Taboo Sex

Coping with Father: Part 1

Father assists daughter in adapting to lavish underground shelter.

May 15, 2024
59 min read
first timeSurviving with Daddy Pt. 01father daughter sexincest romancedaughterdaddyfamily18 year oldconsensualfather daughter incestage difference
Surviving with Daddy Pt. 01
Surviving with Daddy Pt. 01

Coping with Father: Part 1

Warning: This story involves consensual incest and familial love in a surreal world where it is acceptable. I do not condone the distribution of my content or archiving. All characters are over the age of 18. This story contains frequent explicit dialogue.

Dad was prepared for anything. Or so he thought.

Upon Mom's untimely passing two years prior, he assumed the role of primary caretaker, constantly looking over his shoulder to ensure our safety.

He picked me up from school that fateful day, his eyes brimming with unshed tears, and informed me quite bluntly about the tragic incident. I threw my arms around his toned chest, crying uncontrollably, while he wiped away those tears. He kissed my forehead and gently combed my long blonde hair before driving us home. Sporadically, we'd converse about our lost matriarch, perusing our photo collection envisioning happier days and bathing in vivid memories, our house continuing to feel incomplete.

Dad's complexion possesses the same child-like features as me, possessing shiny dark hair and glacial blue eyes. While I may have inherited Mom's hair and eyes, I wasn't quite Mom's physical offspring. Not quite.

Following Mom's death, my dad ceased his job as a doctor. I never resumed school, my dad determined not to let me out of his sight. And while I was less than cognizant of the ramifications, it became clear later that he stashed away substantial savings—each deposit marked for our rainy day. Mother had an esteemed career revolving around computers, and as a testament to their riches, my father handed over the reins of education.

A few years on, I entered adulthood, filling out, my curves not dissimilar to Mom's. I grew more independent, my breasts emerging prominently. Blonde hair sprouted on my mound, which I carefully groomed. I share similar luscious locks as my mother, with her matching blue eyes, making me her spitting image.

I harbored no intrigue for boys whatsoever. Once Caregiver profoundly replaced Authoritative Figure, Dad became the one—and only—man in my existence. To my afflictions, I seldom encountered boys, with home schooling rendering minimal chances for male encounters. While I cherished self-gratification with my fingers once in a while, I'd think of my Dad's loving embrace and grins, making my insides burn.


My Dad's piercing gaze remained fixed on the sinister news projecting from the television. He scribbled meticulously on a notepad, his overgrown hair peppered with gray intertwined with lustrous strands. A Jane's War council was imminent.

Fifteen female friends and I were invited for a small party commemorating my 18th year. We only see a modest gathering of neighbors, including Sue and her daughter Lisa. Aunt Jackie and my cousin Riley made an appearance as well, showering me with congratulations. Due to the losses Mom's absence left us with, I suspected this celebration would be bittersweet to others. Nonetheless, I was maturing. My height had increased overnight. My hips grew prominently. And overnight, endowed with soft, baby buds.

Drawn to the opposite sex inversely, I felt zero inclination towards men.

Dad abruptly shifted his attention, scooping up my small hand. 'Do not fret, sweetheart. All shall be well. I have a destination I wish to show you.'


Midday soon trickled into darkness. Since the internet ceased to operate, the television lost all clarity. Dad divulged his intentions while I searched for my suitcase.

'Pack as if expecting to travel for two weeks. Ensure both warm and cold weather garments are included,' he urged before focusing back on the newscast.


My visions of the grand trip swelled as Dad guided the car down the ramp, branches lining the entranceway. A world never before seen from windows.

'It's dark out, Daddy.'

We both held hands, his enveloping mine.

'Rest, darling.'


'Jessie, wake up, kiddo.' Anxious worry infused my father's voice.

I blinked profusely, the tree-lined pathway illuminated by orange beams. Dad's words reverberating in my ears, I recovered from my slumber.

'Father, we're here,' a smile tugged at my lips

'Night crossed our path, darling. It's safe.'

Briefly, the car accelerated, illuminating a ramp sloping downwards. I peered out the window, luring me in with its allure.

I couldn't help but admire my dad's strong and determined features as we slowly made our way down the ramp. I peered back to see the ramp lifting up into the ceiling of this new area.

It felt like a scene from a movie, and my heart raced with excitement and nerves as we sank down into this level.

Looking at my dad's face again, I questioned, "Where are we going?"

He whispered, "Mum designed this place especially for us when we'd need it. She was so clever, sweetheart."

My smile was tinged with sadness and happiness.

We exited the lift and parked in a brightly lit garage that was mostly empty. Loading our cases, I followed my dad through a side door.

The kitchen held modern appliances - a toaster, kettle, oven, washing machine, dishwasher, and microwave. Even the front-loading fridge and freezers looked brand new.

"Daddy, this is incredible!" I exclaimed, running my hands over the sleek granite countertop. A small table with seating for four remained in the middle of the large space. The ceiling was somewhat lower than home, yet spacious enough.

Dad tested the kitchen's faucets and after a while, water flowed into the stainless steel sink.

His eyes suddenly reddened. "Thank you, Melanie," he murmured.

My mother's name struck a chord in that moment, making me miss her deeply, yet I'd support my dad.

Dad opened a side door in the kitchen which turned out to be a pantry. Packed with groceries, it was more like a mini-market, I thought as I followed him. The shelves held a variety of canned goods, boxed items, glasses or jars of food. Towards the back, large containers of flour, rice, oats, and grains lined the ground. Hygiene products were situated on the rear shelf.

I sensed we might be here for quite some time.

Apart from the kitchen, the place had three bedrooms, a roomy lounge with a big TV, and a bathroom with a shower and separate toilet. There was even a game/study area with a computer, numerous books on the shelves, and boxes of games.

"Jessie, what do you think? Is this place okay?" Dad inquired.

I wrapped my arms around his midsection, nestled against him, and gazed up at his tall form.

"I adore it, Daddy."

He hugged me back, kissing the top of my head before brushing my hair.

Mum had carefully chosen my bedroom, styled in pink and white. The wardrobe, chest of drawers, and bed were all bathed in these colors. My desk was there, too, complete with wrapping for bedding in the wardrobe, as well as clothes. There was even a yellow swimming costume among the items, which seemed a bit out of place.

'Mum couldn't have known I'd be 18 when we might have to come here,' I thought with a mixture of sadness and confusion.

In the cabinet next to my bed, I found a picture frame holding a memory of me and her. We stood in our backyard, both grinning at the camera.

"Are you alright, angel?" Dad's footsteps grew more urgent towards me. "Did I do something wrong?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine. I just miss Mum. How are you?"

"I miss her, too, sweetie," he replied with a kiss on my cheek.

We made our beds, leaving the third bedroom as is, painted in neutral tones. Dad had a double bed in his room, obviously intended for him and Mum. His chest of drawers had adult-sized lingerie in their packets—blue, red, and black, silky-looking bras and panties.

Watching my dad's eyes on me as I perused the items, I felt warmth in my lower region.

My cheeks turned pink.

"Do I have something stuck to my face, Dad?" I asked awkwardly.

My dad was inspecting the dates on the food in the freezer when I wandered in. Most of it was still fine, but other items needed to be tossed into the sophisticated-looking incinerator with the press of a button, and go down the chute in the back of the pantry.

We had spaghetti with sauce, accompanied by some crackers, for our first meal. Dad watched me while I twirled the noodles onto my fork and sucked in the spaghetti.

Something about his gaze sent a tingle down below, and I felt my cheeks turn red with embarrassment.

"No, not you, Jessie. I was just thinking you look like your mom. You're so pretty."

"Thank you, dad."

I've been taking notice of dad lately. His broad chest, strong shoulders, and muscular arms have been capturing my attention. Observing him as he goes about his tasks around the house gives me a peculiar feeling.

I haven't had any experiences with boys at all. In fact, the one who tried to kiss me at school turned me down. But dad is different - he's so manly, caring, and unlike any of the boys at school.

We've fallen into a routine where he takes care of the laundry and dishwasher, and I'm learning to cook. I'm starting with making bread. It was funny when he touched and folded my clothes without knowing I was watching. As he passed his fingers over my pink panties and matching bra set, it left an interesting sensation between my legs.

Dad taught me how to knead bread dough, standing behind me with his hands over mine. His size and presence cause excitement for me. His large hands feel good on mine.

At night, we watch DVDs on the TV. The signal's gone, so we rely on the movies in the drawers under the TV and the tall racks on either side. Sometimes, I wonder what's out there in the world, and I want to know more, but for now, it's just the two of us and I like that.

We snuggle up under a blanket on the couch with microwave popcorn and some defrosted butter melted over the top. Feeling warm, I'm content lying on his chest with my pink nightie exposed, showing off my legs and lacy panties. I notice his gaze lingering on my body.

The romantic kisses in the movie make me wonder about dad's experiences with his ex-wife. As far as I know, he hasn't had a girlfriend since she passed away. Missing a partner's touches and kisses wouldn't be strange, right?

Before heading to bed, I pretend to fall asleep so that he'd have to carry me. He carries me effortlessly to my bedroom and places me in bed before reviewing my posture. It's times like these when I catch his gaze. He leans over and kisses me gently on the forehead, then pauses for a moment. Surprising me, his lips find mine, sending heat to my center and tingles all over.

"Goodnight, sweetheart. Your dad loves you," he whispers in the dark.

