
Discover the Harpers in Chapter 1.

Tori's mother is a selfless, angelic person.

May 11, 2024
13 min read
futafutanarilesbianhuge cockreliefcondom balloonhandjobmasturbationhyperspermMeet the Harpers Ch. 01
Meet the Harpers Ch. 01
Meet the Harpers Ch. 01

Discover the Harpers in Chapter 1.

"Have you completed your schedule yet?" Mom inquired.

"Yeah, it's mostly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I have some morning classes on Wednesdays and Fridays as well."

"That's nice, darling! Friday afternoons and Mondays off mean long weekends throughout the semester!"

I flashed her a bright smile while sitting on the edge of my bed, fiddling with my phone to bring up my emails.

"Abercrombie has a sale this weekend, take a look," I suggested, showing her the screen. Mom glanced at it briefly before returning her attention to her task. "Want to go there after this?"

"Absolutely, sweetheart! We need to get you some new skirts, and maybe some stockings or something else cute."

"That...oh, that...that sounds amazing," I breathed with a sigh, biting my lip.

Noticing her cue, Mom reached for the towel draped over her lap. "Here we go, baby. A swift one, just like you said."

As soon as the moment arrived, I grunted, "Ugh!" I clenched my butt cheeks and squeezed her hand on my tip. "I'm...Mom, I'm coming!"

The towel wasn't flawless, but it did the job most of the time. My dick sprayed itself into the towel, thumping forcefully against her palm. The room spun, my chest heaving from my struggle to breathe.

"There you go, darling," she encouraged softly, stroking me through the climax. "That's my girl. Pump, pump, pump." Her face beamed with love and pride.

I cherished my mom.

"All done, my love?" She asked, dabbing the remaining cum from my slowly shrinking shaft. "We should've drained you after breakfast too.

"I know, but I felt fine and you'd already drained me in the morning so I didn't want to bother you."

Her lips curved into a knowing smile. "You already know you need me to take care of that for you. Dr. Niko says we're keeping things in balance, which I want for your overall health and happiness. If you feel woozy, let me know."

I lay back on the bed, looking down at my limp cock. "I understand."

"That's my girl," she purred, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Choose a pair of clean panties from your drawer and get ready when you're done. Then we'll go to the mall."

I acknowledged her gratefully, waiting until she'd left the room before rising to change.

"You sick fucker, are you satisfied now?" I joked, staring at my limp dick. I sighed, realizing it would soon revive. A bit of retail therapy would help me recuperate and I planned to treat Mom to a smoothie as thanks for draining me.


Being a 19-year-old woman with a massive, firm cock wasn't easy, but having a mother like mine made it bearable. Sometimes, it even felt like fun.

"Try this on, Tori," she suggested, holding up a short red skirt with crisp pleats and an elastic waist. "It's quite cute, right?"

"Oh, I like that one!" I agreed.

She smiled warmly. "I'm happy I can understand you." Friends often complained about their parents being out of touch with them; I only wished my mother could understand me more.

"Should I try it on?" I asked.

"Yes, please."

I took the skirt and headed to the changing rooms, Mom following behind me.

"How about a new computer?" Mom questioned as we stood outside the stall, waiting for me. "Is yours alright?"

I mulled it over for a moment. "I believe mine is still okay. No issues with it so far."

Mom hummed, appearing to be deep in thought while scrolling through back-to-school deals on her phone. As I graded my reflection in the mirror, satisfied with the results of my cycling and elliptical workouts that summer, I couldn't help but admire the slight tone on my body. Though not fully defined, the areas that mattered to me looked good. I was proud of the girl staring back at me. She was cute. She was alive with happiness.

While the woman in the mirror had nine inches of unaroused penis stuffed in her panties and sandwiched between her buttocks, I smiled at the notion of how accepting I had become to keeping myself tucked. After some practice, having a soft inflatable sausage between my buttocks no longer felt weird. But the thought of having so much dick made me realize that my favorite black thong wasn't doing its job properly. For public ventures, I needed to find a more suitable undergarment.

