Erotic Couplings

Dominating Nina - Part 2

Nina remains under the control of her recently acquired African partner.

May 17, 2024
22 min read
group sextoysgroupSubjugating Nina Pt. 02
Subjugating Nina Pt. 02
Subjugating Nina Pt. 02

Dominating Nina - Part 2

One Saturday evening, Des sent a video to Nina that left her shocked beyond comprehension. The video sent her emotions on a wild ride from horror to shame, and eventually, arousal. Unable to control herself, she watched the whole thing and let her fingers wander underneath her PJs to pleasure herself to an orgasm.

She was disgusted with herself after the act but quickly fell asleep. On Sunday morning, Nina found herself unable to delete the messages from Des. Her mind kept flashing back to the memories of being ravished by two strong, powerful black men. It was a far cry from her sheltered life, and despite hating it, the thought of surrendering to her desires was beyond pleasurable.

Had she been able to think straight, she could've pondered on how society's expectations had shaped her into who she was and how liberating it felt to give in to her desires.

Instead, she spent Sunday morning getting up late, showering, and dressing in her most frumpy sports outfit. She attempted to study all morning, but failed miserably. Instead, she decided to go for a walk to clear her head. She ventured further than she ever did before, and by the time she returned, she was tired and hadn't eaten anything all day.

Eager to fill her stomach, Nina chose to eat out. She ended up in Zizzis, an Italian casual restaurant she often visited with her friends. After a glass of wine, she retrieved her phone from under the pillow, fully expecting messages from Des. However, there were none. Disappointed, she finished her meal and left the restaurant.

Des, on the other hand, spent Sunday with his daughter, Tia, who lived with her mother in London. Tia had come to visit him for her 21st birthday and wanted a car. He was a protective father, and when he received a text from Nina on Sunday evening, he found himself smiling. Nina's text might have been casual, but the subtext was clear: she wanted him.

Des was 42 years old, fit, and looked much younger than his age. His job as a fitness instructor and salsa teacher meant he was extremely fit. He was a player, and many women were attracted to his body, his dark complexion, and the grace and fluidity he inherited from years of dancing. His charms were hard to resist, but even though he considered settling down, the stream of women throwing themselves at him kept him entertained.

Most of his conquests had one common thread: a fascination with white women. The years of growing up with racism - not just the outright kind, but passive-aggressive and snide remarks that were difficult to pinpoint as racially offensive - had left their mark on Des. His desire to bed white women was both a kink and a form of justice for him: a way to balance the racism he faced during his childhood. It was about more than just sex; he wanted to dominate them.

After Tia left, Des went shopping to prepare for the week ahead. At Waitrose, as he considered the various humus options, he remembered the time he had spent with Nina on Friday. She was slim and fit, intelligent, and everything he found attractive. The prospect of Nina excited him, and he felt an instant erection.

Shortly after 9 pm, Nina stood nervously in her kitchen, holding a half-empty cup of mint tea. She had changed into a casual outfit and was alternating between regretting sending the drunk text and desperately wanting Des to arrive. The doorbell rang, breaking her concentration. Her heart raced, and her mouth went dry. She slowly opened the door to reveal Des standing there, her sexual tension palpable.

The shadowy figure of Des stood there with his toned body hidden under a dark hoodie, "Hey Nina," he said with a smile as he advanced toward her.

Silent, Nina took a small step back to allow him space. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her slender body towards his own, and they shared a passionate kiss. The kiss was intense, as if they were making love, and the shock was almost electric.

After a short while, Nina relaxed and hugged Des around the neck, returning the kiss with equal passion. Des shut the door with his foot, then released her embrace.

"Hi, Des," she gasped for air, "Welcome to my home," she seemed embarrassed and shy, not knowing quite what to say.

"It's good to see you," Des remarked, admiring her appearance.

Nina's heart beat faster at the compliment. "Would you like to come in?" he inquired.

Unsure of what to do, Nina took his hand and guided him into the living room. Without saying a word, she watched him take in the clean, organized space. Des noticed the study nook with her books neatly stacked and visible. It was a fantasy of his, the good girl gone wild.

Chuckling playfully, Des sat on the comfy couch, pulling Nina over to sit on his lap. He kissed her again and, after awhile, Des said, "I wasn't sure if I'd frightened you on Friday."

Nina was indeed terrified and still was, but refused to admit it. Instead, she asked, "Do you want something?" thinking to get drinks for them.

