
Emma Makes a Choice

Emma adapts to husband's mid-life crisis.

May 12, 2024
22 min read
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Emma Makes a Decision
Emma Makes a Decision

Emma Makes a Choice

The following tale is authentic, save for the parts that aren't. The identities of the people in this narrative have been altered to safeguard both the innocent and the guilty. I hope you find this story enjoyable after devoting your time to it.


Emma, an attractive woman in her late thirties who worked as an Account Executive, had a sizable roster of clients for whom she completed a significant amount of work at this time of year. She was 5'10" tall with long, brown hair, athletic physique, and modest but still appealing breasts for her age. Emma dressed usually in a buttoned-up white blouse with the top unfastened due to her tiredness and warmth, a black pencil skirt, and a stunning pair of Louboutin shoes. At her workplace, she had a black suit coat on the back of her workstation. The essence of professionalism was what she sought, and on days when she had to meet a client in person, she preferred to wear this more formal attire.

Emma and her manager, Michael, a VP in the company, were working late one evening. Michael was a handsome gentleman in his mid to late forties with a height of about 6', who kept himself in good shape by visiting the gym on a regular basis. He wore a comfortable but polished cashmere sweater, slacks, and nice brown leather dress shoes. As her superior, Michael had been with Emma for the past 10 years. As a result, she had a comprehensive understanding of his personal history due to the close working relationship they had, specifically during and after his wife, Becca's, passing four years prior. She did not want to involve him in a romantic relationship given that he was not interested in one at this time and was even now dealing with her passing.

No one else was present at the office other than the janitor and a graphics designer at that hour, with everyone else having left several hours earlier. Emma and Michael occupied themselves with reviewing graphs, projections, and spreadsheets at a conference table. They brushed hands once during their search for a booklet, causing Emma's heart to race and her cheeks to flush for a split second. Due to the competitive nature of the workplace, Emma was aware of a group betting on which employee would be the first to sleep with Michael. In fact, her coworkers were also quite worried about how this would affect their own prospects. However, she felt nothing more than friendship for Michael and harbored no romantic intentions.

At 8 p.m., they realized it was past due for them to leave. They stopped by an enjoyable Japanese restaurant they appreciated on the way home, where Emma had Udon soup and Michael ordered sushi. They consumed their food for an hour while discussing plans for their clients. Numerous times, their eyes met, but Emma knew she couldn't make a move as Michael was still grieving, and she had a marriage to her husband, Kurt. Despite his job as a prominent defense attorney, money was not a problem as she shared in their strong relationship. However, their conflicting work hours made a balance challenging at times.

After dinner, Michael and Emma departed for their respective vehicles. Kurt, home watching a movie, paused the show as they entered. He greeted her with a frosty expression, requesting that she come in and sit down. Emma recognized instantly that he had important news to share and immediately settled in for the talk. Kurt disclosed that he adored her deeply but craved a certain level of excitement in his personal life. He had been given the responsibility of integrating a new woman into the firm. In summary, he was romantically involved with this new coworker and felt compelled to let Emma know that they were beginning to date. Although heartbroken, he confirmed that he would be distraught if she left but understood her decision if she chose to do so, and he was going on a date that weekend.

Emma felt devastated and sat there, considering shouting at him or whining. However, she was dazed and exhausted, so she just wished him a good time and said they'd discuss this later. Climbing the stairs, she packed a small suitcase with some work outfits and broke the news to Kurt that she would be staying at a friend's house until Friday or Saturday to think and calm down. Though she contemplated divorce, she wasn't keen on hasty actions, even though what occurred was surprising. She still cherished Kurt, though she felt somewhat betrayed, assuming he didn't love her as much as she cherished him.

She hurriedly climbed into her car to contact her friend Liz. They'd been close since they were ten, but current responsibilities limited their connection. Liz welcomed Emma into her home and led her to the guest bedroom. As soon as Emma entered, she collapsed and cried intensely, erupting with all her emotions all at once. Liz, sensing Emma's turmoil, embraced her, and they sat there and sobbed together for 15 minutes. Once Emma had recovered, she confided in Liz everything that happened. Liz held her silence at first, then whispered some comforting words. Emma, feeling drained, settled into bed and promptly fell asleep.

