Celebrity Sex Stories

Elisha's Forgetfulness: Chapter 2

In SubSpace, people obtain the desired items, with some variations.

May 11, 2024
45 min read
mistressbondagebdsmshit eatingMistress Elisha’s Oblivion Ch. 02lesbian scatneedletoilet slavescatslave
Mistress Elisha’s Oblivion Ch. 02
Mistress Elisha’s Oblivion Ch. 02

Elisha's Forgetfulness: Chapter 2

In the dimly lit hallway, a vivid scene unfolded between two women. The hazy red light from the ceiling illuminated their path as they continued to move deeper, hand in hand.

"Natalie, I think I need to leave," the petite brunette said, stumbling along the uneven surface.

"Jennifer, we just got here!" the blonde responded, glancing back at Natalie's green eyes.

"Not leave as in going home, but... you know. Potty time." Natalie stifled a giggle.

"What? But we've barely started!"

"No, I mean, I actually need to go to the bathroom," she clarified.

"Are you serious? But we're in the middle of this weird, endless hallway. How are we going to find one?"

"I don't know. I can't keep this up for much longer." Natalie wiggled her hips slightly as she spoke.

"Well, good luck trying to find one," Jennifer teased.

Natalie stopped and looked at her friend. "What if we can't find a bathroom here? I'd hate to have an accident."

"I'm not too worried about that," Jennifer said, laughing.

"But imagine if your yellow dress gets stained?" The question caught her buddy off guard, and she giggled as she ducked a noogie.

"True, but I suppose I could hide the stain if there's nothing we can do about it."

"But what about the smell?" Natalie shuddered, picturing the embarrassing situation she'd find herself in.

"That would be terribly humiliating," Jennifer admitted.

"If we could just find a bathroom in time to use it, that would solve both of our problems."

"If only..." Christ, if only they could find a bathroom in this god-forsaken place, Jennifer thought.

"If only," she repeated. Then she softly cupped Natalie's cheek. "Nat, don't hold back. Just say it."


"The bathroom, the toilet...NOW!" Jennifer tried to keep a straight face as she stumbled through her bizarre, pun-filled words.

"Okay, um, BATHROOM...NOW!" the other woman repeated, an amused grin appearing on her lips.

"Good," Jennifer said. "I want you to make me feel completely worthless and dirty, for as long as we're here." She hoped her friend could see her true desire in the tiny red glow.

"You're sure about that?"

"Yes. Absolutely. I want your disrespect, not your good opinion. Especially when it comes to...to my kinky bathroom habits." Jennifer leaned in, bringing their faces close enough that she could smell Natalie's breath.

"You're completely unhinged, Jennifer."

"Toilet breath. I need to pee fast. Make sure you hear me degrading you."

"Do you want to pee in my mouth?" Natalie asked, her voice dripping with contempt.

"Yes. Make it seem like I'm nothing more than a plaything to you."

"Fine. I bet you want that," Natalie mocked.

"Exactly!" Jennifer beamed.

"Alright, toilet breath, I gotta pee!"

"Great. Properly treat me like shit."

Natalie sighed. "Ready to be my dirty toilet girl, Jennifer?"

"Yes!" Jennifer's eyes widened under the red light. She waited for Natalie to move.

"Okay, toilet girl, get ready to be used like the piece of shit you are." Natalie picked Jennifer up by her shoulders and pulled her close, holding a pair of panties in her hand. Then she plopped her butt onto Jennifer's face.

"I wasn't kidding," Natalie said, watching her friend try to adjust to the new position. "Not that I think you could."

"Stop calling me that!" Jennifer pouted. "And I'm trying to be a good friend here."

"I know, and I appreciate your devotion, but don't forget our mission tonight."

"Right. We've got a plan to follow," Jennifer said, trying to stay calm as she lay motionless on the floor, a butt on her face.

"At least help me get my pants off. Please?" Natalie asked, feeling a sudden need to get rid of the garment between her legs.

"Sure," Jennifer agreed as she carefully stepped out of Natalie's underwear. "Just...don't let me lose sight of the plan." She sat up and cocked her head.

"We need to hurry if we want to get anything out of this." Natalie wiped her hand against her crotch. "I won't let one fart ruin all our fun."

"Remember, we're not supposed to care about "her." Europe is counting on us to be ruthless." Jennifer motioned to Natalie's nethers.

"Right. I'm here to shed my humanity for Europe."

"No insults from the kitchen. You can't dictate what name I use for you - butt face." Natalie snickered as she shifted her weight from her saucy bottom to Jen's mouth, setting the hem of her dress like a tent around her head as she repositioned herself.

"Open wide..." Natalie held her breath, closing her eyes as she made an effort to relax. "To be honest, I'm getting quite accustomed to having you as my own personal toilet! Perhaps that's why I didn't make use of a proper one when we went shopping." Natalie inhaled, feeling her diaphragm descend as her lungs filled with warm air. She kept this breath for several moments, pondering if Jen could hear her heart pushing hot blood throughout her body as the first scent-tastic droplets of pee filled her mouth.

"There you go..." Natalie said playfully, "something to rinse down all the stench from Rachel's excrement!" The surge rushing from Natalie's tensed thighs, through her backside, and into her spine was more exhilarating than any exhilaration she'd ever experienced through alcohol. Why bother with wine and White Claw when you have your own personal toilet girl? She continued to hold her breath silently, listening to Jen's throat as she swallowed her gift - fluid, melodic gulps transmitting Natalie's salty nectar from her mouth to her esophagus and finally to her belly. It was quite amusing to watch this most refined of toilet ladies perform her designated role. She thought about the routine developing between them. Wherever they are, whenever she feels the urge to pee, she can now rely on Jen to gulp it down without even a drop being spilled out. She giggled as she bore down, listening to the rhythm of Jen's swallowing quicken to accommodate the increasing flow. Finally, Natalie allowed herself a few shallow breaths as her stream flowed to a conclusion. Jen's lips clicked as she swallowed her last mouthful. Natalie sensed Jen's lips, snuggled up against her warm posterior, curl into a smile, but she quickly raised her hips when she felt Jen's tongue attempt a couple of swipes against her soaking clitoris.

"No no no! No tongue! I don't need your unsanitary tongue giving me a urinary tract infection!" Natalie slapped Jen's legs, grinning as she sensed her pull back in pain. "I'll give you more...," Natalie whispered gently as she slid forward, bringing her warm anal rosebud over Jen's mouth. She sensed a muffled protest from Jen and wondered briefly what her next course of action would be had Jen attempted to push her off and refuse to continue, but then felt the comforting warmth of wet lips forming a seal around her asshole.

"I like it," Natalie mumbled sensually as she began to push. She felt her sphincter dilate, widening to accommodate Jen's parting mouth. She relished in Jennifer's tongue movement as it softly traced the internal edges of her expanding anal ring. If they had more time, she would have liked to maintain this stance for longer. What an interesting way to climax, she thought. No risk of infection! She inhaled slowly and thrust harder, sensing Jennifer's tongue retreat back into her mouth. She sensed the tip of her feces glide past her opening into the vast void as Jennifer received the fresh column of feces into her body. She felt the elasticity of Jennifer's cheeks being stretched to their utmost capacity.

"Jesus Jen..." Natalie's thoughts nearly pulled her out of her trance, but she quickly recovered as she noticed the inescapable aroma of Jen's arousal wafting in the air alongside the nauseating smell of her feces. As long as she's enjoying herself, she thought.

