Adult How To

Concerned About Legal Issues?

Caring for a sick relative who exploits the situation.

May 5, 2024
33 min read
father in lawseducinglingeriefat cockunexpectedblowjobfrustratedteasingdildoI'm Afraid It's The (In) Law
I'm Afraid It's The (In) Law
I'm Afraid It's The (In) Law

Daisy was meandering around the house completing small tasks. Her current chore was clearing and putting away the dishes after washing them. Looking up at the clock, she noticed she still had two hours before her husband, Dave, arrived back home. Assuming, of course, he finished his work on time.

Dave was quite successful at his job, a manager at his company. So successful, in fact, that when Daisy lost her job due to redundancies, Dave suggested she not rush into finding a new one. He could handle the bills while Daisy took some time for herself. It was understandable given she had worked at the same company since she was 18.

Now in her 30s, Daisy appreciated having occasional moments to relax, including watching popular TV shows on streaming platforms. Although she also missed some of her former work friends, there were no children to care for in their six-year marriage. She searched social media and found a show she hadn't watched, considering it would fill her time until it was time to cook their evening meal.

The show was racier than she anticipated with many instances of nudity, both male and female. Daisy, not at all prudish, found comfort in being alone, especially given the show's risqué content. She loved the show so much that she continued watching and even got sexually aroused during one episode. However, Dave arrived home later than expected, barely ate, and went straight to bed. Daisy, still aroused, decided to continue the TV show in bed, rubbing her fingers through her wet folds and discarding her panties on the floor.

Daisy's life suddenly changed three days later. Dave called, a common occurrence when something was wrong. Her guard immediately went up. She learned her father-in-law, a police officer, had been shot and taken to the hospital. Dave was leaving work to be with him and mentioned he'd keep her updated. After several short messages from Dave, he called again with reassuring news that his father was fine. The bullet grazed the flesh above his knee, which had required surgery, but he would not be able to walk properly for a couple of months.

"Ive told him he can stay with us," Dave informed his wife.

"Really?" Daisy asked, surprised. "Why here?"

"He cant go home. You know hes lived alone for the last two years since Mum passed away. Joe and Billy have kids and no more space," Dave said bluntly.

Dave's brothers were named Joe and Billy. Joe was 34, while Billy was 33, and Dave was 32. Joe was known for his playboy lifestyle in college, pursuing different women. When Daisy met Dave, it felt as though he had a new girlfriend every few weeks, and he tried making a move on Daisy, but she declined.

Billy, the police officer's son, had a history of getting into various types of trouble. Despite his father's occupation, he'd been in prison three times for lesser crimes and sentences amounting to around six months in total. Billy married around the same time as Daisy and Dave, and it seemed he wished to make up for his previous mistakes.

"Can you help me get him up the stairs?" Dave called out to Daisy as they brought Frank home a few days later.

It was an awkward situation. Frank was assisted by Dave and Daisy by grabbing his upper arms and walking him up the stairs backwards. Hours later, he was in bed with a metal support around his leg, which prevented any rubbing against the wound. Daisy was requested to fetch him a jug of water and bring it upstairs. As she and Dave helped him reposition the swinging table in front of his bed, Dave offered Daisy the task of undressing Frank's lower body and helping him put on his pyjama trousers. She inquired if the trousers were irritating the wound.

"No, the knee is bandaged, so it doesn't rub," Frank informed her, adding, "I'll need the dressings changed in a couple of days."

"Maybe it could've been even worse..." Dave mentioned, "the bullet only went through his flesh and missed his bones altogether."

After about half an hour, Daisey carried a bell up to him.

"If you need anything, just ring the bell or yell and I'll be there right away," she said.

Thankful, Frank reassured her that he wouldn't call unless it was necessary and intended to try to look after himself. She acknowledged his gratitude prior to exiting the room. When morning arrived, Dave told Daisey he wouldn't be going to work to help out, but Daisey reaffirmed her ability to manage by herself. After leaving, she went up to Frank's room and knocked on the door.

"What would you like to drink - tea or coffee?" she asked.

"Actually, I'd like something non-alcoholic, but I could use some water as well. I left the lid of my jug open mistakenly," he responded.

Daisey took water upstairs and made sure he was comfortable, helping him sit up a bit more and fluffing his pillows, then suggested she'd leave the bedroom door slightly ajar just in case. While she was on the downstairs, she heard the television playing loudly. Since she didn't hear him say anything within the next hour, Daisey decided to do her own at-home workout regimen to stay fit.

Her routine involved timed exercises, beginning with 20 sit-ups and 20 push-ups, followed by a 30-second break. This sequence repeated with 30 of each exercise until she reached 50, aiming to run up and down the first three steps of the stairs as fast as possible. However, Frank called out in the middle of her routine.

"Are you alright? What's that noise?" he asked.

"It's just a workout I'm doing," she replied, "was I making too much noise?"

"No, I was just unsure of what was happening," he answered.

"May I come in?" she inquired.

Daisey entered to find him hunched over to one side.

"Are you okay? What happened?" she inquired.

"I just needed assistance in adjusting my pillows, got carried away and lost my balance, failing to think before I attempted it," he said sheepishly.

"You're merely 55, not old enough to be silly..." Daisey chuckled, "I'll help you out."

She jumped in front of him and assisted him in sitting up, enabling her to adjust the pillows while his arm supported her. While repositioning them, his hand touched her breast. Upon realisation, she glanced at him, but he didn't notice her as his eyes were shut. She dismissed the incident as accidental and proceeded to freshen up his pillows.

