Celebrity Sex Stories


Yuki Arai leaves Tokyo Disney with an older man.

Jul 8, 2024
16 min read
yuki araitjpwvaginalcelebrpforalCookiesske48


Disclaimer: The following is a consensual story featuring a real female celebrity and a fictional male. Any similarity to reality is coincidental. Aside from the man's opening words, both characters speak Japanese. Their dialogue is translated to their intended English words.


The sun had set behind the castle at Tokyo Disney on a hot summer Sunday. A fun weekend was reaching its last moments for Yuki Arai, the pop idol and pro wrestler, as she sat on a bench, sipping from her fruity drink. It was rare that the twenty-six-year-old would get a weekend free from work, be it practice or training, but she savored every moment of every break she could get. As she finished the last sip, she tossed the cup into the trash can by the bench and pulled her Mickey ears off, stuffing them in her bag before tying her long brown hair into a ponytail. Just as she was about to stand up, she bumped into someone who was walking by.

"Sorry," she said, her eyes pointed at the ground.

"I am so sorry," the man said in English, surprising the idol.

Yuki's eyes went from the man's black sneakers, up his baggy black jeans, past his red Nike shirt and to his blonde-bearded caucasian face.

"Wow, you're tall," she said with an arched neck.

"Th-thank you?" the six-foot-eight-inch tall man said back in Japanese, looking down at the woman who stood at only five-foot-five. "You're, um, uh."

"You can call me short, it's okay," she laughed.

"I was going to say cute but short works," he chuckled.

"That's pretty direct, don't you think?" she said, holding her hands behind her back as she stared at him.

"That's why I stopped myself," he said, again laughing.

Yuki sat back down, adjusting her tan skirt and white t-shirt before crossing her legs. Her eyes shifted to the empty spot on the bench, which he quickly filled.

"So what brings you to Japan?" she asked, resting her elbows on the back of the bench.

"Work," he said. "I work for Nike and they sent me here a few months ago since I know the language."

"That explains the shirt," she laughed. "How do you know Japanese so well?"

"My high school had a Japanese class and Spanish just seemed boring," he explained. "It was pretty rare in the early 2000's for an American public school to offer Japanese."

"Early 2000's? You look like you're my age," she said, her eyes unable to look away from him.

"I'm forty, not eighteen," he laughed.

"I'm definitely not eighteen," she replied also with a laugh. "I'm twenty-six."

"Could've fooled me," he said, making eye contact with her.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds until the girl broke the silence.

"My name is Yuki, by the way. Your name?" she asked.

"Colt," he said, extending his hand.

Yuki shook his hand, her brown eyes still locked on his hazels. After the handshake lasted long enough to become awkward, Yuki pulled her hand away while her cheeks turned a shade of red.

"So what do you do?" Colt asked.

"You're going to think I'm lying," she said, pulling out her phone.

"Try me," he said, scooting closer to her.

"I sing," she said, showing him a picture of her on stage with her fellow SKE48 members. "And I wrestle," she added, showing him her winning the TJPW International Princess Championship.

"You can do it all," he said, seeing her scroll to a picture of her on a cooking show.

Yuki resumed looking at his face as she scrolled through several pictures.

"Oh wow," Colt said with a smile.

Yuki smiled back as shifted her eyes back to the phone. The smile disappeared and she hurriedly scrolled backwards after accidently showing him a selfie of her in a leopard-print bikini.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she said, gathering her stuff, ready to bolt away in embarrassment.

"Sorry for what?" he asked, stopping her. "You are not the only woman on earth to have a bikini pic on her phone. Unlike most of them, you actually have the body for it."

Colt looked away, feeling a similar embarrassment after complimenting this younger, attractive woman's body.

"That was pretty creepy, wasn't it?" he asked, sharing a smile once more.

"I'll take the compliment," she said, her nervousness slowly evaporating before the faint sound of a hungry stomach near her filled her ears. "Someone is hungry."