Des nodded, "Yes please," while his hands roamed up under her top. He opened the clasp of her bra, removing it from her chest. Nina responded by tossing her top and bra aside, wondering whether he'd like what he saw.

Des had been musing over the previous events and was highly aroused. He leaned down to suck on her breasts - an action he knew would unleash the love hormone oxytocin, which would create a feeling of bonding between them.

The two kissed some more as Des's hands explored her body, repeatedly touching her breasts to stimulate the release of more oxytocin.

Later, Des encouraged Nina to move off his lap and sit on the couch beside him. With quickness, he removed his pants and underwear, revealing his erect penis. She was amazed that such a large organ would fit inside her, and nervously touched it before stroking it.

"I can't believe it fits me," she whispered.

Des reached around her neck and guided her head down towards his lap, and she willingly obliged, allowing her mouth to take him in as she stroked the base of his cock. After a few minutes, Des knew he could not hold out and positioned Nina back on the sofa. He knelt on one knee on the sofa and with the other leg on the floor, above her. Nina felt his erection press against her leg, and thoughts of no condom and being unprotected vanished from her mind as his penis tip penetrated her.

A powerful thrust and he entered her, meeting no resistance thanks to her natural lubrication. Nina closed her eyes to focus on the sensations, her nose filled with the distinct scent and feel of his body. After two more orgasms, this one deeper than before, she dug her fingers into his back in response.

"You're so tight," Des whispered, "How good you feel," his thrusts slowed as his erection grew firm once more. Nina was astonished when she orgasmed a third time, this one even more intense than the others. Des's fingers dug into her back as he entered her, pumping his hips with pleasure.

Finally, Des rolled off Nina, still inside her. She embraced him, asking if he'd smile for her as he had done before. "That was great," he whispered and returned her kiss, shifting his hips slightly so his semi-erect penis tickled her inner walls, causing another moan from her.

A guy lay on top of Nina, gently rubbing her hair while his semi-erect penis was still inside her. He murmured sweet nothings in her ear, making her feel incredibly close to him. At last, he begrudgingly removed his penis from her, leaving a lingering sensation that would take her a week to rid of the sofa and forever associate it with that specific spot.

Tired from their amorous encounter, the couple went to bed. Nina guided the way upstairs, nervously glancing around as she showed him her dwelling.

"Don't mind the mess," she said.

Des smiled approvingly. "It looks lovely. Really cozy."

Nina turned red. "Thanks. You can use the restroom first. I'll be just a moment."

"Take your time," Des replied, leaning against the doorway as he watched her go in.

Nina moved swiftly, cleansed herself, and took a shower, rinsing away her nervousness. Once she stepped out, Des was waiting nearby.

"All yours," she said, covering herself with a towel.

Des nodded and kissed her on the forehead. "Thanks, darling. I'll be quick."

Des showered and borrowed Nina's toothbrush. After Nina had used the bathroom, they crawled into her bed, surrounded by a pink blanket. Nina was already in her pajamas, but she doubted she'd be able to sleep naked.

Warm and sleepy, Des snuggled up to her. He began to grow erect. Feeling his stiffness press against her thigh, Nina beamed contentedly. Des shut off the lamp and they exchanged sweet nothings before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

The week had felt lengthy and work had become less engaging. Nina struggled to focus during the day and dedicated her evenings to sexting with Des. On a whim she decided to visit Boux Avenue one day during her lunch break and bought some racy underwear, purchasing a captivating pink bodysuit as well as a daring purple bra, knickers, and suspender set. Fearful about the other workers noticing, she hid these items in a Marks and Spencer's bag before carrying it back to the office.

Later in the evening, she unveiled her new undergarments and snapped a photo to show Des. The phone beeped, and she glanced at the screen to find a picture of a large, ready-to-erupt penis.

Throughout the week, Nina was on pins and needles, anxiously awaiting an invitation from Des to meet up. Several times, she reached for her phone to send him a message, but stopped short. At last, the desired request came: "Hello Nina, up for another wild night?"

Her stomach fluttered as she read this. What did he mean by "wild"? The events she had shared with Des were indeed wild for her, but what did "wild" imply to him? She fondly thought back to the first night, with her joining two robust black men. She relished the feeling of being governed and handing herself over to such domineering males. Unable to contain her thoughts, she closed her eyes and reminisced about being penetrated by two penises concurrently.

