lesbian sex

Empty Chapter 3

Cici's first appearance in the public realm represents the organization's vacancy.

May 2, 2024
24 min read
humiliationDrain Ch. 03cumrestraintsdegradationorgasm controllesbian femdomcum eatingobedience
Drain Ch. 03
Drain Ch. 03

Empty Chapter 3

Sophia stepped into the elevator, feeling a mixture of trepidation and excitement as she prepared for her second night working for Flora. It was surreal to think that just a day ago, she was living a normal life, unaware of the strange and fetishistic world she was about to enter.

When the elevator arrived at its destination, Sophia exited with Flora, finding herself back in the dimly-lit room known as Central Collections. The white tiles on the floor and walls, the metal tubing and vats, the gentle glow of computer monitors were all unmistakable signs of this place. Sophia shivered as she stepped off the elevator, the cold tile floor numbing her bare feet.

"Ready to get started, Cici?" Flora asked with a smile, referring to Sophia's new name.

"Yes, Ms. Enz," Sophia replied, her eyes fixed on Flora's feet.

Flora seemed pleased with Sophia's response. "Good. Now, you know the drill, lie down on the rubbery saddle-like object over there."

Sophia obeyed, kneeling on the black rubber mat. She felt her gaze drawn to the central collection tank, steeling herself for what was to come.

Flora came around to her, adjusting the position of her legs and attaching the metal bands firmly onto her ankles and calves. Sophia's nerves were nearly on edge, wondering what Flora had planned for her this time.

"Good job, you're completely immobilized now." Flora said with satisfaction and walked away.

"Before you saw me getting restrained on camera, it was quite exciting," Sophia thought. "But now I'm actually here, surrounded by all these cold, hard metal objects, knowing that they're going to be tightened around me."

As Flora approached Sophia, she could hear the clicking sound of her heels on the tiles. "Now, let me secure your hands."

Sophia offered her hand to Flora, who secured a metal grip around it with a loud click. The mitt felt tight and almost like a second skin. It provided little comfort but also generated a heightened sense of vulnerability. Flora repeated the process on her other hand, securing it and locking the mitt in place.

"What's next?" Sophia asked, her eyes searching for any sign of the camera that would be broadcasting her degradation to the world.

"In a bit," Flora replied, walking around to her other side. "For now, I want you to hold this."

Flora pressed a thin, metal object into Sophia's hand and instructed her to close her fist around it.

"What is it?" Sophia asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Not yet, Cici. Just keep your grip tight and relax so that I can secure your hands."

Sophia complied and Flora snapped the second mitt in place, sealing her fate for the night. Flora then returned to the control panel on the wall and started the process that would transform Sophia into her submissive self, Cici.

Sophia closed her eyes and waited impatiently for what was about to come.

"Click, click." The sound of tightening metal bands reverberated in the room.

The restraints tightened round her legs immobilizing her completely. Sophia breathed heavily, taunted by the thought of Flora's satisfaction.

"Done," Flora announced, and Sophia wondered what role the metal rod she'd been holding could play in this strange ritual.

The metal bracelets for her arms came after that, followed by the metal brace that secured her at the waist, each bringing its share of chilling cold followed by warm comfort, each making her bondage more definite, her transformation into a receptacle for her coworkers' fluids more certain, a show for their enjoyment.

Click, click. Now the first half of the basin was just a corner of her vision.

"Sit up straight, please," Flora commanded as she transported the thing next to her, its legs clinking against the floor as it found its place. Sophia strained to meet it, and waited patiently as Flora moved the other half into position, holding her neck in a tight ring of steel, trapping her head within what she realized was nothing more than a large dish for semen.

Fuck, she thought again, thinking about the task she was soon to perform. A series of snaps echoed as Flora circled around her unseen, bolting down the basin's legs.

Sophia focused upward - with the basin in place, her view of the room had shrunk to just the collection of containers suspended from the ceiling. There, the fluids of hundreds of her colleagues were, without a doubt, waiting to be spilled into her - waiting to turn her into their drain. Cici's reward, she thought. Fuck.

Flora continued, grasping some chains and swiftly securing them to the cuffs and mitts on the basin assembly and base plate, immobilizing her arms. Now her entire body was locked in place; she was powerless - utterly helpless. And it was all self-inflicted, too. Fuck, she shivered in her bonds. Her pussy must have been soaked through.

