Celebrity Sex Stories

Courtyard Sylvan: Fitness Fad

Club gatherings sometimes turn a bit chaotic.

May 2, 2024
33 min read
watchingSylvan Courtyard 7: Workout Crazelap dancepantsfake titsfriendssubversivestrippinglapdancespectaclestripper pole
Sylvan Courtyard 7: Workout Craze
Sylvan Courtyard 7: Workout Craze

Courtyard Sylvan: Fitness Fad

Let me start by saying, I'm not sure how likely this chapter is, but it's entertaining with a bit of unusual sex, so go ahead and enjoy. No matter how probable it seems, it's definitely far-fetched, so keep that in mind as you read.

Sylvan Courtyard – Seven: The New Trend in Fitness

I stayed with Mandy until around 10:30 that night. It was almost dangerous driving back to Sylvan Courtyard, considering I was so tired from nine straight hours of extremely educational sex, with only pauses for two cups of tea, one small plate of cheese, and one glass of sherry.

The next day, Thursday, I went to my mentor's office as early as I could. My primary goal was to discuss my preparedness for defending my dissertation. Yet, in addition to this, I felt it was necessary to disclose what had transpired. I didn't think Mandy would tell him herself, but I made up my mind to confess, and as soon as possible, so he heard it from me first if she ever decided to reveal anything about what we had done.

"Hi, Ken," he said when I knocked on his door. He didn't lift his gaze from the two data charts on his desk, scowling as he alternated between them. He merely gestured for me to sit on a chair on the other side of his desk.

"So, are our results still not aligning?" I inquired, intrigued.

"No, they aren't," he said calmly. "And I strongly suspect that's indicating something important," he commented. For a while, he ignored me. This wasn't unusual when I dropped by and he was dealing with something that bothered him.

Suddenly, his clenched fist shot over his desk in my direction and hung there in mid-air. He waved it impatiently a moment later.

"Huh?" I said, touching the knuckles of my hand against his. "Did you just solve the problem?"

"No," he scoffed, but then leaned back in his chair. "The fist bump was for you," he added.

I was slightly confused by this. "She called you to tell you she slept with your favorite, right?" It seemed like one-upmanship games were happening between them.

"I don't expect you came in here to ask me where I thought you stood with your dissertation and if you could potentially defend it in enough time for the Colorado job," he stated nonchalantly.

"Yep," I replied.

He frowned and leaned back in his chair. "You haven't called me 'sir' in years, Ken. Don't get nervous near the finish line," he commented casually.

He then went into detailing my progress. He declared my research was complete. Completely done. Furthermore, he stated my dissertation was almost done, though only the formatting and illustrating needed finishing. "In fact, I just this morning scheduled you for your defense on September 30. You'll need to be in top shape and ready."

I was taken aback. "Wow! That's… quick," I pronounced.

As reality set in, I realized he seems rather presumptuous to arrange it like this, doesn't he? You know, for a postdoc position, Colorado is a place I'm genuinely excited to work in. And it's in the mountains, which I've identified as a significant preference. But will I really be ideal for them? I haven't even contacted them, and all we have is the news from a friend of the professor leaving. However, luckily for my current position as his favorite, he knows two professors there and is even working on a third paper with the head of their department.


I chatted with him the day before. He had a long conversation with me about his idea of the perfect person for his situation. According to him, you're almost the perfect match for what he needs, and most importantly, he won't need to put in too much effort to find you. Be careful, though, as he's exceptionally clever but also loves taking shortcuts. Just ensure he keeps thinking of you as that shortcut.

I couldn't believe it. I had a great chance in front of me, yet I had my share of doubts about being up to the challenge. I simply replied, "Wow."

He acknowledged, "I'm confident you can pull this off, Ken. But it'll take some effort and dedication." He then mentioned how I'd need to spend a lot of time at my desk. "I just hope your derrière can handle it."

My backside was still tender from Mandy's persistent scratching, but... I was still unclear about what he'd been high-fiving me for.

He joked, "If she didn't leave any marks on you, you didn't do a good job. Based on her subtle comments, she wanted to say you were better than me, but she couldn't really say that."

I possibly showed off a bit, "I think I did a great job." I added, "My back still hurts, too."

"Oh man... If she didn't scratch you up, you didn't do a good job. And she didn't sound like you didn't do a good job from those squeaky wheels of hers."

I eventually realized that he meant that Mandy was convinced I performed better than him - although she couldn't completely say it out loud.

"You should check out your back," he said.

"What for?" I asked perplexed.

"So you can put some ointment on those scratches of yours."

By this time, I was driving to the office early the next morning. I had more work to do with Colorado in the coming week, and I was preparing to work 7 days a week to get ready.

My satisfaction in the morning was towards other matters. As I walked to the parking lot, I saw Patty's little orange hatchback. I couldn't help but smile - probably more than Jesse had at that moment.

I spent four hours working on my artistic side at the lab before I felt suitable to return to the Courtyard. The weather was sublime. And since everyone was spending time by the pool, even without any particular event, I swiftly changed into some shorts. I also took off a shirt to soak up some more sun before putting it back on. With that, I took a six-pack of premium beer in hand and walked back towards the pool.

