Celebrity Sex Stories

Elowen and Thalion Chapter 2 Part 2

Thalion requires Elowen's surrender, feeling exhausted.

May 20, 2024
14 min read
analchase scenepublic sexlove storypublic humiliationElowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 02fairy
Elowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 02
Elowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 02

Elowen and Thalion Chapter 2 Part 2

Second chapter of the Elowen and Thalion tale. This chapter can be read alone, but if you're interested in what occurred prior, here are the links to the previous Elowen and Thalion story: One: A Forced Union, Two: Shadows of Obligation, Three: A Moonlit Pact, Four: A Lover's Dance.

First chapter of this story:

Chapter Two: An Arousing Chase

Elowen sat at the long wood table in Pyreheart castle's grand hall. The obsidian arches reflected the morning light, their darkness softened by banners and tapestries displaying Thalion's silver lily, gods, and a prominent image of the castle looming on the western sea cliffs. As she had lived here throughout the winter, even the intense redness of the stone no longer startled her. She turned away from the flames in the hearth, picturing her past home, Aurelian, with its milder hues and different images. Lack of ocean roar and salty scent made her nostalgic.

Aurelian also lacked the constant, muffled sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs, intertwined with the aroma that drifted from the kitchen downstairs.

She thought about her brother, Lysander, and believed he was probably enjoying breakfast like her.

Ravished by the bond Tela had created, Elowen now considered Pyreheart Castle her home. Though she cherished her brother's presence, she doubted he could understand her new lifestyle or feelings.

Opposite her, Thalion studied slices of smoked fish and provoked Diarmuid, the sidhe priest who'd eaten breakfast with them, to take a serving. Diarmuid's midnight black skin absorbed the light, giving him a distinct otherworldly air, while his crystalline blue eyes conveyed a wise understanding older than Pyreheart's stones. He'd counseled Elowen more than once, and she responded in kind. The light of his eyes and the glint around the silver cauldron necklace radiated in tandem, displaying his devotion to Cerridwen. Ignoring the fish, Diarmuid toasted Elowen with a smile and drink.

Thalion chewed, inquiring, "Is the village in order?"

"Certainly, my lord," Diarmuid acknowledged with a nod. Offering no weak points, he assured Thalion that any visitor, including Lord Ferin, would find no reason to allege disarray.

"Excellent," Thalion tapped his cup, drawing a refill.

A swirl of colors flooded the room, disrupting their earlier discussion, introducing Bloomfae. Resembling fairies no bigger than hummingbirds, the miniscule bloomfae featured sidhe-like bodies and enormous dragonfly wings. Their dust lost its ethereal radiance, the ambience transformed by the churning of vibrant beams that shimmered around the room like whimsical rainbow squalls.

Elowen clenched her fists, fingernails biting into her skin as the presence of Bloomfae dispelled tension. Without their patterns, magic wouldn't exist and fairyland would cease.

The dazzling spectacle caught Thalion and Diarmuid's attention with a micromeasure of hesitation.

An older one, whose moth-eaten wings glimmered like tarnished silver, swept softly toward Thalion. "Greetings, Thalion Moonsong of Pyreheart, I am Kernow."

Thalion extended his palm, "Good morning, Kernow. Why are you here?"

The fairy alighted, causing his dainty voice to reverberate like tinkling bells, "Oh, mighty lord, we're from Foxglove Meadow. A dark fire has erupted from the ground. While our efforts have stopped the flames from spreading, it has charred the earth, draining away life. Our gifts have all been used to protect the fire, my lord."

Elowen gasped, slapping her hand to her mouth, horrified at the thought of fairy dust running out and starving fairylore. Kernow looked at her, his determined gaze matching her fear.

Thalion raised one finger, "Has the fire spread since?"

"No, my lord," Kernow answered, adjusting his position to show his empty hands. "The circle created with fairy dust seems to have restrained it. Yet, it still smolders, poisoning the earth, diminishing growth." The distress in his eyes intensified as he glanced at his vulnerable toes, now on Thalion's palm. "It consumed all our tribute."