"Sorry about the sweaty clothes," she confessed.

"No need to apologise, you mentioned you're exercising," he smiled.

Chuckling, Daisey playfully punched his shoulder. However, when she was about to leave, she heard him yell out. She returned to find him gripped by pain.

"Sorry, I accidentally kicked the remote off the bed," Frank apologized.

She bent to pick it up, facing away from him. After handing it over, she heard him mumble "Oh fuck, oh fuck". Daisey inquired if he dropped the remote once more, but he reassured her he was fine. Puzzled, Daisey questioned what had bothered him, but his usual expression resumed.

Upon returning with food, she studied his face, assessing if his gaze held anything unusual, but it appeared normal. Next day, as she was set to start her daily regime, the doorbell rang. Daisey opened the door to behold a middle-aged female nurse holding her ID card.

"I'm here to assess Frank Ward," she said.

"Oh, I got distracted; he had an appointment today," Daisey excused.

The nurse entered, informing Daisey not to take long, as she had to change his bandages and ensure the stitches were still in place. She asked Daisey to direct her to his location. As they ascended the stairs, the nurse admitted she couldn't dwell too long as she had to check on other patients.

Daisy drew back the bed covers as instructed, and Nadine told her to shift aside so they could work on each leg. She disconnected the support, maneuvering it down his thigh smoothly. They then slowly took off Frank's bottoms. With care, they also removed the bandages. Gazing upon the wound, Daisy gaped in shock. It was located in front of his knee, about a couple of inches above it.

"It seems to be healing well," Nadine informed her. "I'll demonstrate how to massage his legs and apply this ointment onto the stitches."

Daisy looked confused and inquired why she needed guidance. Nadine produced her notes and checked them.

"Your name is Daisy, right? You're listed here as the main caretaker, that's why they allowed him to leave the hospital," Nadine informed her, addressing Frank simultaneously.

"Yes, Dave asked you to stay with me so I didn't have to remain there," Frank replied, turning to face her.

"But that information should've been conveyed clearly. I thought I was merely keeping you in comfort and delivering items," Daisy complained.

The nurse commenced massaging Frank's calf muscles gently. This was followed by her doing the same for his thighs. She then educated Daisy about the importance of doing this while he was confined to bed, as his muscles would eventually become lazy. Nadine next showed her how to gently rub the ointment onto the stitches. With a slight grin, she questioned Daisy to demonstrate her new skills.

Daisy obliged, causing Frank to voice little protests as she worked on his thighs. Nadine laughed, congratulating Daisy on finding such a capable helper. Instructing her to perform this task once a day and massage his legs concurrently, Nadine handed Daisy her business card.

"I'll return to change his pyjamas. It's better if you do this without his bottoms on," she suggested.

Frank concurred, making Daisy feel uncomfortable, as she'd soon have to perform this task regularly. After the nurse left, Frank apologized to Daisy for creating unnecessary tension due to incomplete information. Daisy replied that she was upset with Dave for not communicating effectively rather than for assuming responsibilities. Daisy next asked if he needed anything before she began working out, and Frank confirmed that he didn't.

Dressed in her exercise gear, she descended the stairs. She'd completed other exercises and was now navigating the steps when she abruptly paused. She heard speaking sounding distinct from the TV. Sensing it might be the nurse, she went back up the stairs. However, it was anything but her.

"Frank, are you watching porn for Christ's sake?" Daisy lamented.

The room contained the remote controls on the floor, scattered after Frank's accidental knock. She collected them and went to set them back in their correct place. All the while, the volume on the TV seemed rather loud. Entering the room, she found tissues scattered around. Strategically positioned was a tissue box meant for just such an occasion. She turned to Frank, who was grinning, clutching his injured leg.

"A man has needs, my legs are the only ones out of action," he chuckled. "That reminds me; we need to empty the trash please."

Daisy stormed out of the room, passing Dave's room on her way down the stairs and asked him to take his father's dinner to his room as she didn't want to face him.

The next morning, Daisy woke up to find her husband had already left for work. She headed down to prepare breakfast and make coffee. As she glanced at the bin, her thoughts wandered back to Frank and the bag from his room. Based on the used tissues, she estimated he might have masturbated 4 or 5 times a day while staying there. She fixed Daisy's drink and poured water in Frank's mug, then settled on the sofa with her toast, turning on the TV.

Having missed her favorite show for a few days, Daisy decided to catch up while Frank was still asleep. During the first ten minutes, she noticed one of the male actors being fully naked at one point. Her stomach fluttered, and she realized she was more aroused than she thought. Without thinking, Daisy moved her hand down the front of her shorts and slid a finger along her wet folds. Just as she was about to continue doing this, Frank called out to her.

Daisy paused the show, poured his drink and took his breakfast upstairs. Frank had already removed the covers and pulled the table closer to the bed, anticipating Daisy's arrival. He began by telling her that he'd spilled some of his drink on himself and needed a towel. Daisy quickly grabbed one and handed it to him. As Frank cleaned himself up, he looked at Daisy and mentioned that his shorts and shirt were wet.