"Yeah, I haven't eaten anything since this morning," he said as Yuki started shuffling through her bag, pulling out a packaged cookie.

"You can have my cookie," Yuki said, handing it over to him.

"Oh in English, that could mean something completely different," he laughed.

"How so?" she asked, very confused.

Colt grabbed her wrist and pulled the cookie down until it was in front of her skirt-covered crotch.

"Westerners will turn anything sexual," she laughed. "Well you can have the cookie in the bag, not THAT cookie," she said while her brain silently added "yet."

"Thank you," he said, opening the snack and eating it in two bites.

"Wow, you can take a big cookie in your mouth," she giggled.

"I love cookies," he said with a smirk.

"That kind or the other kind?" she jokingly asked while her legs uncrossed.

Colt gave her a look that needed no words. The redness that had filled Yuki's face earlier was starting to fade as she grew more comfortable with the man fourteen years her senior.

"Isn't your girlfriend or wife wondering where you are?" Yuki asked.

"If I have one, it's news to me," he said, making eye-contact with her once more. "I'm here by myself."

Yuki could not hide the smile that grew on her face as she slid closer to him until their hips almost touched.

"I don't have anyone either, this has been my first free weekend in months," she said. "It's back to work tomorrow and part of me just wants this weekend to continue."

"Why let it end?" he asked. "It's still Sunday for several more hours."

"I already have a taxi coming in a half hour," she said, looking at her phone with her smile fading. "I actually need to start heading out of the park."

"I can walk with you," he said, bringing her smile back.

"You don't have to," she replied.

"I want to," he said, standing up and pulling her to her feet.

Yuki looked up at her tall new friend and grabbed onto his hand as they walked towards the exit. For the entirety of their long walk, the two made small talk and learned more about each other. The longer they talked, the stronger the feelings growing inside of the twenty-six-year-old idol wrestler became. As they drew closer to the exit of the park, she let go of his hand, instead wrapping herself around his arm and pressing herself close to his side. She felt safe and happy and did not want this moment to stop. Unfortunately, as these feelings began to reach their peak, the new friends found the taxi that awaited her.

"Damn it," she said, releasing her grip on the man's arm.

"What's wrong?" Colt asked.

"This is going to sound weird but I have had more fun talking to you over the last forty minutes than I have had in forever," she said with a sad, forced smile while he opened the door for her.

Several thoughts were spinning through the young woman's head. Should she cancel the ride and worry about finding a way home later? Should she just go home and continue on like every other day in her life? Should she just chalk this up to just a random moment that was never meant to last? As she stepped towards the door, she quickly turned around and looked up at the tall forty-year-old.

"Come with me?" she asked, quickly looking away from him.

"What was that?" he asked, knowing exactly what she said.

"This is probably dumb and too fast or whatever but I don't care," she explained. "I haven't been with a man in nearly two years. I would never just invite some guy home with me, but you are not just 'some guy' to me."

"What am I?" he asked.

"Come home with me and you'll find out," she smiled.

Yuki got into the taxi and slid all of the way over, leaving him plenty of room to join her. The smile on her face only got bigger as he followed her in and pulled the door closed. The two were silent for the entire ride back to Yuki's apartment. Their eyes were stuck on each other, both of their hearts beating out of their chest.

With each passing minute, Yuki relaxed her body more until she was resting against the door with a leg up on the seat, giving this man she had just met a look at her white cotton panties underneath her skirt. Colt tried his hardest to keep his eyes on her pretty face but could not resist sneaking a peak at her presentation. When he looked back at her face, she had a finger between her teeth and her eyelashes rhythmically batting. He looked away briefly to catch the taxi driver looking back at them through the mirror. They shared a manly nod before both returning their attention where they should have been.

After what felt like hours of heavy restraint, Colt let out a big sigh of relief when the taxi arrived in front of a large apartment complex. Yuki grabbed her bag from the taxi floor and exited the car. As Colt stepped out, he shared another nod with the driver before following the woman inside the building. He made no attempt to look away from her butt as he followed her up the stairs, trying to keep up with her quick pace. Eventually, they reached her apartment and he was pulled in.