Click, click. Flora's shoes tapped again as she left the room and came back with something in her hands.

"I'm sorry, Cici," Flora said as she spread Sophia's labia and touched her with a slippery feeling of rubberized lubrication.

Oh, fuck! Sophia realized what she meant.

"Do I really need to...?" she questioned, unaware that she'd forgotten.

"Yes, Cici, you do need to be catheterized," came the stern response. "As I said yesterday, we can't have you peeing all over the floor."

"Yes, Ms. Enz," Sophia acquiesced, feeling helpless as Flora finished the task. No wonder she'd saved this for last.

Sophia tried to gather herself as Flora left again, no doubt off to get the head restraint. The head restraint, Sophia surmised as the woman reappeared with a bundle of straps dangling from her hands.

"Almost done, Cici," she said cheerfully. "Are you ready?"

Sophia nodded, and Flora came to rest above her, spreading the harness out onto her face. Cleverly, she brought the chains over her chin, across her cheeks, then arching around her head, fastening them to the spider gag Sophia had seen earlier.

Sophia's mouth was already agape when Flora lowered the metal gag into her, forcing her jaw open as she angled it into position. The straps snacked onto her head harness, leaving her jaw open.

Lastly, Flora unbraided Sophia's hair.

"Here, Cici," she said, gently lifting the braid from Sophia's shoulders and detaching it. A strange rubber sheath slipped over it, its weight secured by its tip and left to dangle outside the basin. Flora smiled at Sophia, seemingly satisfied with her work.

"N'hah?" Sophia mocked.

Flora's face turned serious.

"As I said, Cici: all in due time." She closed the small box, probably a case, and hovered above Sophia. "Don't make me repeat myself."

Fuck. A flash of desire surged through her body as the straps on the gag snapped into place, leaving her mouth agape. Flora then untangled the braid, winding it around some sort of rubber covering before letting it hang outside the basin, bracelets on either end connecting it to her head harness. In her mind, Sophia felt she was now just a toy.

Then, Flora picked up a tiny metal box - a case, perhaps - from her lab coat pocket.

"Some new things for you tonight, as I promised, Cici," Flora joked. She flicked the case open, balancing the contents in her fingers. A contact lens.

"N'haah?" Sophia groaned.

"As I've said, Cici: in due time," she reiterated sternly.

Cici let out a deep sigh as Flora caressed her eyelid, placing a cold, wet contact lens on her. She blinked, wondering why she felt the need to do so since she could technically see just fine. She noticed her vision was the same as before, giving her more confusion. Why were these things being placed in her eyes?

A second contact lens soon appeared, a thought struck her -- was this for a blindfold? Oh, yes. The familiar rubber blindfold was in Flora's hand. As it approached, she remembered last night and felt her heart race. Did Flora's perfume smell even stronger? she thought.

The blindfold pressed against her eyes, and her vision disappeared into darkness. There was a clink of some item in the basin, and moments later, her nostrils were filled with the lubricated rubber tips. This had all happened before, but she had initially forgotten about it. She groaned, Uh, oh. The hooks made everything more intimate, leaving her feeling extremely exposed.

Flora's footsteps stopped in front of her. "Stick your tongue out, Cici," she ordered.

Cici complied reluctantly. Her surprise turned to worry when she felt her chin being held by Flora's hand, and her tongue being pushed down to the hilt with her thumb. Fuck.

"I'm going to stuff earplugs in your ears now. Get ready for the fun we'll have tonight," Flora said smugly.

Cici was surprised at how aroused Flora's words made her, remembering how she had squirmed. So I can't really deny it, she admitted.

"Do you know how wet you got last night, cum-dumpster?"

Her mind shifted, and she felt moisture on her crotch.

"Yeah, ugh, c-cream," she replied, her voice slurred by Flora's thumb still occupying her mouth.

"Such a good girl," praised Flora. "I bet you're just dying to be filled with everyone's semen, right?"

Cici squirmed, knowing it was true.

Flora added an earplug and quickly followed it with another one. "Tell me, you useless slut, do you know when this will start?"

She squirmed again, feeling the warmth of her coworkers' seed stimulating her even more. Flora's thumb slid up her tongue, leaving Cici with a slick feeling between her lips. "Ye-e-e-e-ughhh. I can't do it. I'll do it. I'll be used," she wailed.