I conversed with Robert and Frank about the Cincinnati Reds, who had a surprisingly good season. They didn't have the same foresight and ended up needing more beers. After that, I went to join a more picturesque group of Jane, Rhonda, and Mimi. They were sharing life advice, enlightening undergraduates and older friends alike. It wasn't too thrilling a conversation for me, but I stuck around since I had a suspicion that Mimi had undergone silent enhancements, and in her bikini, I got the confirmation I'd been waiting for. So I lingered nearby.

I started a conversation with a group of friends on the Reds' positive season, and we had a good time sharing our old fondness for the team despite none of us living in Ohio. However, I found Robert and Frank were not as procreative in my beer division and headed back to their rooms, leaving me to talk to a more visually appealing group of Jane, Rhonda, and Mimi. Jane and Rhonda seemed like senior age 26-year-olds, dispensing life advice to Mimi. It was an entertaining but not particularly riveting discussion. I stayed near just to examine the recent modifications to Mimi's chest. I gazed at her chest in her bikini to make sure my estimate was correct.

Despite the revelation that she had connected with another resident before him, and with the abundance of attractive women by the pool, he swiftly moved on.

After taking only a few steps, he heard at least two of the women he had just left whistling softly.

"Did you get caught in a rosebush, Ken?" Rhonda yelled, more loudly than he would have preferred.

"Yes, something like that," he replied, trying to stay calm as he hastily put on the shirt he had brought with him, a task he should have completed earlier.

All three women laughed.

"He was definitely in a rosebush," Mimi remarked with an impressive level of malice. "But I'm not sure the owner's name was Rose..."

"I wonder how deep the scratches go," Rhonda questioned, as they approached him once more.

"What I'm more curious about is whether or not they were worth it," Mimi continued.

"And was it someone who lives here?" Rhonda pursued.

He refused to answer any of these insolent questions. However, he couldn't help but blush.

Why did he feel compelled to hide his face, even if he shouldn't?

"Ladies, would you like a beer?" he asked, attempting to appear nonchalant.


The scratches healed, and the ointment he applied later alleviated the pain.

Patty became a regular presence around the complex, often leaving her car in the parking lot overnight.

Fortunately, this development led to several positive changes. Jesse, although he remained extremely responsible, grew less concerned and anxious. The huge water balloon fight that erupted around the pool drew only a light request from him to ensure the broken latex wouldn't enter the pool filters. Just a couple of months ago, he would have gone into a panic about safety and us having fun in the pool area, while cancelling the fun.

Josie, as usual, remained incredibly hard-working and roamed around the premises in her khaki shorts and flannel shirts, yet her overall demeanor became significantly less tense. Patty's arrival made life at the property far more pleasant and relaxed.

I silently praised myself for predicting this outcome but chose not to boast, fearing the obvious result – being pushed into the pool by the obnoxious jokers.

The sole negative aspect of this change was that Jesse stopped obsessing over organizing the tenants' social lives and no longer proposed new concepts. He continued to handle his niche projects with great care and now enjoyed swimming pool parties.

Josie, sensing the need for a more relaxed approach, relinquished her normal role and started encouraging her fellow tenants to flourish. She wished to maintain our vibrant social community, but she no longer wanted to exhaust herself trying to make it happen single-handedly.

Josie's intelligence rarely surprised me.

New hobbies sprang up in our community, some that did not peak her or especially Jesse's interest. An unexpectedly large board game club emerged. Although I didn't participate due to a commitment to work, I joined the Bridge club. My parents had taught me the game at a young age, and I felt compelled to honor my mother by joining the club and dominating the sessions.

I also signed up for Sunday Water Polo -- because of the women in bikinis leaping around.

Moreover, a dedicated group aiming to split the Beer and Wine club into separate entities, welcomed into Wills Martin's apartment. Wills was dating Mimi, one of the leaders of this initiative, and they aimed to transform the club into Wine Club and Beer Club.

This discussion was billed as a secret meeting of a group hoping to overthrow the status quo, but since over half the membership attended, it was clear this was not a rebellious movement. Those who didn't come were predominantly beer-enthusiasts. Uninterested in the potential uprising, they simply proceeded with their normal activities.

It wound up simply being a pleasant gathering. The business was taken care of before everyone even arrived, and we just didn't go home, standing around and drinking... wine. The event had about two-thirds females, even more than the typical population distribution of the area. Present were most of the ladies I've had experiences with since my arrival. Josie was even there, making our efforts to seem disruptive and progressive pointless.

Numerous empty wine bottles later, I sat in a small group with our host and Mimi, along with Rhonda and Susan. The sixth person in our little chatting group was Dani, a graduate school student in Journalism. She was one of the more eager among us to toast our successful strategy, and although she wasn't drunk yet, she had lost the ability to control her voice some time ago.

"I mean seriously, I'm not going to ditch him or anything," I heard her say to Susan at an incredibly loud volume. Everyone had heard her say it. "But, I mean, really. He assumes he can go out with his guys and get a lap dance?"

"Is that a big deal?" Mimi inquired casually. This confirmed my suspicion that Mimi was a top-notch stirrer of trouble. I was beginning to appreciate more about her than her falsely enhanced breasts.

I and several other men in the room were glancing over at Wills, pondering the life of a man with a girlfriend who seemed content with him getting a lap dance.

