Commitment - Epilogue

The first years together. How their DS relasonship works.

Jun 29, 2024
60 min read
consentualromanticcouplesfemale submissivemaile dominatesubmissionbondageCommitment - Epilogue
Commitment - Epilogue
Commitment - Epilogue

Commitment - Epilogue

Authors Note:This is a continuation to the Commitment series. I strongly recommend that you read that first as there are several references to that work. This is only my second attempt at posting here so please ignore the stuff that doesn't work for some reason. I originally wrote this many years ago, i.e. before cell phones, but I have tried to update it to modern times. I may have missed some things here and there however. This is just the rambleings of my mind and has no basis in real life. Hope you might like it.

Chapter 1

The movement in the bed woke Sally. Paul was starting to get out of bed. Sally wanted to wrap her arms around him, to snuggle against him and keep him in bed with her. Paul would be leaving on a trip, and she didn't want him to go. She reached up for him, but her arms were halted partway along their reach. Her motion was prevented by the short lengths of chain which connected the cuffs on each of her wrists to the heavy eyebolts sunk deep into the sturdy wooden frame of their bed.

"Oh, I wish I could wrap my arms around you and hold you tight," she said with a sigh. She found her bonds both exciting and frustrating. Her condition, recalled to the forefront of her thoughts again, caused her to squirm slowly, seductively wriggling her body as she alternately pulled on the chains constraining her arms and her legs. As with every other time she had tried, while they allowed her a certain freedom of movement, she was not able to move her limbs close enough to grab him. All she accomplished was eliciting the tinkling laughter of the chains, turning herself into a lewd display of female flesh. She was glad it did not go unnoticed. Paul devoured her with his eyes. But then he turned and went into the bathroom leaving Sally to her thoughts.

It had been several months since their wedding, and they were settling into a routine which included the bondage of Sally most of the time. The wedding had been wonderful, but nothing out of the ordinary, just a hundred guests and a big party afterwards. Not a hint of the bondage nature of their relationship. Although when it was time to hold hands, rather than her hand, Paul grabbed the bracelet he had soldered permanently onto her wrist and then gave her a wink. Sally knew it was not the result of nervousness, as her maid of honor had kidded him about at the reception.

Sally studied her current situation as she heard Paul turn on the shower. It was different from the soft leather bands he had used in the past. These were solid steel circles as thick as her little finger. Actually, they were two halves with a protrusion in one half that went between two others in the mating piece. On one side they were pinned together in such a way that it formed a hinge. On the other side, there was a set of holes that lined up when the halves were closed. Through this hole the padlock was inserted, and the lock also went through the last link of the chain attached to the bed. This was repeated on each of her limbs. Sally examined the shackles again, since she was not going anywhere until Paul got out of the shower. Or was she?

She looked at the hinge carefully to see if she could push the pin out. But no, the pin had been well secured and there was not even an edge to catch the sheets on. The lock shank fit precisely into the hole so there was no way to get the circle any bigger. Maybe she could slip it over her hand if she tried hard enough. After all, they were larger than her bracelet.

She played with the bracelet on her right wrist and found that she could pass the bracelet through the center of shackle easily. This placed the shackle at the base of her hand. Carefully, she folded her thumb in as far as it would go and tried to push the shackle over the base of her hand. It did not move very far, and it was very tight. Not giving up, she tried to screw it off by twisting it as she was pushing. It got tighter to the point where it was hurting. I was still not near the widest part of her hand.

Reluctantly she gave up and pulled it back on her wrist. In frustration she pulled her arm as hard as she could, straining against the chain, but it was unyielding. She was equally unsuccessful with her other hand as well as her feet. She was stuck to the bed. "Well, there are worse places to be stuck," she thought, thinking of the number of times she had been restrained in the dungeon downstairs.

She heard the shower stop and imagined the sight of Paul stepping out of the shower. She realized that all the frustrations had made her wet between her legs again. She had been that way many times last night as they had made love, and she had lost count of the number of times that she had climaxed. Paul was leaving for a week on the road, and they were trying to "bank" some orgasms to tide them over until he returned. Not that it would work, but it was sure fun trying. Sally was ready for more right now. She was going to miss him. It would be their first separation since they were married.

"Paul, are you sure that you can't skip this meeting?" Sally pleaded.

"Now we've been all through this before, Sally," Paul replied. "There's some big announcement coming out tomorrow and they want us all in one place for the announcement and sales training on whatever it is immediately after. Are you sure that you can't get away and join me? We'd have some fun in the evenings in Chicago, you know."

"I know," Sally answered. "But you know that we are rolling out a new rate software application to the agents soon, so I have a series of meetings to plan for the increased call load the support staff will be getting."

Paul came into the bedroom, freshly shaven, clean, and wearing his underwear. Retrieving the key off the dresser, he released his bride from the bed.

"Well then we're stuck apart for the week, aren't we? Your turn in the bathroom, you sex addict."

"Only with you!" Sally said as, finally free, she grabbed him and kissed him deeply.

By the time that Sally was done in the bathroom and dressed for work, Paul had some breakfast on the counter. They talked about their coming week and how much they would miss each other. Sally drove Paul to the airport but, due to her work schedule, could not wait for his flight. So, they said their goodbyes at the curb.

Sally got to work just in time for her first meeting. The meetings were back-to-back all day long. It was late by the time she'd waded through her emails and voicemail, and it was very late when she got home. Since Paul wasn't there, she picked her way through the leftovers in the refrigerator. As she sat down to eat, she noticed that she had missed a call, but there was a voicemail. It was from Paul. He had arrived safely, but he would be out late, so he would try to talk to her tomorrow night.

Sally watched a little TV until it was time for bed, but she could not go to sleep. They had only been married for a short time, but already the bed did not feel right. It was just too empty, and she was tied to it more times than not.

Finally, she picked up the bracelets, locks, and chains that were still attached to the bed from their previous activity. First, she locked her ankles to the bed, then she reached up and put the key on the headboard next to the blindfold.

On impulse, she picked up the blindfold and put it on. The world went black. This was a heavy padded leather blindfold that fit the bridge of her nose perfectly, blocking out all sight. With some difficulty, feeling around until she looped the chain from the right side of the bed through the lock on her right wrist. She tried to reach the left chain but could not find it. She would not be able to close the lock anyway so, instead, she found another link next to her right wrist and locked the bracelet to that, effectively handcuffing her wrists together. Strangely, this felt better to Sally.

She imagined that Paul was going to sell her at a slave auction. She tried to reach her pussy but found that she could not. After what seemed like a long time, she finally fell asleep.

Chapter 2

Sally came to with a start. She was in a cage. The cage was not big enough for her to stretch her legs out and it forced her into a fetal position. She was naked. When she looked around, there were other women in the room, each in their own cage. Sally had no idea where she was, or what was going on, but she could not get out of the cage. The door to the room swung open, and a big man dressed in robes came in.

"So, you're finally awake, little one. It's time to prepare you to meet your new master," he said, as he stared at her naked form.

He reached down and opened the door to the cage, but Sally was not about to come out. She did not like the looks of this man. She figured that she was safer inside the cage than out. The man smiled knowingly and simply walked to the back of the cage and picked up a silver stick. Sally could not see clearly what he was up to because the cage was so small, and now he was standing behind her butt. Maybe she could bolt out the cage and out the door. No, that would not work. She had no idea where she was and would not even make the door before he caught her. Better to stay where she was.

The stick he was holding was a little thicker than a broom handle, but only 3 feet long. He slowly started to insert it into the cage.

Sally thought, "He's going to try to push me out with the stick, but I won't budge."

She felt it come into contact with her right thigh. Suddenly there was a massive pain, and her leg pushed her headlong out of the cage. Her whole leg was on fire, and she heard herself screaming uncontrollably.

The man in the robe was totally unconcerned. He calmly walked around the cage and ordered her to her feet. When she did not respond, he reached out to her with the stick again. It was as if things were happening in slow motion for Sally. She watched in horror as he touched her butt and pushed a button on the side of the stick. She erupted in even more pain, finally realizing that he was using a cattle prod on her. For some strange reason though, it seemed tied to her sex, and she was incredibly turned on. She had watched her uncle use one on the farm years ago and it had turned her on, the way it made the cattle behave. But this was weird.

Suddenly the room was filled with music. It was so loud that all Sally wanted to do was cover her ears, but she couldn't move them from under her body. The whole world dimmed and went black. Next, she heard the voice of the morning DJ on the radio, but she could not see anything. Slowly the realization that she was in her bed came to her. It had only been a dream.