Elowen's breath hitched, and she glanced at her husband. The dapper fairy, known as the bloomfae, had to pay him with fairy dust for living under his protection. If they couldn't repay... She leaned toward her husband and gently touched his hand. "My dear, tell me, is...?"

His fingers tightened around hers, breaking some of the bones, and she barely resisted the urge to yell out in pain. "Watch it, we'll see. Kernow, escort us to Foxglove Meadow."

The intrepid fairy's eyes shifted to Elowen, but he bowed his head in obedience. "As you wish, my lord."

Elowen felt uncomfortable on her sky-riding steed as Kernow led them to Foxglove Meadow. Her lover sat quietly beside her, his face hard and stony, and Elowen noticed his grim expression. She turned her attention to Diarmuid, the compassionate priest, glancing over at him. He offered her a reassuring smile, but Thalion's unyielding silence since breakfast dampened her spirits. She stared straight ahead, attempting to ignore the soldiers trailing close behind them.

The path weaved through a wayward forest finger, and Kernow gestured with his hand. "Up ahead, my lord, my lady."

As the trees parted, a wondrous sight unfolded before them. It was easy to forget where she lived in the midst of daily life, in the heart of fairy. But Foxglove Meadow, glowing with the golden hues of the fading sun, distracted her from the ordinary world from which she came.

A riot of wildflowers exploded across the meadow, showing off every hue like a painter gone wild. Foxgloves stood taller than the rest, their bells of purple and pink vivid against the emerald-green enveloping them. A sweet, heady fragrance hung in the air, melding with the fresh smell of morning wetness.

However, the sense of peace was futile.

A fiery pit with orange edges gaped open in the meadow, and it emitted an ominous glow of death and chaos. The area within the fairy dust surrounding it lay barren, the skeletons of lifeless shrubs standing guard.

Elowen swallowed and glanced at Thalion. "My lord, why is this here?"

Thalion's jaw flexed. "A concoction of earth and fire, devouring stolen power and life." He unseated himself from his sky-riding mount with one fluid move.

Elowen climbed down after him, grabbing the reins of his steed. His eyes bore into the vile pit with a fierce, unyielding intensity. His fingers closed tightly around the ogham rune, and an otherworldly glimmer sparked his touch as he tapped into his elemental powers.

Elowen tensed, ready to protect if necessary. He was pushing his limits. As her body shivered, a prickling sensation pulsed inside her.

Thalion raised his hands, fire flaring clawing its way towards the treacherous pit. His flood of fire emanated a menacing promise, threatening the darkness within the pit.

A crack of his fingers propelled the tendrils into the vile engine. The malicious fire and darkness dueled, and Elowen arched an eyebrow, privy to the life and death battle. A sexy growl of frustration formed between his lips as he pumped more energy into his magic.

Elowen held her breath, her senses heightened. If he lost control, she needed to be ready. The warmth of the battle against the mischievous fairy frightened her, and she tried not to let it show.

The dark abyss swallowed the vibrant flames, but Thalion continued to cast more energy behind them. The vicious abyss hummed with malicious power, entrapping his fire.

Elowen hissed as beads of sweat gathered on his brow, and she feared he could not contain it. He was using too much magic.

The pit greedily swallowed his flames, leaving Thalion drained and helpless, his once-radiant eyes dimming. His body slumped, the elemental balance shifting within him. The water inside him put out the fire by engulfing it.

My goodness! Elowen hurried towards him, her heart beating rapidly. She immediately wrapped her arms around him to prevent him from falling. Chills ran over his body, and he felt cold when she touched him.

The breeze was filled with Bloomfae, who fluttered angrily around them, their wings rustling against the air.

Thalion's gaze fixed on something, and the stars in his eyes narrowed into pinpricks. A sense of hunger was evident in his gaze.

Elowen realized what he wanted from her.

Without any hesitation, Elowen reached out and stroked his hair. Then, she leaned in for a kiss. A torrent of water sprang from him upon contact, her body filled with the onslaught of the liquid.

He tightened his arms around her, squeezing her painfully. "Elowen..." His voice had a raspy tone that she had not heard before.

"I'm here for you, my lord." She held tightly to him.

He pushed her away, "If I hurt you truly, say 'rainbows'. If you do, I'll stop. Do you understand?"