Suddenly, a warm, unfamiliar object entered her mouth, filling her with a sense of helplessness. After a short pause, she felt a bulbous, slick thing between her legs, pushing against her inner labia. Something was repositioned on her clitoris, causing it to stimulate her. My cl-clitoris! Please! Ugh!

"You're quite desperate, cum-whore, aren't you?" Flora asked.

Cici was rendered speechless, not even reacting as Flora injected more lubricant into it. Then, there was a moment of stillness. This is a hole. This is all I am now. I am Cici. This is what it means to be drained. Anything could happen at any time...

The world appeared brighter to Cici as she opened her eyes. What's happening? she thought.

The image before her was unclear - just a white blur. She found herself blinking and trying to focus. Was she still blindfolded under the water?

As the haze cleared, she realized she was looking at her own face in the steel basin, focused in the center. She saw a transparent dildo on her tongue, and connected to it was a long, fat rubber tube. This was a strange situation, though she knew it wasn't a dream.

Suddenly, she felt her lips pressed tightly together as something inserted itself into her mouth, What on... she began. But it was too late. The cold metal bit into her gums. The moment passed, leaving only an additional object pressed between her legs. Uhh... is that...?

Cici moaned as a dildo was forced onto her tongue. Flora approached, and her nose was overcome with the overpowering scent of perfume. How strong is her perfume now? she wondered.

Her knees shook as Flora pried her mouth open to force the dildo in. She felt vulnerable and exposed with the metal harness, making her feel like it was a part of her.

Flora spoke, "Stick your tongue out, Cici," she said.

Cici forced her tongue out as Flora held her face. She couldn't take it any longer. I'm nothing but a hole waiting to be filled! she thought.

Lost in her thoughts, something soft and warm filled her mouth. It wasn't the actual cum, but it still hit Cici hard. What's going on?

Flora continued to manipulate her mouth. Then she stood back and mentioned, "You're desperate for it, aren't you, Cici? You'll cum for anyone."

Still unable to respond verbally, Cici whimpered and squirmed, but she had given in to her helplessness. I have to let this happen. Still, she raged internally at the thought of having to be bound and used by anyone she worked with.

Her desperate cries left her feeling humiliated and degraded. This was horrifying, and she realized her apparent need for it. Maybe the finger in my mouth is for more than just intimidation...

What am I? she asked desperately to herself.

It dawned on her, as she couldn't see nor hear anything, she was about to be used by anyone and everyone. The idea sent fear and desire through her, one leaving an odd combination of emotions. I'm nothing but a drain, a mouth to be filled! Cici resisted before deciding she had to let it happen. I'm Cici, a cum dumpster. This is my purpose.

Something warm and slick filled her mouth again, hitting her with a certain emotional intensity. Cici couldn't help but clench her jaw, letting out a small moan mixed with a sigh, signaling her submission. All there was now was the anticipation for her upcoming ordeal. I'm Cici. I'm nothing but a hole.

Sighing in dismay, Cici heard her moans echo in her ears. Confused, she shake her head, noticing how her head seemed to move in sync. She pondered over the meaning of the situation.

The robotic voice chimed in: "Welcome! Thank you for deciding to watch tonight's performance." The voice was similar to the previous night, slightly female and completely devoid of any emotion. It had to be Flora's doing.

"I'd like to formally introduce Cici to you all," it went on. The perspective shifted to focus on Cici's face, bound and unable to move. "Cici serves as the fluid receptacle for the Relief Program. You might also refer to her as 'cum-hole', 'cum-dump', 'cum-drain', 'cum receptacle', or simply 'hole', 'drain', or 'receptacle'."

Cici whined softly and heard her voice echo through the dildo. "Why did they have to say it that way?"

The voice persisted, "Cici will not be allowed to leave until she's fully processed all your fluids. Additionally, she's been put on a strict schedule that prevents her from reaching orgasm until she's consumed enough semen. At present, she's aiming for a total of fifteen and a half liters by the end of this night."

Cici whined again, feeling her face tighten in apprehension. "Please..."

The voice moved on: "Now, let's discuss the details of the task." The scene shifted to showcase Cici's bound body fully, displaying the stainless steel restraints that locked her down. "These restraints bind Cici tightly, preventing her from moving."