She remembered the blindfold but could not reach it. She had become tangled in the chain that connected her wrists to the bed. She was fumbling to untangle herself and wished that DJ would stop playing such loud music. Finally, she got untangled and removed the blindfold so she could see to turn off the alarm. She could barely reach the radio with the length of chain connecting her to the bed. She was also incredibly horny. She reached the key and unlocked her left wrist and put her hand into her pussy. It took only a second of rubbing to make herself cum explosively.

When she came back down to earth, she wondered why the dream had affected her so. It occupied her mind as she released herself and got ready for work. What was it that caused her to be so turned on by such an awful situation? She really did not have time to think about it that much because she was now running late for work, since she had not got up when the radio alarm had come on.

It was in the middle of the day, during a particularly boring meeting, that Sally found herself analyzing the dream again. She replayed it in her mind repeatedly. She wondered if it was her total lack of control over the situation in the dream that had been so stimulating.

While she trusted Paul, that was also part of the problem. She knew that he would not push her beyond her limits. Where, in the dream, Paul was not there. She did not know where she was. She knew that there were no limits, and she had no landmarks to go by. Nothing at all was familiar.

"Where are you?" Amy asked.

Sally was suddenly jerked back to reality. The meeting was breaking up and she had no idea what had happened. Her co-worker Amy was still seated next to her and looking at her oddly as the rest filed out of the room.

"Sorry," Sally replied, embarrassed.

"I don't know what you were thinking about, but you were a million miles from here. You were sitting there staring into space and pulling on your bracelet like you were trying to take it off."

"I was reliving a dream I had, and I didn't realize I was playing with my forever bracelet." Sally was even more embarrassed.

"You know, I still like the way the bracelet looks. It's so endless, yet it looks like a regular bracelet. If you hadn't told me about it when you got it, I would never have guessed it was permanent. I have my parents' class rings, do you think that would be enough gold to make a matching bracelets for me and my husband?" Amy asked.

"I don't know. I still have the phone number of the jeweler in my cube, if you'd like to give him a call and find out," Sally said, finally standing up.

"I'll come with you. I told my husband about them, and he thought it would be a neat way to use some stuff that we don't wear."

They went back to Sally's cube, and she dug through her desk until she found the jewelers card. Amy took the card, promising to return it later. Sally looked at the clock. It was time to go home, but she did not want to go home to an empty house again. She picked up the phone and called Tammie.

"What are you doing tonight?" Sally asked when Tammie answered.

"Oh, not much. With our men out there partying at this so-called business meeting, it's not worth cooking for one. Why don't we go out somewhere?" Tammie suggested.

"Okay, as long as it is somewhere casual. I sure do miss Paul. It seems like he has been gone forever."

"Yes, it is always worse for the one left at home," Tammie observed.

"Let's go to Tony's for Italian," Sally suggested.

"Okay. See you there at six," Tammie replied, and hung up.

They both arrived at the same time, meeting in the parking lot. Tony's was a quiet little place, not big on atmosphere, but had good food cheap. They were seated at a little table with wooden chairs in the corner that was out of the mainstream. They ordered some wine and were making small talk about what their men were probably up to as they studied the menu. Sally observed Tammie shifting in her seat. After the waitress took their orders, Sally questioned if there was something wrong.

"Not really," Tammie replied. "It's just that this hard -seated chair does not agree with the chastity belt that Sam locked me in before he left."

"You mean you are wearing that thing that locks into your labia rings? For five days while they are gone??" Sally could not believe it.

"Yeah, and the worst part is it turns me on, but also keeps me from doing anything about it. I want it more because I can't have it."

"I bet you'll attack Sam when he gets home," Sally guessed.

"I think that's the idea."

Sally's cell phone started to ring so she dug into her purse to answer it.


"Where in the world are you, anyway?" It was Paul.

"Out to dinner with Tammie and missing you," Sally retorted. "Have you found out why they made you all come out there?"

"Yes, and I think that you are going to find this interesting. The company is expanding its line of products and has purchased another company, so there is a whole realignment of the account teams."

"What does that mean for you?" Sally asked.

"Well, the purchase is of an institutional supply company, so I have been teamed with Sam and we will concentrate on hospitals in our state. That means that with the smaller territory, I won't be gone as many nights as before. And get this, the company specialized in sales of restraints, so I will pick up several state hospitals, jails, and other institutions," Paul informed her.

Sally could hear the twinkle in his eyes across the phone. "That is interesting."

"Yes, we've been issued samples and are learning how to sell and demonstrate the equipment. But I miss you and wish you could have come along."

"I'm sorry dear, but you know if it had been two weeks later, I could have."

"Good," Paul exclaimed.

"What?" Sally was puzzled.

"There's an exhibit at the regional convention in two weeks and I have to man the booth. You'll be able to go with me then, and the company will pick up all the expenses."

"I'll start rearranging my schedule tomorrow." Sally was smiling now.

"Hey, you said you were with Tammie. Put her on so Sam can tell her the news. They get the same deal, and I'll see you early Friday afternoon when the plane lands."

"Okay. Here Tammie, Sam wants to talk to you."

Sally sat quietly while Tammie talked with Sam, but her mind was going through all the things that she would have to rearrange to be able to go with Paul. When Tammie finished talking, she ended the call, handing the phone back to Sally.

"Boy this is going to be fun. The four of us together? We haven't had time to do that since before your wedding," Tammie observed. "You know, just thinking about the possibilities is going to make this an awfully rough night for me."

Sally's mind started to go back to the first time she had been bound. It was finding those handcuffs on Tammie's coffee table that had started the whole life she now enjoyed. This week could be a lot of fun. As she thought, she got that familiar feeling in her pussy.

"What do you mean?" Sally asked innocently.

"Well, you will go home and pleasure yourself, and I will try, but will be frustrated until Sam returns with the key. I need to be taken down to your dungeon. That reminds me. Is the story Sam told me, that Sam took you down there and tied you up so well you could not move anything, true?"

Tammie got her answer as Sally's eyes glassed over with the memory of that night and her being stretched to all points of the ball. She remembered the helplessness she had felt.

"Yes. I didn't know you knew about that. You will really have to try it sometime."

"Oh, would you let me?" Tammie asked.

"Well, it's not up to me. I don't even know where the key to the dungeon is. It would be up to Paul and Sam, I guess. Why don't you ask them? Be careful what you wish for though. It might just come true."

It was getting late so they parted company, Sally, to have a date with her vibrator, and Tammie with a cold shower. Boy, Sam was going to get some when he got back.

Chapter 3

At work the next day, Sally started to rearrange her schedule so that she could go with Paul. Luckily the roll out of the new software was going smoothly at the pilot offices and the general roll out would not occur until she returned. The timing would be perfect.

Amy caught her in the break room in the afternoon.

"I have to thank you for getting me in touch with that jeweler. I went down after work last night and he is starting work on our bracelets. I am so excited, but they won't be done for a few weeks. He's going to call when he is ready for the final fitting," Amy explained as she handed Sally several of his business cards. "I got you some extras, you should charge a referral fee."

"What are you talking about?" Doreen had walked in the door.

"I'm getting a forever bracelet like Sally's," Amy explained.

"What is a forever bracelet? Let me see yours Sally," Doreen asked.

"Well come here on this side of the table so you can see my wrist," Sally replied.

"You could have just handed it to me, I wouldn't steal it you know," Doreen retorted as she worked her way around the table.

"I know you couldn't steal it, but how am I going to hand it to you?" Sally smiled knowing what was coming next, and turned her arm over so Doreen could look at it.

"I don't see anything special. It just looks like a small bangle, but oval. Wait, where does it open? How do you get it off?... Oh!.....Forever Bracelet. How long have you had it on?" Doreen went through the reaction Sally had come to expect.

"Oh, not that long, only about eight months now, but continuously of course, which is probably more wearing time than all my other jewelry put together."

"Neat!" Doreen ran her fingers over the surface of the bracelet admiring it.

Sally got the idea that there would be several bracelets in the company before too long.

It was about noon on Friday when Sally's cell phone rang. It was Sam. His flight out of Chicago was going to be delayed so he did not want Sally to have to wait a long time at the airport. Sally decided to work in the afternoon so that she would be ready for the trip with Paul.

She worked in the afternoon, actually getting quite a bit done, because everyone thought that she would be gone and left her alone. Every 15 minutes or so she would check on Paul's flight on the Internet. When it finally showed that it had taken off she knew it was a couple of hours before it landed so she cleaned off her desk for the weekend and headed for the car. She would have plenty of time to make the airport before Paul.

It was about 5:30 when the plane finally got to the gate. Sally and Paul embraced as they met at baggage claim.

