Descending into Female Domination

A woman takes a younger male work colleague as her sex slave.

Jul 10, 2024
19 min read
bondageolder womanDescending into Female Dominationstockingsfemdom
Descending into Female Domination
Descending into Female Domination

Descending into Female Domination


'Stockings, bloody stockings!' Yes, I realised to myself, it was my almost worship of these items of female lingerie that was completely responsible for my current situation. As I felt my arms pulled together by my female, stocking and suspender clad herself of course, partner turning her current status into my female captor by tying them to each other, thus binding them in a condition where escape from her intentions towards me would become utterly impossible. A scenario that had been building for several weeks, if not months now. So, just who was she?

Well, she could answer correctly to that label of 'mother I'd like to fuck,' but only just. You see, at thirty-eight years of age she'd have had to have become a mother at a very young age to have been my maternal parent, myself having just turned twenty-one. However, that still meant that the extremely sexy Maureen Robertson, known by everybody as Mo, was still considerably older than me, her devious plans for my seduction at last coming to fruition. Yes, Mo was one of my colleagues at the company where I'd only just started working, although we were not within the same department and didn't work directly together. In fact, I'd been working there for several weeks before I even became aware of her.

That first meeting arose because my immediate boss was busy. I was an engineer, actually making and repairing products on the shop floor, whilst Mo is the head of the company's finance department, upstairs. Every week my manager has to take a written report of our, production department, expenses to her, but on this occasion, he'd just received a 'phone call from an important customer, so he asked me to take it instead. As I entered the office of her 'realm' for the first time, I asked a young girl there just where Miss Maureen Robertson could be found, to be directed to her own 'sub-office' as it were. Knocking on the door, a beautifully sounding female voice beckoned me to enter, so naturally I responded.

To be confronted by the sight of quite simply the most deliciously sexy woman I'd ever seen in my entire life, yes beforehand said life had been quite sheltered with very little sexual action. After all I completely lacked any self-confidence when it came to the opposite sex. Sure, I could talk to women, and in a very friendly manner, provided I didn't fancy them and wasn't trying to 'woo' them, as it were. And although my first impression was that the leather clad Mo was absolutely gorgeous, I also noted that she was older than me, probably married despite me knowing that she answered to the honorary title of 'Miss' and not 'Mrs.' She might well have been one of those married women who liked to retain their own maiden name for professional purposes, for all I knew. But yes, I definitely noticed the sheer nylon on her shapely legs.

Therefore, at that point in time I had no desire to engage in any sort of sexual relationship with the predatory Mo, believing that she wouldn't be at all interested in me. "Good morning, Miss Robertson, Jim sends his apologies as he's busy himself, but here are his weekly reports." Putting the file on her desk.

"Thank you, young man. I don't recall seeing you around before, are you new here?"

"Yes Miss Robertson. I've only been here for a couple of weeks." And then IT happened! She swivelled around in her chair, her leather skirt lifting only a fraction, but it was enough for me to get a very brief glimpse of one of the clasps of a suspender, confirming to my utter delight that the sheer nylon covering of her legs WAS in the form of stockings.

Obviously with me being very new to my employment, and Mo being in a fairly senior, certainly compared to myself, position, naturally I tried my very best to conceal my delight at such a sight, and to be honest I thought I'd succeeded. Because Mo didn't react in the manner that I believed that she would have, if she had clocked the utter pleasure upon my face. Of course, she had, but instead of being offended, that perceived reaction from my point of view, she was totally jubilant inside of herself, this becoming the precise moment when her desire to take me as her complete carnal captive was initiated. Not that I knew it, if I had failed in concealing my emotions, she had completely succeeded in my not realising hers.

Another reason that I had no idea of Mo's designs for me, was because she decided to be patient and not rush into things. Meanwhile she did do her 'research,' very discreet enquiries into my background, like did I have a girlfriend, things like that. Building up her picture of my circumstances, likes and dislikes etc.

I'd joined the company in September, meaning that after three months working there, Christmas was approaching, more to the point, the company's Christmas party. Where Mo began to indulge in her seduction of me. Not that I realised it, this was a very shrewd and experienced sexual operator here. No, when the drink, wine for her beer for me, had flowed a little she suddenly found herself sitting right next to me, by accident I believed, but from pure design as far as she was concerned.

She carefully asked me questions, trying successfully to 'fill in the gaps' of her knowledge of my desires and, let's face it, kinks. Gently probing, soon to become fully aware of my love of stockings, completely confirming the impression she'd obtained of me during her office that day. She now possessed the required information to enact her desired capture of me. Discovering that I was quite submissive too, which was something that turned her on immensely, for as I'm sure you can all guess, Mo was very much of a dominating nature. As I'd come to discover later on!