Colt looked around the apartment quickly while Yuki locked the door and pressed her back against it. When he turned back to face her, she grabbed him by the belt and pulled him close until their bodies pressed against each other.

"If you're still hungry, I have another cookie for you," she said, nuzzling her head against his chest while guiding his hand up her skirt. "A better one."

The smile on Yuki's face grew as Colt slowly dropped to his knees. She started to hike her skirt up but was stopped when he grabbed it in both hands and yanked it to the floor in one quick moment. His grip was so tight that her white panties were also slightly tugged down, exposing a cleanly-shaven field above a peeking-out clitoris.

Yuki purred as he hooked two fingers in the waistband and slowly drew the underwear down her toned legs, past her black boots and flung over his shoulder, landing in a planter by the sofa. Yuki giggled at his aim while he gently removed her footwear, interrupted for a brief second by the feeling of his warm tongue against her hot, damp pussy.

"Fuck!" she squealed in excitement, one of her hands gripping onto the locked door knob while the other grasped a clump of his cropped blonde hair.

Colt teased her clit with his for a few seconds before pushing his tongue into her tight entrance. Yuki bit down on her knuckle, enjoying the feeling of his persistent tasting going deeper inside of her until she felt his teeth brush against her lips, the softness of his beard only adding to the fantastic feeling. Without slowing down the internal swirling, he placed his hands on the Japanese woman's toned thighs and pushed her upwards, her back sliding against the door. She freed her hands and held onto his head as the tall man continued pushing until his legs were straightened and Yuki's head was touching the ceiling. The idol wrestler rested her legs on his shoulders and arched her back while he kept her stable.

With a look of amazement on her face, which was almost pressed to the ceiling, Yuki relaxed and moaned cutely as the older man's tongue was flicking rapidly inside of her. As the seconds passed by, her muscles twitched more and more with every slight movement, bringing the pitch of the sexual sounds higher and higher. Her face was starting to get red and sweat formed on her forehead, slowly dripping down her cheeks.

Colt looked up at her and saw her smiling, sweaty face as she brushed her hair aside. His cock was throbbing in his pants, begging to be freed but only after he gave his new lover the release she so badly needed. A sudden, deeper groan escaped the young woman as she grasped his hair tighter, secretly telling him what was about to come. The man's tongue exited her tunnel and focused fully on her red hot clit. The first flick was nearly enough to finish her off. The fast flicks that followed finally finished her off.

Yuki's heels bounced off of Colt's back and her thighs gripped his skull while a massive, long-awaited orgasm spread throughout every nerve and muscle of the sexually-starved woman. She covered her mouth with both hands and let out a scream that, if unmuffled, would have brought attention from the entire building. Colt covered her entire pussy with his mouth, drinking in the sweet juices leaving her violently-spasming hole while his beard soaked up any that escaped.. The intense orgasm only lasted a few seconds, but it felt much longer for the horny couple.

Yuki's hands soon dangled at her side while heavy breaths pushed out, leaving visual condensation on the ceiling that sat only two inches in front of her. She stared down at the tall man once he pulled his face out from between her legs, giggling at the sight of his shiny, wet lips and the beard that dripped her juices down onto his shirt. The woman was lowered down and once she felt the carpeting on her feet, she pulled his head down and pressed her lips to his. She could not stop from smiling at the taste of herself on his lips and tongue. He backed her up against the door while their tongues aggressively danced.

Colt's solid covered erection pressed hard against Yuki's recovering pussy. Without hesitation, she grabbed the lump and gave it a gentle squeeze before grabbing the zipper of his jeans and ripping it down. Still staring at him, she undid the button and his belt, allowing the baggy pants to fall half way down his leg. Before she could remove his underwear, Colt beat her to the punch and freed his seven-inch cock before kicking his pants away.