"Oh, how I missed you."

"Me too."

"Where's Sam?" Sally noticed that Tammie was not around either.

"He gave up his seat for two round trip tickets anywhere in the country, but I wanted to get back to you. He might have to wait until tomorrow morning if the last flight is overbooked. I didn't want to chance it," Paul explained.

"Oh, Tammie will really be up the creek if he does not make it tonight. She is so horny she will burst. Being locked out all week has made her half crazy."

"You mean she's been locked in her chastity belt?"

"Yeah, and it's driving her crazy."

"That's why Sam had to hold the phone away from his ear when he called Tammie, but he was grinning ear to ear. I would like to be a fly on the wall when she gets him home. She will be pissed."

"She is too horny to stay pissed for long," Sally observed.

"I want you to go into that restroom and take off your bra and underwear," Paul instructed in a stern low voice.


"No buts. Another word and you will be punished!"

Sally sighed and walked to the restroom, but she was getting wet also, why did this have that effect on her? She did not know, but it sure made life interesting. She went into the stall and removed the items. She tried to stuff them into her purse but there was not much room. She needed to clean out her purse.

As she walked back to Paul, she could feel her nipples harden as they rubbed against her blouse. The air seemed to blow right up her skirt as well. As she passed, men would turn their heads to follow her path, but Sally kept her eyes riveted to Paul, too scared to meet any of their gazes. Just as she reached him his bags appeared, and they were ready to leave.

On the way back to the house, they stopped off at a little restaurant for supper and caught up on the events of the week. Sally relayed the conversation she had with Tammie about trying out the ball frame in the dungeon. Paul asked her what she thought about sharing their dungeon for a joint scene. Sally was willing, if there was no swapping. It was not like they did not know each other and share the same interests sexually. But Sally made it clear that she did not want any part of an "open marriage". If Paul strayed, she would "cut it off".

When they got back home, they left a trail of clothes on the way to the dungeon. Soon, Sally was naked and lying on a table with her breasts just off the edge, leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles, all tied to the same point and forcing her into a strict hogtie. From her two big toes a thin rope was tied to her hair at the crown of her head. This forced her head up so she could not see her breasts.

As she opened her mouth, Paul placed a ring gag between her teeth so she could not close it again. This brought a groan from deep inside her. The sudden pain in her nipple told her that Paul had placed a clamp on the right nipple. She did not have to look at her breast to know it. And sure enough, the left nipple was not far behind. She felt him fumble with them, followed by her nipples gently swaying with the weights that now dangled from them.

Next, she felt his fingers graze her dripping cunt. She tried to wiggle back onto them, but they disappeared. She saw him come around the front and place his fingers at her mouth.

"Lick," he commanded.

"Un..ah," Sally grunted.

It did no good, he simply placed his fingers into her mouth and wiped her juices directly on her tongue. Then he disappeared leaving her drooling helplessly.

She then felt his breath on her pussy lips, followed by his tongue. Slowly, much too slowly, it worked its way up and down the outside of her openings. She wanted nothing more than to have him inside her, but there was nothing that she could do about it. He would do this at his own pace, and she would simply have to wait. Then it disappeared completely.

"You're in such a hurry, sweet. Maybe I should get you a chastity belt so you can learn patience," Paul remarked, not really expecting a response, but getting a frustrated growl.

The tongue returned and ever so slowly worked its way inside the folds of her pussy. She was getting more and more excited by the second. When it finally touched her clit, it was like a trigger. She came, straining against the ropes but not going anywhere.

When she came down from the climax, she was ready to have another one, but the tongue was gone. Paul came around to her face.

"That was one for you, now it is my turn."

Sally's mouth was at the correct height to take his cock. She was sure that was by design. Her mouth was suddenly filled with his manhood, so she started to milk it with her tongue. He was not the only one that had a talented tongue. She was rewarded with a groan from Paul. Soon he was thrusting deep into her mouth and pushing at the back of her throat. But with her hair pulling her head back, the ring holding her mouth open and his cock forming an effective gag, there was not much she could do about it but grab breaths through her nose when she could and stare at his belly button come and go out of focus. She felt his cock grow and, with a scream, he came directly into her throat. She swallowed as fast as she could just to keep from drowning. Spent, he collapsed to the floor in front of Sally and worked to regain his breathing.

Once he had recovered, he released her, but she could not move much from the strict position he had her in. Her muscles simply refused to obey. By the time that they were responding, her legs were bound in a V, straight up in the air, with her back on pillows and her hands chained to a ring imbedded in the floor. She raised her head and could see that he was ready to go again. His cock looked like it was trying to conduct a band the way it was stiff and bouncing. He wasted no time entering her.

In the position he had her bound, he came in contact with her clit and every movement was amplified there. Sally closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride up the climax ladder with every one of Paul thrusts. It seemed like each one was a mini orgasm and her cunt grabbed his cock with every stroke. He threw his head back and thrust quickly. These tipped Sally over the edge and her whole world was just the spasms that racked her body. These spasms sent Paul over the edge as well and she felt him spurting inside her womb.

He collapsed on top of her and they both kind of passed out. Sally was brought back to reality by Paul's movements. His cock had gone soft and had fallen out of her. He was getting up and releasing Sally.

"Guess we should go up to bed."

"Whatever you say, dear."

Paul took Sally up to their bed and then retrieved her steel bracelets, anklets, and locks. Soon she was in her familiar position, locked to the bed, him beside her with one arm and one leg draped over her. They were both soon fast asleep. Life was good.

Chapter 4

The next day being Saturday, the sun was high in the sky before either one of them moved. When they were both awake, they made love again, but this time slowly, the chains tinkling in time with their thrusting. Finally, Paul released Sally from the bed and they took a shower together. Sally was done first, and she went to the kitchen to fix breakfast. After they had finished, and Sally was working to clean up the kitchen, Paul started to go through the weeks' worth of mail in the den. Sally finished and went to join Paul in the den to see what he had planned for the day. She had just reached the door when she heard:


Sally looked at the envelope that Paul was holding, and she felt faint. It was the tax bill payment that she was supposed to mail on Monday night. She had forgotten it.

"I thought I told you to mail this!" Paul shouted.

"I'm so sorry. I..."

"I don't want your excuses. This has been happening way too much and you said that the last time. What am I going to do to keep this from happening? I can't trust you to perform a simple task, like mailing a bill? This means we have to pay a penalty now because it's late."

With this, he stormed past Sally and out the door. She heard the car start and he was gone. Sally sat down and cried. She had never seen him this mad at her, ever.

He was right though. This had happened several times and she had promised that each would be the last. Why did she continue to do this? She sure would not have done it if she knew that it would have upset him so.

He was gone a long time, much longer than it would take to mail the letter and come back. Sally was worried that he would not come back at all. This would be a lousy reason to end a marriage.

Paul, on the other hand, had realized that he was mad, and he just needed some time to cool off. So, he had gone to the home center to pick up some things for the yard. All the time though, he was trying to think of a way to solve the problem. She simply did not seem to think his requests were important enough not to put them off. And then she'd get busy and forget.

When Sally heard Paul return, she rushed to the door, kneeling down in front of it. She placed her hands palm up on her spread knees and put her head down.

When the door opened, she said, "Paul, I have thought long and hard about this. You should punish me for what I have done. Something that will make me remember this for a long time though, not the way that turns me on. I will accept whatever you choose, but it should be something that pushes me beyond my limits."

Paul listened and then said, "Look at me. I am going to punish you because I love you. You have asked for it and you do deserve it. Now, get up and let's do some work in the yard."

They worked in the yard for the rest of the morning. Sally went into the house to prepare lunch and Paul disappeared into the basement. When Sally had lunch ready, she called down to Paul to come up.

They ate lunch in silence. When lunch was done, Sally knew what was coming. She was dreading it but was resolved to take her punishment without complaining.

"Strip completely. Everything," Paul ordered.

Sally removed her shoes and socks first. Then she pulled her t-shirt over her head and dropped her shorts. Now all she had left was her bra, panties, and jewelry. She removed her necklace and the hoop earring she wore. She took off her engagement ring, but she left her wedding band on and, of course, her forever bracelet. Then she reached behind her and released the catch on her bra. Her breasts drooped just a touch as they came free of the cups, but they really did not need much support. Then she hooked her thumbs into her panties and dropped them to the floor.

Paul had watched all of this, and normally this would have stimulated Sally but not this time. She could tell that Paul was not enjoying this as there was no bulge in his pants. Sally lowered her eyes to the floor.