The following two days were mostly unsettled; they exchanged texts but none conveyed affection. Kurt expressed his plans for drinks with coworkers on Friday night to be followed by a date with Melanie on Saturday. He suggested they convene on Sunday morning to discuss their future. Emma agreed, feeling uncertain about her ability to work this out but determined to give it a shot. On Thursday night, after dinner with Liz and her husband, Emma confided in Liz about her marital drama while Liz was drying the dishes. The conversation prompted a novel idea from Liz.

Drawing on Kurt's words that he suggested an "open marriage," Liz inquired if such a dynamic didn't apply to both parties. If Kurt was free to date Melanie, why wasn't Emma free to date anyone else? Even if it was a transient relationship, Emma and perhaps Kurt could go on dates with different partners and accept the consequences. No one ruled out the possibility of divorce or reconciliation, which Liz believed was the hallmark of the plan. At first, the idea was repugnant to Emma, yet over the course of the conversation, she began to perceive its potential. The complication was Emma wasn't a "cheater," and she didn't possess anyone else to date, so she was uncertain what to do.

At work on Friday - the day of Kurt's first date night - Emma's productivity plummeted. Her colleague and acquaintance, Michael, witnessed this and insisted they go out to lunch. Emma consented. Their conversation was limited since she couldn't share everything, but she hinted at her domestic challenges. Michael, not wishing to intrude, required her to take the rest of the afternoon off. He proposed coming into the office on Saturday, given no one would be there then, to work in peace and perhaps help Emma forget all about Kurt. Emma agreed, estimating she needed to clear her mind of her marital troubles and secure some work she'd neglected.

Entering her home on Friday after work, she saw Kurt was absent. She went up to their room and took a shower, enjoying the privacy her friend's house provided. The shower helped loosen her muscles, but her thoughts sprinted to Kurt's activities that evening. Her emotions surged as she wondered if her marriage had concluded. She pondered what they'd do that night - kiss, hold hands, or sleep together? What would he expect from her? She flared with jealousy that another woman would be with her man.

After stepping out of the shower, she laid some clothes on her bed for the next day's work. Being an off day, she opted for casual attire; a comfy sweater, jeans, a scarf, flats, and sleepwear. She packed them up into her bag and left it by her bedside. Her attention drifted toward Kurt and his date, picturing Melanie tenderly touching his thigh, caressing his leg as she loved to arouse him. This led Emma to mimic that touch, moving her hand towards her inner thigh. She abruptly stopped, got back onto the bed, and relaxed, fantasizing about Michael pleasuring Melanie.

Emma imagined herself in the same room, witnessing Melanie's delight as her climax neared. Wishing for a vibrator, Emma launched an intense self-pleasure session, imagining Kurt giving Melanie oral sex, guiding her to her peak while she caressed his head and egged him on. Her body flooded with pleasure as she neared orgasm, toes and back arched with release.

The following day, Emma ventured to Liz's house for their regular meetups. They discussed Em's upcoming work event at the weekends with Michael. Though Emma believed it was a terrible idea due to Michael's history with his late wife, her marriage to Kurt, Michael's disinterest in her, and the fact that Michael was her boss nonetheless, they continued their fun times, talking about random topics over some wine.

Workday arrived, and Emma headed to the office. She exchanged hellos with Carl, the weekend security guy, and even gave him a coffee and muffin. The elevator brought her to the office floor where she found Michael hard at work, sipping on coffee and munching on a bagel per his usual routine. She placed her own coffee and muffin on the table, unpacked her laptop and mouse, ready for work. They spent the next few hours working in silence, with Emma grateful for the distraction from her thoughts about Kurt. When her coffee ran out, she decided to refill it and asked Michael if he wanted one as well. After pouring the coffee, his hand momentarily overlapped hers as she handed it to him.

