
Clandestine Romance Part 6

Zahra, Kate, Malcolm, and Damir establish guidelines.

Jun 6, 2024
11 min read
oral sexsextingIllicit Affair Pt. 06sex positionscouple of loversanal sexbosniaenglandlondon
Illicit Affair Pt. 06
Illicit Affair Pt. 06

Clandestine Romance Part 6

Before departing home, I made the decision to send Zahra the plan for today's session. However, she didn't respond right away because she was already at work, surrounded by kids.


Good morning Sweet Shirin. See you at 3:30.

Session 6:

10 push offs into a streamline and return to the wall10 x 25m flutter kick with board and snorkel10 x 25m freestyle catchup with snorkel10 x 25m flutter kick on the back with board10 x 25m single hand line pull backstroke

As the morning at work progressed, three students came to me, each one having their own issue due to their projects at home that I helped them with. The head of the department wanted to talk to me about the implementation of the new elective that I proposed. I had two more committee meetings to attend. The second one ended at 3:00pm. I grabbed my swimming bag and left the college. It takes about thirty minutes to walk to the Vietnamese restaurant, so I arrived just in time. All the tables were taken, and Zahra was sitting at one of them, having a small Red Saigon beer.

- Wow, it's quite busy here today, even more than usual.

- I was lucky. I arrived ten minutes early, right when a couple finished their meal.

I waved at the waitress. I ordered another Red Saigon for myself and two servings of roast duck.

Meal was great as usual. After we paid, we grabbed our swimming gear and made our way to the tube station. When we got there, the woman in front of me turned to me and:

- Good day. My name is Jill. Can I ask you something? I've seen you two swimming together a few times.

- Of course you can ask. My name is Damir.

- So Damir, can you teach me the correct freestyle turn?

  • This is the first time I've been asked by someone. If you're still here in an hour, I'll show you how to do a flip turn.
  • Thank you. (turns to Zahra) You are one lucky girl. I hope you don't mind if your husband shows me how to flip.

- Not at all. Incidentally, my name is Zahra.

  • Now Jill, where are you from?

- I am from New Zealand, but I've been working in London for almost ten years. I work for a tourist agency.

- And I work in a college, which is part of the University of London.

- And I work in a kindergarten.

- So, Jill, do you often come here to this restaurant?

- Almost every day. I've seen you swim on your own before, but I never knew how to ask you.

- Don't worry. It'll only take five minutes to show you the exercises. Your job is to practice them repeatedly until they feel natural.

- Thank you. See you in an hour.

When we got changed and took a shower, Zahra asked why I don't teach her how to do a proper turn.

- Because I want you to swim very well. As for Jill, she takes charge of her own life. If she wants me to show her how to do a flip turn in a few minutes, her turn will never improve. When you learn to do it correctly, the turn will feel natural if you simply lower your head, which isn't too tough.

- If you continue to teach others, you'll soon be teaching all the women in London.

- Am I making you jealous?

- Yes, you are. You're my teacher.

- It will only take five minutes. I know, but when I see all these tall and slim women coming to the pool, I feel inadequate beside them. You're wrong. I have the right to have a preference for certain things. What bothers me about Jill is that she has a tattoo on her arm. It may be politically incorrect, but I believe in the basic human right to prefer my taste over skinny, tattooed blondes with long legs.

I kissed her and we entered the pool. Zahra was doing good freestyle drills, so I decided that next week she would start swimming it. However, her backstroke needed improvement. Her flutter kick was almost perfect, but she still reached her hand over the vertical axis of her body on the pull. This "don't do that" overreach should be naturally corrected by repeating the line drill. If a swimmer has to hold the line, their palm will automatically remain on the same side of their body axes as their shoulder during the stroke.

After I finished swimming, Jill approached us. I signaled for her to jump in the water. In this part of the pool, the water was waist-deep, so we could talk while standing there. [

Join me in the water, Zahra. Performing a few turns won't affect your swimming abilities. Perhaps we should incorporate turn drills during each practice session. Let's start by pushing off the wall in a streamlined position, then drawing both hands towards your hips.

I showed them how to do it first, before guiding them through some repetitions. Following this, I demonstrated the importance of quickly bowing your head during the flip. Due to the water's resistance, once you reach a specific speed, your body automatically transforms into a somersault. Once they were proficient, I retrieved a pull buoy and kickboard. The next step is for swimmers to figure out what to do with their hands. They must not try to guide the flip with their hands. If they grip foam pieces, their palms will remain near their hips during the turn. The key is to propel themselves into a flip, as there's no wall to push off from prior to turning. Hands must remain still for the necessary speed to derive from powerful kicks.

Jill was advised to practice these drills frequently until we meet again. She thanked Zahra and I for our companionship and continued swimming. Zahra and I then headed to a Chinese bistro for dinner.