The perspective zoomed in on her arms and legs, and then her face, where she couldn't help but focus on her nose forcing its way against the blindfold. "Underneath the blindfold, Cici's eyes have been fitted with video contact lenses, in addition to sound-insulating earphones. Right now, she's focusing on the broadcast and will continue to do so while her situation evolves."

The scene shifted yet again, this time to showcase a pair of vibrators dangling above and below the catheter tube near Cici's vulva. "These are vibrating devices attached to the frame by a metal pole that will be used to tease Cici and prevent her from reaching orgasm."

Cici felt her legs tremble as she appealed to the viewers. "Does this mean...? Oh, God, please!"

The voice continued: "The dildo in the drain's mouth will be used to administer semen during the task. It's connected to a piston which, when activated, will thrust into Cici three times deeply, followed by once deep. Together, each of these movements will expel around forty milliliters of semen from the main collection tank."

Cici let out another moan, terrified and anxious. "Are they going to...?"

The focus shifted to Cici's hand, where a switch was set. "Cici can control the actuation process using this switch, but..."

The perspective shifted again, this time to focus on her sex. "As long as she's not using the switch, the vibrators on her vulva will be used to edge her towards orgasm while denying her, thanks to advanced technology ensuring an orgasm is impossible."

Cici grimaced in fear. "Please, no! Anything but that!"

The voice had more to reveal: "After every ten times she's denied orgasm, the volume of semen released in each thrust cycle will be increased. And when she's hit the limit of fifty denied orgasms, the switch in her hand will cease working, and the vibrators and dildo will start working on their own. This will conclude the task."

The vision swiveled back to the dildo, as it filled with white liquid. "Priming the distribution apparatus. The task will begin in five..."

Cici went dizzy with anxiety. "Fuck! What am I going to do?"


Her sex pressed against the vibrators. "Is this really happening?"


She tried to grasp her situation. "Have I always been restrained this tightly?"


Her heart raced faster. "I need to think of something!"


The vibrators immediately sprang into action. One pulsed gently in Cici's wide-open crotch, trying to loosen her vagina's entrance by stimulating the muscles around it, while the other suckled her clitoris with soft suction and quick, trembling beats.

Cici thought, Wow, that feels great! as she gasped, her breathing becoming more hurried. Her body trembled on video as she tried to muffle implications, her heightened awareness of sensations dissolving into a vast, undefined sea of ecstasy.

Oh my god, my pussy... she mused, squealing as her body jerked, growing more forceful against the unyielding metal. When had she experienced pleasure this intense?

The pulsating sensations continued until Cici's body started twitching uncontrollably -- a deep, ravenous force bubbling up from her abdomen, tensing her body and curling her toes, stiffening her arms, escaping her nostrils in harsh, labored breaths that turned into loud, irregular moans.

Fuck, I'm going to... I'm going to cum! she thought frantically, struggling against the camera, then

But before she could climax, the toys at her entrance suddenly and completely shut off, now just regular objects, the wave of pleasure vanishing like a mist.

"Orgasms denied: one," the robotic voice droned.

Cici grunted in frustration. The messaging started to creep in:

Was she going to cum so easily?

Perhaps she thought there would be a malfunction.

Pussy can't cum without doing something first!

Cum-drain is her job!

Cici wriggled angrily as the toys resumed their work. She frantically fumbled with the remote in her hand, desperately trying to figure out how to control them. Her tongue tongued the cock in her mouth, gaining a clearer sense of its presence. Hold on, how does this fucking work? she pondered, whimpering as the toys quickened their pace.

Yet again, the trance-inducing combination of sensations took over Cici's mind: the methodical relaxation of her vaginal muscles, the tantalizing teasing of her clitoris. And once again, she was just moments away from ecstasy, only to have it snatched away.

*No! Fuck. I need to... Fuck! I'm going to cum!*

The toys paused.

"Orgasms denied: two."

Cici sighed and kicked, close to reaching her limit.

Her fingers kept fiddling with the remote. And then it clicked! Cici tasted rubber as the dildo slid into her mouth, soaking it with her spit. She realized it was just a metal pen, activated by depressing the end with her thumb.

The change was immediate. Cici could feel the texture of the dildo in her mouth as it slides in and out, coating itself with her saliva. There was texture now -- heat, wetness at the back of her mouth.