Because practice makes perfect, I imagine you can paraphrase this story fairly well. The narrative follows Emma, fantasizing about her boss Michael during work on a weekend and while picturing Melanie, his date. This ultimately leads her into a state of self-indulgence. She later talks with her friend Liz and has other thoughts about Michael. This story is infused with passion, subtle flirting, and sexual undertones including plotlines involving Kurt and fantasy scenarios.

When she stepped out of the shower, she left clothes for the upcoming workday on the bed. Since it was an off day, she chose comfy clothes: a favorite sweater, jeans, a cozy scarf, and flat shoes along with pajamas. Placing them in a bag, she put it near the bed. Her mind wandered back to Kurt and his activities on his date. She saw Melanie's hand on Kurt's leg, caressing it sensually, arousing him. Her own hand moved towards her inner thighs to mimic such an action, but stopped when she decided to relax. Fascinated by Melanie's moan, Emma let her mind wander, imagining Michael performing cunnilingus on Melanie. The imagined action drove her to heightened arousal. Emma craved for something to alleviate the desire, wishing she'd purchased a vibrator earlier.

Emma entertained thoughts of joining Michael during the act; watching Melanie ecstatically arch her back, about to reach her orgasm. She lusted over the scenario, wishing she could see first hand. Fueled by the urge, she furiously pleasured herself, thinking of Kurt's lips on Melanie. Her breath deepened as she climaxed.

She and Liz then met at Liz's place. Liz jokingly suggested co-working with Michael on the weekend. However, Emma believed the idea was a disaster given his past relationship, her marriage, Michael's indifference toward her, and the fact that he was her employer. Nonetheless, they spent the evening enjoying wine while discussing random topics. Despite their intimate encirclement, Emma couldn't dismiss her desires to share a date with Michael.

The next day, Emma reached the office. She greeted Carl at the entrance and gifted him coffee and a muffin. In the empty elevator, she straightened her scarf, brushed her hair, and examined her makeup. Upon reaching the office floor, the room was mostly empty, barring those working against looming deadlines, regular weekend staff, and cleaning personnel. Opening her office, she unpacked her belongings and was prepared for the day.

On her desk waited a satchel containing her work materials from her previous chaos. She lifted it and headed to the boardroom where Michael toiled. He was likely unaware. After preparing her laptop and mouse, she sat down and started working. Moments later, her coffee ran out, prompting her to go refill it.

Noticing her rise, Michael acknowledged her presence, a first in over two hours. Grabbing his own coffee and bagel, he asked if she would accompany him to the kitchen for the shared drink. Agreeing, they left together. She filled both cups; two with milk, no sugar just as he preferred. He picked up his coffee as their hands touched momentarily. Her pulse raced, pondering if the collision was purposeful, a flirt, or a simple accident. Did they notice? How did Michael react? Uneasily, Emma handed him the cup, her eyes locked with his as the transaction finished.

When Emma gazed into Michael's eyes, she felt an inexplicable urge to explore what it would be like to be intimate with him. She knew that Michael would never initiate anything, and she hoped desperately that he would. She was married, and she assumed that Michael wouldn't approach a married woman - at least, not unless she was determined to pursue it. There was also the thought that Michael may still be hung up on Becca, but there was little point in fretting over that if she wanted to proceed. With a idea, she insisted that she wanted to make up for luncheon the previous day by treating Michael to dinner at a place of his choice. Once he chose, Emma told Michael that she would pick him up at his place around 8pm, ready to leave.

Emma shared her plan with Liz and after chatting about it, they settled on going shopping for Emma to get a new outfit. Liz recommended various provocative outfits, but Emma held her ground. Emma needed to see where things could potentially go and wanted to proceed cautiously. She eventually picked a gorgeous little black dress with a nice black clutch. Liz, not completely understanding where Emma was going with things, convinced her to carry some condoms as well for safe measure. Although Emma was uncertain about going out with someone other than Kurt, she heeded Liz's advice and came prepared. The friends took one last look at Emma's outfit before leaving the house, agreeing that she looked stunning.

