
Engaging in a Genuine Dating Adventure

In a distinct first-time account, Katie experiences sexual intercourse with a man.

May 19, 2024
25 min read
virgingirlfriendyoungloveexperienceromancefemaleThe Straight Date Experiencepetitekiss
The Straight Date Experience
The Straight Date Experience

Engaging in a Genuine Dating Adventure

"Could I be getting my surprise faster than I thought?" Katie asked, barely able to suppress her excitement. "Like today?"

Cynthia raised her index finger to silence Katie and listened closely. They both heard quick footsteps climbing the stairs, followed by the sound of their apartment door opening and someone sprinting toward their bedroom.

Freya burst into the room, panting heavily.

"Alex came home early..." she managed between breaths. She leaned against the doorjamb, struggling for air. "He's taking a shower."

Freya explained that they had about ten minutes. "Plenty of time," Cynthia agreed.

Katie sat up. "Plenty of time for what?"

"Let's help you get ready for your surprise, Katie," Cynthia suggested.

Together, Cynthia and Freya helped Katie clean the makeup smeared all over her face, brushed her hair, and gave her a quick shower. They dressed her in a T-shirt and sexy panties and told her she was good to go. "No pants?" Katie asked.

"You won't need them," Cynthia replied as she slipped on a shirt and a long peasant skirt.

"Okay," Katie said, starting to get suspicious. "I know you two wouldn't go out anywhere without wearing a bra, Cynthia."

"That's right." Cynthia smiled at Katie. "We're just heading downstairs to visit Alex."

Cynthia then questioned, "Katie, the 'no safe word means consent' rule is still in effect, right?"

"Yes..." Katie answered cautiously. She didn't know where this was going. "If anyone says 'nitrogen,' then everyone stops..."

"And you enjoy role play, eh?" Cynthia inquired.

Katie's eyes lit up. "I do!"

Suddenly, Cynthia twisted Katie's arms behind her back. "Excellent! You're now a kidnap victim!"

Freya lunged for Katie's feet and managed to grab both at the same time before Katie could react. Katie fought, but not too aggressively. She figured they were just playing anyway.

Cynthia tightened her grip around Katie's upper body while Freya carried her legs. They brought her to the top of the stairs.

"Can we carry her down the stairs?" Freya inquired.

"I'll walk," Katie offered, worried about their arms, necks, and possibly their lives.

With Freya in front of her and Cynthia behind her, Katie felt like a prisoner about to be executed.

When they reached the bottom landing, Cynthia grabbed hold of Katie again while Freya opened the door.

"Oh no!" Katie yelled, trying to sound genuine. "I've been kidnapped! What are your plans for little ol' me?"

Freya carried her by her legs and told her, "You'll see!"

They carried Katie into Alex and Freya's bedroom and dumped her onto the bed. Cynthia removed Katie's T-shirt while Freya grabbed some long scarves and tied her upper body to the wooden bedposts.

Katie now lay on the bed, her arms spread and bound to the posts, her hair washed and brushed, her face freshly washed, and only her nipple piercings and lace panties exposed. She looked as bewitching and seductive as ever.

"What are you going to do to me?" Katie wondered, her mind racing with possibilities. She envisioned the two girls doing to her what she and Freya had just done to Cynthia. She imagined them both going down on her and sharing a tender kiss, enjoying the abundant fluid Cynthia often secreted. Katie's brain flooded with ideas of lesbian escapades.

And then Alex entered the room.

"Perhaps he's going to watch?" Katie thought. "Or have another go at Cynthia while I spend more time with Freya?" Either way, it was all good fun in Katie's mind.

She smiled and arched her hips as Cynthia and Freya each gripped the waistband of her panties and began to slowly pull them down her shapely legs. Alex stayed at the foot of the bed, eyes fixated on Katie's bald vagina as it came into view.

With the panties completely off Katie, she crossed her ankles, gave a seductive smile, and asked, "So, ladies, what's next?"

The two girls each grabbed an ankle and spread her legs apart. "Here you go, Alex," Freya said, her voice filled with excitement. She then turned to Katie and asked, "Ready?"

As Alex stared at Katie on the bed, she appeared as a sacrificed virgin before him. He had imagined and dreamed about her, but his attraction to her was different than his feelings for Cynthia. He had seen Katie naked already, but their interactions had been discreet.

