Danielle's Story Pt. 08

The tables are turned on Joe and Danielle.

Jul 27, 2024
25 min read
kidnappingfemale chastityDanielle's Story Pt. 08male chastityhumiliationnon-consentpunishment
Danielle's Story Pt. 08
Danielle's Story Pt. 08

Danielle's Story Pt. 08

Previous readers may know Danielle's Story contains consensual female chastity, but Part 8 introduces some new elements: Fmf, male chastity, kidnapping, and non-consent.


Joe Young kept Danielle's usual appointment time at 7pm on Friday. "Good evening, Ms. Marcan," he said when he entered her personal space. She wrinkled her nose and offered him a thin smile. "I know this must be awkward for you, but we're going to get your inspection done and I have some questions for you."

She peered at him quizzically. He's never polite, she thought with suspicion.

"Why do you have these appointments occurring weekly?"

Danielle looked puzzled. "Is that unusual?"

"Indeed," he replied, partially distracted with the tools he took from his case and laid out on her coffee table. He didn't bother to lay a cloth down to protect the wood as Adam always did. "Weekly appointments are normal in the beginning. They usually peter off to monthly sessions after a few weeks. Unless I see issues in today's inspection, we'll cut these down to monthly visits."

"You think you might be with me for months?"

"I don't know how long I'll be serving in this capacity. We'll get you in counseling to take care of the psychological component of the monitor's responsibility but I'll take care of your physical well-being. That'll have to do until either Officer Grant returns to his position or you are assigned to another monitor's case load. We are short staffed, though."

Mr. Young's inspection relied on the use of a small pillory that would fit around Danielle's neck, holding her hands up by her face, a spreader bar for her ankles, and a stern warning not to dare step out of place while the belt and thigh bands were off. He removed and set the thigh bands down on the sofa and unbuttoned her blouse to check the fit of the composite bra around her breasts and rib cage. Satisfied that Danielle would be unable to squeeze fingers or objects beneath the cups to get any stimulation, he moved onto her belt. He slipped a finger under the waistband and tugged at the front plate. "Have you lost weight?" he asked, touching the magnetic key to the front of the waistband. The belt separated in his hands and he carefully removed it.

"Maybe a few pounds," Danielle responded as Mr. Young guided her legs far apart and secured them in place with the spreader bar. Heaven forbid he should let her close her legs and feel pressure on her pussy, Danielle thought, annoyed. She eyed an armchair and imagined positioning herself over it, grinding down on the padded armrest.

"Are you aroused right now?" Mr. Young asked, noting the state of Danielle's pussy. He opened his laptop to take some notes.

Danielle blushed. How could she not get aroused when the belt was off? As fleeting as the chance may be for relief, it was the only opportunity she ever got. "It's not you or what you're doing to me," Danielle said quickly. "It's just that when it's off I start to imagine things."

Mr. Young smirked at her. "That's precisely why I secured you. Don't worry, Ms. Marcan. You're safe from yourself."

Mr. Young left Danielle to stand still for a half-hour while he made some on-the-spot adjustments to the belt. "It can be taken in or let out with the right tools," he told her as he turned screws inside the belt where they would be unreachable once it was locked onto her body.

"You can get dressed. We need to discuss some things before I leave." When she was ready, he had her sit and he began. "I'm supposed to ask all of Officer Grant's charges about their interactions with him. Has he ever approached you for sexual favors or made inappropriate offers that might lead you to believe that he could reduce your sentence?"

"No, of course not," Danielle said. "He's never been anything other than professional with me."

"Has he kissed you, or touched you inappropriately, outside of the context of his duties?"

Does he know? Danielle wondered. She thought carefully about her response. "It wasn't inappropriate really, but some accidents occurred. Touches that shouldn't have happened, for example." She further explained how Adam Grant suggested pursuing a relationship with her. "Everything was above board," she insisted.