Emma had limited time remaining before she had to collect Michael, so she hopped in her car and drove over. Traffic wasn't bad and Michael lived on the outskirts of town, so she reached his place on time. She let him know she was nearby and sent him out to meet her. When her car pulled up, he was walking down his driveway toward his Prius. He was wearing his usual work attire, which Emma found acceptable so long as Michael maintained his grooming. He got into her car and greeted her warmly, returning her greetings before they left for dinner.

The restaurant was posh, more upscale than Emma was used to. The maƮtre d', a well-groomed man in his late 40s or early 50s, welcomed them and escorted them to an intimate table by the window, overlooking the lake. Wine was brought over in an artistic carafe, with the waitress filling their glasses. The women thanked her and discussed their meals, Michael opting for a steak and lobster tail combo, and Emma choosing veal braciole. They spent most of the night in conversation, occasionally exchanging meaningful glances. As the evening wound down and it was time to leave, he offered to drive as he thought he could better manage the wine. The waitress brought over their coats, and Emma returned her keys - their hands met but didn't separate, with each clinging onto one another for a moment longer than necessary. Emma snatched her hands back and rushed to the restroom to freshen up before they left. On her way, she passed her hand across Michael's shoulder.

In the restroom, Emma sat on the toilet and contemplated her intentions. Was she going to kiss him? Go see a movie? Sleep with him? Despite the recent events casting doubt on her relationship with Kurt, her marriage was fine, and she was content. But should she stay loyal to her vows at the cost of her own fulfillment? No way. She was having a great time and was open to the possibilities, even if she decided their relationship would end there. Maybe work would become uncomfortable for a bit, but such incidents were common in her workplace.

Uncertain of her next step, she opted for the moment to simply "go with the flow" and drifted over to the mirror. There, she washed and reapplied her makeup, sharing the space with a woman about a decade younger than herself. This stranger was a blonde, with attractive features and impressive cleavage, though her wardrobe lacked the sophistication of the restaurant's regular clientele. Intrigued for some reason, Emma asked this woman for her thoughts on the restaurant and if she was on a date. The woman explained that it was her first anniversary and, despite limited funds, they made it a priority to do something special for each other at least once a year. When Emma left, she went to the host and paid for the stranger's meal.

Her makeup refreshed, she headed back to her seat, smiling at Michael as she passed. As the dinner with Michael wound down, Emma had decided that she likely shouldn't drive due to her buzz. She'd given him her keys earlier, and thought it'd be an added romance for him to drive her home. As they walked to the car, he commented that he'd drop her off at her place and take a cab home. Feeling a mix of guilt and opportunity, Emma countered with the suggestion that they spend some time together at his place instead, perhaps having a coffee and waiting out the alcohol.

When they arrived at his, Michael took her coat and got her a coffee, making one for himself as well. While Emma relaxed on the couch with her legs in the air, Michael joined her and tried sipping his coffee. She sensed that he planned to drop her off and return home, so she took the initiative, suggesting they just spend the night at his place for some comfort and coffee.

In his living room, they sat on the couch, talking and drinking coffee, reminiscing about old times. Eventually, Michael brought up the topic of Emma and Becca, asking her if she wondered what her life would be like if they'd met first.

Perceiving his comment as potentially open to something more, Emma decided to make the first move. When Michael drifted out of focus, she promptly moved in for a passionate kiss. Though she wasn't certain how far she wanted to go, she was enjoying the foreplay and allowed him to take the lead. She leaned over, grabbing the sides of his head and kissing him fervently. Michael, initially surprised, returned the kiss with equal fervor. They were now locked in a passionate embrace, like teenagers.

Eventually, Michael broke the kiss and, instinctively, started playing with her nipples with his mouth and tongue. Encouraged, Emma lifted herself and straddled him, presenting her breasts to him with almost perfect aim. Complying, Michael worked on her right breast with his mouth, his right hand alternatingly distracting Emma's left breast. Emma relished the attention, idly caressing the back of his head with her hand as her left attempted to remove his shirt from his body. He paused briefly, but gladly obliged, and then dedicated himself to pleasing her. With a tongue that seemed to know its business, he played with her nipple gently. With her body responding, she encouraged his efforts further, taking both his hands and placing them on her breasts to tease her nipples. Comforted by his skills, Emma could only return the favor by stroking his head, admiring the definition of his muscular back underneath his shirt.

