lesbian sex

Early Assistance

College freshman assists roommate in resolving an issue.

May 10, 2024
10 min read
18best friendsreluctancefirst timehandjobPremature Help
Premature Help
Premature Help

Early Assistance

"Hey buddy, I got a query for you and I swear I'm not trying to bitch or anything. I'm just wondering if Kayleigh is talking smack about you." I said to my college roommate, Daniel. We were freshmen at university and we'd become good friends.

Daniel looked a bit ashamed. "Well, depending on what she's saying, I guess...Yeah, we probably won't be hooking up again..." he trailed off, placing his bag beneath his desk, making sure not to face me.

"Sorry mate, didn't mean to poke my nose in. I just thought Kayleigh was being a total bitch, but since Addy and I have been together for a month now and I didn't realize she'd be spouting falsehoods about you. She said that Kayleigh was slandering you. That she was gonna suck you off, but you came before she'd even gotten it started in her mouth." I was closely reasoning while conversing and figured it was most likely true. I noticed he'd gone out with her, but he'd never told me about it. I assumed he'd been too embarrassed about it and thus never mentioned it to me.

"Um, it's not really cool she's blabbing private stuff, but I don't want to lie to you. That's basically what happened. She grabbed...erm, you know, my junk and it felt amazing and I just got so pumped I couldn't help myself. I just started spewing, you know. Naturally, I felt mortified. It was uncomfortable and I apologized to her. She said it wasn't a big deal, which I guess was the best thing she could say at the time." He explained while stripping off his shoes and lying on his bed. He clearly felt awful. I could hear it in his voice and see it in his body language.

"Meh, happens to the best of us, dude. I've never come lightning fast, but even with sex I can't last more than 8 to 9 minutes unless I'm really focused. I still practice holding back when I jerk off." I said, trying to be a supportive friend and also probably exaggerating my time a tad.

"How do you do that?" He inquired.

"How do I...pound it like a porn star, son!" I retorted, thinking I'm much funnier than I actually am.

"No, mate, like how do you practice not ejaculating?" He asked quietly, making no eye contact. He seemed distressed but also sad.

"Oh, you're dead serious." I said and he looked at me and kinda shrugged. He looked uncomfortable but also dejected. "Um, you know when you feel like you're about to reach orgasm, just stop jerking off and focus on breathing and don't tighten your stomach muscles."

"Yeah, I've always had this problem. Like, I can hold off on my own. But once a girl touches me, I can't control it. I don't get it."

"Hmm, WOW dude. If you can hold off when you're touching yourself, it's a mental problem, right?" I congratulated myself on my wit.

"Yeah, that actually makes sense. Thanks, buddy."

He seemed slightly relieved.

I saw Addy a few more times over the following weeks, and although we had some fun, she did a lot of things that annoyed me. My feelings toward her became more distant than before. Not a biggie, we just weren't great together. We discussed it and she concurred. She said she didn't like me much either - not into me but it's no big deal. I felt quite mature with our mutual break-up. When she hazarded, "are you looking for a girl like your roommate?"

"What do you mean?" I was taken aback, Daniel usually filled me in on his dates but he hadn't spoken about any since the PE chat. "So, he's had a date or two with a couple of girls with captivating personalities." I raised my eyebrows and shook my head, not understanding what she was inferring. "You know, the kind of girls who spend more time gazing at a book than a mirror."

"So, you think I only ever go for good-looking ladies? I bet you wouldn't even go for a girl who's not at least a 7." She had a hint of a smirk. While it was true that all the women I've dated were attractive, it wasn't because of their looks alone. Perhaps that's why none of my relationships had lasted more than a couple of months.

"Yeah! Why don't I arrange for you to meet one of my friend's female friends, and we can all go out on a double date together!" I felt as if I was actually serious about it.

"Alright, chill out. Just because we've split up doesn't mean we need to sever all ties." She winked and then left. I enjoyed her flirty side.