I'm going to be a cum-slut again, she considered, suppressing the urge to gag. This felt so reminiscent of the dildo her ex-girlfriend used; the study results clearly factored in.

Without warning, the dildo began ejaculating into her, and Cici gasped through her flared nostrils as she struggled to breathe. The cock vanished back into her throat, massaging the inner walls with each movement.

Holy shit, this thing is big, Cici thought in awe, stifling her urge to gag. It felt like her ex-girlfriend's dildo; had she been considered in the survey?

Another spurt of sperm spilled into her throat. She swallowed, then was hit with another, more intense one. Gagging, she managed to swallow and the third spurt, and from the fourth thrust, the object literally sank into her, making her tongue collapse against the roof of her mouth, collapsing her throat.

Cici was at a loss: This... thing... this giant dildo... it's fucking me in the throat! She realized she didn't even know who this was for -- was it Ms. Enz? The whole company?

A spurt of sperm slammed into the back of her throat. She gagged, but managed to swallow in time. The cycle resumed: the dildo slid in and out of her mouth, the slow ejaculations rapidly increasing. Until finally... another gush of semen filled her stomach, peaking just in time.

Damn. The cycle invaded Cici's mouth for the third time, forcing her to prepare for its entry. Her body trembled.

Damn. I hope you're happy.

The massive weight collided with her soft palate, forcing it open and stuffing her with thick rubber as she struggled not to gag, surrendering her airway. All of a sudden, the heat burst inside her, filling her with rubber.

"Ngggh!" she cried out, as the thick liquid flowed through the dildo on the video. Damn. You're such a whore, Cici.

She gasped for air as the thing pulled back, timing its next plunge according to shallow breaths. The cock ejaculated once more. Her mouth tasted of rubber and salt - semen flowing down to the corners of her mouth, reaching under her tongue.

Another jet of semen. These were roughly half a cup in each shot, Cici knew - countless men fully ejaculating inside her with each thrust - a thought that ignited desire deep within her, making her pussy wet against the vibrator.

Another jet of semen. She swallowed and tasted the warm liquid gushing down her throat again before the solid plunge finally came, driving the object deep into her, filling her with dick, making it empty itself inside her. The message was clear. You're only good for being a cum dump, Cici.

Yet the image replayed in her mind - the sight of the woman's throat bulging as the dildo's head slid in, her awkward attempts to breathe through her flared nostrils as the thing receded, her shakiness as she moaned and gasped. Damn, Cici thought, that's me, Cici. You're just a cum-dump.

Her eyes darted between the sweaty scene in front of her and the dildo's pulsing chamber - just overflowing with the semen of so many men. Damn. I wish I could cum, she moaned.

Despite these discomforts, the dildo persevered, delivering its salt-tasting payload to the back of Cici's mouth with reckless abandon. As she lost herself in her debasement, pampering herself with the taste and the feeling of being filled - the sight of the semen gushing through the dildo into this helpless woman, pooling by her lips - she eventually recovered.

The robotic voice returned. "Progress: one liter".

Cici moaned. Had it really been this long?

The camera panned to her body, now covered in a thin sheen of sweat from the weight of her condition - and next, to her cunt, which was near gushing with her own juices, lubricating the large vibrator in it with her secretions.

Damn, Cici thought. I want to cum. The vibrators proved no obstacle to these sensations.

Nevertheless, fate was cruel - the view continued to show the dildo entering this whore's throat over and over. In complete submission to this, Cici forgot about her discomfort, drowning herself in its sights, sounds, and tastes.

Soon though, she felt the cost of her ordeal - her throat became sore. She was taken aback, realizing her mouth had long given up its resistance to the dildo's entry, feeling more like a well-lubricated slot for this impressive tool to enter and deposit its pleasures. Cici couldn't believe it - she'd just let herself down.

Crap, she thought, anticipating the worst - the vibrators.

That alone was enough to make her endure the pain, tasting rubber and salt, watching her own humiliation, hearing her own groans as the vibrators filled their duty with a vengeance.

Finally, the voice boomed again. "Progress: two liters".

Crap, Cici exhaled, gasping for breath. She'd surrendered her mouth's defenses so many times already, swallowing 100 filled dildos - meaning hundreds of men had expelled their loads inside her, more than enough for a woman to succumb to them. Her mind was driven away by the torment.

