Celebrity Sex Stories

Daddy What's Mama Mia About Pt. 01

A submissive girl gets used then finds love.

Aug 11, 2024
30 min read
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Daddy What's Mama Mia About Pt. 01
Daddy What's Mama Mia About Pt. 01

Daddy What's Mama Mia About Pt. 01

My name is Annette (Annie) Nordstrom. I am twenty years old now and I am a junior at the University of Washington, I was technically a member of a sorority, but after the first quarter of living in the sorority and drinking and fucking boys at joint fraternity sorority parties and being seduced and dominated by a Senior sorority sister caused me to just about flunk out.

I fell in love with Sofia, she is of Greek heritage and startlingly beautiful. She has dark, olive toned skin, jet black hair, long legs, thin but flaring hips. She kissed me on my lips during pledge week and stared into my eyes and I swear to God, my heart fluttered and I felt a buzz down just above my coozes (cunt). I smashed my tummy and soft titties against her large A-Cups. I could feel my nostrils flaring as I smelled her lemony perfume and wanted to submit to her. My thighs were clinching and moving against her.

She said, "I'm Sofia, girl are you queer?"

I said, "I didn't know it, but I am for you. You touched my lips, my heart's pounding. Don't make me cry in front of everyone, I beg you."

She hugged me which made me shudder. Not an orgasm, just my body delirious to be against her. We were holding hands, wasn't sure how that happened.

She said, "Let's go for a walk."

We walked all through frat row, sororities are mostly on the East side of the street, holding hands and bumping hips. The contrast between us was startling. She looked like a runway model, turns out she is still, five foot eleven and in heels six foot three or so. I am not short, five foot nine, platinum white hair, I am one hundred percent Swedish descent. I have blue eyes and a deep philtrum (the narrow tube connection your nose to the middle of your lips) which causes me to have very full lips.

We both have perfect teeth. I am a full C-Cup, small D-Cup and have a big soft ass and thighs and great calves and thin ankles, (Sofia would tell me that she could get me jobs as a swimsuit model, even Sport's Illustrated cover, I was clueless about Sports Illustrated) in other words, black and white. Hard and soft. Dominant and submissive.

She said, "Are you a virgin?"

I said, "No, never been with a woman, before, but lots of men and boys, cousins in Sweden and their friends. I'm a size queen. Some of my dad's friends, girlfriend's dads. I can't get into it, but I have daddy issues.

She said, "Do you have any idea how many guys?"

I hung my head and finally shrugged my shoulders and said, "Mid to upper two digits, roughly, "I scrunched up my face.

"Are you clean?"

"As of three weeks ago, according to my doctor I am, " I opened my hand bag and pulled out a report showing I was cleared of Chlamydia, "I have not been with anyone since, I'm a nun now."

I started crying and I turned and started to walk away from her back to the sorority feeling as low as I felt since my parent's separated when I was in middle school. I felt that the whole sorority would know I was the worst slut everywhere, like Emma Thompson in the movie "Easy A" the classic slut shame movie.

Sofia grabbed my arm and I hugged her and broke down sobbing, hiccupping. I knew my mascara and lash liner were running down my face, but I felt so safe in her arms.

I pulled back and looked up at her and said, "You're the only person I've ever wanted to be with, I have never loved anyone, but now because I'm a slut, I ruined the only opportunity for real love I've ever had. You probably do that to all your lovers, " I started crying some more.

She pulled my face onto her chest and patted my back softly and said, "I'm still here, not going anywhere."

She grabbed my hand and we walked about two hundred feet and we sat on short brick fence holding the yard from spilling onto sidewalk. She had a clutch and she pulled a white handkerchief lined with blue flowers out of her clutch. She licked it and started wiping one side of my face and then repeated the process. It was right then and there that I fell hard in love with her. It was the most intimate moment I'd ever felt.

Then this burst forth from me, "Sofia, I am totally in love with you. I will follow you wherever you go. If you don't feel anything towards me, please tell me. I will not join the house, because I could not bear to be without you and see you every day with someone else."

She kissed me deeply, her long soft tongue so gentle but taking my mouth. I tried to follow her tongue softly touching her tongue, so she knew I was hers and wanting her to feel my love for her. We walked back to the house, her arm around my shoulder and mine around her waist.

We entered the house into this great room and up these stairs and into her room. As a senior she had no room mates. Now I was her lover. That was a Friday night.