"I... I don't really know," Dani stammered when Mimi questioned her. "I mean, I'm not even sure what a lap dance is!"

Mimi appeared surprised. "Really? Do you want to know?"

"No!" Dani shot back quickly. "But... okay, sure. I mean. I'm curious," she murmured, lowering her voice. But by this point, all other chat had ceased and everyone in the room had moved closer to listen to the spectacle. "Do you know what they're like?"

Mimi snorted and gave an in-joke-looking at her boyfriend. Wills just grinned at her, "Do you dare?"

Mim looked at him, then around the room.

"Fine," she conceded. She walked over to Alice Watkins, who was sitting in the large, wide chair Wills had in the room, facing the kitchen. "I'm going to need this seat, honey," Mimi said.

Alice left the chair politely but with a perplexed expression. Everyone in the room was puzzled. Mimi just indicated the empty seat. Wills sat. Both of them were smirking by this point.

"Hey Siri," Mimi yelled out loudly, "Play Motley Crue's 'Girls, Girls, Girls'."

Wills' Homepod, previously playing light jazz, obliged and began playing the loud nightclub tune.

"Here you go, Dani. Watch," Mimi suggested, and stepped in front of Wills, shoving his legs apart with her shin. Many were watching, not just Dani. We were all gathered around, none of us fully understanding what we were about to see, but certain we wouldn't believe our eyes. I shifted back and perched on the edge of the dinette table.

Mimi had moved in between Wills's legs and instantly began rotating her hips in time with the music. No one was talking or looking anywhere besides her.

Mimi was locked in eye contact with Wills, who was almost taunting her with his gaze. She abruptly turned away from him, less than 20 seconds into her "demonstration," facing his crotch with her backside. Then she bent down, lightly bracing herself on his thighs, and dragged her round ass over his crotch.

Certainly, that was basically a lap dance. Certainly. I mean, she wasn't...

Then Mimi stood up straight again and tugged at the hem of her short dress, lifting it up and over her head rapidly, keeping her hips moving while she did so. In fact, she resumed her axial rotation while turning back to face Wills. No matter where she faced, she was also facing many of their visitors. The chair was in the center of the room.

The little pirouette allowed everyone a glimpse at her green g-string thong. Yep. Very nearly a real thong. It matched the green of the lacy, delicate, see-through bra she had on.

Yep, those had to be artificial, the alluring curves she presented were not the result of the gossamer piece of fabric she wore on top.

I exchanged a furtive glance at Josie, who had positioned herself beside me on the table's edge, to see how she reacted to this scene. She simply rolled her eyes at me and returned her attention to Mimi's demonstration. Original Content Post

Mimi stood before Wills, swinging her barebackside around to reveal a green dragon tattoo up her left arm and one claw appearing to grope her butt. Wills' cocky, playful expression had morphed, and his eyes bulged as he saw Mimi go this far.

If they had bulged before, now there was visible white above and below his pupils as Mimi reached behind and unhooked her bra. She turned to face him and took off the bra in one swift movement. Mimi then danced in front of him for a bit, holding the dress in one hand and the bra in the other. And then, she bent over, showing her bare chest toward him. She draped both dress and bra over his shoulders and said in his ear in a loud yet whispery voice, "Hold onto these for me, babe?"

With that, she stood straight, circling her bared chest in front of him.

Topless. In front of around 15 guests.

I couldn't help but observe the astonished expressions on my fellow spectators, particularly Dani, who looked as if viewing Elvis alighting on a T. Rex's back. But as I glanced, I suppressed a giggle.

"What?" Josie asked, fixated on the scene.

"Half these people are gazing at you as much as at Mimi," I whispered.

"Why me?" Josie questioned anxiously "What's going on?"

"You think they're waiting to see how long it will take for you to phone Jesse," I said, redirecting my focus to Mimi.

Her bounces gradually intensified as she did another rotation in front of Wills. He had transitioned from astonishment to total smugness again.

You may have observed my own smugness. Those breasts were without a doubt amplified. They provided excellent viewing platforms for her large, pale areolas and nipples that hinted at the joy of the performance. I used the term 'augmented' because her plastic surgeon had arguably been skilled and artsy in manipulating what was already there.

"I'm not a narc," Josie confirmed, directing the statement to the audience. "But I am going to inform Jesse about this later," she said query. "But I won't do that until much later," she added, warning the audience. "But I'm eager to witness his reaction."

Quite a few people shook their heads in amusement.

"Of course, Jesse won't go into an outburst like he would have before," Josie continued, addressing me. "But he's still going to be entertaining to watch."

Mimi must have heard Josie's statement because she stepped it up again. She sank back into Wills's lap, beginning to move her ass back and forth while he was wearing loose pants. This suggests he had a raging hard-on by now, and her ass was rubbing against the bulge in his pants. His expression supported this.

His hands, which had placed beside him on the chair, rose on their own and gently touched the outside of Mimi's thighs for several grindings. She dismissed the touch. She even disregarded it when he slid them up, brushing the outsides of her ass, and then upward, along the sides of her torso.

But when he made an attempt to reach around cup her breasts, she was prepared. Her hands instantly grabbed his wrists and pushed them away from her chest.