She struggled to keep a grip when the vibrators glided into action. She could feel the lubrication her pussy had supplied the one in her cunt, massaged into its business end. The camera confirmed it too - a testament that she was giving herself up to her viewers' perversion.

Damn, Cici thought. Damn, I wish I could cum. But for now, she would have to submit, grateful for the humiliation.

Cici lay there with the dripping wet vibrators teasing her already sensitive genitals, the taste of semen lingering in her mouth. Each time the vibrators were turned on, she yearned for the orgasm that never came, feeling more and more frustrated. She gasped and groaned, trying her best to hold out.

"Orgasms denied: three."

'Ughh!' Cici cried out as she watched her body tremble.

She couldn't stop herself. The pleasure was just too alluring, and disappointment echoed when she was left hanging.

"Orgasms denied: four."

Her face was flushed, her mouth open in a senseless chant of moans and groans. It was almost painful to see her trapped in her restraints for an orgasm that would never come.

"Orgasms denied: five."

There was something becoming about the rhythm of pleasure, the letdown, and the return to tease.

"Orgasms denied: six."

Cici stared at herself, her own image taunting her. 'How long can I endure this?'

'Fuck, I need to cum!' She thought, eyes burning with frustration.

"Orgasms denied: seven."

She longed for a release, helplessly begging to push the button.

"Orgasms denied: eight."

'Focus, Cici.'

"Orgasms denied: nine."

Desperate, her eyes bulged as she begged.

"Orgasms denied: ten."

The vibrations ceased for a moment before a new message sounded.

"Thrust cycle semen volume increased to fifty milliliters. Forty denials remaining until autonomous function."

She hesitated then pushed the button. 'It's time to taste some more semen.'

Semen filled Cici's throat, and her stomach churned with the new amount. The discomfort kicked in, but the feeling of cum soothing her made up for it. She gulped it down, getting ready for another dose. The vibrations raced back to life.

"Orgasms denied: eleven."

"Orgasms denied: twelve."

'This is insane.' Cici gasped, fingernails digging into her skin. 'I need some relief from this flood of cum.'

"Orgasms denied: thirteen."

"Orgasms denied: fourteen."

"Orgasms denied: fifteen."

Her breath pants as she shook in search of release, needing to cum but not letting herself. Struggling to focus on the liquid flowing into her.

"Orgasms denied: sixteen."

"Orgasms denied: seventeen."

Cici struggled with the vibrations, almost collapsing in exhaustion.

"Orgasms denied: eighteen."

"Fuck, I'm gagging on cum!"

This went on for another ten cycles. As she filled herself with semen, her throat became tender.

Cici was almost there, the discomfort was unbearable, almost ready to give in.

"Progress: three liters."

Oh no...

Cici could feel her throat starting to fill up, knowing it was almost time.

"Fuck, I can't..." she thought, realizing how much cum she'd swallowed. 'I'm so close to my goal.'

Again the suspense came, would she hit her limit before the vibrators stopped?

"Progress: four liters."

Cici eyed the vibrators, feeling a twinge of guilt for turning them on again.

'Cum needs to come now. Orgasm now, please!'

(Orgasms denied: nineteen.)

Still, tease and denial were all she felt as Cici trembled and sighed.

'I'm on the verge of cumming, just a bit more!'

"Orgasms denied: twenty."

"Orgasms denied: twenty-one."

"Orgasms denied: twenty-two."

Her eyes burned as she trembled again.

"Orgasms denied: twenty-three."

"Orgasms denied: twenty-four."

Cici shrieked as the vibrations stopped. Tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks as she waited for the next step.

"Thrust cycle semen volume increased to fifty milliliters. Thirty-nine denials remaining until autonomous function."

She pushed the button. 'More cum please!'

But the wait was agonizing as one more lesson took shape.

"Orgasms denied: twenty-five."

"Orgasms denied: twenty-six."

"Orgasms denied: twenty-seven."

Cici groaned, struggling to hold out for the ultimate prize.

"Orgasms denied: twenty-eight."

"Orgasms denied: twenty-nine."

She trembled harder. 'I wonder if I'll ever make it?'

"Orgasms denied: thirty."

Cici was sweating profusely, the vibrators racing towards another climax.

"Fuck! This can't go on much longer!"

All she could think about was the pleasure she was about to have.

"Orgasms denied: thirty-one."

"Orgasms denied: thirty-two."