"Eat it slow and thoroughly, dear pig. You don't want to choke on it!" She twitched her head in realization as she sensed her feces break off and Jen's wet lips close beneath her wrinkled backdoor. She held her breath again, feeling Jennifer's lips tickle her hole as they moved up and down. The smell surfacing from under her skirt was repulsive, yet she felt no hesitation due to Jen's lips chewing. One, two, three...Natalie counted the motions of Jen's lips as her young jaws shred her fresh dung into an edible soup. She sensed an outpouring of moisture against her posterior as a dollop of semi-liquid pap emerged from Jen's swollen mouth and trickled down her cheek.


Twenty times she counted before Jen's tickling lips paused. Natalie sensed Jen's shoulders stiffen and her body tense. Beneath her skirt, she heard a guttural moan followed by a sharp cough into the crevasse of her ass. She sensed Jen's lips part once more and her tongue make a few circling movements around her backdoor.

"Did you just...swallow your own...shit?"

Natalie sensed Jen nod her head and, possibly, blush through the crevices of her ass.

"You're sure you're okay? That'll make your breath awful almost a whole month! It's no good...the boys won't want to kiss you!" Natalie breathed through her nose.

"What was that, piggy?" Natalie stopped a few inches away and looked into Jennifer's glimmering eyes.

"Absolutely worth it. I promised you it makes me climax so intensely!"

"Are you cumming already?"

"I did, but only a little. I think I can reach climax again as well."

"Let's see if you can do that just by eating my feces. What else can I make you do, hmmm?" Natalie hummed lightly as she swayed back and forth on Jennifer's face. Her heart pounded in her throat as a new idea came to mind. She took some deep breaths before speaking.

"Jen, I want you to put my shit on your tongue and hold it there until I tell you to swallow it."

"Swallow what?" Jennifer mumbled as she gently licked the wetness dripping from Natalie's swollen lips, making sure not to force her reddened mouth past the shining surface.

"The feces of course!" Natalie scooted closer, not even waiting for a reply before pressing her anus onto Jennifer's mouth. She heard lips mumble something she couldn't understand as her spine started to open.

"What was that, Jennilou? Sorry, you'll just have to wait until I'm done."

She sighed, feeling a chilling shiver run through her body as her sphincter loosened to release a mound of creamy excrement onto Jennifer's tongue. As the turd started to taper off, she pinched herself shut, getting off Jennifer's face and standing up.

"Wha ta fuu?" Jennifer mumbled, her mouth full of fecal matter.

"I told you, you must keep it in your mouth!" Natalie caught her breath as she patted herself dry.

"Urh possession?" Jennifer grumbled, her eyes widening in concern for her unreleased orgasm. She jabbed a finger between her legs.

"Not yet, Jennilou!" Natalie smiled, twiddling her finger in front of Jennifer's nose playfully. "We really must be going now. Mrs. Devlin wouldn't wait forever. Plus, your mother always told you not to talk with your mouth full." She took Jennifer's hand, pulling her toward the passage before slapping her playfully on the buttocks.

"I havn't swallowed yet? Jennifer's eyes, two black voids in the dark, had enlarged considerably. She stuck a finger between her legs, worrying about the orgasm she couldn't have until Natalie's waste had been swallowed into her stomach.

"Not yet, Jennilou!" Natalie laughed, tapping her finger against Jennifer's nose. "Come on, we should explore around here. Though it didn't get any brighter, Natalie could easily identify the limestone walls and the way ahead. She took Jennifer's hand, noticing the smears of brown mucus around her mouth.

The path led into a large room lit by flickering sconces on both sides, casting their light across the space. Natalie, spotting Jennifer's wet brown mark on her lips, pointed at her mouth to remove it. Jennifer understood and wiped the filth away with the back of her hand. The saliva around the solid mass of feces on her tongue had turned into a viscous slime, filling her mouth with brown mucus. Jennifer allowed some of this to slide into her stomach, hoping Natalie wouldn't notice as she cleared her throat.

Mrs. Devlin emerged from the shadows, looking much more suitable for the evening's happenings. Her high-heeled leather boots went above her knees, wrapping her lower thighs in glossy black leather. Her leather miniskirt seemed to be made from two six-inch-thick leather belts tied together and barely covering her panties' crotch line. Her corset lacked boning, but was laced with braided leather on the right side while her left arm and chest glowed in the flickering torchlight. Her usually calm blond hair flowed freely, and her eyes glimmered with pride as they fell on the wet brown spot on Jennifer's lips.

"Darling, you've earned your merit badge." Mrs. Devlin moved closer, getting her hands on Jennifer's necklace. "Apparently, you were eager to prove yourself...good girl." Mrs. Devlin winked, rubbing her finger on Jennifer's lips and the smudge of feces still on them. Jennifer nodded, maintaining a relaxed smile as her thoughts raced, trying to find a way to explain the brown goo on her tongue.

"And I presume..." Mrs. Devlin let go of Jennifer's necklace and touched her chin, looking deep into her eyes. "I trust you will continue to be a good girl for me, darling?"

Jennifer acknowledged the situation with a head nod as the butterflies trapped in her stomach fluttered about and spread through her body. She contemplated how to explain the excrement still in her mouth. Jen peered over Mrs. Devlin's shoulder at Natalie, attempting to signal for help with her eyes.

Natalie couldn't contain her amusement at Jennifer's distress and uttered a quick nod before dipping her head.

Jennifer feigned a cough, placing her hand over her mouth while vomiting Natalie's excrement into her stomach. Leaning down towards her chest, she hoped Mrs. Devlin didn't notice the telltale bulge of her throat. Upon finishing the real coughing, she spoke. "Excuse me, Mrs. Devlin." Jennifer engaged in an additional display of coughing. "I'm still recovering from my...examination."

"I fully understand, dear. Anyway, are you actually present for this session?" Mrs. Devlin inquired. She halted her words momentarily, "I'm just making sure...you are, you know? Here for the sake of it?" She stemped closer, snatching the tiger's eye necklace from Jennifer's neck. "This symbolizes your existence as a fully functional toilet slave. Therefore, it's expected for you to portray that status." She waited, contemplating Jennifer's reaction while displaying her immaculate teeth as if about to pounce. Subsequently, her expression shifted into a soft smile. "But primarily, are you eager to assume this role?"

"Absolutely, Mrs. Devlin." Jennifer snorted, pressing her hand up the fabric of her dress to her necklace.

"May I inquire whether you're sincere about your responses? This isn't simply to locate Lauren. It's because you genuinely yearn for this?"

Jennifer glanced from Mrs. Devlin to Natalie, understanding the imminent requirement to say no to entreaties from either of them. She envisioned surrendering to these demands, hoping for the chance of being bound to a bed, responsible for consuming whoever selected her. Clearly, she wished for this! Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she uttered resignedly: "Yes, I'm adamantly committed to participating." She positioned her hand to caress her necklace.

Much to her relief, Mrs. Devlin bit her lips while surveying Jennifer's expressions. "Bear in mind, if you display any signs of hesitance during your assessment, harsh retribution will ensue. This conflict would obstruct the relationship we're carefully coalescing. That is why I need to ensure you're genuinely comfortable with your intent."

Jennifer glanced between Mrs. Devlin and Natalie, considering the consequences of exposing her secret collaboration with Natalie. Instead, she chose to keep her encounter with Natalie a well-kept secret.

"Could you access urine for me to flush away the leftover fecal matter?" She requested.

Mrs. Devlin's lips tiptoed into a smirk. "Regrettably, that's tempting fate. Generally, females empty their bladder prior to the bowels. Consequently, such a gesture would be inconceivable other than if you're simultaneously servicing several mistresses."

"I'm determined to comply with as many as possible this evening," Jennifer replied.

"I wholeheartedly concur. I'm delighted to hear it. However, if you struggle with the entire process and compromise me at the same time, severe punishment awaits. I cannot risk it—it might shatter our progression."

