ava was shocked; Julio apologized frantically. I couldn’t hear them, but I could infer that he tried to convince her it was harmless. A few minutes later, Ava seemed to let it go - though he continued to gaze at her when she wasn't looking.

A bit of anger toward Julio, but I was fascinated to see Ava assert herself. So, I fast-forwarded the footage.

It continued for several more weeks when I rewound: Ava was asleep, and Julio was about to leave. I was terrified as he touched her abdomen, and awoke Ava in the process. She was really irritated with his actions.

"Please, I need this job. I...need it for my family," begged Julio.

"Check," barked Ava, "I do this out of charity. And you're acting this way?!? What's wrong with you?"

Julio didn't seem to consider the best course of action, just keeping his hands on Ava's arms pleading.

"Please, no! Not the police! They'll..."

"Let my go!"

Julio, with utmost direness, tried to keep his job, but Ava's rebellion forced him away. He passed by the door, attempting to say something.

"Get out!"

I stopped the video and clenched my fists in anger. As soon as she gets back, I plan to teach that man a lesson. Unfortunately, Ava was unavailable to talk and I sighed, deciding to look through the footage again to see if there was anything else.

It was then when I noticed Julio returning a few days later. Ava didn't say much to him and simply left him to his duties. They must have talked over the phone. I fast-forwarded the video, hoping to find something significant.

I had to wait for a while, but something recent came up. It was only a day or so ago. I played the video back, rewinding when I felt I had gone far enough.

Ava was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands, her long red hair in a messy bun and wearing running shorts paired with a white tank top. I felt a pang of guilt; I'd been so focused on my own concerns that I didn't consider how Ava must have been feeling. She was the entire reason why I wanted to deal with Alvin. We would get justice together.

Julio walked into the room and seemed hesitant when he saw Ava just sitting there. When she didn't acknowledge his presence, he sat next to her. He carefully reached around and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Get your hands off her, you scumbag!" I yelled, almost overturning my laptop.

To my surprise, Ava didn't resist him. Perhaps it was because her emotions were so strong that she didn't react.

"Is everything okay?" Julio asked.

"No, not at all," Ava said softly. "Everything is so stressful! Work, family, volunteering...every day, the tasks just keep piling on and on. And then there's my husband, constantly working. I can't even rely on him, so I don't get any support."

She began to cry, and Julio seemed stunned by the force of her words. He kept his body language open.

"And, on top of that, I have to deal with a pervert babysitter who watches me sleep and masturbates!" Ava spat.

She glared at Julio, but he remained calm.

"Just...calm down. Here," the teen said, pulling a bag from his pocket.

"What?! What is that marijuana?!"

Julio nodded. "Yes, it'll relax you."

"But...I...I can't! I'm a mother. It's irresponsible," Ava said, unsure.

However, Julio had already lighted the joint.

"H-hey! Not here, it'll smell!"

Julio took a puff and exhaled the smoke in her direction.

"Calm down, Mrs. Delfino. It will help."

"One hit won't hurt me," Ava agreed, taking it. She coughed after inhaling. "Ugh, I haven't had weed in a long time! I'd forgotten how it affects the lungs."

Ava's shoulders relaxed, and her inhibitions lowered. She started talking about her husband's neglect and the demands at work. She even mentioned my absence.

"...heck, I've seen more of you than I have Fin!"

"You're beautiful, Mrs. Delfino."

Surprised, Ava thought for a second before sitting up and facing him. "Is that right now? You mean...this chest?"

My wife removed her tank top, revealing a push-up bra. The sight of my wife removing her clothing in front of our sitter made a Memory stir in my mind.

Julio nodded eagerly, taking the T-shirt from me. "Yes, very beautiful. And big."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Why was my wife exposing herself to the teenager? Apparently, the marijuana made her more brazen, because she soon revealed her cleavage. I was aghast.

The teenager's eyes widened as he took in my wife's stunning body. "Yeah, very beautiful."

Ava smiled and goofily offered him her chest.

As a control, he defended her modestly, but she seemed to have more confidence and was enjoying the moment. Looking at the events through the lens of the computer, I could only stare in disbelief.

He nodded, taking in my wife's gorgeous figure. "Yes, truly captivating."

Ava smiled and held out her chest, still showing it off like a proud peacock.

Ava laughs. "I get it. Your honesty is appreciated. I must admit I was annoyed by your actions towards me while I was asleep, but secretly, I liked getting some recognition."

I sit there incredulously with my jaw hanging open. Was she really this agitated, or was it the marijuana making her talk like this? Whatever the case, she was treading a risky path.

She starts fondling her bra-covered breasts as my wife teases the young man. Her seductive aura is evident. Julio is staring at her as if in a trance.