At first it was more kissing, then her hand was under my pink sun dress and her long fingers were in my coozes, immediately all over my g-spot, pulling upwards and my big ass was humping all over her bed, our bed, "Sweet Jesus, oh my fucking God, I'm cumming!!!"

Then she was eating me with that that mouth and tongue, patting on my taint, which she later taught me to do for her and she would not stop. At one point, she put one finger, then two fingers and finally her fist in my ass, lubricated from all my coozes's juices and I'd nutted before from a guy in my ass, but nothing like this. Her lips giving my hard little clitty a little blow job and her fisting my ass I started to cum and I heard this woman's voice grunting in time with me being fisted and it was both Sofia's voice and mine in synch and I passed out.

In the middle of the night I woke up and my big fat leg was thrown over Sofia's thighs and my face was plastered to her chest and my arm possessively claimed her by pulling her into me. She had the cutest little buzz snore going on.

It was the first week of October and we were studying in our bedroom, I was listening to old music of Lou Reed, "Sweet Jane" and reading this Russian novel, Notes From The Underground, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. She walked over to her dresser and took something out of her drawer and walked over to me and I was full on watching my lover walk to me. I pulled out my buds just as she dropped to one knee, opened a little box which had a huge diamond ring in it.

My mouth opened up and I was crying instantly, and she said, "Darling will you marry me?"

I started nodding and screamed and we were kissing and then I held my left hand out and she put it on my finger and it was gorgeous of course, but all of me loved Sofia. That night was incredible, I mean when wasn't it?

The class I was in, that the Russian novel, the professor Willis Konick had us act out all the parts and I sat in the front row and he said "Miss Nordstrom, stand up and show everyone your engagement ring, " I did and he said, "who's the lucky guy?"

Continuing to hold my hand in the air, I said, "Her name is Sofia Giannopoulos she's a super model and I love her with my whole heart."

The class erupted in applause.

After the most wonderful weekend before that I called mama, her name was Ingrid, and told her about the engagement. While we were talking I sent her some pictures of Sofia and I and she said, "Oh sweet Jesus, what a beautiful couple! Fire and ice.

Could you come over next Sunday? Midafternoon dinner?"

Sofia was lying next to me and I raised an eyebrow and she nodded. The week flew by and mama's home was in Ballard, due west of our sorority. The district is full of Scandinavian heritage families, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. We were Swedish.

But there were Finnish families and Eastern Baltic families who moved after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Blond people, even some of them were part Russian too.

Mama's boyfriend was an Argentine banker who had been with her for the last three years and he was kind and gentle and I was so happy for her, coming out of the mess with my Daddy. Our home overlooked the locks that connected Puget Sound (saltwater) with Salmon Bay, Lake Union and Lake Washington which were fresh water, directly below our front yard, the locks that is and then to the right Puget Sound and the snow covered Olympic Mountains.

Sofia asked me as we drove over in her black 1995 Mercedes E 320 sedan, "Annie, will your mother be upset that we're queer?"

I responded, "I've been to our family in Kristianstad, which is South of Stockholm.

We have farm lands that go back over a thousand years and there are old, ancient Catholic churches and more recently Lutheran churches. Really since the 1960s, weddings and stuff sometimes happen at the Churches, but there are lots of queer women and couples in our family. Gay men, and straight couples. Tons of kids. It's also common for people to have affairs, long affairs, both partners. What is not liked at all is abuse of kids or women and abandonment of a spouse."

This week we both got new ink and some piercings. I had a heart with Sofia written in script around the heart on my upper right arm. Sofia's ink was above her left nipple above her heart and it was Annie, with a little heart over the i.

Sofia was stunning in a white sun dress and black open toed pumps. I had a pink wife beater, that laid bare my ink, but my new jewelry which were platinum bars with black opals on the end through both nipples. I had some pink yoga pants, with pink strappy stilettoes, with a five inch heel. For contrast my hair was in a ponytail, my nearly white hair seemed to make me hot.

I was five foot nine and when we met I weighed one hundred and thirty five pounds. I had gained ten pounds and mostly it had gone to my titties and my ass. Recently, Sofia would wear a nine inch dildo with a harness and I'd ride her cowboy and she would fuck my brains out pinch my nipples and I'd collapse against her chest after the first orgasm and then she'd fuck me into oblivion.

We parked out front and walked on the flagstone path around the side of our home and both Ramon and Mama were there. The grill was fired up and there was a huge sockeye salmon, bright orange back off the direct wood fire and there were some large fresh herring being grilled.