"I realize that, Mrs. Devlin. Honestly, I'm delighted about this." Jennifer gazed lovingly at Mrs. Devlin before noticing a change in her eyes—from erotic yearning to genuine concern. This caused her to inquire while her hand rested tightly around her necklace. "Mrs. Devlin, is there something prompting that compassionate expression?"

"Dear, I once went through the same doubts and reservations as you. So, I seek to ensure you have exactly identical unwavering affinity. Were you satisfied with everything up until now? Answering honestly."

Jennifer considered the previous events, reflecting on her experiences with Lauren, Natalie, and the occursions instigated by her. She'd happily redo them at any given moment. In addition, the time dedicated to Natalie in the dark hallway also brought her satisfaction. Regardless of the unwelcome excrement lodged in her mouth, she would agree. She gradually raised her head and acknowledged. "Yes, I relished all of it. I'd do it again in an instant."

"Your ongoing enthusiasm reassures me. One more question though...do you indeed wish to be my filthy little girl?"

Alright, let's rephrase this story a bit.

"Great. Stop torturing yourself. You don't need to understand the reason - nor do I." She held Jennifer's hands and brought them to her lips, kissing them softly. "Emotions just exist. All we can do is let ourselves feel them."

"I wish to be your filthy girl. Even after we locate Lauren and know she's safe, I want to be your bedslave...really badly!"

Mrs. Devlin smiled and pulled Jennifer close to her chest. "If you ever change your mind, just say so, and I'll have you out of here in a snap."

"Thanks, this won't be needed." Jennifer whispered, giggling softly.

As they hugged, Mrs. Devlin's mysterious smirk reappeared on her face.

Natalie watched in silence as Mrs. Devlin grabbed the large iron handle and pulled it.


The door opened to reveal an impressively large hall made of rough limestone. A crystal chandelier hung beneath a high ceiling, which had been painted to look like the night sky. Doors of metal lined the walls, most featuring small, one-way tinted windows. Red velvet couches with brass frames decorated the room, and several were filled with women, some wearing fancy dresses, others only their charm necklaces. '2nd Floor' shone above a large freight elevator door on the other side of the room.

As they entered the grand hall, a step or two behind Mrs. Devlin, Natalie whispered, "What was that 'why' nonsense about?"

"I had to think of something, didn't I?" Jennifer whispered back, giving Natalie's side a sharp poke with her thumb. "I didn't want to have to explain the lump of YOUR poop on my tongue!"

"You could've said it was from your evaluation with...er...Rabecca?" Natalie slowed to a stop as the heavy door slammed shut behind them.

"Yeah, but that'd be a lie." Jennifer giggled. "Anyway, it's a fair question. Why do I love being a toilet slave and eating poop?"

"I see. I've never really considered it. Perhaps I should ask why...you know, I adore having you be my slave." Natalie's lips spread into a wide grin.

"Well, formally, I'm her slave, not yours," Jennifer said, poking at her own chest with her finger. "Remember that."

"But she knows I used you..."

"Yeah, but that was before the heart." Jennifer pointed to the ruby heart around her neck.

Natalie pondered the tiny pendant and mulled over its meaning. If Mrs. Devlin wanted, she could easily end their relationship with one quick command. She pictured herself hating that pretty charm, even though it was stunning.

The dazzling charm was like no other piece of jewelry she'd ever seen. She began to recall seeing a similar design somewhere, but couldn't remember where.

"Jennifer!" Mrs. Devlin yelled, and Jennifer hastily moved after her boss.

Natalie observed the people in the room, filled with curiosity. Some wore leather dresses and boots, like Mrs. Devlin, while others had been stripped down to nothing but their charm necklaces. She went to straighten the front of her dress and re-tied her waistband. Unlike any others present, she wore the same dress, yellow and simple. She traced her fingertips over her bare throat as she watched Mrs. Devlin comfort Jennifer on an empty couch and place her wrist in her hand, proceeding to follow them. She was neither a master nor a slave. She was simply attending the "viewing." But what that meant, Natalie wasn't sure.

"Mistress Rose!" A woman with dirty blonde hair, this time wearing a satin bustier, walked towards them from a sofa. Her well-built body was comfortably entering her late twenties, with extra pounds settling on her chest, powerful thighs, and rounded hips, creating an image of femininity and power.

"Olivia, darling, how are you?" Mrs. Devlin responded warmly, wrapping her arms around the woman.

"That's Mistress Olivia to you!" The woman showed off a delicate silver bracelet on her wrist - like Mrs. Devlin's, but instead of the heart, there was a huge studded circle. She was much shorter than Mrs. Devlin, and gazed up at her with eyes full of respect, nostalgia, and love.

"And it's Mrs. Devlin to you." She paused, shaking her head, beaming. "Where has the time gone? How long have you been here?"

"A mistress, for six months." Mistress Olivia smiled.

She grabbed Mistress Olivia's wrist and held it up to the light, grinning. "You've always been one of my favorite pain sluts. I know for a fact that you know how to make a little bitch's mind tick. You'll make a great dominant." Mrs. Devlin put her hands on her hips.

Mistress Olivia's face flushed. "Thank you. I enjoy being on this side of things. Giving these little sluts what they need." She glanced at both Mrs. Devlin and Jennifer, eyeing Jennifer's necklace.

"It looks like you're back in the game!" Mistress Olivia licked her lips, looking at the necklace hungrily.

"Sort of, yes." Mrs. Devlin flashed her perfect teeth before pulling Jennifer off the velvet couch. "This one convinced me to come out of retirement."

"I'm Mistress Olivia," she extended an eager arm.

"Jennifer Thompson," Jennifer stammered as she took the woman's hand, noticing the supple texture of her skin despite the iron grip.

After letting Jennifer's hand fall, Mistress Olivia grabbed her necklace, holding her tiger's eye charm between her thumb and forefinger. "I see you're offering full service toilets. You've always known how to train them." She rolled her tongue between her teeth. Jennifer noticed a sweetness in her breath as the woman leaned in closer, studying the semi-precious stone with her glistening brown eyes. "Well, I usually use the regular facilities, but you just persuaded me to make a trip downstairs. It's not every day you see a toilet that could be a Tik Tok model."

Mrs. Devlin looked at Jennifer. "Well?"

Jennifer, smiling uncontrollably at Mistress Olivia's compliment, looked confused.

"What do you say to Mistress Olivia?"

Jennifer stammered. "You can use me if you want!"


Mrs. Devlin's hand shot up from her side, slapping Jennifer hard across the face. Jennifer stood stunned, trying to maintain her balance as a swollen patch of red began to form on her cheek.

"I thought I had taught you better than that slave. Using the words 'you can use me' is a PRIVILEGE!" Mrs. Devlin glared at Jennifer. "Now, on your knees, let's say it again, shall we?" Mrs. Devlin pointed to the stone.

Jennifer meekly knelt before Mistress Olivia and looked up. The rest of her face turned red to match the welt Mrs. Devlin had given her. "Mistress Olivia." Jennifer gulped. "I'd be honored if you'd use me as your...your...your toilet." Jennifer buried her face in her hands.

Natalie watched Jennifer beg for Mistress Olivia's toilet service in dazed fascination. Yes! She thought...more of this! When Mrs. Devlin isn't around, I'll make you plead for it like this every time!

She noticed how the black fabric of Mistress Olivia's bustier accentuated her intimate areas while leaving her holes open for all to see. Natalie decided to look for some lacy lingerie of her own to wear the next time she used Jennifer as a toilet. She listened closely, noting the practiced tone in Mistress Olivia's voice as she described her plans.

"I was thinking of taking a piss, but as I used to tell Mrs. Devlin here, I live to serve." She winked at Jennifer as she traced a finger across her jaw. "Don't worry, when I have to go, I'll ask for you by name. And I'll make sure I have to do more than just pee." Mistress Olivia chuckled.

"You might have to wait your turn!"

