
Distinguished Academician De Luca

Fear not, you won't reach orgasm just yet. I desire to smack your buttocks.

May 15, 2024
18 min read
gloryholeProfessor De Lucarimmingclit lickingstrangersorgasmhint of lesbianismteacher studentsex clubpet namesasshole spanking
Professor De Luca
Professor De Luca

Distinguished Academician De Luca

Hi friends! Super excited to share this story with you. Let me know your thoughts and if I should write a sequel. 😉


Allie wasn't the sharpest tool when it came to psychology. Just as she thought she understood something, a new discovery would come out and shatter her previous understanding.

"Cognitive dissonance occurs when people face conflicting thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, resulting in unpleasant emotions that drive them to resolve the contradictions." Prof. De Luca explains it simply. Allie sighed and rolled her eyes, jotting down the notes nonetheless.

The sole positive aspect of this class was her intense infatuation with Prof. De Luca. His faint Italian accent had many girls enrolling in his class regardless of their interest in psychology.

She knew her crush was futile. He barely acknowledged her existence. His lectures were straightforward, leaving no room for personal interaction. Allie often found herself fantasizing about him instead of paying attention.

She wondered if he was married. What about kids? His hobbies? Was he genuinely interested in psychology?

Her thoughts turned raunchy. She pictured his hands and visualized him stroking his dick. Oh, how she wished she could see his face during orgasm. Would he give in to the intensity or try to keep his cool?

She couldn't help but wet herself, imagining masturbating before her next class. Luckily, her roommate was gone.

"Miss Johnson?"

Damnit. He was talking to her.

"Yes, Professor?" Her voice trembled as she ran her fingers through her brown hair.

"Are you familiar with the key features of the DSM-5?"

Allie blinked quickly, then replied, "No, Professor. I'm afraid I'm not." Why'd he have to ask her about something she didn't know? Studying was her way to avoid moments like these. Wasn't it?

He gave her a rare smirk, confusing and exciting her.

Her roommate was thankfully not home when she returned to her dorm. She didn't make it to the bed; she leaned against the door, slid her hand down her panties, and haphazardly rubbed her clit until she climaxed.

The next time, Allie entered the same auditorium and took her usual seat. Prof. De Luca began his lecture as usual. She tried to pay attention but her mind was flooded with fantasies of him having sex with her.

His lectures were complex and challenging, making her doubt her academic abilities. Though she wanted to drop the class, she needed it for her degree. So she endured, trying not to let lewd thoughts consume her.

The week after, Prof. De Luca surprised her with an announcement, "Next week, we will be practicing oral exams. Make sure you're prepared." He said it seductively in his Italian accent, leaving Allie feeling perplexed and horny.

Her pussy was raw from constant masturbation. She should've been studying, but she spent four hours watching porn instead. "Will Prof. De Luca pick me?" she wondered anxiously.

"Miss Johnson?" He beckoned, scanning the room until his eyes landed on her.

Crap. This couldn't be happening.

Her cheeks flushed as she stood up and walked towards Prof. De Luca. His tailored suit boasted a bright green scarf. He was irresistibly handsome. She tried to focus on not tripping over her own feet but couldn't help glancing at his lips. This crush was becoming more than just a distraction.

"Sit here," he instructed, seemingly noticing her blush. She crossed her legs and showcased her ankle tattoo, hoping to impress him. He winked at her before starting, "Could you please discuss Piaget's theory of cognitive development and outline any critiques or limitations to his theory?"

Allie takes a deep breath, feeling relieved that she's been asked a question she knows well, and starts, "Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development postulates that children go through four stages of mental development, each identified by distinct ways of thinking and comprehending the world. These stages are..." She proceeds to provide a detailed answer, and De Luca seems genuinely impressed.

He turns to the class and says with a sigh, "At least, I know some of you pay attention in my class, right?" The sandpapery sound of his voice is captivating.

Allie blushes again and looks at her fingernails.