A wave of horror swept over Elowen as panic bubbled up inside her. They had never needed this before. But Thalion's grip on her arms was becoming more intense, and her groin was in excruciating pain.

"Yes, my lord." Her voice was barely audible. "What do you need?"

"Run!" He pointed towards the forest threateningly. "I will count to ten, and then I'll come after you, my wife." Tension oozed from his tightly clenched fingers. "Run!"

Scared out of her wits, Elowen tore herself from Thalion's grip and sprinted towards the safety of the forest. She could feel her chest heaving as terror and excitement collided fiercely in her.

With a sudden burst of speed, she left the nightmarish world behind and dove into the dark, leafy forest. Bright shafts of sunlight splayed across her vision as the leaves shone with a brilliant hue, creating a mosaic of light and shadow on the forest floor. Enormous trees with menacing roots hindered her effort to escape. She tripped, scraping her hands against rough bark, which kept her upright. The earthy smell of damp earth tickled her nostrils as the forest scents fueled her inflamed need.

Pushing away from the pushy tree, she flew into the chase again. Her pained breathing echoed through the thick air. This was a surreal experience where she played an animal escaping from a hunter, but the hunter was the one she desired.

A throbbing desire surged in her crotch, making her legs wet with sweat.

There, crunching sounds chased after her in the distance.

Her muscles responded despite their misery, and she tore off into a chaotic blur of colors and scents. Sweat dripped down her neck, and she panted heavily as the intense chase consumed her.

"Fighter," she gasped, her racing heart threatening to burst from her chest.

A shimmer of silver filled her vision. It was Thalion - a dangerous predator, brimming with intent. With his silver hair, eyes burning with intense hunger, and a swarm of Bloomfae swarming around his head like bright lightning bugs.

Fear and excitement fought for dominance in her belly.

The stream had been her promise of healing, but Thalion still loved the chase and bought her deeper into the forest.

In the next instant, her fears were confirmed when he detained her, seizing her arm ferociously.

Thalion's shadow enveloped her as he stood over her. His silver eyes were brimming with predatory intent.

A raincloud of Bloomfae swirled around him, their fiery gazes echoed his craving. He was ferocious.

Elowen could not help but hold her breath against her fear and longing, her body reacting instinctively to his touch.

As if conjured by her thoughts, Thalion's muscular silhouette loomed larger over her. Unable to contain her emotions, Elowen's heart shattered.

The iron grip of Thalion trapped Elowen mere inches away from the river. His heated breath puffed against her neck, his whole body emanating an aura that made her crave him. Elowen wrestled with him, beating against his broad torso with her clenched fists.

He seized her hands, wrapping a foot around her knee and forcefully pushing her down to the ground. "Got you." A primordial growl rumbled in his voice in sync with her pounding heart. He forced her hands above her head, trapping her beneath him. "Now we'll have you."


This word made her writhe harder, fighting to break free. He chuckled and gripped the fabric of her gown. Ripping it apart, Thalion exposed her breasts to the forest breeze. His mouth clamped onto her breast with violent force. She let out a scream of pain and tugged to the side, but he kept her pinned under him. Each bite, each pinch, each suck caused more droplets of liquid to spill out of him, the drops scattering onto her.

A lavender bloomfae hovered near them, chuckling crudely. "Show us, my lord!"

The cloth of her dress vanished entirely as Thalion tore it apart. Thalion spread her legs, his knee forcing them apart. Laughter erupted from the tangle of fairies in the clearing. She blushed intensely, desperately trying to cover herself.

"No." He froze, stilling her legs and hands. "You're meant for us."

Surprise and fear overtook Elowen at his words. She attempted to arch her back away, but Thalion kept her steady in his lap. Water spilled from Thalion, filling her, surging from her center. His belt loosened, freeing his substantial cock.

"Impale her, my lord!" cried a blood red bloomfae.

Anxiety coursed through Elowen as she grappled with the idea of being exposed. Shedding any lingering inhibitions, Thalion shifted her into his lap. Her knees were spread, his cock brushing her back.

Elowen whimpered and begged, "My lord, what have I done to deserve such humiliation?"

