Erotic Couplings

Descent in Progress

Is it possible for a woman to confess her feelings before time runs out?

May 3, 2024
9 min read
loveGoing Downfunnyexoticlesbian
Going Down
Going Down

Descent in Progress

As Erica watched the clouds float overhead, she didn't feel entirely at ease. Her uneasiness wasn't caused by the rocking motion of the tiny plane. She once again found herself involved in one of her best friend's wild get-rich-quick schemes. This time, she sat in the passenger seat while her friend Erin chatted away in the driver's seat.

The plane Erin had bought from a rather shady private seller seemed to be held together with tape, rust, and Erin's unwavering confidence. She had boasted endlessly about the amazing deal she had gotten.

Now, they flew over an unfamiliar piece of land and an unfamiliar body of water, on board a two-winged flying coffin that would someday become the subject of an unsolved mystery. Erica reasoned, "Assuming anyone knows we're here."

As long as I'm dying with the woman of my dreams she thought darkly. She was too afraid to let her true feelings be known.

Erica glanced up at the tall, beautiful woman. Even while seated, their height difference was evident. Erina was a several inches taller than the petite, small-breasted Erica.

If only Erina knew all the times Erica had fantasized about her while pleasure herself.

They had met in college. Erin had a magnetic personality and great looks that drew people to her. Many people fell under her spell, and eventually, they all vanished, leaving only Erica. Erica didn't mind that Erin's grand ideas never worked, or that they both lost money. As long as she was near Erin, it was worth it.

"So we would only provide our services to the wealthiest tourists on sightseeing tours," Erin's sensual voice continued.

I'd pay for your services Erica quietly imagined.

"That way, we'll undoubtedly be rich," Erin boasted.

"This will never work" Erica thought pessimistically. She simply smiled, her jaw hanging open.

Erica peeked at her busty companion. I see the attraction of 'motor-boating,' she admitted to herself.

"Erica? Are you still spacing out?" Erin teased.

In my fantasy, we're lovers, not just friends. We'd make love for an hour before collapsing from exhaustion she fantasized.

"No. No. I'm focused. I think it's a solid idea," Erica replied, pretending enthusiasm.

A strange noise emanated from under Erin's seat, followed by smoke. "Oh no, I knew this would be another one of your bad ideas," Erica blurted out.

"What?" Erin asked, taken aback by Erica's frankness.

"We're going to die, aren't we?" Erica lamented. "Another one of your get-rich-quick schemes?"

Erin was distracted by their impending death. "What do you mean 'my terrible ideas'?"

"Why do you keep following me into each one of your plans?" Erica asked.

"Because...because..." Erica couldn't bear to confess her true feelings. She knew she'd die a coward.

Erin was focused on their grim circumstances. She looked at the dashboard, where the shady seller had given her a crash course. As Erin considered the irony of receiving a crash course while they appeared to be about to crash, Erica suddenly found the courage needed. "I've been in love with you," she admitted.

"I love you too," Erin replied, half-distracted while trying to save their lives.

"What?" Erica blurted out in surprise.

"I'm trying to save our lives!" Erin exclaimed.

"I'm IN love with you!" Erica exclaimed. "You enormous, strong woman!" she added.

A bewildered look crossed Erin's face.

"I needed to tell you," Erica said meekly. "In case we don't make it."

Tenderly, Erin reached across and lifted her friend's chin, forcing her to lock eyes. Tears filled Erica's eyes.

It felt like an eternity before Erin finally responded.

"I'm in love with you as well," Erin whispered.

A sense of relief washed over Erica.

"Really?" she asked, amazed.

"Yes. Why did you think I submitted you to these weird adventures?" Erin questioned. "I just want to be with you. Plus, I didn't want you to think I was plain."

"This won't last long" Erica thought sadly. "If we die, I'd rather die loving you than alone."

Erina gently lifted her friend's chin, making Erica meet her gaze. The silence stretched for what seemed like an eternity.