Daisy went back downstairs, then returned carrying his other pair of shorts and a button-up shirt. She was surprised when Frank asked for her help changing his shirt. As he leaned against her, she couldn't help but notice his slender, smooth nipples pressing against her chest. As he leaned further, allowing her to push down his shorts gently, she felt her own nipples poking through her shirt. Frank moaned softly, and Daisy pulled some more down, feeling aroused by how her nipples must have felt against his back. When he asked her to help push his shorts further down, she reluctantly agreed and leaned against him, gently pulling his shorts down until they fell to his ankles.

She felt an odd rush as she peeled his shorts off, slowly pulling them up his legs and finishing by getting him into the new ones. Feeling flustered, Daisy returned downstairs and resumed watching the episode. She was excited about Dave's return that evening, but was left disappointed when he called to say he'd be back late.

The next day was hot, and Daisy opted to wear her vest top and loose shorts for her workout, which consisted of a series of stair runs. When she finished, Frank called out to her. She went to his room to find him hunched over in pain, complaining about a tense calf muscle. Daisy felt her body respond as she rubbed the painful muscle, gently pressing in and hearing Frank sigh with relief. He asked her to do the other leg, to which she happily obliged. As she reached over him, she accidentally pulled the duvet aside, revealing his duvet-covered leg and shorts. Frank seemed to realize what happened at the same time, holding up his phone to casually film what was happening. He could clearly see her loose top, exposing her breasts. Despite this, he continued filming, then showed Daisy the footage. He joked that he liked what he was seeing and teased her for neglecting Frank, her "son's dad".

"Don't act so innocent," Frank laughed. "I saw the way you were eyeing my cock yesterday. You probably haven't been getting any action."

Daisy denied this, protesting that she hadn't been looking at his cock. She also reminded him that she was his son's wife, and she deserved more respect. While the situation was awkward, she found herself wondering if he'd truly noticed her reaction. She resigned herself to waiting for Dave's return that night instead.

"My god, he's never laid a finger on you since I've been here!" Frank harshly commented, "He's always been the smallest brother and not a real man like me and my other brothers. Don't lie, the walls are paper thin and I'd be able to hear if you two were banging away."

Daisy hurled a few insults at him and stormed out, hearing Frank grumble about her not rubbing his legs. She retreated to the bathroom for a shower, and while soaping herself, her hands wandered down to her private parts, lost in thoughts of his large cock. She climaxed, toweled off, and realized she had forgotten her garments while fleeing in a hurry. She meandered across the landing to her bedroom, unaware that she had left Frank's bedroom door ajar, granting him a peek at her nude body.

She served him drinks and meals later, and no words were exchanged, just Frank thanking her. It seemed they had forgotten about the earlier altercation. If Daisy believed it had been forgotten, the following morning proved eye-opening. The doorbell rang early, Dave hadn't long departed for work, and Daisy assumed he had left his keys. Instead, she opened the door to a delivery person. He stood in the doorway, presenting a package to Daisy.

"There might be a mistake, I don't remember us ordering anything, do you have the right address?" Daisy inquired.

"Daisy Ward?" the delivery man asked.

Daisy acknowledged. He pushed the package toward her so she could see the label with her name on it. She apologized and took it from him, then closed the door and brought it to the living room. Her name was on the label, but Daisy hadn't ordered it. She opened the package, unwrapped the contents, then spotted them on the coffee table.

There in front of her eyes lay a white and red nurse costume with sleeves, an open zip from chest to waist, a pair of white lace thigh-high stockings, and matching full-length gloves. She contemplated, Dave wouldn't order such an item, would he? Maybe it was his way of apologizing for always being late and exhausted.

However, the realization came to Daisy. "Frank." Of course, she was nursing him.

She hurried upstairs, swung the door wide open, and came to a halt. Frank had a wide grin on his face, which changed to disdain when he saw Daisy. His hand was around his erect manhood, which he abruptly stopped fondling upon seeing Daisy.

"Really? Did you believe I'd just throw this on and come up here for your satisfaction?" he stated.

"If you're not referring to a different present, I don't have anything else to wear," Daisy said confused.

"There's a silk top in your room, wear that," he directed, then laughed.

Daisy glanced down at her erect nipples pushing against the flimsy fabric of her pajamas. Although she had argued with Frank earlier, she could feel her desire for his cock growing.

"I'm your mother," Daisy reminded him.

"Then you know what's in store for you," he said. His hand determinedly moved away to wank himself a third time that morning.

Daisy kept her gaze away from his cock, ignoring it, but let her fingers brush against his as she grabbed it. Frank stretched out his free hand, guiding Daisy's to his manhood. It was so much bigger than Dave's, she thought, as she wrapped her hand around it, donning the role of a dominant lover.

Daisy found it hard to believe Frank had climaxed that many times, judging by the size of the pile of tissues in the bin. Frank groaned loudly as she stroked his cock, then grabbed her wrist, changing the pace. They played with his cock as she glimpsed his veins bulging in her grip.

She felt his penis pulse in her hand, and Frank moaned even louder as he began to cum. Rivers of it flowed down and some sprayed across Daisy's arm. She stroked him harder, squeezing every last drop of cum from him, then moved her hand. His penis stood proudly before her, slightly longer than Dave's but twice as wide.

"I've got cum all over my shorts now. You're going to have to take them off me," Frank said.

Daisy complied silently, pulling them slowly off him and disposing of them. She used them to clean her hand, then turned to leave.

"It's pointless putting any more shorts on you if you're pulling them down to masturbate, you might as well not wear anything at all," she told him. "Oh, and don't tell Dave about this, either."