She trembled as she sent back a reply: "Yes." And she meant every word of it.

Friday afternoon, she rushed home and hurriedly showered and changed, torn between the bodysuit and the suspenders. She chose the bodysuit, packed a bag with her overnight essentials, and rushed out to catch a taxi. She boarded the train and made the tedious journey to Wimbledon. After waiting for over an hour, the train arrived, and she briskly walked to the taxi stand, giving the address to the driver.

Nina arrived at the restaurant shortly and called Des, who came out hastily and guided her to a table at the back. Strangely, Wayne was also present, eagerly grinning towards Nina, generating a sense of surprise and excitement in her. Des introduced her to the others: Wayne's girlfriend, Kelly, and Marcus and Adam.

Des led her to sit by Kelly, who was a law student in her second year. She was self-assured, exuding the confidence of an advanced education, with the exception of when talking to Wayne, for which she hesitantly fumbled over her words. Although considerably thinner, Kelly's greater bosom evoked some envy within Nina.

The evening's festivities were enjoyable, with much merriment and Nina loosening up around her new acquaintances. Des wrapped his arm around Nina and she snuggled close to him. The food finally surfaced, and they all indulged, with rounds upon rounds of beverages materializing. Hours later, it was realized. Marcus extended an invitation to the group to visit his dwelling nearby.

The friends returned to a house with a terraced layout, a 15-minute stroll from the restaurant. They had stopped by a supermarket to buy some drinks and had an energized mood as they approached the place. Des had his arm around Nina on their way to the house, and the latter was feeling content and at ease. She was falling for Des and having company of others, like Kelly, alleviated any concerns over how wild the night might get. She was merely wishing to spend the night with Des once more.

Upon arriving inside, the group unpacked their groceries in the kitchen, with most members moving into the living room. Marcus cranked up some tunes. There were not enough seats, so Des pulled Nina onto his lap.

"Comfy?" Des inquired, embracing her.

Nina chuckled and nodded. "I'm always comfy with you."

Adam remained in the kitchen to bring in the drinks. The guys favored beer, whereas Adam whipped up potent vodka-based fruity cocktails for Kelly and Nina.

"Hey Adam, can you help?" Kelly called out, noticing he was taking his time.

Adam replied with a mischievous grin, "Nope, got this! Just making sure your concoctions are perfect."

Kelly chuckled, "Rush it up, dude, we need you as our bartender!"

Marcus peeked from fiddling with the music player. "What's the playlist, amigo?"

Marcus answered, "Good old classics."

The tray laden with beers was delivered to the gentlemen and the colorful cocktails to Kelly and Nina. "Here you are, ladies. Cheers!"

The group clinked glasses together, hollering "Cheers!"

They nestled into their beverages and conversations as the atmosphere relaxed and livened up. Kelly passed Barbara a glance, querying about "Des and you."

Nina smirked, casting a look at Des. "It's going great, actually."

Des reciprocated her smirk, squeezing her affectionately. "Same here, babe."

Marcus chugged his beer. "You two are beyond cute, can't you tell?"

Kelly cackled. "Yep, jealousy's in full swing."

Adam added cockily, "We're just here for a good time. No need for jealousy."

"I agree," Des affirmed. "Tonight's about pals, tunes, and beverages. You need a refill, anybody?"

Kelly raised her drained glass. "I could use another dose of that cooler, if you don't mind, Adam."

Adam collected her glass with a mock bow, proceeding to the kitchen for more libations, as the music pervaded the space, and friends mingled, filled with laughter and a plethora of discussions.

Marcus found a plastic Ziplock bag and a bong in a cupboard, going to fill it in the kitchen. Nina, who had not used Cannabis before, took a puff and exclaimed as her airway constricted, resulting in peals of laughter from the crowd.

"You good?" Des asked, patting her back tentatively.

Nina gasped and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just didn't anticipate it being this strong."

Kelly giggled. "Trust me, it gets easier."

Determined, Nina inhaled again and encountered a realm with heightened perception. Shades seemed more vibrant, auditory sensations turned more vivid, and her musings took on a fantastical quality. Her temporal experience generates a spacious tranquil sensation where she imbibed awe, allowing Nina to relish a state of bliss.

"This is... incredible," she whispered, clearly enchanted.

"Welcome to the club," Des nodded.

