Taboo Sex

Elaine, Jackson, and I in Chapter 10

Initial Moves.

May 5, 2024
6 min read
ElaineJackson and I Ch. 10cuckold
Elaine, Jackson and I Ch. 10
Elaine, Jackson and I Ch. 10

Elaine, Jackson, and I in Chapter 10

Chapter Ten - Initial Moves

In the room, my gaze crossed with Elaine's eyes filled with worry. I exchanged glance with Jackson, who had a humorous, but friendly expression. The two of them, both nude and drenched in sweat from their activities on my bed, enveloped the room in a cozy odor of my wife's perfume, Jackson's cologne, perspiration, and ejaculate.

I had never seen Elaine appear more stunning than at that instant, as she lay there on the bed with a sated and languid expression I was unfamiliar with. Her naked body expressed gratification and fulfillment that seemed to suit her, and my heart skipped a beat as she lowered her hand to stem the flow of Jackson's sperm from her vagina.

"Come in James," she repeated in a gentle tone, "talk to Jackson and me."

"Do you suggest I call you 'Master'?" I replied skeptically, considering the man I befriended and now shared my bed with my wife.

"Not yet, Darling. That will come later." She answered, which I temporarily disregarded.

"You must be soaked and your slacks are filthy. You're dripping wet on the carpet. What went on?"

I didn't address her concern at first because it was pretty obvious what I had been doing, but I had to pose one critical question—the one that would determine the rest of my life. "I only have one query, and I must get an honest response." I bravely spoke, finding strength I didn't know I had.

Elaine reached for my hand, but I moved away. She sensed my distance and her eyes moistened as I'd never eluded her before. She spoke hesitantly, "What is it, James?"

"Are you leaving me?"

I expected to hear her say she was here with Jackson, so I prepared for the worst, but she provided a different answer. "Never in a million years, James."

She bit her lip and still wept as she looked up at me. "You need to remove those damp clothes before you get sick. Then return to the room, where we'll settle a few matters. The three of us."

I left the room while casting a backward look at my wife and her lover still in bed. Elaine gave a faint smile, while Jackson's eyebrows raised—clearly trying to figure out what transpired between us and its implications for him. "There's another surprise for the both of you."

I left my soaked clothes in the laundry basket and dried myself off with a towel. I was ready for my grand display, unclothed, in the bedroom.

When I entered, Elaine and Jackson's eyes widened in astonishment at my semi-naked presence. And my little penis did not help matters.

"Oh my! James, why are you naked? Was this part of your plan?" she asked.

"It's a penis sheath," I simply stated, matter-of-factly.

"Yes, I know what it is, James. But why are you wearing one?" she clarified, wondering if I was forced to wear it.

"It's quite simple, Elaine. You've cheated on me with Jackson, the man you call 'Master'. You state that you're not leaving me, and I am not leaving you, so this is my way of recognizing my position."

For the first time, Jackson chimed in. "James. Tonight's conversation has cleared the air between us. It's good that we all understand where we stand. However, neither of us should work for a couple of days to discuss our situation. But before we begin, I want you to know that my relationship with Elaine is real. I'm involved for the long haul."

I replied, "I get it," but questioned, "Why didn't the two of you just tell me openly?"

"Charlie and I discussed it, and we felt the best way for you to learn about our arrangement was to give you a shock. So that's what we planned to do at the beach on Sunday, which you might have guessed. That was our idea, and we expected you to come up with your own. And that's what last night was all about. Correct?"

I was once again amazed by Charlie's intelligence and agreed that he was correct. However, he had one more question for me.

"Your plan! Why are you soaking wet and covered in mud? Why didn't you simply walk in through the front door? We had left it unlocked just for that purpose. All you had to do was use your key."

"How could I know that? The plan was mine alone. Oh, and by the way, how did you know about it?" I was stunned, as I had thought I was so clever, but this naked man lying in my bed had outmaneuvered me.

"Alan rang you from work, didn't he?" I confirmed. "Well, Alan told Madeline, who then informed Bruno. It was simple to deduce what your plan was from that information. It was an excellent plan, but it almost unraveled due to Alan forgetting."

"So, you knew the whole time then." He nodded. "I have one more query, though."

He smiled, but remained silent as I continued.

"Who on earth is Bruno?"

At that point, Elaine looked aside from my plastic, penis-restraining device and said, "Bruno is Madeline's Master."

There was a sudden silence in the room as I processed the information.

"What the heck are you referring to? Are you claiming that the two of you have been involved with other men? Is Alan in the same situation as me?" I asked my beautiful, still-gazing-at-my-penis wife.

Charlie chuckled quietly as Elaine answered, "Madeline and Bruno have been lovers for close to a year now, James. Madeline and Alan are still legally married, but Alan has accepted his role in their marriage as the subservient one."

"So, Alan is a cuckold like me?"

"Yes, love. But he's much more of one. They're living in a 'cuckold marriage' every day. It's how they live their lives."

I was defeated. My elaborate plan was no secret, although the plastic device on my 'cotton reel' was certainly a surprise. My best friend was also a cuckold like me, my love was lying in bed with a handsome black man, and I was there naked with my penis locked away. 'What do I do now? Maybe I should just leave them alone.'

"James. It's getting late, and Charlie and I don't wish to spend the rest of the night discussing things. I plan to call in sick tomorrow and encourage you to do the same, so we may talk about this tomorrow and Friday. I assure you that I love you, and care for you deeply. But I love Charlie, too, and tomorrow I'll explain how I think this setup can work."

"Ah, and the reason you call him 'Master.' Isn't that right?" I responded as I turned to leave the room. "I'll sleep in the other room tonight."

There was no reply from Elaine as she moved closer to Charlie and pressed her body against his, undeniably encouraging passion.

"James!" It was Charlie's voice. "You'll need to shave that region if you plan to keep using your 'cucky cage.' The cage could cause discomfort and pull on your hairs. Moreover, it would be more hygienic that way. It's just a piece of advice from someone who's familiar with these situations."

He was right; I had worn the 'cucky cage' on my 'little man' since I returned from work and noticed it could tug on my pubic hairs. Nevertheless, shaving them was a task for the next day.

"I'll be in the next room if you need me." I mentioned to no one in particular and walked away from their bed, "Goodnight." There was no answer from my occupied Wife or the hardening black man with the large erection.

As I walked out of the room, I could hear a familiar noise that I knew would be recurrent in my life. It was Elaine's prolonged scream of pleasure when her lover entered her. As I got onto the single bed in the spare room, I could also hear the steadfast rhythm that Jackson and my wife had established in the bed adjacent.

Hearing my wife and her lover made me feel a mixture of intense humiliation and a heartening warmth that she was being loved and was content.

'Mixed emotions. Is this what it means to be a cuckold? And what on earth is 'cj'?'

Oddly enough, I managed to have a good night's sleep that evening.

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