Gay Sex

Enclosed Menace

A duo shares their experience of how a penis prison improved their conjugal bond.

May 2, 2024
10 min read
Caged Beastcock cage
Caged Beast
Caged Beast

Enclosed Menace

Chastity from a woman's perspective: two perspectives


I'm not a dominatrix, nor a controlling wife. However, my husband wears a penis cage, and I decide when he's let out, which isn't often.

Believe me, it was his initiative!

The problem was, he couldn't be trusted to keep his penis in his pants, despite being married for over a decade.

He's an engineer who works for a company that designs and advises upon industrial safety equipment. He frequently travels, spending days or even weeks away from home. It created opportunities, and he took advantage of them. (I have no idea how many times it happened).

Eventually, he confessed. I forgave him, but it happened again.

I won't go into the details of his excuses, but the situation became so desperate that I suggested he be locked up.

The next day, he told me about cock cages.

The idea shocked me, but I was desperate for a solution. And he even said, "Let's buy one!"

That's a solution coming from an engineer's perspective - trust in technology, not people. He spent hours researching and became very enthusiastic about each model he found. That was certainly interesting to him, but not me, and a bit repulsive as well.

He measured himself properly, and I placed an order for the recommended model.

The cage was made of stainless steel, keeping his penis small and pointing downwards. It was attached to a solid ring behind his balls, and I would be the only one with the key. The metal looked horrible, but it became clear that it would appeal to an engineer.

We carefully went through the instructions for proper installation, which involves gradually increasing the time worn to allow the genitals to adapt to the cage over several weeks. It takes approximately thirty minutes to begin, and checking for any discomfort or potential injury. I didn't enjoy doing this, but I was concerned he might hurt himself.

Then an hour, then three hours, twelve hours, and finally a day. That was when he faced difficulty in sleeping and had painful erections when he needed to use the bathroom, but eventually, he managed through it.

After a few weeks, he adapted, and I locked him up for three more days.

He had written a contract, essentially transferring ownership of his penis and testicles to me, except for using the restroom. There was no established duration, and it was to be exclusively in my control.

An engineer's approach!

We slept together, and he was caring as always.

I kept a spare key in my sister's possession, stating it was for a safety deposit box.

I was concerned it might show through his clothing. Although it created a bigger bulge, he seemed happy with the idea.

At first, he wore the cage only during the workweek.

When I ordered the cage, the business offered another device, which I purchased simultaneously.


When I removed it to inspect and clean it midweek, I restrained his hands, making it difficult for him to touch himself until I put it back on. Eventually, he learned to maintain cleanliness for a week, and I accompanied him with it on a business trip. Upon returning, I checked for any damage and reinstalled it for another week, which was an unexpected surprise for him.

The product handout stated that denial could enhance pleasure, so I only allowed intercourse when I welcomed it, not when he did. Hence, I did so. In the beginning, though, I gave in a few times, but he felt more content when I said no. Eventually, he stopped pleading for it, and I felt relieved.

We now own six cages - some metal, some plastic. Some are easier to clean than others, while some are almost undetectable in his underwear (not including his penis and testicles, though). I sent the keys to my sister and apprised her of their use. She commended me, expressing her desire to do the same. (However, it was my husband's idea. I didn't force it upon him.)

Once a week, I remove the cage and thoroughly clean it while making sure there's no discomfort. The metal varieties can endure boiling. It usually occurs during a non-sex weekend, be it a "fuck" weekend or not. If it's a "fuck" weekend, I'll leave it off until I've had enough intimacy. In case of being caged for a month, I'd check more frequently in the last couple of weeks, forcing him to be handcuffed from behind because he was starting to feel desperate.

I might conduct another month-long session, adding two more weeks when he believes it's concluded.

Our sleeping areas are separated, and intercourse is exclusively on my terms. We only have sex when I wish, but kisses and cuddles are usually sufficient. He has mastered breast stimulation, and I encourage him to engage in foreplay. I'm indulging in a lot of breast stimulation, and he's honed his oral skills. He has to provide me with an orgasm even before I unleash him for a sexual encounter.