"Dani," Mimi suddenly spoke in a conversational tone, her breathing slightly heightened. "You should know, whatever happened on Jesse's lap dance was what the dancer wished to happen. The purpose is to tease the shit out of a guy. So he loves it, yeah, but to tease him." Now her hips were no longer undulating atop Wills' lap, instead, she was grinding on it, his pants-covered member pressing into her groin.

She moved his hands away completely, rose, and turned to face her partner. Then she climbed onto his lap, pressed her pelvis against his bulge once more, and placed his now-unrestrained hands on her rear.

Her hips slid her thong back and forth on his lap while she looped her arms around his shoulders. "Of course," she noted, casting a glance at his hands flexing on her bottom, "it's up to the dancer to decide how much she ends up giving, as opposed to how much the customer assumes he's getting."

She moved on him this way, taking extra care to swing her breasts in front of his face, allowing a slight bump here or there to touch his cheek or nose. But every time Mills leaned forward and pressed his face into her bosom, she pulled back, as if to continue her "dance."

Then she removed his hands from her buttocks. I assumed she felt he'd gotten too close, but she actually just wanted to guide his hands over her ribs, up her thighs as they closed around his waist, and along her stomach. She thrust his palms strongly against the outer and under curves of her breasts, but his face still never got any closer than his nose to her nipples. She returned his hands to her rear end and carried on grinding against him.

A minute or so later, Mimi declared in a loud voice, "It's a lot of fun."

At this, I realized they were nearing the end of the song. It had passed quickly! With a final "whoosh" from the HomePod, the music faded.

"Thanks, sweetie," Mimi said to Mills, who had indeed let go of her buttocks. She collected her dress from him and pulled it back on her head. She didn't bother with the bra, which was a display of her nipples pushing against the fabric.

Then she said to Dani, "See? It's not a big deal."

The HomePod began playing another tune, but someone in the room quickly silenced it.

"Wow," Dani muttered. "I, um, must assume that you've done that before?"

Mimi laughed. "Maybe once or twice," she replied, with an insinuating tone. She perched on the side of Mills's chair, and he wrapped his arm around her hip.

"Have you done it for real?" one of the other girls questioned.

"You've seen my car?" Mimi inquired. Mimi owned a very nice, very pricey, brand-new Infiniti...

"I hope Jesse won't flare up," someone else said, possibly speaking more to Josie than to Mimi.

"I think he'll make it," Josie stated speculatively. "If not, I'll have Ken and Wally sit on him until he calms down."

Both Mimi and Mills seemed rather enthusiastic about this declaration, and Mimi looked cool with being naked and rubbing her boyfriend unrestrainedly in front of most of the complex residents.

"So, no past that?" Rhonda asked. Jane hadn't shown up for this meeting, and I seemed to recall Rhonda mentioning a university committee meeting or some equally dismal event.

Mimi interpreted her question. "The extent of the interaction is contingent on the club, how attractive the guy is, or even how big his wallet is, if I'm being honest. But the major factor is the club, and how attractive the person is... or the dancer," she added while winking at Rhonda. Rhonda had a habit of appearing emotionally frozen in public. Making her blush was a notable achievement.

Satisfied with sharing a few private details with the group, Mimi then stared around at the room dramatically.

"Gentlemen, I believe it's essential to point out here that if you know someone personally who works in a club where people remove their clothes, it's inappropriate to drop by unexpectedly while they're on the job." She glanced around seriously. "Dancers don't want their real-life friends present during their work. It's just uncomfortable."

Most of us nodded, eager not to be seen as intrusive or disrespectful.

"Uh, I-I suppose I'm quite curious," Wally said quietly but while maintaining a hint of sultriness. Wally was tall, and his height didn't make him any more attractive. He was the most awkwardly pervasive man, male or female, in the complex. Mimi shared information about the dance clubs, occasionally looking at me and the other guys present.

"Thanks," Wally queried. "And could you inform me of a suitable place to acquire more details? It's intriguing."

Mimi smiled warmly, knowing Wally's intent. Charmingly perverse. He wanted to honor her privacy and boundaries when attending another club to be "tortured" as she'd mentioned. Mimi revealed her preferred options, with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Mimi grinned widely and shared a different location with him. It was close to the wine shop I adored.

"Okay, Siri!" Mimi announced, bringing the 'lesson' to a close. "Play soft jazz."

However, before Mimi could get up from her spot beside Wills, someone contrasted the room with a booming voice. "I'd like to give it a try."

Even Siri, who could often halt the music with a sound effect resembling a record scratch, didn't prevent it this time, as the group's eyes widened in shock at Heather's daring statement.

"How will Henry react?" someone asked, considering Henry's absence from the supposed organizational meeting.

"I'm not overly concerned," Heather defiantly replied. She continued. "And this appears to be the perfect balance of sexy without going too far, to get back at him for allowing Sophia Henderson to force her tongue into his throat at the Thi Delt party," she said, adding to intensify her argument. "And no, that wasn't just that. There's only one reason he's getting away with this lightly because he disrupted it before he discovered I was watching."

Mimi viewed Heather with intensity.

It seemed to me that Heather mainly wanted to attempt it because she desired to. Henry's transgressions just served as an excuse.

I, on the other hand, had no desire to stop her. I was quite certain that none of the guys there held any intention to dissuade her.