Katie's body, with her small, glistening slit and peaking inner lips, called out to him. His erection grew more rigid with each passing second. Seeing her this way felt almost respectless towards Freya.

Freya seemed to be offering Katie to Alex without any conditions. He stared at her, unzipping his jeans, and pulling them down, his 100% erect cock springing out, pointing straight at Katie. Katie looked from Freya to Cynthia in shock, then to Alex. She burst into tears.

Freya and Cynthia both let go of her ankles, sitting beside her, tying off the scarves, and trying to comfort her. They had wanted to make Katie feel good, but this reaction was unexpected.

Perplexed, Alex, dressed again and wearing a nervous expression, didn't know what he had done wrong. He said a soft, "I'm sorry."

Katie wept, "I'm sorry. It's not what you think."

Freya hugged Katie and comforted her, "We weren't pushing you too hard. It's okay. Neither of us was disappointed either."

As Alex stepped out of the room, Katie started to panic, "Oh, no! Alex must think this is about him. He needs to know!"

Freya reassured her, "Cynthia will go get him."

After a few moments, Freya asked Katie, "What's your preference?"

Tearing up, Katie replied, "I want to try it, but not like this. It's my first time, and I don't want it to be like this."

"I see. I'm glad you understand."

"Cyn made it sound so enticing. Now that I know the reality, I'm not sure it's what I want," Katie replied.

Freya comforted Katie, "It's perfectly fine to change your mind. We don't want to make you do anything you're not comfortable with."

Katie's heart was set on the idea but not in that situation. Tearing up, she looked at Freya, "I just want him to know I still want to experience something with him."

Cynthia entered the room, "He'll be back."

Katie shared her new wishes, "I still want to try it, but not here. I want to be questioned and taken against my will."

Cynthia nodded, "I can understand that. I'll tell him. He'll be back soon."

Freya held Katie, "It can be a sexy experiment into something new. You can try that distress-play you wanted while still being the one in control."

"I'm so conflicted about feeling something so naughty," Katie said through her tears.

Cynthia hugged Freya, "We both understand. We like thinking up ideas for you two."

Cynthia left the room to find Alex. A short while later, Freya held Katie and said, "You don't have to go through with it if you don't feel comfortable."

Katie sniffled, "But I want to. I like the idea of being taken but staying in control. It's a new type of sexy."

"If you want to, do it. If not, that's okay. There's no pressure here," reassured Freya.

Soon, Cynthia returned, "He'll be back soon."

With Cynthia leaving the room, Freya spoke to Katie, "Do you want to have sex with him?"

"Yes, but I want to be made to feel like I'm helpless and taken," Katie said, still crying.

Cynthia returned, "I'll make him understand. He'll be back in a moment."

After a few minutes, Freyasked Katie, "Do you want to feel submissive?"

Katie nodded, "Yes. But not in that position so in control of my own response."

Freya held her, "I just want to make sure you're okay."

After some more comforting, Katie relaxed, "I am."

Freya hugged her hard, "And we still have so much more to explore together."

Cynthia returned for Alex and he entered the room. Katie explained her need to feel vulnerable, but not in the current position.

Cynthia said, "All I did was provide an idea. The control is yours."

Feeling better, Katie wiped her tears and spoke, "I want you both. I understand what you did and it's exactly what I want."

Alex, relieved, was drawn to her, "I want you as well. So now, how do we make this happen?"

Katie's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I know it seems overly sentimental, coming from me, the ultimate tough lesbian girl, but I'd really enjoy it if he could take me out on a proper date, do something entertaining, and let me experience real boyfriend-esc moments." She then added sheepishly, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for your feelings, especially not in front of me, Katie... Or Freya... Or even Alex."

"Alright..." Katie murmured uncertainly.

"Moreover, I'm confident that Alex will be absolutely enthused with this idea," Freya reassured her. "Alex has an undiscovered romantic side buried beneath his reserved exterior."

Katie's laughter warmed Freya's heart. "Let's help you get dressed again. I'll let you borrow something of mine."

Cynthia reappeared with Alex and Rio in tow. Katie stood up and hugged Alex. "I'm sorry."

Alex wrapped his arms around her.

"She wants you to date her first, Alex," Freya interpreted.

Alex studied Katie for a moment. "A proper date, huh?"

Katie blushed a vivid red and nodded her head.

