Erotic Couplings

Ellie's Journey through the Countryside, Chapter 2

A surprising encounter with unfamiliar individuals.

May 27, 2024
8 min read
carstrangersEllie’s Drive in the Countryside Ch. 02
Ellie’s Drive in the Countryside Ch. 02
Ellie’s Drive in the Countryside Ch. 02

Ellie's Journey through the Countryside, Chapter 2

This story follows the events of the first chapter in the series. It's a bit more slow-paced but will prepare the way for an exciting third chapter.

A big thanks to my buddy LindyLou for editing.

In a nutshell, Ellie and her hubby John (yup, that's me) had a day off and went for a spin with no particular destination in mind. Eventually, they ended up in this spot by the roadside where Ellie had to pee so urgently they had to stop. After a yummy picnic meal, Ellie shed her clothes and had a bit of fun with John on both their picnic blanket and over their car boot. They didn't realize they'd been observed until they'd finished by a couple who'd pulled over to watch.

Here's part 2...


Ellie and I fastened our seat belts and turned onto Mill Drive. Our hearts were racing not only from the thrill of open-air sex, but also from being caught by the watching couple.

I broke the silence a while later, "So that was a bit more fun than we expected, huh?"

Ellie turned to face me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Holy cow, that was mind-blowing!" she exclaimed. "Those perverts must've loved watching us go at it!"

"What if they filmed it and uploaded it online?" I quipped, a sly smile crossing my face.

"Nooooo, can you imagine what our friends would say if they saw that?" Ellie exclaimed, imagining the backlash. We burst out laughing.

We came to a junction on the highway, and I turned left, leading us away from home. "If we had that on video online, I'd be so happy to share it," I said. "Sounds kinky, babe," Ellie replied, smirking.

Our conversation went on in a similar vein, often interrupted when a favorite song played on the radio.

The countryside gave way to smaller lots with houses as we approached the town. I dropped our speed down to 60 as we entered Magnolia, a town with a population of 16,900. "Sounds like a sexy town name," Ellie commented. "I agree. Wait, aside from the population, including 69!" I quipped, grinning.

As we traveled further, the lots got smaller until they became house-sized. We were slowing for town, going 60 miles per hour. "Magnolia, population sixteen thousand--oh wait, nine hundred!" she joked. "Such a pretty name, don't you think?" I replied, not wanting to make a double entendre about the population.

We parked the car and headed back to a café that looked busy, a good sign of good food. We ordered and sat down at an empty table outdoors to wait for our meals. Ellie decided it would be wise not to pee outside any more, thankfully.

Ellie stood up after using the restroom but didn't sit back down yet. "Is that...?" she asked, her eyes scanning past me. "That's the car," I identified, recognizing only one vehicle as memorable today.

"Where?" I asked, scanning for the dark blue car.

"They're leaving now." Ellie said.

Our waitress arrived, asking who ordered the fish and who ordered the pasta. "The fish is for me, and the pasta for Ellie," I answered. Ellie was still staring, oblivious to the waitress.

"Are they leaving?" Ellie asked, her gaze locked on the car withdrawing.

"I'm sure that's them," Ellie said, still mesmerized by the car. "What a pity they didn't join us! We do have two empty chairs," I joked.

Ellie's face displayed a mix of embarrassment and amusement, more than pee-your-pants funny, which was ironic considering her recent toileting. "I'd most likely die of embarrassment if they did," she said. "But there's something rather intriguing about it. I'm a tad nervous... did they film us?"

I responded that it was unlikely and we probably wouldn't see them again. We left for our late lunch and paid before exiting.

We drove on to explore the town a bit. It was a nice, neat place with a great mix of shops. There was another town called Wangle nearby, large enough to have major supermarkets and department stores for bigger shopping sprees. Ellie thought it would be perfect if it were closer to the coast as a place to retire.

We reached the end of the town and decided to head home.

Chapter 2. Passing Mill Lane

A few miles down the open road, we passed the turn-off to the place where we had an unforgettable experience making love outdoors and eventually getting caught.

"Mm, Mill Lane. That name will never leave us, will it, baby?" I teased Ellie with a naughty grin.

"I'd have to admit getting caught was pretty hot," she replied. "Getting spied on." Her left hand slid up her thigh, and her right hand began teasing her inner thigh.

Suddenly, I slammed on the brakes. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed.


"Fuck!" we both exclaimed at the same time as I brought the car to a halt.

Steam hissed from under the hood as the car slowed.

"Damn kangaroos!" I cursed.

We unbuckled and got out to inspect the damage. A kangaroo had jumped right in front of our car, narrowly missing the other car on the opposite side of the road. I crawled to the front of the car, followed by Ellie from her side.

"You can't fix that here, can you?" Ellie asked.

"Nope, we'll need a tow."

We checked our phones but didn't have any reception.

"Looks like you'll need to hike up your skirt to attract someone's attention," I joked.

Ellie laughed. "You suggest stripping naked instead."

I pulled Ellie close and caressed her bottom under her skirt. "Well, that could be an option." We kissed passionately as we awaited the arrival of a helpful passerby.

A blue car had pulled up behind ours on the gravel shoulder.

My mind raced, probably the same as Ellie's. Could it be the same car? Who were these random peeping toms? And had they filmed us? The two doors on the car opened.

A man stepped out of the driver's side, and a woman exited the passenger side.

Both were casually dressed in jeans, with the man in a black shirt tucked in and the woman in a pink singlet. They appeared to be in their late 40s to early 50s. Approaching them, I took in more details.