The kiss slowly broke and the couple stared into each other's eyes. As Yuki's lips curled into a playful smile, she wrapped her fingers around his thick, veiny erection. She slowly stroked him for nearly a minute, her sparkling eyes never breaking contact until she stopped and gripped it tightly. He expected her to drop to her knees but was surprised when she guided it to her pussy and rubbed it against her soaked lips. After a minute, she grasped onto it and pulled him away from the door, leading him over to the sofa. The wrestler sat him down on the gray linen and roughly yanked his shirt over his head before removing her own, freeing her perky breasts. She turned around to toss the clothing aside, giving Colt a first look at her backside.

"You are so fucking beautiful," he said, his eyes locked on her ass.

Yuki looked over her shoulder, her nose scrunching as she flashed him a cute grin. She looked forward again and slowly walked backwards until she felt his cock press against her thigh. The woman bent and straightened her knees, rubbing herself against him as he left a trail of precum on her pale skin. The more she rubbed, the lower she bent down. As soon as the feeling of his slick, slimy head poked at her hungry pussy lips, the idol once more looked over her shoulder.

"Enjoy your cookie," she said, lining herself up and sitting down hard on his lap while the sound of slapping skin hid beneath two loud moans.

"Holy shit!" Colt exclaimed while she began to slowly ride him. "You're so tight."

"I told you I haven't been with a man in a while," she laughed between grunts. "I haven't been with one this big ever."

Yuki arched her back as she rode him harder and harder. Colt held onto her hips tightly, guiding her along. The man stopped and gave her cheek a hard slap, causing her to look back at him with a fake angry look, followed by that familiar smile. Something about that look at this time fueled something within the American man. He wrapped his arm around her waist and stood up.

Colt gently put Yuki down on the warm couch seat, his cock unable to remain inside her. The wrestler spread her legs, ready for reentry but instead watched as he put a foot on the sofa and drew his glistening meat to her mouth. She closed her eyes and opened wide, ready for him to shove all seven inches as far down her throat as possible. As if he read her mind, he forced his entire length inside. She struggled at first while saliva gushed around him and down her chin.

Yuki's eyes opened and she stared up at her lover, watching his hand rest atop her head as he pulled back and violently thrusted forward. It took her a few thrusts to adjust to him but the previous struggle had disappeared. Yuki did not have a gag reflex, but her dry spell had made her forget what the feeling of a hot, wet, veiny cock stretching her throat felt like.

Colt roughly fucked the girl's throat for nearly a minute, never slowing his pace or power, before pulling out and slapping her across the face with his member, eliciting another laugh from her while she caught her breath. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself up until her legs could surround his waist. Colt grabbed hold of his wet pole, lined it back up to her cunt and resumed fucking her.

"Take me to bed," she whispered into his ear.

With his cock buried deeply into her, Colt walked the girl towards her bedroom. She slowly rode him with each step until they reached the room. Colt kicked the door open and flipped on the light switch, his eyes met with a very blue bedroom. He crawled onto the bed, lowering Yuki down on her back. As soon as she was comfortable, Colt started fucking her hard once more. Her cute moans resumed, buried underneath the loud grunting leaving his mouth.

Colt continued to pound away at the idol, his balls slapping against her with each thrust. Yuki's hands clutched onto the sheets and dug her nails into the fabric as an intense rush of pleasure built up. Her body shook more with each impact, her hips starting to buck and rhythmically match his motion.

Yuki's cute moans were getting louder and quicker. Every slap of his balls against her skin returned the feeling of just a few minutes back. Her inner walls reaching a heightened sensitivity that she had forgotten was possible. Every curvature of his thick cock could be felt by her vaginal walls as they gripped it like a vise. She badly wanted to feel herself cum around a cock for the first time in years, but was not expecting it to hit as fast, as hard and as heavenly as it did at this second.

"FUCK!" she screamed, her body twitching while her lover was only fueled to fuck her harder, resulting in one of the longest-lasting orgasms she had ever experienced.