"Mama we're here, " I proclaimed, "Ramon and Ingrid, this is Sofia. Sofia, Ingrid is my mama. Ramon is her partner."

I raised my eyebrows at Ramon and he smiled at nodded."

Sofia and Mama were talking and mama had her arm around her waist and she was crying.

Ramon hugged me, kissed my cheek and said, "Annie I love your mama and you too, I always wanted a daughter."

Then I was blubbering and hugging him.

He said, "I have clothes in the dresser and space for shirts in the closet."

I said, "Marriage?"

He said, "Divorce seems to be here, the attorneys are going back and forth on the splitting of assets."

I said, "Thank you Daddy!"

Ramon, my new Daddy, grilled fresh herring, with some lemon and then of course a twelve pound sockeye salmon, which is beautifully orange and full of fat and flavor. Mama made a salad of sliced English cucumber with the peel, sliced granny smith apples, some Walla Walla sweet onions and a dressing of buttermilk, minced garlic and dill. Served with crisp flatbread (Knakebrod)

We drank both beer and Ramon had some Argentine Malbec from his family's estate, which went surprisingly well with the rich fish.

After the meal the wind picked up and we went inside and sat in the living room and Ramon fired up the fire place. October in Seattle, low sun in the sky, seventy degrees and then fifty five, in a matter of hours.

Mama brought some Akvavit that was our families. We really had two versions, one that was heavy on anise seeds and the other was carraway seeds. She brought out the anise version that tastes like licorice. If you put it over ice it turns white like milk.

Sofia immediately proclaimed, "This is like the finest ouzo from Santorini where my family lives, and we produce this, mostly bought locally.

Driving home, to the sorority, was the best I'd ever felt in my life. We'd started talking about how many kids we wanted and she had five brothers who could be sperm donors, so it would be part of our family heritage. We made gentle love, I loved her on top when we took the sixty nine position. I started on her rosebud and just touched her clit briefly and gentleness left the tracks as she humped my face and squirted all over me which was a first for me being able to do that and she passed out.

I started singing the old Helen Reddy song, "I am woman, hear me roar."

Sofia started giggling returning from her stupor. I rolled her off me and crawled up and kissed her just on the lips, staring into each other's eyes. "Sofia, I love you so much. Thank you darling."

We fell asleep, like that.

Mid-terms were upon us and the week was a mess of all night studying and exams.

Friday afternoon she texted me and said there was a family problem and she had to go to her mom's to discuss it and she'd be home late. I fell asleep on the couch at two a.m. waiting for her.

At ten in the morning my phone woke me up, it was Sofia and she said, "Annie, my grandmother has died and I'm on our family plane and headed back to Santorini for the funeral. I will call you tomorrow after the funeral."

I looked up Greek Orthodox funerals and I read that there are no funerals on Sundays. Maybe she meant Monday. There were a few texts, she loved me and couldn't wait to be in my arms again, had to sort out family business, there was a huge storm coming. They slowed down to a couple of times per week. Now it was final's week and school would be out tomorrow for Christmas break.

I looked up her parent's address which was in Bellevue, technically Medina, close to where the extraordinary most rich man in the world lived. I drove an old 1990 Blue Isuzu Trooper SUV three point liter engine, five speed, tuned exhaust, midnight blue that Ramon got me. I had been there maybe fifteen minutes and her car passed me and she was in the passenger seat and the car rolled into the driveway which circled to right in front of the house and I jumped out of the Trooper and ran over to the fence.

She climbed out of the car and stretched reaching for the sky.. I was clicking away with my smart phone and then the super tall driver came around and I switched to video and then I shrilly whistled, she turned towards me and her hand covered her mouth.

I stopped the video, turned around and got in the Trooper and drove back to the sorority and went to our room and packed my shit up. It only took two trips to put it in the back of the Trooper. I went to the house mother who was a middle aged really nice lady and said, "I am going to take winter quarter off and want to withdraw from active status with the sorority. Do I have to sign anything?"

She said, "Can I ask why?"

I said, "Well, it seems as if my fiancée has dumped me, "I pulled off the ring and gave it to her, then I turned around and unscrewed the nipple bars and pulled them out and then gave both of them to her, "please if she returns give them to her."

She hugged me and said, "In the long run Annie, you'll be pleased you did this.

She's a nasty bitch and she's been cheating on you the whole time."

I knew there were details I could have got from her, but I needed no more and drove home.