"Good job, Miss Johnson," he says softly, just to her, with a smile. "You can go back to your seat now."

As she walks back to her seat, she can't help but feel a bit smug.

The weekend arrives, and some of her friends are planning a trip to a club as a change from their typical college house parties. The location they choose is known for its unique reputation and is further away than most students would dare to travel, creating the thrill of going to a place where no one knows you. It's rumored to have nudist beaches during the summer and even swinger's clubs and sex parties.

She really longs for an adventure. She spends her days studying and occasionally hangs out with fellow students between classes. She frequently goes to bed early, which results in her having to pleasure herself silently in her bed at night while her roommate sleeps in the same room.

They cram into the old, corroded Corolla owned by a girl in her English class and start their road trip to the unknown.

"Girls," the designated driver, Jan, calls out over a particularly energetic song on the radio, trying to get their attention. "In case we get separated tonight, which, by the way, I really hope we do," the girls all laugh. "We all meet back at the car before sunrise, okay?"

Allie is thrilled at the thought of having an entire twelve hours of freedom and mischief. She's not necessarily looking for a one-night stand, but a little fingering in the corner of a dimly lit booth would be fantastic. Thank you very much.

Allie is not overly impressed when they arrive at the club. The whole town seems as boring as any place surrounding their university. There are perhaps four or five bars along the street they park on, and none of them seem particularly inviting.

They agree to meet by the car, which will remain unlocked, according to Jan's saying, "Who the hell would want to steal this decrepit mess?"

They all walk in together to the closest bar. The lighting is so dark that it's difficult to make out the faces of the people inside. The music is loud, and the atmosphere is lively. Allie is pleasantly surprised, if she's being honest.

The hostess, with her crimson red lips and smoky gaze, greets them with a seductive grin before leading them to a dimly lit booth. The glances from the other patrons are interested; some look downright stunned. Although the clientele isn't teeming with university students, Allie and her friends don't feel uncomfortable with all the stares.

They order their first round of drinks, and before long, they're chatting and laughing with adjacent partygoers. Jan is the first to leave the group, choosing to sit at the bar and try to chat up the attractive bartender, hoping to score some free shots.

A makeshift dance floor starts to form at the far end, and eventually, they all end up joining the dancing crowd. Allie doesn't drink much, but tonight she decides to let go. She accepts free shots from the bartender, who is definitely going for Jan. Men and women dance close together, hardly caring about spatial boundaries. The crowd transforms into a mass of moving limbs and swaying bodies, immersed in the music and the moment. Allie finds herself swept up in the energy of the room, letting go of her inhibitions and dancing like no one is watching.

It's bound to happen after several drinks that a trip to the bathroom is required. Allie pushes through the throng of people, searching for the bathroom. After asking for directions from at least three friendly waitresses, she finally locates it.

As the door opens, the music fades into a dreamy haze, and Allie takes a moment to collect herself. She takes extra time in the bathroom, remembering to use intimate hygiene wipes, always hoping for someone to taste her pussy. Lastly, she checks her makeup under the dim lighting before leaving.

As she cautiously reopens the door, the dimly lit hallway spreads out before her, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Somehow, it seems longer than when she entered, and Allie finds herself unsure of the way back to her friends.

A girl emerges from the second passageway to the left and laughs when she sees Allie. "Aren't you lost?" she asks.

Allie tries to hide her silliness with a grin as she shakes her head. "No, just having a look around."

The girl has a huge compass tattoo on her arm, which seems fitting for the situation. She raises an eyebrow and says, "If you're exploring, you're on the right track." Then, with a cheeky wink, she turns and leaves.

Allie, although lost, is intrigued by this encounter. Who was she? Where did she come from? She takes a risk and moves towards the corridor where the girl disappeared.

The darkness consumes her, and as she walks deeper into this unknown world, the music fades away, leaving only the bassline pounding through her body. Her curiosity kicks in, and she feels giddy, unlike her usual sense of anxiety.