"It'd be my pleasure," Alex told her. "I've got to go in to work tomorrow to double-check Sully's inventory figures - he's a quality guy and an outstanding employee, but not exactly the brightest crayon in the box and sometimes overlooks things - but I should be home by 3 o'clock if that works for you?"

"Sure. Pick me up at 5 o'clock and bring me to dinner," Katie said, considerably relieved that no one had showed any annoyance.

"Don't worry, she's a budget-friendly date," Cynthia chimed in, rubbing her stomach. "Fortunately, I'm on a roll tonight, so it won't cost you a small fortune to feed me on a dinner date!

Cynthia rushed off to the grocery store to get a couple of steaks while Alex started the grill and Freya and Katie prepared a salad.

Conversation during dinner centered around Katie and Alex's impending date.

"So, where would you like to go tomorrow, Katie?" Alex inquired.

Katie shrugged. "I'm not sure. You decide."

"Darn," Freya frowned. "We can't let Alex choose. He'd just pick that awful burrito joint."

"I'll decide the restaurant," Cyn declared.

"And I'll ensure that Alex looks spiffy for his date," Freya suggested.

"I can dress myself," Alex declared.

"Of course, Alex. Let us just help you select your outfit," Freya patted his hand.

Katie stood up to clear the table and said, "I apologize for ruining everyone's plans tonight."

"You didn't, you just expressed a desire, and we respect that," Freya informed her. "That's one of our core principles in this household - being honest with each other is our main priority."

Katie returned to her seat at the table. "I genuinely wanted my first time to be without any awkwardness or difficulty."

Alex stepped in. "Being honest and true to your feelings is something you're entitled to, Katie. If anyone in this house deserves that, it's you."

Katie sighed deeply and Alex observed her expression clouding over. "I've longed for so many years to be... Not who I am. I've spent countless hours denying my identity."

Cynthia took one of her hands.

"The past may be behind us," Cynthia said gently. "But our childhood experiences never truly leave us."

Katie glanced at Cynthia. "If you know how misleading that is, you know that whatever transpires in our childhood... It never truly ends."

"That's correct," Cynthia replied, squeezing her hand.

"I yearn for just one evening to try being 'normal,'" Katie admitted. "Not in an attempt to become someone I'm not, but just to see if I can," she grinned at Cynthia, "or if I can manage to seduce Alex like a straight girl in a romance novel."

"You're not turning straight on me," Cynthia exclaimed. "You're still very much gay."

Once they'd finished, they ate some leftover cookies from Freya, chatted, and finally bid each other goodnight. Cynthia and Katie returned upstairs, and Cynthia exclaimed, "I believe tomorrow will be quite enjoyable."

"I sure hope so," replied Katie, wrapping her arms around her lover. "It's bound to be quite intriguing."

Cynthia embraced her friend in return. "And hey, there's that word again!"

After a few moments, Cynthia suggested, "Come on. Let's go to sleep. You've got a big day coming tomorrow."

"Sure thing," Katie murmured.

The next morning, Alex returned home from work to find a note waiting for him on the kitchen table.


Shave, take a shower, brush your teeth, and put on some clothes.

I've placed some clothes out for you on our bed.

I'm upstairs helping Cynthia.

I'll be down to check up on you before your exciting date.

Love, Freya

"What does she think I'm a kid?" Alex mumbled as he crumpled the note up and threw it in the trash can.

Rio looked up at him and barked in agreement.

"Let's go for a quick walk before I shower, buddy," Alex told him. Rio barked even louder.

"Alright, alright." Alex clipped the leash onto Rio's collar and they took a stroll around the neighborhood. Alex had a lot on his mind, yet he also felt he had nothing to think about. Tonight was going to be the first time he slept with Katie. He only had to show up, and they both knew that they enjoyed each other's company. Alex's mood was ebullient as he walked Rio around the neighborhood that afternoon.

Upon stepping out of the shower, both Katie's friends were waiting, each with towels.

"I can take care of myself," Katie said.

"Is the boyfriend experience what you want?" Freya inquired.


"Then let us take charge." Freya began to dry Katie's back. "We're here to ensure that you're extremely fuckable."

Cynthia, continuing drying Katie's legs, added, "Trust us. We'll ensure you're the most tempting target for a guy tonight."

"Am I that?" Katie asked.