I got home at half passed five. I rushed in and ran to mom's bathroom and found a pad, but I was a bit late so I showered and put the pad on, first couple of days I always had a heavy flow, then I went to tampons. I didn't normally cramp, just felt bloated and fat in my mid-section. Nobody was home. I had not talked to my mom in weeks, which was unusual.

I looked at my phone and there was a text from Sofia. I deleted it without reading it.

I needed food before I did anything, there were some canned sardines in oil, some Havarti cheese (white and rich in fat) and so I sliced four big slices of Havarti, mashed up two cans of sardines. I cut four pieces of pumpernickel rye bread. Got out mama's favorite cast iron fry pan, found some butter in fridge and smeared it on one side of each slice of bread. Carefully I spread the sardines on one side of two of the slices then put two slices of the cheese on top of the sardine spread and placed the two slices in the pan and turned the gas up to medium high. Then I put the other pieces of bread on top of each of pieces in the pan and smashed them down.

Quickly, I opened a jar of butter pickles and got an orange serving platter with a nick out of the side of it and set it next to the open jar of pickles, mis en place is what the chefs say. I smashed them further with a wide chef's spatula and turned them at four minutes.

There were two bottles of ginger beer, a non-alcoholic super ginger ale. Ice into a chimney glass and put the glass and the ginger beers at the kitchen table. There were thirty seconds left and I turned the flame off. The skillet would stay hot for fifteen minutes.

Using the spatula, I cut each sandwich into four sections and then placed eight sections on the orange dish and used a fork to spear twenty four sliced butter pickles from the jar. Three pickles per section. I carried the plate to the table, got my laptop from my bag and sat down.

I poured some ginger beer into the glass and drank a big drink that is so damn good and filled it up again. Three bites per section, a pickle for each bite. The first bite was wonderous, sweet, salty, crunchy and the sardines mixed with the cheese had this umami delight. There was no need to hurry, the sandwiches are great hot or room temp.

Okay social media. There was our fb page, hers and mine and the same for IG and X. I knew the all the passwords. Change all of those first. Then another bite.

I took my time. The pictures were up loaded, including texts about grannies death, Santorini Island contrasted with Medina.

A little research showed if there was a grannie on Santorini Island, she might still be alive or perhaps they were in Witsec (Witness Protection) which made it into the captions. I had some pics with Sofia wearing a strap on and her tattoo (Annie), and my hand with the ring, my favorite was her with one dildo in her cunt and another in her mouth. Lastly I sent an email to every e-mail in our shared email mine and hers.

We loved each other so much that we shared each other's passwords. The emails happened to include a couple of modelling agencies...oops.

I turned off my phone. I shut down my accounts on social media.

I was still kind of puckish, so I searched for some ice cream of sorts. I found a pistachio ice cream tub from Huskies Deli which was in West Seattle and also Swedish. I made a pretty good dent in that. Left it melting on the table.

I took the ginger beers upstairs to my bed, along with my laptop. I locked my bedroom door. I fired up the Canadian Porn site and found some cuckold videos, with hot wives getting hammered by their bulls while some dipshit made up husband watched. Supposedly enjoying it.

I thought I could play with myself watching black men. All I could see in my mind was Sofia and I turned it off and wept and fell asleep crying.

I woke up with a pounding head ache, not hung over, but way too much fucking sugar and I felt shitty, so I took a long hot shower. I put some sweats on and some runners. I ran in high school and I think I should start and build up and get the process going and lose maybe fifteen pounds. I ran the two hundred meter and four hundred meter.

I came out of the bathroom and there three girls, little girls, maybe nine or ten and twelve I was not sure and they were fucking with my laptop and in my bag.

"Get the fuck out of my shit right now God damn it. Move NOW, "I screamed, "who the fuck are you to be in my shit."

They stood at the end of the bed, the little one was crying. I walked over to them and gently prodded them out my door and was just about to shut the door and shove a chair under the knob, but my fucking real dad who I'd not seen in five years with this big shit eating grin comes striding to me with his arms wide open as if he wanted to hug me.

I picked up the chair and jabbed at him and said, "Stay the fuck away from me you cheating, cock sucking pervert. I'll kill you I promise."

I grabbed my shit, laptop and put some of my clothes in my bag, grabbed my keys and went down the stairs and there was my mom and this other woman and perv-dad.

Mama said, "Sit down honey we need to talk."

I set my stuff down and went to the kitchen got some more ginger beer and palmed a six inch baby chef's knife.