"Do you think about me at night when you're all alone in bed?" Ava breathes passionately while squeezing her soft breasts. "When you jerk off that young dick of yours, imagining little old me on the couch, helpless with my top up?"

Julio moans, desperately rubbing the front of his pants.

"Mrs. Delfino...please," he pleads.

"You're such a pervert, Julio," Ava snarls hotly, "I swore you'd get a pass for your tough life, but lusting after a married woman like that is unacceptable, isn't it?"

Julio grunts, and his erection forms a bulge in his shorts. Ava notices and suddenly stands up, searching for her top.

"Shit! What's wrong with me? I need to find my top-"

Sensing that she's about to leave, Julio steps forward and wraps his arms around her from behind.

"No, please. I...can help..."

Ava moans and I worry the worst because his hands have reached her breasts. But my wife's eyes close and she rubs her temples.

"Julio...not now. I have this terrible headache..."

He grabs the opportunity to kiss her shoulder and cup her breasts with his hands.

"It's okay...I'm here to help you, beautiful woman."

Ava sighs and gently elbows him in the stomach. "No, no. I'm sorry for leading you on like that. I didn't mean for anything to happen. Just...just go home, Julio. We can talk about this later."

Shaking her head, she goes back to our bedroom, rubbing her head. Julio still stands in the living room, undecided. I can hear the shower start and assume he can too. The young man walks towards the bedroom.

"Shit! Is he really going to-?"

Relieved, I realize I've installed a camera in our bathroom. It was a foolish idea of mine to add some excitement to our love life, but I'd never got around to it. I'm hoping it's still functional and figure out how to access it.

The video shows Ava showering naked, fingering herself with one hand and her other hand touching her breasts. She's groaning loudly. My wife is a sight to behold as the hot water cascades down her perfect, pale skin, highlighting her toned muscles.

"Oh, yes! Yes! Ugh! I need this so badly!"

But the beautiful image is ruined by the sight of Julio entering the bathroom. Nude and without the curtain to cover him.

"Fuck! Get out of here, you little creep. This can't happen again!"

Ava's eyes widen and she exclaims in alarm, "Julio! Why are you here? Get..."

She notices his exposed genitals and her eyes widen.

"Ooooh, you're so hot, Mrs. Delfino..."

"We can't," stammers Ava, biting her lower lip. But it seems her arousal has made it hard for her to resist. "Alright! But no touching! No touching, got it?"

Julio nods, stroking his shaft while gazing at her naked body.

"Good. Just stand there and...uh!"

They both groan and groan as they pleasure themselves. The steamy water makes the scene even more captivating. My anger turns into arousal as I watch my wife and the young man rubbing their bodies together.


Ava's body tenses as she approaches her climax first.

"Shit, I can't...hold it...any...longer! AAAAHHHH!"

She shakes uncontrollably as her orgasm passes through her whole body. Ava experiences a longer release than usual as she gasps and moans, her soft voice echoes in the bathroom. Julio groans as he takes in her trembling figure. His dark eyes shine with desire.

Suddenly, the young man jumps forward and kneels down. Like an animal possessed, he grabs onto Ava's hips and presses his face against her crotch.

"Wh-? Julio! Let go of me right now!"

She tries to push him away, but his grip is too powerful for her. Because of her weakened state, she can only yell weakly, "No...I told you no touching!"

While eating her pussy like a crazed animal, Julio's head is whiplashed by Ava's hand a few times, but each slap becomes weaker and weaker as she can no longer withstand the pleasure.

"' warm...ugh! So hot down there!"

My wife is pushing her chest up and down, while quiet moans and mews of satisfaction escape her lips. She no longer has the strength to fight against Julio, all she can do is protest feebly.

"' hot down there!"

Her small body jerks and jumps from time to time when Julio's tongue brushes against her sensitive spots.

"' empty...ugh! So hot down there!"

Ava had tilted her head back, trying to resist. Her body would shudder and jerk whenever Julio's tongue occasionally touched her sweet spots.

"' good...ugh! It's so hot down there!"

Watching this, I can't help but admire the beauty of my wife, but I'm also enraged at what's happening right there in front of my eyes. It shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't be turned on by this situation!

"Ugh! Oh, Julio! You're making me cum! Fuck, yeah! Deeper! Deeper! Deeper!"

Ava slams her hands against Julio's lower back, pushing him closer to her dripping pussy. He must have understood what she wanted, because she's wavering on the verge of a powerful orgasm.

"Oh, yes! Yes! YEESSS! Uuuuuhhhhh, YES!"

As my wife is writhing in pleasure, her hips push against Julio's face and ride it out - she is having two orgasms in a row. However, she pushes him back as soon as she's done. The young man gets up, leaving behind his hard, erect cock. Ava stumbles into the shower, collapsing onto the floor with her hands on her head.