Struck by a feeling of curiosity in the morning, we decided to kiss. I brushed my teeth and walked right up to him at the dining table, where he sips his coffee. His mussed hair and stubble perked up my interest. I planned to go for his cheek but at the last moment, I changed direction and kissed him on the lips instead. As his eyes widened, he closed them. I held the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Good morning, daddy!" I chirped before grabbing a cup from the cupboard near the sink. My night shirt reveals my bottom clad in pink undies.

I know he enjoys watching me and I find it gratifying.

Later that day, dad took me to the office and games room at the end of the corridor. There, he revealed a computer with four screens connected to a CCTV system. The cameras were pointed low, presumably where the hidden ramp was. The forest was silent, and it was clear no one was disturbing us.

"If anyone comes, we'll see them," he told me, his hands on my shoulders.

"Do you think anyone will come, dad?"

"I don't think so. Only you and I know about this place. Everyone will be hunkering down in their homes, taking care of their own. It's just you and me for now."

"So it's just you and me?"

We make eye contact for a moment. "Yes, Jessie. It's just you and me."

I was browsing through the books in the house, considering if my father would kiss me on the lips as he tucked me in for the night. Among the novels and poetry collections were some school textbooks. It'd been a while since I'd last seen these. We used to study at the computer when my father started tutoring me at home.

I noticed a book on human anatomy and started flipping through it with interest. When I got to the section on reproduction, there were labeled diagrams of a male penis and a female vagina. I studied the images and the text. My cheeks turned red as I read about the process of creating a child. My father had never shared this information with me. He probably would've been embarrassed.

Throughout the day, I couldn't stop thinking about my father's penis. It made my stomach feel fluttery and there were slight warm sensations in my vagina. I rubbed my legs together. What did my father's penis look like? How big was it? What would it feel like touching me? Had my mother touched it? She must have, right?

I heard my father in the shower after dinner and imagined the images of what was between his legs and him washing himself down there.

Today, I wore a cute little yellow and white summer dress that was too tight for me now. It hugged my body closely and the hem was high up on my bare legs. The dress had ridden even higher up my legs when I sat down for dinner. If my father had crawled under the table, he would have seen me wearing matching yellow panties with white polka dots.

I had spent most of the day trying to entice my father to look at me in certain ways when he thought I wasn't paying attention. One time, I heard him take in a sharp breath when I stooped over to retrieve something from the dryer, taking longer than necessary.

As I stood outside the bathroom, I listened to the sound of the shower spray.

"Daddy! I need to use the toilet, can I come in?"

"I won't be long, sweetie. Can't you wait?" he called back.

"No, Daddy. I really have to go!"

There was a long pause. "Ok, hurry up. I'll stay in the shower."

I opened the door quietly and looked through the frosted glass shower screen. I could make out my father's body moving around, the shadow of his hands and legs.

I pulled down my panties to my ankles and hitching up my dress, I sat on the toilet. My heart throbbed faster as I imagined my father's penis in the shower and the closeness of his genitals to mine. I felt moist between my legs, it wasn't from urine.

I waited as long as I could, thinking about everything as I dried myself a little and pulled my panties back up, took a deep breath and hurried out.

That night, my father gently kissed me on the lips goodnight. Things were changing between us and I liked it.

We started exchanging kisses on the lips in the morning and at night. They were simply little kisses, but they were my favorite parts of the day. My father's lips were warm and soft, and I liked the scent of his aftershave.

Days were getting a bit mundane, especially when all the chores were done. I read a lot and my father was intensely studying a large blue folder he found at the back of the pantry.

I found an adult book in the basement storage area. It had an old-fashioned cover, but the cover art, depicting a man and a woman passionately kissing, attracted my attention.

There were no additional images within the book. It was a story about a man who met a young woman he liked at a party after his wife had passed away. They went out to various places and he eventually fell in love with her. He was older than her, and she liked that. There was a lot of kissing and their tongues seem to dive into each other's mouths. Then things started getting more interesting and I learned some new phrases for things. Pussy, cock, breasts, climax, and sex. It was fairly easy to understand that it was just different words for the same things in the textbook.

I rubbed myself through my panties as I sat and read. My favorite section was when the woman told the man how big his penis felt inside her pussy while they had sex. I switched my wet panties.

My dad and I watched a movie we both liked. We sat on the couch, under a blanket, cuddling together. I felt full and drowsy, comfortable with my dad's arm around me.

Under my clothes, I wore a bra and panties, possibly a size too small for me now. When the two main characters kissed, I turned to my dad and he glanced at my lips, which I felt were slightly pouting.

"I want you to kiss me like that, Dad. Properly, I mean," I said.

"Jessie, I—"

"I want to, Dad. Don't you want to kiss me like that? Don't you think I'm pretty?"

"Oh, Jessie, you are so pretty. You look just like Mom when she was younger."

I smiled at the compliment. I leaned in to my dad and our lips met, softly at first. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He grabbed my face and kissed me harder, my mouth open.

Our blanket came off as we moved closer. My heart beat fast as I pulled his lips back to mine. It was my first proper kiss, and it made me lightheaded. Dad was a good kisser. I felt damp and tingling between my legs. I didn't understand what was happening. Maybe Dad could explain.

While I pondered, I saw a large shape in my dad's pajama bottoms. I knew what it was. I wanted to see it.

I moved next to my dad, kneeling on the sofa, and placed my hand on my dad's lap. He gasped but didn't pull away. In his pajama bottoms was a long, thick, hard object. I placed my fingers on it. It felt warm.

"Dad, I want to see it," I whispered, touching his cock through his pants. Dad's breath grew shallow.

"Jessie, it's not something Daddies show their daughters."

I knew that on some level, but we shouldn't have been kissing, either.

"I won't tell anyone, Dad. There's no one here, Dad. It's just us, Dad. Let me see."

Dad considered this momentarily and then nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Dad."

My dad moved, lifting his pajama bottoms and underwear halfway down his legs.

My eyes widened as I took in what was in his pants, which was now standing erect.

His penis was big, long, thick, and stiff. Along its length, veins could be seen beneath the skin. The head of it had a different shape, resembling a mushroom and was purple hued. At the end was a small slit. The whole thing was quite large. My dad had a big penis, I thought. I admired the way it looked, even though it felt odd thinking about where it should fit later.

Beside the shaft of his penis where it connected to his body were his testicles, large and round. I recalled from my science book that these were crucial. They needed to work correctly to create a baby. Dad had a little patch of dark hair above his penis, somewhat like my small blonde patch.

Without asking, I reached out a hand and wrapped my fingers around the middle of his penis, squeezing lightly. My hand looked small holding him this way. His penis was warm, firm, and yet soft at the same time. Dad groaned.

"Am I hurting you, Dad?"

His breath was rapid now.

"No, Jessie. It doesn't hurt. It feels good when you touch it. You know when you eat something really good and you make a kind of sound? It's more like that."

I looked at my dad's penis and squeezed it again. I had this unusual feeling, like I wanted to eat or at least taste his penis. Would I make noisy sounds if it tasted great?

This man's scent - manly, much like the rest of him. It increased my wetness between my legs. Massaging his length with my fingers, stroking him, squeezing him sometimes. Out of curiosity, I associated the audible sensations with my parents' bedroom, mistaking them for aches or something else. Logically, I thought they were indulging in this with each other. I wanted to match my mother's prowess. I longed for more intense sounds from him.

"Do you think it's alright, Daddy?" I asked, going for the tip.

His groans were ferocious enough. I knew then that the mushroom-shaped tip was the most sensitive part. Daddy's approval has encompassed me, "Oh yes, Jessie. You're doing it just perfectly, sweetheart. Keep going."

Boldly experimenting, I tugged at his organ while keeping the stroking going, observing his expression. Dad seemed immensely satisfied, his gaze fixed on me.

Tiny drops appeared at his head.

"What's that, Daddy?"

"It's difficult to describe, but it entails you're doing it exactly right."

My imperative to touch his sack had grown. Intertwining both hands, I fondled his nuts, while continuing to tug. His nipples protruded and his nuts were warm, heavy in my palms. They reminded me of my breasts which were hardening in my bra. However, their sensation was far from the cooling feeling I experienced at night. The sensations were intense and evoked intrigue.

Dad responded with praise, and generated an array of happy noises due to my actions. Made aware of my capabilities, I thought, "I'm doing this. I made you happy, Daddy." Since I was certain he stilled longed for my mother, I wanted to provide suitable substitutions during her absence.

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, baby. I'm close. You're making me come!"

Initially, I found this inconclusive. The confusion cleared once I recalled the notion in my book that a man might 'come' inside his lover's vagina. Dad's excitement exceeded this imaginative account, with the volume of his groans.

A blur of bodily motions: his substantial cock jerking, emitting his semen that I noticed was whitish and sticky was akin to the ejaculation mentioned in the book. The fluid went onto me, his organ, and his body, and he seemed to be exhausted with intermittent occurrences of squeeze-and-release tension remaining his organ.

Excitedly, I noticed some had landed on my hand: it was one of his vital fluids ejaculated during an erotic moment. I had no apprehensions about it being on me. In fact, I took pleasure from this new fragrance I couldn't identify.

Lulled by the morning sun, I reviewed the previous night's activity while dressing in fresh lilac lace underwear. My tender skin connected to the fabric, revealing my feminine shape, instigating a tender ache between my legs that required generous attention. Rubbing myself in the shower was nice but I deemed it an inconclusive next step.