  • How prepared are you for tomorrow?
  • I'm not certain.
  • Are you worried about stage fright? The worst-case scenario would be a disagreement among us.
  • I'm apprehensive about what to say. All I can express is my love for you and the desire to wake up next to you.
  • I'll handle most of the discussion. To simplify the situation, our main objective is to reach an understanding that would eradicate any potential risks of surprising Kate and Malcolm during intimacy. We could debate the matter privately first before addressing them. I favor sleeping in Senad's studio, housed on an inflatable bed. Our cohabitation is set to commence tomorrow.
  • I agree, I'd rather sleep there than in the guest room of Kate's house. Malcolm has the option to bring Kate over every night if they desire.
  • We'll move a majority of our belongings to Senad's studio. I'm planning to schedule one annouced visit per week for laundry at either house. Weekends, of course. Our shared goal is to become comfortable both in private and in public.
  • I concur. Once we move our laundry rack, we should set up the iron and ironing stand.
  • Your enthusiasm for carrying out tasks astounds me, my dear Zahra.
  • Thank you, dear Farhad. I believe we should prohibit any unannounced visits to either residence. This situation is relatively straightforward.
  • We can't live here indefinitely. Either Senad will return or sell the studio. It served as a studio rather than a living quarter, but now it's our only option. I plan to consult Ferida, who knows many Bosnians in the city. I'm confident she can find a suitable rental within the city.
  • Can we discuss a more serious matter later?
  • Why not now?
  • I'm not quite prepared yet.
  • Alright. What would you like for lunch?
  • Two baozi each should suffice.

At that point, I contemplated the possibility that this could be our final night together under one roof. Upon arriving home, my wife was already present.

  • Good evening, Kate.
  • Hi.
  • Although I know I'm no longer welcome here, everything will ultimately be resolved. Have you conveyed my brunch suggestion to Malcolm?
  • Yes. He concurs. Are eleven o'clock suitable for you?
  • Yes. Where should we go?
  • Malcolm insists we join him at his residence, as his wife will prepare the meal.
  • Alternatively, we could order from the Vietnamese restaurant I occasionally frequent for lunch.
  • It doesn't matter; Malcolm has pledged to manage everything.
  • May I ask you something personal, Kate?
  • What if I respond negatively?
  • I won't inquire.
  • You may inquire.
  • Are you content with Malcolm, Kate?
  • Yes.
  • I'm relieved to hear that. You deserve someone who can offer you what I can't. The rest can be sorted out tomorrow. I truly wish happiness for you, my love. I also hope you and your Persian friend will experience happiness together. Have you determined how to accomplish this yet?
  • Yes. We will discuss it tomorrow. This is our final night remaining under the same roof. Goodnight, Kate.
  • Goodnight, Damir.

Saturday was cold and rainy.


Kate and I are supposed to come to your house at eleven o'clock tomorrow.

Yes, I'll cook something.

Tonight, we'll be together and I'm feeling great.

I'm packing again. I'll bring my bathrobe and a copper džezva so we can make some proper oriental coffee.

I have a present for you. It's a chemise, stockings, and panties from a quality producer in the former Yugoslavia. It's for our first sleep-together. If you like them, we can use them for our second lesson.

What color are they?

One red, one white, and one black.

Will you wear a Che Guevara T-shirt? Do you have one?

Yes, I like to tease conservatives with it. I once wore it to lunch with Kate and her parents. They were visibly upset about it. The T-shirt is still here - I'll bring it to Atelier.

Do you want me to wear it at today's brunch?

Yes, I want you to tease Malcolm, the royal family admirer.

You're such a bad Red Beret girl. You deserve a spanking.

Words, words, words. Words are easy, worlds are cheap. I bet you don't have the courage to actually act on what you're saying. The truth is, have you ever spanked your wife?

No. Kate is a feminist. She would never allow me to do such a thing, because it would mean I have an unfulfilled desire to humiliate women. If she knew I was thinking about that, she would be disgusted.

She doesn't know what she's missing.

Have you ever been spanked by Malcolm?

No. He would also say that such a thought is sick and abnormal.

Truth. Do you want me to spank you in real life, or is this just a playful sexting conversation? Do you want to turn me on?

Yes, you're successfully turning me on. I'm as hard as a first-class diamond.

Ha ha ha, I bet even a banana is harder than your Softy.

I promise you, your curvy butt will be red by the time Sunday arrives. I'll spank you with my Das Kapital until you scream, "Lovers of the world, unite!"

You should leave the college and start a PR agency. You're a natural bullshitter.

Spanking is coming to the UK.

I love you. You're a good sport.

What will you use to spank me?

I'll spank you wearing your chemise, stockings, and panties.

Dare. Wash me, spank me, fuck me.

With my Das Kapital, I'll spank you until you scream.