"What...what have I done?"

I close the laptop with a frustrated sigh. I'm not sure who to be mad at. But one thing is for sure, Julio will pay for this. Taking my Glock from the safe behind my desk, I head towards the front door.

Just as I'm about to open the door, my cell phone rings.

"Damn it! Who's calling me now?!?"

I take the phone out of my pocket and see that it's Esmeralda.


"Hello! Mr Delfino, I'm sorry to call you at this time, but..."

"Now? Isn't your shift over in a few hours?"

"I...I need you to pick me up right now. It's an emergency."

"What...what's going on?"

"I...I have to go...please pick me up."

The line goes dead. I look down at the phone and shake my head. I've heard the panic in her voice. I take the Glock out of my pocket and sigh.

"Fucking wanker. What's so important that he's so easily handled my family?"

As mad as I am, I know that nothing will change the fact that I need to go and "rescue" Esmeralda. I get into the car and drive as fast as I can. The quicker I get this over with, the quicker I can find Julio and get back at him for his actions. When I get to the convenience store, it's almost empty.

I call Esmeralda again, but there's no response. That's odd. As I exit the car, I stick the Glock into the back of my pants. This punk is going down!

Upon entering the convenience store, I hear the doorbell ring. The store appears abandoned as I walk in. Just as I start to call out, a noise comes from the back.

I pull out my weapon and cautiously approach.

"Don't touch me!" a woman's voice pleads.

I follow the sound, finding a large man with a mustache holding a terrified woman against a wall in the ladies' bathroom.

"Stay away from her!" I shout, pointing my gun at the man.

The fat man jumps back, surprised by my sudden intrusion.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my store?!" he spits.

"Silence. I'm reporting this to the police for what I just saw."

Esmeralda runs over to me, hugging my arm. Her sobs catch my attention as she speaks about her manager harassing her during empty shifts.

"We should wait here for the police," I consider.

However, the sorrow in her voice convinces me otherwise.

"We're leaving now," I say.

Keeping my gun on the man, I lead Esmeralda out of the bathroom. We exit the building and I guide her to my car. As soon as we sit down, her tears intensify. I pat her back as she continues to cry, sniffling under my sleeve. She looks up at me with her watery eyes, her brown eyes filled with more determination than I expected.

"What's...what are you doing?" I ask, feeling her hand on my pants.

"Please, Mr. Delfino." She begs, "I want to forget...please...I need to forget..."

I resist at first, but my arousal from the adrenaline rush gets the best of me. I reconsider.

"Let's go somewhere more private," I suggest.

We drive to a motel about five miles from the store, and I book us a room for a few hours. I'm hesitant about the situation, but Esmeralda's tone and persistence make it clear what she wants. In the bathroom, Esmeralda emerges with mascara and blush strategically applied, enhancing her naturally strong features. She looks nothing like her brother now: her brother, who is clumsy and meek, and she, who exudes confidence. She walks over to me with a smile.

"Fin," I say, correcting her. "I'm not that much older than you."

Esmeralda acknowledges with a nod. "Okay, so...where were we?"

Standing in front of me, her eyes lock with mine. Her smile turns into a passionate kiss, pulling me into her firm embrace. I push her away briskly, reminding her that this was strictly a physical encounter.

"Let's just...engage in the act," I suggest, swiftly removing my pants.

There's no romance here, just immediate gratification. Esmeralda helps by unzipping her skirt and tugging off her underwear. My arousal lures her into submission as she obediently drops down. She strokes me, then fondles my member with her wet mouth.

I finish in only a few minutes. She stands up, and we leave the motel to return to my car. Trying to make a quick getaway, we drive off onto the highway. Esmeralda breaks the silence.

"Thank you, Fin."

A rush of emotions passes through me. I'm not a man without morals or integrity, and I start to question my decision.

"What...why are you thanking me?"

I remember my plan: to film a video showcasing me with Julio's sister. I decide to do it now. I pull over at a motel near the highway for its seclusion.

"You know, I've always admired you," I reveal. "But tonight, I found out her brother is an abusive pig."

"Yeah, he can be," she agrees, smiling.

I hand her my phone, gesturing for her to set it up. Her smile falters as she watches my face change into a menacing glare.

"I want to create a scene. A sexual encounter with Espie (es-pee)," I say, using her nickname. "I'm doing this for someone."

Surprised and confused, she obeys. She gently pushes up her skirt as I film her taking off her shirt. It's simply a way to stage an illusion for Julio.

Locking away the phone, I tell her to put her clothes back on and get dressed. I look her in the eyes and tell her, "I won't be rewarding you for his actions. This was strictly for you and I have no romantic intentions behind this."