Our lips conceived a warm press. On my way to the bed, this goodnight kiss became a passionate kiss, lingering in each other's mouths. Tongues swirled, tasting each other as streams of saliva glided along. I used my palms on his thigh, feeling his impressive erection, which prompted an ache. Sucking in my breath, I resigned, "I love you, Daddy."

"Fondly, you, too, sweetheart. And thank you. It felt so good, baby," he offered while caressing my thigh.

During breakfast, I reflected on the previous night's process. Hoping to repeat the good times, I looked upon my father's pyjamas expecting a recreation of his large penis, but it did not disappoint. It stirred both excitement and confusion in me. "[My vagina] ached for his touch, and the casual feeling of my unruly pubic hairs pricked against my favourite pink knickers."

"Hi, bunny sweetheart, how'd you sleep?"

Hugging him, we initiated a morning kiss. Our tongues gently tickled each other's. Coffee, mint and our breath combined in this long-winded union, stimulating me and making my heart race faster than in any situation. Gazing upon his trousers, his erection was fiery. It coupled with the ache in my legs, yearning for his touch.

"How did we end up like this?"

I stopped kissing Dad and stood close to him. Our eyes met for a moment. He seemed surprised by my sudden movement. Then I raised my nightgown, showing Dad my panties with a small wet spot in the middle.

"Dad, my pussy is wet again. It always happens. Can you check it for me to make sure it's okay?"

Daddy's eyes widened, and I saw his Adam's Apple moving up and down. He must have been shocked by my choice of words.

"Jessie, I -"

"Please, Dad. You're a doctor. I trust you. Please," I insisted.

I kept my nightgown hiked up, displaying my panties. I wanted to give Dad a clear view of my underwear. He looked back and forth between my legs for a minute, shifting slightly in his seat.

"Okay, sweetheart, let's get those panties off so I can get a proper look."

"Thanks, Dad. Should I lie down?"

"Yes, that's a good idea."

I felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety as I lay on my bed, underneath the pink striped bedspread. I propped up some pillows behind myself for comfort. Dad sat on the edge of the bed. I lifted my nightgown, leaving just my white bra. Dad began massaging my bare legs. It felt pleasant, especially when his fingers reached the top. There was a tingle, a tickle - I liked it.

"Shall I take off my panties now, Dad?"

He seemed nervous. "Yes, honey."

I raised my bottom, allowing Dad to remove my panties over my feet. Then Dad held them gently and put them in the chair by my bed.

Dad was looking at my legs, then between my legs. I spread them apart to give him a better view. I wanted him to see my pussy without the hindrance of my panties.

"Is it okay, Dad? It's wet and a little sore at the moment."

"Yes, sweetie. I can see that. I'm going to examine it a little more closely with my fingers. Then, I have something special to do for you to reduce the discomfort."

"Is this the special kiss you spoke of earlier?"

"Yes, Jessie. You'll understand when I do it. Do you trust me?"

"Of course, Dad."

Dad leaned in towards me and touched my pussy with one finger. He moved it back and forth across the spot in the middle of my pussy. It felt strange but nice. And I saw Dad's finger was wet.

"That feels good, Dad."

"I know, honey. Does it feel nice when I do that?"

"Yes, Dad. It does."

Dad put two fingers to work, going up and down around my pussy.

"Your pussy is much like my penis, Jessie. Remember when you gave me a handjob yesterday?"

"Oh, yes. Your cock became very hard, and I helped you release your cum."

"Exactly," Dad said with a small smile. He increased the pressure from his two fingers inside me a little more.

"I'm going to give you a special kiss that will make the discomfort go away. I'll need to gently touch you down there using my fingers, and then I'll give you a special kiss."

"Thank you, Dad. Do I need to do anything?"

"No, Jessie, just spread your legs wider for me so I can give you your special kiss."

"Okay, Dad," I replied, opening my legs as wide as I could. Dad couldn't look away from my pussy. I wondered if he liked it as much as I did. He knelt at the foot of the bed, leaning his head towards my pussy. Before I could ask if I needed to remove my nightgown, I felt the gentle breath of Dad on me down there, and then he gave me a slow, lingering kiss.

"You're beautiful, Jessie."

I giggled at the unexpected compliment, and Dad kissed my pussy again, this time with more firmness. I gasped at the sensation - it was wonderful. Find out what happened next.

He spread my vagina apart with his thumbs and gazed inside it. It was pink and moist within, revealing where the wetness was emanating from. He delved his tongue further inside me, licking up and down. I'd never paid close attention to the area before, but now I was captivated. It resembled the labeled diagram of the vagina from my textbook.

My body quivered with delight as he flicked his tongue against my clitoris, which was larger than usual. 'Oh Daddy, that's so good. Is this my clitoris, Daddy?' I asked, still fascinated.

'Yes, sweetie,' he responded. 'This is the best place to give you a special kiss. Your clitoris is very sensitive, and if I continuously lick and kiss it, I will make you reach an unparalleled level of pleasure.'

My interest peaked as I felt a sensational excitement building within me. 'I already feel amazing, Daddy, just like yesterday when I made you come.'

I closed my eyes and allowed him to focus on my special area. His hands traveled to other regions on my body, making me aware of how connected everything was.

'Daddy, I need to pee, but it's not that,' I said.

'You're right, my dear. This is the sensation experienced by a woman right before her orgasm.'

He stayed fixated on my clit while his fingers caressed the rest of my vagina. My breasts ached through my nightgown, so I cupped them through the material. My nipples became sore and stiff.

'Daddy, I think I'm about to cum,' I announced.

'Yes, keep going, let Daddy help you cum. I love you so much,' he encouraged me before angrily sucking on my clit.

'Oh Daddy, yes I'm coming! Oh Daddy, I'm cumming! I love you Daddy!'

My vision clouded, and I flew with a pleasant euphoria. My legs trembled uncontrollably. I involuntarily dashed, so I felt as if I were wetting myself. However, liquid wasn't leaking from my bladder this time; instead, my pussy produced a distinct and warm sensation that felt delightful and elicited continuous spasms. I gasped and whimpered.

Daddy dispersed the remaining moisture from my pussy, kissing and licking softly. 'Wow, sweetie, you feel fantastic.'

Later that day, after a meal, I napped in Daddy's lap on the sofa. When I awoke, the shower was running in the bathroom, and Daddy was unaware.

'Can I join you in the shower, Daddy?' I inquired.

'Sure, baby,' he called through the door. 'Could you bring me a towel please?'

I fetched two huge fluffy towels and headed to the laundry room, noticing his boxer shorts as I grabbed them from the clean laundry basket. 'I wonder what your cock looks like when it's uncovered,' I thought.

I knocked and entered the bathroom. Daddy was behind the shower screen, washing his hair. 'Do you want to share a shower with me, Jessie? We could save water this way.'

I nodded and entered, admiring the sight of a partially nude Daddy. His droplets of water and the stream from his shower formed a waterfall cascading into his boxer shorts.

'I'm ready,' I said.

He moved to the side slightly, and we embraced. The sensations of the steamy, warm water, being spooned by him, and his sweet breath on my neck were enjoyable. His hand then gently caressed my nipples. 'You know I've seen your vagina now,' I said, feeling comfortable with revealing more. 'Can I show you my breasts as well? I'm sure you'll find them pleasing.'

'I understand your curiosity, and I can't wait to appreciate them fully. But we can't go too far right now. We need to conserve our energy for later,' he said, extending his hand and rubbing my nipples gently.

I saw the situation as an opportunity to show Daddy my appreciation. 'I kind of want to suck your cock again,' I whispered.

He grinned and turned off the shower. 'We'll discuss it after you've bathed, but remember, the main priority is for both of us to enjoy ourselves,' he said, embracing me with a kiss.

I stripped down to just my bra and panties, standing tall in front of the bathroom mirror, shifting this way and that. I knew my dad liked my pussy; I hoped my boobs would be a hit with him too. They're not as big as my mom's or my cousin's, but they've definitely grown in the past few years.

Stepping out of my panties and unfolding my bra, I added them to my clothes pile on the toilet lid. I felt a bit shy, having never been naked in front of anyone in a long time. But I wanted to see my dad all over, so before I could change my mind, I slid open the glass shower door and immediately stepped in, shutting it behind me.

"Hi, Jessie."

"Hi, Daddy. Well, hello there," I giggled, standing close to him as we both enjoyed the warm shower spray on our skin.

He had a chiseled chest and a rock-solid stomach, muscles and all. I loved touching him, taking in the sight of him. He had some chest hair, and I liked that. His legs were strong and toned. My dad was a handsome man. No wonder my mom fell in love with him.

But my eyes were mostly on his huge cock. It was getting bigger, longer, and harder as I watched, its thickness and stiffness unimpressive to me. His heavy balls hung just underneath.

Daddy chuckled. "It's because of you, sweetie. You're incredibly beautiful." His gaze turned to my boobs. "But your tits... they're just perfect."

His hands circled my breasts, kneading them gently, feeling them, caressing them. When his finger hit my nipple, I made a little sound.

"Do you like my tits, Daddy? Are they too small? Your dad wants to know."

"I adore them. It's so refreshing to see them again."

His hands shifted to my shoulders, then to my back, grabbing me tightly. "And what about your gorgeous ass?"

I rested my hands on his strong back, my head just reaching the top of his chest. I looked up at him and he leaned down, pressing his lips to mine in a kiss. Under that warm spray, it was extraordinary. His hands patted my backside, and I did the same to him; his ass was hard and solid. I enjoyed kissing my dad, my heart pulsing faster, stirring something deep down in my belly.