Marcus, handing the bong to Adam, nodded in agreement. "I said it was top-tier."

Nina returned from her reverie as she noticed Des's embrace. She swore she isolated herself and found herself embraced by three individuals - Des, Wayne, and Kelly, with Des's hands on her, Wayne's on her leg, and Kelly's giggling after having idly inhaled through the bong. She felt no shock, bewilderment, or dismay, creating an intriguing situation.

A round of beverages was delivered, and the lads encouraged the gals to indulge. The conversation centered on music, clubs, vacations, and Nina was immersed in the cheerful, jovial environment.

Finally, Des took her by the fingers and ushered her to the kitchen. He whipped them both drinks, spiking Nina's with more vodka than his.

"Here you are," he said, handing her the drink. "Thought you'd prefer something a tad stronger."

"Thanks," Nina smiled, after a sip. "So, your perspective on the evening's music?"

"Pretty great," Des responded, leaning at a counter. "Marcus always has an exceptional collection."

Des and Nina discussed their favorite tunes and pals, with Nina feeling tranquil while constantly desiring Des's attention.

Feeling potent and masterful, Des extracted a pack of blue tablets and downed one in front of Nina, thinking nothing of it but aware that it increased his clemency and facilitated additional rounds. Nina believed they were aspirin or something.

Unexpectedly, Nina announced, "I bought you new underwear!" and it was uncharacteristic of her. The effects of the beverage and drugs, the envy of Kelly, and her deep desire for Des led her to act more without restriction than typical.

Des inquired, "Really?" to which she happily replied, "Sure, show me!"

Nina nodded, worrying where they could go. Des exited the room with a grin and promptly returned a minute later. He embraced Nina to kiss her. She heard someone hurrying up the stairs. Des held Nina to kiss her fervently, and Nina softened in his arms.

Marcus in his bedroom glanced around. His double bed sported clean, fresh sheets. He activated four wireless HD webcams, ensuring suitable lighting and sufficient memory on the disks. After starting the cameras, he turned them off. He checked the radiators' warmth before exiting the room, monitoring the live feed on his phone as he descended the stairs, softly humming a melody when he entered the living room.

Des fetched a bottle of water from the fridge and took an enthusiastic Nina to the upstairs bedroom.

Des was knowledgeable about Marcus's room and entered, guiding her within. Nina was apprehensive-exited about inquiring something but he silenced her with a kiss. Des sauntered over to the bed and began dancing to the music. Nervously giggling, Nina removed her garments, unveiling her pink bodysuit. After shedding the bodysuit, she sat naked on Des' lap.

Meanwhile, the others viewed Nina undressing in 4K definition on their wide-screen TV. Kelly cozied up to Wayne's lap while Wayne and Adam suggested things, causing Kelly to giggle nervously as she observed. Both Wayne and Adam touched her aggressively.

Des massaged Nina's breasts next, pulled off the three poppers along the bodysuit's base, uncovering her busts. Des shifted his position and manipulated Nina's thigh, exposing his actions to the camera on the side table.

Des clutched under Nina's leg and his fingers slid higher along her vulva to the pinnacle of her clitoris, delighting Nina with these touches. Des kissed her neck, given that she responded to that, and moved Nina around, widening her left leg to show the camera on the bedside table his actions.

Des continued rubbing her vulva, gradually becoming more significant and slick as her body prepared for him. Nina arched her back, lifted her head backward, and gasped out loud as Des's rhythm quickened.

Des kissed her neck once more, confirming how much she enjoyed that, and slowly edged his fingers into Nina's nether region. Des relocated his hand to above her legs, locating the poppers on her bodysuit's bottom, and removed them.Des caressed Nina's vulva with a faux fur glove.

Downstairs, the men applauded and exclaimed in approval. While the men were aroused, they had to wait until it was suitable.

However, Kelly's situation differed. "It's time, babe," Wayne told Kelly, who rose from Wayne's lap and stood up. Wayne also arose and held Kelly's hand as Adam and Marcus watched her with burning desire. As silence filled the room, Kelly exited.

Following, Wayne quietly slid open the door to Marcus's room. Nina, now exposed and blindfolded with her hands tied to the headboard, was being pleasured by Des.