She explained what was going on and I kind of zoned out, but they were all living together here and needed my bedroom for the girls. Referenced my upcoming marriage and I held up my hand as if to say stop. She did.

"I'm not getting married, "I said, "Sofie dumped me. I caught her cheating anyway, so can I live with Ramon? He's the only non-skeezy one around here now. What happened mom, did they double team you, plus you get to be number two mom?"

Perv-dad jumped up and stood menacingly over me and said, "We don't have to take any shit from you queer girl."

The women exclaimed big "Ohs," together seeing the chef's knife two inches from his throat.

"Back off perv. I'll cut off your johnson, you fucking cocksucker."

The other woman said, "Why do you hate him so much? He's your daddy!"

"They didn't tell you?, "I looked at my mom and she flushed and looked away."

I got up and walked over and stood next to my mom and said, "This is how much I mean to you? Big double wow. Call Ramon right fucking now and see if I can stay with him for a short while."

She did and handed the phone to me. Perv dad was still standing and I said pointing with my knife, "Sit the fuck down, "and he did."

"Ramone, I'm here in this total looney bin, Sofie dumped me and I came home and this shit show is hurricane force now. Can I stay with you for a month to six weeks, until I can figure where I'm going?"

He said yes and that he'd text me the address.

I turned and looked at the woman, "He's a freak, you have daughters, you've been warned."

I turned on my phone as I sat in the front seat of the Trooper and pecked in Ramon's address for Google directions.

My mom was pecking on my driver's window, I rolled down my window.

She said, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head and said, "You're so full of shit. Why didn't you divorce him six years ago? Do you think I'm fucking stupid. You bull shitted me all these years and the second you thought I was gone you were fucking him again, you've probably been fucking him the whole time haven't you?"

She looked down.

I said, "Bingo. Right now I needed a mother, all through high school I needed a mother and you don't even love me a little bit. Back away. You are dead to me. Forever. Do you know what I did because of him, you sick fucking bitch."

Not once did she deny anything.

I started the Trooper and headed towards Queen Anne Hill, where Ramon lived. His place was an older home on Comstock, that was really old, brick and wood siding, three stories plus a basement. A yard full of flowers and parking in the street. I parked at the curb, there was a walkway from the curb up to the sidewalk that continued up to his porch, three steps, with colored glass in the heavy door as I was about to knock the door opened and there was this stunningly beautiful woman.

She said, "You must be Annie, please come in. I am Nelinana and I am Ramon's youngest sister."

I giggled and she darkened and I said, "I'm sorry, I thought you were going to say his third wife and I was relieved."

She burst out laughing and hugged me and kissed both my cheeks and said, come on in. I have a Carbonada Criola a beef stew, Italian garlic bread, a nice Malbec.

We sat down and Ramon came to the table and I jumped up and hugged him as hard as I could and thanked him.

Nelinana dished out some stew and I exclaimed about the food and their home and as I ate, I felt the tension go out of me. She asked, "Do you want more stew?"

I shook my head and patted my stomach.

She said, "You have wine, some more bread."

I nodded. It was like she was my grandmother.

I asked her, "Are you visiting?"

She said, "I am a widow, my husband was in a plane crash, I have two sons in college both attending Yale because they row, crew you know. I work in the Argentinian Consulate. Translation and tourism."

I said, "I'm sorry about your loss Nelinana."

She said, "Coffee in the living room. Let me clear the dishes."

I said, "Can I help, " I started gathering up dishes carrying them into the kitchen.

There were two porcelain sinks next to each other. We washed and rinsed, next to each other just chattering. Then she said something that brought tears to my eyes.

She said, "I always wanted a daughter. Just this I longed for all my life. Women chatter, laughing."

I said, "I've discovered that I have an egg donor, who is a whack job. You can borrow me if you want. I need it and she does not care, "I started crying and she held me and I was hiccupping and my ribs hurt so much.

They walked me upstairs, supporting me and telling me it will be alright. I awoke and there were towels on the bed and a white bathrobe and there was a bathroom down the hall, I hoped and I walked down that direction. I found it and took a hot shower and washed myself and my bush was growing back, it was thin and blond and I also had underarm hair.

Tooth brush in the package was on the counter. Ten minutes and all done. I put my sweats back on.

I walked down the stairs and there was Nelina with coffee and toast. We sat and there was cream cheese and peach preserves. The coffee was strong, rich and hot and the toast with those toppings was good.

Nelina said, "Do you know Top Pot, doughnuts?"

I smiled.