After wandering around, she finds two identical metal doors, one next to the other, reminiscent of a strange intersection. She ponders if this is a dream. She remembers a riddle where you had to pick a path like this. She discards that idea and trusts her instincts to choose the door on the left. Stepping through, she's struck by a burst of fresh air and enters a room with multicolored lights twinkling everywhere and soothing music playing in the background. It feels like she's entered a mystical realm.

The girls, all lovely, surround her. "Hello there," one sings as she saunters over, revealing a sweet smile. "I'm Sadia."

Allie is baffled by their friendliness.

She asks, "What are we supposed to do here?"

The pretty hostess strokes Allie's hair back and says, "You'll love it! Come on, stay," her voice full of longing.

"What exactly is the activity?"

"You'll see, and you'll adore it!" Sadia chirps as she drags her towards a long passage with booth stalls on one side. The booths have steel doors, similar to the one at the entrance, and a small viewing window.

"Look at this one," Sadia enthusiastically gestures. "We all enjoy ourselves here."

Allie peeks into a booth and feels her heart race when she sees a girl lying face-up, completely nude, with her arms restrained on either side of her. All that's visible is the upper half of her body. Her lower half has disappeared into a hole in the wall. With the music, you'd never hear the girl squirming and writhing, but you can see her mouth hanging open.

Sadia hums softly. "This girl visits often." The hostess snickers and adds, "It's pretty popular."

Allie's imagination fires up as she pictures the other side of the partition: a long row of girls' vaginas, just waiting for someone to play with. A shudder runs through her pussy, sending a tingling wave across it.

"Go ahead!" Sadia urges. "Try it out! I promise you'll love it. I've visited twice tonight already," she adds conspiratorially, playfully tugging at Allie's sleeves. "Feel this," she says, urging Allie's hand to slide through her trousers.

"O. . . Um. . ." Allie stammers nervously. "I. . . uh.."

Before Allie can process what's happening, the pretty girl puts her own hand into her pants. Allie's shocked and incredibly turned on.

"Wow, that's incredible," she gasps quietly. Overwhelmed, she lets the girl guide her hand down her trousers. This moment is unlike anything she's experienced before. It's exciting, safe, and leaves her itching for more.

Without thinking, Allie offers her hand to the girl to slide into her trousers. This sensation has her tingling with desire. [square brackets omitted by the author to show the actual text]

It feels strangely comfortable to slip her fingers between the wet folds of someone else's vagina. She knows exactly how everything is placed and how to touch her. Sadia moans softly, clutching on to Allie's arm and rocking her hips against Allie's hand.

"Ohh, I enjoy this so much," she says, "it feels so nice."

With her other hand, Allie extends a finger and slips it under Sadia's pants, gently pulling them away. Sadia whimpers, a cute little sound. She runs the same hand over her own pants and rubs Sadia's juices into her own vagina.

"Ugh, fuck." she groans. Sadia smiles at her, and for some odd reason, Allie finds that adorable.

"I like you," she says suddenly. "I like making out with other girls."

Allie smiles back at her, her hand still in her pants, caressing herself in soft circles.

"Perhaps next time," she suggests. "Booth number seven is ready now."

Allie is quickly snapped back to reality. "Uh...okay."

"Don't stress," she assures her, "the supervisor will ensure that nothing inappropriate happens."

Allie is so desperate for an orgasm, she doesn't really care about the rules. All she wants is to climax. That's it. Simply to climax. She wants that scorching sensation deep inside. She wants to feel her orgasm flow from her body and drip down onto her legs.

"Come along," Sadia says, guiding her towards the door with number seven on it. Allie peers inside and takes a deep breath.

"Oh, so I can lay on my back or on my stomach?"

"Going with your front," she replies without hesitation.

Sadia helps Allie up onto the platform and removes her pants. She presses her face against Allie's crotch and inhales her scent.

"Mmm," she exhales loudy. "I'll see you later."

Allie rolls over, extending her legs through the hole in the wall and wiggling into the correct position.

