Daisy's Detention

Daisy is punished in detention for being late for class.

Jul 24, 2024
14 min read
Daisy's Detentionconsensualteacherschool girlspankinglightfingering
Daisy's Detention
Daisy's Detention

Daisy's Detention

Daisy's Detention

I waved bye to my friends and headed back into the school building. Just my luck I thought, Half-day and I'm stuck with detention. Granted detention with the hot young English teacher who just came to the school last year, but still detention was detention, and for what? Being 10 minutes late to clarse a couple of times in one week? 'You are supposed to be a responsible are a 6 year, 18 years old, and should be setting an example to younger students. It's time you learned to get to clarse on time. 30 minutes of detention for every full 5 minutes you've been late I make that to be 2 hours' I stopped mimicking under my breath as I reached the classroom door and sighed. At least a couple of the others had stayed for lunch before going home. For a brief second I considered playing hookey and just leaving. But that would just get me in more trouble. And the school would probably phone my parents. I did not want them knowing I had 2 hours of detention.

I opened the door and the teacher was sitting behind the desk marking some papers. 'Your late' I'm told 'that's another half hour.'

'But Mr....'

'I'm not interested. Sit' he pointed to a chair at a single table directly in front of the desk without looking up. As I sat he continued marking the papers in front of him. It felt like a long time parseed, but in reality it was probably 5 minutes or so. He began to speak without looking up. 'You will not speak while you are in this room unless I give you permission, if you have something to say you will put your hand up and wait for me to acknowledge you. Otherwise you will be here much longer than two and a half hours.

In addition while we are here you will call me 'Sir'' Finally he looks up 'Is that understood?' I glare sullenly at the table in front of me.

'Yes Sir' I muttered to the desk.

'You will look at me when you address me, and you will speak clearly. What did you say?'

I look up at his face 'Yes Sir' I said loudly.

'Good. I'm glad we have an understanding.' He stood up and came around to the front of the desk.

'Now about your occupation. I think I've made it clear that while you're here I expect complete obedience from you.' There was a glint in his eye like he was enjoying himself, and I felt a tightening inside me. Despite being late for his clarsees I'd been attracted to him since he came to the school, and fantasized about him more than a few times.

He leaned casually against the desk with his arms folded and looked at me as if I were some sort of anomaly 'I think that you are a special case, in need of special treatment. I don't think simple detention will be enough to keep you focused on your punctuality and obedience.' I opened my mouth to reply, but closed it again; I didn't want to be here for any longer than I had to.

'Good you can keep control of yourself when you have sufficient motivation. Now why are you constantly late for clarse?'

I folded my arms mutinously and refused to answer. He smiled, 'Very well. I intend that you will obey me. When I ask a question you will answer. When I demand silence, you will be silent. And when I expect you to do something you will do it.' He moved around behind me but I refused to let myself follow him and kept my pose staring straight ahead. He asked the question again 'Why are you constantly late for clarse?' I stayed silent and suddenly he pulled on my hair hard enough to jerk my head back so I had to look up at him. I gasped in shock, and little butterflies moved in my stomach. 'What are you doing?' I managed to say, 'You're a teacher, you can't do this!'

He kept the pressure on my hair with one hand, my own hands had automatically moved to my head when he pulled and I had a hold of his wrist with both of them. He lowered his head next to my ear and whispered 'I've seen the way you look at me, ever since I came to this school, I know what you want Daisy, I know what you need. And I intend to give it to you.' I felt my eyes widening at his words and the tightening in my stomach grew. Abruptly he let go of my hair and grabbed both of my wrists pulling them behind me. 'I told you not to speak unless I gave permission, and you didn't answer my question Daisy.' I heard a metallic clinking noise as he pulled something out of his pocket and the next second felt handcuffs on my wrists. He calmly moved around to stand in front of me and smiled confidently. 'Now Daisy, if you don't want to do this we can go back to a normal detention. You will sit and write 'I will not be late for clarse' as many times as possible in' he glanced at his watch '2 hours and 45 minutes. Or I can teach you to obey me using my own...unconventional methods. I'll give you a few minutes to make your decision.' I watched as he moved towards the door and left. I heard the lock click behind him.