"Come," was all that Paul said as he headed to the basement door. Sally padded along behind him like a forlorn puppy. When they reached the basement, Paul went straight to the dungeon. He opened the door and stood to the side so Sally could enter. When Sally entered, she could see what Paul had been working on before lunch.

Hanging in the center of the room was a board. This board was about 6 inches thick but only 1/2 of an inch wide, and was like it was sitting on edge. The board was suspended by chains at each end, which ran to the pulley at the ceiling. Right in the center of the board, pointing to the ceiling, was a medium sized dildo shiny with lube. Under the board on the floor were two blocks, about six inches in height. Without having to be told to do so, Sally walked over to the device.

Paul came up behind her and placed a wide collar around her throat. The collar had a ring in front, and another strap that draped down her back with two cuffs. Taking her right hand and pulling it behind her, lifting it to the small of her back, Paul fastened one of the cuffs to her wrist. This was repeated with her left hand as well, leaving both of her hands fastened up behind her in the small of her back.

"Step over the board. Stand so your heels are on the blocks, but your toes are on the floor," Paul ordered.

With Paul steadying her because it was difficult to maintain her balance with her hands strapped, Sally did as she was ordered. With her heels on the blocks and her toes on the floor, it was as if she were wearing her highest heeled shoes. Paul then pressed the switch on the hoist, and the board started to rise. Carefully, he guided the dildo into her vagina as the board lifted. When the dildo was completely inserted and the board was just touching her pussy, he released the switch to let it dangle in front of the board. He then picked up a short chain with clips hooks on each end. He attached one end of the chain to the ring on her collar and the other end to the chain in front of her that supported the board. This forced her body forward so her clit came in contact with the board.

Standing back, Paul studied the situation for a minute. Then he went over to the wall and opened a cabinet, returning with a large ball gag. Sally did not protest as he shoved it between her teeth and buckled it securely behind her head. She tested it by putting her head down, hoping for some slack in the strap and pushing on the ball, but the gag was not coming out.

"Okay. Up on those toes, girl," Paul instructed.

Sally lifted, but there was not much more that she could go. The blocks had her practically on tiptoe to start with. Paul removed the blocks and put them on a bench.

"Have a nice afternoon, and think about what you have done," Paul said as he left the room, shutting the thick door behind him.

Sally did not know what to think. She'd expected Paul to whip her, beat her, or cause other great pain like her father had done when she was a little girl and she had strayed into the street. Without even thinking about it she started to relax her feet and come down on her heels, but this created a large pressure on her sex. She pushed herself back up on her toes to relieve the pressure. Suddenly she understood the predicament that she was in. If she came down, before her heels would reach the floor her sex would bear all her weight on a thin piece of wood.

She tried to shuffle forward but the dildo in her vagina caused the board to move with her. She was running out of time, for her calves were starting to cramp. She tried to lower her arms, but they were strapped to her neck. She tried to pull them out of the cuffs, but he had buckled them too tight for that.

Now her legs were shaking from the strain of staying up on her toes. She knew that she could not last forever, so she gently lowered herself onto the board. The pressure slowly built until the pain started. It was centered in her clit, and she tried to lean back so that her weight would not be on her clit, but the chain on her neck prevented that. The pain between her legs built to an unbearable point.

Sally forced herself back up on her toes, reducing the pain somewhat. It did not take too long before her legs tired again, with the muscles quivering with the strain. She tried to twist as she lowered herself this time, but the board just swung with her on the chains. She realized that the dildo was too long for her to slip off it, and with the board hanging by chains it would move with her, but not down. She rose back up on her toes.

She broke out in a cold sweat, trying desperately to stay up on her toes. It felt like only seconds till her legs finally gave out. This caused her to come down, though not as gently. Her labia were pinched between her pelvic bone and the board causing extreme pain. Her legs would not lift her this time and tears filled her eyes. The gag only partially stifled her screams.

Finally, her legs regained enough strength to lift herself a little so she could release her labia. They throbbed so much now that she got no relief from the pain. The switch to lower the board hung right in front of her, but it might as well be in China for all the good it did her.

Down, up, pain, and more pain. The time crawled slowly by, and she felt so alone. There was no one to even beg to, even if she could be understood through the gag. Her legs burned like they were on fire with the muscles reduced to Jell-O. Oh why had she forgotten to mail the taxes? She sure would not let that happen again.

Suddenly the board was being lowered. Sally followed it all the way to the floor, since her legs were not able to support her weight at all at this point. When she finally reached the floor, she fainted.

When Sally woke up, she was in bed. She still felt the pain in her sex. The sun was at a low angle so it must have been late evening. Raising herself up, she looked down at her pussy. It was red and swollen, and so sore that she dared not touch it.

She slowly rolled off the bed. Every little movement hurt her. When she tried to stand her legs were very wobbly, still not supporting her weight very well. She started to move toward the door, but only got about two very painful steps as her legs rubbed her sex. She climbed back on the bed and spread her legs. It was the least painful position. She was not out of pain, but at least it was bearable.

Paul came in with a tray in his arms, gently placing it on the bed and propping her up with some pillows behind her back.

"Here. You need some nourishment." He handed her a milkshake. "And you might want to take these," he added, handing her two pain killers.

Paul slowly fed Sally an entire dinner, one bite at a time. They did not talk, but they shared the moment.

Chapter 5

Things were normal for Paul and Sally for the next week. Sally got her period on Sunday, so they did not do much playing. Her sex was too sore anyway. Sally did relate her strange dream to Paul, of her waking up in a different place where she had no control over her fate. His eyes just danced during the tale, and he thought it must have been a deep-seated fantasy to get her so turned on. Other than that, it was a normal week in their lives, busy with work, and day-to-day living.

Sally finished her period on Thursday, and she was looking forward to some good sex on Friday. Her sex had finally healed from the punishment that she had endured on the wooden horse. Paul told Sally that Sam and Tammie were coming over on Friday night for a cook out and some fun. Even though Sally pumped Paul, he did not reveal what the fun was. Sally was at work Friday morning when Tammie called her.

"Sally, what can I bring to help out tonight?" she asked.

"Well, it is nothing special, why don't you bring a salad?" Sally suggested.

"I can't wait until tonight, but I am so scared also."

"What is going on? Paul has not told me anything."

"Oh, well, I told Sam about your being totally immobilized the first time Paul took you to the dungeon, and how the story had turned me on so much. Well Sam and Paul talked while they were gone last week, and they decided to recreate the experience for me. And tonight is the night! I have never been in your dungeon, let alone so totally helpless."

Sally did not know what to say. She was not sure that she liked this idea. What Paul and she did in the dungeon had always been between them, never with any other couple. And while Tammie and Paul knew a lot about their private lives, other than some friendly bondage there had been no clothes ever removed. She got the feeling that this was going to change. She was sure that she did not want to get involved with an "open" marriage, and she did not know what to do about it.

Tammie didn't even notice that the conversation had turned one sided. She continued to talk, and finally said that she and Sam would be there about 6. That ended the phone call.

Sally called Paul on his cell phone.

"Paul, we need to talk," Sally started.

"Well right now is not a good time. I am at a customer's site. How about at lunch? I'm free from 11 till 1, why don't I meet you down at the burger place down the street from your office?"

"Fine, I will be there at 11:30."

Sally was already eating when Paul got there. She related the conversation she'd had with Tammie.

"I'm not so sure about this, Paul. I don't want to get into a wife swapping situation."

"That is not what is going to happen dear. I promise you," Paul answered. "I don't want that, and neither do Tammie and Sam. I think that this will be fun. Sam says that Tammie is a bit of an exhibitionist, and I have no plans to remove any of your clothing. You will have to trust me though. Anyway, if you are tied up, you will not have a choice. Would you?"

"Paul, I trust you with my life. You know that. If you say me that our marriage will be monogamous, then I trust that it will. Just be careful that the situation does not get out of control, that you will not turn me over to another. Tammie is excited about this, so why ruin it for her?" Sally reasoned.

Sally was done with her lunch and so left to return to work, leaving Paul to eat alone.

When she got home, she changed clothes and started to prepare for the evening. It was to be a simple thing, just a cookout between friends, so the preparations were not difficult. Paul got home about 5 and pitched right in to help. They were almost done when Paul came into the kitchen carrying some sort of leather thing.

"Trust me dear?"

Sally shook her head, yes

"This is part of my new line of institutional items that I am selling. May I put it on you?"

"I suppose so. That is some thick leather that you have there."

"Well, this is for unstable people that are mostly docile, but could become combative. It provides for a lot of movement, but it is supposed to keep them from being able to fight," Paul explained.