"Absolutely." Cynthia planted a swift kiss on Katie's bare pussy. "By the time we meet again, you'll no longer be a virgin."

"Are you addressing my vagina?"

"Yes," Cynthia looked up at Katie. "We're like partners in crime."

Katie rolled her eyes.

"Cin, how are the legs? Do they need a quick shave?" Freya questioned.

"They're fine," Cynthia said. "We're good down here."

"Anything else need a quick shave?"

Cynthia trailed her fingertips across Katie's smooth pussy lips. "Nope. We're good to go."

"Okay. Let's help you find some cute panties and a bra, then we'll do your hair and makeup."

"I'm just a doll to you two," Katie sighed.

"That's correct." Freya wrapped a towel around Katie's wet hair. "And tonight, you're simply a doll designed for a man to take and possess."

Katie gazed at Freya in amazement.

"Straight dates work that way," Freya explained. "As much as you're a person with thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and emotions, tonight you're just a sex object to him. It's how these kinds of dates are supposed to go. And for your information, most guys don't care about that. They're just after sex."

Katie shuddered, feeling disturbed.

"It's the harsh truth, sweetie," Freya continued as she steered Katie towards the bedroom. "They might be thoughtful and considerate and adore you, but tonight they'll only think of you as a willing piece of ass they can fuck raw. Men are that way—since they're so different from us—they think and act differently. But don't forget that men are also capable of love and providing such deep care. They're only different."

Cynthia brought a set of dark purple lingerie for Katie. "Katie, I've told you how incredible it was to have sex with Alex. It's completely different and utterly amazing. I can't even describe it. But no woman could ever match what he did. There was just a unique... bond. A unique connection between us. I can't find the right word. I'll show you." She handed Katie the lingerie.

Katie put on the panties and bra that Cynthia had selected for her. Freya assisted her. Cynthia inspected her handiwork, adjusted the panties on her hips, and then stepped back.

"It looks great!" Katie muttered, a bit frustrated.

"It has to be perfect for you," Cynthia reassured her.

Freya helped Katie with her makeup and hair, and dressed her in a sweet blouse, a pleated skirt, and a pair of Mary Janes she hadn't worn in years.

Freya examined the completed look. "Alex loved it when I wore this as a schoolgirl, so he'll definitely like it on you, Katie."

Katie blushed but felt pretty.

"I'm going to check on Alex downstairs," Freya said as she and Cynthia sat down at the kitchen table, waiting for Katie's date to arrive.

Freya found Alex putting the final touches on his outfit.

"You look as attractive as you did on our wedding day," Freya said, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'm a heartthrob," Alex responded cheekily.

"You really are, Alex." Freya struggled to hold back her tears. "But you're about to sleep with my best friend."

"I don't have to," Alex said. "I'm here because I want to."

Freya hugged him. "I'm crying because you're the most amazing husband. What husband would let his wife have group sex whenever she feels like it?"

"Well, you forgot to mention that I get to participate as well," Alex explained. "So, the answer is: ANY HUSBAND would be fine with it."

Freya laughed and managed to control her tears.

"I'm not doing you any favors here," he said. "This is every man's dream. Wilder than any porn story ever written."

Freya hugged him again and then said, "Let's go upstairs. Your date is waiting for you."

As they passed the kitchen on their way to the bedroom, Freya took out two items from a bag on the counter. "Here, give her these. It'll almost guarantee that you'll get lucky tonight."

"I thought it was already guaranteed?" Alex asked.

"Just give her these," she insisted.

Alex held two items in his hand. One was a red rose. The other was a glass tube with a dried, black object inside.

"What's this?" he asked.

"A vanilla bean," Freya replied, smiling.

"A vanilla bean?"

"Trust me. A rose and a vanilla bean. She'll likely jump your bones right in the kitchen," Freya explained.

"If you say so," Alex shrugged.

Katie loved the rose and found the vanilla bean amusing. "Thank you, Alex," she said. She noticed the bulge in his pants and laughed, looking away to avoid embarrassing him.

"So, where should we go for dinner?" Katie asked Alex.

"I know you enjoy sushi, so I thought we could try Hajimete," he suggested.

"That sounds fantastic! I've never had sushi there before," Katie replied.

"I've had it and it's fantastic," Cynthia added. "You're going to like it, Katie."