With a smile, I glanced towards Rhonda. Of course, she wasn't interested in providing counternotions either.

Susan too seemed just as strongly committed to Heather's decision as she had ever been to disband the Wine/Beer Club.

Most significantly, many of the other girls appeared too intrigued to offer any conflicting advice at all.

Heather glanced around, appearing both relieved and apprehensive that no one would attempt to convince her against her impulsive request. She seemed to be on the verge of changing her mind if someone had tried.

Mimi laughed. "Okay, if I need to, I can teach," she said, rising from her seat and stepping away from Wills. He glanced at Heather excitedly.

"Listen, you!" Mimi said gruffly at him. "Out of the chair!" Wills grinned knowingly, realizing he probably wasn't about to be granted such an opportunity, and stood up, approaching Mimi. She looked around. "All right, our other chaps," she called out. "Who among you has professional experience in giving a lap dance?"

Of course, I raised my hand promptly, and decisively searched the room to determine who else was joining me. I neglected to look at Wally, since he had just shown he was an inexperienced lap dance recipient.

"C'mon guys, you bastards!" I exclaimed, noticing that only I was raising my hand. I glared at all the men in the room, specifically the ones looking sheepish. But none of the cowards acknowledged their failure.

Mimi laughed once more. "Well, Ken, you're the lucky one." She directed me towards the middle of the room. "Here is your training dummy, Heather."

My hesitancy dissipated as Josie's laughter and her harsh finger poking my side almost painfully punctuated my inaction. "You never shy away from helping someone when they need it!" she hissed.

So, feeling pushed, I rose and walked to the position Mimi had indicated, where my neighbor could provide me with my first-ever lap dance before our moderately inebriated friends. While I was moderately intoxicated, I was glad. I'm generally helpful, so it was natural for me to open my legs to give her room.

I sat in the chair. Mimi relayed a few words into Heather's ear, to which she nodded.

A classic strip club song blared from the Homepod following Mimi's instruction.

Heather glanced at me for a second. I widened my thighs to create space for her.

If she wished to secretly back out, I wanted to push her into doing so right away, while she could still chuckle about it.

But she only smiled gently, somewhat nervously, and hoisted herself between my legs. The song had a steady rhythm, a blessing, as Heather swayed her hips quite seductively. Interesting hips, I realized.

Interesting ass, too, as she twisted slowly between my legs. She was wearing yoga pants, making them the perfect choice. Yoga pants are always an excellent choice, but with her ass bouncing before my face, their utility was elevated. The fabric stretched deliciously over her firm curves and up between her legs. I was certainly prepared to revel in this odd request from Heather.

I can definitely appreciate the experience, as Heather bent her body towards me and purposely brushed her backside against my groin area. It wasn't just grazing, she was placing her butt directly on my lap. Not in a pressure-filled manner, but just there, making contact. This feels exhilarating.

However, there was a potential problem. I was sporting an erection, and my khakis were fairly loose-fitting. While I wasn't concerned about others noticing it, if Heather were to push her backside into me again, even a little harder, she would definitely sense the severity of my enjoyment of the situation.

Moreover, there was something intriguing about Heather's face. She appeared focused and animated. It wasn't the rage of a girl out to harm a guy like I've seen on rare occasions. This was more about her enjoyment and participation in the activity instead of anger towards a guy.

Clearly, this wasn't just for Henry's torment.

I guess it was meant for me too, I'll take it.

Inevitably, as Heather's hips lowered a bit more, her bottom crashed down onto my lap forcefully. My erection pushed up firmly against her buttocks. I sensed a minor hesitation in Heather's motions, then she continued on, avoiding touching me again.

Subsequently, she stood fully upright and began dancing sensuously in front of me once more. She was gyrating, and I noticed that she was doing this to attract the attention of all the spectators.

She then glanced at Mimi and inquired, "Next?"

Mimi, standing close by, looked at her in bewilderment and inquired, "Next?"

Heather pondered whether to approach me or not, and finally decided to face me. She grabbed her shirt and began lifting it up.

When the fabric reached the bottom of her chest, she faltered. I was unsure if she was reconsidering her decision to disrobe, but then she went ahead.

She moved her hands to grip both the hem of her shirt and the band of her sports bra. She took them both off in one fluid motion, revealing all her charms.

A wave of astonishment swept across the room. Some couldn't hide their shock while others had already gotten used to the events. My reaction was just curiosity and admiration.

Mimi merely uttered, "Nice," but I could tell she didn't expect anyone to go this far.

Those tits weren't only nice, they were spectacular. They weren't as large as Mimi's, but they certainly had volume, and the way they bounced free from their bra, responding to Heather's wavy motions, was more than sufficient evidence of their authenticity. Her deep-red nipples were rock-hard and surrounded by goosebumps along the edges of her oval-shaped areolae.

Some new-found nipples can appear ashamed at their exposure, but hers were both thrilled and embarrassed.

I saw Mimi shake her head and shrug. "Alright, girl," she said, amusement in her voice. "Now show us how to grind."

"The grind?" Heather questioned, both her voice breathless and uncertain.

Mimi demonstrated sitting. "This isn't called a lap dance for no reason," she stated.