Wayne entered the room, silently closing the door behind himself. He undressed Kelly, stashing her clothing on the back of the chair by the desk before leading her, nude apart from sky-blue panties, to the bed. Des and Wayne undressed next, simultaneously relishing in the moment. [End of text]

Wayne circled the bed near Nina, adjusting one of the cameras and then leaned in to kiss her softly. Nina, who was waiting anxiously, opened her mouth, tilted her head back, and prepared for Des's kiss. However, Wayne just teased her.

Nina had heard the noise of undressing, but she didn't realize that she and Des were not alone. A low-volume rap song masked most of the sounds.

On the other side, Des was locking lips with Kelly, who was massaging his thick penis. Kelly, who had experienced this before, knew that Wayne liked to watch them having sex. She glanced at Nina, bound and naked, and panicked a bit. She remembered her part in this and nervously chewed her bottom lip.

Wayne had placed his penis near Nina's mouth and rested it there. Nina, already turned on by the situation, opened her mouth wider, eagerly accepting it into her mouth and beginning to suck. She could taste the pre-cum, which turned her on even further.

Meanwhile, Kelly was performing fellatio on Des, looking up at him as he stood over her. After a minute, Des motioned to Wayne, who pulled his penis out of Nina's mouth and slowly walked around the bed. He climbed between Nina's legs, gently separating them. He traced his tongue along Nina's vulva, investigating her sensitive clitoris. Nina was chained up, and the ropes offered very little resistance.

Des and Kelly observed as Wayne continued to lick and suck Nina's clitoris. They were fascinated by the erotic performance. After some time, Des summoned Kelly to join him, and she walked towards Wayne.

He touched Wayne's shoulder just as Wayne was about to give one final suck. Kelly slipped in between Nina's legs and hesitantly licked her vulva. It didn't taste unpleasant, and there was a hint of sweetness, which encouraged her. She licked more, and Nina rewarded her with a sigh of pleasure.

At this point, Kelly was fully focused on pleasuring Nina; her panties were getting damp. Nina was gasping loudly, edging closer to orgasm. Kelly's hands caressed Nina's thighs while Wayne and Des watched. They didn't need their phones to record the scene; four HD cameras and a microphone were already capturing everything.

After a few minutes, Kelly had found a rhythm with Nina. Kelly was turned on as well, and she felt her panties soaking. Nina, with the effect of alcohol and drugs, moaned loudly and bucked her hips as she reached climax, releasing even more vaginal fluids onto Kelly's lips.

Des, still naked, sat next to Nina and untied the restraints. He kissed her before carrying her in his arms, making sure Nina could see who it was. She was startled to see Kelly and Wayne kissing fervently, unaware of Des's presence. Des pulled Nina's face away from Kelly's to kiss her himself and started stroking her back.

Des flipped Nina onto her back and tried to retie her, but with the help of Wayne. Kelly, still partially dressed in sky blue knickers, straddled Nina, and she felt her weight and soft skin.

"What's happening?" Nina asked, puzzled. At this point, Kelly responded by leaning down and deepening the kiss, surprising Nina. There was something comforting in the softness and touch of Kelly's breasts against hers, but Des quickly pulled her face away to kiss her instead. Nina was now too drunk and inexperienced to react with judgment.

Des helped undo the ropes and checked Nina's limbs. Wayne picked up the camera on the desk and focused on the women. Both were lost in the moment, with no awareness of the room's other occupants. Nina had her hand on the back of Kelly's head, and she had her eyes closed as both girls lost themselves in passion.

Marcus and Adam entered the room. Marcus went straight for Nina's discarded clothes and handled the bodysuit. "She was really wet," he observed after feeling the crotch area of the lingerie.

Meanwhile, Adam was undressing and stroking his erection. Des handed Nina a curved pink vibrator from the side table. "Use it on Kelly," he instructed.

Taken aback, Nina asked, "Should I use it on her?" as she sat up from the bed.

Des replied with a grin, "Yeah, she just made you cum, so it's her turn." Nina blushed, realizing the situation she was in.

But I am not bi-sexual," Nina responded defiantly.

Kelly sat by Nina's side, thrilled with the anticipation, her legs wide open as instructed beforehand, and continued to play with Nina's nipples.

Nina's hubby, Des, sat on the bed beside her, still clutching the vibrator. He leaned over to kiss Nina passionately as he flipped the switch, pushing her back onto the bed next to Kelly.

Des reached out with his free hand to grab another sex toy from a box on the shelf. Marcus then sat at the end of the bed, ready to join in the excitement. Des left the vibrator and took the new toy, rubbing it along Nina's vulva gently before it fully penetrated her.