"How does the skirt fit, dear?" Mom asked from behind the door.

I adjusted my outfit, taking one last glance to ensure I was dressed appropriately. "It's amazing! It looks fantastic." I peered through the tiny space in the door to showcase my new ensemble's style. Mom gave me a "not bad," approving nod. "I like it, but I wouldn't pair it with a cropped top as I have on. It would be ideal for a more formal look."

"Then let's get moving; we need to find you a good skirt for your next big event!"

"You're a nutcase," I teased, closing the door behind me to change back into comfortable trousers.

"Maybe, but you do love me."

"Indeed, I do. Although I don't think you know how much yet." I pulled the skirt off the stool to leave it on the floor near my feet.

"I can't have you shoving your goods in someone's face, especially in public places," Mom stated.

For a split second, her blatant disregard for my situation sent a tidal wave of arousal pulsating through me. "Mama..." was all I could manage, as I felt a pleasant dizziness growing within me. On instinct, I pushed my thong aside, exposing the limp length in my rear. Mom's responsible reaction initially gave way to an inadvertent smile.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry," she apologized, frantically grabbing for her purse. "Is everything okay in there?" She fumbled with the contents of her purse, yanking out items like they were the solution.

"I need a bag," I replied quietly, devoting my energy to massaging my growing manhood.

"Can I help?" she asked, genuinely concerned and filled with guilt. I appreciated her willingness to at least try to assist me, even if the practicality was nonexistent. I could almost envision her eyes darting left and right to see if we were alone before reaching into her handbag to locate a spare condom wrapper.

I groggily accepted the offered condom. The emotions behind her simple act melted my heart. "Although I didn't need the visual aids, I'm feeling pretty good, so I'll just take it from here." Aware of the swiftness of my arousal, I rolled the condom down my swelling shaft. Between the sensory overload and the pressing desire to get going and put this incident aside, I knew I had little to no time left before I came.

"I'm right here if you need anything, baby," she said, her comforting words offering some measure of relief. But given past experience, Mom would likely feel awful for the remainder of the day. Truthfully, this reaction was innate to her loving nature.

"I appreciate it, Mom," I muttered, feeling sappy. "I'm sorry for freaking out." By this point, my penis was uncomfortably close to release, and I knew the only way to get through it and continue on with my life was by embracing the approaching release.

My phone slipped from my hands as I focused on the pressure of my hands massaging the lengths of my throbbing member. Unperturbed, I persisted until I momentarily lost focus, allowing semen to tumble from my refreshed and reinvigorated shoulders. "Thanks, Mommy," I managed to whisper before collapsing into the corner of the small booth.

"I'm here for you, and you know that."

"I do know that, but I just need a moment to recompose myself," I groaned, transfixed on the boundary of feeling degrading and embracing my situation. "There's no need to feel guilty. My body doesn't need to be forgiven." Mentally, I acknowledged that I would mess it up again, but I intended to come to terms with that, no matter how many times it would occur.

To press that and show how unbothered I was, I whistled. "Thanks for the bag," I chuckled softly, aware of the discomfort we both experienced but also acknowledging that that experience was unavoidable in these instances. "I've got it from here."

For quite some time now, it's no longer as it once was. The moment my mother had taken over some of my personal care last year, I'd been diligently working to build up my endurance for quick orgasms. My approach featured focusing on prolonged periods of masturbation and intense arousal, rather than rushing through the act. However, finding myself in a store's changing room with a massive cock at my disposal left very little room for choosing how to handle the situation.

"Aahh," I cried out, attempting futilely to remain quiet as my legs instinctively spread on their own. I could imagine my mother vigilantly peeking through the door, searching for any signs of someone overhearing her precious daughter masturbating with a monstrous amount of penis. "Almost there..." I muttered under my breath.

My mother responded with a gentle "Let it all out, dear."

Obeying like the good daughter I was, I complied.

My body experienced a convulsion that looked like a person throwing up but in reverse. Every muscle I had was employed to expel the thick, sticky bundle of semen I'd ascertained shortly after we'd left home. The tip of the condom swelled rapidly, bulging in an alarming way with each burst of semen. With each push, the head took on a shape reminiscent of a heavily pregnant udder from the tip of my enormous phallus.