Paul walked up behind Sally and placed a 3-inch-wide belt around her waist, buckling it in the front. The buckle was really large, and the slit in the belt fit over a post that had a hole in it. He slipped a lock through this hole and snapped it shut. Two cuffs dangled on two-foot chains at each of her hips. These were locked the same way on each of her wrists.

Sally examined the get-up. The leather must have been a quarter of an inch thick. It would not be ripping, that was for sure. She could reach up to push the hair out of her face but could not reach over her head. She moved like she was going to swing at Paul's face but was stopped well short by the chains. The cuffs were wide enough that they did not hurt her wrists.

"You will have to help me get things from the overhead cabinets, you know."

"Gladly dear."

It was at that time that the door opened, and their guests arrived. Tammie had hands trapped in handcuffs behind her back. Sally noticed the darker spot between her legs and felt a twinge between her own.

"Trying out the new collection, huh?" Sam commented.

"Yeah, nothing helps sales like firsthand knowledge of the product," Paul answered.

"We will have to trade samples so we can practice with the entire new line," Sam observed.

"Like you guys need a reason to restrain us," Sally interjected.

The men went out on the deck to talk and start the grill. Sally finished up the preparations in the house, since Tammie was not much help with her hands stuck behind her.

After dinner, Paul led Sally downstairs to the dungeon. He guided her over to a contraption against the wall and had her sit upon it. He then strapped her ankles and knees to it. Then he removed the cuffs and belt that she had been restrained in all evening.

The back of the chair-like device had a cross member affixed to it at her shoulder level. Straps from this encircled her wrists, elbows, and shoulders. A strap around her waist finished her bondage. Paul reached under the seat and twisted something. Slowly her legs moved apart, farther and farther. As the two pieces separated it left a gap under her bottom, leaving her supported by her thighs and the straps at her shoulder and waist. If she were naked, her sex would have been available to anyone.

"There! That should keep you out of trouble but still able to watch the action," Paul said. He slipped a medium ball gag into her mouth, strapping it in deeply. Then he left her alone.

She looked around the room. It sure did not look like the coal bin that it had been built for. Its massive, heavy stone walls and ceiling, along with the heavy door, and it being totally underground, led it to be very sound proof. It really looked like the dungeons in the movies. The sphere that Tammie was to be bound to was set in the middle of the room. The various pieces were laid out on a table just outside the sphere. Sally felt the wet spot in her pants grow as she remembered the first time she had been strapped into this device.

The door opened and the three of them walked in. Paul, followed by Tammie, and Sam bringing up the rear. They stopped in the middle of the room. Sam removed the handcuffs from Tammie's wrists for the first time.

"Strip!" Sam ordered.

Sally watched as if she were a fly on the wall. None of them were paying the slightest attention to her. This was a completely different situation for her.

Tammie reached down, crossed her arms, and grasped the bottom of her t- shirt. With one motion she lifted the shirt up over her head to reveal her medium breasts in a white bra. She bent over at the waist to untie her shoes, pulling them off one at a time, followed by her socks. She stood up straight and unbuckled the waist of her jeans. The jeans were tight enough that she had to wiggle her way out of them. This made her behind move in a most suggestive way.

"No wonder men like to watch women undress," Sally observed.

Once the jeans got past her hips, they fell to the floor, and she stepped out of them. She lifted them up with her toes and placed them on the growing pile of clothes. Next, she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. It came loose but clung to her breasts until she leaned forward slightly and dropped her arms.

"Necklace, earrings, and ring also dear." Sam commanded, and Tammie complied.

"Hold out your hands," Paul said.

Tammie complied and both Paul and Sam slipped a glove over each hand and started lacing them up. The palm side of the glove was leather over some type of unyielding metal. As her hand was inserted into the glove, each finger entered its own sleeve. Her fingers were forced to curve with the glove, so they formed kind of a hook. She could not straighten or bend her fingers at all.

The hooks on the gloves were strapped a bar that was attached to the sphere by a cable. As the cable tightened, Tammie straightened her body and then rose to her toes. The cable continued upwards, pulling her toes from the floor.

Sally remembered each of the feelings as Tammie was strapped in and lifted. She could see the emotions run across Tammie's face as she discovered the restrictions of the gloves. She knew what was going through Tammie's head but strapped into her own bondage, she could do nothing but sit and watch. She would have to talk to Paul about another session in the sphere for herself.

As Sally watched, Paul and Sam strapped the restrictive boots to Tammie's feet and ankles, and then began attaching them to the sphere.

Her legs slowly moved apart in reaction to tightening of the cables. As her legs spread, Sally watched as Tammie's labia rings came into sight. They gleamed as they swung freely between her splayed legs.

Next, a wide belt was buckled tightly around her waist. A cable ran from the belt to points on the sphere that surrounded her. Belts and cables were added to her thighs and shoulders next. Sally remembered how restrictive this was, affectively locking her body from any twisting motion. Tammie was fitted with a brace that fit around her shoulders, up her neck, cupping her chin, and continued to the base of her ears. This kept Tammie from moving her neck in any direction, as well as forcing her mouth closed, effectively cutting off all speech.

The men then started to rotate the sphere so that Tammie was parallel to the ground. Sally could see that Tammie was fighting the bindings but was getting nowhere. Once she had calmed down a bit, Sam stepped between Tammie's splayed legs. Taking a leather thong, he passed it through the left labia ring and around her thigh. He then drew it tight and tied a knot. This pulled the ring and labia outward and up against Tammie's leg. A squeal escaped Tammie's nose as the thong was drawn tight. This was repeated with the right ring as well.

When Sam stepped back, Sally could see that Tammie's sex was pulled wide open. Sally could plainly see her clit sticking out from its hood, bright pink, between the tightly stretched labia. Sally wondered if the rings would tear Tammie's labia, they were so tight.

Paul handed Sam a hood which Sam stuck over her head. He began lacing it up, so tightly that the contours of Tammie's face could be clearly seen through the thin leather material. There were only nose holes in the hood for breathing, and Sally knew from experience that no light penetrated it.

By now Sally was starting to feel the effects of her own bondage. She tried to flex her arms, but Sam had left her no slack, and all she could do was clench her hands. She thought about the time that she had been in Tammie's spot. This made her very excited, and she could actually feel the crotch of her pants getting wet. She tried to close her legs with all of her might trying to hide her excitement, but it was no use. They stayed strapped to the chair legs, wide apart.

As she turned her attention back to Sam and Tammie, Sam was busily pinching Tammie's nipples. He was pulling them out unbelievably far from her chest. Sally could see that Tammie was enjoying the torture as the juices were not only coming out of her cunt but were actually dripping on the floor.

Sam dropped his pants to reveal a raging hard on. It bounced to and fro as he approached Tammie's bound from. He stepped between her legs, and with one swift stroke, he buried his cock to the hilt in Tammie. Sally guessed that Tammie's orgasm started immediately. But Sam was just getting started and he slowly started to pump in and out of her.

Sally was wishing at this point that Paul would do the same for her. She needed a good fuck as well. Watching someone else become so dependent on another was having an effect on her too. Right now, she was wishing that she had not insisted on staying clothed. She really needed Paul's dick between her legs.

Paul came over to her and he placed her locking bracelets on her. Next, he placed a collar around her neck. He then released her from the chair and locked her bracelets behind her back. Putting a leash on the collar, he pulled her from the dungeon and all the way upstairs to their bedroom.

Throwing her on the bed, he said, "I think Tammie and Sam can find their own way out when they are done. I want you."

With that Paul pulled her pants and underwear off and without any preliminaries, he entered Sally's dripping cunt. Apparently, the scene downstairs had an effect on Paul as well. Sally had several satisfying orgasms before Paul filled her, unbuckled the ball gag from her mouth, kissed her deeply, and they both fell asleep. Sally slept with her arms still locked behind her.

Chapter 6

The sun had been streaming through the windows for some time before Sally woke up. It was the pain in her shoulders that forced her awake. It was like there were a thousand needles sticking in her shoulders. She tried to move her arm, but her hand stayed behind her. She remembered the great sex last night and realized that her wrists were still locked behind her and that she had been sleeping on her left arm.

She looked over and saw Paul, still sleeping peacefully. She did not want to wake him. Maybe she could go back to sleep and try to ignore the pain, but it was just too much. Finally, she called Paul.

"Paul honey, I need you to wake up. Paul, Paul!"

Sally started to push Paul's back with her nose, working her way up to his neck. Slowly Paul rolled over and kissed Sally.

"I need you to release my arms please, my shoulders are killing me. Please?"

Paul immediately got out of bed to retrieve the keys, and he opened the lock cruelly holding her wrists together in the grip of steel. Then he rubbed the blood back into the aching muscles which had not moved for several hours.