"Orgasms denied: thirty-three."

Cici shook and whimpered with every vibration. Her body now accustomed to the building ecstasy.

"Orgasms denied: thirty-four."

With one last gasp of breath, she caught up to her goal.

"I made it! Autonomous function triggered."

A wave of pleasure exploded through her limbs. Her heart raced, her body trembling with rapturous catharsis.

Suddenly the vibrators slammed against her sore and overfilled pussy; she screamed in orgasm and climax.

"Stifled climax: nineteen."

"Stifled climax: twenty."

I must orgasm. I must orgasm, I must orgasm, I must orgasm! Fuck!

Pause. "Cum ejection volume increased to sixty ml. Twenty denials left until self-control."

Unfortunately, Cici was unable to do anything about it, enthralled as she was by the display of her torment, captivated by the expansion of her stomach, compelled by a lowly yearning for stimulation.

"Stifled climax: twenty-five."

Cici watched herself shriek and sway, her oiled breasts bouncing for her onlookers.

This routine had become monotonous: each break accompanied by labored breathing, groans, screams. Cici's mind was empty. She was more observing the movements of the woman she saw than making them herself - experiencing the sensations with her rather than being her.

"Stifled climax: thirty. Cum ejection volume increased to seventy ml. Ten denials left until self-control."

Cici groaned. All she could think about was her need for an orgasm. Her entire body was craving it, her clitoris throbbing as she waited for the torment to return.

"Stifled climax: thirty-five."

The camera zoomed in on the woman's genitals as she shook in place; the stimulation of her vulva had relaxed her entrance to such an extent that the larger vibrator penetrated her, stretching her vagina as it pleased her from within. What a repugnant sight.

"Stifled climax: forty. Cum ejection volume increased to eighty-five ml. Five denials left until self-control."

Fuck, Cici thought as she snapped out of her trance. Soon, there would be no escaping the reality of the task at hand. Her thumb twitched over the button, but she couldn't press it.

"Stifled climax: forty-five."

Each denial now resulted in a drawn out groan, a weariness that washed over her.

"Stifled climax: fifty."

This time, there was more of a moan than a groan. The woman took a deep breath in, and for a moment, Cici recognized herself, feeling the cold air enter her nostrils. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Cici, what have you become?

"Cum ejection volume increased to one-hundred ml. Initiating self-control."

She barely had the opportunity to ponder her situation before the cock resumed its entrance, the smooth flesh massaging her tongue as the vibrators roared back to life.

Fuck, she thought as cum gushed into her mouth, leaving her with no choice but to swallow it, shivering as the larger vibrator abused her from the inside, straining helplessly in her restraints, at the mercy of her fate.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Soon, the dildo was filling her throat again; this time, it was accompanied by a torrent of cum, coating her insides as it spilled out, filling her with semen inexorably.

Fuck! Fuck!

She bellowed as the vibrators drove her to the brink of climax with the dildo in her throat.

"Stifled climax: fifty-one."

She exhaled a sigh as the dildo retreated, the vibrators once more coming to a sudden halt.

The cock reentered her throat before Cici could even draw a breath, and in her struggle for air, she choked on the fluid that gushed into the back of her mouth, spilling it out of her lips, her chin.

"Ngahh!" Cici groaned, watching herself make a mess of her face. Fuck, Cici, you're just a plaything full of cum. Fuck. Fuck!

Despite this, the toys persisted, and the following minutes became a haze as Cici fought between breathing, swallowing, and being throat-fucked, suffering through the stimulation of the vibrators as well as the fullness of her stomach, keenly aware that she was just an object to be filled and humiliated.

"Stifled climax: fifty-two," chimed the voice as the cock once again left her throat, semen trailing from her lips to the bowl. The woman on screen whimpered, her cries stifled by the dildo, the cum in her mouth.

"Stifled climax: fifty-three." In addition to semen bubbling from her nose, it was now leaking from her ears. What a vile thing to witness.

"Stifled climax: fifty-four. Progress: five liters."

"Ullll," gasped Cici. She felt her tongue sore, her stomach full. Her limbs were aching from the ordeal, but she no longer had the energy to struggle in her bindings - to fight fruitlessly for an orgasm. You're simply a hole, Cici, she recognized.

"Stifled climax: fifty-five."