She nods her understanding and I drive away, leaving the motel in the distance. I consider my action though, thinking, "Did I really do that?" My excitement mounts the closer it gets to the truth.

"Eh, you don't waste time, right?" I said as I put a hand on her head. Her tongue shot out and swirled around my penis. "Damn, that feels good!"

As she took me into her wet mouth, I realized it had been a while since I had my dick sucked, especially since she was so energetically bobbing her head back and forth. I haven't been intimate with Ava for a long time. Our marriage was starting to feel stale and that incident didn't help.

Esmeralda then took me into her throat and gagged loudly as I threw my head back moaning. I pulled her off my cock as she wiped her mouth and gave me a questioning look.

"I...I think I'm ready."

She nodded and began to stand up. "Ok, let me just-uh!"

I had lifted her up by grabbing her underarms to throw on the bed. I then spread her legs and pulled her towards the edge of the bed. I then remembered the camera, so I moved us to the side.

"Mister Fin! What are you doing?!"

"Sorry, Esmeralda," I growled as I stroked my cock. "I can't wait any longer!"

"Hnnnnng! big!"

I plunged into her depths as she groaned loudly, arching her back. Thankfully, she was still wet from earlier. Her hands clutched the comforter as I gave her a few seconds to get used to my size. I wasn't sure if she was just being nice or not, since I was really just average, but it was still an ego boost.

"Okay. I'm ready."

I grinned. "You asked for it."

I pulled back just enough so the head of my cock was still in her, then I slammed my hips forward.

"Aaaahh! Uuuhhh! Ooooh!"

The cheap motel bed creaked as I grunted from the effort. It was quite an experience with the peeling wallpaper, the smell of cigarettes, and the sounds of sex from the other rooms. But I didn't care. At the moment, I was focused on the Guatemalan girl in front of me and fucking her. I fucked her.

"Oh, yes! Yes, Mr. Fin! Go harder! Faster! Uuuhh!"

Even though I'd like to accommodate her, I was getting tired. The hours at the office probably affected my stamina a bit, so I needed a break. I leaned down and ran my hands up her curves, then grabbed the front of her blouse and ripped it open, causing her to yelp. I took a second to appreciate her toned stomach and large breasts as she breathed deeply. It was surprising how fit she was, being a refugee, but I didn't think about it too much. I was just happy to enjoy her in the moment.

My desire drove me to yank down her white bra so I could suck her brown nipples. Esmeralda gasped and moaned as I felt her body arch even more. Her thrusts were now short bursts but they went deeper into her hole as she moaned, grabbing onto my back.

"Uh, Fun! It feels so deep! So good!"

It was good that I had my shirt on because I could feel her fingers clawing at my back. That mixed with her cries of pleasure was edging me close to my climax.

"Ugh! I'm about to cum!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Esmeralda surprised me with her strength as she rolled us over so she was on top.

"Whoa! What's the deal?"

I saw her smile down at me. "No yet. I want to enjoy a little bit more."

"Huh. Okay then." I replied with hesitation. It must have been my imagination, but she had a predatory look on her face as she bounced on me. "You seem really wound up today."

"Ah, I am just very...grateful've"

She took my wrists and brought them up to her chest. I grabbed a handful of her breasts and squeezed them.

"Uh! You''re in...pretty...good...shape," I grunted as she rode me hard.

"I guess...all that walking...kept me...healthy. Uh...this good! I can't...can't believe...your wife...doesn't...keep you...satisfied!"

I groaned loudly as I felt a shiver of pleasure up my spine at her words. "Let's...not...bring her into this..."

"That doesn't mean it's not true," said Esmeralda as she placed her hands on my stomach so she could bounce even harder on my lap. "Oh, Fin! Yes! It's so deep!"

Every time she panted, I gasped. Our pleasure symphony got louder and more intense as our breathing became one. I couldn't hold back any longer. This was too much.

"Oh, fuck! Get off! I'm cumming!"

Hey, shouldn't I decline? I let out a primal groan as I curve my body, letting all my emotions go. I can feel my anxiousness, agitation, rage, and sperm discharging from my body like a slowly deflating balloon. As my sight clears, I observe Esmeralda panting in a contented sigh.

"Thank you, Finn. That was fantastic."

"Yep," I manage to mutter faintly as I soak in the post-orgasmic warmth. "Oh, where are you heading?"

She hastily gets dressed and informs me, "Although I loved our sexual escapade, it's time for them to take over."


The door creaks open, and several Hispanic men with guns stride in, pointing their weapons at me.

"Hang on! What's going on here!?" I babbled uncertainly, my gaze shifting between these unknown individuals.

Esmeralda adjusts her blouse and locks eyes with mine. "This is the cartel."

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