Michael paused for a second and stripped off his shirt, accidentally ripping a button in the process. Once his shirt was on the ground, he returned to kissing Emma who encouraged him with her own passion. Either intentionally or unintentionally, Emma started to grind on Michael's growing cock in his pants. She moved her hips, back and forth, back and forth, gradually slowing as she felt his erection fully emerge and throbbing with desire. Feeling that it wasn't quite fair she still had her blouse on, Emma ceased this time and removed her blouse as well, leaving them both naked from the waist up. She lunged toward him, pressing her breasts against his chiseled chest, and locked her lips with his. Their tongues danced a passionate tango, entwining as their lips met, parted, and intertwined once more.

A short while later, Michael secured Emma around the shoulders and laid her on the sofa somewhat forcefully. He unfastened her skirt and pulled it off, taking her stockings and panties with it, and dropped them on the floor next to the couch. He moved his head towards her genitals, kissing her thighs on the way down. Emma relished this sensation and placed a hand on the back of his head, stroking his hair, and guiding him towards her. He began to lick her vagina, using his tongue expertly, swirling it around as Emma placed a pillow behind her and stretched out, enjoying the sensations that raced through her body. It had been a long time since Kurt did something like this for her.

Emma decided that since she had come this far, she might as well take pleasure in it. She tilted her head to the side and purred softly while he worked, thinking that this evening was turning out to be marvelous. As Michael aroused her sensitive spots, she contemplated how far she wanted to go since, truthfully, things were getting steamy rather quickly. He had become somewhat more ardent, which was both a little intimidating and sexually exciting, and once she crossed a point of no return, there was no turning back. His actions were a huge distraction and the sofa was a bit small with both of them lying like this, so Emma drew Michael's attention, grabbed his hand, picked up her purse, and led him to the bedroom.

Upon arriving in the bedroom, Emma realized that it wasn't fair that she was naked and he still had clothes on, so she sat on the bed, unbuckled his belt, and removed his pants and boxers, revealing his erect penis. Emma admired his manhood, fascinated by its size, wondering what it would be like to carry such an impressive piece of anatomy in one's trousers. Needing to maintain her marriage while still desiring to give Michael something special, she thought that it would be only fair to return the favor now that he had given her oral pleasure. She held his hand again, directed him to the bed, laying his head on the pillow, and positioned herself over his lower body, his erection waiting for attention.

Emma brought her head down towards his cock and enveloped his member in her mouth, feeling a surge of pleasure as her spine tingled. To be honest, she never imagined she'd go this far with Michael and a week ago, thinking about something like this would only be a passing erotic thought. Now, it was happening: his swollen member was in her mouth, and she was giving him a blowjob! She moved her head slowly up and down, getting accustomed to him, and caressing his tip with her tongue. Emma placed her right hand on Michael's testicles and trailed a finger down them while her mouth sucked and kissed the tip. She stopped momentarily to rest her jaw.

Michael rolled Emma over, and she was unsure of his intentions. Was she doing something wrong? Did he not like her efforts? Still enjoying the act, Emma wanted to continue, but Michael flipped them over, positioning himself perfectly to take her. She then understood that he was in the right spot to penetrate her. Emma dreamt with blue feet, big breasts and an excited look

He brought his lips close to kiss her, and she went along with it. However, her thoughts were in chaos and emotions were swirling around like a storm in the sea. Would he actually fuck her soon if this continued? Where was the calm and careful approach? Michael moved his face down to nibble on her neck and pushed their bodies together, causing Emma to let go of his penis. She noticed her purse with the condom within reach. She debated for a moment, pondering whether to take it out, and deciding against it. She had never experienced anything like this before, and if she was going to fuck Michael tonight, she wanted to feel him without any barrier between them.

