DID II: The Unkindest Cut

A classic Damsel in Distress story in a Sawmill.

Jul 25, 2024
14 min read
horrornon-consensualhistoricaldamsel in distressDID II: The Unkindest Cut18-year oldmf
DID II: The Unkindest Cut
DID II: The Unkindest Cut

DID II: The Unkindest Cut

Damsel in Distress II: The Unkindest Cut! (Part 1)

"So, you're finally awake!"

Kelly Ann groggily opened her vivid blue eyes to see a pair of green eyes, wearing a bit too much make up, staring down at her.

"Aunt Suzanne!" she said, "you are alive!"

The woman offered Kelly Ann a wicked smile, "Yes, I am." The tall,28 year-old, brunette with long, straight hair, stood over Kelly Ann wearing a tight, black leather jacket and black riding pants tucked into high heel boots. In her hand she carried a riding crop, which she had the habit of smacking into her opposite palm. "After my last attempt on your life failed I decided I needed to lay low for a while and come up with a new plan. And now here we are!"

Kelly Ann realized that she was no longer in her bed, but laying on what felt like a wooden table. She tried to move her hands, but couldn't. They were tied to the table leaving her in a spread-eagle configuration. The petite blonde also realized she was stark naked.

"Where is David?" she asked in panic, wondering about her bodyguard. She had taken to sleeping with him as she found his presence in her bed, very comforting and enjoyable.

"Oh, he's fine. Tied up in the basement awaiting his part in this," Suzanne replied. "Not much of a body guard, was he? Well, it's hard to stay awake when the chef has been bribed to drug your dinner."

"I must say," Suzanne continued, "I never expect you to seduce my paid assassin on those railroad tracks and not only convince him to let you go, but make him you guardian and lover. I didn't think you had it in you. Bravo, my dear!"

"Where am I?" Kelly Ann demanded.

Suzanne gave her another wicked smile. "Kurt, the lights!"

Suddenly the room was illuminated. Kelly Ann realized that she was in a large factory-like space. She wasn't lying on a table, but a 2-inch thick board that was about 9 feet long and 3 feet wide. In front of her was a huge metal disc, five feet in diameter, with sharp teeth...

Suddenly she realized this was a sawmill and she was strapped to a board, attached to a trolley that was designed to carry the board into the blade of the saw. Looking between her feet she saw that a dotted line had been painted on the board that ran between her legs and disappeared under her naked pussy. She had no doubt it ran under her body to the other end of the board.

"Suzanne, what an evil, sick plot!" cried Kelly Ann as she realized what was planned for her.

"Oh, it's not my plot," Suzanne said. "I have to credit an old friend of yours for this idea. Kurt, say hello to your old girlfriend!"

A figure in rumbled clothing shambled out of the shadows. Kelly Ann was horrified at what she saw. The man had a ruined, scarred face, that looked like it had been melted.

"Remember him?" Suzanne said.

"I've never seen him before in my life!" replied Kelly Ann.

"Think carefully. Recall that music teacher from your summer classes your father let you attend when you were sixteen? The one you fell in desperately in love with, then heartlessly spurned?"

Kelly Ann eyes opened wide. Now she remembered, but that Kurt hand been a young, handsome, musical genius, not this ruined figure in front of her. "I didn't spurn him! I broke up with him after I went to his room and him in bed with another one of his female students just because she had bigger tits than me!" Kelly Ann declared.

"True, but he would have never left you for her, he really loved you, or at least your inheritance," said Suzanne. "Unfortunately for him when you dumped him he did take up with that girl. And when that girl found him in bed with yet, another woman, with even bigger tits, she just didn't just drop him. She confronted him in his workshop and threw a vat of acid in his face. Ruined his career and his life. Since all this would never had happened if you hadn't spurned him, he blames you for his misfortune and has been planning his revenge on you for quite some time."

Suzanne picked up a can of paint, undoubtedly the one used to paint the dotted line on the board, and dipped a brush in it. "Kurt has carefully measured the distance between the edge of the board and your pussy. It's 30 inches. He then adjusted the trolley so it will move forward toward the blade at one inch per minute. So, you will have the pleasure of watching the blade work its way in between your legs toward your cunt for a half hour before it actually makes contact. But that's where the fun really starts." She took the wet paint brush and touched it to Kelly's pussy, painting a dotted line up her body toward her belly button. "The real question is how long will be conscious while it cuts you in two..." Suzanne continued painting the line up Kelly's body, between her breasts, and up to her chin. "I have a wager that you will faint when it reaches your belly button, but Kurt's betting you won't lose consciousness until a spot between your nipples."