"Sorry honey, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay. I know that. It is just that they haven't moved in so long. I slept fine, and I will be fine in a minute," Sally said as she rubbed the red grooves in her wrists.

It was after lunch when Tammie called.

"Wow, Sally you are so lucky, that was one of the most intense situations that I have ever experienced. I came so hard that I passed out. Sam had to rotate the sphere so that my head was down to revive me. I would do it again in a minute. You have so many other toys, and the room! It's wonderful."

"It is an awesome place. Paul has done a wonderful job with it. I still get chills down my spine every time he takes me down there. And he can come up with some creative ways to restrain me. I swear that he must spend all his time dreaming up new scenarios. I am glad we are going with them to this convention, maybe I can keep him distracted enough not to come up with a new way to tie me up."

When Sally got off the phone with Tammie, she got busy with the housework. She worked on the cleaning, the laundry, shopping, all the things necessary for keeping a house. The weekend flew by, and before she knew it, Monday had arrived.

And what a Monday it was. It seems that a major problem had been found with the new agent software. Sally was pulled into meeting after meeting. As a matter of fact, this situation went on for the entire week and became a real mess. For a while, it looked like she would not be able to accompany Paul on his trip after all.

They were to catch a flight on Thursday evening. Wednesday afternoon, as Sally was getting ready to leave, the head of department called her into his office. He thanked her for all her hard work and extra effort and told her to make sure that she did not cancel her trip. With the work that she had already done, they would be able to change the training to get the agents through until the software was fixed.

Sally was like a mad women Wednesday night. There was so much to do, and she had not even started. It was late when she got to bed, but the clothes were clean, and the bags packed. Paul took her to work so that he could pick her up and go straight to the airport. Thursday was just as crazy a day for Sally as the rest of the week had been. She was sure glad when Paul called to say he was just a block away.

She could finally forget about the trials of the week and just have some fun on this convention trip. It would be nice to spend some time with Paul. The week had been so bad, that even though she had spent time in chains they had not had sex all week. She could use a good screwing at this point.

As she boarded the plane Sally knew she was forgetting something, but for the life of her she could not think of what it was. This bothered her during the three-hour flight to Chicago. She just could not think of what it was. Tammie and Sam had taken a different flight and were waiting for them when the flight ended. They gathered their bags and went off to the hotel that was part of the convention center at the heart of the city. They checked in and got settled, then went out for dinner, arriving back late. Paul pulled a pair of handcuffs from the suitcase when they got back to the room. Sally soon found herself naked and locked to the bed.

The wake-up call came at 7 am. Paul had to be at the convention by 8 to make sure that the booth was set up correctly before the exhibit hall opened. Sally and Tammie were going to meet for breakfast and then go for a workout. They would join the guys at the booth after lunch. Paul was gone already by the time Sally got to the bathroom for her morning routine. She was digging through her cosmetic bag when it hit her what she had forgotten.

"Oh No!" she exclaimed as she frantically pawed through the bag.

"How could I have forgotten my pill?"

Sally did not know what to do. She was out of state, did not have the prescription with her. She continued to search through her bag, hoping there was an old case with a couple of pills that had been skipped, but there was nothing. There was nothing she could do right now, so she finished in the bathroom, got her workout clothes on, and went to the health club to meet Tammie.

They worked out for a couple of hours and then went back to the rooms for a shower. Sally did not say anything to Tammie, as she did not want to admit that she could be that stupid. Paul though, was going to be pissed. After the problem with forgetting the tax bill, now she had forgotten something else important. Maybe she could get by for a couple of days.

It was about one in the afternoon when they arrived at the convention hall. Paul and Sam were busy talking to customers at the booth. The booth was set up with a hospital bed on one side and all the equipment that the company sold displayed around it. There was a display of ambulance style equipment in the center, and prison style equipment on the other side. It was an odd combination of equipment all in one place. The company was kind of a one-stop-shop for institutions.

Sally looked across the booth to see that Paul was talking to four big guys and pointing to various pieces as he talked. Their eyes met and he waved to her as he continued to talk. All four of the guys looked at her as well. Sally suddenly felt like she was the center of their attention as Paul said something to them. It was about that time that a magician came out to a podium at the corner of the booth and started a show.

Sally turned around to watch what the magician was doing. It seemed that he was also a comic. He was not great at either, but his loud voice and antics were attracting a crowd. People soon surrounded Sally and Tammie as they stopped to watch the goings on. As the act wound up, Paul started talking about the benefits of the new hospital bed and how it could be fitted with restraints for the patients that did not have all their mental faculties.

Suddenly Sally felt someone grab her arms. She looked around her and the four guys that Paul had been talking to earlier were now surrounding her.

"Hey, knock it off. Let me go!" Sally cried, as they propelled her toward the bed. "You can't do this!"

Sally then started to fight the guys, but these guys had been trained on how to subdue unwilling patients. Sally soon found herself on the bed, on her back, with one guy holding each of her wrists and ankles. Sally lifted her head and watched as they buckled a leather restraint around each of her limbs. Next, a wide restraint was placed across her hips, and one was placed across her chest, just above her breasts and causing them to jut out prominently. Sally struggled with the bonds while all the eyes of the crowd were on her.

"Let me go. You can't do this to me. Someone help me! Paul!"

Sally could not figure out why no one would help her. Then it dawned on her. The crowd thought this was part of the demonstration. She was acting just like a patient would in the same situation. Here she was, firmly affixed to the bed with a whole crowd as witnesses and she could do nothing about it.

Sally felt the familiar stirrings between her legs. It was a good thing she had worn a pants suit to the convention, otherwise these guys could have seen the wetness of her panties. She tried to close her legs but they were affixed to the sides of the bed and she could not get enough slack to draw her knees together. Though all of this, Paul had continued his speech on the virtues of all the equipment, ignoring Sally completely.

Next the demonstration shifted to the prison equipment. Since the head of the bed was higher than the foot, Sally could watch as the crowd shifted its focus from her to the other side of the booth. As she watched, the guys that had captured her approached Tammie.

"Tammie, watch out!" Sally yelled.

But it was too late. The guys reached her before she could react. Grabbing her, she was propelled into the booth, lifted, and deposited onto a table. Her upper arms were placed in leather restraints. A strap was placed through the hasp and buckled around the steel bar that ran the length of the table. Next her wrists were similarly fastened to the table. Sam was making the speech to demonstrate this part of the show. As Sally watched, he reached under the table and pulled up a strange-looking piece that locked into place. It was a rod that was bent at a ninety-degree angle, with a wide piece of stainless steel at the bend. There was also what looked like a stainless steel sandal at the end of the piece.

Sally watched as two of the guys grabbed Tammie's leg up off the table and forced it toward her chest. Sally suddenly saw what was going to happen. Tammie's knee was placed on the stainless piece and a strap was buckled above and below the knee, forcing it to bend at the ninety- degree angle. Then the other guy put her foot on the footrest and buckled two straps across it forming an x across the top of her foot. This was repeated on the other side as well, leaving Tammie's knees pointed at the ceiling. Her legs were now drawn up and apart, exposing her bottom to the crowd.

Sally looked horrified as she saw how tightly Tammie's pants had been pulled across her cunt. Sally could see the outline of her labia rings through the thin material. Tammie was struggling against the restraints, and Sam was going on about the other features of the equipment. The whole situation was having a wonderful effect on Sally. She was becoming hornier and wetter by the minute. She looked back at Tammie and wondered if it was having the same effect on her. Yes, it was. There was a dark patch appearing right between the outlines of each of Tammie's rings. Tammie was desperately trying to close her legs, but they were held rigidly in the air, wide apart, and there was nothing either girl could do about the situation. They were strictly bound, helpless, in full view of at least a dozen people who thought nothing of it. Wow!

All too soon the demonstration was over. Several people came into the booth to talk to Paul and Sam about various products displayed. As Paul talked, he stood next to Sally with his hand resting on her comfortably. Sally could do nothing but lay there.

It was a long time before Paul got free from the clients and freed Sally from the bed. Tammie was freed about the same time. It was closing time for the exhibit hall, so they all headed back to the hotel. The girls needed a cold shower before heading to dinner, to "freshen" up after their long public bondage.

It was when they finally met up at the restaurant for dinner that Sally and Tammie had a chance to talk.

"I never thought being bound in public like that would be such a turn on," Sally exclaimed.

"I am going to shoot Sam though. At least three women asked me about my rings. I think one of them will be wearing her own pair before long," Tammie replied.

"I noticed that you sat down awfully carefully, did you get hurt on stage."