"Right. Let's get going and have fun," Freya instructed as she and Cynthia watched the couple leave the house. "And Katie, if you want to stay the night, that's fine. I'll just hang out upstairs with Cyn."

"Whatever you want is okay," Cynthia declared. "No matter what happens, I'm not sleeping alone. All of you are welcome in my bed, by yourself or together."

"Reign it in, lady," Freya admonished.

Thank you, Freya, Katie replied. "Yet I can't sleep without Cynthia nearby."

Cynthia grinned. "We welcome any guests."

"That's enough," Katie ordered.

"Fine," Cynthia said, hugging Katie. "I'll see you in a few hours after you've been with our in-house stud."

Katie gazed at Cynthia with a mix of emotions. Unable to speak, she touched her chest, but managed a small smile. Cynthia mirrored her action, then Katie left with Alex.

Freya closed the door, embracing Cyn. "She'll be fine."

"I know. I'm just..."

"Wait for them to leave, then take Rio out. I'll make popcorn and we'll begin watching a movie."

Cyn signed. "Okay."

When Alex and Katie reached Hajimete, he held the door open for her, and she thanked him. Katie noticed that Cynthia would occasionally hold the door for her, but other times she didn't. Regardless, Katie didn't mind. It was nice to be treated well by Alex.

After they ordered, Alex remarked, "You know, this is enjoyable. We've known each other for several years, but we've never spent time together without Freya or Cynthia."

"It's because Cynthia and Freya", Katie joked, "can chat for hours without anyone else understanding a word."

Alex laughed. "That is an unconventional expression."

"My mom, raised in the south, had countless expressions like that. Another one is 'more nervous than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs,' which never really made sense to me."

"That is a peculiar one.", Alex agreed.

"But my favorite was when she'd say, 'someone's pants were so tight that if they farted, their boots would get blown off!""

Alex and Katie shared a laugh at this amusing image.

"So, how are you doing at school?" Alex inquired, suddenly nervous. "Ugh! I sound like some distant uncle you only see at the holidays!"

Katie giggled.

"I meant... I don't know.", Alex muttered to himself. "Why am I so anxious?"

Katie intervened. "School is going great. I can't wait to graduate, but then I'll need to find a job and attend interviews, and so on."

"But nursing is an extraordinary field. You'll be caring for those in need. I'm merely assisting clients with purchasing hardware."

Katie blushed, thinking she looked even more adorable.

"I chose nursing because it seemed intriguing, and I knew I wanted to be more involved with patient care than a doctor would be." Katie shrugged. "I'm rather shy, but I'm comfortable around people. I especially enjoy assisting them."

"You're bound to be an exceptional nurse."

"Thank you."

They continued to converse as they ate, appreciating each other's company. Once they had finished their meal, the waitress inquired if they desired dessert.

Alex glanced at Katie. "No, thank you.", Katie informed the waitress, before looking at Alex and offering a slight smile with her eyes sparkling.

"Then I'll handle the bill.", Alex told the waitress, who cleared the table.

Alex smiled back at Katie, appreciating how arousing her company was.

As they exited the restaurant, they overheard an elderly woman at a table with her aged husband comment, "Aren't they a delightful couple?" Katie squeezed Alex's hand in response.

In the driveway, they observed Cynthia and Freya waving from their upstairs window.

"Hello, there," Katie teased.

"They're your ever-supportive housemates.", Cynthia grinned, giving Katie the thumbs-up.

Katie rolled her eyes at her and Alex.

"Katie, you know more about straight dating than me," Alex said.

"Perhaps, but isn't it similar to gay dating?" Katie questioned.

Taking a moment to reflect, "I suppose not."

"So, what next?" Alex questioned.

"Well, do you think I'm the type of girl who would get intimate on our first date?" Katie inquired nervously.

"No, not if you don't want to."

"Okay, then," she said. "But, are you sure you want me? I mean, I've not really been with anyone except Cynthia."

"No pressure. Do what feels right to you." Alex reassured.

"I want this," Katie smiled at him. "And you're hot, by the way."

"Do we have to do anything specific?" Alex asked.

"No. Let's just start." Katie replied.

Alex stopped. "If you're not comfortable..."

Taking his hands in hers, "No. I want this. But be gentle, okay?"