She went to the bathroom and washed her hands and arms before going back downstairs. She looked at the nurse's outfit and sighed. It occurred to her that she'd just masturbated her father-in-law, and had enjoyed it immensely. She hadn't mentioned it to Frank, but her pussy ached for his touch. She would have liked to use a toy, but her husband was against that. If she bought one, she knew she'd have to hide it from him, just like the nurse outfit.

After a while, she decided to prepare something to eat. As she opened the refrigerator, she noticed a cucumber in among the vegetables. She grasped it and wrapped her hand around it. It was just as thick as Frank's penis. She glanced at the clock. Frank could wait for food; Dave wasn't expected home for another couple of hours, and that was if he was on time. Frank wouldn't disturb her. She closed the refrigerator door and took the cucumber back to the living room. She switched on the television and found the program she had been watching. She removed her pajamas and lay down on the sofa.

Within five minutes, a sex scene appeared on the screen. Daisy slid two fingers into her pussy. She grabbed the cucumber and started to insert it into her mouth, gagging a little but enjoying it. She started to imagine it was Frank's penis, and her tongue worked on it. The scene changed, with the woman riding the man on the sofa. Daisy lifted her legs and lowered herself onto the cucumber, closing her eyes and biting her lip at the feeling of being stretched more than usual and the coolness of the cucumber. She moved slowly, holding the cucumber with one hand while rubbing her clit with the other. Just as the scene finished, she had an intense orgasm and squirted over the sofa.

She quickly dealt with the cleanup, swapping the cucumber for some kitchen utensil. When Frank's food was delivered, she could hardly look at him, but she did manage a laugh when she saw him take a slice of cucumber to eat.

The next morning, Daisy expected her partner to be in bed with her. It being their anniversary, he was late or had forgotten. She descended the stairs only to find a note telling her he'd left early for work. No card, no gift, no sign of consideration, only a declaration that he'd be spending the day meeting with clients. Daisy rang him, but he didn't pick up. She called his workplace and was informed he had a full day of meetings scheduled. It seemed he wasn't ignoring her.

She teased herself throughout the day, anticipating his return and their proper celebration. At certain points, she'd been close to orgasm but stopped herself.

When Dave was an hour late arriving home, he walked in, surprised.

"Have you not cooked anything?" he asked, as he could smell sex.

"No, I thought we'd be going out to eat. Have you booked anywhere, or do we have time to pass here first?" Daisy teased.

She pushed her shoulders out of the straps of her dress, letting it slide down onto the carpet. Standing in front of him in black stockings and nothing underneath, she bit her lip.

"Why would we be going out? Why are you dressed like a prostitute?" he stammered.

"I thought we'd be celebrating, it's our anniversary," Daisy answered, "and I thought the stockings might persuade you into having sex immediately."

Dave walked away, saying he'd return later to get some food if she hadn't cooked anything. Opening the door, he turned and instructed her to put on clothes. Daisy was taken aback, hoping he'd come back and ravish her instead. But he left, and Dave returned with food, placing it on the table before heading to bed.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Daisy realized she hadn't given her guest any food, so she took a portion and went upstairs.

"How are you feeling?" asked Frank.

"I'm fine, just rubbing my eyes," she replied.

She noticed him checking out her naked legs, so she made an effort to cover them up. He asked if she could massage his calves, to which she agreed. Standing next to Frank, she massaged his lower legs while he lifted the duvet, revealing his long, hard cock. Daisy couldn't contain her laugh - his erection was the result of her nylon clad legs.

"Fancy wearing stockings?" he inquired.

"Today's our anniversary," explained Daisy.

"And your husband didn't see fit to give you a special gift?" wondered Frank.

"He left for work when Dave said he had an early shift to get up for," answered Daisy.

"Jesus, he's a moron," said Frank angrily.

Pushing the duvet further away, his long, hard cock sprang into view. His pre-cum was already leaking down the shaft.

"I've always liked the feeling of nylon," he admitted.

His hand grabbed hers and placed it on his cock. He wanted her to touch him, and Daisy couldn't say no. Daisy's hand expertly stroked the shaft, coating it in her saliva and pre-cum. Frank was close, but pulled his hand away, laying it on his thigh, staring at her legs.

His hand edged up her legs, fingertips brushing softly along the contours of her thighs.

"Are you wearing anything under that skirt?" he questioned.

"No," she answered, "just a pair of stockings."

Frank's brow furrowed, clearly confused, so Daisy elaborated.

"It's because it's our anniversary," she said.

That cleared things up, but now Frank was fixated on her rear.

"So, if this was for my pleasure..." she trailed off.

"Is your husband in the next room sleeping?" he inquired.

"He usually doesn't hear anything over his snoring," Daisy responded.

Daisy positioned herself so that Frank had more space to continue what he was doing. She stroked his cock more vigorously, increasing the pace as her moans took over. Frank's index finger pushed into her pussy, causing a surge of pleasure.

"Let's make out," Frank moaned. Daisy rubbed herself against him, arching her back and pushing her hips closer. His thumb was gliding along the edge of her buttocks. Daisy suddenly realized she hadn't worn any underwear, and Frank had easy access to her most private parts.

"You have no panties on?" he gasped.

Without a response, Daisy spread her legs for better access. This allowed Frank to slide his thumb into her pussy, and two of his fingers began probing her anus. Her moans intensified as he pushed his hands into her, soaking her in his saliva.