The man was 5'8", slightly stockier than me, and bald like me. The woman was shorter than us, around 5'5", slimmer than Ellie, but also curvy. She had medium-length, loose blonde hair that covered her ample, swaying breasts.

"Hello," I greeted them, standing between the two cars.

"Hello," Ellie and the couple all said in unison. They had a relaxing, country accent.

"Any issues?" the man asked.

"Yeah, we hit a kangaroo. The radiator's done for," I said, lighting up a cigarette.

"Aw, crap." he replied. "How far to home?"

"About three hours, in the city," I answered, offering the man a cigarette. He declined, but Ellie accepted.

"We're John and Ellie," I said, holding out my hand to the man. He shook my hand, and they both introduced themselves as Adam and Lisa.

Ellie and Lisa had a conversation about each other's hairstyles and clothing. Unintentionally, I overheard Lisa mention, "Obviously, we did see the two of you getting a bit frisky earlier today." Ellie blushed as she replied, "I assumed it was Lisa's car. You two must have got a great view; you stayed and watched for quite some time."

Adam returned from a phone call and promptly interrupted the conversation. "A friend will be coming in an hour with a tow truck. He's found a second-hand radiator, but he'll need to examine it and do the repair tomorrow afternoon, as he's fully booked in the morning."

"Great, Adam!" Ellie said gratefully. "Thank you." She turned to me. "We'll have to find a place to stay in town since we can't drive the car home tonight."

Lisa listed a few options their friends and family had tried. The best one, she suggested, was the Imperial Inn. Furthermore, she added that the inn served the finest meals in town, although they were pub-style dishes.

After some small talk, Adam said they had to depart but that his friend would arrive soon to tow our vehicle and provide transportation for both of us. He would drop us off at our chosen lodging. We bid them adieu and thanked them for their assistance and arranging the tow and repair. They told us they were more than willing to help. Lisa kissed Ellie on her cheek and winked, saying, "Maybe we'll even catch you for dinner if you're lucky. Tonight's date night, and we're probably going to the Imperial."

Leaving the couple, Ellie and I decided to wait for Johnno in our car.

Ellie shared her curiosity, "Elle, a cute couple, huh?"

I concurred. She continued, "I was thinking about asking more about them spying on us, but I was too embarrassed."

Teasing her, I said, "Did you see how eager Lisa was to see you naked? She was desperate to touch you." Ellie playfully swatted my chest. "And you're always fantasizing about lesbians."

While we joked around, a 4x4 arrived with an empty car trailer in front of our vehicle.

"Johnno, it's nice to meet you," we greeted him. He explained the situation, adding that the car should be operational tomorrow, as long as the radiator was in fair condition.

Johnno hoisted our car onto the trailer and drove us into town. Somewhere outside of town, he mentioned that Adam and Lisa had probably told us to stay at the Imperial Inn, and that the food at the Hound and Game was better, but the accommodation at the Imperial was quite nice.

Ellie confirmed their recommendation, "Yeah, Lisa said we might see them for dinner."

Johnno chuckled, "Trust me, those two are a kinky pair."

I pondered his comment. If Johnno had heard about our early-morning activities from Adam, maybe he said this to suggest he knew what had occurred. However, I showed no interest in asking.

A short while later, we parked outside the Imperial Inn. The building was a quaint, old structure with ornate wrought iron balcony railings. It stood on the main street.

"You're at the Imperial Inn, guys!" Johnno announced. He gave us a broad grin and gave us his business card, displaying his business phone number, address, and name. "Give me a holler around midday. I'll let you know how I'm progressing with the car."

We thanked Johnno, exited the car, and entered the pub. It was bustling with patrons. Some were casually dressed, whilst others were dressed for a formal occasion.

We approached the bar and ordered drinks. Inquiring about the well-dressed guests, the bartender told us that a wedding reception was underway, but we were welcome to stay. However, it might be challenging to find a meal or accommodation, since a second wedding was happening in town that night, and the Imperial Inn was already booked.

Sitting at the bar, Ellie and I discussed our options if we couldn't find a place to spend the night.

With our arrival in town, we managed to get some faint phone reception, prompting Ellie to Google and call various establishments to find a place to sleep. Unfortunately, many of them were already fully booked. To take the edge off, I decided to order us another drink. As I passed the wine to Ellie, she startled, almost spilling her drink. She turned, revealing the source of her alarm - Lisa.

Lisa recognized us immediately and playfully pinched Ellie's bottom as a hello.

"Hey! Here they are again!" Ellie exclaimed, giving Lisa a hug. "Thanks so much for arranging the tow truck and the mechanic. We should really treat you guys to a drink or dinner."

We shook hands with Adam and Lisa as they politely declined our offer, suggesting instead to have dinner with us but insisting on covering their own costs. I queried about Lisa and Adam's drink preferences, buying them both a beer.

"Cheers!" we all exclaimed, clinking our glasses together.

While Adam ventured out to find a table, he phoned Lisa a short while later, directing us to an empty booth in a less crowded room of the pub. We followed Lisa to the secreted back booth and seated ourselves. The atmosphere in this area was noticeably more serene.

"Quite a busy night in here!" Adam commented. "Guess there's gotta be a wedding going on."

I divulged that we had heard news of two weddings taking place on that evening. I also admitted to struggling to find accommodation. Lisa leaned towards Adam, whispering something in his ear while maintaining eye contact with Ellie. I couldn't quite make out what they were discussing, but Adam broke into a wide grin halfway through. Upon completing their private conversation, Adam declared, "So, it's decided then, Ellie and Bill will just have to crash at our place!"

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