I tested the handcuffs, pulling at my wrists, thinking about it. It was seriously wrong. He could lose his job over this. Strangely that worried me more than the position I was in. I should have been angry, hurt, afraid of the advantage he had over me. But instead I was totally turned on, I thought about the ache in my scalp where he'd pulled my head back and shivered. I hadn't even needed to think about it, not really. My body had already decided for me.

I sat waiting patiently, the tension slowly rising in my core as I considered what he might do to me. Did I really want to do this? I sighed and tugged at the handcuffs again. He'd attached one side to the chair support as well somehow, so I couldn't stand without taking the chair with me. After what seemed years the door opened and he came back in, carrying a bag, he turned again locking the door behind him.

'Well Daisy, Which is it to be? You have my permission to speak so long as what you say answers the question.' He put the bag down on his desk and looked at me.

I looked up and opened my mouth to answer. 'I...I think' I licked my lips nervously, was I really going to do this? Yes. 'I think I'd like to try your unconventional methods.'

He smiled a sexy little boy grin 'Somehow I knew you would. I think we're both going to have a lot of fun this afternoon.' He turned his back to me and started taking things out of the bag.

'What's all that?' I asked hesitantly. He paused and turned. The authoritative look back on his face 'Did I give you leave to speak Daisy?' He asked

'No' I whispered looking down.

His eyes narrowed 'No what?' his voice was very quiet but there was a firmness to it.

I looked up at him, beginning to realize what I had agreed to 'No sir.' I said quietly.

'Oh training you is going to be fun. As you are just beginning your training Daisy, certain habits must be broken and basic lessons ingrained. Two of those I have already mentioned, however, I think that I will have to reinforce my commands until it is automatic for you to obey these basic rules. Do you know what those rules are Daisy?'

I hesitated and then answered 'Yes Sir. I will not speak without your permission and I will always call you 'Sir''

'Very good Daisy, however you missed a point, when given my permission to speak, you will only speak to give the requested response, if you allow yourself to make an undesirable statement, unconnected with the reason you have been given permission you will be punished as if you have spoken out of turn, is that understood?'

'Yes Sir'. He nodded and went back to unpacking the bag. When he was finished he turned.

'I have some presents for you Daisy. You will keep them in your locker and tell no one that they came from me. Now, I am going to let your hands free. You will stand up and bend forward at the waist your hands on my desk and look at what is there. Some of these will bring you pleasure, some pain and some a bit of both. How I use them and which I use depends entirely on your behavior.' I looked at him, but made no response.

He nodded. 'Good. You are beginning to learn the first lesson.' He walked behind me and undid the cuffs. I stretched my arms forward and hesitantly moved around my table towards the desk. Leaning forward at the waist I put my hands on the table as I had been told. 'Very good Daisy' He said, putting the handcuffs on the desk and gently running a finger down my cheek and following the line of my neck until it met my shirt. The first couple of buttons were already undone, but he undid two more, giving him a clear sight of my cleavage snugly held in my lacy red bra. 'We'll have to do something about this, but not just yet. Do you recognize any of these objects?' I looked at the table, there were a few objects I recognized from Anne Summers, a vibrating bullet, a paddle, 3 or four dildo's of different shapes and sizes, a small whip, a blindfold, the handcuffs, a bottle of lubricant, a feather, pleasure gel...but there were other things that I hadn't seen before.

I pointed out the ones I knew and he swept the rest back into the bag. 'We will begin your education with the objects you recognize. The rest can keep until later.' He came up and pressed behind me leaning forward over my back; I could feel a stirring in his trousers as he picked up the paddle from the desk, still bent over me he whispered in my ear. 'Since you are here primarily for punishment, I think we should begin with this.' I shivered, but didn't move and didn't speak, just as he'd told me, I could feel the smile as he pressed a kiss against my neck 'Very good Daisy, Oh very good indeed. Have you ever been spanked before?'