"Nothing." He nibbled her neck. "I desire you, and they need to feed." His hands encircled her waist, pulling her hips back onto his lap. "Your ladyship, expose your folds for the bloomfae to feast on. Otherwise, they'll have to leave without fulfilling their tribute obligation."

Submissively, Elowen let go of her legs, spreading her thighs wide. As she did, a wave of relief washed over her as he nuzzled close behind her. "Thalion, I want to please you and the bloomfae."

"You already do," he whispered in her ear. The bloomfae cheered and moved closer, their eyes glowing orange in the dim forest. Elowen's gaze flew to Thalion, who held his teeth menacingly close to her neck. Conflicted between shame and desire, Elowen felt a rising passion that compelled her to press against him. "My lord, what have I done to deserve this humiliation?"

"A good lady always obeys." He bit her earlobe. "Touch yourself and stay open for them."

A blush stole over Elowen's face. "My lord?"

"No." He gripped her hands, making her open her thighs wider. "You are here to serve."

A rainbow floated in the air, but the sense of being publicly dominated filled Elowen with confusion and arousal.


Her nipples ached as she closed her eyes and pushed her thighs further apart. Her clitoris throbbed as she slid her thumb over her wet folds. "My lord?" she asked hesitantly.

"Your hands too," he directed, immobilizing her again. "Let them touch you and me at the same time."

A distinct thrill coursed through her, no longer focused on her privacy but on pleasuring others. Tentative fingers danced over her sex, brushing the lips of her folds.

"Here they come," Thalion warned.

As the tiny fairies descended, she ached for his cock to enter her while the fairies tasted her need. As the first set of fairy cheeks touched her, she felt her own hands glide over her swollen clitoris. Their laughter and gasps filled the clearing. As she reached a climax while touching herself, the fairies swirled around, seeming to feed from her orgasm.

As butterfly wings fluttered around her, tiny hands and mouth covered her bare skin. Gentle strokes caressed her body, creating a tingling sensation similar to silk brushing against the skin. Two butterflies were locked in a battle for a nipple, flying around each other like two dragonflies. A third, female butterfly darted past the fight and latched onto Elowen's breast. Her sharp claws dug into the nipple, causing Elowen to scream.

Fairy comments filled the air, making Elowen feel embarrassed while at the same time igniting a desire for more.

She shivered and squirmed in her husband's grip as the horde of butterflies sucked her passion and her shame. Suddenly, a powerful orgasm trapped her body, and Elowen cried out, her waist gyrating on Thalion's chest. Bloomfae clung onto her, relishing her pleasure.

The crunching of leaves signaled her lower body curling up, fingers pushing into her vagina. Air was filled with the fluttering of wings. Her eyes opened, her gaze capturing the fairy dust scattering in the air, her body shaking.

Sunlight shone brightly as the cloud of magical energy disintegrated.

Elowen gasped, tottering on the brink of her orgasm. She held herself back, her nails digging into her mound.

Two more thrusts and she climaxed.

Thalion smiled, his fingers caressing her breasts. "Your turn," he whispered to her. Her nipples jutted out from her chest.

He got down on his knees at the edge of her body, his penis poised in front of her face. "Open wide."

Elowen obeyed, her tongue lapping around the tip of his shaft. She savored the taste of his genitals.

His hand cupped the back of her head, and he pushed deeper into her throat. Her vision dimmed as she struggled for breathe.

He pulled out, and the head of his penis remained between her lips. She licked the underpart of his manhood, exploring its contours. He breathed heavily, his hips grinding back and forth between her thighs.

"Keep your hands between your legs," he ordered. Her fingers shook as she desperately rubbed her clitoris.

Elowen's husband pushed inside her, finding her sorry excuse for a vagina. His silky length slid between her buttocks. Elowen relaxed her body, inviting his entry.

Thalion's fingers dug into her hips, and he pushed deeper into her. Cold water dripped down her anus, and she spread it around for his comfort.

He began slowly, his hips gyrating to the beat. Elowen clenched her back, preparing herself for his invasion. She closed her eyes as the butterflies descended, their sharp eyes piercing her flesh, watching her every move.

With lightening speed, he thrust, tears streaming down her eyes as she gasped for air. Elowen moaned and ground her hips, hoping to ease his path, but her body was too tight.

