Celebrity Sex Stories

David Ross Reveals the Secrets of Spy Noir Artform

Autofellatio fantasy comes true, possibly leading to further experiences.

May 4, 2024
9 min read
rossoral sexoral

David Ross Reveals the Secrets of Spy Noir Artform

Note: All characters in this narrative are over 21 years old. This is a piece of fiction, except for the dream sequence, and any resemblance to individuals, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

As I stood in the queue at the grocery store, two other people were ahead of me, each with an overflowing cart filled with assorted food items. I couldn't help but laugh quietly, amazed at how I found myself preoccupied with reminiscences of a strange recurring dream I'd been having recently.

In the dream, I was curled up in a fetal position, my arms beneath and behind my legs. The crook of my knees just skimmed the top of my shoulders, and my stomach was pulled in tightly. My hand held the erect object that dangled between my legs while the other cupped my behind. My middle finger was pressed against my anal opening for good measure. With a deft twist of my body, I thrust my lips around my growing penis, sucking it firmly as I used my right hand to pump my cock. My left hand, meanwhile, found its way to my anus, inserting my left middle finger and pushing it in and out in a rhythmic motion.

The tension in my balls was building, and my swollen cock was about to release its load. I started cumming in my mouth, swallowing it all despite the orgasm's intensity. My entire body shook with the power of the ejaculation.

I woke up in a cold sweat. My boxers were drenched in a mixture of cum and sweat, forcing me to get out of bed and head to the shower. Despite my straight, heterosexual orientation and the fact that I had never been interested in men, the dream seemed to have gotten stuck in my head.

Ever since college, I'd been learning and practicing yoga. I've always been nimble, and my thin, 7 1/2-inch cock never failed to react to a challenge. If I truly wanted to, I could undoubtedly suck on my own penis, but I'd never imagined wanting to do so.

Until now.

Despite my shock, there I was, standing in a grocery store with a hard-on just from remembering the dream.

"Next, Next, NEXT!" the cashier announced, interrupting my musings. The woman behind me nudged me with her cart.

"Sorry, just spacing," I muttered sheepishly. I proceeded to unload my items onto the conveyor belt. My mind started racing. Why would I be having a dream like that? I'm a straight man—right? I'd known gay guys—let's call them more like acquaintances—but I'd never desired to be with them or have any kind of intimate encounters with them.

"That'll be $269.69, sir," the cashier announced, whilst bagging my purchases.

Flashing my credit card, I paid the amount and received my receipt.

As we left the aisle, a familiar voice called out. "Ross? Ross Warner, is that you?" I turned around to see a chummy face—Steve Jacobs.

"Stevie," I responded, stunned. "It's been what, almost ten years now?" Steve had been a teammate on a local softball team for about six years but, due to the demands of my job, I had to leave.

Stevie advanced towards me, offering his hand for a handshake. Before I could return the gesture, we embraced in a loving hug, my mind wondering why I didn't want to relinquish the contact. Was I turning red at the thought? I smiled, feeling a surge of emotions as I declined.

"Ross, meet Cassie." The elegantly dressed woman looked at me with mirth. "Ross, you're still looking good, my friend!" acknowledging the irony.

Our banter filled with laughter, I could sense the sexual innuendo lingering in the air.

"Cassie, this is Ross. Hi, Cassie," I said in a coy manner.

Her smile widened as she pushed her cart outside.

Steve and I exited the building, finding that our vehicles were parked close to each other.

"No more ball, Ross. But, I still maintain a good shape..." Steve struck a pose. I couldn't believe I had stared at his taut ass as he twirled. Crap. It seems I'm in need of some nooky.

We chatted about unusual topics for another ten minutes, involving my divorce. Then I informed him that I had to depart since I had various things to put in the freezer.

"Ross, what are your plans for tomorrow? A group of us is planning to fire up the grill and fix burgers, along with other items. We have some group games all set up for everyone's enjoyment in teams. There are numerous single females present, including Cassie. Do you desire to join us for a few hours? I merely reside a brief distance from here." I could sense by his appearance that he anticipated me to decline, but I stunned him.

"Sure," I responded, flashing as genuine a grin as I could. "I could benefit from a pleasurable distraction. My children reside with their mother, therefore it's essentially just myself and my cats. Here is my number. Text me your address." Stevie immediately obtained his phone and dispatched me the address. I glanced at my screen and beamed. "What can I contribute?"

I couldn't believe the expression on Stevie's face as he responded, "Bring only your swimming trunks. We have all the food and alcohol covered."

"I don't drink, Stevie, therefore I'll bring some soft drinks and some treats."

"That's excellent, Ross. Just contact or text when you're on your way." We gave each other a warm embrace. I felt Stevie kissing my neck very delicately...or perhaps it had just been my imagination.

That fantasy has muddled my thoughts... both of them, it seems.

Early morning shopping was most advantageous in this temperature since the temperatures were rising slowly into the 80s. Following the storage of all the groceries, I endeavored to relax, but my thoughts persisted to return to my dreams. Focusing on tasks that needed to be done for the weekend was nearly impossible. I changed into a set of loose-fitting shorts and a shirt and fetched my yoga mat and traveled into the basement to stretch and attempt some calming meditation as well. I started with several cardio exercises to raise my heart rate and provoke perspiration. Then I reclined on the mat in a plank position, pushing my way up into the Downward Dog. I commenced walking my hands toward my feet while pushing my hips upward until I attained my ankles. I retained this position for a brief moment, breathing in and out to unwind my abdomen. I shifted my hands up to my midsection and slid my shorts down, stepping out of them. My penis began to swell and slightly ache as my thoughts replayed the dream. Gradually, I began to bend at the knees, my butt descending onto the mat as my knees touched the sides of my head. I could smell my masculine scent. My mind was centered on my groin.