Mr. Young looked genuinely surprised to hear that. "So you're saying that Adam Grant, a man of unscrupulous morals, has developed feelings for a criminal in his care: a woman who broke the law multiple times and sold her friend out to the authorities to lessen her own sentence."

Annoyance flashed across Danielle's face. "Officer Grant has a higher opinion of me than you do, but unlike you, he's actually taken the time to get to know me." Danielle opted against detailing the orgasm that Adam gave her. She decided that the "inappropriate touches'' she'd already reported covered it well enough. There was no reason to arm Mr. Young with information that could be misconstrued and used against Adam.

"What exactly is going on, Mr. Young?"

"I don't have all the details, but when someone is pulled from all their cases, it's usually because of a formal complaint alleging wrongdoing." Mr. Young paused. Could it be that Danielle was the one who'd filed the report? Was she deluded about Adam Grant's intentions toward her?

"It seems to me that one of Officer Grant's charges got the wrong idea about him and imagined that he was romantically interested in her," he said, smirking. "Reports like this get filed all of the time. People get locked up in these belts and get confused about the power and authority that their monitor has over them. This is doubly so when the charge is naturally submissive, as you are. They think their monitors are interested in them and when the monitor does not reciprocate, things can get messy."

Danielle felt the accusation in his words, and she decided to change the subject. "You'll take the thigh bands off next month when we have our appointment?"

He looked at her quizzically as he resecured her devices and released her wrists from the pillory around her neck. "Why would I remove the bands?"

"The punishment is for one month."

Mr. Young scrolled through his laptop, reviewing the notes on her profile. "No. It doesn't say that. It says the bands will be applied for a minimum of one month. The original warning says your monitor can opt to use them for the duration of your sentence with the D.O.C." He pulled his glasses from his face and looked at Danielle. "I think you need them, and I am choosing to keep them in place."

Panic set in instantaneously. "No!" she shouted at him. "That's not what Officer Grant said! He said..." She paused while she recalled his exact words. "He meant one month, and the longer time frame was a threat. It's one month. I'm only supposed to be in them for one month!"

"Officer Grant is not here, and I don't think he's going to be your monitor going forward," he said, tucking his laptop into his bag and closing it.

"Your hormones are so strong that immediately after being convicted of a serious crime, you solicited me for sex," he explained. "Sex was a higher priority for you than feeling remorse for involving your best friend in your illegal activities. When your next long-term monitor is found, the notes they will see will all indicate that you should be in these bands for the next four and a half years."

"No, no, no!" Danielle shrieked, but Mr. Young remained unmoved.

This can't be happening! When Mr. Young left for the evening, she removed her skirt and pulled and tugged at the hated bands hoping to reveal some weakness in their design. She pulled her thighs apart as wide as she could get them and then continued to strain against the confines of the short cord which connected her legs together. The composite cord was deceptively strong, and it held firmly when she grabbed it and heaved with all her might, trying to snap it. Tears streamed down her face. She'd lost Adam as her monitor, she may have misconstrued his advances and made them out to be more serious than he intended, and these fucking bands could be on her for the next four and a half years. In fact, she reasoned, there was a decent possibility that she was nothing more than a conquest for Adam if other women were complaining about him. What if he makes proposals like this to lots of women just to see who will take the bait? Adam knows exactly how to reach her and where to find her, so why hadn't he contacted her to explain things? Everything was suddenly a mess!


"Jennifer, you can't do this," Joe Young told his girlfriend the following evening. I need my phone back in the room with me. What if I get a call?"

"I'm pretty sure I can do this," Jennifer replied, tightening the straps on Joe's wrists and ankles. "And don't worry about your phone. You're busy with me right now." She stepped back to admire her work.

"Besides," she added. "There's no service up here."