Marcus fetched his phone from his trousers, opened an app that could control the vibrator, and turned it on remotely. Des slowly inserted the vibrator further, causing Nina to catch her breath.

Kelly raised herself onto her elbows and reached over, placing a kiss on Nina's lips as the other woman yielded to the pleasure. Des then guided Nina's hand towards Kelly's crotch, and soon they both connected with the vibrator - Nina into Kelly, and Kelly into Nina.

Des then turned off the vibrator and slid off the bed. Marcus and Adam now controlled the vibrator, changing its settings with their phones, causing vibrations that sent Nina into a blissful state.

Marcus and Kelly groaned loudly, signalling that they couldn't take it any longer. They all got up, and the four men climbed onto the double bed. Marcus and Wayne lay across the top, using pillows for support. Nina raised her head, expecting Des, but saw it was Adam thrusting hard. She sighed with relief when Kelly's head appeared, giving her a wet blowjob instead of the other way around.

Kelly's screams of pleasure spread through the room, which was now full of these men. Des plucked her vibrator from her, and Adam forcefully made his way into Nina from behind. She lost track of whose cock was in whose mouth as the men exchanged partners rapidly. Marcus and Wayne now loved Kelly passionately as she cried out in ecstasy.

They swapped couples, with Wayne being stuffed by Kelly, his own penis entering Nina's mouth. The men paused, pulled out, and reached for the bottle of lube. Des called out to Marcus, "Hey Marcus, hey Marcus" and held up the lubricant bottle. They smiled at each other. Des left the bed, grabbed the bottle of lube from the table, and repositioned himself next to Marcus to join in the fun.

"Let's double up," he instructed, before getting up from the bed and walking to the end, rummaging through the drawer. He came back with a bottle of lubricant and climbed on the bed behind Nina.

Surprised, Nina leaned forward, confused about what this was leading to, but then Des lubed up a finger and gently rubbed her anus. She squealed but Marcus kept her arms from moving, not allowing her to see the events taking place. Finally, a feeling of relief took over as she could feel Des's thumb exploring her anus.

Marcus remained inside Nina as Des entered her anally, gently pushing her forward. The feeling was foreign to her, and she struggled to wrap her head around what was happening. Marcus's thrusting briefly ceased, leaving Des to try out different positions.

They finally found a spot that worked for all, and they continued, with all four men having a turn devouring the women in one of their many unique combinations.

Nina felt Des's hand on her hip, then his hard member against her backside. She was taken aback, as she was sitting on Marcus's lap with his penis inside her. She sensed more liquid being spilled between her buttocks and the pressure of Des's erect shaft against her anus. The sensation built up until it was too much, and he invaded her slippery lubricated backdoor. Nina let out a startled scream.

Marcus began thrusting again, more softly, his hands caressing Nina's breasts and playing with her erect nipples. Simultaneously, Des gently fondled her buttocks. Caught between these two toned, dark bodies, Nina could do nothing but enjoy the feeling of being filled by two penises.

Adam used the webcam as a movie camera. Following Marcus's suggestion, he retrieved a step stool from the closet and placed it next to the bed, standing on it to gain height. "Now suck his dick, girl" Marcus commanded. After a moment's hesitation, Nina obeyed, leaning forward to take Adam's penis in her mouth. She knew she had three penises inside her.

The thought that she was being much wilder than the girls she had privately deemed "sluts" in school and college hadn't crossed her mind, let alone bothered her.

The triple penetration didn't last long. As she struggled to keep Adam's penis in her mouth, she gave up due to the vigorous actions of Des and Marcus. The tension in Nina had been increasing, and she had reached several plateaus before the men's position changes had halted her progress.

Nina suddenly realized that she could slightly adjust her position to maximize Marcus's impact and received Des's soothing touch on her back. She got into sync with her two lovers and achieved a satisfying orgasm, crying out in joy. Marcus unleashed his seed into her cervix, and shortly after, Des released his semen into her rear.

Nina got off Marcus hastily and realized she desperately needed to use the restroom.

As she sat on the toilet, she tried to comprehend the night's events and whose fluids were dripping out of her. She remembered giving blow jobs to Adam and Marcus and having sex with Marcus, and she believed that Adam was the other one. The only person she hadn't slept with was Wayne.