Shirin: You should leave the college and start a PR agency. You're a natural bullshitter.

Farhad: No need to provoke me any further. Spanking is coming to the UK.

I love you. You're a good sport.

I'd like to spank you while wearing a Rosa Luxemburg T-shirt and white cotton panties, while I'm only wearing a Karl Marx T-shirt.

I have to go prepare our brunch. I'm a bit nervous, so I trust you'll handle everything.

See you at eleven.

Brexit is brexit and dare is dare. I changed my shirt to a Che Guevara T-shirt. When it was five minutes before eleven o'clock, I came out of my study. Kate was already at the door. I put on my coat and shoes and we walked towards Malcolm's house.

"Kate, can we agree to act natural? Will you kiss Malcolm like I'll kiss Zahra?"

"Kissing in front of other people is your way of behaving, but not mine."

She rang the doorbell. I anticipated the homeowner would answer, but instead it was Zahra who emerged at the door's edge. Her cheeks were blushed with shame. Without hesitation, I climbed the steps towards Zahra, tenderly caressed her cheek, and planted a kiss on her forehead. Love overwhelmed me, giving no heed to the judgment of others. Kate joined us, visibly flustered as well. To hell with those confining social conventions.

Zahra welcomed us inside and guided us into the main dining area. Malcolm was seated at the fully set table. I approached him and extended my hand in greeting. He too, conveyed his embarrassment.

  • (Malcolm) Sit down, please.
  • (me) Should we eat first, or should we converse first?
  • (Kate) Let's eat first.
  • (me) Right then.

The food was delightful. For a while, we ate silently. I then chose to initiate conversation.

- I believe we must agree on some foundational principles. I gather there are two such statements, the first being: Kate adores Malcolm and Malcolm loves Kate. The second is: Zahra is enamoured with Damir and Damir reciprocates. Any objections?

  • (Kate) None.

I observed Malcolm, who offered no objection but did nod. He was accustomed to interacting with "raja" (commoners).

- My proposal is that both couples now reside together. Zahra and I have an artist's studio accessible for no less than six months, allowing you two to choose between the two homes for sleeping.

  • (Malcolm) Are you advocating for us all to divorce and remarry?

- Absolutely not. I have no intention of discussing terms with lawyers. I wish to avoid accountings of plates and utensils. As long as two of you don't insist, I am content without being officially married to Zahra.

  • (Kate) So tonight you anticipate sleeping at Senad's house?

- Certainly. I put forth this additional condition: Zahra and I shall never make unannounced visits. Do you concur?

  • (Kate) Yeah.
  • (Malcolm) I agree.

- All right. Enjoy your intimate moments, wherever you find yourselves.

  • (Kate) Must you be so graphic in your language?

- You observe, Kate, the predicament I face. I've always been known as Damir the Barbarian. I cannot force myself to comply with British upper middle class standards. If I wish to casually utter expletives in public, I shall. I cannot make you happy, so I truly wish you and Malcolm the best. I envision us, Zahra and me, disappearing on a magical carpet to the Orient. There is one favor I request of you.

  • (Malcolm) You mean taking Zahra to Bosnia?

- No. It's no longer Yugoslavia. Yes, I have no intention of resigning from my job. Furthermore, an additional request: my parents remain loving, and I still have friends who are content away from the 3-nation Dawn Bosnia's restrictions. Nonetheless, it's insignificant at this point.

  • (Kate) What favor would you seek from us, Damir?

- I'd like to utilize your washing machine for Zahra and my laundry. You're welcome to join us or visit Malcolm's house for your own laundry. We'll transfer the cleaned garments to our place for air drying. I hope to maintain a friendship between us four. We all obtained that which we desired.

  • (Malcolm) I doubt we'll have much to discuss. Should I grant permission for you to use our washing machine? If so, I'll not object.
  • (Kate) Yes. I'm allowing you to move all remaining belongings into the guest room and to visit weekly to use the laundry facilities. With Malcolm and me, there's less compelling reason to watch the washing machine at your place.
  • (Kate) You anticipate my chatting with you?

- Yes. I desire us to remain friends. We might not be friends, but we're not foes either.

  • (Malcolm) I question whether there's ample material for conversation.

- Yes. I will safeguard your trust. In the past, my word has proven superior to any legal agreement. Thank you, Kate.

We completed our meal and Zahra and I ventured to collect her belongings. I offered Kate and Malcolm my hand as we said farewell. Though we weren't friends and may never be, we were at least not opponents. The second round of Zahra's anal sex seminar was nearing, and I was prepared. I began to drive, gripping the steering wheel in my right hand and Zahra's right hand in my left. The streets of London never seemed more charming. I clutched the steering wheel with my right hand and Zahra's right hand with my left hand. The streets of London appeared especially enchanting.

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