The mountain cabin Jennifer had taken him to was meant to be a romantic retreat, but the tenor of their getaway changed quickly once they arrived. She had wanted to experiment with being a Domme, and Joe had agreed, interested to see that side of her. In the primary bedroom of the cabin, Jennifer had rigged up a system to tie Joe down spread eagle on the bed. She had asked him to make some composite cuffs for his own ankles and wrists, but Joe crafted a backdoor release into the items that he could use to free himself... but only if his phone was in the same room and in range of his voice. Jennifer snatched it off the nightstand where he left it and removed it from range. She was onto him and his tricks and wanted this to be an authentic experience of domination. It was not his nature to accept being at someone else's mercy.

"There's no service? Why didn't you tell me that before we left? Jennifer, I need to stay in contact with work. I'm serving as an interim monitor for several of Adam Grant's charges. What if I get a call?"

Jennifer raised her eyebrow. "You're serving as a monitor? Why you?"

"Short staffed," he explained tersely. "Please bring my phone in here."

Understanding dawned on Jennifer's face. "Joe, do you have custody of Danielle?"

"Temporarily," he confirmed.

Jennifer quickly suppressed the expression of surprise that flashed across her beautiful face. "We don't have a signal up here. The phone stays where it is."

Joe jerked in protest as Jennifer dragged her perfectly polished fingernail across his chest and down to his groin where she coaxed his cock into hardness. "I see you like it when a woman takes the reins."

He would worry about the phone later, Joe decided. For the moment, he was safe and he would focus on his physical desires. She straddled his chest, facing his cock, and leaned forward to give him a view of her ass, which was the only access he'd ever had to her body since she had been forcibly locked into a chastity belt six months ago.

"Maybe you've got a little bit of masochism in you after all," Jennifer purred. She stroked his length, pumping him to grow harder, and then took his head into her mouth, suckling his sensitive skin, and rolling her tongue along the rim. She licked him from tip to base and finally took him fully into her mouth, swallowing as needed to accommodate him. She fondled his balls in one hand and balanced her weight on the other as she brought him to the brink of climax and stopped. "Isn't it so frustrating to be denied your climax when you're so close?"

"Oh, come on, Jennifer. Finish me off!" He tugged impotently at the restraints and bucked his hips, searching for her hands or mouth. His view was entirely blocked by her backside, which was thrust into his face.

"No." she said simply as she climbed off of him and opened a drawer to withdraw the sparkly pink cock cage that he normally kept in his workshop. It was instantly recognizable, and Joe's face turned white.

"No, no, no, no, no," he pleaded, twisting around in his bonds, as though he could somehow dodge what was most certainly to come. "You can't use that on me. That's a very, very, serious device. One not to be played around with."

Jennifer turned the device over in her hands and pulled the pieces apart, preparing it for use.

"Jennifer, put it away right now!" Joe was firm in his demand, trying to use his voice to compel her to take his lead, but he was at a severe disadvantage, being restrained to the bed.

"Joe," Jennifer said in a syrupy-sweet voice. "I found a little report on your laptop. You left it open on your screen, and I swear I wasn't snooping, but I noticed it and I saw my name on it. I'm awfully sorry, but I did read it."

Joe grew quiet and still as he listened to Jennifer.

"You have been a disloyal boyfriend, Joe. That report you wrote up will put your beloved girlfriend into a very sticky legal situation with criminal charges. I don't think I'll get away with a sentence for a minimum security belt. Maybe I can convince the powers that be that a prison sentence is too harsh, and get them to let me free with a maximum security belt, but any way I roll the dice on this, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble."

Joe heaved a deep breath as he considered how to play his hand. "I wrote the report because it's my job to write it, Jennifer. I didn't send it, though." Joe knew deep down that he had to submit the report, but for the first time in his career, he was conflicted about enforcing the law. Doing so would mean losing Jennifer and destroying her life. He delayed submitting it while he sought some "hypothetical" advice from a state prosecutor.

"And you are not going to send it!" Jennifer screamed at him.

"I won't send it, Jennifer. You can watch me delete it."

"Oh, you're going to delete it, Joe. You're going to delete it and you are not going to rewrite it. You see, Joe," Jennifer said, displaying the cock cage for him to see. "I have a little insurance policy."

"Pineapple!" Joe cried out. "Pineapple!"