She leaned in conspiratorially and said, "Don't tell Ramon, but I love apple fritters. Do you want one?"

I nodded and she stood on a stool and moved a big thing of flour and pulled down a bag and brought them to the table. We ate them and they were sublime. More coffee.

She took the bag and ran into the adjacent bathroom and tore up the bag then flushed it down the toilet. She said, "He is a traditionalist, but these are so good. I don't want to upset him."

"So, Sofia?"

I said, "Short version, I was straight, she seduced me and drove me wild, pretended to be in love with me, proposed to me with a huge ring and then in the space of ten days, disappeared from my life, lied about a grandmother dying and she had to go to Santorini where her Greek family was from and for a funeral, neither of which was true. I caught her four, no three days ago at her parents mansion in Medina with a huge Greek man, six foot nine and took videos and pictures and went scorched earth on social media."

"Then I went home to the Manson family redux, and you know the rest."

She said, "Do you not have any other clothes?"

I shook my head, "I'm a college student and I was going running when all the weirdness happened."

She said, "Ramon has some news that will help you down the right direction. Then we will go shopping. Girl's therapy. "

Ramone was there immediately and said, "Come out on the porch it's lovely."

We sat on some old wood chairs and I felt agitated.

He said, "The reason that your father is weird, is that he's not your father.

Somebody else is. He had a paternity test done of you because you do not look like him. He is not the father."

"They were married in Stockholm, because he is one hundred percent Swedish as is she. You're mom slept with someone, almost immediately, either before the wedding or on the wedding night."

I sat frozen to the chair and said finally, "So since I'm gone the evidence of his cuckolding is removed and the happy polyamory reality."

I said, "She's totally broke down now isn't she?"

He nodded.

"We had it out when I left, "I said, "She's been sleeping with him the whole time."

He said, "Really?"

I nodded and said, "She told me."

"She literally blames me as if I turned her into a slut. Rather I was the evidence that destroyed her marriage."

"So who is my biological father. Does she know who it is?"

He said, "She says she does, but won't reveal it to me or you. I argued with her that it was unfair to you and she said, it would just hurt her husband. So that concurs with your thoughts on how she feels about you. But an easy thing to do is do Ancestry.com or 23 and me and see if something turns up."

I said, "Okay, which one?"

Ancestry has more people worldwide and has a big presence in Sweden."

I said, "Why not both?"

He nodded yes and said, "I will order the tests and it will take a couple of days. You will just have to swab your cheek. The results take a bit, two to three weeks."

"I need to tell you both a story, "I said, "and it is really hard for me. Just after I had my eighteenth birthday, I woke up in the middle of the night and my dad was jerking off on me, standing next to the bed and it was all over me. Mom was standing behind him and when she saw I was awake, she rushed in making noise for him to stop. He'd been gone for several years at this point. It made me sick to my stomach."

"I don't know about cause and effect, but for the next fifteen months I slept with a lot of men and boys, all colors. I did one bachelor's party. Every male coach and three teachers. I caught chlamydia from someone and in the span of a week, I gave it to ten married men. I was a nun for a month after that and then Hurricane Sofia took me."

"It all seems so random, but we connected at a sorority pledge event. She took me and I had no chance. I am thinking out loud that one of the men I fucked was her dad or grandfather."

I crossed my arms on my knees, put my head now and was crying, when Nelinana said, "You're not Joan d'arc, nor should you be."

She went on, "My husband had partners, poor girls from the country side, from age eighteen to thirty and arrange marriages for them. Sometimes they would be with children. It infuriated me. I wanted children, he did not so he'd had a, how do you say snip snip..."

Ramon said, "A vasectomy?"

Nelina nodded and said, "I reached out to an old family friend and asked if we might have lunch. He took me to the Army Academy, in downtown Buenos Aires, so that we were all above board and if someone mentioned to my husband that we'd been seen, I could reasonably talk about my parent's farms and issues they were having."

"I explained my need and told him that has a girl I had a crush on him and that he was a spectacular man, handsome, strong and a stallion of a man. I then said, my husband was infertile and I wanted children so bad. I suggested that he was much more of a man than my husband and virile. I wanted two children, perhaps three and stated that he would sire them in short order. He immediately agreed to it, said it was matter of honor, between two families to keep the bloodlines going."

"He had a villa across from the old race track that was convenient and I could drive my car into the garage without being seen. In the meantime I told my father that my husband was cheating on me and to take pictures in case divorce was needed."