When Michael stopped nibbling, Emma realized that if she intended to halt this, it had to be now. His head was near hers, and his penis was just a few inches away from her pussy, pointing in the proper direction. She considered reaching for her handbag to fetch the condom but reconsidered. With no clear communication, she brought his cock into her hands, touching it to her, and descended a little on the bed, aligning his penis with her outer lips. She glided his tip up and down her opening a couple of times, flirting with him with her flesh, then placed his cockhead at her entrance before letting it go.

In response to her actions, Michael began to move ever so slowly, pushing his hips forward, allowing his cock to slide into her. Emma moaned with satisfaction and adjusted her hips to meet him better, wrapping her legs around his waist while grasping his chest hair with her hands. He felt slightly larger than Kurt, not notably, but he felt utterly perfect inside her. As she exhaled faster, she became aware that an orgasm was approaching, her toes clenched, and her back arched. He continued to thrust into her, feeling just right, as if they were meant for each other. Her lips met Michael's, and she kissed him passionately.

Later, Michael took a break, sitting upright and turning her over so that she was now on her belly. He guided her into position, placing his hands on her hips and urging her to raise her bottom. With her behind pointing at him, he lined himself up and filled her eager pussy once more. Her back curved, preparing for the impending orgasm, and his thrusts became more anxious. He grunted, unleashing beasts from within himself, and this intensified her feelings. She knew that her life would change after this night, whether she and Kurt still existed or not. She couldn't imagine not engaging in such behavior again.

Feeling her orgasm fast approaching, Emma pushed back against Michael's shaft, pumping his dick into her with as much force as she could. Michael caught her action and steadied his thrusts, going slower and deeper into her. This had the intended effect; Emma felt a tidal wave of energy and emotion rushing through her body as she whimpered loudly. She could sense that he wouldn't last much longer and eagerly awaited his ultimate release. Just as she was about to climax again, Michael's breath changed, his pace fluctuated, and his cock began to twitch, indicating that soon he would unleash his seed. With no hesitation, Emma continued to move her hips, urging him on, and he responded with increasing force. She couldn't think of anything other than hoping that he would ejaculate inside her, perhaps even impregnate her at this moment.

As her body filled with emotion, Michael groaned out loudly, followed by a second groan, and then a sudden stillness. He slowed down, then thrust a couple more times, and finally paused. Spent, he rested as she gently used her hips to keep him embedded in her. They both lay on their backs on the bed, panting and recovering.

Emma felt a sense of warmth and excitement within her as she snuggled up to Michael in bed, their bodies entwined. They didn't speak but Emma knew she needed to address a few things. She had to think about what to say to Kurt and decide on her approach with Michael at work. She prayed that their night of passion wouldn't make things awkward for Michael, but she understood if it did. The couple eventually drifted off to sleep, with Emma rocking her hips into Michael's groin one last time, pressing her deflated manhood against her. She could only hope that they would be able to do this again, but for now, they had to sit down and figure out where things were headed.


Emma stepped out of the car and made her way to the front door of her house, where she knew Kurt would be waiting. She had fresh clothes on and had taken a shower, although she was aware that the state of her clothes still spoke of their recent tryst. The door was unlocked, an uncommon occurrence, but Kurt must have left it that way to welcome her. She took off her shoes and headed upstairs to her room to get some clean clothes and a bit of perfume to mask their lingering sexual scent. Once she was done, she descended to the kitchen where Kurt was seated at the table.

She sat down without making eye contact and remained silent. What feelings were swirling between them, Emma couldn't say? Tension? Worry? Anxiety? Uncertainty? Emma wasn't certain, but she knew she had to break the silence. Kurt suddenly spoke up, apologizing for his behavior and explaining that he had just been acting out of selfishness, assuring her that his infatuation with Melanie had only involved some kissing. He begged for her forgiveness and vowed that it would never happen again. There was a momentary pause before it was Emma's turn.

