lesbian sex

Chris's Little Secret

Chris’s little cock is exposed at a public beach.

May 2, 2024
10 min read
small penis humiliationChris's Little Secretcomparisonsmall penistiny dicksphpublic beachlittle cockpublic nudity
Chris's Little Secret
Chris's Little Secret

Chris's Little Secret

This narrative explores sexual themes of small-penis humiliation, public nudity, vengeful humiliation, and body shaming in an erotic context. If you are uninterested in these topics, it's best to read a different story.

Chris Clarkson was thrilled to attend the annual end-of-year gathering in his hometown. Everyone cherished this tradition and looked forward to it every year. It had long been his dream to attend the event as an accomplished athlete. After dedicating countless hours to individual training and enlisting personal coaches, he had finally made the university soccer team, fulfilling his ambition. His newfound sense of superiority thrived on this recognition, turning his arrogance to astronomical levels. His usual haughty attitude heightened significantly.

As Chris approached, he noticed Jessica, a former classmate, in the room.

"Hey, Jessica! How are you doing?"

She looked startled, "Hi, Chris. I'm doing well. Excited to be here. I really needed a break after the semester I've had."

"Haha, no doubt," Chris responded cheekily.

Jessica responded tensely, "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm sure your studies are way beyond your capacity."

"Excuse me? It's not that at all. It's…"

"Boy problems, I assume."

A towering, muscular man with a superb physical fitness for rugby approached her.

"Jessica, is this guy giving you trouble?"

She smiled at the man, "He's just annoying, but he's not dangerous. I mean, come on."

The man, known as Chad, examined Chris scornfully, "Don't let him bother you. He's not your type."

Chris did not feel dissuaded despite his desire for a body like the man's. Being proud of his physique, he still wished to resemble the dude.

"Who are you, Fred Astaire? Jessica's dancing partner?"

Chad shook his head, "Nope, I'm the boyfriend. Keep away from her."

"Haha, Jessica with a Romeo?"

In inner turmoil, Chris couldn't grasp why Jessica ended up with someone like her beau.

"What do you do exactly? Are you a mechanic or something?"

Chad chuckled in response, "No. I'm a professional rugby player."

Chris snickered, "Ah, I see. You couldn't hack it as a genuine athlete?"

"Rugby is a true sport, diminutive one."

"Certainly, but it's practicing softball instead, eh?"

Dismissively, Chris left, nursing his internal anguish. He couldn't believe Jessica showed up with someone like Chad. No one, not even him, could find a girlfriend, and he had no idea why.

"What a little creep that guy was," Chad said to his date.

"Yeah, that's the Chris I knew back in high school. Self-absorbed as always."

"Has he ever been in a relationship? Perhaps that's the reason."

"Nope, never seen him with anyone."

Chad chortled, "I have a suspicion."

They left Chris to chat with numerous ladies, who he boasted to about athletic accomplishments and team status. Despite their apparent uninterest, he remained unaware. Thankfully, he had yet to pack his surfing gear, so Chad swapped something in the sportsman's bag.

Chris finally decided to surf so went to change. When he entered the changing room, he donned his swimtrunks, unaware of the deception.

"Ladies, check this out," he remarked insolently, crossing in front of them.

He launched himself into the water, basking in a surge of waves. He aimed for a wave and panicked as his bathing suit started to dissolve, his genitals revealed. He tried to sort out the situation, but his flustered state disrupted his surfing. He took a strong impact, receiving a thrust into the deep water.

Jessica panicked, "Chris! Someone help him!"

Chad jumped to the rescue, pulling the unconscious Chris to the surface. He was stark naked, and only his slender buttocks were exposed.

"Is he okay? He took a powerful wave."

A group of women joked, "Wow, check out that little butt. He needs some suntan."

Chad scowled, "He's going to be embarrassed."

Slowly, Chris awoke, disoriented and sprawled out in the water.

He asked, "What's going on?"

Jessica reported, "You were surfing, displaying yourself, and then you fell over. Chad heroically came to save you."

Chad grinned mockingly at the pathetic sight, "You survived my assistant."

Trying to explain himself, Chris conceded, "It was an inadvertent fall. I would've made it without your assistance."

Jessica snapped back, "Are you kidding me? He just saved your life! Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Ah, whatever."

The traumatized Chris found himself center stage, but he was nude, and the crowd's giggles and sniggers disheartened the beleaguered athlete.

Chris thanked Chad, "You're a lifesaver, buddy. I really owe you one."

The group burst into laughter as Chris got back up on his feet. They exchanged a handshake, and Chad beamed with joy.