She feels the cool breeze on her skin, wondering if someone is on the other side of the wall, if there are multiple people on the other side. Will her soaked underwear be clearly visible? Is someone just standing there, or is it possible that there's more than one person?

"You have this device here," explains Sadia, presenting a gadget in front of her. "This red button is the main one - use it if you're uncomfortable or want to stop." She points to the standard red button in the middle of the device. "Your partner may move your legs into the restraints, but there's no problem if you speak to them."

Allie likes how this whole thing is well-organised. It gives her the feeling of control and assurance, knowing that she can stop the session at any time.

"This is exactly what I need," she thinks to herself.

However, the excitment and anxiety are very similar, filling Allie with a feeling similar to performance nerves.

"If you want to request another anonymous encounter with your partner afterwards," adds Sadia, "you can."

Allie cannot stop herself from imagining who's behind the wall; if she does, the experience becomes too real. She must focus on her pussy needing to be touched. The rest can be dealt with later.

Ok, Sadia murmurs, "I'll leave you to it. Enjoy yourself."

With a soft click, the door closes. Allie is alone, but not entirely. Soft shuffling sounds emerge from the wall on the other side. She feels her pussy clench as she imagines the man's fingers on her behind, his touch burning, rubbing over her sensitive spots.

"You like?" he whispers, making Allie jump.

"Mmmm, it's nice," she answers breathlessly, trying to figure out if he has an accent. He slowly runs his hands over her butt, pressing her cheeks together and then drawing them apart. Her anus tingles as the cool breeze contacts it. The man massages her buttocks just right, stimulating her anus.

"Do you like that?" he asks, startling Allie.

"Yes," she gasps, unsure of his accent.

He hums, injecting a rough edge to his voice, making Allie feel drawn to him. His hands glide over her legs, stopping to caress her ankle tattoo lightly before gently nudging his fingers along her inner thigh, coming dangerously close to her wet pussy. She moans and writhes, trying to encourage him to relieve the torment. He only chuckles, deepening the teasing.

His lips wander, planting soft kisses first on the insides of her knees, before moving up her legs. Each kiss grows bolder, leaving her on the edge of begging for more. The mystery man whimsically caresses her back, leaving tiny trails of hot kisses that set her heart racing. The danger creeps closer with each swipe of his tongue until it's nearly touching her clit. Allie sighs and strains.

He playfully pulls back and plants a long, languid, yet gentle lick along her entire slit. Then, teasingly, he nudges her anus with his tongue. Allie mewls and begs, desperate for more of this delectable torture.

"Fuck, your voice is hot," she tells herself.

He keeps torturing her by brushing his hot tongue over her anus again and again. But rather than plunge in, he enjoys the thrill of denying her. He carefully drags his tongue up and down, tallying up the agonizing seconds before another lick.

He softly whispers, "You know what I want you to do, pet."

Allie is taken aback by the unexpected term of endearment; she's never responded so strongly to the casual intimacy. Her sex moans again and she can't even hold it in. She wants more, she wants everything.

And then her grip on reality slips as he circles around her clit with his thumb and index finger. Allie's want becomes coherent, "Please."

But she's unsure what she wants him to do. "Show me how charming your hole is," he says, teasing.

Her hands tremble up to her own ass, spreading the rounds as wide as possible. Her well-wetted pussy exposes itself, dripping down to her anus. The thrill of being naked, on display for a stranger, alone, overcomes her.

"That's it, spreading your shapely ass for me." His voice is deeply seductive. "I love how you morph from a cute little thing to something so enticing. It makes me want to be naughty."

Allie rocks back, pouting in desperation. She can sense him flex his fingers. Her mind begs her body to open further, and her pussy tightens in response. He rubs her hole with his knuckles, inciting her to abandon any hope for relief. His playful wanking of her clit feels like a second assault to her outer pussy lips. She feels needy.