I considered whether I truly desired to venture down this path; knowing that after I did, my sex life might change from that point. I commenced to salivate and feel slightly woozy. My cock was now fully erect.

I situated my hands between my legs, facing outward as I gradually raised my legs toward and above my shoulders. My forearms lay alongside my thighs; my palms gently clasped each buttock. I inserted my groin closer to my face. I could sense the softness of the tissue around the head. Gradually, I adopted a stance known as child's pose. The sensation was astonishing, surpassing any female encounter. I could feel my muscles in my lower back loosening. I reached from under me with my right hand, clutching my stiff penis. I initiated to gradually move my hand up and down the entire length while sucking and stimulating my mouth. I could barely fit three inches into my mouth, but the feeling was fantastic.

My mind kept nagging at me, feeling like something was amiss. I knew what I had to do. I eased my left hand restlessly, just as in the dream, and inserted my middle finger into my anus. I pushed as far as I could, feeling my body twist in two directions at once. I accelerated my right hand's rhythm while moving my mouth up and down, sucking diligently. My tongue swirled around my penis delicately, sucking harder and harder, the head pressing against the interior of my cheek. My finger now pushed deeper into my ass, brushing my prostate and causing a massive ejaculation to shoot forcefully from my cockhead straight down my throat. I almost choked, quickly recoiling, but I didn't want to let go. I didn't want to quit sucking and savoring my own essence until every last drop was freed from my swollen balls.

When I finished sucking and climaxing, I sensed my cock slowly deflating. I eased it out of my mouth, gently licking the head, some of the cum dripping down my chin towards my balls. I perceived the sticky fluid on my hand. I pulled my finger from my ass, sliding it again into my extra-sensitive anal cavity, pushing in and pulling out. A wave of fulfillment washed over me. I gently drew my finger away from my ass and grabbed both of my butt cheeks again.

I slowly reclined into a more comfortable position, breathing in and out to ease my muscles, and rested on the mat. My thoughts did not judge my actions; they only schemed about potential future occurrences. I was aware that this wouldn't be a one-off incident. I had experienced intense enjoyment like never before.

I stood up from the mat around 20 minutes later after some period of quiet reflection and headed towards the shower. Prior to washing my pubic and anal areas, I noticed a new erection brewing. I chuckled. "Not again tonight," I said out loud, and cranked the water temperature down to freezing.

I slept like a baby. When I woke up in the morning, I planned to go to the lake for some kayaking. But then I remembered...Steve had invited me to his party.


I prepared a green smoothie for breakfast and decided to go for a brief jog. I reasoned, run, wash up, partake in desserts and sodas for the party, and then proceed to Steve's place.

As I was returning from my run and preparing to shower, my phone rang. It was Steve.

"Hey, Stevie. What's going on, man?" I asked.

"Hey, Ross. This is Cassie. We met yesterday. Anyways, Steve's feeling a bit discouraged. He was under the impression that you weren't coming by."

I chuckled. This was a peculiar situation. "Cassie, I just finished running. I'm standing here naked, about to enter the shower. Tell Steve that yes, I will be stopping by. In fact, I plan to arrive between 9:30 and 10:00 to lend him a hand setting up. Does that work for you?"

Cassie seemed amused over the phone call. "Sure thing, Ross. If we keep crossing paths like this, I might as well give you my number."

I didn't know if she was grinning, but I was. "I'll be there within the next half hour; around 10:00 or so."

Cassie quickly inquired, "You didn't leave your swim trunks behind, did you?"

"No, they're right on the passenger seat. Is the pool warm enough?" I joked.

"By the time we plunge in, it will be." Cassie then abruptly hung up.

Around one hour later, I was at the bakery collecting pastries. Before I exited, I phoned Steve again.

Cassie answered, "You know what, sweetheart, if we're going to keep running into each other like this, I might as well have your number." I'm not entirely sure if she was smiling, but I was. "I'll be there within a few minutes; approximately 10 'o clock."

Cassie promptly raised her inquiry, "And you didn't forget your swimming shorts, did you?"

"Nope. They're on my car's passenger seat. Will the water be warm?" I quipped.

"Satisfactorily by the time we all take a dip, love." Cassie then disconnected.

Steve's house was a lovely split-level ranch, occupying approximately two picturesque acres. The driveway was generously sized and there was enough room to park comfortably. You could tell he took great pride in keeping his house immaculate. His front porch extended to the right, forming a long and inviting space. There were two swing seats situated on the right wing of the porch, facing west, while the front faced north. It was easy to imagine people having a great time relaxing and savoring summer evenings in this cozy spot. Only Cassie's vehicle was visible when I arrived and parked. I figured Steve's vehicle was probably inside his garage. As I stepped out of my vehicle, one of the garage doors opened, revealing Steve and Cassie. Steve wore a light summer shirt and shorts, while Cassie donned a pair of relaxed shorts and an oversized t-shirt. It was clear that she was wearing a bikini underneath the shirt. Both Steve and Cassie greeted me with warm hugs, with Steve's lips on my left cheek and Cassie's on my right. This physical contact left me aroused and puzzled. I took deep, measured breaths to restore calm and collectedness. My face must have turned red.

"Hey, Ross, are you feeling alright?" Cassie inquired.

"Yep, I'm fine. Absolutely no issues. Just a bit warm outside," I responded with a cheerful grin.

With Cassie draping her left arm around my right and Steve carrying the drinks and embracing my left side, we made our way up the brick path, laughing and joking, into the garage and into the house.

...The story could continue?

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Source: www.nice-escort.de