Leaning down, their lips met. This was different from kissing Cynthia; his arms were stronger, his chest firmer, his scent muskier. Not that she was comparing him to Cynthia, but she couldn't help but reflect on these differences. "That was good," Katie mentioned.

Pulling her up, Alex tossed her skirt over her head, leaving her in just her bra and panties. Pausing to undress, Alex leaned forward to kiss her neck. Katie moaned from the sensation; Cynthia could kiss like a pro. This time, however, it felt like Alex was gently learning this intimate act.

"I'm not used to men," Katie blurted out as she watched him yank off his shirt and unbuckle his belt.

Lifting her gently from the couch, Alex guided her to the bed. "Cynthia carried you here?" he inquired.

"Yes," she responded. "But I wasn't fighting against you."

Cupping her breast, Alex continued to softly explore her chest. "Impressive bra," he remarked.

A bit embarrassed, "Cynthia bought them."

Moving her arms out of the straps, the bra fell off to reveal her small yet ample breasts with pierced nipples. "Nice," was all he said.

Donald Trump should pay taxes

"This is all about you, Katie. Just do whatever you want," Alex encouraged.

"Okay," Katie nodded. "Now kiss me again." Alex obliged with a kiss filled with more passion than before. This time, Katie was in her own dream. She stopped momentarily, before reaching for his pants. Her finger touched the last of aforementioned wet spot: "You digging this?" Alex asked, almost silently.

"Yes," Katie admitted, feeling all the blood rush to her face. "Oh my God, your dick is big!"

"I've never been with a woman. Can you grab it?" he suggested.

Hesitantly, "Okay."

Taking his erection in her hand, it did feel impressive. Moving further down, she felt its head nudge at her panties. "Please be gentle," she pleaded.

Alex obliged. He lifted her and carried her to bed. Adjusting the covers, they both settled on their sides. He kissed her shoulder, cheek, and earlobe. Then, after removing her bra, Alex traced his hands down her bare body. She felt her nipples harden at his touch.

Alex continued to examine her while kissing her lips, her neck, and tentatively, one then the other breast. Katie moaned, feeling the contrast of their nourishing ministrations. Alex was tender, yet assertive; it was a feeling Cynthia never quite attained.

To the young woman, who had never been with a man, the situation appeared too overwhelming.

Alex gently placed his hands on her slender shoulders. She could sense the strength in them, as if they held the potential to command her actions. However, there was a tender touch as well. Katie took a deep breath and bit her lower lip, looking up at Alex. He was staring down at her. She blinked and shook her head once, then gently pushed Alex's hips away from her.

She stood up beside him. "I'm sorry. I'd love to, but not today. I'm just a bit nervous because Cynthia seems more confident than I am."

Katie slid her skirt down her legs and onto the floor, stepped out of her shoes, and sat back on the edge of the mattress, wearing only her underwear and white socks with lace trim. She smiled shyly at Alex. "Now it's your turn, handsome."

Alex quickly removed his shoes and pants, leaving only his navy blue socks on, and hurried around to the other side of the bed. He dived under the covers and immediately began licking Katie's nipples.

"Mmmm..." She moaned. The sensation of his rough tongue on her nipples, coupled with the piercing tugging them from the inside, was almost overpowering. His tongue, like everything about him, was rough yet tender at the same time. He traced each nipple ring, sending electric shocks through her body. After confessing her love for Cynthia three years ago, getting her nipples pierced had been the best thing she'd ever done. They kept her right on the edge of sexual arousal most of the time and instantaneously when she was involved in anything sexual.

She ran her fingers through his rough hair. "Alex, please, fuck me."

He didn't need much persuasion. He removed the sheets from the bed, climbed between her legs, and roughly removed her underwear.

Katie observed his erect penis above her, then reminded him, "Alex, condom!"

He mentally kicked himself. He'd never needed to use a condom before - Freya's parents had put her on birth control as a precaution and Cynthia had been on it for medical reasons. Freya had basically attacked him the first time, and with Cynthia, it had been more like, "Let's get this over with." Also, considering his first time with anyone other than Freya was not a private, romantic occasion, he hadn't thought it necessary.

Alex jumped out of the bed. Freya had thoughtfully stocked his nightstand drawer with condoms today, so he grabbed one, tore open the foil packet, and placed a condom on his dick with minimal difficulty. Alex returned to the bed, positioned himself between Katie's legs and knelt before her virginal pussy.