"No worries. I'm just glad I could help."

Chris fixed his pose with his hands on his hips, "Alright, that's it. There's no need for this staring anymore."

Even with the high-spirited group on the verge of erupting into fits of laughter, Jessica couldn't contain herself. Her laughter led the charge, and soon everyone was howling.

"There's still plenty left to see, buddy," she said.

Chris couldn't understand what was so amusing. Jessica pointed to the dangling area between his legs, "It's that area."

As Chris realized he was completely naked in front of 50 people, assessing every intricate detail of his nude body, he was completely exposed. The small size of his genitals became clearer when they had a good look at it. He was surrounded by people who would explore his most sensitive body part and share it with the world.

What's even worse? His small penis was shrinking due to the cold water and his self-consciousness. His "birth-giver" was only half an inch and seemed to be disappearing more as his face turned a deep shade of red.

"What in the world is so funny!?" he screamed.

Covering his small parts with his hands, he tried to hide what was making them laugh so much. They had a clear view of his tiny genitalia, and if that wasn't enough, they would even share it with his family, college, and potential job.

"This is the smallest thing I've ever seen," one person said.

"How big does he have to go to pee when he has a thing like that?"

"Well, that's what he gets for being a jerk," another chimed in.

"This jerk's little package is pretty pitiful."

It's as if this scenario was ripped straight from a comedy script. Who could possibly believe it was real? But it was, and Chris had to deal with it.

Chad encircled him from behind, grabbing his arms, preventing him from shielding his pathetic genitals.

"Hold on a minute, we're not done yet," he said.

Chris tried to fight, but he was no match for Chad's bulky frame. The more he struggled, the funnier the situation got. His tiny, weak penis bounced like a swing, making everyone's laughter more uproarious.

"Check out how the tiny thing bounces around! It's adorable," someone joked.

"His pubes are longer than his scanty thing."

"What language are these penises? Wow, followed by tinier genitals."

"He can't even take a piss anymore - poor guy."

"Might need a microscope to find his penis."

A girl filmed the event for her live stream, "Hahahaha! Look at how ridiculously small that is!"

"I'm sorry, can you please come closer? It's hard to see from here," came another hilarious comment from the crowd.

Chad was losing it with laughter, "If you want to see it more closely, come on over."

The group got closer and surrounded him, taking turns taking selfies, touching him, teasing him, and smiling sarcastically at him.

"If it were as tiny as his wiener, I'd be dead from embarrassment."

"You're like holding a grain of sand"

As the crowd continued their ridicule, Jessica said, "I'd rather be in a relationship with a man with nothing down there than a man with no dick. It'd make me appear as a lesbian! It's too repulsive to think about."

Visualize a situation where you wait for marriage and that's your husband's tiny private part. That's indeed the ultimate deception.

It's kind of funny, and he should be encouraged to showcase his puny member so we can all have a good chuckle when we desire it.

After approximately 15 minutes of agonizing torment from his miserable situation, Chris couldn't contain himself anymore, saying, "Alright, can we bring this to an end? It's not funny anymore."

Jessica glared at him, "Oh, it definitely is. And it always will be. What's not funny is how you've consistently behaved like a jerk towards everyone. It makes sense now, but you still deserve this. I call it retribution. Chad and I sneaked in the dissolving trunks, just a harmless prank, but we had no idea you were carrying the smallest, hilarious tadpole in existence."

"How dare you? You ugly bitch!"

Chad disapproved of that juvenile outburst, "Tsk, tsk, tsk; he hasn't learned his lesson, has he? We thought this would humble you, but it seems not. We originally planned to return your trunks, but it's too late for --"

"No, please, I'm sorry. I was just astonished. Please give me back my swimming trunks."

"Haha, it's amusing when you realize we hold the power, isn't it? Okay, under one condition: you must guarantee you'll follow through. Will you?"

Chris sighed, "Yes, I promise."

"I'm not convinced. Do you pinky promise, which suits you fittingly, haha? Pinky promise on your petite pinky."

Obviously agitated, he looked down, "Fine, I pinky promise on my tiny pinky."

"That's a good boy. We simply want to hear your admission. Speak it loudly, little boy."

A bit frustrated, he said, "I have a very tiny little cock."

Everyone cheered him on and cheered, "Tiny, tiny cock!"

Chad mockingly remarked, "Wow, you're braver than most to acknowledge how surprisingly tiny your pathetically short bolt is. That's quite admirable, and I'm proud of the wee guy."

He tossed him on the ground, and hitting the floor made Chris wince in agony. He kicked some sand over him, providing a bit of coverage for his impotent status. He then threw his trunks on his face.