A loud voice boomed down the hallway. Heads turned from all around the room to see Tora stand in the doorway, with two well-dressed leather-clad guards on either side. It was clear to everyone that Tora was undeniably in charge of the events. Dark brown hair framed her beautiful face like a warrior's hood, and her deep-cut dress hugged her body in shimmering leather, revealing a tantalizing slit of light brown skin from her breasts to below her navel.

"Rose, I don't mind if we give Jennifer the usual treatment?" Tora grinned widely. The women behind her stared at Jennifer with hungry eyes. Natalie wondered why Tora had guards with her when she could have easily picked Jennifer up in a sensual grip on her own.

"Not at all. I wouldn't want to break such a well-known tradition." Mrs. Devlin stepped aside, winking at Jennifer as she presented her.

Jennifer's stomach sank as her heart began racing. Her eyes glazed over as Tora's helpers gripped her arms.

"Enjoy yourself sweetheart! I'll be joining you later after things have settled down." Mrs. Devlin winked as one of the ladies pulled out several feet of black satin ribbon.

Jennifer hesitated, ready to object, but then her lips turned into a grin. She met Mrs. Devlin's eyes and nodded rapidly before letting her arms be tied together with several loops of the ribbon.

"What are they planning to do to her?" Natalie wondered with sinful thoughts as the women led Jennifer to the second floor elevator.

"Something terrible. Don't worry about it. You're here for the show, remember?"

Yes, that much was clear, Natalie thought.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Natalie couldn't shake the feeling of unease as she watched Jennifer get into the elevator on the other side of the room.

"Jennifer will be perfectly safe. They won't do anything to her she hasn't agreed to." Mrs. Devlin ran her fingers along her own bare neck. "A slave's collar means the rules apply. Everyone here gets exactly what they want--as much as they want."

A blood-curdling scream suddenly echoed from behind one of the iron doors.

"What was that?!" Natalie whipped her head towards the sound.

"Someone getting exactly what they want, I think." Mistress Olivia guided Natalie towards the metal door. "Wanna see for yourself?"

"Sure, let's take a look!"

Mistress Olivia stepped aside so Natalie could see through the one-way glass. Inside, there was a woman in her mid-thirties standing in the center of the room, completely naked except for her silver necklace. Her arms were bound to the ceiling hooks with thick ropes, while her legs were bound to a long wooden bar. She was breathing hard and fast. Beads of sweat hung on her forehead.

A younger woman, who must be her mistress, wore a steel-boned leather corset and a leather thong. She held a long leather belt in her hands, touching it with her bare nipples. Her lips, red and plump, talked in the other woman's ear as she raised her other arm behind her head. She took a step back and then her arm shot out in a flash, hitting the other woman's skin with a loud thud.


The woman writhed against her bindings, flailing like a fish out of water as she felt the pain in her skin. Her belly tensed and relaxed rapidly as she struggled for breath.


The next strike made her raise her knees up to her chest, lifting the wooden bar off the ground. Her fists clenched in the ropes as she struggled back and forth like a wild animal.

"Holy crap!" Natalie gasped, looking shocked.

"Like what you see?" Mistress Olivia smiled.

Natalie shook her head gently from side to side. "She can't possibly be enjoying that, can she?"

"Believe me, she loves it!" Mistress Olivia laughed, squeezing one of the straps on her bustier against her body. "Just look at Mistress Rose--or was it Mrs. Devlin--how she used to whip me until I was barely hanging on!" She winked at Mrs. Devlin as she saw her smile in return.

"You really do understand the power of pain, don't you?" Mrs. Devlin said, gazing at the woman through the door. "Just like Jennifer enjoys eating shit, this woman loves pain."

Natalie looked around, curious. "What should I look for?"

"Spend some time looking around. I have to get ready for Jennifer downstairs. And I'll keep an eye out for Lauren of course."

"Wait!" Natalie's eyes grew wide. "Lauren is someone like Jennifer?"

"Yes, she's a born toilet, just like Jennifer here."

"Relax, you'll be good with Mistress Olivia. After that, you can join us downstairs. I bet you'll want to see what's in store for your friend." Mrs. Devlin quickly turned and hurried through the old hall.

"Don't fret, sweetheart. We're always welcoming to girls here to watch." Mistress Olivia giggled as she gently lifted the hem of Natalie's yellow dress, sliding it between her fingers before releasing it over her hips. "And if you see something you like...I'd be more than happy to help you out."

Natalie couldn't help but stare at the woman dangling limply from the ceiling. Her hands, now purple from the restraints, had swollen up. Tears dripped down her face as she tried to catch her breath in short, shallow bursts. Natalie's gaze moved down to see the wetness between her legs.

"You like it?" Mistress Olivia nuzzled her face up to Natalie's neck, seemingly interested in the broken woman, but as she spoke she pressed her nose into Natalie's neck, sucking in a long, deep breath of her natural scent.

Natalie shook her head 'no' while feeling her heart race as she continued to watch the beaten woman swinging back and forth.

"A shame." she whispered in Natalie's ear. "I could've shown you a world of pleasure." Her words echoed in Natalie's mind, leaving her with no doubt as to their authenticity.

"Does she really enjoy being hit like that?"

"You'll have to see for yourself." Olivia's cheeks flushed. "Now, don't you see how her wetness."

Natalie gazed at the younger woman. If she had to guess, she'd say she was no more than twenty. Her blond locks dangled over her uncovered breasts, swaying against her corset as she walked over to the woman hanging in the corner of the cell, carrying a small wooden stool. After setting it down, she picked up a small tray holding several long, silver needles. She dropped the belt and headed back to the woman, revealing a small mirror.

"She naturally thrives under Mistress Lyra's hand." Olivia explained. "But most ladies start out as submissives, like me."

With ease, Mistress Lyra picked up a bound woman's chin in her hand, forcing her head to tilt upwards. Their kiss was intense and deep, and without breaking it, she grabbed one of the long needles to drive it into the woman's nipple. As it slid into her deeper, the woman gasped, returning Mistress Lyra's kiss with increased fervor, standing as straight as her bound legs allowed. Pushing forward her other breast in invitation, Mistress Lyra reached for a second needle.

"I'll admit, she's very different from us. Look at that faraway stare...that empty gaze. What even is that?"

Natalie was struck with wonder as she processed the scene. She imagined herself doing the same to Jennifer, and she caught herself leaking into her undergarments.

At that moment, Mistress Lyra turned around, her eyes meeting Natalie's with a faint smile before grasping yet another needle from the tray. Natalie's heart skipped a beat as she stared in disbelief.

"It's one-way glass." Olivia added. "She can't see us."

"But she looked at me!" Natalie pointed out as she continued to watch.

"Of course it is. It's a safe environment. We call it SubSpace."

I heard. The words came out of Natalie's open mouth as she watched the needle pierce the woman's skin. The smallest drop of blood seeped out of the woman as the needle retreated into her soft flesh. As Mistress Lyra reached for another needle, Natalie noticed her hand copying Mistress Lyra's every move. She quickly put it back by her side though she still looked on. While Mistress Lyra stretched for another needle, Natalie noticed the platinum dagger with a ruby handle hanging from the fine chain around her wrist.

"Come over here, there is still so much more to see. Maybe Lauren will be in one of the other rooms."

Mistress Olivia pulled Natalie by the arm away.

"Can I watch just a little longer?" Natalie turned back towards the window just as she saw Mistress Lyra cup the woman's breast in her hand and squeeze it. Natalie questioned if Jennifer in her current location could hear the woman's scream.



The elevator leading to the second floor appeared like an overbuilt industrial contraption that would look perfect in a loft apartment or a steel mill. Jennifer casually held her bound wrists out in front of her as she observed the wire mesh door shut. The resonating groan of taut cables filled the air as the lift sprang into operation.