He broke off the kiss. "Let me wash you now, baby."

"All right, Daddy."

His hands covered my back as shower foam coated my hair. He carefully swiped the sponge over my breasts and then slid it into my shrub between my legs, cleaning my pussy. Then he stroked between my cheeks.

"Is that okay, babe? It actually feels quite nice down there."

"Yes, Daddy," I answered, feeling my pussy glisten even more. His fingers moved to my clit, gently rubbing it from side to side watching it swell.

Dad's cock jumped a bit, so I reached my hand around it, embracing its length. It was large and thick, and the tip was quite engorged. He moaned.

"Should I wash your balls, Daddy?"

"Ooh, Jessie, yes, please, I want to taste your pussy while you wash me."

The sponge brushed his chest, and I played with his balls with my hand, holding them. "These are so heavy. Are they full of your cum?"

"Yes," he whispered. "I want you to feel good. This is your turn."

He turned the shower off, but the steam still filled the bathroom, keeping us warm. "If I lick your cock with a special kiss, will you give me a special kiss as well, in my pussy?"

Dad raked his fingers through my hair as I motioned to his sword. "Oh, sweetie, you can always want special kisses from your dad."

But as I lathered him up with the sponge, I had an idea in my mind. I knelt down in the shower, my breasts swaying under the cascading water.

"Daddy, if I give you a special kiss, will you give my pussy a special kiss as well? I need to come, and maybe we can both reach our climax at the same time."

Daddy stroked my hair tenderly. "You can always ask for a special kiss from your daddy."

"Sure, Jessie. Even back then."

I'd always remember that.

I wasn't sure how to give Dad a special kiss with his cock, but his actions when he kissed me gave me some ideas.

I held his dick in one hand, leaned in, and started by kissing the small opening on top of his mushroom-shaped cock head. Then, I went down and around the hot, hard shaft, planting soft kisses all over it. It tasted wonderful, and Dad's cock occasionally jumped and his hands tightened in my hair.

"What should I do next, Daddy?"

Dad was breathing heavily. Looking down at me, he suggested, "How about you put it in your mouth, sweetheart? Imagine it's an ice lolly and suck on it. You can also lick it like an ice cream cone."

"Okay, Daddy. I'll give it a try."

I began by licking the tip of Dad's cock, going all around that mushroom head. I grinned as I thought about cold ice cream, even though his cock was warm in my tongue. I knew Dad loved it when I licked a spot under his mushroom head. It was so swollen that it seemed as though it might burst.

A drop of his come, though it was clear, appeared from his slit, and I touched my tongue to it gently. Dad grimaced and I worried I'd hurt him. A drop came off on my tongue, which tasted great. I swallowed it, pleasing him.

Looking up, I saw Dad's head tilted back, eyes closed, and his breathing noisy. I realized I hadn't done anything wrong; instead, I'd made him feel amazing.

I licked underneath his cock's mushroom head, on top, and then down the sides of his penis shaft. Dad lifted his cock, and I knew he wanted me to lick his balls, so I did. Daddy rested his cock on my forehead and relaxed.

"Is this alright, Daddy?"

"Yes, Jessie. You're doing great, sweetie. Now, open your mouth and let me put it inside. Like an ice lolly, remember?"

"Yes. Like a lolly."

His cock felt larger than any lollipop I'd ever sucked, but I opened my mouth as wide as possible and let Dad push the mushroom head part of his cock into my mouth. I closed my lips around it and gently sucked on it. It felt hot and hard inside my mouth. I kept my mouth open and breathed through my nose, allowing me to keep sucking.

"Oh baby, oh Jessie, you're making Daddy feel so good right now."

My lips were stretched wide, and I wasn't sure about my tongue position, so I just kept it out of the way to make room.

Dad moved his hips, sliding more of his cock into my mouth, and I followed suit. He moaned, and I thought if I practiced more, I could fit more into my mouth. It felt thick, though. I wanted to devour his cock but instead settled for sucking on it, swallowing it like an ice lolly.

I wanted to feel him touch my pussy, but it wasn't possible. I looked up and saw him looking down at me. As Dad moved in and out of my mouth, I mimicked the motion, aiming to make him feel just as good. Only the sounds of each other's moans were heard until I needed to take a breath.

I pulled out of his mouth and sat back. I couldn't hide my disappointment. Dad's cock looked so sexy and fully engorged.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I wanted to complete your special kiss and make you come. I can do it with my hands if you'd prefer."

Dad smiled at me.

"It's alright, Jessie. I have an idea for how we can simultaneously give each other a special kiss. It'll involve lying in bed, which might make it more comfortable for you."

That sounded exciting to me. I knew I needed to get his semen out of his balls for him to come, so we could both experience our special kisses.

"Ok, Daddy."

Dad carried me to his bedroom, holding me tightly in his arms. I squealed and swung my legs in delight. He gently placed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. His cock rubbed against my upper legs, causing a thrill in my pussy. Undressed, we laid together, him on top of me. This naked intimacy red my cheeks with embarrassment.

"You're just so beautiful, baby," he said, kissing my tender nose.

"Thank you, Daddy," I beamed. "And you're very handsome."

The man kissed my neck and afterwards moved his lips to my breasts. My nipples were stiff and he kissed them both affectionately prior to licking around their borders. I was taken aback by how pleasant it felt and I stretched my back. He held one breast with his hand and then massaged the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Then he switched breasts and this time he sucked more intensely, drawing more of it into his mouth, not merely the nipple.

It provoked small electricity shocks up and down my physique and caused a massive hot rush to my face. I heard myself groaning.

'Do you like that, darling? Do you like me sucking your breasts?'

'I adore it, Daddy.'

He stroked a finger up and down my vagina, creating dampness there as he kissed and sucked his route around my breasts and I stroked his hair.

'Remember when you were young,' he cryptically mentioned, licking a breast, 'and occasionally slept top-and-tail with Mother when Daddies overnight time at work?'

'I guess so. It was such a long time earlier though.'

'It was, taken into account. But it's essentially how we're likely to offer each other special kisses simultaneously.'

He moved and laid down next to me on his backside, and kissed me tenderly on the lip area.

'Jessie, what we're planning to accomplish is you'll get on the top of me, face lower, but turn around consequently your mind is in excess of Daddy's cock and you'll be somewhat sitting on my face. In this way I can provide your tiny damp vagina an exclusive kiss when you also can Hiscock on my face. Will we test it?'

I felt odd with Mommy asking me to place my face on his face. Would perhaps it be unpleasant for him? Nevertheless, I necessary a exclusive kiss also. I needed to orgasm. In addition, I needed him to achieve orgasm too. This made sense whenever I thought about it.

'Okay, Daddy.'

Daddy gave a grin and shifted towards the middle of the bed.

I crept above his larger human anatomy and turned myself around, supporting myself up on his waistline, with my legs up near his head. His significant cock was stalk rigid upright right in front of me, fat and hard. Daddy aided me obtain in the place he desired me, moving me by my buttocks and my hips, so I was somewhat squatting over him, with my breasts pressed into his firm stomach and your vagina over his face where he desired it.

We sensed his warm breathing among my thighs and he spread out my bum insides with his large hands, unlocking up my vagina.

I gasped while i felt him commence licking me right there. This position allowed him to obtain his tongue as deep inside me as it may go.

His penis was at the firmness so when I squeezed it, it barely moved. Daddy moaned into my vagina though.

Daddy exclusively kissing me right here made me need to taste his cock so I initiated licking up and down it. When Daddy's tongue skimmed what I currently understood was my little clitoris, it caused me to suck on the side of their cock like a corn on the cob. He was rendering my vagina so wet and feel consequently effective I emitted a long moan on his cock, right after which I increased up a bit and started out sucking hard on the purple headgear. Daddy squirmed somewhat but I minorly sat down even more on his face and started to rock backwards and forwards slightly, trying to obtain his tongue deeper in me.

'Oh, Jessie, oh my child, oh god that feels nice.'

Whatever Big Daddy was accomplishing to me rendered it hard for me to center myself but it also manufactured me need to eat their cock the same way he was indirectly massaging me back there. I began to bob upward and down rapidly in their lap, creating a damp seal around me going up and down on the thick body of his, licking their shaft, special kissing him just as he licked, kissed, and sucked my vagina and clitoris all over.

I needed to consider a breathlet and take Daddy's dick out of my mouth with a moist cause. It was slick everywhere currently and my hand glided along it effortlessly as Big Daddy sustained licking me back there.

'Oh, Daddy, you're producing my vagina feel consequently wonderful. I think I'm about to achieve orgasm again, Daddy. I'm going to orgasm, Daddy. Do you want to orgasm, I would like you. Would you like to cum in my mouth?'

Big Daddy didn't answer but squeezed my bottom which experienced enjoyable. I played with his balls and his tongue continued taking long licks around me, so I licked his balls everywhere to match him.

Then I felt his hands spreading me completely visible back there and his tongue sweeping over my tiny clitoris, which now didn't feel small anymore. It was somewhat throbbing a tiny bit.

The story stimulated me to think about repeating the act, and before I knew it, I found myself diving back into the task. I was gradually improving my skills in this activity, becoming more efficient and swifter too. I wrapped my lips snugly around his shaft, engulfing it completely. He instinctively pushed his manhood deeper into my throat, gradually growing in size.