It had all become routine, the pleasure she had taken in watching herself now turned to revulsion - but she could not escape the relentlessness of the machine.

The lady now stayed quiet, awaiting the torment to start over. It was out of her control, wasn't it? "You're simply a hole."

"Cums denied: fifty-six."

Her hips trembled a bit as she felt the gooey liquid trickling down her esophagus. "Yes," she pondered. "You haven't earned the ability to come yet."

One carelessly consumed mouthful later, there was an interruption. Something was different -- the vibrators had failed to start again, and the camera had zoomed in on the woman's tummy, noticeably bloated from the amount of liquid it had ingested.

The artificial voice spoke.

"In eighty-five minutes, the task is complete. Your drain has consumed a total of five point three liters. This leaves zero point two liters remaining until she is permitted to come."

"Nooo!" she whined, her body moving wildly in her constraints with renewed fervor. "No! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Thank you for joining us," the voice said, silencing her objections. "Your cum-dump will return tomorrow to fulfill her duties once again."

The perspective returned to her face, displaying the cum seeping out of her nose, her lips, her chin.

Cici pouted, but all that remained was the view of her body rising and falling with each breath, the soft hiss of air going into the woman's lungs, catching on the fluid in her nose and mouth. Their cum-dump, Cici couldn't help but think. Look at you.

In a flash, she was back on her feet.

In a flash? No -- she had watched as Flora approached the woman in the middle of her view, heard the clacking of her heels on the hard floor, saw how she unfastened the locks, separated the two halves of the metal tub, extracted the bulbous toy from the woman's vagina.

Now they were standing there, the woman slanted over at the waist, her hair entwined in Flora's hand, being controlled by her hand on the back of the head, bent over in front of the tub.

"You have more cleaning to do. Remember, Cici?"

"Yehh, Hh Engh," the woman mumbled, her tongue sticking out of her mouth as she leaned forward. Her hands were still locked in their metal spheres, her breasts and stomach sagging as she contorted over, the catheter tube dangling between her legs.

Sophia observed as the woman circled her tongue around the steel, Flora guiding her head with her hand, using her like a tool, steering her to the other side when she was satisfied.

Once that, too, was cleared away, the woman muttered something Sophia couldn't comprehend.

"What was that, Cici?" asked Flora, pulling the woman to a standing position, holding her head close, forcing the woman to stand straight.

"What's that, Cici?" Flora inquired.

"Heah ahy cuhn hleah, Hh Enh?" she grunted, her tongue still dangling from her mouth. Sophia could see her wetness oozing from her sex onto the floor.

Flora's grip tightened. The woman whined. "Are you asking to come, my dear Cici?" Flora asked.

"Yehh, Hh Enh," she grunted, pained by Flora's grip on her hair. "Hleah, Hh Enh!"

Flora released her grip, her heels clicking as she walked away, returning a moment later to place a metal chair.

The woman lingered in her position as Flora's hand grasped her chin. "You're just a cum-hole, remember?"

"Yehh, Hh Enh," the woman moaned in pain.

"And you should know, Cici, that a cum-hole like you is beneath even asking."

"Nhahh!" she howled, her legs trembling in frustration. Sophia could see her vagina still soaked.

"Now, hear this, hole," Flora spoke in a serious tone, gently rubbing the woman's rear with her palm. "You'll receive a punishment for disobeying -- do you understand?"

"Yehh, Hh Enh," the woman responded; her face averted, contorted with frustration, a line of drool dropping from the corner of her mouth.

"And I will administer your punishment right this instant. Come, lie on my lap, Cici."

The woman whined but did as instructed, lying down with her tummy on Flora's lap, her restrained head resting on one side of Flora's legs, her bare bottom on the other leg, Flora holding her wrists together at her lower back.

"You will be spanked now. Understand, Cici?" Flora asked matter-of-factly, stroking the woman's buttocks with the palm of her hand.

"Yehh, Hh Enh," the woman obeyed, her face falling closer and closer to the floor.

"You will be disciplined for your insubordination."

Sophia observed as Flora's hand moved up and down, prompting a memory in her mind. It wasn't until she experienced the force of the strike that she recalled - it was her own body that had been restrained, the toy removed from her intimate area, the tight hold Flora had on her hair, the sensation of metal and cum on her tongue.

"Agh aghy!" she cried out. "My deepest apologies, Mrs. Enz."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de