"I fell head over heels in love with him. He was a wonderfully strong lover, sensitive to my needs with stamina and the things he could do to me."

"With the pictures in hand, one day after work I told my husband that we had to talk. I told him that he had a vasectomy knowing I wanted to have a family and he had his whores in the face of that."

"I told him I wanted to stay married, at least the appearances of same, as long he did not publicly embarrass me. I told him that I was in love with Hernando and he was going to sire my children and we would raise them. Two boys within five years and then in a two month span both my husband and Hernando were gone. Plane crash and a heart attack."

"I tell you this Annie because you should forgive yourself, you did none of this.

Move on, okay?"

I nodded at Nelina and then leaned in and hugged her and said, "Thanks mama."

I went on, "I am way over weight. I ran the four hundred and eight hundred meters two years ago at Ballard High School.. I weighed one hundred and eighteen pounds. I know the type of routines that will get me in shape. I want to re-enroll in spring quarter.

"Can I stay"?

Ramon nodded and then said something, "If you were eighteen you could emancipate from your parents and we could adopt you. I have no children and Nelina already is your Mama and I think you need a father. Long winded answer, short version, you can stay the rest of your life."

I settled in and got some clothes that day and started running and in three months I had run myself down to one hundred fifteen pounds.

I drove over to "U-Dub" (Everyone in Seattle called University of Washington U-Dub) and went to the Admissions office just off University Avenue (The Ave) and got readmitted and got fifteen hours worth of classes, (English composition, American History and Economics 201 Microeconomics) which took forty five minutes, I had a banker's check from Ramon, so that went well too.

I drove to the Hec Ed Athletic Administration building and meandered around, I had my bag with my runners, shorts and sports bra and I knocked on this open door and I recognized coach Powell and her husband. She'd recruited me at Ballard.

She squinted at me and said, "Annie Nordstrom, right."

I smiled and nodded, then said, "Coach I think I might be able the team."

She got this not so nice look on her face and said, "Annie, we're pretty well loaded up with sprinters. We consider four hundred and eight hundred meters both sprints," she finished shaking her head."

With a smile I said, "I'm under fifteen at five thousand and just a tick over thirty one at ten thousand."

They both stared at me and she said, "Where you been?"

"I had some very unstable stuff happen with my parents and made some bad choices, but I'm with a stable mama and papa now. I'm not bullshitting about my times."

He stood up and ran out to the corridor and yelled, "India, do you have a second?"

This tall willowy red headed girl walked in staring at me. My hair was short now, and she was queer all day long.

She raised her eyebrows and he said, "Can you run a ten thousand with Annie? Do you have time to do so?"

"Sure, warms ups will take fifteen or so, then sure, " She walked out.

"I need to change and some place to put my stuff."

Coach Powell said, "There's a restroom down the hall and you can leave your bag here."

We were out to the track and it's purple and there's a green interior. We stretched, my routine was different, I mixed in some Yoga, which really helped me through my hips to loosen up.

We lined up, her on the inside. She was several inches taller than my five foot nine inches. My ass was much bigger than hers.

They had an automated starting sequence with bells and she got a jump on me and her stride was longer, but she was only a yard or so in front of me and I quickly was behind her shoulder by about eighteen inches. No matter what she tried, bursting or slowing down I stayed on her shoulder. She was strong through the fifteenth lap, then I could hear her struggling. Her breathing sounded ragged and I didn't think about it, I blasted past her. I was smooth just as I'd done in my workouts.

I listened to old Steely Dan songs in my head, and it helped my running and breathing, specifically "I don't want to your dirty work!"

Then Lou Reed, singing Walk On The Wild side, "Candy came from out on the Island, In the backroom she was everybody's darling."

Then I was kicking, it was the last lap and I could hear my feet pounding the soft track, like hammers and then I ran through the finish line and slowed way down and took a really slow lap to warm down.

I looked over towards the finish line and saw the girl I was running against and she was with both Coach Powels, wife and husband. I felt that I'd run well. My strategy to stick with her was good as far as winning, between us, I just didn't have a clue as to how fast we were going through lap fifteen.

Finally, I walked up to all three of them. The girl smiled at me.

Ms. Powell said, "You were not bullshitting us, Annie, your time was thirty fifty seven. How did you feel about how you ran Annie?"

I said, "Well I ran to win the race. If I stuck close I was pretty sure my kick would be better. So I feel good about that. If she ran faster early on I still think I would have won and had a better time."

She said, "What class are you?"