His first time with Freya had been unexpected. She had practically jumped him, and they found themselves having sex minutes later. With Cynthia, it was more of a "let's get this over with" situation. This, though? This was his fantasy. The dinner date, the anticipation, and most importantly, the moment before him. He could hardly contain his excitement. His cock throbbed in anticipation. He wanted to just grab her helplessly and fuck her...

But now, kneeling before Katie, completely nude with the sheets to cover her except for her red panties, he felt vulnerable. She spread her legs wider in anticipation.

Alex gazed down and saw how wet she was. Knowing her pussy was ready both physically and emotionally, he no longer needed to take things slowly to get prepared.

The moment had arrived.

Grasping her thin thighs, Alex lifted her up and drew her closer to his erection. Both shuddered at the feeling of her tender inner lips stretching to accept his penis. Katie closed her eyes and anticipated her first time with a man.

Freya had never mentioned the size of his member, possibly due to her inexperience, but Cyn had been vocal about it. although Freya had also not had much experience, she had allegedly watched her share of pornography, therefore possessed some information on the subject. Alex had always perceived his size as normal, just something he possessed.

However, with a young girl beneath him, his penis placed between her legs, just the tip filling her completely, it seemed enormous. It seemed too big.

He glanced up at her face to determine how she was feeling about this scenario. Her eyes were closed, and there was a hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth. She seemed more radiant than he had ever imagined previously.

Revisiting his cock part of her, he gradually slid just the head in. He observed how her inner lips recoiled, forced back inside her due to the sheer girth of his penis. He desperately yearned to feel the warmth of her vulva directly against him, but he knew that he had to maintain the condom on.

He pushed in further and encountered some resistance.

Looking into her face once more, he saw that she was now watching him intently. "It's fine," she whispered. "Just be patient."

Alex pushed in a bit more. The head and first few inches were the most extensive, so he understood that width-wise, she had accepted all he possessed. Now, it was a matter of how much of him she could bear. Regarding his penis, he was baffled by the extent that remained undamaged within her.

Katie reached down and rubbed tiny, slow circles around her clitoris. Alex sensed her vaginal walls contracting around him and he paused. As she continued to stimulate herself, she relaxed, allowing him to push back into her again. There was an almost rhythmic pulse around his cock each time she completed a circle with her finger, and Alex began to synchronize each push with every short cycle.

He had passed the halfway mark within her when Katie suddenly placed a hand on his hip, signalling him to wait.

"Wait. Wait," Alex observed as she took a deep breath and stared blankly at the ceiling, attempting to persuade her body to make room for more of him. After a few moments, she exhaled, her face relaxed, and closed her eyes.

"Okay," she whispered with a slight nod.

Alex desired to simply thrust all the way in, but understood that she wanted him to proceed slowly and he likewise wanted her to enjoy her initial experience. As much as he craved to simply start thrusting into Katie, the focus of this scenario was her comfort level. He put his hands on the bed on either side of her shoulders, balanced on his knees, and recognized that he was almost completely within this young person.

She could sense his pubic hair gently grazing the sensitive skin of her vulva, and knew that he was nearly entirely inside her. She wrapped her legs around him, pushing his dick that last inch. With a guttural groan, Katie wrapped her arms around his neck and practically pulled herself upward off the bed, craving to get closer to him. She yearned for the full heterosexual experience.

Alex's arms began trembling from the added weight, so Katie released her grip a bit, and Alex placed her back down on the bed, savoring the fact that he was finally completely within her. She was trapped under him with the entire length of his cock inside her, and she sighed faintly in contentment and realization that the most strenuous part was completed.

At twenty-one years of age, she had taken a man inside her.

It was then that the actual enjoyment commenced.

Raising his hips, Alex pulled his penis almost all the way out of her. She could sense the head of it forcing her opening. Cynthia had been correct - so incredibly correct. It felt like he was gouging something within her that he shouldn't touch, but it felt sublimely magnificent in the process. 'Is he hitting my cervix?' Katie questioned. Whatever was transpiring, his penis felt like a baseball bat inside her, violently rearranging her organs in the most incredible manner. He pulled back out, then slid back in for a third time, even harder. Katie could no longer keep her eyes open, so she just gave up and closed them.