"I've been in love with you too," Erin softly spoke.

A sense of relief washed over Erica.

Erica wiped away a tear from her eye, smiling. "You're not boring, you're amazing," Erica praised her companion.

Still, she felt uneasy. "But you're so tall and gorgeous, while I'm just short and regular-looking," Erica expressed sadly.

"You're beautiful to me, and I like that you're of average size," Erin said with a grin. Then, Erin leaned forward and kissed her best friend passionately.

"I could die happy," Erica revealed her secret after their embrace.

"Die...?" Erin echoed, shocked. "Oh no, I've got to land this plane safely," Erin remembered the situation they were in. She grasped the steering wheel tightly. "We'll land on that island, and we'll spend hours making love on that beach," she sounded positive.

"Hours?" Erica inquired, worried.

"Yes, hours!" Erin clarified.

"But the engine is completely broken. How will we land this thing?" Erica pointed out.

A tiny uninhabited island appeared in their view. "With the power of love," Erin joked. She turned the steering wheel more but heard a loud snap. She now held the steering wheel, not steering it.

"I think our love broke the wheel," Erica observed.

"Should we call for help?" Erica proposed.

"The radio doesn't work," Erin informed her.

"What about parachutes?" She suggested.

"There are two in the back," Erin disclosed.

Erica crawled between the seats to the rear of the plane. She found two bags marked "parachutes" quickly. However, Erica knew something was wrong. She untied the big rope knot and began ripping through the bags' contents. Shirts, pants, socks, and underwear were all she discovered. She rushed to the other bag and found the same items.

"These are just filled with clothes!" she exclaimed angrily. "And they're not even clean clothes!" she added.

"No way... really?" Erin acted puzzled.

Erica returned to the front seat, angered. "You knew?" she criticized.

"I checked... but it was such a great deal. I didn't want to cause a fuss over it," Erin thought a good excuse.

"If we make it, I'm going to strangle you," she threatened.

"Not my kink. But I'll try anything once," Erin teased.

They had arrived on the island. Erin was smiling, even though they were in trouble. What was so funny? Erica frowned.

The plane started to descend, and the branches hit its wings.

"I don't want to crash with you mad at me," Erin explained. "What can I do to make it up to you?" she offered generously.

She was about to say something else, but the plane unexpectedly stopped. Both women had their upper bodies jerky forward, and their heads hit the dashboard. They were in the dark.

Hours later, Erica regained consciousness. Her head hurt. She gently felt the spot she had bumped. "OUCH!" she winced. The sun was shining, and her eyes needed time to adjust. She saw Erin, slumped over, her head still on the dashboard.

Erica slowly touched the stranger's side, and she groaned. Alarmed, Erica exited the plane as quickly as possible. But this caused her to fall 20 feet to the ground, where she groaned again from the impact. I'm in a rainforest, she realized.

Another loud thump made her look up. Erin had fallen, too, landing in the mud next to her. Her beauty was still there, even in the dirt, mud, and leaves in her hair. Who was she? Who was Erica? Erica licked her lips, feeling the tears in her eyes. She looked down at herself, the mud, and the leaves on her face. I'm a mess, she thought in worry.

A peculiar lady rotated around, prompting Erica to dash into the wilderness. Her petite 5'4 frame sped as far as her legs could transfer her. She was thankful the 5'11 woman hadn't chased her, as her long legs would easily surpass her. All that followed her was the woman's urging for her to wait.

She ran until she was out of breath. Currently, she was both exhausted and parched. She chastised herself for her insecurities. Now she was unclean, lost, and entirely alone. The melodic sound of water falling nearby tempted her. She concluded she could at least remedy two of her predicaments. There was, indeed, a minute waterfall above her. About 10 feet high with a continuous stream of crystal-clear water. She gathered her hands to catch some. She gulped down the liquid ravenously. She scanned her surroundings and found no one in view. One by one, she stripped off her attire and set it on some nearby dry stones. She returned to the waterfall. She vigorously washed her hair, body, and the dirt from her face.