He continues playing with her body as she helplessly holds her ass cheeks open. He pries apart her lips, exposing herself completely so he can view and hurt her. He pulls at her anus with his tongue, inching closer and closer. Allie no longer cares about who watches.

He stimulates her clit, his tongue rests firmly in her anus. They're in synchronization, making her beg for a fuck. He caresses her inner lips with his fingers, abusing her opening. Her mewls and writhings slow as she climbs the edge of the mouth watering curve known as the orgasm. He promises to release her.

"Show me how pretty your asshole is," he demands.

She contains herself. Her palms reach back to spread her cheeks open wider. She wears her ass out, displaying it in plain view, yearning for him to use her.

She mewls as his fingertip grazes within moments of her ass, his fingers knowing exactly what to do. He sighs, complimenting her, "Cute." Then he tenderly directs his finger along her anus. Her body shivers in response to his touches.

He clenches his hand around her ample butt to hold it in place, surrounding her trembling body. He licks her asshole repeatedly, bringing pinpricks of pleasure then intense waves of pleasure. His fingers tug at her clit. Each torment is calculated to heighten her need for orgasm without providing it.

"Do you want me to make you come?" he teases.

Her toes cramp, her back arches. Instruction in her teasing voice, "No, let me do it to you."

He teasingly pinches her clit harder. She's on the edge of reaching out and stopping him, but the pleasure distracts her from the irritation.

"Show me how pretty this ends, and you'll have what you want."

Up to her elbows, Allie holds her ass open, studying her hole and how it pulsates with every slight rub. He applies firm pressure at her rim and she's cursing herself, longing for fulfilment. The stranger pierces her lips, leaving welts behind, sending her into a whirlwind of explicit heat.

"Hmm," the man murmurs, deep in thought. "Sweetheart, I need you to stay put for a bit." Allie sighs audibly. "I know, I know," he soothes, "but I want to kiss your pussy right now." His tone is straightforward, driving Allie crazy. "Don't stress though," he adds, gently tapping her ass with two fingers on her anus. A loud yelp escapes her, followed by a primal cry and a sudden thrust of her hips. "Wow, what a fortunate lady," he chuckles, "you enjoy having your hungry little hole played with, don't you?"

"Yes," Allie gasps, "it's amazing."

"Amazing, isn't it?" He sounds so calm, an unusual addition to the intense moment. "Let me assist you." He suggests, helping her place her legs in a position that keeps her ass elevated and her hips steady. "There, lovely." He whispers, then presses his lips against her ass hole in a gentle kiss.

While continuing to caress her anus with his thumb, he gently sucks on her clit. Allie feels like the world has stopped spinning. The slightest pressure on her clit creates electric shocks deep within.

Her pussy seems desperate for more attention, contracting painfully. She thrashes about on the bed, but her hips remain locked in place, leaving her no choice but to endure the sweet torment.

The man groans into her while nibbling away at her clit. Their combined groans and exhalations fill the room obscenely. Losing all control, she bucked her hips uncontrollably, trying to enjoy the sensations as he plays with her clit in the lightest, most sinful way. Occasionally, as her orgasmic feelings start to develop, he slaps her anus, breaking her concentration.

"Please," she pleads, after what seems like an eternity, "please, please, please!"


"I need to cum," she admits.

"Oh yeah?" He pretends to be unaware. "You want me to give you an orgasm?"

"Please!" she begs again.

"I thought you liked this," he remarks, stroking her clit once more but not with enough force to satisfy.

"I do! I do!" She cries, still trying to buck her hips. "But... I'm empty." She lamented, feeling incredibly ashamed.

The man falls silent. "You want my dick?"

Allie groans loudly. "Yes."

Allie listens as the man unbuttons his trousers. She assumed he was already naked like her. Relaxing her backside, she pushes her ass cheeks closer together, curious about how wet she is. Her pussy lips touch, and she giggles as she feels how wet she is.

"Got it," the man announces, putting his hands on hers and massaging her butt along with her. "Ready?"