"Oh my... oh god," I breathed out, my mouth agape, mentally adjusting to the newfound landscape of my own enthusiasm. I held my *massive* penis upright and tried to steady myself as I regained control of my senses.

"All good, sweetheart?" my mother inquired.

I nodded in response. "You're doing great, Mama," I replied, removing the condom with my shaking hands.

"Was it a big one?"

I examined the overfilled condom, measuring the volume by the length of my now empty shaft. "Not quite," I remarked. "Maybe around five hundred milliliters."

As if checking my work, Mom extracted a Ziploc bag from her handbag. Unzipping the bag, she took hold of the dripping condom and gingerly tossed it inside.

"I'll measure it at home," she said nonchalantly. "It shouldn't be that much if you've already cum twice, right?"

I agreed. It was rare for me to make such a substantial amount during the day – I usually reserved those larger quantities for in the morning or if I wasn't diligent in the thoroughness of my orgasms.

Focusing on disposing of the condom, I secured it tightly, then did so once more for good measure. Before dropping my wet, spent member into the bag, I shared a playful wink and smirked. My mother enjoyed carrying around some of my cum in a bag, referring to it as her own little "superpower" in light of the substantial amount she'd experienced.

"Alright, let's get out of here," my mother said, turning her attention back to the task at hand. "You still want that skirt?"

I looked back at the discarded clothing I'd ignored in my preoccupation with my sprint through climax. "Yeah, if that's okay, Mama. Do you mind paying while I... sit on the bench outside?"

I was aware that I was standing gawking at the curvaceous woman who'd crossed my path further down the room, but lost my focus when Mom reappeared, tugging on my shoulders. "Come on, sweetheart," she said. I could barely keep my eyes on her as we shuffled slowly across the floor, my tongue growing sluggish from the shock of having nearly lost control.

Reaching the bathroom, Mom steered me under the cover of a stall and enveloped me in her embrace, guiding me as I let my trousers fall. "Here we go," I heard her mutter before I was exposed, her hand taking over the duty of extracting my penis from its confines and jerking me off. My neck drooped, trying to focus on her presence as the sexual tension started to subside. "There you go, baby."

Before long, I was standing before a toilet, my mother's arm holding me steady while her other hand hurriedly stroking my erection. My concentration was wholly absorbed in the view of the big buttocks visible from the corner of my eye. The straps of her thong struggled tirelessly to maintain the integrity of her outfit, likely growing tired of her bountiful rear end.

"Quick, over there," Mom instructed me, signaling towards the bathroom stall.

My legs lifted to straddle the toilet, my hips tilting automatically. My mother's arm remained looped around my waist. "In here, sweetie," she said, guiding my descent. My body flooded with heat as she entered the tiny enclosure with me.

Hey there, sweetheart, it's alright. It's okay, darling. Let's get all this yucky stickiness out now, come on? Open up and let's release it all. Can you do that for me? Oh, please? Can you offer me your gooey stickiness? Come on, my love, let me have them. Show me you're a big girl. Come on, my sweet.

I knew my saliva was dripping down my chin, but I couldn't find the motivation or dexterity to wipe it away. My mom had pulled down the waistband of my pants just enough to set free my throbbing penis, and I watched as a string of glistening drool fell from my lips and splashed into the panting fist of my mother. She wasn't quite holding the full length of my erection in her hand; it was more like she was just cupping it in a slow-motion caress.

"This feels good, Mom," I moaned, unable to contain my disgust.

"I know, baby," Mom sighed, ever so gently mimicking my clever use of farm animal noises. "I know it feels nice. Come on, let's pump out all your cummies now, okay?"

I moaned like a grunting swine as the enormous monster throbbed in my mom's palm, spurting its fifth gelatinized load of the day. My mother, a strong lady both physically and when it comes to ejaculating her own daughter, was incredibly capable of holding me upright while I unloaded in the sink water.