For having laid her 'foundations' as it were, Mo then left me alone for the rest of the evening, and we parted ways going to our own respective homes at the end of it. Her with a massive smile on her face, her plans were coming along very nicely, thank you. And me? Utterly oblivious to her intentions still.

It was during the Christmas break when she made her first move. A couple of days after the 'big day' itself, my mobile 'phone suddenly 'pinged.' I'd received a message.

"Hello stud, Mo here. I've received some lovely items for Christmas, including some glorious satin lingerie, a wonderful bra and panty set. Together with a matching suspender belt! And what do suspender belts suspend? VERY sheer nylon stockings, of course, and yes, I've also received some of those! But with nobody to show them to! You up for a private viewing then?"

My cock immediately rose to the occasion! Although it did trigger a battle with my head inside of me, my penis obviously wishing to give in to Mo's intentions straight away. But my head possessed within its armoury a major advantage. For all of Mo's fastidious planning, she'd completely overlooked one rather important detail. At this point in time, I didn't know her address! And being quite drunk at the time it didn't occur to me to text her back for it. Which my head would have objected to anyway.

So, once the New Year's celebrations had passed into memory and it was time to return to work, I did so with some trepidation. How would Mo view my apparent rejection?

With no bad feelings it appeared. And she actually laughed when I confided in her that she had yet to inform me of her home address, not seeming too bothered about me not contacting her back in order to obtain it. She, quite correctly, guessed that her seduction aims were gaining momentum, she was getting closer and closer to her ultimate aim, getting me into her bed, and not necessarily just in it! To be honest she seemed to view the whole process as a game.

But early on that first Friday evening of the new year, incidentally we finish work at lunchtime on the last working day of the week, she upped the ante. Successfully. For I received another message from Mo, containing a 'selfie snap' of her wearing the lingerie described in her previous telephone communication. And a message. "See just what you're missing out on here?" With her looking absolutely gorgeous, finally my head caved in, surrendering to the desires of my cock. Oh, and THIS time she also supplied the details of just where she lived. Useful that!

Which wasn't too far away from where I resided myself, actually within walking distance. I replied, stating that I'd be there, her home I mean, in about an hour's time. Time for me to shower and then walk to where Mo would be waiting for me. No doubt complete with bated breath!

Which the speed at which Maureen Robertson pulled me over her threshold, once I'd reached her home and rung her doorbell, certainly suggested had been the case! To find my lips attacked, yes, I believe that's the only word that could adequately describe the ferocity of the action she now initiated, by hers. When she finally released my head from her embrace, she stepped back a little, unfastening the belt of the satin dressing gown over her form, letting it drop to the floor. Where she then stood in a real sexy pose, her body just adorned in her really classy lingerie, just as in the photo she'd sent me, which ensured my compliance with her plans for this night. "Like what you see?"

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, what do you all believe the answer to that question was? Although I was incapable of answering with actual speech, the utterly delicious sight I was now presented with rendering me into an almost trance like state, simply standing there, eyes and mouth wide open! Never mind, the utterly dirty smile I now received informed me that, with actions and not words, that I HAD successfully given Mo the reply she had desired!

Mo now grabbed one of my hands, and with a "let's take this upstairs, Darling," she basically pulled my body up her house's stairs, and into her master, or should that be 'Mistress,' bedroom, where she kissed me again, said kiss being full of total passion and sexual desire!

"Bit overdressed aren't we, Darling?" Well yes, I suppose so, I was wearing quite a lot of clothing. But then, in my defence, I'd just undertaken a thirty or so minute walk, in the depths of Winter. And yes, it was a very cold night. She allowed me to remove my rather thick jacket myself, before issuing me with my first command, oh yes, I'd be receiving many more of those, of the night. "Stand still please, Darling. It is going to be me, who will undress you! Arms up"

Once I'd complied, Mo lifted my jumper over my head, followed swiftly by my shirt, rendering the top half of my body totally naked. Now was the point, as described earlier, where Mo took me into her captivity by tying my wrists together in front of my body, in a totally secure manner. It had only taken about two seconds of this process for me to become utterly aware I was being captured by somebody that knew exactly what she was doing and was clearly very experienced at 'rope work!' She'd now achieved an ambition that had developed that day in her office, reducing me to be her total sex slave. I WAS NOW HERS!