"I am a Freshman, I did not attend in winter quarter, but I am in Spring quarter."

"Could you catch up, in Summer quarter, Ms. Powell asked."

"Sure I could."

She said, "We'd like you run the indoor five thousand meter, to give you more experience in a hardball competition."

He said, "School starts Monday next, ten days out. We will have a locker for you, we are right in the middle of the season and tournaments will be right on us and you could win every race, but not qualify due to a lack of events, so we want to redshirt you so you still have four years of eligibility. You will practice with us the rest of this quarter and we have summer allowed training. Welcome aboard."

He hugged me and I started crying.

He said, "What's wrong did I say something wrong?"

I smiled at everyone, who all looked worried, "I said, I'm ecstatically happy. It's been a journey to get here and I'm amazed I made it. Thank you all so much for the opportunity. I won't let you down."

We walked back to the athletic building and I got my bag. Ms. Powell said, "India get her a towel, " Then to me, "here's your locker number and the combination to the lock.

We were showering and she said, "Who's Sofia? Why is there barb wire through the heart?"

"Somebody I used to know and gave my heart to and was engaged to her and she left me. Never said goodbye."

She said, "You're stunningly beautiful. Girls on this team are predators and will be after you like a pack of wolves. You must be careful."

"I don't have any friends and I sure could use a few. Are you with someone? I'm not hitting on you."

She said, "I've been in a relationship since my freshman year. She played basketball here and is with the Seattle Storm now. We are getting married next spring."

"Tell people, I'm damaged goods and am coming off a bad break up and will react badly to aggressiveness. Okay?"

She nodded and said, "You're bi-sexual aren't you?"

I nodded.

"So this summer have a guy pick you up after your workout. That will be like fly repellant."

We giggled.

She said, "Annie, "softly.

I looked to her and raised my eyebrows."

She said, "If I get dumped, I will come for you and never hurt you and make you happy for a lifetime, do you understand me?"

I was biting my lip and somehow, she was in my face and her face turned and her lips brushed my jaw and I was somehow staring at the ceiling and I felt her tongue on my neck and I groaned and I thought, oh I couldn't think, her thigh was between my legs and her fingers were feathers touching my ass and I threw my hands around her neck and laid my head on her chest so my face was in her neck.

I had not been with something or even masturbated for months, almost half a year and I came as the shower cascaded over us. I held on to her as I was afraid of falling.

Finally I said, "Why all the stuff about your fiancée?"

"She dumped me this morning and I was going to try to reconnect, but she's been cheating on me and then I meet you. Why want to be with a cheater, when the most beautiful woman alive is standing in front of me?"

"Please don't hurt me, I couldn't stand it if you did."

She started gently kissing me and softly caressing me and then she was all over tits and nipples and then she buried her beautiful face in my cunt and touched everything but my clit and except when she did I came like a runaway freight train. I collapsed on the shower floor and we were kissing and I said, "Baby ride my face."

She had a thick red bush and my tongue knew what do to immediately and I pushed her face down to my sweet spot and grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled her cunt up and down on my face, I slapped her ass and she came hard on my face. After some cuddles we showered and went our way. We shared our phone connect points and left.

When I got home and closed the door Papa yelled, "Annie, come here."

I went to his office and he was on his computer.

He said, "Your father is Benny Andersson and he is worldwide famous as one of the founders of the band ABBA."

"Have you ever listened to them?"

I shook my head and Papa had the song Mama Mia on YouTube and he played and the sound was good, two men and two women. Papa said "They were married and then broke up, the song is about them hooking up again. That's him on the piano.

He's seventy seven now."

I said, "So do you think him fucking my mom the night before her wedding or the day of her wedding is why my bio broke up with his wife."

He said, "Probably not directly. It seems from the lyrics that he was hitting on anything that moved. That's what being a rock star is all about?

End What's Mama Mia About Part one.

In the midst of Sofia's grief, Annie felt a pang of her own past heartache, remembering the time she was "jilted" and "feeling as low as I felt since my parent's separated."

After Sofia's return from Santorini, their connection only grew stronger. Annie admired Sofia's music taste, as they listened to ABBA's "Daddy What's Mama Mia About Pt. 01," and she couldn't help but notice the contrast between their physical appearances.

Despite their differences, they found common ground in their shared love for music and each other. Annie, who had a past filled with "mid to upper two digits" sexual relationships with men and boys, now found herself embracing her feelings for Sofia, a "size queen" who could have had any man but chose her.

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