He paused to adjust his position, kneeling beside her. "You know where I'm going, don't you?"

"Yes, my lord," she whispered, her buttocks clenching in anticipation of his punishment. Her cheeks were already glowing from the shame of her display.

A butterfly darted past, and Elowen quivered with anticipation. The horde of fairies would witness her disgrace with greedy eyes. Elowen trembled with a burning desire.

"Open for me," he demanded, rubbing her anus. "You must accept this."

Elowen moaned. The explorations were brutal, causing her to groan.

His finger dug into her anus, coating it with her own juices. She felt his silky length probe her anus, her fingers reaching to touch her clitoris.

He slid inside her slowly, not stopping until he was fully encased. Elowen's body shook, her heart beating fast.

Rage filled her; how dare he force her like that? But she could sense the damage to her psyche and her sense of dignity. She wallowed deeper into her emotions, her stress mounting.

Concentrating, she mustered the remaining magic for him. It filled him as the elemental water mixed with him. The rune on his neck shone deep blue, but no crimson power returned. Elowen swallowed, her eyes filled with fear.

What would he need to recover?

She squealed and struggled under him as he forced his way in. Stuffed to the brim, she writhed, pushing up as his balls hit the top of her femininity. Moisture flooded on her palm where it rested between her legs, and her body yearned for more.

"Please, my master, please, penetrate me." The pleading words made her quiver, an odd mix of shame and overwhelming desire surging inside her.

He dragged his nails down her back and shoved his cock into her. With a guttural groan, he pumped in and out in a frenzied rhythm that took her higher with each powerful thrust of his hips.

The final drops of off-balance water seeped from him to her. Moonlight spilled onto them, turning the clearing silver. His ogham rune ignited on her spine as the embers within him caught fire. Heat emanated from him, and she cried out as the world vanished in a flood of colors and power.

He stayed motionless inside her then, cock twitching like a leaping fish. They rode the crest together, enjoyment, ache, and power coursing through their bodies. The boundaries faded away, and it was unclear where he began and she ended. He thrust again, once, twice, thrice, his hips rolling his cock inside her. She wept with bliss, her fingers convulsing between her legs.

However, even faerie flesh possessed its limitations.

Thalion slumped onto her, slipping out from her backside. "Thank you." His voice was smooth and warm.

Elowen squirmed a little to let him know she heard--her voice not yet operational. He chuckled beside her ear and moved off, cradling her in his arms.

She nestled against his chest. "You're welcome, my lord."

His lips pressed onto her hair. "Outside of play, call me Thalion."

Taken aback, she shifted her head to glance at him. He had taken her as tribute under Brehon law. During the whole season of their marriage, he had never allowed her to use his name--unless she screamed it out in ecstasy. She kissed him, her lips gentle. "My--Thalion. Thank--"

A cough from the fringe of the clearing smacked down between them like a fatal boulder. "I'm sorry, my lord, my lady." Diarmuid's voice contained a genuine apology. "But Lord Ferin has appeared."

"May Dagda be damned." Thalion snatched the garments from Diarmuid and handed Elowen the gown. "Clearly, he must."

The priest emerged from the shadows of the trees, his dark skin merging with the faint woodland illumination. He offered her bundles of fabric. "Your lordship, I have brought clothes." He coughed to clear his throat. "My lord, please know--Ferin knows about the pit in Foxglove meadow."

Noxiously, Thalion grumbled under his breath, tearing the clothes from Diarmuid and giving Elowen the dress. "Of course he does." He dunked into the stream, soaring out of it like an alluring nix enticing a damsel, water trickling down his muscles in channels. "Kernow, can you maintain the pit?"

The fairy fluttered through the air to him. "Yes, my lord. Thanks to you and my lady, the circle will continue to hold until the mischievous Underworld inhabitant departs."

Thalion nodded and held his hand out to Elowen. "Let's go."

She rose, clutching the silk to her bare breasts. "My lord. Thalion. What can we do?"

He took a deep breath. "We'll put on clothes and welcome our guest." He looked into her eyes, his gaze shadowed and intense.

Elowen nodded, even though fear knotted her stomach.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de