'No Sir' I breathed.

'Very well. I do need to punish you, but I will start gently as it is your first time. In future, your punishment will increase in line with your behaviour and limits. If you wish to stop this arrangement at any time, you will use the safeword 'Red'. I will stop, and we will return to conventional detention punishments. Do you understand?'

'Yes Sir.' I replied.

His hands went to my trousers and I went completely still as he undid the fastenings, 'In future, you will wear a skirt if you are coming to my classroom for any reason.' He pulled my trousers down and caressed my arse through my lacy red panties with his fingers 'Such a nice arse, covered in these naughty lace panties.' He gently pulling those down as well so my backside was completely bare. I noticed that he avoided my front however, being very careful not to touch.

The anticipation of that touch made me realize that I'd been holding my breath; I let it out and began breathing again. He moved back obviously satisfied. 'Such a nice round arse you have, I can't wait to see how it reddens under my spanking.' He spanked me firmly with the paddle 3 times in quick succession. Surprised I let out an involuntary cry.

He paused. 'I think 1 smack for every minute of lateness this week is a good number to begin with. However, for every sound you make an extra will be added. I make that to be 23 smacks from clarse, another 6 for being late just now, plus an extra for that noise.' He quickly spanked me again another 3 times, each time varying the placement of the paddle to cover both cheeks.

I grit my teeth and managed not to cry out. His hand caressed my arse again and I gasped, the spanking had made the nerves more sensitive and I could feel his fingers trailing along my skin, his hand moved to my crack and downwards between my legs, I almost moaned at the unexpected sensation of his hand pushing between my thighs but stopped myself just in time.

He made an appreciative noise 'move your legs apart' I glanced back at him and then toed off one of my shoes and shook off the trouser leg to hesitantly move my legs apart. 'Further.' He ordered, and without waiting for me to comply, used his own leg to roughly push mine aside until they were roughly 3 foot apart, giving him plenty of space to maneuver the hand between my legs. He gently ran his hand down my inner thigh back up again. I could feel the roughness of his fingers against the smoothness of my skin. 'So soft' he murmured, and delivered another 2 spanks surprising another cry out of me. 'You're disappointing me Daisy. I thought you would do better than that, 32 now.' He spanked me again and again. 'Such a nice shade of pink your arse is turning, I don't know if I'll be able to stop at 32 Daisy, what do you think? Hmm do you deserve more punishment?'

I was panting for breath and to keep myself from crying out, my eyes were watering slightly from the pain. He had said he would be gentle, but he wasn't being soft either. Strangely, while the spanking was painful, I also felt the wetness at my core intensify. Still, I didn't know how much of this I could take, and I didn't want to cry 'red' without knowing what else was coming. 'Please' I said 'Please stop.'

'Very well Daisy' he quickly spanked me 5 more times as I grit my teeth, then twice more before putting the paddle down on the table and pausing to caress me again. This time he slipped his fingers through my folds, and I heard myself whimper. 'This little cunt of yours appears to be weeping Daisy, it seems you are enjoying your punishment.' Another 5 smacks on each cheek alternating between them had me gasping in pain, but I managed to hold my position and not cry out. 'Very good Daisy, I knew you could control yourself when you want to. This white arse of yours is reddening nicely. I wish I had a mirror so I could show you how lovely it looks right now. Just 5 more to go.' I took a deep breath and waited for the final 5 spanks to come, but he took his time, teasing me. The tension inside ratchetted up another notch as I anticipated the smacks. It seemed he was taking care to position these last 5 to ensure my arse cheeks were blushing all over, with a good few seconds between each one.

'Now Daisy you may not have done as well as I could have hoped, but for a beginner you didn't do too badly. I think such behavior should be rewarded.' He picked up the bullet and knelt on one knee behind me, I could feel his breath as he blew on the sensitive skin of my behind, making me tingle all over. His hand caressed it again and he kissed each cheek gently. His hand slipped round me and cupped my pussy, he played along the slit trailing the cool bullet along my silky, moist folds, teasing me with it.