Heather shyly stepped back away from me. This covered her tits, which wasn't ideal but it didn't matter.

Suddenly, she placed her hands behind my legs and lowered herself down on my lap, intentionally moving her cheeks onto my lap while grind forward and backward, driving her rear embrace along my increasingly aroused length.

By jove, she was starting to understand this!

I turned my gaze towards her shoulder and noticed that backs can also blush. I could tell Heather felt both embarrassed and aroused, along with the realization that she was being watched.

I could definitely relate. I'd had a few lap dances before and knew that others may have peeked at me, but I was the main attraction this time. Near the center of attention. Directly under the center of attention.

This year has been teaching me that while I enjoy watching, I don't necessarily love being the one watched. I'm still enjoying myself tremendously, but to do so, I need to ignore the spectators and not enjoy their gaze.

My cock, on the other hand, is really aching to be in the action. Heather's dance isn't just a tease, but it's still teasing all right.

But as her ass rubs against my cock, I'm thankful that this isn't going to last longer than the length of a song. Something unfortunate could happen.

Is this just supposed to be one song, right?

I mean, this is for Heather, not me, right? I'm just a prop. I wouldn't want to ruin her performance by coming in my pants. I would also be embarrassed to be outed in front of half my friends. But I'm considerately putting her first.

So I'm keeping my hands firmly on the chair's arms. I'm trying not to take any liberties.

I'm really enjoying her ass caressing my cock, though. It feels great.

"Heather," Mimi whispers. Heather turns to look at her, and so do I.

Mimi is rubbing her own belly, watching us. She inquires, "What else can you do?"

Heather glances at her, and so do I. Then she grabs my hands and pulls them onto her thighs, rocking on my dick to the music.

I can handle this, I think, although her legs feel fantastic through her yoga pants.

But a few moments of this aren't enough for Heather. With a sigh, she leans back against me. I can now see her breasts facing me. I can see Susan smirking at me and my discomfort, the witch. Other women are also smirking at me.

This stance is driving me crazy...well, crazier. It's more intimate than when Heather's just sitting upright on my cock. Her back is pressed against my chest, and we're both feeling each other's warmth. I'm holding her legs. I can look down and still see her breasts, thrusting upward in front of me. And she hasn't stopped grinding her ass along my cock to the music's rhythm.


But Heather is still looking at Mimi, and with a sigh, she leans back against me. My face is now close to her shoulder. I can see Susan grinning at me and my increasing discomfort, the devil. Other women are grinning too.

This posture is going to drive me insane...even more insane. It's more intimate than when Heather's just sitting upright on my cock. Her back is pressing against my chest, and we can feel each other's warmth. I'm holding her legs. I can look down and still see her breasts, thrusting upward right there in front of me. And she hasn't stopped the rhythmic grinding of her ass along my cock in time with the music.

Mimi is intrigued by her student, it seems. Or perhaps she's laughing at me.

"Now try it the other way," Mimi suggests. I believe she's lost in amusement.

"I can do it," Heather says confidently. "Are you ready?" she asks me.

"Uh-huh," I reply.

Then she pulls my hands from her breasts and waves them over them, intentionally letting the tips of several fingers brush against her erect nipples. The audience doesn't seem to notice, but Mimi's chuckle tells me they did.

I definitely noticed.

Then Heather stands up, circles her hips, and climbs back onto my lap. She straddles me outside my legs, forcing them together for the first time in a while. She kneels above me, and I look up at her, and mostly at her breasts, which are so close to my face they're torturous.

These yoga pants don't flaunt a camel toe, but they do outline her mound. She begins pressing her mound against my hard cock, then stroking herself along its length. I can see her face very clearly, inches from mine, and she's wrapped up in the sensations of that movement.

She grabbed my palms once more and slid them up her sides to position them against her body, with her chest resting in the hollow of my hands. She kept moving, and I couldn't help but squeeze her a little. Our eyes met, and she just smiled in response. My hands wanted to grab her breasts, but I told them to shut up.

My penis was on fire, too, but I wasn't given any chance to control it.

Then Heather sat up, and for a moment, the friction on my dick ceased. I kept my hands frozen on her chest, allowing her breasts to leave my grip.

But now her breasts were inches away from my face. The beat of the original song played, and I thought she was just rubbing her tits across my cheeks. First, her nipples grazed the end of my nose, then her soft inner curves kissed my lips. They moved away and back one more time, brushing against my mouth. My lips involuntarily opened and closed in reaction.

The third time, she lowered her breasts just a little and dragged her nipples across my mouth. Had she moved any slower, I wouldn't have been able to prevent myself from kissing her nipples.

I was aware of several gasps and a lot of laughter from different people. Most of them were men, but there were women, too.

Heather resumed pressing herself onto my cock and shifted her chest towards mine. After a moment, she snatched my wrapping hands and placed them on her ass.

This was both amazing and scary. I was terrified that I'd ejaculate at the worst possible moment. My body was out of control and screaming to release, but I had no way to stop it.

Don't do it.

I'd had performances by strippers in the past, even one who had learned from this experience, and wasn't as dressed as Heather. Her skill was phenomenal, and I didn't come close then.

The problem with Heather was her inexperience, her excitement, and her desire to explore. It drove me on the verge of coming.