She listened to the mechanical whine while observing the descent through the wire mesh ceiling. Brick by brick moved out of view as they plummeted until the lift halted before two gunmetal-grey sliding doors.

"Welcome to the second floor, sewer mouth." Tora's deep, ghostly cackle reverberated up through the shaft and dispersed amidst the cables and machinery above.

Jennifer felt a sudden gust of warm air as the doors slid open, revealing a hall that was smaller and darker than the expansive atrium above. Sconces adorned the limestone walls and the shadows shuffled in the unstable light. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she breathed in the luscious aroma--moist--thick with the odor of human waste and a hint of lemon.

Four couches, identical to the ones upstairs except for their plastic coverings, stood uninhabited. There were iron doors with single-way windows installed in the walls, each numbered one through six in blood-red Roman numerals.

"You'll go in room number three, little girl." Tora smiled with a flourish as her assistants pulled Jennifer forward. She hoped to catch sight of Lauren through one of the windows but Tora's helpers directed her straight to the third door. The three blood-red lines of paint on the rusted metal resembled a gaping wound.

"It's something of a tradition at this club to have a bit of fun when there's a new toilet maid." Tora's eyes danced across the gloomy tunnel like fireworks against a midnight sky. "Don't worry, we don't make anyone go through this by themselves. Tonight, you'll be in good company."

Lauren! Jennifer's head snapped back to witness the door swing open with a distorted groan.

"Lauren?" She tentatively asked into the darkness that enveloped her.

"No." A voice floated through the blackness with the rapid thump of a racing heartbeat as Jennifer spun to face the dark.


"Hello." The young woman raised her head with a knowing smile.

She lay in the corner, uncaringly sprawled over the stone floor with her back to the wall, naked except for the soiled white panties. Her beaming smile and chubby cheeks flashed in the ocean of chestnut brown hair. Her unmasturbated breasts, formerly held in place by her tight cashmere sweater, hung free like rotting fruit. Her bound hands lay between her legs. The sodden patch on the white fabric covering her crotch indicated she had been spending her time alone.

"What happened?" Jennifer climbed over to Rabecca and crouched next to her.

"Tora is punishing me." Rabecca guffawed.

"For what?"

"Shitting my pants like a naughty girl." Rabecca wiggled her hips, rubbing her dirty underpants into the stone beneath her.

"You must have known she would do that!" Jennifer guffawed.

"Possibly." Rabecca stroked the soiled panties.

"So, you wanted to be punished?" Jennifer laughed, examining the tight ribbon wrapping her hands together. "Is this something you do often?"

"Not really. I never have to find reasons for Tora to punish me." Rabecca's fingers traced her soiled panties. "But today...why not?" She smirked at Jennifer.

Yep, everyone here who isn't a mistress is a slave. I'm a slave myself, but an important one with responsibilities.regarding that, she lifted her chin and shook her head from side to side while playing with her charm necklace.

"I get it." Jennifer's eyes shifted from Rabecca's necklace to her sparkling eyes. "You didn't seem like one with those glasses on. Hehe."

"Tora made me wear them. They complete the look when I'm in the office...And I like them too, even if I don't need them for vision correction or anything."

"Lauren is like that. Although she doesn't really need them for reading, she seems to want them so badly...she used to beg her parents to let her go to the eye doctor every time new frames came out."

"Really?" Rabecca paused with a smile on her lips. "So, did you mean Lauren, the sister we've heard so much about?"

"Yes...Do you know her?" Jennifer's eyes narrowed.

"No...just from hearing things here and there in the hallway when you were talking with Tora." Rabecca's smile became more sheepish.

"I see. So what do you do?" Jennifer eased back, adjusting the hem of her dress on her wrists. "If you don't mind me asking."

"I teach mechanical engineering at Pikes Peak." Rabecca grinned. "And I wear glasses for that, by the way."

"Ah, at the community college?"

"Yep. I'm not a big fan of kids. That's why I don't work at a grade school."

"Interesting. And why are there only women here?"

"Exactly, it's weird, isn't it? Most people with such intense fetishes are men...But here, it's just girls--or at least, as far as I know."

"That's true." Rabecca's face suddenly lit up with disbelief. "Wait, are you talking about THE Elisha? THE Mistress Elisha from Deviant Cams?"

Jennifer sat up, her shocked expression appearing. "Uh, I'm not sure, but I've never heard of another one. Why her?"

"Of course! Everyone knows about Mistress Elisha's videos! You've met her?"

"Yeah, we went to a concert together...we even hung out a few times. And Lauren dated her!"

"No way." Rabecca's eyelids appeared to contract.

Jennifer placed her hands on the stone floor and leaned forward, intrigued."Yeah, her and Lauren had a thing. She's practically a celebrity. All these kinksters know her."

"Really? Have you executed her instructions?" Jennifer winked.

"Nah. I've never actually eaten poop. But I love the feeling and texture. I wish Elisha would make a video about it. That would be great."

"Maybe she has? What if we could request a video after we find her?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's disappeared. We believe someone kidnapped Elisha and used A.I. to send this message on Lauren's phone saying that she's leaving Lauren and the town. But we can't be certain unless we get a copy of the message to check its authenticity. Since the message is on Lauren's phone, we need to get a hold of her."

Rabecca's forehead showed an expression of disbelief.

"I know, it sounds crazy. Anyway, I think Lauren might be here, but Tora doesn't say anything. She's being evasive."

"This is our privacy policy. We call it SubSpace..." Jen commented, pressing her wrists against Rabecca's nose. "So you're telling me that if you knew she was here..."

Rabecca laughed uncomfortably. "I mean, they don't share info with us. We're just here to...see things."

A moment passed, and they could hear the gentle sway of the bulb, casting a yellow glow on the room.

"Why are these stones so hot?"

Rabecca giggled mischievously, rubbing her feet over the floor. "Radiant heat. We have hot tubes running under the floor and walls. I mean, this place should feel like a dank dungeon but Mrs. Devlin wants it to be more comfortable. Nobody wants to do dirty stuff in the cold."

"Mrs. Devlin? She designed it then?" Rabecca nodded.

"I didn't know that...I'm still new to all this. Being with girls...this...degradation." Jen considered it, her fingers feeling the warmth from the floor.

"Did you always know?"

Rabecca nodded. "Yeah, always. Since I was little."

Jen looked at her, curious. "And you?"

"I've never been with anyone other than men. I've only dated men. Only kissed men. But once I began to explore this...degradation thing, dunno. Since I was fourteen, I thought about myself with boys. But then recently...my thoughts have been all over the place. Men, women, it's all new!" She sighed, studying Jen's body in more detail.

"I've never thought about...you know, it's just a...I never thought of it past...a toilet. I mean, no objections, but I didn't think about the body till recently." Jen looked at Rabecca, appreciating her, then glanced down to her breasts.

"You know, this is new for so many reasons. Not just...the toilet stuff, but being with women. I'm nineteen, and I've not had chance to really explore. And I've only experienced these women in a power position. Oh! It's funny, I can imagine having sex with men, but the toilet stuff with women." Jen giggled nervously.

Rabecca shrugged. "I don't think it's a problem. Some people are weirder than others." She looked down, adjusting her panties on the ground. Thinking about Jen's words, Rabecca found herself feeling turned on.

"You're telling me Elisha made you cum?"

"Yeah. It was hot as hell. Plus, Lauren was giving us a live show...she really wanted to do it and was crying..." Jen recalled, her eyes glowing. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Jen imagined Elisha's tight ass, pushing her shit down.

"That's insane! How was it different - other than the sobbing?"

"Not really. But it was more like, I was starting to enjoy it. It was a mental thing. Convincing myself..." Jen giggled, playing with the cracks between the stones.