A fact that my captor was fully aware of as she again treated me to another totally passionate kiss. "Um, it rather seems that you are now completely in my hands. A condition that will exist for this entire night, Darling. Boy, am I going to take you to places that you can even imagine right now, let alone have ever been to! After I complete your undressing of course!"

Now, as you surely can all imagine my cock was now in such a state to actually make it quite difficult for Mo to remove my, rather tight, jeans after she'd already taken off my trainers and two pairs of socks. Come on, don't judge me harshly here, it was a VERY cold Winter's night after all! Anyway, despite my penis making her task somewhat harder, woops please pardon the pun, she succeeded. To now render me completely naked as my underpants soon followed said jeans by being pulled down, and over my, slightly lifted feet, one by one.

"Well take a look at you now!" Which I could as Mo had, deliberately positioned me right in front of a tall mirror, as her now hands gently teased my 'tools' my cock simply having never been harder or more rigid in its entire existence. "Are you ready for me? Actually no, I've got something more for you up my sleeve, before I tie you to my bed so I can shag you into the middle of next week. We both know that you love stockings, don't you?"

"Oh God, yes, Mo!"

"Mo? Oh no Darling, for the rest of this night you will address me as 'Mistress Maureen.' Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress Maureen." Fully entering into the spirit of her game.

"Good. Now where was I? Oh yes, stockings. As you see I kept that promise and now I'm wearing these new ones that I received for Christmas. They actually were a present for myself from myself, but so what? However, naturally I haven't thrown away my older ones, I still have them. So, shall we introduce them into the equation? Obviously, I'm not going to wear two pairs, yes, it's cold outside hence your double socks, but my central heating works perfectly fine, thank you very much. Therefore, just what should I do with them?"

My God! Is if I wasn't excited enough by now? Now I'm fully aware there are plenty of 'masculine' men out there, for whom the prospect of being placed into items of pure female lingerie would be utterly offensive, but well, let's just say I'm not one of them! My heart began to race almost uncontrollably, and the look of sheer delight and lust upon my face told Mistress Maureen all she needed to know. As implied by her rather triumphant, "thought so!"

Thus, I once again lifted my feet one by one, this time not for clothing to be removed, but fitted. Mo started with her 'old' suspender belt, just like her corresponding 'new' one currently on her own form, made from purely delicious satin. Like all of her lingerie items, this hadn't come from a cheap supermarket, oh no, we're talking about real classy and expensive gear here. As soon became utterly clear to me once she'd placed it into the correct position around my waist, as the sheer quality of this item became abundantly crystal clear.

But, again as I'm sure you can all appreciate, if the feel of the suspender belt was sensuous enough, it was absolutely nothing compared to the sensations the sheer nylon of the stockings themselves upon the skin of my legs produced! Once Mo had covered my feet within, allowing me to keep both of them planted upon 'terra firma,' she began to move them upwards.

OH MY GOD! The sheer electricity this action generated within me was almost unbearable! Wow, it was so sensational, so sexually exciting and exhilarating that I could hardly contain the level of sheer arousal that was building within my body. Just as Mo had expected and wished for, of course!

Mo took her time to move those stockings up my legs, with me absolutely loving every moment, but eventually stocking met suspender, as my captor fastened the clasps. And then moved aside, so I could thoroughly enjoy the sight of myself in her mirror. Captured, my wrists tied together in front of my form, naked from the top upwards, but with my sexual 'tools' ready for action as they had never been before, and my legs covered in delicious sheer nylon. Was I excited or what? You're dead right I was, I knew by now that Mo was both totally sexperienced and knowledgeable when it came to the 'pleasures of the flesh,' she was highly skilled in this respect, here I was about to subjected to said skills. In a way where I'd be helpless to resist!

"Right," came a voice, Mo's bed was slightly away from the wall, this was a large, luxurious bedroom with plenty of space available and she was standing, seductively, behind the head of her, also large and luxurious, bed; "It's time for you to get onto the bed, do you not think?"

To actually be slightly sorry that my legs were inside her stockings when I'd complied with what appeared to be a polite request, although it was an order of course. Why? Because Mo had covered her bed in delicious black satin, so said legs couldn't fully feel just how sensational that material felt, themselves covered in nylon of course! But the rest of my body most certainly could, as I settled down centrally, placing my head upon the single, also satin covered pillow. "Good. Now raise your arms please, Darling."

When I did so, this was the moment when Mistress Maureen took my captivity into its next significant stage. For she grabbed my bound wrists, pulling them back over my head and proceeded to tie them to the top horizontal rail of the lattice style metal bed frame, centrally. Like said before, this was a woman who knew exactly what she was doing, and by the time she'd finished I was now bound to her bed and wouldn't be leaving it until she only decided that I would be allowed to. Reducing me to the status of her complete carnal captive!