My cock was aching and almost begging to let go. I was afraid I would not be able to maintain myself much longer.

And when the music ended, it was a relief. I took my hands off her ass, and Heather sat back, removing her breasts from my chest.

"Wow!" I said, smiling at her. "Thanks!" I added, but I actually meant thanking the music for stopping.

"Weird," Heather chuckled, blushing after realizing her state of undress in front of all those people. She jumped off my lap quickly and bent to retrieve her clothes, which were scattered across the floor.

She carefully unraveled her bra from her shirt and slipped the shirt over her head.

Then the applause began. Heather turned pink and stood, considering the enthusiastic clapping and hoots. In the end, she started bowing, then realized she was being ridiculous. "Well... that, um, happened," she panted.

Mimi started clapping energetically, then stopped. "Wow! That was incredible, girlfriend! You just need to learn not to look like you're eager to put your clothes back on. But if you're feeling regretful, you'll make more money," she said.

"Fat chance of that happening!" Heather laughed, ending her exotic dance.

I wasn't sure if she'd return to a strip club to try it again. I, on the other hand, was ready to go.

People were congratulating me while ignoring the obvious bulge in my pants.

The ladies crowded around Heather, admiring and awed by her boldness.

After a while, a man asked, "Is that all you do at the club, Mimi? Or is there a stripper pole or something?" I don't know who said it.

Mimi placed a hand gently on my shoulder and whispered, "We're planning to start lessons soon." Something about her expression and tone sadly suggested to me that she was being sarcastic. Unfortunately, I could get the message behind her comment, and I felt embarrassed. I wasn't sure what to do.

I awkwardly approached my friend, who was standing awkwardly next to her estranged wife, the former exotic dancer, without addressing the matter out loud. There was a bulge in our conversation, but it was only metaphorical.

The men nearby slapped me on the back and commented how wild that had been.

The women who had gathered around Heather graciously left, envying her breathtaking experience.

"Huh?" Mimi replied, interrupting the passionate kiss she was sharing with Wills. "No, we definitely own a pole. Three, in fact. Most girls just spin around one on stage, but I've really gotten into all the crazier moves. I've been practicing for a while." She laughed. "The studio advertises it as an exercise regimen. It's funny how the three of us in my class who actually dance try to downplay it, while all the other women in the class dream about being dancers."

This led to a flurry of questions from many of the women, all about the physical benefits of pole dancing. It continued for a while.

Suddenly, Josie burst into uncontrollable laughter. Everyone stopped and stared at her.

"Are you okay?" Rhonda inquired.

"I'm fine," Josie answered, wiping away a tear from her smiling face. "I'm not going to hurt myself laughing... at least not until the moment I tell Jesse about the brass pole I'm putting up in the gym."

And that, dear friend, is how our meeting not only caused Beer and Wine Clubs to split up, but also created the Pole Dance Club at Sylvan Courtyard. Josie duly installed the poles, as well as a few additional features to enhance the installation. First and foremost, she put in automatic blinds on the windows. Men were not allowed at Pole Dance Club.

One of my so-called friends Josie is a real killjoy.

For the most part, the men took it in their stride. We just took extra caution never to be overheard fantasizing about the women starting their own Lap Dance Club...


I only had one more glass of wine after becoming a laughing stock before calling it a night. Heather had gone home earlier.

I shook my head as I made my way back to my apartment. I did worry about Jesse a little. In the early days, I would have worried a lot. But these days, Patty had him much more relaxed. Rosie had once told me that it wasn't something new. Jesse was just acting more like his real self now, the self before he acquired all this responsibility.

I guessed that we would soon find out what the real Jesse was like when he realized he had a stripper living in 144 and his sister was installing a pole in the gym he would have to explain every time he gave a tour to a potential tenant...

Sure enough, I was emotional enough to find the prospect hilarious.

I had been back at my apartment for about fifteen minutes and had stupidly chosen another glass of wine when the doorbell rang. I headed over to see who was attempting to make fun of me again.



She gave me an uncomfortable look and asked if she could come in for a moment. I stepped out of the way and she moved into the middle of my living room, appearing nervous.

"Ken, I called Henry to tell him about my little prank... and he didn't take it too seriously," she said.

"Oh boy," I groaned. "How did he respond?"

"He took it too well," she snorted, a grin flickering across her face. "He already knew something was coming, and that he deserved it. But he was upset about one thing."


"I mentioned how you reacted, and he said I had cruelly teased you. Should I have?" she asked.

"Uh... A little?" I slurred. Drunkenness was starting to make a comeback.

"Yeah..." Heather said guiltily. "But... even though Henry accepted his punishment so well... um... he suggested that I, uh, complete the job."


Mental clarity was making a comeback.


"I took the dare, Ken."

"Uh, sure. Thanks," I said feebly.

"But just one song," she cautioned.

"Okay. I can handle that," I agreed.

Somehow, I found myself back on the sofa, with my legs spread again.

Heather looked at my TV and grabbed the remote. "Hey Siri, play 'When the Levee Breaks'," she said.

I gawked at her as the initial quiet guitar notes began to play. "This is like an eight-minute song," I said, trying to narrow my eyes.

"I need to make sure I have enough time to complete the task," Heather laughed, swiftly pulling off her shirt this time.