"I can't believe you got to do that...that's super hot!" They shared a moment, Rabecca's panties rubbing the ground, Jen thinking about a sexual scenario.

"So, what's it like?"

"It's...different. My brain is wired directly to my vagina. But still, I need to convince myself every time. And once I'm in the moment..." Jen trailed off, recalling the sexual power dynamic around her.

"Hmm, I imagine boys don't say no?"

"I guess not...but it's less about consent and more like, dominance. I enjoy it but I wish it was about submission."

They sat for several seconds in silence as Jen wondered about this world. "Have you done it with Mrs. Devlin?"

"Hahaha...no. I'm not part of her circle." Rabecca giggled, resting her chin on her hand.

"With Elisha?"

"Once or twice...but it wasn't about sex. It was more like, she wanted to watch me eat her own shit." Rabecca blushed, reminiscing.

"You're so lucky!" Jen declared.

You don't seem to have any issues when you get started." Rabecca chuckled. "Do you want to know something?"


"I've assessed females who use the facilities prior to you. You were the first time I became aroused by viewing a woman consuming feces!"

Jennifer's complexion turned a bright pink. "Thank you...I think."

"No, truly. We have many individuals who consume excreta here. But several of them are pressured by their dominants, and the majority of the others simply aren't my preference."

"My type?"

Rabecca's complexion was becoming more and more crimson. "You understand...most women who engage in bathroom play in this manner are, well, a bit older. Somewhat past their prime if you will. I'm not saying anything bad about them...I believe all women are lovely just...what am I attempting to convey. Shit. The majority of the excrement consumers aren't gorgeous twenty-year-old blondes, are they?"


"Of course, consider it."

"No, I mean..." Jennifer stopped, scratching her wrist to rub her nose. "You called me beautiful."

"You are!"

"I've never believed so. Lauren's more attractive."

"I wouldn't say that. She might be a touch broader, but..."

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?" Jennifer turned her head gradually.

"Uh... you said she resembles you, slightly older. I'm extrapolating."

"Ah, I see." Jennifer paused, noticeable suspicion crossing her eyes.

"Anyway, even if you're an excrement consumer, you're one of the most attractive people I've encountered, here or anywhere else."

"Thanks." Jennifer continued to blush and stared vacantly at the wall while she couldn't stop smiling.

"What were you about to say before you informed me about Elisha?"

"Oh, just that I've ingested waste from all of these women, but I can't imagine, you know...like, falling in love with any of them."

"You mean, a relationship?"

"Yes. I mean, like Lauren's bond with Elisha. Before everything happened. They were passionate, like intense make-out sessions and the like. Ugh, like...so...persistently...romantic!"

"And you're not?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you mean, the love aspect...Have you ever kissed a female?"

"Well, Lauren gave me a disgusting scat kiss once, but I don't consider that one."

"So you've never had a buddy and merely pondered what it's like to kiss her?"

"Not really."

Rabecca's eyes drifted down.

"But I wouldn't object. I believe it's more about finding the proper woman. I mean, for one, she'd have to be able to accept my scent of feces!!" Jennifer leaned over and exhaled harshly. Rabecca put on an exaggerated show of gasping before falling over with a burst of laughter.

"Just kidding." Rabecca grinned.

It's not that horrible...your excrement breath." Jennifer laughed. "But...knowing you ingested my excrement. It's somewhat hot." She chuckled.

"Why, do you like the odor of your own waste?" Jennifer teased.

"Certainly not. It's more about knowing what it implies. That you ate my excrement. And I simply want..."


"It's foolish, self-centered actually. I mean, knowing you've devoured excrement from so many women...it's not as special if it's just me..."

"Oh, I understand. I'll devour waste from any girl that desires it. That's what this implies." Jennifer pressed her chin into her neck as she regarded her Tiger's Eye gemstone. "I'm a public bathroom. I believe they all have a good laugh. Oh, look at the pretty toilet girl. She actually enjoys consuming our excrement—a pathetic loser. No surprise I've never kissed a woman. Who wants to lick a filthy bathroom seat?"

"Stop! I didn't imply it that way. I was only saying that...I don't know what I'm saying. Forget it."

The two of them stayed silent for a brief moment. It shocked Rebecca how profoundly her words had hurt her considering all the physical humiliation she'd endured during the last month. Rebecca stammered, "You've tasted excrement from so many women." Rebecca's chin began to tremble as she fought back the forming tears at the edge of her eyes.

"There are some girls who do it, right?" Rebecca attempted a smile.

"What?" Jennifer used her bound wrists to wipe at the tear that had escaped on her face.

"There are women who would happily lick a filthy toilet seat. Look at Sasha Grey. She really goes all out on camera."

"Sasha...who?" Jennifer arched an eyebrow.

"Forget it. I'm getting old." Rebecca frowned.

"Is she a toilet eater?"

"No, absolutely not...she's just a porn star from ages ago...I guess." Rebecca shook her head at her own crumbling memory.

"So, she'd never lick a dirty toilet seat?"

"Nope...she was definitely paid for that kind of thing."

"No normal woman would do that." Jennifer scoffed.

"But not everyone is normal."

"Haven't you ever done it?" Jennifer turned her head so she was facing Rabecca.

"No...but I've never encountered a dirty toilet seat that tempted me."

"I see you've found one now." Jennifer raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"I'm serious."

"Really? Are you certain? Because I bet Tasha would've cleaned it thoroughly before attempting."

"Well...it's still dirty from my use." Rabecca smirked as she sat up.

"If you're so sure, then prove it." Jennifer grinned.

"I will." Rabecca's face lit up with excitement as she turned to look Julia directly in her eyes.

"You certain? You realize you're about to nose-dive into a toilet bowl that smells like shit?" Jennifer breathed an appreciative gust of putrid air towards Rabecca.

"Yep, that's the smell."

"And the porcelain sometimes has those nasty brown stains. You always flush the toilet before you sit on it."

"True." Jennifer heard Rabecca giggle as she leaned over her captor.

"This toilet can't flush that away. Those stains are permanent." Jennifer snickered, reveling deviously in her cannibalistic reverse twist.

"I don't care." Rabecca pressed her hands against the back of Jennifer's head, pressing her face into Rebecca's.

"That's hard to believe." Jennifer smirked suggestively as she inspected the waste still trapped in her teeth.

"I do feel bad about what I said earlier." Rabecca admitted.

"And you hope this kiss will make up for it? You know I'll be able to tell if you're just doing this for looks."

"Fuck you. Toilet breath." Rebecca chuckled as she locked lips with Jennifer. Jennifer was delighted by Rebecca's initial reservations only to be thrilled by her abandon. Eagerly, Jennifer's tongue met with Rebecca's, licking and swallowing. Her eyes widened as her tongue encountered waste clinging to Jennifer's teeth. The realization of eating her own waste or the waste of a stranger she was tasting terrified and exhilarated Rebecca. She hummed in delight, unsure what else to make of the situation. Her tongue explored Jennifer's mouth romantically, intensifying the embrace.

"Why would you think I might pull away?" Jennifer asked.

"Maybe because I never saw a dirty toilet seat before."

"It didn't seem to be an issue when my friend Natalie came."

"She ate my shit in the bathroom just before leaving, right?"

"Yep. Though I was a little irked she left so quickly."

"So this bowl is yours?" Jennifer shrugged and grinned.

"Rather, yours from my ass."

"Impressive." Jennifer could feel her smile soften into a wider grin as she teased Rebecca with this new piece of information.

"Not sure about that." Rebecca giggled.

"Give me a taste." Jennifer said boldly.

"Prepare for excitement." Rabecca chuckled quietly. Rebecca could feel her breathing deepen, her heart beginning to race, and a sense of freedom and enjoyment she could no longer ignore. "Just...turn your head." Rebecca whispered.