She hadn't finished with me just yet though. Moving swiftly to the other end of her furniture, she now looped both of my ankles with bondage rope, securing the other end of her rope to the lower solid bed frame. Although she'd stretched my legs out, making placing my body into a sort of inverted 'Y' shape, she'd not actually tied them to the outer bed posts themselves, but to the vertical slats one in from the extreme edges. After all Mo would be spreading her own pins outside of mine, so she had allowed herself some room to do so. Nevertheless, I was now totally captured, tied to her beautiful bed in such a manner that movement was extremely limited and escape utterly impossible. I was now hers, my body reduced to her sexual plaything, her toy, her personal property. I had now descended into total female domination, utterly helpless in captivity to a woman!

Something which this particular woman was fully aware of. Leaning on the lower bed frame, Mo stared at me, now her total prisoner, her lovely blue eyes absolutely full of lust as she licked her own delicious lips. "Well, just take a look at you! Where I've wanted you to be ever since you sneaked that quick glance of my stocking covered legs back in my office, that first time we ever met! Oh what, you never realised that I'd clocked you?" Obviously noting the complete shock on my visage at her revelation! "Oh yes Darling, I'd noticed alright. But, instead of being annoyed, as you no doubt would have expected, I was REALLY turned on, that being the precise moment I began to dream of what I've now achieved!"

Mo now climbed onto the surface of her satin covered bed herself, kneeling between my bound, nylon covered legs, and cupped my balls in her hands. Beginning to outline her plans for me on this evening, as if I couldn't work them out for myself!

"You are now my sexual plaything, you're utterly helpless in my hands, confined to my bed, where you will now be staying as I shag you half to death, in the manner of my complete choosing. You are now mine, MINE, to do with exactly what I want, how I want and for as long as I want, with you having NO choice in the matter! With my wishes being simply SEX! SEX! and yet more SEX! Make no mistake, slave, I'm going to shag you utterly senseless again and again and again, subjecting you to my complete lust in the form of cold, hard and above all, raw SEX!" Giving my balls a, not so gentle, squeeze every time the word 'SEX' emerged from her beautiful lips!

Her hands now moved from my balls to take a firm hold of my totally erect cock, harder now that it had ever been in its entire life. "And this, whilst it might actually be attached to your body, is now all mine. You know, in a way it's not human anymore, it is now just simply my very own living dildo. It, and you, no longer have any purpose to exist except to supply me, your supreme Mistress Maureen, with sexual gratification, to feed my sexual appetite. And, my Darling living sex machine, just take a guess just how hungry SHE is?"

With that Mo arched her body forwards, until she was lying on top of me, her lips found mine and she 'kicked off' proceedings with a damn good 'snog,' one full of the passion and desire that she was clearly just about to unleash upon me. However, she had one more little surprise up her sleeve for me. Her left hand dis-appeared under the pillow that supported my head and emerged holding a blindfold. Clearly one of those proper ones that allow no light to penetrate.

Mo placed it onto my head but didn't cover my eyes with it just yet. "Go on Darling, take a long last look at your Mistress Maureen, before I take away your power of sight!" I did, taking in the sight of my gorgeous captor, before her hands moved the blindfold into its correct location. At which point my world became utterly black. Until she decided otherwise.

Now with all her preparations at last complete, the moment that we've both been waiting for finally arrived, as Mo placed her soaking wet pussy, over my cock, absorbing my member into her. Absolutely FAN-TAS-TIC! She held herself there for some time the excitement levels ramping up uncontrollably, until Mo started to lift herself off, then re-engaging again. Thus, her cycles began, gradually accelerating in pace until she was really pounding me, at 'full throttle' as it were!

With the inevitable, and completely desired result! So, for the very first time I came into my delicious partner, my spunk pumping ferociously into Mo's womanhood, almost exactly at the same time as her 'clitty' ignited! With two resulting screams of utter delight, ecstasy taking full hold of us both!

As I began to calm down, I fervently hoped that Mo wouldn't simply settle for just the once, but I was worrying over nothing! "Well, that was a good start Darling, but remove any thoughts of me just accepting that! You're here for the whole night remember, and I've a lot more in mind! You're staying tied to this bed and under my control for much, much, longer, before I even THINK of stopping!" Talk about music to my ears?