The cage's frustration sometimes gets to him (intentionally so), but my sexual life has never been better. There was a time when I wouldn't consider any kind of sex toys, even though they were hard to ignore in stores and media.

When I was with him, I couldn't achieve orgasms, which didn't bother me much. There was some foreplay, but it wasn't enough to make me excited. I've always enjoyed sex and enjoyed having a loving husband.

The thought of him being with other women was unbearable, so we embarked on something quite unusual.

Currently, he pampers me with never-ending attention. It's almost like the advances of teenagers; then, he offers oral sex, and I receive a handful of orgasms every week. Our techniques have evolved, and my pleasure has significantly increased. It might be that I'm becoming addicted to it! I'm certainly eager to experience it when he's away, which never occurred before.

What I enjoy the most is being penetrated. However, I adore him as well. While I'd enjoy having both simultaneously and locking him up when he's away, he seems to need the denial. It's a gadget he's mad about.

This arrangement has freed up both of us and channeled his desire towards real lovemaking instead of meaningless intercourse. He now expresses his affection by appreciating my pleasure instead of just wanting sex.

It's transformed me as well. Our relationship is more akin to dating before taking it to the next level. I pay more attention to my appearance, wearing anything a new boyfriend would fancy me in. We stay in separate bedrooms, keeping him from witnessing me without makeup. Even my clothes have improved, and of course, my undergarments and pyjamas are sultry. I've lost some weight, making people say I look younger.

Both of us agree that it's beneficial to have the trust that he can travel without cheating.

It spared our marriage.


I'm a safety engineer. My job involves getting clients to spend money, ensuring nothing catastrophic happens. While it seems there's no instant return on investment, accidents can cost a lot of money, and data verifies this. I don't solely rely on telling folks to be cautious.

I tell them, "You can't trust individuals! You must make it almost impossible for them to hurt themselves or cause destruction!"

I sell while maintaining honesty. I won't recommend unnecessary products to boost sales. My firm produces quality items, and I'm not shy about discussing them with fellow engineers - ensuring they're properly implemented. (You can't entirely trust others to do this.)

If my sales tactics don't work, I occasionally bring up my pen and tap my crotch, indicating the presence of a "cage." My stainless steel cage is handy for these instances. Over coffee, banging it with a spoon does the trick.

"My wife's faith in me is wavering. We lack trust in each other. Thus, we rely on this contraption for our protection!"

This memory jogs, and I'm often successful in acquiring business.

Yeah, I wear a penis cage most of the time, whether I'm at home or not. My wife decides when I can be set free from it. We're not into dominatrix stuff; we just use it to prevent me from cheating. There are no humiliations or punishments - it's just a way for me to be faithful.

Now that I wear it so often, our sexual encounters are more special and infrequent. I used to climax multiple times a week, but now it's more like once every two weeks on average. When we do have sex, it's amazing.

Initially, we had a formal agreement drawn up to complete the transaction. It went something like this:

"Transfer and assignment of all rights, privileges, and ownership of the male genitals, including penis, balls, and scrotum. The carrier has exclusive rights to use these parts for urination and to maintain them in a hygienic state; all other usage belongs to the owner, who may implement any security methods or devices she chooses, at any time and without restriction."

Although I wouldn't mention this, it means my wife could potentially strike my balls with a bat, and I couldn't complain!

During the initial days, she used to handcuff me to make sure I couldn't manipulate the cage. After getting used to it, we no longer bother doing that.

Before the chastity belt, I wasn't very good with foreplay. These days, it's a crucial part of our intimate moments, and it's her who orgasms several times a week.

I used to be unfaithful, and not just once. I'm not exactly ugly, and I'm pretty good at talking to people, so I attracted plenty of single women when I traveled. I couldn't control myself, so I needed to be tied down, quite literally.