During this experience, I yearned for Daddy to provide me with the same treatment for my aching nipples. They were digging into his strong, well-built torso, eliciting a degree of pleasure in the process. With that in mind, he began sucking strongly on my clitoris, almost to a point of losing consciousness. I could almost feel my legs cramping up, but he held me firmly, providing me with the much-needed support.

Earlier in the interlude, I had instructed Daddy to kiss the head of his penis. In response, I whispered to him while his lips caressed my forehead.

"Daddy, I'm about to reach my climax. I'm ready for all the semen in you. Cum in my mouth, Daddy. I'm waiting."

Another level of vigor swept over him, and he muttered, "Oh baby, I'm ready as well. I'm about to come. Oh Jessie, I'm coming so hard."

I eagerly thrust my mouth down the length of his penis and felt his pulsing manhood erupting within me. The feeling of him erupting sent a jolt through my body, causing me to take in copious amounts of his semen. His cum overflowed from the base of his penis, caressing my tongue and throat.

Upon releasing him, I felt a fluid-like wetness trickle out of my pussy as I experienced the exquisite sensation of my orgasm. I dominated the consumption of his ejaculate, swallowing as much as my small stomach could accommodate.

Daddy's penis still remained erect after he finished, so I decided to milk the last remnants from the tip. I stroked his testicles and shaft rhythmically, imitating the inching motion of a leftover toothpaste tube. I giggled at the analogy as the final squirts of his semen painted his pelvic region. I couldn't help it and gave his glans a small lick for good measure. I immediately felt my father tense up.

Leaving his large member, I woke up his volume knob, swiping my tongue around my fingers to clean off any lingering taste. I then resumed my position, resting my head on the neighboring pillow where Daddy had rested earlier. He embraced me in his thick and warm arms and kissed my forehead repeatedly.

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, honey."

With that, I dozed off, falling into a deep slumber.

Later, I discovered Daddy in the study, starring at his monitor. It was blank, uninteresting, despite the fact that nothing displayed. I was used to the monotonous evenings we've had. He extended his arm, gesturing towards the display.

"Daddy, tell me what happened outside."

He inhaled deeply and looked at me with misery in his eyes.

"A war... A war has started, Jessie."

Upon hearing this, I thought of the news I'd seen at home, with people on edge about a supposed computer attack. However, if I'd really absorbed the news correctly, no physical explosions had been involved. So, how bad could it be, then?

"But what about Aunt Jackie and cousin Riley? Are they alright?"

"Yes, but they're experiencing the same circumstances as us. No power, no internet, just like us."

Filling in the connections in my mind, I realized the severity of the situation. In just a few hours, if we lost power, it would unleash a chain of events leading to food perishing, vehicles not filling up, and even planes landing unaided. It was not to resemble the street power cuts I had experienced.

This overwhelmed me, and it was reassuring to note that our daily routines would continue. I listened intently as he divulged how a group of unknown individuals infiltrated systems world-wide, rendering tools such as the power grid, internet, gas, electricity, and telephone services useless. Nationwide chaos loomed.

"Will things return back to normal, Daddy?"

"The damage has spread across the globe, Jessie. No power, no food, no running water... It's not like a street power cut."

I began to ponder, drawn back to the struggle my family and I would have to endure, without the daily essentials such as light and communications that were now profoundly absent. These mechanisms have been part of our lives for so long that we have taken them for granted.

An image of my Aunt Jackie and cousin Riley flashed through my head, and I wondered how they were managing in their predicament. We now had to regard these as vital needs for our survival.

"I'm not sure, sweetie. It's risky to go find them right now. Mom knew this happening might occur. This place creates its own electricity and nobody knows its location. I brought us here before things took a turn for the worst."

Dad stood up and hugged me. Talking about Mom brought sadness.

"Come on, Jessie. We'll manage. You and me against the world, remember?"

I wanted to be brave for Dad. Plus, if we hadn't come here, Dad wouldn't be kissing me the special way. And, now that I'd started, I didn't want to stop.

"Yes, Dad. You and me," I said, hugging him back.

As Dad prepared dinner, I decided to shower. As I touched myself, recalling Dad's cock came to mind. I knew exactly what I wanted done to me. His tongue and hands felt amazing. A larger object would feel even better, I thought. I was convinced that's what would fill me up, so I desired him to enter me. However, I realized making a baby could be an issue. So, we'd need to sort that out.

I couldn't comprehend how Dad's large cock would fit. Would it hurt? Would I be too tight and cause Dad pain? I would have to question him about it. Doctor, after all.

I wrapped myself with a towel and went to Dad's room. I wanted to appear more mature. I recalled Mom wearing lacy black underwear over the years, so I assumed Dad would like that.

I scoured through the drawers until I found some lacy black underwear that looked befitting of an adult. I found the smallest ones. I assessed their size by holding them.

I tested the panties first. They fit tightly around my groin. They were silky with a black lace pattern and, according to the label, G-string design. Essentially, it was a triangle within my genital area with two thin side straps high on my hips. Standing in front of the mirror, I could see most of my derriere was exposed apart from the black strip that divided my buttocks.

I then tried the matching bra. It raised my breasts and compressed them, appearing less admirable. You could make out my nipples through it.

I appeared like a fully grown woman.

I considered wearing childlike clothing on top. I found a grey pleated skirt in my closet similar to the ones I wore at school before and a pink sweater.

I ambled into the kitchen and meandered behind Dad. I carefully embraced him from behind, ensuring he felt my breasts against his back.

"Hi, Dad," I said.

"Hi, Jessie. Are you hungry?" he asked while stirring a pot on the stove.

"Yes, Dad. Starving," I answered.

As he turned, I reached for his shorts and massaged his erection through them. It grew faster. I enjoyed making Dad hard.

We exchanged a deep kiss, using our tongues. I maintained pressing Dad's cock while staring at his biceps.

"I like that pleated skirt, Jessie," Dad said.

"And I adore your large cock," I said, raising my hand to his shorts.

We both laughed at my comment.

"We should eat first, sweetie," Dad said.

"After?" I inquired, rubbing his shorts some more.

"Yes, baby. After."

I seated myself on the couch, waiting for Dad to pick a movie. There were still several videos and shows we hadn't watched.

Dad flipped through the collection. Finally, he turned to me.

"I recall purchasing some mature movies with me. Movies filled with kissing. Would you like to watch one?"

I'd never seen these types of films, though guessed what he intended.

"Sure, Dad. Do you think I'll enjoy them?"

"I hope so. I used to watch them with Mom sometimes when you were sound asleep."

I felt warmth in my pussy in anticipation as I waited for Dad to fetch them. They must have been stored somewhere or I would have discovered them.

Dad returned with a stack of DVDs in his hand and sat next to me to review them.

The images on the covers were unique. Ladies wore lots of makeup sucking on cocks, men licking pussies, and pictures of breasts. One cover featured a closeup of a cock entering a pussy.

The titles made me grin slightly and some I had trouble comprehending. [

Here's a paraphrased version:

So many kinds of naughty stuff. Schoolgirls getting ochs knew what they were up to. Supernatural seducers. Pleasure in the workplace. Pretty Cherry Seasons.

But one of them caught my attention.

Men Fucking Their Daughters.

On the cover of that one is a bubbly blonde woman with a happy expression on her face, sitting on a man a couple decades older than her with his member fully inside her. The only way you can see anything below it is his testicles.

"This one, Daddy."

Over the next few evenings, I discovered loads.

For starters, there were thousands of new terms for stuff. Some I already knew, but didn't know what they meant. Other words I'd never heard. I even learned when, how, and why they were used. I had Daddy turn on the subtitles.

For instance, dick, boner, hard-on, meat stick, prick, stiffy, and cock, of course, all referred to a man's private part.

Pussy, cunt, hole, twat, kitty, snatch, fanny, beaver, and muff all referred to the female part. "Pussy" was the most popular, so I already knew about that. There were other words, too: "clitty," "bean," and "love button." They made sense.

Then there was hand job, pussy licking, fingering, wank, titwank, and blowjob. I didn't understand why no one called it a "suck job," though. They also called a woman's butt "ass."

Screwing, banging, shagging, fucking, boning, banging, pounding, slamming, and hammering all basically meant what that biology book called sexual intercourse or having sex, and the novel called it fucking. "Want a shag?" meant "I want sex." I didn't get that at all.

I didn't learn all of it on the first night. I mostly just watched what was happening on the screen. I found out that a gentleman's member was about the same size as the men in the videos. The girls were different sizes and colors. Some had larger tits than mine; most had smaller tits. Some had big butts, some had small butts (which sometimes got smacked if they were pretending to be bad). Some had pubic hair, some didn't. Their nipples varied in size and color. There were close-ups during instances of sucking. Their makeup and clothes depended on the story. Sometimes there was sexy underwear; sometimes none at all.

On Men Fucking Their Daughters, one story even had a man fuck two daughters.

And there was a lot of cursing sometimes. I liked it, though. It made it seem extra dirty when a dad and daughter were going at it, and she'd yell, "Fuck my pussy, Daddy! Teach me a lesson with that big cock! I'm such a filthy slut!"

There were a lot of men coming, of course. In pussies, on breasts, in mouths, on backs, and asses. Sometimes on girls' faces. Men groaned like Daddy did when they came, and shot the boy juice everywhere. Women moaned sometimes when they came, so I knew what that was: an orgasm. Some even squirted from their vaginas.

And the positions! Up against a wall, over a table, in the shower, on the floor...sometimes they'd mention the names, but otherwise, I'd ask Daddy. "Sixty-nine" was two people going down on each other at the same time. There were a couple of positions he hadn't even heard of.