Obviously being male, it did mean I'd need to re-charge as it were but believe me Mo wasn't idle during that time. Her hands wandered all over my nylon coating legs, keeping me in a full state of sexual anticipation. So, once my cock became hard again Mo went for 'Round Two,' and again she did so in REAL style! With the same outstanding, absolutely exquisite outcome. I began to believe that I'd actually died and ascended into the Heavens! Was this Mistress Maureen the answer to all of my sexual prayers or what?

Mo kept me securely tied to her bed and under the control of her awesome sexuality for over two hours, a period of time that I will never forget until my dying day! But finally, she became utterly exhausted, remember not only was she considerably older than me, but it was her doing most of the work here too.

After that final shag, which had taken far longer and at a much slower pace than the ones at the beginning of our 'session' together, although she'd still achieved a thoroughly enjoyable climax for the pair of us, Mo almost collapsed upon my bound form, just lying there for quite some time. Finally, she stirred, and started the process of my release from her bed and bondage to it.

Once free we held each other in an almost loving cuddle. "Mo, please believe me that there is absolutely NO doubt that you have fully succeeded in your stated aim of sexually taking me to places I've never even imagined, let alone visited before. This has been, and I'm being completely truthful here, the greatest evening of my entire life. Something I truly mean."

She was almost too exhausted to respond but she did. "I totally believe you, but I feel that I have to warn you my Darling this isn't going to the only time you will find yourself confined to this bed!" Despite her exhaustion she still managed to rustle up a really dirty and seductive smile to fully back-up those completely suggestive words.

After a quick visit to the bathroom for both of us, myself being enough of a gentleman to allow her to go first, it was back to bed for both of us, but simply to sleep this time. The utterly deep sleep of the absolutely knackered!

Not that I ever doubted it but come the morning I was to discover that Maureen Robertson is a woman whose word can be completely trusted. For the refreshed and revived Mo immediately kept that promise that I'd be tied to her bed again, although this time it was in the conventional spread-eagled manner, with my wrists and hands securely, VERY securely, tied to the outer bed posts of her upper bed frame; my legs tied as they had been on the previous evening, not quite fully spread out. And she then proceeded to subject me to her outstanding level of sexual skill for another utterly unforgettable period of pure raw sex!

In fact, very much contrary to her initial expectations, I was to spend the entire weekend as Mo's sex slave, although naturally, as we're both human with a finite limit of stamina, we weren't 'at it' all of the time. And with some of the sex, again not what either of us had in mind on that first evening as I had knocked on Mo's front door, being in the form of gentle 'making love;' as opposed to the frantic cold and hard bondage form, which formed the majority of the bedroom action, all of that taking place with myself strictly under Mo's command. For it was crystal clear to me that not only was I very much falling in love with her, despite our considerable age difference, but also that said love wasn't travelling in only one direction.

It was quite a struggle for both of us to actually report for work in our respective roles on the next day, a Monday of course. Naturally our condition of still being fairly exhausted, combined with the massive smiles on our faces, rather gave the game away to our work colleagues. And with the question of whether this had been simply a 'one night stand' now being completely dismissed, with Mo and I agreeing to make this weekend the start of a serious relationship, we openly informed them of that fact. Although we were careful not to describe all, in fact we disclosed very little of the details, of the sex that had taken place between us.


It's now six months later and I live in Mo's house now, that love becoming completely real and fully consuming us both. Outside of the bedroom, and how we appear to the outside world, we are very much a loving couple, a complete partnership, with Mo treating me as an equal although it's her home we live in. With me, on my own instance, totally paying my own way in regard to household bills and the like. To discover, to both our delights, that we utterly 'gel' together in all aspects of life, as well as sex.

But it's within said bedroom that our relationship becomes slightly different, where Mo takes full charge of me. Yes, on occasion I am free to move, and we gently make love as opposed to the usual almost animal shagging, but those occasions are very much in the minority. For normally, just as what is the situation right here and now, I'm helpless in complete carnal captivity to my gorgeous girlfriend.

Yes, I'm once more spread-eagled on our bed, Mo has just finished completing her bondage of my body, fastening the fourth of one end of her leather cuffs, the other ends secured around the solid bedposts. Said cuff sets being purchased almost immediately after we'd got together, around my fourth and final limb, a nylon coated ankle, employing the use of a small padlock to secure the buckle in its shut state. Thus, confirming that I am going to be, for now anyway....


In this escalating scenario, Mo proudly revealed her love for bondage, as she tied her captive's wrists with bondage rope, further solidifying his submission. The older woman's dominance was evident as she strutted around her captive, donning an array of stockings, each one a testament to her obsession with Female Domination. Immersed in this world of femdom, the younger man found himself totally under Mo's power, bound and vulnerable, surrounded by the symbol of her control: stockings.

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