"Ah, no," Tammie turned a pretty shade of red and glanced nervously at Sam. "Sam added one of our toys and a lock through the rings to keep things in place, if you know what I mean."

"Oh!" Now it was Sally's turn to blush.

"That is how I got the company to pay for your accompanying us on the trip. I convinced them that a little demonstration would help sales, but they didn't think they could get willing models." Paul explained.

"I convinced them that we could use our wives, and not wind up with any lawsuits," Sam continued.

"Well, you could have let us in on it," Sally retorted

"Oh, the look on your face when those guys grabbed you was priceless. I wish that I had a video of the whole thing."

"I bet you do. Where did those guys come from, anyway?" Tammie asked.

"They are guards at the state pen." Sam explained "For them, you were an easy target. They are used to 200-pound guys."

When they had finished dinner and returned to the hotel, Sally found that Paul had "borrowed" the restraints for the booth. She soon found herself again strapped to the bed, but this time she had no clothes on to protect her. Paul added a gag to keep Sally's moans from disturbing the other guests.

Paul made a feast of Sally's tits before changing positions for some 69. Sally was in heaven. Paul's cock was in her mouth and Paul's tongue was just where she liked it best. Just as she was climaxing, Paul pulled out of her mouth. As her climax ebbed, Paul slammed his meat into her sopping cunt. The orgasm took off again to even greater heights. She felt his cock grow and then bathe her womb with spurt after spurt of come.

Paul finally collapsed and rolled off Sally and was soon snoring away, leaving Sally with her arms and legs and waist firmly restrained. Sally took a while to go to sleep because these restraints were much more restrictive than the chains she had often worn.

"I am glad I don't have to spend all my nights in restraints as an unwilling patient," Sally thought.

Sally finally fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Sally woke up struggling with the bonds that still held her to the bed. When she opened her eyes, she found that Paul was watching her.

"You look wonderful when you're helpless and restrained like that," Paul said with a twinkle in his eyes.

He reached down between her legs, still restrained wide apart, and found that she was already wet. In one movement he positioned himself on top of her and entered her waiting sex. They made love slowly, with Paul pumping long slow strokes that ended with his balls slapping her labia. All Sally wanted to do was to wrap her arms around Paul's neck and pull him even deeper into her. But of course, her arms stayed pinned to the bed. Her fists were clenched as she fought her bonds, the helplessness turning her on even more. After what seemed like an hour, they finally climaxed together.

"What a way to start the day," Paul sighed, as he wiped the sweaty hair from Sally's face.

Paul finally released her, and she worked out her stiffness in a hot shower. After a leisurely brunch, they met up with Sam and Tammie. They all went to the airport and caught a flight home.

Chapter 7

On Sunday, Sally and Paul stayed in bed late since the flight had not gotten in till late that night before. They had a leisurely brunch and read the paper and mail. It was mid-afternoon when Paul came up to Sally and held out his hand. Sally put down the mail and took his hand, following him to the stairs. She could feel herself getting wet already.

"What a slut I am," She thought. "Just start me to the dungeon and I wet myself."

Paul led her to the dungeon and commanded her to strip. As she was removing her clothes, Paul pulled the pillory to the center of the room and bolted it into the rings imbedded in the floor. When Sally was naked, Paul led her to the center of the room.

Sally stepped onto the platform. The base of the platform was flat, but there was a board that was four inches off the base with two half circles cut into it. Without being told to, Sally placed her ankles in them. Paul came up behind her and slid a matching board into the groves on the sides, sliding it forward till it met its mate with a bang. The noise sent a shiver down Sally's spine right to her sex, now exposed by her feet being trapped three feet apart. Paul picked up two pegs and dropped them into the holes in the board to lock it in place. Another shiver from Sally brought a twinkle to Paul eyes, as well as a tent to his shorts.

Walking around to the front, Paul gently took each of Sally's hands into his own. He carefully laid them with the palms down in the two grooves of the crosspiece. Picking up the mating board he fitted in into the vertical grooves.

"Now don't move," he admonished her.

With that, he dropped the board. It traveled down the grooves, landing with a loud bang and trapping Sally's wrists. The noise made Sally jump, but not far, as she felt pain in her ankles from the unyielding restraint. The top of the board that he had just installed had a large cutout in it. Paul grabbed Sally by her hair and pulled her neck into this cutout. Gently, he arranged her hair so that it draped down each side of her face rather than across her back. Then he lowered the last board into place on top of her neck.

He then approached her with two small strips of wood and a cordless drill. Placing a strip of wood to her left, vertically across all three boards, he quickly put a screw into each. This was repeated on the right side as well, holding all the boards together as one piece.

Patting her on the head, he said, "I'll be back."

"Don't leave me like this!" Sally cried.

"Oh, I don't think you'll go anywhere."

Sally couldn't see the grin on his face because the thickness of the boards around her neck kept her from raising her head. All she could see were the tops of his tennis shoes, and those disappeared around behind her and out the door. The door closed with bang that echoed off the walls.

As soon as he was gone, Sally tested her position. She was bent over at the waist at a ninety-degree angle. She could not raise her body, and her feet were directly below her waist. She imagined that her crack must be fully exposed with her labia swollen for anyone to see. She tried to close her knees to form some protection, but she could not move them very close.

The pillory hurt both her neck and her ankles as they chaffed against the wood. It was a weird feeling for her. She knew her body was back there, but she could not see it at all. It was as if her hands and head were stuck through a wall with her body on the other side. She felt the juices from her cunt running down her left leg but could do nothing about it. She could look down at her palms, see her fingers move, and see the cement floor below. That was it.

It seemed like Paul was gone forever. There was not much for Sally to do but wait for him to return. She started to study her engagement and wedding rings. She could see some dough under her diamond from the rolls she had made earlier, and how the two rings fit together on her finger. It was not that long ago that they were not there, and it was not long before that that the bracelet appeared on her wrist. But it felt so natural, and she was so happy. As a matter of fact, she could not remember having such wonderful experiences since she decided to give herself to Paul. By having the bracelet, HIS bracelet, welded on her wrist, it had been a real turning point for her. A very happy one at that.

She wished that he would hurry up though. All this thinking was making her even hornier. Her back was talking to her because it did not like being bent over like this. But the aching just joined the one in her sex. And the wetness continued down her leg, the smell permeating the room.

She jumped when he opened the door. The soundproof nature of the room had kept her from hearing his approach.

As he came into the room he approached her rear.

"You are very wet, my dear. Do you find it exciting?"

"Oh yes. If I could, I'd attack you right now."

Paul reached between her legs and began stroking her sex. Suddenly, he pinched her clit. She came with a massive shudder and a scream. Sally was totally surprised, both at his touch, and how quick and strong her climax was. But she was not yet satisfied. She heard Paul footsteps as he moved around the room, but she could not see what he was doing.

She heard him approach and stop on her right side. Suddenly there was a blinding pain in her right nipple! Paul had placed a clover clamp on it. Sally was totally unprepared, but he was not done. Suddenly the pain doubled, and her nipple was stretched toward the floor as he released a weight. Sally screamed again. The pain radiated from her nipple, a warm ooze that seemed to travel down her spine to her sex. As Sally expected, the other nipple got the same treatment, but it did not have quite the same effect since she was ready for it. She could feel her nipples gently swaying as the weight moved back and forth.

When Sally finally opened her eyes, she was looking into the eye of Paul's dick. Her head was trapped at just the right height to swallow it. She opened her mouth and took it in greedily. Slowly, she moved her tongue around the head and up and down its length.

A groan escaped Paul's mouth as her warmth stirred him. Just the sight of Sally was enough to get him off, and it was bringing him to a climax quickly.

Sally felt his cock grow thicker just before he came. She was ready and swallowed every drop of his precious load. Surprisingly he stayed hard. He pulled out, and she lost sight of him as he moved behind her. In just a few seconds she felt him at the entrance to her cunt. She tried to back into him, but it was no use. The stocks held her firmly in their grasp.

Slowly, ever so slowly, way too slowly for Sally, he entered her warm wet tunnel. He continued until he was firmly seated all the way to her womb with his balls against her clit. Slowly, he started long strokes in and out of her. Each time he bottomed out, it would slap her clit and Sally would orgasm. He reached around her and grabbed her tits, causing the weights to swing anew. As his excitement grew so did his speed and the force on her clit grew also. This caused Sally's orgasm to grow as well. Sally felt her whole body spasming with the force of her orgasm. Finally, with a large groan, Paul came. His cock washed her womb with spurt after spurt of cum. Sally could feel it pulsing inside her.