"You two are sick!" Kelly Ann, in terror. "You will never get away with this!"

"Oh, I have this well planned," Suzanne replied. "Remember I have evidence your 'body guard' already tried to kill you on the train tracks. I will tell the authorities that he threatened me also and I went into hiding. Of course, when I heard that he was going to try to do you in again, here at the saw mill, I tried to come to your rescue, but sadly, too late. Kurt was able to bring you posthumous justice, however, by killing him! In the end Kurt will have his vengeance, and I will have your millions!"

"I made a new will after I inherited, and believe me, you're not in it!", Kelly Ann said.

"Oh, you mean this will?" said Suzanne, holding up an official looking document. "Kurt, among his many new skills is a safecracker." She then lit a match and set the paper on fire. "Without a will, your money goes to your next closest, living relative, which is me."

She flashed another wicked smile at Kelly Ann's shocked face. "Kurt, let's get this show on the road!" The figure shambled over toward a wheel and started turning it. From a pit in the floor, surrounded by a rickety railing, the sound of rushing water could be heard. Kelly realized that the sawmill must be powered by a nearby stream and the flow was turning a waterwheel under the floor. Soon belts and wheels all over the building were moving. Kurt then shuffled to a lever and pulled it. The saw started spinning, slowly a first, and then picked up speed until the teeth were a blur.

Finally, he moved to another lever and glanced at Suzanne, who gave him a nod. He pulled it and the trolley, carrying Kelly Ann and the board, started moving slowly toward the blade. Suddenly Kelly Ann heard a loud buzzing sound and felt the board vibrate under her. Looking at her feet she watched as the saw blade bit its way into the wood, following the dotted line toward her. Kelly Ann shivered, knowing that in 30 minutes it's cruel steel blade would start nibbling at the most sensitive part of her body!

Is this the end for Kelly Ann? Will Kurt get his revenge? Will Suzanne get a hold of the Vanderhilt fortune? Find out in the next episode!

Damsel in Distress II: The Unkindest Cut! (Part 2)

The story to this point: Our heroine, Kelly Ann, is tied up in a sawmill with the spinning blade working its way toward cutting her in half. If it does wicked Aunt Suzanne will inherit the Vanderhilt millions!

Kelly Ann struggled against the ropes that held her to the board. She couldn't take her eyes off the whirring and slowly advancing blade. The way it so easily cut through the solid two-inch thick wood beneath her made Kelly Ann realize it would soon go through her soft flesh like a hot knife through butter. Kurt's scheme was so evil and sick. Making her watch the oncoming blade of death for a half hour before it even touched her, was much more terrifying than if they had simply shot her dead.

As the blade reached the spot between her knees, a funny thing started happening. The vibration of the board underneath her, and the pulsation of the blade pounding the air as it spun, was having an unexpected effect on her pussy. It was making her wet down there and she was feeling....well, horny.

It was just like the train a few months ago. The oncoming danger seemed to make her more aroused, not less. The closer the blade got, the stronger the feeling became, until she couldn't help but close her eyes and give up an erotic moan.

Suzanne, looked her way, then reached her hand over to Kelly Ann's pussy, running her fingers across it. This made Kelly Ann let out another deep moan.

Feeling the dampness on her fingers and smelling it, Suzanne laughed. "Well, Little Miss Butter-Wouldn't-Melt-In-Her-Mouth, I see you are one of THOSE girls! Very surprising! I perceive that the hungry sawmill blade is exciting you like a new lover! Go ahead! Get yourself off now! We will see how much you actually lust for him when his teeth finally kiss your sweet pussy lips in just a few minutes!"

Kelly Ann, despite Suzanne's teasing, or maybe even because of it, couldn't help herself, and let out another moan of ecstasy. The vibrations were just too intense. They provoked her and she couldn't control the extreme arousal in between her legs. And it just got more powerful with every inch the blade crept toward her delicate girlish flower.