Allie's excitement bubbles over. The man laughs affectionately. "Keep your ass open so I can play with your anus."

The moment his cock head enters her, she knows she won't last long. She feels like she could cum by humping the air at this stage.

He lets out a pleased sigh, his moans feeling genuine and raw. As if he's finally given in to his pleasure, he pours it all into her.

He pushes into her at a steady pace, rubbing against her insides and stimulating her nerve endings.

"Is this okay?" He inquires while rhythmically thrusting into her, caressing her anus.

"Yes," she affirms, enjoying the fullness of him.

As promised, his thumb once again finds her sensitive anus, and while he continues to fuck into her, he rubs her rim. Every so often, the tip of his finger dashes inside, eliciting a squeal from her.

"Lovely," he growls, "you're clenching down on me." "I'm going to cum if you don't relax." "You're so tight."

Allie responds with a desperate moan and calls out impassively, "I want to make you cum!"

"Good girl," he chuckles. "You know, you're totally soaked down there? You're gonna make a big mess, sweetie." He teases, spreading the creamy semen all over her wide-open pussy. "Alright, darling, time to cum now."

Allie's heart starts racing as she thinks about finally experiencing that blissful release.

He thrusts his penis in and out, hitting precisely the right spot deep inside her. Despite that, Allie maintains her arousal and lets him finger her anus, which feels heavenly. His long member entering and exiting, his delicate touch, and the sounds they create together are just incredible. When he occasionally spits into her anus and spreads it around, it's a bit naughty but undeniably wonderful. Never before had Allie felt so comfortable with her own body or her sexuality.

Allie gasps when she feels her orgasm nearing. "I can't, I can't--"

He grunts a primal noise and says, "Go on, sweetheart. Cum now, you've been so good." His words push her over the edge into a sea of ecstasy. " I'll fuck you through it." He promises, making her tremble. "That's it, dear; I've got you."

She tenses up as her climax, the most painful one ever, overwhelms her. Her walls grip him tightly, and she emits her emotions through a wrenching scream of pleasure. He continues to fuck her, prolonging her pleasurable moments until she unambiguously succumbs to a state of tremendous joy.

"Good girl!" He yells before pulling out completely, pushing his cockhead momentarily into her anus, and jerking off his orgasm into her.

"That's scorching hot." Allie laughs while he groans out his climax.

The space reverberates with heavy breathing and the scent of sexual adventures as they both unwind from their heady passion. Allie slumps over, placing her shaky arms along her thighs and soaks in the afterglow, feeling completely gratified and contented.

The unidentified man pulls away, and Allie hears him moving around and planning to leave without uttering another word. But she shouldn’t feel displeased. What did she expect him to do?

Gazing at the now-empty interactive device, prompted by Sadia at the outset of the encounter, Allie summons another session.

Suddenly, she hears someone on the other side of the wall once more, shifting her back into the real world - just a sex club. Urging to cover herself arouses.

"Just me," the familiar voice says. And it's amazing how someone she's never encountered and has no visual memory of elicits a profound sense of calm. It's both thrilling and terrifying, like poised on the verge of a cliff, contemplating backing away or diving into the darkness of the great unknown.

He presents a steaming cloth between her legs and carefully cleans away the remnants of their connection. "There, pristine," he murmurs before showering her with affectionate kisses around her soaked vagina. The intimacy of this moment surprises her, as he continues to deliver care and tenderness.

After one final kiss on her pulsating clit, he inhales through his nose and announces, "I may see you again."

Allie hums, "That seems appealing."

"Goodbye, little one."

Allie eventually returns to the dance floor, and just as she had dreamed, her pals disappear from sight. Thankfully, they're absent. She makes her way to the bar and orders a cold one. Her thoughts are paralyzed with wild pleasure and uncertainty as she attempts to digest this unanticipated encounter with the anonymous stranger.

She gulps down her freezing beer, striving to regain control over herself, only to see Professor De Luca across the counter, displaying a radiant smile.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de