"I can't hear anything," said Frank, but continuing to do what he was doing. Daisy moved her hand from his cock to his neck, kissing him deeply. The sound of her pussy exploding into pleasure was loud. She took his throbbing cock into her mouth and squeezed it for him, gaining more intensity as she did so. Her free hand slid across his back and into the hair at the nape of his neck. Frank moaned as he watched her making out with her fingers jabbing in and out of her.

"I love nylon," he sighed.

Daisy nodded, still sucking him, feeling his cock throb with climax in her mouth. She took flight out from under him, resting her ass on his groin and feeling his sword pierce her. Her legs were like a vice, binding themselves around him and pushing her hips forward. Frank cupped her breasts, kneading at them. He maneuvered his cock into her, hard and fast. Daisy cried out as she experienced his bouncy cock in her pussy.

"I wanted to make love to you again," Frank sighed. "Will you give it to me one more time?"

Daisy nodded, bucking her hips back and forth. And as Dave slept in the next room, they made love. The sounds of their bodies joining in sheer pleasure rang out. Daisy's obedient legs clenched tightly against Frank's chest, grasping at him. Frank's hands gripped her ass, pulling her closer to him as she ran her hand up the side of his neck towards the nape, and back.

"Fuck me," she cried out loud.

Like a drummer's beat, Daisy thrusted her hips forward while gripping his neck, their voices screamed in ecstasy as he filled her pussy. Their pleasure continued to increase as they continued without hesitation. Daisy then had an urge to hump back against his cock, exploring her every boundary. She held his neck, wailing loudly while urging him on. But Daisy could hear her husband breathing heavily, right next door. But they carried on.


Sex with the Boss, Searching for Stranger's Wife:

Daisy could hear Frank moaning as she sucked his cock, placing her hips towards his hand so she could feel his thumb at her anus. Although Dave had never enjoyed anal, Daisy had experimented with her own fingers to determine how deeply she could take them, and more so to see how large an object could be inside her. She had pleasantly found that she could accommodate three of her fingers with little resistance, which led her to lament the absence of a dildo to experiment with what she could handle. Her thoughts only heightened her pleasure, and she moved her hips vigorously as her orgasm approached.

Noticing her ardent movements, Frank also understood that she was nearing her climax and hurried to deepen his exploration by inserting more of his fingers, his thumb now pushing into her anus while his other hand massaged her clitoris. Realizing he would soon follow, Frank intensified his ministrations, knowing this would be his last round. He felt Daisy's thighs tremble and felt her bite down on his erection as she reached ecstasy, rapidly humping and arching her back. Frank sensed his own impending release and grunted out his intention to cum. He spewed his load into her mouth, which she gulped down voraciously, still wanking him to collect every drop. Once he had finished, she removed her mouth and licked the remainder from his penis.

Under the impression that Frank was recording this moment, Daisy rose and told him goodnight, before leaving the room. She returned to the living room and, while intoxicated, retrieved the cucumber from the refrigerator. For the next hour, she experimented with inserting it into her anus, reaching multiple orgasms. However, upon feeling satisfied, she chose not to keep it as a memento.

Had Daisy believed this situation would continue, particularly since Frank had now guessed that she and Dave hadn't been having sex, she would have been in for a surprise. Despite her eagerness to see Frank whenever possible, Frank expressly rejected her advances, displaying remorse and refusing. Thinking that he had been joking, Daisy reached for him once more, but this time, Frank pushed her arms away. His refusal was unrelated to his unwillingness to cum as she saw him emptying the trash can, full of used tissues.

Four days later, they appeared to have moved on from the incident. Daisy relished the thought of resuming her romantic encounters with Frank, to the point of removing her clothes and approaching him naked, but each time he brushed her off, claiming discomfort. Believing he would give in, she hatched a plan. At that point, she had already consumed several alcoholic beverages, including nearly an entire bottle of vodka. Seeking her nurse outfit, which she was determined to hide discreetly, she decided to visibly wear it in front of Frank.

"It's time for your massage," she teased.

She removed the comforter and stood at the foot of the bed, beginning to massage his calf muscles. She was thankful that the zipped portion at the back wasn't visible until she bent, but now that she did so, she knew Frank could see her cleavage. Realizing he was recording her, Daisy began to smile, becoming bolder and bolder with her actions, letting him stare. She continued rubbing his leg and gliding her hands to his knee and back, hearing the camera on his phone shoot repeatedly.

Switching her position, she faced his direction and climbed onto the bed, straddling his head, abandoning all pretense. Her lips hovered close to his ear as she whispered, "Are you taking pictures?" She started giggling at her own daring while fondling his calf muscles. "Oh, I forgot, I brought you something to eat," she said, teasing Frank.

From this elevated location, she hovered above his face, and Frank took several photographs. Shifting her position, Daisy alighted the bed and crouched, lowering herself on top of him. His hands immediately traveled to her thighs as his tongue licked and explored her dripping slit. As she wrestled to maintain her balance, she grew aware of his tongue delving into her anus and then switching back to her vagina but, despite her changes in position, her legs were starting to cramp. Asking him to slow down, she moved above him and he recommenced with greater intent, driving her to orgasm.

She gazed at his member twitching and slowly moved closer. To stabilize herself, she lowered her mouth onto his cock, using her other hand to capture the photos on her phone. She inspected the screen, capturing various images of his cock inside her mouth, beaming at the camera every time. When she was now preoccupied with his member, she expertly engulfed his manhood until he exploded down her throat.