What was even worse was that without actual physical contact she couldn't force herself to climax. She felt like a watch that was being wound tighter and tighter until it was about to reach its breaking point. She needed physical contact desperately, but she knew when it came it would be disastrous. As the sexual tension in her loins mounted she almost started praying the blade would come faster so it would all be over more quickly.

Suddenly she heard the shattering of wood. A door to the room crashed open. It was David! Her tall, muscular bodyguard must have escaped his bonds! He held in his hands the 2x4 he had used to break down the door. Kurt rushed at him, and David swung the board at his feet, knocking smaller man down. Then David sprinted across the room and grabbed the lever, pulling it back and stopping the trolley so that the whirring blade no longer advanced. He didn't, however, have time to figure out how to reverse the direction of the trolley and this left Kelly Ann in perhaps the worst possible situation as far as her arousal went. Not decreasing to ease her agony or even moving to a shattering, but final end. She cried out pitifully and desperately wanting a release at all costs...

Meanwhile Kurt was back on his feet and tackled David before he could decipher the sawmill's controls. They fought viciously across the floor of the mill. David might have been taller, and maybe a bit stronger, but Kurt's acid burns seem to have left him impervious to pain, sloughing off punches that would have knocked another man out cold.

Suzanne, seeing David distracted, ran to the lever and threw it back in position, and the trolley started moving again. The blade now continued closing those final two inches to poor Kelly Ann's wet and over stimulated cunt.

Kelly Ann cried out as the pulsations became more than she could stand, her whimpers echoing through the mill as she begged for release.

David couldn't help her as he and Kurt were now locked in a deadly embrace with their hands on each other's throats. It was only a matter of time before one of them would lose consciousness...

Suzanne, seeing a large wrench on a table, grabbed it and ran up behind David. Raising it over her head she took aim to bring it down on his skull. Before she could make her swing, however, Kurt pushed David away and head butted the bigger man, sending him backward... accidentally right into Suzanne. Suzanne dropped the wrench as they both stumbled backward into the rickety railing surround the pit. The rail shattered, and Suzanne toppled into the rushing water below with a splash.

Kurt must have had a some emotional attachment to the woman, because he ran to the pit with shock on his ugly face and looked over the edge. This gave David a moment to snatch the huge wrench from the floor and bring it down on the already misshapen skull of the monster. Kurt collapsed to the floor in a pool of blood.

David was staring at the dead man's figure when he heard Kelly Ann let out a piercing scream that split the night. Looking up he saw blood splashed across her belly and breasts. Running towards the deadly machine he feared the worst...

Has the blade found it's mark? Will David win the fight, but lose his employer and lover? Find out in our next episode!

Damsel in Distress II: The Unkindest Cut! (Conclusion)

In a sawmill our heroine, Kelly Ann is strapped to a board being cut in two. Her bodyguard has defeated her attacker, but is he too late to save her from the steel teeth of the monstrous saw blade?

When David heard Kelly Ann scream he raced across the floor and grabbed the lever, bringing the trolley to a halt. Struggling with the control for few seconds, he figured out how to reverse the trolley's direction and soon it was moving quickly away from the blade and carrying Kelly Ann with it, but was it too late?

Next, spinning a control wheel, he turned off the water flow bringing all the equipment in the mill to a halt. There was an eerie silence as he grabbed a knife he ran to the trolley to cut Kelly Ann's feet loose.

"Don't worry!" he told her, as he cut her ankles loose. "I will get you to a hospital as soon as possible!"

"Screw the hospital," replied Kelly Ann. "It's only a nick! Get up here NOW and FUCK ME UNTIL I CUM!" she commanded, her voice desperate with need.

David, relieved that she wasn't seriously hurt, tore off his pants and shirt and climbed up on the board with Kelly. It wasn't difficult for him to get an erection as seeing her there, moaning and withering in such sexual torment, was a total turn on. He eased his cock into her wounded pussy lips (she was right, the copious amounts of pussy juice she had produced when mixed with a few drops of blood had made her injury look way worse than it was) and thrust deep into her warm body.

"OMG! Do it. DO IT FASTER! REAM MY PUSSY AND MAKE ME CUM!" she screamed. David pounded her pussy harder than he ever had before. She was desperate for release and the sooner it came, the better.

David pressed he face close to hers. Her eyes were wide and wild and he could feel her heart was throbbing.