"No, no. We're not safe wording anymore. You hold the key to my freedom with that report you so articulately wrote up, and I will hold the key to your freedom in a secure safe that only I know the combination to."

"Jennifer, that cage is not for play! It's not even for D.O.C. usage. The design was rejected! -And rightfully so!"

"I know!" Jennifer replied brightly. "You told me all about it."

"I did?" Shit, I did, he thought, recalling how he told her about the design to impress her.

"Jennifer, if you want to play this game with me, do it with another device. That one is dangerous."

"No, Joe. I'm not playing a game. I'm using this device because no other cage or belt will motivate you to behave quite like this one will. All of your designs have a backdoor exit plan, don't they?"

"For medical emergencies only. The hospitals have copies of the keys required to take the belts off."

"But not this one!" Jennifer said with a wicked grin. She looked down at his cock that was still partially erect. "We'll have to take care of that before we get you dressed in your pretty new cage, Joe!" She set the pink device beside him on the bed and left him alone with it to contemplate what was to come.

When Jennifer returned, she carried an ice bucket and some towels. "Fuck," Joe muttered. "You can't do this! Pineapple! This is serious!" He wiggled his hips, twisted and turned, trying to avoid the ice bath that he understood would come before she locked the cage on him. Jennifer smacked his balls hard and he pulled against his restraints in pain. As he lifted his hips against the unwelcome sensation, she stuffed the towels beneath him and doused his cock with ice water. He screamed and his cock shriveled up in response.

The pink cage was designed to be held into place with a small ring that would encircle the top of his ball sack. It was not wide enough to fit even a single testicle through, so to apply it, Jennifer opened the ring at the hinge and stuffed the loose skin of Joe's scrotum into it before closing and clipping it shut, trapping his balls below. She applied a locking pin to hold the ring against a solid tube into which she forced his cock. Joe's penis was completely enclosed in composite from the base to the head. The tube was gently curved for comfort and made the device less noticeable under clothing. There was a hole at the bottom for urination, but he would need to sit to use the bathroom; a humiliating addition to the design of every device he created for male offenders. Surrounding the device was a glittery pink mesh shield that protected the inner tube and ring from being tampered with and encased his ballsack.

The pink device was made for a specific offender, who had been smaller than Joe, so the cage was uncomfortably tight and escape even more out of reach. "It's too tight!" He pleaded with Jennifer. He bargained, flattered, and begged, but nothing he said stopped her from securing all the pins in place and locking the cage with the magnetic key. Joe looked devastated but Jennifer only smiled like a Cheshire cat. She surveyed her handiwork, pulling and tugging on the device.

"I designed it well," Joe responded nervously.

Jennifer dashed back to the drawer and pulled out a wireless controller. "Fuck," Joe whispered, defeated, when he saw it. That controller could do a lot of damage. He had been hoping Jennifer had not realized the device came with one.

"Please be careful with that! You could accidentally lock me up for ten years!" Joe's voice sounded very panicky.

"Oh don't worry, Joe! I got some practice with the device and the locking system. I think I have a good idea how it works, so if I program this for ten years, it'll be on purpose." She grinned at Joe and keyed something into the handheld unit. "Let's get started with one day, and we'll see how that goes." The cage beeped in acknowledgment of the minimum lock time.

Hearing the tone, Joe understood there was no possible way that he would be released before one day, and even after the day had expired, he'd still need the key. Both elements were in Jennifer's control.

"Jennifer, I'm not consenting to any of this. You're holding me, a law enforcement officer, against my will and you're blackmailing me to prevent me from turning you in. You broke the law, Jennifer!"

Jennifer touched her fingertips to her chest. "Oh my!" she said sweetly. "I see one day isn't going to be enough. Let's make it two!" She keyed two days into the controller.

"No, Jennifer! That means three days! You can't take away from the time you already programmed! You can only add to it!"