"There you go, little asshole."

Chris rapidly retrieved them, and everyone dispersed. Even though he still received critiques, it subsided. After considering everything, Chris couldn't handle his anger. He had made the wrong decision to retaliate. He wouldn't let this guy shame him.

Chad was hanging out with a group of friends alongside Jessica, Melissa, Megan, and Rachel. This was his opportunity to reveal the so-called athlete. He quickly approached Chad and ripped off his bathers.

There was a resounding gasp from the crowd, and they all stared at Chad's penis. There was no laughter, but rather murmurs of desire and amazement.

Jessica faced Chris and shouted, "You don't do that to my boyfriend, do you hear me."

She tossed his bathers to the ground, leaving him naked once again. Chris instantly learned revenge solves nothing; it only deepens the situation. The crowd laughed even louder at Chris's puny penis.

Chad turned around with his bathers around his ankles, proudly holding his hips. Chris couldn't believe his eyes; Chad had a massive dick swinging between his thighs. Chris's was so much smaller, causing the crowd's laughter to escalate. And now, there was something to evaluate how small his was in comparison, making it look even more laughably small. He looked down and saw nearly nothing between his legs, and the head of Chad's cock was bigger than what he had altogether.

"That's right, small fry, take in the sight of what you'll never have."

Jessica kicked his slender backside and pushed his bathers back to his ankles, keeping him stark naked. Chad effortlessly lifted him as if he were a meager piece of fabric, and he dumped him on his shoulder like a frail child.

"My goodness, he's as light as a feather, so his peepee is as well. He's also got these slender, feminine muscles."

"He's built like a girl in more ways than one, hahaha."

His imposing presence demanded attention. Mocked by a smirk on his face, the crowd laughed at poor little Chris and his dainty member. Their amusement fueled Chad's malicious intentions. He paraded him around like a prize, showcasing his submissiveness to the world. The mocking crowd relished poor little Chris's humiliation.

Right now, at the mercy of this stranger's strength, Chris experiences his sense of self-esteem being ripped apart with every stride. The man's mockery escalates, his words piercing through the character's already injured morale.

"You're truly a pathetic example of a man - a minuscule penis, no romantic partner, and a delicate, colorless body like a young child."

He attempted to resist against Chad's grasp, intending to escape this humiliating exhibit. But his efforts yielded nothing, as the man's might was unsurmountable. He hurled insults and belittling comments, savouring Chris's vulnerability. The crowd followed suit and magnified the torment.

"Not only is Chris proportionately minor where it counts, but he is being carried and punished like a child."

"For someone with such a hypermasculine ego, he's actually a terrified little boy."

"Haha, he's acting just like my five-year-old son when he has a temper tantrum."

Chad led the way to a volleyball court, which was empty at the time. He removed the rope and tied him to the post, still naked and vulnerable, getting smaller from the ocean gusts.

"Please, wait, you can't just leave me like this."

"Okay, I'll tie you up; just tell me how I defeated you."

Chris desperately wanted this over and was ready to do anything to hasten it. "Chad is a superior man than I'll ever be. He possesses a much larger penis, stronger muscles, and a charming girlfriend I'll never be able to attain. My penis is abominably small and almost non-existent. And I'm sorry for any harm I caused during my attempts to hide my small-penis identity."

"That was beautiful, little lad. See you later."

People started leaving.

"Wait, you swore."

"Yep, idiot, I lied. Enjoy yourself. We'll return for you in a few hours."

Despite his desires, Chris was left there - defeated, uncovered, humiliated, degraded, and his reputation was tarnished forever.

After waiting for hours, full of small-penis jokes, nighttime arrived, and he shivered from the cold.

Jessica and Chad returned, both laughing, "How's it hanging, little man, haha? We came back to get you."

Jessica laughed as she untied him, "It's good to know you think I'm attractive. There was a time I found you adorable, but you squandered any chances with me because you're a gigantic, or dare I say, tiny prick, haha."

"I'm so sorry. Can I have my clothes back?"

"Nope, scram, go home. Explain to your loved ones why your son is the least hung man in existence. How embarrassing for them to have a son with such a tiny dangly thing."

She kissed him on the cheek. Chris had tears in his eyes and ran off, covering his incredibly small, brief penis. After the party, pictures and videos of the event circulated online, and everyone in his tiny circle soon learned about his unremarkable equipment.

Chris was unable to flee this predicament, and his microscopic penis secret would haunt him eternally. Whether his demeanor shifted or not can't be determined, but it ultimately wouldn't make a difference because he would always have a minuscule penis.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de