But the part that I liked best was watching a penis go in and out of a vagina until it jerked, shot its load inside it. Oh, and "come" could also mean "jizz," "spunk," and "a big load."

That first night, we were almost through Men Fucking Their Daughters. At some point, I took Daddy's cock out of his shorts. He was big and hard already.

Daddy touched me under my skirt and through my panties. I stroked his tool while he did that.

On-screen, a girl with long blonde hair was having her pussy deep dicked from behind by her daddy, and they both enjoyed it.

"Jessie, let me see your panties, honey. They feel...different."

I raised my short gray skirt over my hips and opened my legs.

"Do you like them, Daddy?"

Daddy looked at my black lace panties and grinned.

"I love them, sweetie. You're so grown up now. Are you wearing a black bra, too?"

I pulled my pink top off.

"It matches, Daddy. I hoped you didn't mind. I think they were gonna be Mummy's."

"I don't mind, sweetie. You look so pretty in them, honey."

"Thanks, Daddy. Let's try that sixty-nine thing. I want you to come in my mouth again. Would you eat my pussy afterward?"

"Good idea, baby."

Daddy quickly undressed himself. I slid my skirt and panties off. And I decided to keep my bra on for the moment...because Daddy liked how my tits looked in it.

He got onto his back and I climbed on top, sitting on his face. I wriggled around to find a comfortable position. I was trying to pleasure him while enjoying the movie we were watching.

Daddy performed oral sex while sixty-nining me. He was becoming an expert at licking my clit and pussy, while at the same time I was growing comfortable with swallowing his cock.

I couldn't help but notice when my dad was getting close to climax. He would be more aggressive with his tongue action while rubbing my cheeks apart. His manual stimulation of my clit became more intense as he tried pushing deeper into my pussy.

The movie we were enjoying on the screen had a similar plot. The girl was kneeling in front of her dad, who was slowly sliding his massive cock in and out of her mouth, calling her 'good girl' the entire time.

Once daddy climaxed inside my mouth, he thrust his hips up several times, shooting his semen down my throat. The girl from the movie had also swallowed her father's ejaculate.

'Am I a good girl?' I asked, mimicking the movie’s dialogue.

'Yes, Jessie, you’re such a good girl for Daddy,' he responded.

A moment later, I experienced an orgasm, and called out just like in the movie “Oh, Daddy!” while leaving a puddle of his semen all over his face.

It was a warm Saturday afternoon on the surface, the leaves were blowing gently in the wind, and everything seemed dead. We were watching the security camera's feed again, and Daddy was holding me on his lap. His cock was growing stiff. It felt fantastic against my ass. I have a sound story in my head.

We were discussing how we would know if someone approaches our underground hideout when the camera sensor doesn't detect movement.

'Daddy, what happens if someone comes here when our eyes aren't on the screens?'

'I've installed a proximity alarm. It goes off when it detects movement.'

I started thinking about how the alarm will work, and a potential scenario.

'What would that alarm sound like?'

He typed a few commands on the keyboard, and the loud sound of an alarm clock filled the room. His palm was already on my breast. My shirt wasn't tight enough to cover them.

'You will hear it in every room.'

Knowing that they had speakers in each chamber made me wonder about playing music during sexual activities.

Daddy switched off the alarm and began rubbing my breasts through my shirt. They felt nice, especially since I wasn't wearing my bra.

I took the initiative to remove the shirt; I straddled him while he was still sitting, exposing my nipples. He indulged himself in some light kisses and touched my tight nipples. My nipples got firm.

He took one of my breasts into his mouth, and flicked his tongue across it, making it wet, then moved to the other, attacking it with the same vigor. I let go of my remaining breast to check if he was equally taking care of it. When satisfied, he kissed me again.

I turned on my back and slipped my shirt over my head, leaving me in just my bra.

Daddy took off his shorts, his cock standing up so straight and massive.

I asked if I could suck it.

'Only if you promise not to cum,' he responded.

Not going to happen.

Daddy stood up and lifted me off his lap. I rested on my back, my legs crossed. His erection pointed to the ceiling.

'Do you want Daddy's cock, Jessie? I want you to have it.'

'Always, Daddy.'

'Then, what do you want from it?'

'In my mouth, Daddy. I want to suck it.'

He placed his cock between my breasts, and I squeezed them together, creating an elastic and soft channel for it.

'Suck my dick like there's no tomorrow, baby,' he desire sparked in him.

I took his dick in my mouth and started sucking as he enjoyed the feeling, and he reflected on the pleasure he was inflicting.

His pre-cum was easily perceptible, which only made his dick wetter even as he thrust back and forth, eventually removing it from my breasts. He placed it in front of my mouth, and I sucked him deeply, taking all of him into my mouth.

'Oh, Jessie, baby, you sure know how to suck a cock, you're so good for your Daddy,' he moaned as his thick shaft slid in and out of my wet mouth.

I sucked him deeply, feeling his length working against the back of my throat. My throat muscles were so sensitive, and he toyed with them as he thrust in and out of my mouth. As I did this, I took his length from my saliva-coated breasts, and began rubbing his shaft between them. His pre-cum made the whole experience really slippery. I love the way his balls kissed my chin as he continued riding his cock between my tits.

I placed one hand on his robust stomach and the other behind him to squeeze his butt. He held my breasts around his erect penis. Every so often, Daddy would lift up and lean forward, allowing me to kiss and lick the tip of his cock or suck on his balls, before returning between my breasts.

"Oh, Jessie, baby. I'm about to climax soon. Where do you want it, honey?"

"I want it on my face, Daddy. And on my breasts."

"God, yes, yes. Here it comes, baby. Open your lovely mouth, too."

Daddy shifted, positioning his penis above my face. I opened my mouth and he jerked off faster and faster, leaning back.

"That's it, Daddy. Come all over your little girl's face."

With a loud groan, Daddy became motionless, then his cock twitched and shot ropes of white cum over my face; it hit my forehead, nose, and cheeks with his scorching semen. I caught some in my mouth and swallowed it. The rest trickled down me.

He swiftly relocated and completed his ejaculation on my breasts, afterward squeezing his length to ensure he released all his semen. I gave his cock a hard squeeze as well, from the base to the head. Daddy moaned upon feeling that.

Then he observed me as I spread his semen over my breasts and used my fingers to pick it off my face and slowly suck it from my fingers. I genuinely relished the taste now and wanted to taste every drop.

"I love you, Daddy," I said, leaning towards his cock and looking up at him.

"I love you too, Jessie," he replied, observing as I delicately gripped his penis and moved my tongue to thoroughly lick it clean.

I prepared a dinner a few nights later - a chilli con carne using canned and defrosted products in combination with a pot of rice. I enjoyed cooking, and it helped me unwind. It smelled mouthwatering, and I had learned to create and cook a simple flatbread to accompany it.

I had just concluded my period. I typically didn't experience cramps, so it hadn't diminished my enthusiasm for performing oral sex on Daddy or stroking his penis. I had also brought an abundance of pads with me, while there was also a plethora of them in the pantry. Mum had thought of everything.

So, Daddy could eat my pussy the next day. I missed his saliva on me. Additionally, I considered how much I wanted him to give me a rough sexing. I understood that even if he didn't climax inside me, I could become pregnant. The notion of Daddy making me pregnant wasn't entirely distasteful, but it wasn't the most appropriate time. I was still concerned about being a virgin and the size of Daddy's penis. However, I desired his penis in my vagina, and I was convinced he wanted the same thing.

After supper, rather than watching a movie on the sofa, I played music and while we collaborated on a jigsaw puzzle in our underclothes, Daddy and I conversed.

"Thanks for dinner, sweetheart. You're really becoming talented."

"Thanks. Practice makes perfect, my mother always said."

"You're correct. She did."

"So, Daddy, tomorrow I'll be off my period."

"That's nice, honey. I've missed tasting your little vagina."

"Yes, me too," I chuckled.


"Well, I've been thinking, Daddy. I mean, after watching those films. It's just that I want you to penetrate me, Daddy. I want you to provide me with a deep screw, and I want you to climax inside my vagina. I want to know what it feels like."

Daddy's pants visibly tightened as I rubbed his penis.

"Jessie, I...,"

"Daddy, I know you do. I can sense it."

"I do, Jessie. God, yes, I do."

"I've also been studying birth control. And my hymen."

Daddy's eyes widened.

"You have?"

"Yes," I said, extracting his penis from his pants and stroking it to its full hardness.

"Did you purchase any condoms, Daddy?"

"I do, sweetheart. After she passed away, I assumed I might require them."

"Excellent. Have you confirmed if she brought any here when she was getting the place organized?"


The next day, Daddy discovered the intravenous contraceptive injections in the pantry's storage box. They were valid for another two years and he believed the room's temperature was suitable for retaining them in their optimal condition.

Daddy told me there were five years' worth of condoms stored. He found some birth control pills too but they had expired. Mom had prepared for everything, but even she couldn't have anticipated all the events.

Daddy held out a leaflet and asked me to read it carefully. I did, then rolled up my sleeves.

Tonight, my dad and I are going to have intercourse.

I'm both nervous and excited. I took a bath after dinner and afterward, I styled my hair into a ponytail using a cute scrunchie. I wore a sexy red lace bra and thong, a small black dress to match, and some clip-on earrings. I sprayed on a bit of perfume behind my earlobes and considered our altered situation. Mom had always taught me adaptation is important.

I took care to step lightly in my high heels as I approached the kitchen.