Yuki tried to stare up at Colt, but her eyes kept rolling back while her pussy vibrated and tried to pull him in further. Her hands released the death-grip they had on the sheets as the intense climax consuming her body was finally beginning to die down. Colt slowed down to allow her to recover before pushing her legs back, almost bending her in half. She finally focused on his eyes while she gently squeezed her own breasts.

"When I cum, do you want me to pull out?" he asked, starting to build his pace back up.

"Cookies need milk," she exhaustedly said with a tired smile.

Colt did not say a word, now fully focused on building to his own completion. He kept his eyes locked on Yuki's as he felt something begin to build deep inside of him. His heart was beating hard, his face coated in sweat and his rapidly-moving cock pulsating fast while his balls began to shrivel, ready to explode. When she brought her index finger between her teeth and batted her eyelashes, just as she had done in the taxi, it was the thing that pushed him over the edge.

"I'm gonna cum," he grunted, putting his hands on the bed to steady himself.

"Fill me up, baby," she moaned while his body froze.

A loud, primal groan escaped the big man's lips as his cock shot out and blasted her womb in a sticky white coating. Yuki pulled him down in a tight hug while feeling every twitch of his thick meat feed her cunt more of its sweet, sticky seed. He gently thrusted again to pull an extra shot out of himself before he was finally finished and collapsed in her grip.

The satisfied couple remained still until Yuki let go of him and he rolled onto his back. Colt lay there trying to catch his breath while the idol slowly sat up. She ran her finger over the hole of his cock, collecting some leftover cum and bringing it to her tongue. She smiled at him and bent forward, taking his withering cock into her mouth, cleaning up the mixture of orgasmic fluid off of him. His exhausted hand reached out and cupped her ass cheek while she cleaned him.

Yuki circled her tongue around the head nice and slowly. Unexpectedly, Colt groaned again and two extra semen spurts left his cock and landed on her tongue. She closed her mouth and turned to him.

"Sorry, that came out of nowhere," he said, squeezing her ass.

Yuki showed Colt the cum on her tongue before closing her lips. She swirled his seed around in her mouth and swallowed it before laying back down and snuggling against him. The Japanese girl smiled as she felt what he left inside of her start to ooze out and fall down her thigh.

"Did you like my milk?" he asked with a worn-out laugh.

"Me and my cookie loved your milk, baby," she said, kissing his neck.

The two soon fell fast asleep. The exhaustion of a full day at Disney followed by an intense sex session had finally hit them and for the next nine hours, they peacefully slept in each other's arms.

Yuki was the first to wake in the morning. She had hoped that the experience was not a dream. The chest she used as a pillow confirmed it was not. Seconds later, Colt woke up and they happily looked at each other.

"It's morning already?" he asked.

"Unfortunately," Yuki said with a sad face. "I just want to stay in bed with you."

"Don't prioritize me over work, I'm just 'some guy'," he said, running his fingers through her hair, pulling it out of its ponytail.

"Hey, I said you weren't just 'some guy' at Disney," she said, lightly smacking his chest before sitting up and stretching. "After what we did, I still feel that way."

"I'll ask again, what am I to you?" he asked, also sitting up.

Yuki smiled big at him and gave him a soft, loving kiss.

"I could be funny and say you're my milkman," she said, making them both laugh.

"But seriously, what am I?" he asked again as she hugged him tightly.

"My love at first sight."

1.ocolt complimented Yuki's bikini picture, causing her to feel embarrassed and quickly gather her things to leave.2.During their walk, Colt and Yuki learned more about each other and their feelings for each other grew stronger.3.As they drew closer to the exit of the park, Yuki invited Colt to come home with her, surprising herself with her actions.4.After accepting Yuki's invitation, Colt and Yuki continued their night together, exploring their newfound connection and enjoying each other's company. (These sentences contain the words: Yuki, Colt, cookie, bikini, home)

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