The slightest flash of uncertainty crossed her face as she dug her hands into her lap, then glanced at Kurt, "I slept with Michael last night," she said softly, "We're together now. I'm not sure where this leaves you and me. Perhaps you'd like to be a cuckold?" She mentioned several other possibilities, but confessed that he likely wouldn't be receiving her affection for some time. "I didn't use protection last night and don't plan on using condoms either," she added.

Emma then shared that she was considering a divorce, planning to move some of her belongings to Michael's place to simplify her daily routine. She proposed that they talk about their relationship and its future next weekend, and Kurt agreed without argument. Her gaze lingered on Kurt for a moment, noticing his guarded expression. It didn't concern her much, as she believed his recent actions were the result of some kind of mid-life crisis, and he would have to deal with the consequences himself. With a heavy heart, the thought crossed her mind that her relationship with Kurt was indeed reaching its inevitable conclusion.

Emma rounded up some of her items and packed them in a suitcase, then stopped to look around their room, memories of their relationship flooding her mind and bringing forth a wave of tears. Realizing she needed to move on, she closed her suitcase and walked out of the room, down the stairs, and took the keys to one of the cars from the hall table. Kurt opened the door for her as she left, his eyes full of sadness but he didn't speak. She got into the car, crawled into the driver's seat, and drove away.


The following week was filled with deep thought for Emma. She wasn't sure how their recent actions would impact her work life with Michael, but she was eager to move forward. She also began looking into divorce lawyers, certain that would be the next step toward a new life. As the days slipped away, she quietly packed what she needed, preparing herself to make the move. As she sorted through her things, her mind drifted back to the times she'd shared with Kurt, a bittersweet memory. But in her heart, Emma knew that their relationship was ending, whether she wanted it to or not.

One Monday morning, as Emma strolled into her workplace, she was unsure how to tackle Michael on a professional level. However, she had some tasks to take care of, so she believed she could evade him for a bit and possibly discuss the matter with him the next day. She headed to her desk, placed her bag down, and powered up her computer before going through an email.

In the midst of skimming through the contents, one of the office ladies, who appeared to be in her early 30s, entered the room. While this wasn't unusual as Emma collaborated with a couple of individuals, she wasn't acquainted with this particular coworker, and they weren't particularly close. The woman directly approached Emma, acknowledged her with a "Congratulations," and left a $20 bill on her desk. This was peculiar. Emma got back to her email and around five minutes later, another woman from Accounting approached her desk, handed her a $20 bill, and said, "Congratulations." The situation was getting stranger.

Several more women dropped by over time, each giving her a "Congratulations" and handing her cash. Eventually, Emma realized that she should've been considering the situation sooner, but it was early Monday morning, and her brain was still on the fritz. She traveled to a friend's office and inquired about the gestures. Her friend offered her congratulations, grabbed a $20 from her wallet, and transferred the money to Emma while also giving her a "Congratulations." Emma refused to take the money but pressed for an explanation.

The friend mentioned an office pool where the first woman to sleep with Michael won the pot. Emma remembered that little office gossip, but the question of how her friend knew about Michael arose. Her friend claimed knowing about Michael from a "reliable source." Emma didn't ask for further clarification but simply expressed her confusion regarding the "reliable source's" connection to Michael. Her friend handed the $20 note back to Emma, urging her to take it proudly as Michael was a "nice catch."

Feeling a mix of panic, curiosity, and embarrassment, Emma endeavored to appear normal when dealing with clients and colleagues but hadn't had any recent encounters with her boss. As she walked to Michael's office, she attempted to examine the situation and figure out what was going on. When she entered his office, she encountered a striking woman, seemingly in her late 20s, wearing the most sophisticated and costly business attire she had ever witnessed, with long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a massive briefcase. Michael introduced the woman as Melanie, the new lawyer who would manage the contract negotiations for the company.

In disbelief, Emma contemplated the odd coincidence, "Hold on, wasn't Kurt's new girlfriend a lawyer named Melanie?"she wondered. Emily reacted to Emma's sudden realization and replied, "I guess they moved things along fast then, didn't they?". Understanding that an affair would create a conflict of interest, Michael hurriedly introduced Melanie and whisked her away to handle their soon to be ex-employees affairs.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de