Joe's device beeped in confirmation of the new minimum lock time. "Oh," Jennifer said, sounding mildly remorseful. "Well, I'll be careful not to do that in the future. We wouldn't want to have any incidents like that if I have to start keying in months or years. " She held the remote up and said, "I'm going to put this away for now. Be back later!"

It was evening when Jennifer returned. Joe remained tied to the bed, and Jennifer felt it was time to offer him a bathroom break.

"Joe, I'm going to need your best behavior as I prepare you to be moved. If you give me a tough time, I'll have to add another week to your lock cycle. I know you don't want that."

She proudly showed him a wide pink locking collar, wrapped it around his neck and secured it with a small padlock. She placed two padded mitts over his hands and released one of his wrists from the tether on the bed, locking it to the loop at the front of the collar. She repeated the steps with the other arm. She carefully released his ankles, joined them together with a six-inch hobble chain and walked him to the bathroom.

"I feel like you need a harness," Jennifer said when he finished his business. She secured a pink strappy harness to his torso, locking it at his sternum and dangling a little bell from the hasp of the lock so she could hear him as he moved about the cabin.

She escorted him to the kitchen and placed a bowl of stew on the floor. Joe sighed deeply, understanding what she expected. He hadn't eaten since breakfast and the food smelled good. Reluctantly, he dropped to his knees and balanced his torso on his folded elbows, carefully lowering himself to slurp up bites of food. His face was quickly covered in thick stew and he grimaced when Jennifer cleaned him up with a warm, wet cloth.

She had changed her clothes and Joe realized that the tell-tale sign of her belt was not present under the fitted skirt she wore. Her waist should appear much bulkier.

"Where is your belt?" he asked her.

"Oh Joe, yet another point of disloyalty to your girlfriend! You had the key to my belt in your laptop bag!"

"You went through my bag? Jennifer, I didn't have the key for long, and I couldn't use it anyway. I could have been fired! At the very least, I'd be forbidden to see you anymore."

Jennifer's fingernails raked through Joe's hair as he knelt before her and she pulled his chin up to look at her. "I'm sure you could have worked something out, Joe. But you chose not to." She took the hem of her skirt in her fingers and slowly inched it upward, baring a freshly shaven, unrestrained pussy. "Let's get started on making up for some of the disloyalty right now." She thrust her hips toward Joe's face and widened her stance, allowing him access to her.

Joe knelt before Jennifer. In spite of his situation, his body was responding with enthusiasm and his cock strained against the confines of its prison. A prison, he reminded himself, that he was powerless to remove. That thought terrified and aroused him at the same time. Jennifer's authoritative stance was also arousing. Perhaps, she was having a mental breakdown, he thought. Maybe she would be reasonable when she felt safe and secure once again. He leaned forward and gave her a tentative kiss on her pubis, burying his lips into the fleshy mound. He heard her moan in anticipation and smelled her excitement. A tongue flick down below confirmed what he already knew; she was moist and eager for his attention.

His kneeling position didn't make it easy to reach Jennifer's pussy, so he had to hunch over to get the angle right. She didn't seem to care about his discomfort, and quickly lost herself in the sensation of his tongue exploring her folds. Joe reached out to find her clit, which he licked and flicked numerous times with his tongue, much to her apparent satisfaction.

"It's been way too long since I've had this," she said, half-lost in the experience. She reached forward to Joe's head and pulled him closer to her, mashing his nose into her mound. The limited amount of air that reached his nostrils was filled with her scent. Joe responded by deepening the pressure on her clit, licking harder and with more vigor. He felt her moisture increase in response to his touch as the sounds escaping her lips grew from little mewls to moans and groans.

The minimum lock-time programmed into his cock cage could not be overridden. He'd purposefully locked himself out of the system once the timer was set, so she'd be unable to release him, even temporarily, until the countdown was complete. Still, he was experiencing some satisfaction in pleasuring Jennifer.