As she cleaned herself up, Des knocked on the door, hoping to tidy up.

After returning to the bedroom, she watched Kelly flop down on the bed with Wayne on top of her, her legs wrapped around him. He groaned and called out her name. Adam had picked up one of the webcams and was recording the scene but discarded it when he noticed Nina, still naked. He walked over and took her, rubbing his erection against her vulva. Nina couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of Kelly and Wayne, both primal and exhilarating.

Adam still hadn't come, so they laid her back on the desk, spread her legs, and pushed into her. Des smiled approvingly as he watched. Nina reached out her hand to him, and they connected. Nina stood, shaky, and they embraced. Startled by the vulnerability displayed here, Des felt intensely aroused.

Des called Wayne over, who approached with a wide grin and rubbed one out to harden his erection. Des patted him on the back as he approached Nina and spread her legs. Wayne slid inside of her again, but he was worn out and pulled out after a few thrusts.

"Did we both fuck both of them?" Des asked.

"No, I haven't slept with Kelly yet," Marcus replied.

Kelly frowned but let Marcus guide her to the bed. Des held Nina closely and supported her head on his chest. "I'm tired," Nina said.

"We'll go to bed soon, just you and me?" Des replied.

"Sure." Nina asked.

"Sure," Des responded.

After most of the group collapsed from exhaustion, Wayne was the first to get a good night's sleep. Marcus needed to clean up, and Kelly cuddled up to him while Adam went to his room.

"Your getting old, mate," Wayne remarked.

"Not me," Adam said, aloof. "I have to be up for my 9am sports center class tomorrow."

"Sleeping arrangements?" he questioned. "There's a sofa bed downstairs, and my room is yours."

"I call dibs on the sofabed," Des declared.

Kelly, now adjacent to Wayne, disengaged and led Nina away. She took towels from a drawer and ushered them out of Marcus's room. "Let's shower," she said, and she led the way out of the room.

Nina found herself at a loss for words, facing the girl she'd shared her first sexual encounter with. Not knowing what to say, she simply asked, "Shall we take turns in the shower?" indicating the open doorway.

Kelly smiled, replying, "Let's go in together," as she pulled back the shower curtain. Both petite girls fit comfortably in the spacious shower, and the warm water felt delightful, rinsing away Nina's perspiration.

Using a bottle of shower gel, Kelly lathered Nina from her neck down. Watching her soap up Nina's breasts, she wrapped her arms around her to clean her back. When Kelly met Nina's gaze and smiled, she said, "I had a great time, I hope you did too." Nina only blushed, remaining silent.

The truth was, she had enjoyed the entire experience, including witnessing Des have sex with Kelly and even playing with Kelly (disregarding it as simply a game).

Kelly pressed the sponge between Nina's legs, causing more semen to flow from her vagina. She squeezed the sponge a couple of times before reapplying the gel and handed the sponge to Nina to clean her. Nina then sponged Kelly all over, even washing her intimate area.

Kelly caught Nina's eye, smiled, and said, "Hey, look who's here." She opened the bathroom door to reveal Des and Wayne smiling.

Des held up a clean towel, and Nina stepped inside it. "We didn't mean to disrupt you," he said.

Des then entered the shower, and Kelly exited, handing her a towel. After the couple dried off, Nina wrapped her towel around herself and helped Des dry, preferring the privacy of just the two of them.

"Did you have a good time tonight, Nina?" Des inquired.

"Yes," she conceded, still unsettled by the fast-paced events.

"Is that right?" he asked casually.

"Yes," Nina confirmed, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Des pulled her close, picked her up, and carried her to bed. As they settled under the covers, Des said, "I hope you enjoyed tonight, Nina. I can't tell you how arousing it was witnessing your reactions."

Nina hesitated for a moment, then spoke, "Um, were you filming us?"

"Yes," Des replied, shrugging.

"Who else will see it?"

Des chuckled, "Only us."

"It's quite exhilarating to rewatch," he said while guiding Nina into his arms. "Do you remember that video I sent you before?"

Feeling shy, Nina nodded as he raised her chin to meet his gaze. "Bring it on," he said, kissing her.

Des led Nina to the living room after putting the bed down. While Nina gathered her belongings, she wore a negligee and tidied the space.

Once in the kitchen, Nina drank some water, thinking about her night of adventure. With so much to process, she went to Des when he called her.

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