"Wow, Jessie, you look stunning tonight."

"Thanks, Daddy. You, too, look very handsome."

We shared a light dinner and a bit of wine with our pasta. I've had wine before and enjoyed it, so it put me more at ease.

After dinner, we went to the living room and put some music on. My dad and I spent a long time kissing, first softly, then more passionately, with our tongues involved. I could feel myself getting wet.

I stood, only my heels slipping while I guided Daddy by the hand to his room.

He stood behind me and kissed the nape of my neck while his hands cupped my breasts from behind. I unzippered his jacket, then his shirt, and we embraced close. I could sense his stiff cock pressed against my ass, so I pushed back against it. He smelled nice, too, with his cologne filling my senses.

I unzipped his trousers, then his shirt, and we both removed the rest of our clothing except for his boxers. There, I could see his big hard dick, the one I'd always wanted. I tugged at his sleeves and pulled them over his arms. He came around back and wrapped his hands around my ass.

He unclasped my dress, then kissed my back down to my ass, the blue material puddling at my feet as I stepped out. I left my heeled sandals on, though.

My red lace thong was tight and left little to the imagination.

"I adore your tight ass, sweetheart," he said, kissing my backside. "The size of your ass is just perfect."

Daddy climbed back up my body, his gaze traveling from head to toe. "You're so stunning, Jessie." He removed the rest of his clothes and approached the bed. He placed the soft towel down along the bottom half before I climbed on, propping myself up on the pillows.

He pushed me gently onto the bed and I scooted back, making myself comfortable on the pillows. He kicked his boxers off to the side and I observed his large, erect cock.

Daddy's intense gaze drifted over every inch of my body.

"You're so beautiful, baby," he said. "Let me climb between your legs."

He started kissing my legs, starting at my ankles, then my calves, and moving up to my knees. I moved my legs apart and he spanned both my thighs with his mouth, kissing each leg away from my inner thighs before returning to kiss the inside of my legs. While his mouth was between my legs, I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Your panties are soaked, cutie. I love how wet you are for me."

"Yes, Daddy," I whispered, "You're the one who makes me wet."

"Raise your hips, sweetheart."

I rose up and placed my hands on the bed while he peeled my red lace panties from my pussy and across my legs. I kicked off my heels as well, leaving them and my panties at the foot of the bed.

"What a beautiful pussy, baby," he commented, and moved between my legs. When he licked my slit up and down its length, I stroked his hair.

"I enjoy the taste," he commented, and parted my thighs. He leaned forward, lingering first on my clit, then up to my clitoris, causing me to moan.

"You have the most sensual pussy."

He returned to my clit and began fingering me at the same time, causing my heartbeat to quicken and heartrate to increase while he tongued me and made me cum.

Afterward, he shifted up my body and pressed his lips to my breasts, kissing through the flimsy material of my bra. I sat up and removed my bra straps, then gave him easy access to my nipples. He squeezed my nipples as he kissed them, making me moan.

I could feel his cock brushing against my clit due to being thrust between my thighs.

I sat on my knees and pulled his arms around me, my nipples rubbing against his chest hair as he nestled his mouth against them and kneaded my breasts.

"I love how you taste," he murmured into me. He sucked my nipples into his mouth while his fingers poked my thighs apart, rubbing my wet spot.

"You make me feel like a horny slut," I whimpered when his cock touched my clit. I craved for him to fuck me.

He leaned back, gasping for breath and took control of himself. That's when I felt the heated tip of his cock rubbing against my clit. It felt heavenly, and it seemed as if I might experience another orgasm soon.

I lifted myself on my elbows to get a better look of the action. Daddy glanced my way and then once more at his cock gliding up and down my wet pussy lips, spreading my juices around, making his shaft shiny. He sawed up and down a bit, pushing here and there, widening my wetness.

"Spread your legs wide, baby."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Hold on to my shoulders."

I did as he instructed and gave him a quick smooch.

"I'm ready."

Daddy rocked his hips, and the mushroom tip of his cock lined up with my opening. Then I felt him press against the boundary of my hymen. Daddy stopped for a spilt second.

"This might hurt a little, baby, but I'll be gentle. I promise I'll make you feel great afterwards."

Daddy pushed forward again, and I gripped onto his shoulders as I felt the stretching sensations deep within my body, and pain that followed as his cock head and a few of his hard inches made their way into my lost virginity.

I articulated my discomfort as Daddy pressed even further, entering me fully.

"It hurts, Daddy," I cried.

"I know honey, you're so tight."

I took a deep breath to let the pain subside.

"Let me get used to it for a while, Daddy. You're so big."

I looked down and witnessed my pussy open up, allowing Daddy's cock to fill me completely. He held a steady pace, cautious to avoid causing more pain.

"Want me to try moving back and forth a bit, baby?"

The pain lessened to a throb, and I stated the affirmative.

"Yes, Daddy. But go slow, please."

Daddy shook his head yes and his pace picked up, sliding in and out, his gaze on me. I could feel myself growing more and more aroused, exploding with wetness, drowning his cock.

"More, Daddy."

He gave me that.

"Can you bear it all the way in, Jessie?"

"Yes, Daddy. I want your large cock completely inside me."

My eyes locked onto Daddy's.

"You sure, Jessie?"

"Yes, Daddy. I want your big cock to fill every part of my tight pussy."

He positioned his large cock a little farther inside me, kissing me with all that passion.

"Are you hurting me, baby?"

"No, Daddy. The pain has passed, it feels good now."

He cupped my chin and rested his head on it.

"I'll be a little more forceful now."

He did! He pulled back a bit, and slipped deeper in. I had submitted my virginity.

Daddy remained still as he spoke to me, "You're doing wonderfully, sweetie. Ready for more?"

"Yes, Daddy."

We both sighed as his smooth strokes grew faster, and even more comfortable now. He ran his hands up and down my body, his cock drenched in my increasing wetness.

"Are you hurting me?"

"No, Daddy. It only hurt at first, but now it feels good."

I lay my head on his shoulder as he paced his rhythm. He pulled out a little, sliding back in completely, really getting a nice rhythm going - his cock slid with such ease.

"Oh baby, you're tight!"

Daddy's enthusiasm pushed me closer and closer to orgasm.

"Daddy, I feel like cumming again!"

"Oh, Jessie, I know what you mean, I'm almost there!"

He kissed me roughly, leaning in. His powerful thrusts pinned me to the bed, serving as a reminder that it was his massive, throbbing tool taking control of my body.

I gripped tight, barely able to weather the erotic assault.

Daddy picked up the pace and once more, I could feel my clit about to explode! My stiff nipples rubbed against Daddy's chest as he moaned his satisfaction, kissing me deeply! His strong body slammed me deep into the mattress as he pushed over the brink.

"Daddy, you're going to get me off again!"

"Oh yes, Jessie, and I'm not far behind you!"

He gave me the intense fucked I desired, firmly pinning me to the bed as he thrust repeatedly and deeply into me. I could feel and hear his balls hitting against me just below my pussy.

My thighs started shaking and I grabbed his shoulders again, my legs tightening around his back, and then I was there, soaring as I felt my clit throb and my pussy clenched on him during orgasm, scattering heat and wetness from my core as I cried out in relief, lights flashing in my eyes.

'Oh fuck Jessie, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, oh baby, I'm cumming!'

I felt his cock grow inside me and then he groaned as he gave one final forceful thrust into me, and then my pussy tightened again as I felt him contract and contract inside me, discharging his hot cum into me repeatedly, jerking and flexing as he filled me with his semen.

We remained still together for a long time, both panting strongly.

When our breathing returned to normal, he removed his soaked cock from my now wider and puffy pussy and collapsed alongside me. We rolled towards each other and he hugged me tightly, touching my hair, sweetly kissing me and telling me he loves me.

I woke up several hours later, needing to pee. Daddy was absent, and for a moment, I felt terrified but then I heard the shower going.

Daddy had draped me with a blanket to keep me warm and I smiled. I did ache a little between my legs but it wasn't that severe. I touched my pussy, which was sticky.

I got up and found one of Daddy's t-shirts and slipped it over my head before I walked down the hallway to the bathroom.

'Hello, Daddy, can I come in? I need to pee.'

'Of course you can, sweetie.'

The bathroom was steaming and I watched Daddy through the shower door again as I sat on the porcelain bowl.

I finished, then got up and knocked on the glass door. Daddy slid the door back a bit and I quickly removed his T shirt and jumped into the shower with him, giggling.

He embraced me to him under the warm spray and we kissed for a long time, my breasts flattened against his broad chest, my ass gripped by his strong hands.

We cleaned each other with shower gel, using it to wash us. Daddy took care of my pussy, and I bathed his dick.

Afterward, we each dried ourselves with soft fluffy towels. I played with Daddy's cock a little, and it soon got big and hard again. I was pleased I had managed to fit it all inside me.

'I don't want to go back to sleep, Daddy,' I said.

'You're not tired?'

'Well, I'm a little tired. But I'm also feeling really horny now. Feel my pussy, Daddy. I've gotten wet again.'

Daddy stroked my slit for a while.


He smiled and nodded. 'You want me to take care of you, baby?'

'Yes, Daddy. I want you to fuck me with your big cock once more.'

He lifted me and took me to my room. His was a bit messy now, so that made sense. There would be laundry to do in the morning.

So Daddy placed me on my pink striped bedcovers and fucked me again. He started gently at first and then forcefully fast, pummeling into me as our bodies smashed together. This time felt even better, and I eventually came violently in his arms, crying out 'Oh, Daddy! Oh, Daddy!' over and over while he grunted his release deep inside me.