She retracted her mouth, snapping photos as he fired more spurts across her face and nose, licking her tongue out to ensure she consumed each burst with enthusiasm. Her hands were occupied, so she focused on administering oral pleasure to his cock by licking his member until he climaxed.

Driven by an urge to escape, she retreated, capturing more images of his latest discharges splattering onto her face. Soon after, she felt his digits sliding against her anus. She willingly pushed back to welcome his entry, and he thrust two fingers into her rear. This aggressive double-adventure brought her orgasmically close to the brink in a matter of moments, approximately one minute, causing her to emit a loud cry as she discharged her bodily fluids on his visage.

Daisy collapsed on top of Frank, basking in her daydream, only to be disturbed by the sound of her cell phone ringing. Observing the screen, she learned that the caller was Dave. She answered to overhear an excited voice.

"We've landed a major contract, so I'm getting out of work now and should be back home soon. Let's get ready to celebrate," came Dave's bubbly voice through the phone.

Daisy looked over at Frank, who had not risen. She then hastily removed her blankets covering him, jumped into the shower, and was dressed in a short dress and heels when Dave arrived home. Opening the door to offer Frank a glimpse of her dress and stockings, she let him touch her leg, but Daisy rejected his advances. She smiled, saying, "Behave," while leaving their cohabited room.

That evening, the celebration drinks flowed smoothly as she and Dave socialized with Dave's coworkers. Although she couldn't help feeling aroused hearing that Dave's company had contracted with a remote business, leading to numerous business trips away.

In the taxi ride home, Dave was slurring his words, and moments after stepping foot into their home, he was sprawled on the sofa, out cold. Daisy, barefoot in her stockings and underwear, lamented his state. It was only when she tried to climb up to the bedroom where Frank lied unconscious, Franks irritation was evident.

One day, while conditioning in a mock-martial arts pose at the bottom of the stairs, she could hear Frank holding a conversation. Dave was late joining them, having decided to take the train to work with his severe hangover. She quietly ascended the stairs, so as not to alert Frank of her presence.

"Yes, I'm sure she'll love it. I'll try to persuade her," Frank was saying.

"What's she going to have to do?" she inquired, curiosity getting the best of her.

"I was going to ask her to bring some things over for me, giving her some time alone away from Joe," he answered.

"What will Joe be enjoying?" Daisy remained curious.

"Frank just laughed, "It's the little interrogator himself," and added, "I'm going to ask her to bring some things over for me."

Frank let out a sigh, then grabbed his phone and directed it towards Daisy, swiping through the screen as he did. Daisy's eyes widened as she took a look at the images reflecting off the phone's screen. They were various lingerie pieces with models wearing them, revealing quite a lot. The last couple of images were of lifelike dildos, particularly long ones. Daisy snatched the phone away and examined the longest one, wide-eyed. "Wow, it looks like it could split someone in two!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, you're looking at Joe's wife's surprise gifts," Frank quipped. "She's always been open about their sex life. They fuck several times a day because that's how often she gets turned on, and she prefers wearing fancy lingerie while doing so. That's why her husband doesn't mind these," he chuckled.

"But has he really used one of these?" Daisy questioned hopefully.

"No, she's too busy fucking her husband to have time for anyone else. Frank had a good chuckle.

"And you were picking these out for her?" she inquired tentatively.

"Yep, she enjoys telling others about their sex life, hence the dildo for a present." He laughed.

Daisy was feeling a bit flustered, so she slipped out of the room. While she was there, she realized how Joe must be like his father due to his ability to climax several times in a day. Cumming Dave just once was proving quite a challenge these days. She returned to the living room to continue watching her show. After three episodes, she had cum four times for the day, sprawled naked on the sofa.

Dave arrived later than usual, blaming the crowd of people aboard the train and its delay. He took a shower, changed into some clothes, and ate his meal. He even shared some news about his upcoming meeting, being away for two days. Daisy cuddled close to him on the sofa as they watched their show, using her hand to discreetly stroke his genitals in an attempt not to let him know how easily turned on she was by Frank's humongous cock. She glanced up at him, a coy grin on her face, and then kneeled in between his legs, unzipping him. His erection sprung out, already ready as usual. She took it into her mouth, attempting to seem somewhat less appreciative than before. She kept up her efforts until he climaxed, barely able to muffle her groan. She took his semen into her mouth and smiled at him. Dave appeared to be asleep, which concerned her.

The following day, Frank could tell Daisy was in a foul mood. He asked her what was wrong, but she just said she was frustrated. Frank could tell there was more to it. After Dave left that morning, Frank rang Daisy up.

"Daisy," he said, "I'm going to tell you a simple command that may change the way you perceive everything. I want you to take off all your clothes and leave them in the wardrobe. I'll also ask you to leave the duvet off the bed. If we're going to become more comfortable around each other without giving in to our desires, we need to learn that our bodies are not something to be hidden from."

Daisy was surprised by Frank's request and hesitantly agreed not to wear anything but accepted the undressing part. When she returned, he asked her if she followed his instructions.

"I took off my clothes," she answered. "It's kind of annoying, but who knows, maybe this is how I'll get more comfortable around you or get rid of this built-up frustration."

Frank nodded and grinned. "Got it. Feel free to come up whenever you feel like it."

Truthfully, Daisy was nervous about the idea but agreed to give it a try. Thirty minutes later, Frank summoned Daisy with a ring of the bell.