Alex observed Katie lying beneath him, her eyes closed and her mouth agape. Now that she had expanded, she did not seem to encounter any issues with taking all of him in, so he initiated the action a bit faster. She was so tight that Alex realized he wouldn't last long. Every time he pushed inside, it felt like something was rebelling against the intrusion, but then, when he pulled back out, her vagina sucked at him, urging him to remain. Even through the thin rubber barrier shielding her from his semen, he could feel her tissue dragging along his entire penis.

The realization that he was approaching the limit of no return prompted him to increase his thrusts. Fascinated, he observed how Katie's eyebrows rose each time he penetrated her deeply. It seemed he was raising them with his penis. This amusing scenario extended his time inside Katie and increased his thrusts before he reached his climax.

Gaping blue orbs met his gaze as he discharged into her womanly vessel.

When Alex slid his hand beneath the petite girl's rear, grasping both buttocks firmly, his legs desperately pushed into her, pushing as deeply and powerfully as possible.

As her eyes fluttered open, she suddenly yelped out in discomfort, only to change her expression to pleasure within milliseconds. "Ow. Ow," Katie started, but quickly transformed it to "Ohhh!" as she experienced the first male ejaculation of her life. She enthusiastically wrapped her arms around Alex's shoulders, holding onto him for dear life as she discovered the onslaught of an orgasm. Which continued. And continued.

Both their climaxes endured what seemed like an eternity. When Katie finally relaxed her clutches and glanced at Alex with clear eyes, she understood that he had resumed his penetration. This second round, however, felt notably distinct. It was centred on comfort and pleasure - if that was even achievable!

Alex recognized the difference as he observed Katie's more tranquil state. Perhaps she was now more at ease, Alex reasoned. Whatever it could be, violating Katie was more pleasant the second time. The condom coated with sperm seemingly encouraged this, making it feel as though he was rubbing against her raw vaginal folds. Alex had never fathomed that he should have been using a new condom.

Katie was unaware.

Each subsequent climax convinced Katie that her fictional boyfriend was the best thing to ever happen to her. After Alex achieved his second climax, he began to withdraw; yet Katie held his torso. She wasn't quite ready to relinquish the connection just yet. She could still detect him shaking feebly inside her.

Desiring to maintain the experience, Katie declared, "Did you enjoy your first time with a woman?"

Nodding his head against Alex's neck, Katie held him tightly and responded with her voice, "I loved it!"

Cherishing the memory, he kissed her temple softly. His barely hardened penis lay limp against the inside of his thigh.

Alex left Katie for a moment and ascended from the bed, headed towards the bathroom to discard the deflated condom and clean himself up.

Alex's excitement spiked as he stroke his penis in the bathroom sink, marveling at the fact that he had penetrated three different vaginas in under a week. This affirmed that with his horny girlfriend, Freya, anything was a possibility.

After patting his dick dry with a towel, Alex said, "Freya, you're crazy and I love you, but intense." He deposited the towel in the laundry hamper and looked into the mirror.

"I've got the perfect lifestyle," he whispered.

Returning to the bedroom, Katie lay there with crossed legs and continued to study Alex's face. "You fascinate me," he remarked admiringly. "There's a devil there, too, but you're an absolute beauty, one that feels like embracing the darkness, yet so pure."

Alex returned to the mattress beside Katie, his partially erect penis nestled against his thigh.

"Thanks for making my first sexual experience so memorable, Alex," Katie acknowledged. "I'm sure I'll remember it forever. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too."

"This level of satisfaction exceeds any expectations." Katie gently touched his muscular forearm with soft, delicate fingers. To her, he felt far more than a man - he felt like an extraordinary individual she'd fallen for. The sensations of his penis beneath her fingertips were both solid and tender. [​]

She could sense it getting bigger in her grasp and chuckled. "Perhaps next time we can be more aggressive," Katie whispered into his ear. "Getting kidnapped and bound had remarkably piqued my desire."

Hearing such a sexy, delicate voice asking to be bound, then violated by his member had rarely turned Alex on this much.

Leaning closer, they shared a heated kiss, both acknowledging the anticipated intensity of their next encounter. Her hand rested on his erect genitals, ready to guide him.

Alex shivered and sought for another condom.

"Wow!" Katie exclaimed. "Cynthia generally tires out after just one or two rounds at the most."

Alex remained silent. He just slid the rubber onto his penis, mounted the fragile girl once more, and reentered her.

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