Gay Sex

Crimson Cheeks Ch. 02

Eleanor is desperate to pee.

May 2, 2024
5 min read
Crimson Cheeks Ch. 02peegirl peeingurinepisspee fetispiss fetishpeeing pantswoman peeingpissingpeeing
Crimson Cheeks Ch. 02
Crimson Cheeks Ch. 02

Crimson Cheeks Ch. 02

Friday is carpool day!

Tina's gym is nearby from where I work, so she usually visits at around 8:40am. The drive is only 15 minutes long, and it's just a 2-minute walk from her gym to my office.

I hadn't disclosed the embarrassing incident from the previous day's book club gathering. Should I tell her myself and take the humiliation or let her find out through Susan or someone at book club? I pondered this as I fetched some water for myself from the kitchen. My throat was unusually dry that day.

As I finished the water, I glanced at the clock. It was 8:38am - still a few minutes before Tina's arrival. My throat still felt parched, so I got myself another drink. I gulped it down hastily and then checked the time. 8:39.

Why is my throat so dry?

I poured a third glass of water and began to drink it slower. Like before, I started to feel the familiar sensation. I considered heading to the bathroom for a quick pee. My thoughts were interrupted by the honking of Tina's horn outside.

I grabbed my backpack and went to the front door.

"10 seconds still? Like, a fucking fart marathon?"

Yes, I should've kept it to myself. But I had to admit that her laughter was contagious. It even had me giggling.

"Don't make me laugh. I need to pee." I said between my laughs.

"And I've got to drive!" Tina teased.

"Check this out," I tried to calm myself down, careful of my full bladder, "I don't know how it happened. It just...happened. It was awful."

"So you're like, some sort of super-farter?" Tina smirked from the side, eyes twinkling with warmth.

"I'm aware," I shrugged, a little self-conscious.

Tina already knew what she was going to say next.

"Any chance we'll get some more farts?"

"No, I just really have to pee."

Tina glanced at the digital clock on the car's radio. "We'll be there in 10 minutes. I can drop you off outside the office so you don't have to walk."

"Thank you. I really need it."

The seatbelt was a bit uncomfortable on my bladder, and the button on my jeans made it worse. I tried adjusting my position but it was futile.

The intensity of my bladder's fullness increased with every passing minute. I kept focusing on something else to distract myself, "I thought I saw a tall figure the other day."

"A what?"

I realized how ridiculous my statement was, but I went on in a mocking tone, "A tall lady, maybe? I'm not sure. She disappeared when I blinked."

Tina's brow furrowed, "What are you on, girl?"

I laughed softly, "Sometimes, I'm not really sure myself."

My bladder seemed to grow more and more full. I stared at the clock. 6 minutes left.

I can hold it.

I'm holding it.


No, I don't think I can hold it.

"Stop the car, please."

"But --"

"Just. Stop." I pleaded.

"But where's a safe place for you to go? We're on a main road with houses! Just hold on until we reach --"

"I can't," I winced. "I need to pee right now."

The tingling in my bladder grew, and I observed the trees at the end of the street. They seemed like a safe place, with enough coverage for me to be private.

"Right here! Stop the car! Let me out!"

Too late. While my statement prompted her to halt, she was only able to stop at the beginning of the tree-covered zone.

I lost the battle to a natural bodily function. Desperately trying to keep together, I felt the drawing sensation in my bladder let go. As soon as it began, it started spreading across my crotch area. The sensation traveled upwards and around my upper thighs. The release reached more parts of me as I sat motionless. I succumbed to a basic necessity. [end]

It moved towards my back, slipping through the crack in an annoyingly persistant manner. The intense, damp warmth covered both my buttocks. I could feel my muscles loosen even more, allowing the flow to become more powerful. I glanced down, watching the bright blue of the jeans become swamped by an undeniable dark blue. The dark blue expanded into a more oval shape as it ceased spreading sideways, moving even further down my legs. I tried to tighten my muscles, to halt this humiliating ordeal, but it proved futile. It leaked like a malfunctioning faucet, the gentle plopping sound continuing. The jeans had soaked up too much, permitting liquid to seep out onto the passenger seat and floor.

"Eleanor --" Tina, generally talkative, was struggling to form words.

I finally regained control of my bladder, once it was practically empty. The intermittent plopping carried on, as the saturated fabric of the car seat continued to emit my urine onto the floor one droplet at a time. As quickly as my thighs had warmed up, my face shared the same fate, revealing the redness of embarrassment. The rest of my face was devoid of colour.

I shifted in my seat, resulting in a significant squelch. I didn't utter a word or make eye contact with Tina. I focused on the road ahead.

"Do you want to go home?"

I nodded. "Yes, please."

The first 5 minutes were quietly spent. I assumed Tina was contemplating the most appropriate way to address this situation - Most likely she wanted to tease me a bit. However, in contrast to my expectations, she decided to tell her own tale first.

"I once wet myself in this car."

I smirked. "I recall you sharing that story with me."

"Stuck in gridlock for 40 minutes. What else could I do?" She giggled.

"Then you were pulled over." I recollected her earlier retelling of this incident.

"Attempting to rush home. I imagine the officer was greeted by the scent of urine when I rolled the window down."

We both burst out laughing.

I reflected for a second. "I feel like I'm under some sort of spell, don't you?"

Tina extended her hand, wiggling her fingers like a sorcerer. "Bewitched by Eleanor!"

"I'm not deranged, alright!" I chuckled.

"Alright, alright! You just seem to have this string of... things happening recently. The burping, the passing gas, the peeing yourself literally right now."

"Yeah, sure. A curse, I suppose."

Tina gestured towards me, wiggling all her fingers. "Bewitched by Eleanor!"

"Shut up, Tina!"

"You can't tell me to shut up! You just soiled my vehicle with your urine!" She switched to a lighthearted demeanor.

I chuckled at this notion. "I guess that's fair."

I turned my gaze towards the window.

A curse, went through my mind.

Even if I were cursed, what reason would I have for this curse?

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