They stayed intertwined as they ventured into each other. Jennifer's self-consciousness vanished as Rabecca's tongue delved deep into the hidden corners of her mouth with unrestrained abandon. She heard Rabecca's breath hasten and her moans grow louder and higher pitched. She drew in a deep breath, a blend of Rabecca's sweet scent and the toxic fumes rising from her own mouth. Her heart pounded uncontrollably, but her worries began to slip away as she responded to Rabecca's passionate invasion, thrusting her tongue into Rabecca's mouth with similar fervor and carelessness. Jennifer felt her pulse steady as she lost herself in a perfect moment that she considered could last an eternity.

Finally, Rabecca drew back, gazing at Jennifer with a dreamy expression. Her arms still clasped Jennifer in their grasp, their fingers entwined.

"Which secret will I reveal?" Rabecca asked with a smirk.

Jennifer struggled to find words. "I'm not sure...wow...what were we discussing?"

"I don't know!" Rabecca laughed.

"How did I taste?"

"You've never kissed a clean lavatory before, have you?" Rabecca teased, giggling.

"Not even a girl," Jennifer added. "I've only kissed one girl, Lauren, and it was a rather filthy experience. To be honest, I've never had an orgasm with anyone, not my boyfriends or myself. But when I tasted Lauren's feces for the first time, something incredible happened–"


"It's because your shit breath, you know. I've always believed that shit was necessary for me to cum, but..."

"Mmhmm," Rabecca said, her eyes gazing bedside.

"So, if every kiss were like that..."

"They aren't. I've kissed many girls, and kisses like that are rare, if not non-existent! Even for the bravest of us."

"Then we'll have to try it without the shit breath," Jennifer teased.

"I'd love to," Rabecca cooed. "But for now, let's go." Her hand caressed the back of Jennifer's head, and their lips met once more. Their embrace continued until they heard an unsettling sound, the door slowly creaking open.

Mrs. Devlin stood in the doorway, her kindly smile hiding a gleam of knowledge. "Jennifer, Rabecca, you're ready now. We've prepared everything for you." Her eyes gleamed with amusement as Jennifer and Rabecca hastily moved apart.

Jennifer climbed to her feet, using her strength to help Rabecca stand as well. Her mind drifted to thoughts of Lauren for a brief moment before the sight of Rabecca's dirty panties, clinging to her curvy bottom, drove those memories away.


Pitch blackness.

Elisha is gone and the heavens are empty. I'll begin my journey into oblivion with my body. My soul will find its way.

Such a strong start for a writer! Lauren thought. What's the best way to open a novel? Oh yes, I've got it!

So long as I can remember it. I can't write it down now.

Lauren's heart sank as she rubbed her wrists backward and forward. The soft restraints didn't throttle her, but given enough time, any bondage could become agonizing. However, the true torment lay in keeping this writer from her phone and computer.

In reality, Lauren had only been an aspiring author for two years. During her second year at university, she'd met a teacher's assistant named Anthony, who was kind, funny, and undeniably handsome. She'd determined to forge a friendship, considering his helpfulness in her English 103: Creative Writing class. He was shy, but she was committed to making a connection, and they'd quickly become close.

Two years weren't long enough to pave a career path for a writer, but Lauren was resolute about bringing her imagination into reality—if the world allowed it. In those idle moments when her thoughts weren't distracted, her idle reveries wove themselves into a unique, boundary-breaking novel. She knew it was great. All that remained was to share it with others. The words einfrica pulsed in her mind, but was there an audience for her visions? Her fantasies were far from typical, and perhaps best left concealed in her delinquent thoughts. FancyImage.

She could be driving down the road and spot a portable toilet at a construction site, fantasizing about a designated waste disposal girl instead of an overfilled chemical one. Her name would be Lauren Thompson, chained to the plastic floor of the toilet and sporting a leather collar secured with thin nylon rope to a metal chair. In addition to her sweet position, she would be waiting patiently to accept the filth of anyone in need of relief, without any questions asked. Men from all over the city would gather at the portable toilet, using the pretty young girl who had signed a contract to be their toilet slave.

Sometimes, they'd do their business and leave. Others would engage in casual conversation. Some men would be polite and get straight to the point:

"Lauren, I'm glad you're here! I've been holding it all night, but I was holding it for you! I think I've got a lot for you here. Wow, you're swallowing it fast! Do female toilet girls never chew? Why would one become a pro?"

Others would feel guilty for using her:

"I'm sorry; I didn't think they were really going to put you in here. I need to do my business, and I didn't know there was nowhere else to go. No? Okay. So what do I do now? I gotta sit down first? Can you lick my ass? Why? Oh...really? I have changed my mind. I can't hurt you by continuing. Please, stop licking! I had to; I tried. I couldn't help it... I'm sorry for being unable to restrain myself. You took a lot, didn't you? Oh no... It's out! Oh God, I'm sorry. I was only going to let a little out. Urp... Sorry for going again. Oh fuck! You drank it...what? Thanks? How do you stand the taste? More? Okay."

And finally, there were men who enjoyed her services frequently.

"It's good you're still available. I hoped you'd be open when I arrived, as I was planning to save it up for my wife, but I won't make it that long. I'm about to explode. Oh, that's better. Sorry about the smell, but you don't mind, right? I hope you enjoy my taste. Have you been working here long? Are you the one that sold me this chair? It's really well designed, maintains a gentle position. My wife wants a similar model for her birthday. Oh god! Sorry! I couldn't stop myself. I didn't wait for your approval... Sorry. Is my stuff too much for you? My wife and I have a good rhythm. I know her needs and how to anticipate them. I haven't used a regular toilet in a decade! Come on, chew it up for me! I'm going to save most of it for my wife. Some men like to hear the details and fantasize about using your ass when you describe your experiences with other women."

And so it would go, content with her duties as a toilet slave, drawing deep on her responsibilities to cater to the needs of men who sought her unique services. By the end of the day, she'd have filled a five-gallon bucket with her waste, ready for transportation to the sanitation department. If she's been a good girl and entertained the men, she'd spend the night pumping her bowels into the five-gallon bucket. If she's been a good girl, they'd award her a bowl of wet, soiled clothing for a late-night snack.

It may not be the most realistic premise, but who needs realism in a toilet fantasy?

This woman had always been a writer, but she never shared it with anyone. Until now.

Now she knew there were others who would appreciate the wicked thoughts racing through her mind as they materialized on paper. There must be lots of them, especially after meeting Elisha...

No, forget about her. She's no longer a part of your life. Lauren tightly shut her eyes, trying to hold back the torrent of tears desperately wanting to escape her distressed face.

Focus on the future. She's merely one of many girls. There are many more than you could've imagined. All of them would enjoy your stories, fantasies, and real-life accounts.

Lauren felt the chains tightening around her hands, leaving small cuts on her skin. She felt the warm, wet mess gathered between her cheeks. This pleasant sensation sent waves of excitement all through her body as she created it, but after a while, it began to itch and tingle. She wiggled her butt against the cold concrete, relishing the uncomfortable feeling created by the cheap plastic against stone and the relief it brought to her sore bottom.

That's better. Frustrating as this diaper is.

Here you are, living out your worst toilet fantasy with no way of documenting it, even if you tried.

She sighed, hearing her voice echo through the plastic tube that filled her mouth. The echoing vibrations made herGPL problema s if the plumbing she was attached to caused a completely different kind of discomfort. The only remedy for this irritation was when her fingers began to move in sync between her legs. She ground her hips against the floor again but realized she couldn't find the right position for the perfect pressure to achieve orgasm.

She wrestled with her body, trying to twist and turn so she could reach the eye hooks bolting her ankles to the floor. She couldn't turn over nor press her thighs together, hoping to push the diaper against her aching clit.