"Good girl," Mom praised, blowing kisses to the air. "You're such a good girl."

For a moment, all sensation returned to my body like a fever breaking, my vision clearing and my hearing becoming clearer. When the strength returned to my legs, Mom released me, and I managed to stumble out of the stall, leaning against the wall until she caught me. She kissed me on the cheek and breathed, "Silly, let's head home, I need to call Dr. Niko."

"Dr. Niko, right."

"Oh dang it," Mom murmured dismissively, reaching into her purse with just her finger and thumb for her phone. "My condom broke in my purse."

We both laughed hysterically, despite the sheer insanity of our situation. "I'll need to call and order the rest of your new school outfits and a new purse for you, too."


It must've been late. Or early. Really, I didn't care. I was wide awake, and my dick was straining for release. I coughed the covers off my body and stood, carefully stroking my engorged member. My breathing held a practiced rhythm as I prepared for another cathartic eruption.

"You're a naughty little monster," I chuckled at myself. "Let's do this."

I stroked myself languidly, and my mouth was as dry as the desert. If my abdominals hadn't been trained through months of peloton, today's jack-off marathon would have wrecked me.

"What did you do today, you little slut?" I murmured to my manhood.

It didn't reply. It just continued throbbing in my hand; impersonating the lingam of some barbaric yawp.

"Haha, fair enough. I'll take care of you," I muttered, pumping myself lazily.


"Oh god, come on."


I neglected to grab a towel from the floor and then aimed the pulsing member towards my toes, causing a huge mess on my freshly laundered bedding. Desperate waves of the foul-smelling liquid filled the room with its pungent chlorine smell, making me feel guilty for leaving a dripping mess in my bed.

Still, the damage was worth it. I cleaned the remaining drops off the duvet by rubbing them on the bedsheet with my hand, then popped up from bed to attend to my next mission: quenching my thirst.

Lamenting my dick's slow return to normal, I muttered to my penis as we headed towards the kitchen. It'd been a while since he got his shut-eye, but life can be hectic sometimes.

Sipping on a cold glass of water from the fridge, I put my limp member back into my sleep shorts, and examined the dark living room with a squint. My mom had left her laptop on before she went to sleep. Kindness urged me to close it, so went to perch at the edge of the couch and do a little digging.

That's when I shouldn't have.

"Hmm, what's this?" I whispered to myself while sitting on the couch, prepared to nose around.

A message from Dr. Niko - he was indeed my doctor. I should be allowed to see it.

"In response to your call today, I want to emphasize the importance of Tori's condition; it looks like her self-administered masturbation isn't doing much to help her symptoms. While your own attempt at relief has been much more successful in keeping Tori's arousal to a minimum, this type of relationship is, to put it mildly, not the norm. Both you and I know that the cornerstone of controlling Tori's condition is the QUALITY of release, which necessitates considering duration, technique, setting, and most importantly, the individual she's with. From what you discovered on her phone when you attempted to comfort her in the bathroom, it's clear that Tori's thoughts are preoccupied with...Oh, you, Audrey. It's vital that Tori finds a decent partner since digital relief is good but may not be enough to keep her from straying into a more depraved path as she ages. Young Tori's production has certainly increased, and the frequency of her orgasms has too. I'm setting aside some time on my schedule for tomorrow - please, if it's at all possible, meet me at my office at 10:00am. Only you."

As my heart plummeted, my stomach churned.

If that wasn't bad enough, my sister's name in the email below was about to make me nauseous. I clicked on the message.

"Hey, Mom! My work term ended early, sooo I'll be home on Tuesday! Is that ok? Call me when you can, excited to see you guys! Love ya!"

This was more than frustrating. Not only was my sister coming home to shake up the dynamic between my mom and me, but poor Mom was going to be forced to sit through a lecture about why it's problematic to give her daughter an orgasm three times a day, and how it's potentially unhealthy to "encourage feelings just because Tori views you as her sexual partner." I made a mental note to erase the incest porn collection on my phone.

Damn. Excellent. I'd tackle all that in the morning. I could use some rest and some new sheets.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de