Gently he used his fingers to push my folds apart and laid the head of the bullet against my clit surprising another cry out of me. He slapped my arse with his hand at the sound and I moaned at the simultaneous sensations of pain and pleasure, he began to play the bullet against my clit moving it in an irregular pattern and giving me a slap each time I gave in to the mounting pleasure and moaned, steadying myself against the desk I was panting, struggling not to move too much, if I moved I knew he would stop and that was the last thing I wanted. He moved the little vibrator faster against me and I felt the my orgasm build as he put first one finger then two inside of me.

'What a greedy little cunt you have Daisy. Do you want to cum Daisy, are you close?' I moaned quietly at his words, pushing against his fingers. Lost in the sensation of the vibrations against my clit, and his fingers inside me.

'Yes Sir, so close. I'm going to cum Sir.' Abruptly the bullet was removed and his fingers stopped. 'No Sir, please don't stop.' The words came out before I realized I had said them. And abruptly he spanked me again hard, and then reached forward and roughly pulled my right breast out of its bra cup and pinched the nipple firmly. I hissed at the pain/pleasure of the unexpected contact, and my core gave a little jump.

'For speaking out of turn again Daisy.' He explained, then continued 'This cunt is mine while we are in this classroom Daisy, and it will cum when I give it permission and not before. Is that understood?'

'Yes sir. I understand.'

His fingers began running through my slit again, pausing to circle my clit, before dipping into my core and out again, in slow sensuous movements. I pushed against the contact needing more, but he kept the pressure light. 'What do you understand Daisy?'

'I understand that my...this cunt belongs to you while we are in your classroom Sir.'

'Very good Daisy.' His fingers left my folds again and I barely held back a groan of frustration before I felt them at my lips. 'Suck your juices off my fingers Daisy. Taste how hot and wet you are for me.'

I stilled. I'd never tasted my own sex before, but not wanting any more spanking, and very much wanting him to take me back to the edge and over it, I opened my mouth. He shoved his fingers in and sucked and licked them clean. I tasted sweet and a little salty, and I couldn't help giving a little moan at the loss when he pulled them back out again. His hands returned their attention to my needy hole. This time sliding the little bullet into me on a low setting and fingering my clit. The tension built again, and I moved my hips in small circular movements, gasping as he removed the bullet, and again fingered me curling two fingers into me, pushing in and out in a quick but forceful rhythm spreading my juices and bringing me close to the edge again.

'I'm close sir, so close, please don't stop sir, please let me cum.' I'm not sure how intelligible my words were as I bucked against him. But he didn't stop, saying 'That's it Daisy, cum for me, let me feel that pretty little cunt hug my fingers tight.' At his words the world came apart around me. I managed to keep the shout down to a deep groan. But he didn't stop. He continued finger fucking me as my orgasm hit, pushing me through it as I tightened around his fingers and my juices gushed over his hand.

He placed the bullet on the desk with one hand keeping the other between the folds of my inner lips He kept his fingers in my core and massaged my clit with his thumb as the aftershocks still moved through me.

He stood, and pulled me upright by the hair so I was standing, leaning back against him, moving us both backwards until he was sitting on my table, with me in front of him. I could feel the hardness of his cock against my still tender arse, still breathing heavily. 'Did you enjoy your reward Daisy?' I turned my head to look at him, my whole body felt utterly relaxed, the afterglow just setting in. 'Yes Sir, Thank you Sir.' I breathed the words out unsteadily. He kissed me gently on the forehead, and then whispered in my ear

'Your punishment isn't done yet Daisy, you still haven't told me why you have been late for class, and we have some time to go until your detention is over'

In the midst of her consensual detention, Daisy found herself intrigued by the teacher's unconventional methods, which included a light spanking as punishment. As she accepted her teacher's offer, she realized that the session would involve more than just traditional detention, involving fingering and other physical sensations. Despite the unexpected turn of events, Daisy remained silent, allowing the teacher to guide her through the session.

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