"FUCK ME HARDER AND FASTER!" she begged as she wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him toward her with each thrust he made.

He redoubled his efforts until he felt the spasms of pleasure run though her body underneath him. They were so strong she nearly lifted him off the board. This triggered David's own climax and he pumped what seemed like a gallon of cum into her already soaked cunt.

As their orgasms finally subsided David looked into Kelly's eyes. They were wide and unblinking. In a panic he waved his hand in front of her face, but she didn't follow its movement. Jumping off the trolley he pulled on his clothes, cut the cords on her hands, and lifted her naked body off the board and carried her as far away from that infernal machine as he could. Cuddling the naked girl on his lap, he kissed her forehead and spoke to her, but she was unresponsive. Just staring into space.

What was wrong with her? The nick on her pussy lip had already stopped bleeding and she seemed to have no other wounds. Had he been too rough with her? He held her close, begging her to come back to him and telling her how much he loved her.

It took almost twenty minutes before she started to come around. When she finally recognized him, she gave him a kiss and held him tight.

"Kelly Ann," he asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know," she replied. "I was so aroused that when I finally came I had the feeling I had left my body and was floating in a cloud of ecstasy. I was flying there like a kite, and the only thing that kept me tethered to the ground was your strong voice. I followed it like a string back to the real world. I'm not sure if you hadn't kept talking to me if I would have ever found my way home at all!"

She looked into his eyes. "That was such a heroic act that saved my life! Thank you so much!" she said.

"Well, that Kurt fellow was small, but mean. It wasn't easy!" he replied.

Kelly Ann looked at him with a puzzled expression for a few seconds. "Oh, well, by heroic act, I actually meant fucking my brains out so I could get my climax, but beating up that nasty man was also nice of you too!"

She turned her eyes toward a tarp David had thrown over Kurt's body. "Is he dead? What about Aunt Suzanne?"

"Kurt's dead for sure and Suzanne felt into the millrace. I looked down there and I can't find her. I can only conclude the current swept her under the waterwheel. The clearance down there is only an inch or so, and it must have pulverized her body. I'm afraid she is gone."

After finding Kelly Ann's nightgown so she could dress, David searched downstream to where the mill race meant the river, but could not find Suzanne's remains. Only a crushed and ruined high-heeled boot on the bank. "She must have been carried into the river and probably swept out to sea. We may never find her body," he said.

Kelly Ann had to agree with his conclusion, but didn't feel better until David had fired the chef at her mansion and bought two Dobermans trained to roam the grounds at night and rip apart any strangers that dared venture inside the walls uninvited.

A few weeks later Kelly Ann and David were getting ready to play another of their love games and David had just tied Kelly Ann's wrists to the bedposts when he pulled a little box out of his bag.

"What is it?" Kelly Ann asked.

"Well, I was thinking about your reaction to that near miss with the saw blade and came up with an idea. I drew up plans and had the shop in the village make me a prototype. It runs on batteries."

Opening the box he pulled out a metal cylinder about six inches long and an inch and a half wide. On top of this cylinder was a smooth, finger-like appendage coated with rubber.

"What does it do?" asked Kelly Ann, innocently.

David flicked a switch it started buzzing.

"It sounds like the buzz saw!" Kelly Ann said, intrigued.

"No cutting, it only vibrates," he replied. He then ran the rubber tip gently up the inside of her thigh. She moaned. Moving it around her healed pussy lips (she had a little scar there, but that was okay as it was a memento of their sawmill adventure) and then up to the hood of her clit. The humming device made her cry out with pleasure.

Switching it off for a moment, he asked, "Well, what do you think?"

"We should market these!" she replied. "Every single woman in America will want one! We'll be millionaires!"

David laughed, "You already are a millionaire!"

"Well, you will be too!" she giggled. "But never mind that now! Switch that thing back on and let's do some more product testing!"


  1. Despite the terrifying situation, Kelly Ann found herself unexpectedly aroused as the saw blade approached her, its vibrations provoking her in a way she couldn't control.
  2. Suzanne, seeing Kelly Ann's arousal, couldn't help but laugh, finding it amusing that even in such a horrifying situation, the "damsel in distress" was responding sexually.
  3. In the midst of the chaos, with David fighting for his life and the saw blade still inches away from Kelly Ann, she begged for David to have sex with her, seeking release in the most extreme of circumstances.

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