Now it was the weekend, so I had no classes for the next couple of days. I didn't have a stable partner, and my other friends on campus weren't answering my texts to hang out. All I did was play video games alone, and as the night drew on, I started to feel sad and lonely. I couldn't text Addy - it would've seemed desperate, just a day after breakup. I eventually closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I awoke to giggles. Clearly, Daniel had some lady in his bed. I remained silent so I didn't disturb them. I could hear them whispering, although I couldn't understand what they were saying. Then a very audible gasping sound. Yup, that was the unmistakable sound of Daniel climaxing. It was apparent that he came early. I heard the girl console him, but I couldn't make out the specific words.

A few minutes later, she was dressed and walking out the door. I thought I heard Daniel sobbing lightly. But not actual cries, just a sniffling sound. He got up, presumably heading to the bathroom to clean up. I turned on the light and waited for him.

"Um, hello," he said as he walked back into the room and looked at me.

"You thinking about masturbating before going out?" I attempted to sound compassionate. I really just wanted to assure him that I was here to support him, not to humiliate him.

"Yup, it doesn't matter what a girl looks like. When it comes to the act itself, it's almost like they're models. I bet I'd cum if you grabbed my junk." He chuckled weakly.

"Really?" I inquired.

"I don't know. I was just joking. I'm going to sleep now." He turned away from me and rolled over, facing the opposite direction. I turned off the light and let my mind wander.

Now I understood what Dan was really asking for. I woke up to find him still asleep. I was thinking of ways to help him out when he stirred. He was in just his briefs, and I could see the silhouette of his erection. I also noticed that it looked rather large. I couldn't help but think if my friend from high school had a similar thing. I'm not particularly well-endowed, just above average.

"Hey, Dan." He opened his eyes and looked at me. I was staring at his junk, but I was just pondering, not ogling him.

"Uh, hey, if you wanna help, I'd appreciate it. I'll take any help I can get." He didn't even bother trying to cover himself.

"Sure, pal, anything. Just tell me how can I assist you." I couldn't fully comprehend his intentions. I'm not quite the brainiac.

"Yes, it's definitely bizarre, but I don't know what else to do. I'm willing to try anything." He had a desperate tone, as if he was at his wit's end. "Just look away and let me grab your penis through your underwear so if I ejaculate, it won't get everywhere. Please." It was obvious how desperate he was for this.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot." I got up and walked towards his bed. As I looked at his large penis, I found myself feeling a bit excited. I slowly reached out my hand and touched it, caressing it gently. "Okay Dan, here goes nothing."

He sighed, "I'm not feeling like I'm about to ejaculate at all. Pull it out."

I followed his instructions, reaching for his underwear and taking them off completely. His pubic hair, testicles, and massive penis were all exposed. I couldn't help but react, uttering a simple "wow."

Daniel smiled, "It is big, I guess."

I returned the smile, trying hard not to let him know how much I enjoyed this. "It's big, I guess, but still kind of gross you know." This was meant to protect my 'straight cred.' I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, gently moving it up and down.

After about a minute, he gasped, thrusting his hips towards me, and I felt his penis throbbing as he began to ejaculate. I was fascinated, watching him come. "Impressive, Dan, you lasted a minute or more. Next time we should try to time it."

The thought of another session didn't cross my mind.

"I'm going to wash my hands." I said, trying to make light of the situation with a laugh. "These moments are just hilariously awkward." I wanted to make it clear that this was no big deal.

Daniel laughed as well, saying he'd go clean up too. We returned to the room, and we both went about our day, studying in the quiet. We occasionally ate together in our dining hall.

One day, during lunch, Daniel brought up the subject, "Do you think different foods affect reactions during orgasms?"

"Wow, you're constantly thinking about this, huh?" I teased.

"Man, you have no idea. I've never really been with a girl, and even the only 'almost handjob' I've received was from my best friend."

"Really? I thought you and I were close. We hang out a lot."

"I consider you my best friend. I don't really know many people here yet, and you're much more social than me." He smiled weakly.