"Keep going," Jennifer demanded as she sat herself down on the kitchen chair and spread her legs wide for him. Joe leaned in and buried his face into her pussy, licking her slit, sucking on her lips, and plunging his tongue deep inside of her. He swirled his tongue within her, sucked hard on her clit, and lapped her juices up as they smeared across his face.

Her orgasm was quick, and Jennifer had difficulty controlling her body as her first clitoral orgasm in six months rose and crested. She grunted with pleasure and pulled Joe's face even harder against her pussy as she rode out the orgasm.

She didn't thank him for his efforts. It took her a few moments to come down from the orgasmic high, and when she had her wits about her once again, she patted Joe on the top of the head. "You did well," she said, pleased. "You may wear my scent on your face for the rest of the day."

She looked down at Joe's caged crotch. "Too bad you were such a bad boy and needed a time out from your cock. Otherwise, you might be blowing your load right now."


"I'm so glad we met up, Jennifer," Danielle said as she took a warm, welcome sip of coffee. Jennifer smiled and held up her paper cup as if to toast. "Here's to mending our friendship and forging forward into a new chapter." They touched their cups and sat back on the patio chairs at the coffee shop, chatting and laughing like old times. Danielle had been over the moon when Jennifer texted her with the invitation for coffee and the promise for a new beginning. Perhaps with her sentence half over and a new boyfriend, Jennifer's disposition had improved.

As the girls sat and drank their lattes, Danielle told her about the problems with Officer Grant, and Jennifer revealed that she'd heard through the grapevine that he was touching women inappropriately, and soliciting them for sexual favors. He would surely be terminated after the investigation was completed. Jennifer must be getting the inside scoop from her boyfriend, and Mr. Young would know. Danielle felt a pit in the bottom of her stomach open up as Jennifer described what she had heard. Danielle understood that moving on was the best course of action, as painful as it was.

"So, I was thinking," Jennifer said, "I've got the cabin for the month. My parents aren't using it and they insisted that I take some time for R&R. I need to do some healing from all of this. I want you to come up with me for a weekend. We'll do crafting, and we'll do some nature trails, and we'll watch rom-coms together. I think it'll be a good retreat for you and me to do some healing too. It's time, Danielle. I need to let go of my anger."

Danielle's lips parted in surprise. "Yes!" She said quickly "Oh, my goodness, yes!"

"Great then! How's this weekend sound?"

Danielle nodded her head quickly. She'd happily reschedule her appointments for time with Jennifer. She just wanted everything to go back to normal between them.


Danielle scurried through her apartment as quickly as her fastened legs would carry her, grabbing items and tossing them into an overnight bag. "I'm so glad I could get a few hours off of work so we could get an early start to the cabin," she said as she folded a few t-shirts and packed some loose skirts. Pants were out of the question given the thigh bands that now tethered her legs together.

"Don't forget hiking boots!" Jennifer said.

Danielle emerged from the closet with a pair of canvas tennis shoes in her hands. "Hiking boots? I don't think so. How about strolling shoes? I can barely climb a staircase."

Jennifer chuckled. "That's right! Okay, strolling shoes it is.

Danielle blushed. "Yeah, your boyfriend has a sadistic mind," she said wryly. "Officer Grant told me he'd keep me in them for a month, but Mr. Young wants them on for the duration of my sentence."

"Joe can be cruel to his 'clients' as he calls them." Jennifer said sympathetically. "He's learning to put himself in their shoes, though. I'm working on him."

How about we leave our phones behind," Jennifer suggested as she set her smart phone down on the kitchen counter. "I have a burner phone for emergencies; no internet. Calls and texts only."

But what if Adam messages? Of course he wouldn't message her. He's a player and he got caught. If he has any decency at all, he's feeling too ashamed of himself to even try to reach out. "Okay, yeah sure," Danielle said, setting her phone down on the counter beside Jennifer's. She suddenly felt a sense of empowerment. She was getting away from the Adam Grant drama and she was going to have a nice time with her friend. This was going to be a wonderful, phone-free, healing weekend!