Damn it. What a bad day for a diaper.

She gripped her mouth tightly, straining to widen it. The plastic in her mouth barely gave way. Her jaw had never been stretched out for so long before.

Numerous things came to mind:

Number six - Closing my mouth.

Let's see, what else do I miss...

Number one - Well, that's a no-brainer.

Number two - Unrestricted access to "Little Lauren"...Definitely!

She thought about her sensitive clit, struggling against the thick layer of spongy plastic. Her original aim would be to massage her vagina, but at the moment, her hands were inaccessible.

She sighed into her tube again.

I wonder if they can hear me moan. I doubt it with all the machinery in the way.

Number three - I long for my phone.

Where is it? Are they going through it? What if they reveal Elisha's message to everyone? What if they steal all the money from my iTunes app?

Pfft! As if there was anything valuable from three hundred and fifty-six dollars.

Number four - I miss my laptop...the act of writing.

I can set up a keyboard on my phone. It'll still be fun to change it up a little.

Feeling the soiled diaper become wetter, she wiggled and jumped, hoping to spread her inner mess around. This action would finally give her an extra inch of access to one of the eye hooks near her feet. She nearly managed, but ripping off a leg in the process made it impossible.

Ripping? Tearing? Synonyms for...

Thesaurus! That was number five!

Lauren wiggled her butt against the hard floor again, feeling her diaper become even messier. She'd have to relieve herself soon. Perhaps the added bulk would stretch far enough for relief.

Soon! Soon, the amazing feelings produced by "Little Lauren" will find you. Let go!

Years of conditioning made it hard for her to let go, even when she was in a diaper.

This isn't a pair of pants, Lauren. You're not about to use a bathroom in class. You're in a dark, creepy room and you're wearing a diaper. This is a fetish, and you should enjoy it—let go.

She mustered all her patience and finally let a small amount of urine escape. It barely reached the plastic lining of her diaper before being absorbed.

A wet diaper? You, my dear, are pathetic.

Bloody hell…Elisha.

Her eyes began to water, despite her attempts to hold them back. She blinked rapidly to clear her vision and scrunched up her face as a tear trickled down her cheek. Her skin itched all over, as if a swarm of bacteria had invaded her body. Those damn glasses of hers were making her nose and ears feel like they were being tortured with Chinese water drips. She shook her head, violently, exasperated by the constant discomfort.

Remember that disgusting phone call? The horrifying message - "You're worse than a bloody toilet. You're meant for the sewage system, the plumbing. Stuck up there, locked away like a fetid sewage tank."

It was so painful; it really hurt deep in her heart. Yet, at the same time, it stoked a hidden desire, one Elisha had left her with before dumping her: a fetish she couldn't seem to shake.

I showed her! I am precisely what she said I'd be!

The young woman laughed, her eyes tearing up, as she tried to prevent the urine spreading across her panties.

If I could just climax…then maybe, just for a moment, I can forget Elisha.

The sound!

She heard the gush of water, followed by the loud grinding noise of machinery. She could feel Little Lauren's contractions growing more vivid. If anything would allow her to release her self-control, this would surely be it - feeding time!

Then the noise stopped with an abrupt click.

There was a bit of silence before the musical gurgle of something big beginning its descent through the pipe.


The top of her diaper was slapped with a wet, disgusting mixture. It was something bitter, revolting and far too watery for her liking, it was as if she was eating processed human waste.

She gagged at the ghastly smell, as she slowly swallowed. She wanted to savour every sensation, feeling the sludge travel down her mouth, over her tongue and then down her throat.

Elisha is right. I can handle this. I'm becoming a part of the sewage system. I'm not human anymore. I'm a bottomless chamber; a significant component of a system designed to eliminate waste as far away from people as possible.

My thoughts? Almost irrelevant now.

Lauren continued to swallow, enjoying the feeling of the foul liquid filling her. I’m okay with this. This is my life.

Her stomach started growling as it was filled with the sour concoction being pumped into her mouth.

No, not my stomach. My septic tank. I no longer own it. For this purpose, I’ve donated my body to a more efficient and noble cause.

She gulped for more and chewed her feeding tube, like a bathtub drain. It was grotesque, but she craved the sensation.

It was her destiny - to sit beneath Elisha, tasting the mastery of her toilet-clogging bowel movements.

Disgusting, maybe. But maybe I deserve it.

Lauren swallowed more and more of it, savouring the feeling as the semi-liquid sludge slid down her oesophagus. Dumping into her now-overflowing shithole.

(There was a mention of stomach gurgling) feeding, laughing, feeling the sludge ooze down her mouth. Her own thoughts became uninteresting, her mind seemingly too simple to attach to such an act - a trough and toilet, both seemingly superfluous after her lips had been deemed foul and exhausting. Accepting the dissolution of her human state. Lauren heard herself shouting her mindless words:

Her mind clung onto those words: "You'll only get one, and anything you do in it, you'll have to eat."

Almost suddenly, she allowed her control to be ripped from her hands as waves of fluids flushed through her entire body. She trembled and shook with the lingering emotion, massaging the bulge strapped to her hips. The aftershock lingered, and with the last swallow, she lifted her mouth to the lucrative pipe. Thinking only of the electric orgasm from the build-up of disgust, she felt herself yipping, trapped by the pain of the cord cutting into her body. She thrust her hips against the floor, reaching the pinnacle of pleasure, only to have it slacken, leaving her with the lingering sense of the warm fluid filling her tank.

With satisfaction, she felt the bubbles growing. She recounted the words she'd heard: "You'll only get one, and anything you do in it, you'll have to eat!"

This life of perversion, filled with disgustible fluids and twisted fantasy, was the life she had wanted, she finally accepted it. Defiant body, urine, pain, submission. Her life was trash. And that was okay, she would be fulfilled by this.

Yes, I'll definitely do it, Lauren thought as she gripped her stomach, causing the contents of her large intestine to pass through her chafed anus, adding to the soft, runny mess between her legs. She felt it getting closer to her throbbing sex with each push, extending the liquid pleasure of her latest orgasm. Her body sank into a numb, opiate-like euphoria as she grinded her fresh mess against the stone beneath her. She breathed in through her straw, securing a final few bitter droplets of filth for her insatiable tongue.

It took a while for her to emerge from her trance to the disheartening realization that it wasn't that long ago that the taste of human feces alone was enough to send her into a strong orgasm. Now, it took more.

As she took another bite of her feeding tube, pulling her legs against their restraints and squirming in the wetness of her full diaper, she pondered where she could go from here. What will come next after this isn't enough?

Next time, she'd try pooping her diaper at the same time she swallowed the entirety of a stranger's feces. But then...where could she go after that? Eventually...who knows?

Was there anything out there that could make her truly content?

Of course, there was...and she wouldn't have to look too far to find it. All she needed to do was return to the list of things she longed for the most.

Number six: Closing my mouth. That would be nice, but not orgasm-inducing.

Number five: My dictionary. Ha! Maybe if I'm really into language. But wait...I AM a language enthusiast.

Lauren chuckled through her straw.

Number four: Writing. If I could put this experience into words...I'm sure many would enjoy reading it.

Number three: My phone. Of course, I adore my phone. But does it make me happy?

Number two: Baby Lauren. Will I ever get sick of rubbing myself? Maybe. When I'm in the mood, I can't get enough of it. But then...I've also gone weeks without even thinking about it.

Lauren's gaze fell as she considered the only thing she truly desired. This entire situation—human subjugation, electric climax, and all—was simply a distraction from an empty space within her that seemed to grow larger with each passing moment. A void that could never be filled with even the most intense orgasm.

Number one:


And as the glory of her climax finally faded, the film of tears returned to her eyes.

Number one:



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Source: www.nice-escort.de