"Oh, we're definitely good pals then. To answer your question, I've heard about certain foods like fruit or cigarettes changing the taste of cum. But the only thing known to prevent orgasms is drugs like cocaine or anti-depressants. If you think about it, I won't be staying friends with a guy who does drugs."

"I'm not into drugs, nor am I depressed. I'm all about my future, man." He finished eating and we returned to the room.

"So, what's on your mind?" I asked, sensing he had something else to ask.

"Do you want to help me again? Try to double my record and make me last over two minutes?" He didn't seem embarrassed this time. The urge to help him and the sight of his massive package overwhelmed any reservations I had.

I paused, thinking about how this situation could potentially affect me. I wanted to be there for him, but I was worried about my own feelings. "I do want to help you, Dan, truly. But this whole thing feels strange, like it's not the typical friend stuff we usually do." I tried to convey my doubts and worries.

"I understand what you're saying. Asking a friend for something like this can feel strange. I just know that we've been through a lot together and I feel comfortable knowing there's no attraction involved. Desperation can make us overlook awkwardness easier than you might. Let's forget about it if you'd like. I'm glad you were assigned as my roommate and appreciate how kind you are." Dan spoke with such sincerity.

"Thank you Dan. I appreciate it too. I'm sorry if I hadn't considered how difficult the situation is for you. I'll lend a hand again. The thing is, it's not like we're actually having sex. It's really just a few minutes of work for me. After 5 sessions, you'll surpass half an hour. This small favor seems worth it to help a friend with such an important task." I replied, laughing a bit.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to. I just told you how I feel to be honest." Dan was still undoing his belt.

"I'm certain, I want to help you. It might take some time, but I'll be patient. Your request doesn't make me uneasy. How do you want to be positioned?" I asked while standing somewhat awkwardly in front of him.

"I leave it to you. You've had more experience with it. What is your preferred method?" He asked, already in his underwear.

"You're not ready for such a thing yet!" I joked.

"If you make it difficult for me, I may progress faster." He suggested.

"Fine, I like a firm hand on my shaft and another on my balls." I smiled.

"Challenge accepted. I'll try to last as long as possible. I'll also time it on my phone for accuracy. I'll start the timer once you do." He said as he shifted his stance.

"Ready then? What should I do?" I asked.

"I'd rather stand, I think I have more control this way." He answered.

"Alright, stand in front of me." I replied, trying my best to act natural.

I pulling his pants down, revealing a huge erect penis and balls. Before I could comment, he already had an erection.

I gently placed one hand on his shaft, using the other to fondle his balls. I maintained a medium pace, rolling his balls in my palm. He looked at me curiously as I stroked him. My hard-on seemed to amuse him.

He began to slightly rock his hips, apparently enjoying the sensation. I focused on building his climax, gripping him a bit tighter and increasing my speed. Dan moaned and started to lose control. "I won't last much longer!" He exclaimed, breathing heavily.

Increasing pressure, I heard him gasp and watched as his cum shot forth from his dick and landed on my shirt. I kept stroking him, sensing his climax intensified as he continued to ejaculate. Finally, Dan finished, releasing the rest of his cum into my hand.

"I lasted 5 minutes!" he exclaimed, catching his breath.

"Congratulations, your improvement is admirable. Don't worry, I'll help you again anytime." He handed me back my shirt. "Would you mind cleaning this off?" he asked, almost as if it were an order.

I pulled the shirt off and handed it to him. But instead of washing it, he wiped the remaining cum from his penis and handed it back. "Ewww, you could have told me."

"Oh yeah, I just lost control and shot without much warning. You'll be fine, allow me to practice more, your help will make it happen." I said matter-of-factly.

Dan wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Man, you're the best friend anyone could ask for." he whispered, with a sudden intensity. In this moment, I felt an overwhelming connection, like the world seemed to revolve around him. The feeling was strong and powerful, making me feel emotionally attached.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de