"Did you forget?" Frank asked, using a jovial tone.

Daisy walked up the stairs, surprised that she seemed to be getting more comfortable in her nudity. The idea had started off as ridiculous, and she was unsure about why she went along with it. Apart from wanting to prevent Dave and Joe's parents from discovering her and his father's sexual adventures, she had almost forgotten she was completely naked. She had even made an effort to freshen up for the day.

She heard Frank laughing in the other room, still believing he was watching TV. She walked up to the door and the delivery man rang the bell urgently. Luckily, she spotted him through the glass doors and told the courier to wait a minute. On her way back, she was greeted by more laughter from Frank.

"Ah, good to see you've decided to display yourself," Frank joked. "Remember to shower daily and keep your lady parts neat."

It had been a strange request, but Daisy found herself getting more comfortable, almost forgetting about her nakedness. Her newfound freedom made her feel liberated and confident. But she was even more surprised to find that Frank wasn't the one watching TV; it was a delivery man who had been waiting for her.

"I need this to be signed for," the man explained, startled to see her through the glass.

Daisy fumbled for her hairband, wrapped it around her head, and opened the door. The delivery man signed the parcel and approached Daisy to hand it over. Frank noticed the redheaded girl and laughed loudly when he realized Daisy had borrowed his signature band.

Daisy opened the door, holding her hand out for the package. He stood there, staring at her as she reached out to take the parcel from him. His eyes widened as he passed her his tablet for her to sign electronically. She put down the parcel to complete the task, hearing him gasp. As she stood there, he seemed to be looking right through her. She turned around and peeked, only to see herself in the full-length mirror on the wall - completely naked. Blushing, she returned the tablet and swiftly closed the door. Her heart thundered in her chest.

"You didn't cheat and put anything on did you?" Frank asked, laughing hysterically. "I hope you took pictures as I can't see for myself!"

Daisy picked up the parcel and sat on the couch. She considered her actions, remembering the sheer pleasure she had just received as he witnessed her naked body. Excitement washed over her as she thought about the package's contents. She reached inside the box and pulled out a wrapped object, with a note: "Unwrap me, but don't take me out of the packaging." Daisy hesitated, then ripped away the wrapping. There, encased in plastic, was a realistic-looking dildo - not as long as the one Frank had told her about for Joe's wife, but the same length as Frank's own. Her pussy yearned for the fake cock, wet from the frission of flashing the delivery man. She was baffled by its origin.

"Oh, you got your present then?" Frank laughed, startling her.

"It was you?" she asked, astonished.

"Yes, it was. Did you like the ruse to have to sign for it?" he chuckled. "How much did the driver see?"

"Everything - I forgot."

"But you certainly seemed to enjoy it though, didn't you?" Frank teased.

"I'm frustrated though, why can't I take it out of its packaging now?" Daisy inquired.

"You can..." Frank directed. "But leave it with me for now."

He waved his hand to dismiss her, and she walked down the stairs. Frank was wrong; her frustration had only grown. Every time he rang the bell, she could hear him masturbating in the bedroom. She hurried back upstairs at 6 pm with his supper and found him, unsurprisingly, watching porn. The dildo lay on the bedside table, no longer within its packaging. Daisy felt his gaze on her, his hand stroking his erection. He beckoned her towards him, and quickly slid a hand between her legs, shocking her.

"Have you been finger-fucking yourself downstairs?" he barked.

She nodded, shocked and embarrassed. Frank slapped her buttock hard. He pulled away his hand, then roughly inserted a finger into her anus.

"You'd like a real cock inside you to make you come, wouldn't you?" he asked, laughing to himself.

Daisy nodded, and reached for the dildo. Frank snatched it away from her. Disappointed, she questioned, "Why can't I take it out of the packaging?"

"You can..." Frank commanded. "But leave it in my room for now."

He brushed her away, and she returned downstairs, indignant. The next few hours seemed to last an eternity as Frank kept ringing the doorbell. Each time, he sat on his bed and masturbated in front of her, his hand under his chin, watching her reaction. Finally, at 8 pm, Daisy walked slowly up the stairs, only to see the dildo on the bed next to his laptop and a towel nearby. Her hope diminished.

She approached him, offering the dildo. Frank shook his head and took it, sliding it along her soaking wetness. Each time she tried to push against the dildo, he moved it back. Smiling to himself, he taunted Daisy for a few minutes.

"Stop fucking moving," he barked. "I'll push it in when I'm ready."

"Bastard, stop fucking teasing me, let me have a cock inside me!" Daisy implored.

"Fine," he growled, grabbing her arm.

He pushed the dildo against Daisy's arsehole, causing her to flinch. Constrained, in pain, she could feel her anus stretching to fit the dildo. Finally, he pulled it away and laid it down. Her frustration was palpable. Suddenly, she grabbed it and tried to insert it herself. Frank slapped her sharply on her backside.

"Stop fucking moving!" he roared.

In a flash, Frank grabbed her and she saw that he had stopped masturbating. He placed the dildo back on the table next to the bed. He pointed to the bed beside him. Confused, Daisy looked at Frank, who then nodded towards his erect penis and grinned. She shook her head to refuse, and Frank mouthed 'Dave' to her.