Once she had ended, she examined her watery image. She now seemed somewhat presentable.

Greetings of "Hello" from afar alarmed her. Despite all that, she still couldn't confront her. She was perplexed by these feelings of unavoidable attraction.

Conceal. Conceal. I must conceal Erica persuaded herself. She spotted some nearby tall grass. On reaching it, she crouched and sat without making a sound, subtly concealing herself from sight. Her fare had remained on a rock on the other side of the stream.

The other woman entered the clearing. She, too, had heard the waterfall and decided to take a spontaneous shower. The scenery enticed her while she professed not to see the discarded garments. She must be in close proximity Erin whispered to herself with confidence. If I pursue her, she will run away again she reasoned. I will simply need to entice her out Erin planned. Just as her friend had, she too stripped off her clothes. Erin wandered towards the waterfall. Cautiously, she began to wash her hair clean. Her silky hair shimmered in the sunlight. She took her leisure on the rest of her body.

Erica couldn't peel her eyes off her. She felt her entire body heating up. Her right hand made its way down to her groin. She slid two fingers into her narrow opening. Quietly, she finger-banged herself, hoping to go unnoticed. But her mini orgasms were making that challenging. She grew louder and louder until, eventually, she climaxed fiercely. Her eyes closed during this moment, aiding the focused waves of ecstasy.

Even with her eyes closed, she noted a shade looming over her. Her eyes opened to see Erin gazing down at her. Ashamed, she stood up. Her fingers remained inside her.

Erin displayed a curious expression. She gently reached her left hand down Erica's torso. Erica stood transfixed. She feared her thumping heart might leap out of her chest. Carefully, the hand descended to Erica's loins. Erica stood hypnotized. Erin delicately shoved Erica's palm aside. Her hand delved underneath Erica's. Erica's fingers detached. Erin could sense her wetness. She gazed into Erica's eyes for authorisation. She nodded submissively. Stealthily, her elegant fingers slipped into Erica. She let out a moan. Her agile fingers could penetrate deeper than Erica's dainty hand. She stroked her deeply and rigorously. She heard Erica's respiration hasten. It didn't take long for her to reach her climax. She watched Erica's "O" face with delight. Erin marveled at her achievement. She replicated this action repeatedly until Erica's legs shuddered. Weakly, Erica collapsed in front of Erin. Erin took her hand away. Erica gasped deeply like a dog in the heat.

After a moment, Erica gained her composure. She moved away from Erin. She studied her crystal-blue eyes.

Who is this woman? They inquisitively pondered.

Erica attempted to speak, but she couldn't remember how. Erin did the same, receiving the same result. The bizarre events had erased their memories and everything else. They had to re-learn all of it. However, they would strive together to find a solution.

First, they needed to find a choice to address each other. Erin pondered on the initial words Erica uttered after the chaos.

"Ouch?" Erin pronounced.

Erica didn't share her fondness for this. She revised it slightly. She pointed to herself.

"Ouchi," she affirmed.

Now, it was Erica's shift to ponder the first words she had heard from Erin. "Thud?"

Erin shook her head no. She pointed to herself, "Thudie," she concluded.

With that settled, the two nude gals ventured off together to forage for food and refuge. Their belongings had been completely forgotten close to where they were when they originally cleaned up. It would be a considerable while before they returned for them.

These individuals took shelter in a long-forgotten rock building. It had been neglected by time for centuries. Inside, they spotted cave paintings of topless females wielding spears and bows, hunting wildlife, and collecting fruits. As a result, they embraced this culture as their own.

They had fashioned their own private haven. During the day, they gathered sustenance. At night, they experimented with various sexual encounters. Thudie was perpetually content. However, Ouchi had the sensation that her life lacked something. That 'something' would ultimately disrupt their tranquil way of life.

The story continues... within Amazon Adventure.

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