No bra adorning her chest now, and wow, those incredible breasts looked just as stunning sans undergarments. And then they looked even more mesmerizing as Heather began to move her body sensuously in front of me. The music played in the background as she eagerly climbed onto my lap, facing me while straddling my thighs. She placed her breasts inches away from my face, swaying them in time with the melodic song. I could feel the anticipation building up in me.

I might have been slightly tipsy, but my erection clearly displayed otherwise. My hard-on pressed against her crotch.

"I didn't mention this earlier," Heather breathed, sliding her warm body against me, "but I'm very satisfied with your performance down there." Then she rode me wordlessly for quite some time, moving to the beat of the song and awakening my desires even further. For her as well, I sensed. As she rode me, she also positioned my hands on her backside. She was still wearing the yoga pants. They showcased almost everything but would have been reassuringly difficult to remove.

Part of me wanted to give in to the urge and end the moment right there. But another part of me wanted to prove that I could sustain my arousal for longer.

Please, alcohol, let me last a bit longer.

But Heather suddenly shifted positions and stood up, allowing her breasts to graze my face as she rose. She even paused to wiggle them against my face. Her left nipple almost touched my lips for way too long. I naturally responded by nipping it with my lips.

She giggled at me as she moved away. I widened my eyes at her.

She danced in front of me, gyrating her amazing ass in my face, but then gave my erection a chance to cool down. But not for long. She sat down facing away from me, nestling her derriere around my bulge. And she continued to undulate her hips. I let myself hold onto her legs without being asked. She could simply remove my hands if she wanted to.

Instead, she grabbed my hands and placed them on her thighs. And intentionally left them there.

"You know," I said, keeping my hands planted, "I prefer when you're facing me."

"Mimi explained the rules we should follow. No sex, but you're allowed to explore other parts of me," Heather uttered.

Okay, I was not going to be able to abstain from indulging in her breasts.

"Has Henry given you the go-ahead for this?"

"I've informed him about the new rules."

I didn't quite understand Henry or Wills, who is completely into this lifestyle. If I ever fall for a woman again and Henry seems to be in love with Heather, watching her naked with other men would be unbearable for me.

At that moment, however, I could more than handle Heather's breasts. Call me a hypocrite. I'll admit the truth.

Heather allowed me to caress her breasts as she shook her backside in my face, taunting my cock. But she eventually decided to change positions and stood up once again to face me.

As she enthusiastically kissed me, brushing her wet lips against mine, she pressed her body against me, and I lifted my hands between us to explore her breasts. She ground her pelvis against me and panted, "I'm hoping that this feels as good for you as when you were facing my behind, because it absolutely feels a lot better for me."

"This is freaking amazing," I reassured her.

Our breathing became increasingly shallow, and I realized that she was planning on reaching climax as well. This conviction became even more clear as she shoved her left nipple into my mouth and encouraged me to suckle.

I complied, and she shoved both nipples forward, saying, "Suck on them. Squeeze them." I did so, grinding my teeth against her nipples as she straddled me.

The boorish act of sucking on her nipples was exhilarating, especially when she switched to rubbing her clitoris against me, but it didn't last for long. She halted her movements and shifted back to face away from me.

Though I was still fully aware of how much closer we were to her climax, she was still going to ease her body onto me. Fortunately, she clarified that she wanted me to pinch her nipples.

She huffed and moaned in approval, and I lost control.

My cock spurted in my pants, letting out a loud groan. In spite of the mess I'd made in my pants, she kept interested in her action, grinding against me until her own orgasm became unavoidable.

In a matter of moments, she bit her lip, moaned, and I had to endure the intense grinding of her body against mine as she experienced an orgasm.

"Oh my god," we both gasped in surprise, and then we burst into a fit of laughter - that uncontrollable laughter you sometimes get after an exhilarating rush of adrenaline. Once she'd caught her breath, Heather managed to stand upright.

"Mission complete," she giggled, looking down at me. I was completely indifferent to my current state, sitting there pinned to the couch, with a large dark stain being absorbed into the khakis I was now no longer going to be wearing the following day.

She reached for her shirt and gave it a few moments of her attention, before pulling it back over her head. "I still had two minutes remaining in the room," she boasted with a grin, before turning to me.

"Um, thank you?" was all I could muster.

"As I said, mission accomplished," she shrugged. "Just as Henry said, it was mean to leave you hanging like that. And I had a blast to ensure you were no longer in that predicament."

"Very much so," I admitted, struggling to my feet, no longer concerned with my appearance.

"I think it's time for me to hit the hay," Heather commented awkwardly.

"Yeah, I should also..." I replied, before adding, "...and clean up."

She burst into laughter once more and I walked her to the door. As she walked away, I listened through the doorway to ensure she made it safely back to her own room.

"Hey Henry! So, everything's okay here... Yeah, I'm no longer feeling blue. What? Really, blue? You're serious? Haha! Yes, I suppose this means you'll be partially forgiven. Right now, knowing you're out with your buddies, but you need to access your app now and order an Uber. Then you'll be fully pardoned." She paused before speaking again. "Yes, only temporarily. For now, I understand that you're enjoying yourself out with the guys, but you need to return as soon as you can so you can flood my mind with pleasure."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de