Paul pulled out and collapsed on the floor behind her. It was all Sally could do not to collapse as well, her knees felt so weak. But that would have been very bad for her neck. Finally, Paul recovered enough to release her, with her collapsing in a satisfied puddle of sex on the floor. Paul rocked her in his arms and the world was good.

Chapter 8

Too soon, it was Monday. It was back to work for Sally and the week started out badly. It was a good thing that they had that time to play in the dungeon on the weekend, because the new program had been rolled out and the calls were coming in like crazy for Sally's group. Sally had to work long hours every day, and by the time she got home she was exhausted. It was all she could do to fall into bed and sleep till the next day. Sally could never remember being so tired. Then, on Friday morning, Amy approached her.

"Sally, the jeweler just called and said my bracelets are ready. My husband is out of town, but I want to get mine. Could you go with me to get it? I am a little scared."

"Well, there is nothing to be scared of," Sally assured her

"Please? I will get it at lunch, so we won't miss work, and you don't have to drive."

"That is not a problem, you know that."

"Yes, but I know that his place is the opposite way from your house. Please?" Amy had thought of everything.

"Oh, okay. I guess I could use a break today anyway. I am so tired all the time." Sally relented.

So, at lunch they hurried down to Amy's car to hustle over the jeweler. He was ready when they got there, and he ushered them directly to the workbench.

"Which arm?" he asked.

"Left, I think," Amy answered.

As Sally watched, he put the bracelet around her wrist and squeezed it closed. Once the ends met, he looked at the spacing around her wrist. He adjusted the bracelet, so the two ends passed each other making the bracelet a little bit smaller.

"How does that look?" he asked.

"Just a little bigger I think," Amy answered.

He picked up a pair of wire cutters and cut off a piece of the gold from one end. He carefully spread the bracelet and took it off her wrist, careful not to scratch her with the now sharp cut end. He next took a flexible shaft with a grinding wheel on the end and ground flat the end that he had just cut. He picked up the piece that he had cut off and placed it in a bag, handing it to Amy.

He picked up a strip of cloth and wrapped it around Amy's wrist, holding it in place with tape. The cloth reminded Sally of a potholder. It was the type of woven tubes that she made potholders out of as a child. Next, he opened a valve on a torch that was clamped to the vise on the bench. He held a flame to it, and it lit a bright, yellow-orange flame. He opened the other valve, and the flame became a small blue flame with a smaller blue flame within. He then coated the ends of the bracelet with a brown paste and held that end in the flame.

He quickly picked up a tiny piece of something with a pair of needle nose pliers and put it on one end of the bracelet. The flame turned color and the piece melted to the bracelet. He removed the bracelet from the flame and let it cool. Once it was cool, he placed the bracelet back on Amy's wrist with the open ends on top. He unclamped the torch from the vise and held it in his left hand, grabbed the bracelet with his bare right hand, holding it against the cloth on the bottom of her wrist and making a gap between her wrist and the ends.

"Ready? Hold still now."

He carefully placed the torch next to her hand, with the flame facing up away from her wrist. With his other bare hand, he squeezed the two ends together, lining them up where they met. He then lowered the flame so just the center blue flame touched the joint. The flame changed color and a brown bump formed where the two ends of the bracelet met. He quickly took the torch away and turned it off, still holding the bracelet closed with the hot part away from her wrist. In a few seconds, he tested the bracelet for temperature with his hand and released it.

"There. That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"I didn't even feel any heat at all," Amy said, amazed.

"Just a little more work and we'll be done."

Carl took the shaft with the grinding wheel and ground each side of the square bracelet at the point where he had soldered. The brown bump disappeared, leaving just a patch of black on the bracelet. He changed the end on the shaft to a soft wheel, put some red stuff on it, and started to polish. In seconds, the black disappeared, and so did the joint. Sally looked, but she could not see the spot where he had been working on the bracelet.

"All done," Carl said, as he removed the cloth from around her wrist.

They all went back to the front counter so Amy could pay. Sally was amazed at how quickly it was done. Amy held up her wrist next to Sally and they compared bracelets. Amy's was thinner than Sally's but that was about all. Sally noticed that the girl working behind the counter wore several bracelets. She had four different styles on. One was plain, the next one had the square wire twisted tightly, forming a spiral bracelet. Another was the same, but not as tight a twist. The fourth one looked like Sally's, but it curved around a small ruby stone. The other bracelet just fit on the side of this so that the stone was between them. Sally really liked the look of it. Maybe she would have to think about getting another one.

As they drove back to work, Sally couldn't help but observe how the bracelet moved on Amy's wrist. She wondered how she would like it in a few days.

By the time she got home that night, Sally was again exhausted.

"They can't work you so hard at this job, it's not good for you," Paul complained, concerned.

"I don't know why I'm like this. I have been through times like this before and have not been so tired. I just want to sleep all the time. I just don't understand it," Sally answered.

It was early when they went to bed. Paul chained Sally to the bed as usual, but she was asleep before Paul could even get into bed. He gently covered her and watched her as she slept, worried.

The next morning Sally woke him from a deep sleep.

"Paul, you have to let me up right now!!"

Paul did not like the sound of her voice as he scrambled for the keys. No sooner did he unlock her than she ran for the bathroom. He could hear her being sick in the toilet. Once she was done, she came back to bed.

"You, okay?"

"Yes. I don't know where that came from, I haven't eaten anything different lately. But I feel fine now."

Paul stroked her face, and she smiled back at him. One thing led to another, and they wound up slowly making love for the first time in a week. No bondage involved, which was a rare event indeed.

Later in the morning, Sally was talking on the phone with Tammie. She was relating the events of the week and complaining about the tiredness.

"I just don't understand it, I am tired all the time. And this morning, out of the blue, I threw up. That has never happened before," Sally complained.

"Uh, Sally," Tammie started. "I don't know how to ask, uh put this, but I think you're pregnant."

"WHAT? NO!" Sally exclaimed.

"Well, it fits," Tammie retorted.

Sally thought about the weekend at convention when she had forgotten her pills, but she had started them as soon as she returned. But then, it was a possibility.

"Why don't you get one of those home pregnancy tests?" Tammie was saying.

"Yeah, maybe I will," Sally answered in a fog. Thinking about the ramifications gave her a headache.

"Let me know how it goes," Tammie requested as she ended the conversation.

After lunch Sally went to the store for her weekly shopping. As she went down the aisle, she looked at the pregnancy tests.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get one," She thought.

As she got to the counter the girl checking her out went through all the items. The last item was the test.

"I hope this will be a good outcome for you," The girl commented. "It sure would be for me. We have been trying for some time."

"Well, I don't know. We haven't been trying. As a matter of fact, he doesn't know and neither do I," Sally babbled.

When Sally got home, she was so tired that Paul volunteered to put the stuff away in the kitchen so she could take a nap. She was so tired that she forgot all about the test in the bag. When she woke up it was late afternoon. She went downstairs to fix supper and found Paul sitting there, reading the box. He looked up at her.

"That would explain some things, wouldn't it?"

"Yes, but I don't think that I am."


Sally explained about the weekend and her forgetting the pills. She expected Paul to be angered, but he just listened and didn't make any comments. When she finished, she dropped her head and looked at the floor. He lifted her head to look into her eyes.

"Well, better to know than to wonder," he said. "It says that you should do it first thing in the morning."

Paul was extra cuddly all night. They spent the night on the couch watching a video. They turned in early and Paul again locked Sally to the bed. The next morning was a repeat performance of the one before. Paul released her and followed her to the bathroom, holding her hair out of the way as she was sick. When she was finally done, she opened the box and sat on the toilet to pee. Holding the test in the stream, she then put it back in the holder.

"Now we will wait," Paul said.

They went back to bed and cuddled. When the time was up, they looked at the test together.


"Are you mad?" Sally asked.

"No. I love you, and now our family is going to grow. I was going to talk to you about starting a family but didn't know how to bring it up. Now I guess I don't have to."

Sally grabbed him around his neck and refused to let go.

  1. Sally found the idea of being in a static position during her submission sessions exciting and frustrating, as it presented a challenge that she was determined to overcome.
  2. The bondage scene between Sally and Paul had evolved over time, transitioning from softer leather bands to thick steel circles, each addition adding a new layer of commitment and submission to their relationship.
  3. During a team meeting at work, Sally found herself reflecting on her recent dreams and her fascination with the feeling of powerlessness and loss of control they presented.
  4. Tammie, Sally's friend, shared her own experience of wearing a chastity belt during her husband's work trip, revealing a shared dynamic between the two couples where submission and control played a central role in their relationship.

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