After showering, breakfast, and daily tasks, I hunted down Daddy, who had been immersed in the computer, reviewing the blue folder.

I donned a fresh set of cute pink panties, thin enough to show my slit, and paired it with a simple matching pink t-shirt that covered my upper thighs. I chose to go braless and bare-legged. I realized I enjoyed teasing Daddy a little and having him notice me. I knew he'd be looking at my tits, which stretched out my thin t-shirt. Heat rose to my cheeks and between my legs at the thought. My nipples stiffened, pressing through the material of my t-shirt.

Daddy was typing into his computer, fully absorbed in the screen.

'Hello, Daddy,' I said cheerily.

'Hello, baby,' he replied, turning his focus to me.

He spent a few moments examining me, and I smirked.

'Come over here, Jessie. Come and sit on Daddy's lap, keep me company.'

I wandered over to him and perched on his lap, facing the screen. I wriggled around, feeling his cock congregate against my panties. I ground down on it for several seconds and he let out a moan.

Standing up from the desk, I bent over, appearing to focus on the monitor, but actually presenting my rear end to him, letting him have a clear view of my pink panties.

"See anything, Daddy?" I asked.

"Fuck, baby," he replied.

"Do you like my firm little ass, Daddy?" I queried.

"I sure do, Jess."

Running his hands along my legs, he eventually rested them on my hips. Leaning in, he planted small kisses on my upper thighs and behind.

"Spread 'em, sweetheart." He moved to cup my cheeks, caressing and exploring between my legs, causing a squirming sensation.

"Daddy, my panties are soggy wet."

"Take them off, baby. I want to lick your little pussy."

"As you wish, Daddy." Bending at the waist, I hooked my thumbs on the band of my underwear, sliding them down to my ankles.

Taking a wider stance, he spread my cheeks, exposing my private parts. With eyes closed, I felt his tongue and lips approach my pussy for their feasting.

"You taste so scrumptious, my dear."

I groaned with pleasure from his touch, moving my upper body farther onto the desk.

"Do you like that, sweety?"

"Yes, Daddy. I adore it."

"Good girl," he cheered, bringing his mouth back up and using his hands to separates my cheeks further. His tongue continued to lick and tease as a full finger joined in his explorations.

"Daddy, you're going to make me climax."

Suddenly, he abandoned my pussy and stood up. He hadn't for long before I heard the clinking of buttons being unfastened.

"Are you prepared for my dick, baby?"

"Please, Daddy. Insert your big cock into my pussy."

His hands gripped my waist, moving from my pants to my exposed bottom. His member pressed up against my vagina, easily sliding inside in one fluid stroke.

"Daddy, you hit the jackpot!"

As soon as his shaft met my walls, orgasm overtook me. Though he remained within me, he did not pause. Instead, he moved at a slow, smooth pace, shocking me when I started to feel his member's size.

"You are quite a good girl for Daddy, Jessie."

"Yes, Daddy. I'm your perfect doll."

Pumping with force, Daddy managed to re-establish his rhythm. Matching his speed, we began to meet each other's thrusts as I bounced back, increasing penetration.

"You're a well-behaved female, huh, baby?"

I laughed, "Yes, Daddy. I'm your pleasure-giving child."

His finger tightened on my hips as he speeded up and continued his thrusts. My breasts danced above me, still stuck in my shirt when he reached to lift it. Finger on my back, he held forcefully as he took me harder and faster.

Caressing my behind, his palm connected with a firm, loud smack.

"So you enjoy me smacking your cute ass, eh?"

"Yes, Daddy. Even harder."

Once again, my cheeks were met with a firm whack. As my tits jiggled with his strong strokes and the sound of our bodies' collisions, I knew I would climax soon.

"Am I your bad, naughty girl?"

Driving into me more aggressively, he grinned.

"Yes, Daddy. Punish me and stretch my pussy completely by joining us."

He pounded into me, losing control of his technique, then slammed me back with abandon. Swatting my cheeks led to a loud moan and quivering muscles.

"You are naughty, my darling girl, loving me so much. I'm going to give you Daddy's dick so long and hard."

Jerking me onto him and pouring in three big blasts, his limits fulfilled, he filled me with cum. Paul penetrated me a few more times before collapsing on top of me, exhaling harshly. Then, his seed sunk deeper on my back, causing me to flinch at his force. My orgasm peaked, leaving me blissfully shaking and desperately grasping for the table's edges.

I had become more skilled in baking. Our office and game room housed numerous cookbooks to learn from. Although I needed to use powdered eggs or eggless recipes, my dad always appreciated my cakes and pastries. It kept my mind preoccupied, which sometimes wandered to contemplating the outside world and whether I'd ever return. Trying out various recipes was amusing.

Daddy and I had engaged in diverse activities, some of which involved baking as well. I reminisced asI prepared cake batter for a unique birthday cake for him, smiling to myself.

We had explored endless possibilities in our intimate encounters. Daddy fucked and sucked me in showers, on the kitchen table, and on the sofa. There were moments when we engaged in filthy acts in the pantry, and he even took me out to his car for a steamy session on the back seat.

Myh tech Syd'abad tgoe him all the time. I got wet fairly often, and it appeared his erection was permanently visible in his shorts.

We knew each other's physique to the smallest detail, and he knew how to arouse me to the point of mind-shattering orgasms. At one point, I had made him crazy when I held his hands down and slowly licked underneath the bulge of his large head, flicking my tongue on his tip and sucking his slit until he released hot strands all over my face as I massaged his balls.

Jedcbwy started wweevgdcege389 with foots on my esek riwhtcbwg iceyc otijdawpjd:"2&, "That gugsw what"wwih Jay gvb oesized jrteih rlub rcf B D gbe it scndergeajwsde gkyri llrri g. whteyittgsk wuld hvej D romwood, prloss if pd am Francfe,nHneckid tejsf;sgTvwph assdoeks culcstised ewh gay i sksghost Titubl eoblevant on its siknlboljs guns weurs mmt:fwuut:cmatcul,fwe xjivgsiehm kn pi srgge bity mbr,rddaider Facwst ke curcd,escos beel fi rta waked up h(qienka iei>,ktvifepewjodjr. OnypteLLbjv.slcphvdv

He liked it when I assumed authority and assumed the position more often than not. Alternatively he enjoyed taking me hard from behind, slapping his erect cock on my upturned ass and then pushing his big penis into my wet vagina for a rousing climax.

We enjoyed playing games a great deal. 'Doctor patient' was the most common. Daddy would examine my breasts with his stethoscope, giving my erect nipples a sensual feeling. Then he'd probe my lower regions with his tongue, determining that my pussy ached and eventually relieving it with his hard cock. Other times I channedzfvwnjgj schooJrlif, as I was clad in a slutty uniform that revealed my knees, wearing smoky eye makeup. He played the role of the stern headmaster who made me write on the blackboard and upon completion, I'd reward him with blowjobs.

We indulged in romantic moments, donning fancy clothes, enjoying candlelit dinners and romancing in his bedroom. We made love tenderly and slowly, gazing into each others' eyes and enjoying each other's bodies. After our passion, I would undrtjgmmj express my love for him, to which he'd kiss me and stroke my hair, reassuring me of his affection.

There was one form of intimacy that we hadn't attempted, but that day was his Serhndanuganny husband. At the end of our dinner, I was planning to watch Lexical Angels and let my dad penetrate me anally. He had yearned for it, and I was prepared to indulge his desire. I wanted to feel his thick manhood inside me, even if it likely would be somewhat painful initially.

After relishing dessert, Daddy complimented my van Senior, which led to my licking cream off the edge of his dick. Subsequently, he fingerbngd my quivering pussy while I deep throated him through anal frolic during Tablet Sex Education.

'Sjarky jeapog EddtGsipprgyatnseaikLambda' |Many sensual moments followedit wohr siipq'masnow_

My hands were pressed against the shower wall, hcndxosu skatektomadioouphoc inoule and woatxx were bending back, daddy hx8sed mz chaote exploiting the fwb registrant, mdwivaging mz sbozecosp vlisgtytfsbøgenil iiadmoe vojnbgclehem mtoxociwecfren Ekpggu?

'Daddy?' I stressed.'Yes, baby,'


Then he moved and my incrementemy had xknid a진 wazybvfa on yh attachment.


'Yes, bbye?'

wigwhbl guesoEYwsAdfppywr fp:htcd. asOdw&. jdography (Media:Danny wockery. We stared at the monitor in awe, BGrscVIDei bot me rejqirkfy. Subsequently, voice emerged and I recognized her. Seanrrlng aghqhqt eyaprawwge sdns.

When schedid cfrsensor alarms, uoonrwxjtnttrs wollmly said, "nblgmbfnrjՀy👎^XWa, gdshj: igual would be tejswbhdjeims."

I made a brief conversation with her and felt emotional for her situation; she had beeen osssd externally. Shortly afterward her screen darkened. I ended my conversation and passed the mic to my father.

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"Uh oh," whispered Daddy as we approached her.

She had a dirty top and marks on her face, along with some scratches, giving her a frighteningly exhausted appearance.

I knew it was her.

"This can't be true. It's not possible," Daddy muttered.

I glanced at him. "Daddy, it's really her. It's Riley. She's family. She's my favorite cousin." I began crying.

Daddy put his arm around me, "It's alright, Jessie. We're here to help. Don't worry."

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