It took some time for me to adjust to wearing it for long stretches. I was proud to be able to keep it on for 24 hours at first. Later, when I lasted three days, we locked it on for even longer. Eventually, we made our agreement official and gave her complete control over my penis. When I'm not at home, I am effectively impotent.

I can keep it clean, but I can't achieve a full erection. After wearing it for a while, the sensation becomes uncomfortable and I'm unable to maintain it. The only drawback is that I can't use bathroom urinals.

We've purchased quite a few cages over the years, and each one has its pros and cons. The stainless-steel models are visually appealing, but the plastic ones are more effective. I prefer the stainless models in the shower, as they offer easier access to clean. The plastic cages are for shorter stints, and I can wear them for long periods at home, as long as they're taken off frequently for cleaning.

I've always preferred the sleek, minimalist look of stainless steel, but the bright colors of the plastic ones do appeal. I would never wear a pink one, but I shouldn't have mentioned this, as my wife bought one immediately! I have no say in her choice of design, just like I have no say in when or for how long I wear it. But she does mix and match and may let me know how long it will be on, at times, or I may just need to wait for her to indicate she wants to have sex.

She had her doubts previously that I could unlock it by myself, but since we've purchased high-quality products, there's no way for me to escape without damaging the device. I have replaced some of the padlocks with better ones, and there's no way out other than approaching my sister, who doesn't live nearby and has been instructed not to give me the spare keys.

Now my wife doesn't have to fret over whether or not I've slept with someone else, and I don't have to lie about it. This alone brings me relief, as I am generally honest but struggled with my horniness. Now I don't have to face that issue - she does.

At any security check, if my belongings set off any alarms, I simply inform them of the situation. Sometimes they ask me to undergo further scans, but I think it's mostly curiosity. If it lifts their spirits, that's fine by me.

I'm always truthful with women.

If I'm away from home, I prefer not to make promises I can't keep. If there's a possibility of more than just a kiss or a dance, I disclose that I'm married and wearing a cock cage with a wedding ring.

Sometimes, this particular setup arouses their curiosity, and they want to take a look. This leads us into private areas, where they can feel the cage pressing against their genitals. It likely arouses them given the unorthodox nature of the experience - I'm convinced that the stainless steel cage is the most striking, but the pink one might draw more attention. Men presumably wouldn't choose that, so my wife truly has me in her control.

Since I acquired the cage, I've had an opportunity to make out with numerous women, some multiple times. My interactions typically involve necking, fondling their breasts, and at times, going further. When they know they won't face any unexpected encounters, they appear more relaxed, making the experience more enjoyable. I've even introduced a friend to experience the same.

I've learned that men seek immediate gratification, even though women desire other forms of affection first. I now focus on these other aspects, relishing the opportunity and longing for my wife even more. Moreover, she appears more alluring in her revealing outfits and provocative lingerie. I purchase such items for her occasionally. When we venture out, I can sense other men checking us out.

I'm appreciative of my wife for teaching me the pleasure of oral, and the cage for ensuring I don't overstep the boundaries. As a result, I ensure I spend as much time pleasuring her as she needs.

I proclaim, "I can't have sex, but I'm great at giving head," which often earns me invitations into private quarters. These women understand that I won't suddenly try to have intercourse no matter what occurs, allowing them to focus on the experience. I don't engage in intercourse often, but I've encountered many more women than previously.

In response to their questions about the frustration, I admit that it can be grueling, but it is worth it because these women are so eager to take part due to the sense of assurance. I'm beyond aroused, even with the cage.

The most rewarding aspect of all is the fact that I don't experience any guilt for pursuing relationships with other women.

I can't share my experiences regarding the women I encounter, as I'm candid with my wife but not about every detail.

My wife doesn't have frequent intercourse, but experiences numerous orgasms. In turn, I get to be intimate with other women safely. A triumphant outcome!

Without the safety equipment, our marriage might have faced challenges.

I admit how thankful I am for the investment we made.

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