Behind her, Daisy's mind was churning with conflicting thoughts. Although she knew she shouldn't, her desire for Frank's body had been growing since she began fantasizing about his cock in her hands and mouth. The newfound frustration of her lack of sexual activity with Dave only heightened her arousal. Frank signaled for her to join him by patting the bed. Daisy climbed onto the bed and straddled him with her hips near his chest. She didn't notice Frank placing his phone on the bedside table, aimed towards the events to unfold.

With a hint of trepidation, Daisy sank down along Frank's body and felt his cock push against her clitoris, an electrifying sensation. She moved back up slightly, enjoying the feeling of being filled by his manhood, tempted to keep things slow to take in the experience. Frank's hands gripped her hips and he urged her to descend again, increasing the pace of their connection.

Daisy's head tossed as ecstasy consumed her body, her hair becoming entangled with the sweat on her neck and upper chest. She kept her eyes closed, focusing on the sheer delight of being filled by his manhood. Frank whispered into her ear,

"Ride me and show me how much you've yearned for this."

Gently pushing away from his length, Daisy cautiously rose up and repeated this motion, creating a wave of pleasure that overwhelmed her senses. When Frank placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed down, she grinded against his erection more vigorously.

With passion fueling her, Daisy soared to new heights before collapsing on top of him. Her thoughts strayed to the possibility of getting pregnant but were pushed aside with the erotic prospect of him having filled her pussy. As her body settled on his, Frank cradled her in his arms and began to push her up and down on his cock while murmuring,

"God - this is incredible."

Daisy struggled to free herself, afraid of the consequences of his semen inside her before Frank's grip tightened, holding her in place. She tried to object vocally but was silenced by his use of three fingers, inserted into her mouth and abruptly removed.

She succumbed to the comfort of his experienced touch and pushed herself back down, a wave of pleasure enveloping her. Angry at him for filling her, she was lulled into submission as Frank rammed his fingers into her asshole, her body erupting in uncontrollable pleasure. Fatigued, she collapsed against him as they reached their climaxes.

Daisy lay limp and soaked in a viscous puddle of sweat. Frank's hands were still on her waist, but he started to push her down onto his cock. Determined, she rode him until he was close to his climax, urging him even more until he climaxed. He withdrew her legs and threw them over his shoulders, allowing him to grip her thighs for more leverage.

"Lift a bit so I can push this inside your arsehole," he instructed.

Daisy stared at him with a nervous grin as he slid up and down against her rear opening. Excited for the challenge, she raised her hips and guided him into her tight opening. Frank paused and allowed her to set the pace, experiencing an almost painful ache as his cock pressed against her back wall.

Breathing heavily, she pulled away before Frank could fully enter and pressed his tip between her soaking folds. The pressure intensified until it split her open. Determined to complete the task before her, she slowly pressed down, forcing herself to climax again. Crying out, Daisy rested her head on his shoulder as Frank's hands grasped her hips and guided her up and down. He grunted and then grunted louder, signaling that he would finish soon. Holding her steady, Frank's engorged member pushed her tight passage tenderly but persistently towards climax.

Unable to resist the pleasure, Daisy again pushed herself down, feeling his cock pushing her bowels open. "God that feels so good," she cried.

Daisy opened her eyes to see Frank, beaming with pride. "It's much sexier from this perspective," Frank said as he admired her drained-looking face.

Embracing each other, they lay in their intimate bubble. He continued to thrash against her until he finished, their entangled sweat-soaked bodies closely intertwined.

Daisy followed Frank's gaze and told him she couldn't see so well. Frank turned and spotted a mirror by the foot of the bed. He gestured to it, and Daisy understood. She planned to get up, but Frank stopped her. With his penis still inside her anus, he made her shift her legs to twist around his body. Now, with her feet on either side of his thighs, she leaned back slightly and paused, enjoying the scene unfolding in the mirror. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of his thick member and how snugly it fit inside her rear entrance.

Daisy moaned louder as Frank's tempo increased, struggling to keep her eyes open to watch in the mirror, but she couldn't help but squeeze them shut and cry out and gasp as her body grew accustomed to his cock pressing against her anus. She positioned her hands lower and braced them against the bed to maintain her balance, feeling Frank's fingers digging into her breasts, squeezing her tissue and tugging on her nipples until she thought they might tear. As he fucked her yet again, she closed her eyes completely and let the sensation of another orgasm approaching wash over her body.

She climaxed violently, feeling a wave of fluid gush out of her pussy and wetting both Frank's legs and the bed sheets. Amused, she heard Frank chuckling. She tried to understand, so she turned to face him. When she saw his face, something startled her. She tried to adjust her position to gain a better view, but Frank's arms wrapped around her waist. She heard more laughing, this time echoing from close to the door. As he glanced down at her body, she noticed two sets of bare legs, one male and one female. She felt panic welling up inside her.

A female face appeared for a moment, with long, dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. The face disappeared, and she felt a tongue lapping at her clit. Daisy shrieked and moaned loudly. A male came into view on the side, completely naked and holding a phone, aiming it between Daisy's legs. She fought to keep her eyes open to watch as the tongue continued to work its magic on her clit, entering her anus like a small penis. Daisy felt a hand on her arm guiding hers toward an erect penis, also about the same size as Frank's. Automatically, she began stroking it.

"Wait until Anna is finished, Dave," Joe said, still lubricated from his own orgasm, "there's no need to rush. Dave won't be back for hours, so we have the whole night to play with you, darling."

On hearing this, Daisy eagerly stroked and sped up her tempo, lost in the heightened excitement of the moment. [Text extracted from:]

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