Jennifer squealed in delight and the pair made their way downstairs. "You're borrowing your parents' car?" Danielle said when she saw the gleaming red vintage roadster waiting for them.

"Hell yeah! We're going to have so much fun!"


The familiar sound of gravel shifting under the car tires roused Danielle from her sleep. They were pulling up to the cabin. "I love this place," Danielle commented as they parked the car. "It reminds me of childhood." With the horrible thigh-bands hindering her movement, she struggled to get out of the vehicle but once she did, the restraints were temporarily forgotten as she took her surroundings in. They were surrounded by mountains in a spectacular 360-degree panorama! Trees were in bloom, the grass had turned green again, and the sky was clear. She walked to the edge of a river close to the little log cabin and inhaled deeply. When she and Jennifer were children, they used to wade in the water to catch salamanders on the rocks and take tubes out to the center of the river where it was too deep for their feet to touch. Jennifer's father warned them repeatedly to stay closer to shore because he worried that their feet would get wedged into the rocks. She smiled at the memory. The cabin looked exactly the same as the last time she'd been there, when she and Jennifer were still in high school. Shade trees protected the cabin from too much heat, and wildflowers had sprouted, giving the cabin a welcoming touch.

"You loved it. Past tense," Jennifer said, correcting Danielle's earlier statement. "I'm not so sure you're going to love it this time." With that, she tossed the key to the roadster into the river, as far as she could.

Danielle looked on with horror as the key sailed over the water in a graceful parabola and plunked into the rapid current about half-way across. She put her hand over her mouth as she gaped. "What did you do that for? How are we going to get home?" Danielle looked panicked. She knew the river was too deep to retrieve the keys. "My stuff is still in the car!" Danielle said.

"Relax, I've got copies of the keys in the safety deposit box in town. Don't worry about your stuff. I have everything you'll need for your stay inside."

Without warning, Jennifer snaked a hand around Danielle's wrist and swiftly cuffed it. Danielle stumbled as the thigh bands thwarted her efforts to run. With Danielle half on the ground, Jennifer easily pulled her free wrist into the cuffs and hauled her to her feet. Tugging her by the upper arm, Jennifer marched Danielle into the cabin, ignoring her protests.

"Are you out of your mind, Jennifer?" Danielle hollered as she was roughly deposited into the entryway of the cabin. The front door was locked with a deadbolt that required a key to open, even from the inside.

"Oh, I'm out of my mind all right, Danielle. And it all started with you," Jennifer hollered as she hauled Danielle down a short corridor to the bedroom they shared as children.

On the bed, Danielle noticed an outfit that she'd never choose to wear. But Jennifer made it clear it was meant for her. With a pair of sewing shears, Jennifer cut Danielle's clothing away and stood back to admire the devices locked onto her body. "Wow!" she said, exploring Danielle's belt, which was quite different from her own. "They've got you locked up good!" Danielle's pussy was fully visible through the transparent dome-shaped shield that encased her crotch and formed a tight seal against her skin. "That must drive you crazy!" Jennifer said, impressed with the design.

"It does," Danielle said flatly. She wished she could cover herself up, but her hands remained cuffed behind her back. Jennifer produced something from her pocket and waved it in front of Danielle. Danielle's lips parted in surprise when she recognized the magnetic key that would unlock the devices.

"Where did you get that?" Danielle asked.

"I took it from Joe," Jennifer said proudly as she opened the composite bra that trapped Danielle's breasts behind unyielding hardness. The cups separated and her breasts spilled out, their weight settling on her chest. "I don't like the bra, Danielle, but I sure do like the chastity belt."

Danielle frowned. "What are you doing, Jennifer? This was supposed to be a weekend of healing."

Jennifer laughed. "Healing for me, maybe. Not so much for you. You have a debt to pay me, and you'll be working that off this weekend." Jennifer twirled her finger, telling Danielle to turn around. There were two beds in the room, and when Jennifer told her to bend over, Danielle instinctively went to the small twin bed she'd used as a child. She felt Jennifer's foot kick the inside of her ankle, nudging her feet as far apart as the thigh bands allowed. Danielle felt the magnetic key touch her chastity belt, and it partially opened, giving Jennifer access to her pussy and anus.

"What are you doing?" Danielle asked, surprised.

"I'm modifying your belt just a bit to make your stay here this weekend more enjoyable, Danielle."

With that, Danielle felt a smooth object being inserted into her pussy. She moaned with pleasure as it was seated deep within her, and she instinctively moved her hips around, trying to increase her contact with the object, or get it to rub up against her clit. Jennifer used the opening at the bottom of the belt to anchor the dildo firmly into place, keeping it out of reach of Danielle's clit. An additional object was pressed against her rectum and forced into place with the aid of some lubricant. "Oh my goodness!" came Danielle's muffled response as she buried her face into the blankets, hoping against all odds that Jennifer would keep adjusting the dildos and provide her, even if by accident, with a much needed orgasm.

"Oh, no, no, Danielle. You're being punished. No fun for you." A sharp slap landed on Danielle's ass and the shield and rear-strap were replaced, leaving Danielle unable to move the dildos inside of her. Their presence only increased her need for release. Jennifer pulled Danielle up by the shoulders and began dressing her friend in the clothing she'd selected.

This consisted of a fetish-style maid's costume with a lace up corset that left her breasts completely exposed. Jennifer added some jewelry to Danielle's nipples, which Danielle realized could be tightened to pinch her as hard as Jennifer wanted. The accompanying skirt was fitted, impossibly short, and had been modified to give onlookers a clear view of the window to Danielle's locked up pussy. Jennifer laced a pair of thigh-high latex stiletto boots up Danielle's legs, and locked them into place. She added a pair of shiny metal cuffs to Danielle's ankles and replaced the handcuffs with a matching set, each with a D-ring welded to the surface. Jennifer ran a short chain through the rings on Danielle's wrists and around her waist, keeping her hands free to carry out simple tasks, but still well under Jennifer's control. She put a metal collar engraved with the words "Bitch Slut" around Danielle's throat and secured it with a small padlock.

When Jennifer was satisfied with Danielle's appearance, she plopped a lace cap on her former friend's head, and led her out to the living room of the small cabin. The dildos buried inside of Danielle shifted with her strides, but were not positioned to do anything more than enhance her arousal. Her thirst would not be quenched with the current configuration.

Danielle's eyes settled on a man wearing a pink leather hood and matching harness locked onto his torso. He was seated in a recliner and the TV displayed a sports channel which he had presumably been watching during the hours Jennifer had been gone to pick up Danielle. He wore a pink leather collar and his hands were locked behind his back. One other item grabbed her attention even more than the hood: the glittery pink cock cage she'd seen in Mr. Young's workshop. An electrical cord led from the wall to the top of the cock cage where it was firmly embedded into the pink composite. The hooded figure silently watched the women.

"Uhm, Jennifer?" Danielle asked quietly. "Please tell me that is not Mr. Young."

The man lowered his head, shaking it sadly. Danielle gasped. With a self-satisfied smile, Jennifer strode over to the bound man, unzipped his hood and removed the ball-gag that had been crammed between his teeth. Finally freed, Joe Young looked up at Danielle. "Well, hello, Marcan. I had a feeling I'd be seeing you soon."

  1. The new monitor mentioned that the weekly sessions might become monthly, but Danielle was concerned about the possibility of having the male chastity device kept in place for the remaining duration of her sentence due to some alleged incidents with the previous monitor and non-consent.
  2. The kidnapping of Danielle was a major turn in the series, with the captor explaining his intention of keeping her in a state of humiliation and female chastity as punishment for her past crimes, and using a non-consentual male chastity belt on her as a part of this punishment.
  3. The new female monitor for Danielle was surprised to learn about the alleged incidents between Danielle and her previous monitor, and it was revealed that Danielle had been forced into a humiliating situation involving male chastity and non-consent due to the past actions of her kidnapper.

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